
This is my first uploaded work to Literotica. I am experimenting with my style and voice. Also, I focus more on character development rather than sex or eroticism. This is not a quick gratification story. I hope you enjoy. Iris.

Alice was unfolding the hem of her dress when there were three sharp knocks on the door. She knew who it was because there was only one person she was expecting. And the other fact that confirmed it was Iris and not anyone else, was the way she knocked on the door. She always knocked like this regardless of who it was and why she was knocking. Her headpiece was lopsided. In fact, actually, this outfit was one that was used for a casual cosplay event that they both had gone to. But she had to answer the door.

It was a suffocating day, and the mustiness of the place didn’t help it. But Alice did look forward to this event. This cosplay event was held annually and this year was special because she had invited her friend, Iris. EVerything was going smoothly, until now. The troll in front of her, a lump of fat with a grisly smile who wouldn’t read the atmosphere and take a hint, was ‘politely’ asking her out. She grabbed her left wrist with her other hand. Why did she not go with her? And when was she coming back? Why was she taking so long? The self-proclaimed ‘fan’ in front of her stepped closer, and she could smell something: an unholy concoction of garlic, melting teeth, and sweat. “Alice!”

“Alice. Hey.” The gal in front of her gave her a sweet smile. She had recently gotten into the habit of adopting more expressive fashion. Alice could remember the days when people were shocked at how brutally honest, headstrong, and sharp the girl in front of her, Iris, was. She smelled of soft perfume. But to onlookers her outfit may have seemed strange: It was a simple trench coat wrapped tightly around her body. She had some round glasses that perched on her button nose. In this sweltering weather it wouldseems like a fashion statement.

A few days ago, at the studio, the producer yelled at her again. He had recently gotten into the habit of drinking away his sorrows. Or at least Alice thought. Because he was usually a nice person. He had even allowed her to take home some trinkets as gifts because the magazine really didn’t have storage for all these knickknacks, and rather than tossing them out, they gave it to Their models. She fancied some and kept some, the others, she gave to Iris.

A warm hug, and then Iris closed the door behind her. She started to fumble with her trench coat, mumbling, “It was really hot today.” and Alice blankly stared at the back of the closed door. “Alice. Yoo-hoo.” Iris called, and Alice finally looked down and took in the sight before her. The trench coat was off and hanging off a hook on the wall because it was no longer needed. She needed the girl in front of her right now. Such a beautiful creativity. Has she told her that today? No, butnevermind. Her hair was naturally black, but she recently dyed it a dazzling platinum blonde, and got herself more piercings. Alice opened her mouth so very slightly like she was taking a sip of delightful rose milk tea in front of her and inhaled the cold air around.

“Good girl. Now, knee down.” She spoke slowly and emphymically. Iris took off her glasses, placing them on the stand next to her. She sank to the floor, now naked. She had slipped off her high heels earlier, leaving them lying on the floor like sleeping puppies next to the closed door. Iris shivered in the cold air of the room, crawling slowly, dragging herself by knee before Alice, and slowly lifted her gaze from the floor to look up at her. The soft rustling of her bare knees on the carpet. Alice enjoyed having pets, but unfortunately her apartment didn’t allow dangerous pets, which was a shame. Iris’ current gaze on her was not at all dangerous, by the way. Rather, it was a look of loving and tender affection. Her round, brown-black eyes were innocent and untarnished by sin.

When she was slightly younger her boyfriend brought her out on a date to the zoo. The zoo was nothing special, it was just a place to see animals, and in fact, that wasn’t so difficult anymore in this day and age. No, the zoo was just an excuse for them to go on a romantic date but Alice didn’t really voice her objection and decided that day she would wear a sleepless top instead because of how innocently hot the weather was. Hot and infernal like hell. She did have a great time at the snake enclosure, however. The snake handler let her hold onto a ball python. It felt cold, comfortable leathery, and weighty on her arms and hands. Its beady eyes innocent and untarnished by sin.

“How does it feel, kneeing down to your maid?” Alice mocked. The vixen in front of her trembled, smiled with rosy cheeses, and lowered her head, kissing the tip of her black Mary Jane faux leather shoes. Even without Alice’s instruction Iris started rubbing her cheek against her shoes, cupping it precisely in both hands. Not a snake. Kitten. Puppy? Alice knew the girl in front of her very very well.

