Spirited Back

At last, the spirits came back.

As my ethereal captors walked up to me, they took the solid forms of human women, ready to use me for mortal pleasure once again. They stood in a semicircle around me, taking a moment to enjoy the sight of me, nude and bound by shadowles that fused directly to the wall of the crystal cavern where they kept me. My arms were kept away from the rest of my body and my legs were spread, displaying my undefended masculinity to their desirious gazes.

Seeing them, I breathed a sight of relief. Their days-long absence had made me worry that they had finally grown bored of me, and I had come to look forward to their visits. Even though they raped and ravaged me, contorting me into night-impossible positions and leaving me a broken, soaked mess, I preferred that to monotonous imprisonment. When they were Not taking advantage of me, all there was for me to do was sit and wait, my mind slowly going numb.

With a nod to her partners, the lead spiritwoman walked up to me and kissed me, hands wandering all over my helpless flesh. I returned her kiss, revealing in the geneine pleasure of her gentle, womanly contact.

Even as I did, I looked over her shoulder and watched as more spirits entered the room. Taking male forms, they left me alone and instead made for Manya, my female counterpart and fellow sex slave. Her hands were currently bound together over her head, the handcuff fused to a low part of the ceiling. She almost dagled like a chandelier, taking care to keep her back straight, lest she hang by her stressed shoulders.

Her usefully isolated hands transitioned into thin, dainty arms, then to a delicate face. Through her blonde locks, which had darkened slightly since she became a plaything for the spirits, her tea eyes starred, horrorstruck, at the male forms that stood around her. She twisted around as if trying to escape, only to make her invitingly ample bus shake appealingly.

Idly, I wondered if she still feared her explorers, or she was putting on a show for their amusement.

One of the male spirits pushed his hand between her tightly pressed-together legs and started to stroke her. With a muted little moan, her voracious body wrested control of itself away from her as her nipples hardened, her vagina moistened and she licked her lips involuntarily.

My attention left her once again as the spirit women wrapped their arms around me, then pulled me off the wall, my shadows effectively separating under their magic. Carrying me to the center of the cavern, they laid me down on the floor and fused my anklets to the ground. One woman began pressing my right wrist shadow to the floor, only to be stopped by a company. Instead, she grabbed my collar- which she seldom used- and stuck it to the floor, trapping my head.

I salivated, knowing what Always came next. To my surprise, however, the spirit women waffled around me, conversing quietly with one another in incomprehensibly vague terms. A few uncertain moments later, two of them squatted on either side of me, facing one another. I felt my left hand jammed into something soft and warm.

“Stroke,” one of them ordered, her voice echoing strangely.

I did so, to the best of my ability, trying to simulate the pumping action that I knew they preferred, even as the one using my left hand refused to let me pull back.

I looked up to the one I was stroking, seeing her face a mixture of pleasure and consternation as she looked down at my hand. The next moment, another spirit woman squatted over my face. She didn’t have to tell me what to do.

Just as I began to lick, trying to shut out the oddly unpleasant taste and keep breathing, I felt feminine hands close around my testicles. I flinched, involuntarily clenching my left hand. A slap on my left nipple from the woman I fingered was all the warning I knew I would get, and I havetily continued struggling as the hands down lower gently battedaround my hanging balls, then moved onto my penis, fingers curling around its base, then farther and farther up, before pumping a few times. By this time, the inside of my masculinity was so lubricated with precum that it made a kind of smacking sound as she played with it.

I felt knees on my sides as the woman down below straddled me. I focused on keeping my erection hard and my hands gentle as she lowered herself onto me, seeming to charge my cock with electricity as a spasm ripped through my body, making my left hand jerk upward and my tongue stop.

I feel a slap rip across my cheek from the woman who was using my mouth, and I havetily continued pleasure her, even as the different odds of my hand, my tongue and my penis collided in my brain. Then, the pleasure from my loins, rushing up to me in waves with every thrust, demolished my feeble attempts at keeping my thoughts coherent, running through my brain like a wolf through sheep, scattering ideas everywhere.

When I felt my right hand picked up and rammed into another orifice, I gave up. Earlier, I could have handled it, but I was being used by too many women at once now. Forming my fingers into phallic points, I let my arms go slack. For the woman on my mouth, I transitioned from licking to sucking. My hips would have gone slack, had they been able to, but my masculine controlability kept them pumping to the woman’s content.