“Sooo good, Alice! It feels like the best thing in the world!” Iris gushed. She was a degrader-degradee. She enjoyed the relationship very very much. Alice had to be careful with her words and her actions because everything Around her was a tripwire. Or a landmine, and the explorations were nuclear enough to swing the play around. Just like her explosive personality. The cold air kept her regular like a queen as she raised Iris’ chin with the tip of her shoe, pivoting on the heel, looking down at her with a frosty, distant expression. She spat, “Masochistic slut.” And then pushed Iris away with her sole. Popping out of the leather to plant her stockinged foot firmly on Iris’ soft, silky hair, taking care not to damage it, pushing her firmly into the carpet. Iris wriggled in pleasure on her side, arms sprawled in front of her as she moaned. Her midriff was exposed, and Alice saw the tattoo she had gotten several years ago. Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.

“So I got this tattoo just yesterday!” Iris had proudly lifted her shirt in the court. (It was a girls’ school.) “What is that? And wait, we’re allowed to have tattoos?” Alice asked, frozenly glancing about for the gym teacher. “No, silly. Of course not, but what are they going to do, untattoo me? Hah. Over my dead fucking body.” Iris smiled. She loved that confident smile. It was what made her want to own Iris. Be my girlfriend! She wanted to scream. But could she if she didn’t know whether Iris would be repulsed or not? Alice didn’t want to risk their friend. It had already been two years and going strong. She wanted it to be several more. A lifetime, perhaps. “Oh, and this tattoo? I thought really hard, and I decided to have Lucifer’s fall from grace.” Iris said. “Lucifer? Why?” She asked. “I dunno.Sometimes, I just think he’s really pitiful, you know?” Iris shrugged. “There’s a pretty badass quote from Milton’s Paradise Lost, too. I think I want that as my personal motto.” “What is it?” Alice asked again. She had already decided. She was going to get a tattoo as well. Something small and concealable, hopefully.

“Shut up, pet.” She kicked Iris. “Imagine being so pathetic that you beg your maid to dominate you.” She kicked Iris again, slipping off her other shoe, holding it in her hand in front of Iris’ mouth. “Lick it clean.” She ordered.

“Yes, my Goddess.” Iris surprised, her tongue already out and flickering. Alice had to stop herself from touching her pussy. She watched Iris softly close her eyesilids, lapping at the shoe she had just forgotten, shining it with her tongue, the perfect pet, humiliating, submitting, all pathetic.

After the zoo her boyfriend had taken her for dinner at some fancy restaurant. She appreciated it, but she really wasn’t in the mood. She wanted to go to the amusement park today, but her boyfriend had said it would be too crowded. And it probably was cheaper as well, she thought. The only redeeming thing was the snake. It coiled around her arm, and squeezed softly. She remembered feeling a strange sense of peace and catharsis. The snake’s muscles were strong yet gentle, and the cold, smooth scales. They felt like a motherly reassurance.

Alice pushed her foot, still clad in white knee-high stockings, into Iris’ mouth. Iris’ lips parted separately and made way for her toes to enter. Her expression one of euphoria and bliss. Her hands clutching at Alice’s foot, squeezing her arches, rubbing her soles softly and gently while she served Alice’s toes in her warm, loving mouth.

The dinner was good, but despite the ample amount of high-quality food that entered her mouth, Alice felt strangely empty. Physically, gastronomical fullness but some form of spiritual emptiness. I want the snake back, she thought. I wish I confessed to Iris instead of this person. Although that’s bad of me. Her boyfriend suggested going to a hotel, and she perked up at the idea. Maybe she could scratch that itch she had been having.

“Lick my pussy,” Alice ordered, pulling down her silken underwear and lifting up the edges of her maid cosplay skirt.

“Alice!” Iris called out to her. She grabbed her arm and pulled her aside, away from the disgusting freak in front of her. “Need something from her?” Iris asked the ‘fan’ coldly. The two of them stood side by side, like twins, in the same maid cosplay outfits. Alice didn’t know she was trembling until Iris wrapped her arm around her waist and squeezed reassuringly. “I said, what do you need from my girlfriend?” Iris said crossly. She wasn’t her girlfriend, though. The creepy ‘fan’ left with a clicking of his tongue, and Alice’s eyes brimmed with warm and wet tears. After the cosplay event, she immediately confessed to Iris. Be my girlfriend, please.

“Yes, Goddess!” Iris flushed in pleasure, eagerly kneeling upright in front of her pussy, her smooth hands rubbing and pushing Alice’s legs apart. Her breath ticked her inner thighs in the cool air. Her tongue, ever deft and miraculous, teased Alice’s pussy to the gates of heaven and back. Alice moaned as she put a hand on the back of Iris’ head, pulling her closer. “Yes… Yes… Good girl, harder! Push that slutty tongue of yours deep into my pussy! Harder!”

The first time Alice learnt that Iris was not a pure, innocent girl was during Bio class. It was after gym class, and everyone was allowed to dry off their sweat by keeping the flimsy, dry-fit gym attire on. Iris sat on Alice’s right, and their tables were connected. Perhaps it was because she felt very safe, but Alice spotted her masturbating in class. She had propped a long and thick Stabilo highlighter against the rungs of the metal rack below the table. Her body was slightly slouched,partially submerged under the table, and she was very, oh so slightly, inching her body against the other end of the highlighter, resting between her legs and pushing against her gym shorts. Fuck, Alice thought, you just used that highlighter in English just two hours ago. Look at that thing going into your slutty pussy. Her heart was thumbing. “Alice,” Iris suddenly said. Alice snapped her head away from the highlighter and looked at Iris’ slightly smiling eyes. “I’ve been caught now. You leave me no choice. Let’s be bests.”

One of the trines she gave to Iris, a necklace, was now one of Iris’ favourites. It was still dangling from her neck, even when she was naked. She felt so proud when she gave it to her as a present one day. Yes, it was a “hand-me-down”, but that didn’t change the fact that it was a fashionable, expensive necklace that only she herself had forgotten before. It felt like she was claiming Iris as her own. Putting a collar around that beautiful neck.

Taxis made her nauseous. After the dinner the boyfriend called one to bring them to a nearby hotel. She felt queasy, and all of a sudden foolish. Not in the mood for any sex. She told her boyfriend this. The boyfriend was obviously dismayed and tried to persuade her otherwise. She reluctantly agreed.

“Good job, slave. Now lay down on the bed over there.” Alice ordered. Iris climbed up and lay supine, awaiting her. Like she knew what she had planned. And she probably did. Alice took out a double-ended strapon, pushing it into her pussy, softly moaning as it pushed past her lips. That Iris had just made out with lovingly. Her silicone toy had no nerves, but it felt a lot like part of her body. She climbed on top of Iris and pushed her silicone cock into Iris’ mouth. Iris’s beautiful body, beautiful mind, beautiful soul. All hers. She moaned in pleasure, hearing her love makes slobbering noises below her.

She climbered awkwardly to reposition herself above Iris. To fuckher in the missionary position. It wasn’t Iris’ favourite position, but when Alice was domming, it was her favourite position to fuck her in. It allowed her to see all of her beautiful nakedness in front of her. She smelled like soft perfume. It allowed her to pin her down and press her body against hers. It gave her the delicious sense of ownership and possession, the cure to her observation. She smoked the silicane cock, slick with saliva, a few times against Iris’ pussy, before parting her pussy lips and thrusting her hips forward to lunge into her body. Her hands were planted on both sides of Iris’ shoulders, gazing at her face, enamoured, at those soft and plump lips. Her mouth was hanging open, and Iris caught the drool that Alice dripped into her mouth. “Good girl. Good girl. Good girl.” Alice moaned as she rocked her hips. Her pet. Hers. No one else’s. Her elbows pinned Iris down as she closed her hands around Iris’ neck.

That night at the hotel was the worst experience she ever had. It wasn’t rape, no. But still, it was the worst fucking mistake she had ever made. Her boyfriend did all the typical things she expected: Requesting a blowjob, fondling her body, sex with her in doggystyle. Sure, fine, no big deal. But the mistake she made was mentioning how good it felt when the snake at the zoo squeezed her arm. God, why did she say such a thing. He had given her a sleazy smile then and her heart literally ran cold. She felt like it had stopped pumping. His hands were squeezed around her neck, and all she felt was a sense of betrayal like she had never felt before.


Eve was the tattoo that she got after being inspired by Iris. The partner to Adam. The one who got swayed by temptation. The snake in the garden of Eden. Speaking of, the handler certainly gave permission to kiss the snake but the snake itself couldn’t communicate with her. She never got its consent, did she?