The orgy didn’t last much longer. My mind grew numb as it always did when I was used for too long. I think the woman on my mouth reached orgasm just a few seconds later and left me alone, only to be replaced by another one. The one with my left hand came not long later, but kept pumping in and out until she came again, just seconds before the one on my right. Both disengaged.

By the time I came to again, I wasn’t even certain that the second woman to use my mouth got her release, though I had the distinct sense that my foot had been humped. My cock, bafflingly, was not completely limp. Whether or not I had on orgasm of my own was beyond me.

The spirits were absent, and all was completely silent. Something felt strange. Testing my restraints, I felt my wrist rise from the ground.

At this, I sat bolt upright. With a growing smile, I realized that I was completely unbound; those fools had forgotten to bind me.

Dazed, I hobbled to my feet, my body slick with vaginal fluid and my head light. Once on my feet, I stood dumbly for a few moments, revealing in how wonderful it felt to be free at last.

Once I had my senses back, I found Manya on the other side of the cavern. As usual, her owners had moved her before forcing themselves on her. Now, her collar was fused to the ground, her head facing down and her arms flung out in opposite directions, her hands limp. Her ankles were bound to the floor, too, but so closely to her body that she had to bend her legs, forcing ass up invitingly.

For a moment, I stood over her, seeing that she was still unaware of my presence. Then, I raised my hand and spanked her across the left cheek.

“Ugh!” she sputtered, bucking.

“Manya,” I addressed, kneeing down by her head, “it’s me, Jens. Remember me?”

“Jens?” she gasped. “You’re free?”

“Yeah,” I confirmed. “They forget to bind me. I’m going to try to get you out of there.”

“You are?” she breathed. “You’re not… you’re not still mad that I got us into this mess?”

“That’s why I spanked you. But I’m not leaving you behind.”

“Oh, thank you…” she groaned.

“Any ideas?” I solicited.

“Um…” she stalled.

My hands wandered to her hindquarters, and I idly inserted a few fingers into her.

“No…” she finally divulged. “I have a spell that can break bonds, but it won’t work while I can’t move.”

“Okay,” I accepted, pulling out and standing up. “I’ll be back.”

With that, I brushed the juices from the soles of my feet, then made for the exit of the caven. I had never been through here before; Manya and I were teleported in here when we were captured, and we had not left the caven since.

The first hall was largely what I expected; a wide upward-trending spiral with a sharp corner halfway through, then more looping ice tunnels up to the surface.

On the surface, the wind howled and my body grow stiff and imprecise as the sensing left my farthest extremes. Instantly, I ducked back underground, fearing that I would freeze.

Doubt suddenly washed over me as I realized that our biggest foe would be the elements, not the spirits.

Taking a deep breath, as though preparing to dive underwater, I turned around and leaves back up into the frigid air. Once there, I shivered, fearing that the juices slathered over me would freeze solid as I looked around.

All around, the terrain was desolate- alien, almost. There was a shade of purple in the sky and not a tree in sight, save for a dead one in a basin behindme, and everything looked to be made of solid ice.

Suddenly, I recognized the basin; it was the place where Manya and I had been captured. What was more, a noticeable dark spot flapped irresolutely in the wind.

Immediately, I recognized it. Letting out a yelp of joy, I hurried out of the tunnel into the frigid air and sprinted across the dry, icy ground, my joints growing stresser and stresser as I stumbled to a stop in front of my clothes. Hastily, I put them on, then collapsed, curling up and sheltering my head from the wind as the numbness slowly left my limbs.

Once functional, I stood up, smiling at the familiar feeling of fur lining caressing my skin as I scooped up Manya’s skimpy outfit in my thickly gloved hand and pocketed it. I then gathered my gear together and put it all in its proper place.

“Hang in there, Manya,” I bad, as I turned and jogged away. “Help is coming.”

For what must have been hours, I ran, my heavy furs feeling like home wrappedaround my overused body. At last, I was heated not by whatever magic the spirits used in their caves, but by my own devices.

When, at last, I tired and stopped to make a little hovel in the snow, I said aloud, “Manya, I don’t know if you can hear me with some kind of magic or not, but I’m alright. And I’ll do what I can to get you out. I promise you.”