Yeah, she probIt was forced to develop her unusual attention to snakes right about then. At the zoo, while the snake was coiled around her arms and shoulders, squeezing her comfortablely, like a loving parent, she had asked the handler a question: “Can I kiss it? It’s so adorable.” The handler replied, “Uh… well, it’s technically against the rules. But, I’ll let it slide this time.” She squealed in joy. Alice looked at the snake. It looked back, its beady, adorable eyes, innocent and devoid of sin. She gave it a small peck against its snout.

That was what started her small attention to snakes. And Eve. Eve was the safe-word she always used with Iris. Inspired by the tattoo she got, and also inspired by the snake she met at the zoo.

A tight clenching around her wrists. “E-Eve!… Eve!” Her grip loosened. “Oh god… I’m so sorry!” Alice cried, snapping out of her reverie. “Are you okay?” Iris sat up, rubbing her neck gingerly. Her lips were pouty. She smelled like sweet perfume. “Wake up, Alice.” Iris glared at her crossly. “We never did agree to choking, did we?”

That day, after that horrible experience at the hotel, she immediately broke up with her boyfriend. She told Iris at the time. Iris had simply said, “I knew you would eventually.”

Alice immediately leaves off the bed and knelt down, tears streaming down her face. “Sorry… Sorry…! I didn’t mean to… It’s just… It just happened! I swear!” She gazed at Iris through the misty panes of her eyeselids. Iris’ eyes were now curved, unsmiling like a predator eyeing its prey. “Well,” she began, putting one finger thoughtfully on her lip. A pointless action. Alice knew it was just to exaggerate. “this just shows you aren’t ready to be a domme yet, are you?” She Continued. “You need some more training. Isn’t that right? Hmmm?” Iris smiled. “Lower your head down.”

The carpet was not rough but she somehow missed the soft feeling of Iris’ skin. Forehead on the ground, she waited for what felt like several minutes. A punishment was coming, definitely. At last, like a sinner waiting for heaven’s judgment, she received it. Iris’ soft foot pushed down on her head, twisting in her hair and rubbing her forehead against the carpet. Her gasp drew out like the puffing of a geyser. Her pussy started to leak. It was threatening to erupt. Like her feelings that day. It was going to erupt.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” She asked. Her eyes were lowered. There was about a minute of silence. And despair was clutching at her heart.

“Ever the masochist, I see. Yet you never are able to give me the satisfaction I craved.” Iris giggled. Iris lifted Alice’s head up by pushing with her toes. “In fact, when you gag someone with your toes, you should do it…” She pushed her toes into Alice’s mouth forcedly. “…like this!” She laughed. “It’s so much better to have your bare feet worshipped than those silly stockings you have on. In fact I don’t care that you’re not nakedd. You’re forever my submissive service, my slut, my slave. Right?” She pumped her foot in and out of Alice’s mouth. Alice nodded, relieve flooding her chest.

“Yes! Of course I will! I was going to ask the question myself actually!” Iris wrapped Alice in a bear hug, bouncing in joy.

“Ah, so much better. This room is rather cold. Why’d you not turn the cooling down you slut?” Iris surprised in relief.

“Sorry Goddess… I’ll make up for it immediately!” Alice made to get up but Iris stopped her with a leg on her shoulder.

“Silly girl. Who cares, come eat this pussy. I’m fucking soaked and I need a good cuntlicker right now.” Iris bent her leg around Alice’s head and drew her in. No more words needed to be said. Alice Immediately got to work, lapping at Iris’ sweet, pink pussy, her goddess’s heavenly honeypot, her love’s sacred fountain… she could go on forever. The hand on her head, stroking so softly, was firm yet affectionate, reminding her of who she belongged to.

But that didn’t change the mistake she made.

The mistake Eve made was falling to the temptation of sin. Listening to the whispers of the snake. The seductive snake. Alice decided her tattoo would be Eve. A small offer to how she was always tempted by Iris.

“Are you angry?” Alice suddenly broke away from serving Iris’ pussy and asked her, looking her square in her eyes.

Iris’ soft singing and smile of pleasure frozen. It slowly drew down into a small pout. She bent down, pulled Alice up to her on the bed, and drew her into a deep, passwordate kiss.


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