Manya didn’t answer. She didn’t need to. Now that I had escaped spirit turf, there was no one to stop me from reaching civilization.

A few days later, I did just that. As soon as I set foot on cobblestone, I collapsed to my knees and gave thanks to no one god in particular that I had made it back. For a few minutes, I sat there, drinking in the wonderfully familiar sights and sounds, then, with a determined huff, stand up.

Getting an idea, I made for the town brother. There, I stood outside and watched the streets, the moaning and grunting within providing a nice atmosphere as I waited.

Within a few minutes,a trio of men came to the door, looking promising. One was possessed of broad shoulders but an otherwise average build, his milk face accented by a short, even black bear that matched the thick fur vest he wore. Next to him, a thin red-haired boy with sharp features and big blue eyes walked, his bouncing, long-legged stride making it difficult to gauge his height. The third man, most impressive of all, carried his long, thick arms in a casual sway as he walked, his thick neck and billowing brown hair framing a broad, self-assured smile.

“Hey, you lads,” I cheerfully addressed, “are you adventurers?”

They looked at me for a long moment, then the brawny brown-haired man answered, “Yeah.”

“Do you like sex?” I continued.

“You bet.”

“With women?” I modified.

To my relief, they continued to answer in the affordable.

“Well,” I began, “I need some companies for an adventure. I don’t have enough money to pay anyone, and there won’t be much for loot,but there’s a damsel in distress who’d probably be very grateful to anyone who would help rescue her.”

“When can we start?” eagerly asked the beared one.

“When you’re ready,” I defined. “I’d like to get something to eat, but, other than that, I’m good to go.”

A few minutes later, our four-man team set out for the northeast once again, ready to brave the spirits.

During Our small talk on the way there, everything I learned about my new companies only made me more and more glad to have them. They clearly worked well together, joking heartily with one another and relating old stories with ease. I came to fancy staying with these men if I could. I considered broaching the subject to them, but I kept getting swept up in their remembering of their own adventures.

Before I knew it, we stood at the edge of the basin, overlooking the windswept pain.

For the first time, I began to second-guess my choice not to track down a magic user for this quest.

“Okay…” I ad-libbed. “Here’s the plan. We’ll have two of us make for the little raised spot on the far side of that tree. One of us will stay up at the hole in the top, the other will go down inside and spring the girl and get back. If anything goes wrong, one of us will just wave his arms and the other two will go up and help him.”

“Sounds good,” the brown-haired man approved. “Who’s going?”

“I’d like to be up there when we get her,” I defined. “She trusts me, so there won’t be any explaining to do that way.”

I pointed to the bearded one.

“You,” I appointed, “you’ve got a club, right? We can use that to break her shadows. Would you be willing to come up?”

“You betcha,” he approved.

“Alright,” I concluded. “Let’s go.”

On the way across the basin, I watched the sky fearfully, my fingers wandering to my bow, only for us to arrive unmolested.

“Alright, give me your club and stay here,” I instructed my companion.

He obeyed withoutsuspicion.

“I’ll be quick,” I promised.

With that, I made my way down the spiral path.

In the cavern, I saw Manya, or rather, half of her. Her feet were planted about a foot away from the opposite wall, and her entire upper body was embedded in it. Her smooth legs were straight and her back angled downward from her hips slightly, presenting her ass agreeably.

I wondered how she breathed. Then, with a sudden horror, it occurred to me that she might not be breathing at all.

Images danced through my mind of irate spirits suffocating her to death. Fighting them back, I stepped up to her and tested her vitamin with a sharp, shallow spank.

Her ass jiggled as it always did, but she didn’t buck.

“Oh, dear,” I dreaded.

Just as I prepared to give up, I saw a glisten on her womanhood. Filled with hope, I positioned my right hand underneath her open vagina and pushed it up inside of her. She was encouragingly hot.

For a few seconds, I strokedin that way spirit women seemed to enjoy most, then pulled out. Sure enough, Manya secreted her fluids, preparing for intercourse. I breathed a sight of relief.

“Okay,” I told the beared companion, back at the top of the spiral, “it’s good news, bad news time. The good news is, the girl is alive. The bad news is, she’s stuck in the wall.”

“What do we do now?” asked my companion.

“We wait until the spirits come to play with her again,” I resolved. “They do that once every few days. And they change her position every time they use her. Hopefully, next time it will be one we can get her out of.”

“So we just wait?” he summarized.

“Yeah,” I confirmed. “Let’s get out of here.”

Outside the basin, the night was a long one. One of us always stood guard, scanning the sky and the horizon, watching for the spirits. During my shift, I saw their faint, translate white shapes glide across the sky, their paths erily smooth and their speeds unnaturally consistent.Upon seeing them, I said nothing to alert my companies; the spirits flew obviously over us.

I watched them funnel into the cave where Manya helped wait to be pillaged again.

“Hold on, Manya,” I mumbled, watching. “Just one more night.”

The next morning, there was an air of restlessness among us as my companies hobbled to their feet. Silently, the beared one and I exchanged a nod, and we started for the spirits’ cavern.

“Do you suppose she’ll be retrievable this time?” he asked, as we walked. “I mean, once you escaped, they might have gotten a bit more cautious.”

“One would think,” I granted, “but spirits don’t seem to think that way. Besides, if they ever did take any security measures, they’d be magical in nature. And last time I was down there, I didn’t see anything new. I think we just got unlucky yesterday.”

With that, I solicited his club again, and, leaving him at the top, began down the icy spiral, into the cavern.

There, I found Manya, this time on all fours. Her head lolled from her pale, naked shoulders, her hair falling like vines down past her head. Her shoulders, which booked her beautifully hanging breasts, sat atop her smooth arms, then transitioned into her long, dexterous fingers, which played out from her palms. Her wrist cuffs were fused to the floor by their sides, and, at that, along only a few inches of their perimeter, forming a bond that would be easy to break with by club. Past her shoulders, her spine sagged down, then up again, showing the fine lobes of her posterior flatteringly.

I wondered if she was doing that on purpose.

Her milky upper legs were vertical, placing most of her rear weight on her knees. Attached to these, her limp lower legs ran through shades around her ankles, which were embedded firmly into the ground. Freeing her from those would be tricky.

“Manya?” I softly cooed. “Manya, it’s me.”

Manya’s head shot up, and she looked down the lengthof her body back at me. Her face was a caricature of shocked hopefulness.

“Jens!” she gasped. “You’re here!”

“I am,” I confirmed, smiling proudly. “Now hold still. I’m going to try and get your hands free.

With that, I knelt down beside her and lowered the club to her wrist. There, I held it a few inches away, then tapped lightly. Nothing happened. Winding up just a bit farther, I tapped harder. Nothing happened. Double the distance, I struck again, taking care to stop the club as soon as it contacted the restraint. A chip came off. With one more strike, I broke the ring in two.

“Oh, yes…” she breathed, lifting out her hand and stretching her elbow. She looked to me and whispered, “thank you, Jens.”

“You’re welcome,” I accepted. “But don’t thank me yet.”

Carefully, I walked around her and brought the club up to the next shadowle, bringing it as far back as I had last time and slashing it into the crystal construct, chipping off a respectable chunk. With just another tap, the shadowle cracked.

Raising herself to a kneeing position, she stretched her arms above her head, her body trembling appealingly as her muscles finally loosened up.

Sitting back, I watched the show, then, when she fell back onto her hands, I got to work on her anklets. They each came off with just one strike each.

“Come on, let’s go, quickly,” she urged, standing. “With my limbs free, I can teleport us away.”

“No, wait,” I arrested, “We’ve got some tagalongs. We need to go back with them.”

I paused awkwardly.

“Also… I might have offered for you to have sex with them in exchange for their assistance.”

“Did you have money to pay them?” she asked.

“No,” I truly answered.

“It’s fine then,” she, accepted. “Let’s go.”

“Wait,” I stopped again, “I have your clothes.”

I drew her entire skimpy outfit from my pocket, and she stared at it as though it were alien to her. Slowly taking it, she stretchched it out in front of her, then slipped it on, worming her way suggested into it. I could not help but crack a smile as she squeezed her breasts into the restrictive top.

“Now let’s go,” she pushed.

We took off.

“I got her!” I reported, as the two of us dashed up the spiral. “I got the girl! Run!”

This time, the run across the basin seemed even longer than before. Looking at Manya, I watched her face as the same mix of emotions played out that I remembered from my escape.


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