Chapter 4
Mistress Lynn’s been bad, very bad and needs to be punished.
He throw back a double downstairs and poured myself another double shot of bourbon to take upstairs with him to help him deal with Mistress Linda. He’ll need the alcohol to tie her to the bedpost, if that’s what she wanted him to do. He needed the extra shot of alcohol, if she wanted him to call over Phil to see her stretched out on the bed naked. Suddenly, calling his bluff by pressuring him to perform, he was afraid, so very afraid. A meat and potatoes, missionary, sexual kind of guy, she was already way ahead of him with bondage, discipline, toys, and costumes.
When he returned from downstairs and entered the bedroom, just as he had suspected and just as he had feared, there it was flat out on the bed, leather pants, leather vest, and a leather helmet with a zipper and slits for the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. Even though the suit was empty, looking too much like living and breathing skin, somehow, it looked alive. Suddenly, he felt that he was dressing to go to a gay bar. Bright lights with discco music from Saturday Night Live filled his brain along with the vision of the band members of the Village People asking him to dance. Suddenly, their song pounded its beat through his head.
“Body…wanna feel my body? Body…such a thrill my body. Body…wanna touch my body? Body…it’s too much my body. Check it out my body, body. Don’t you doubt my body, body. Talkin’ ’bout my body, body. Check it out my body.
Every man wants to be a macho, macho man, to have the kind of body, always in demand. Jogging in the mornings, go man go, works out in the health spa, muscles glow. You can best believe that, he’s a macho man, ready to get down with, anyone he can.
Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Macho, macho man (macho man), I’ve got to be, a macho man. Macho, macho man, I’ve got to be a macho! Ow… Macho, macho man, I’ve got to be, a macho man. Macho, macho man (yeah, yeah).I’ve got to be a macho!”
He downed his bourbon and slammed the empty glass down on the bureau. He looked from her to the black leather suit and back to her. Tied to the Lally column in the basement, he imagined being found wearing that outfit, when the fire and police departments came to his house for a false alarm emergency.
“Linda, are you crazy? I’m not wearing that. Look at it. It’s frightening.”
“Please,” she said walking over to him again, reaching down, and slowly rubbing the full length of his cock with her manicured fingers. “It would make me so horny, happy, and appreciated, if you wore this outfit for me,” she said in a sexy voice that made him think of season one on Baywatch with Pamela Anderson wearing her tight, red bathing suit, before breast imprants.
“Linda, unless I was going deep sea diving, this is what all those gay guys wear, when they’re trying to hookup with someone of their own sex.”
“I have this sexy feeling that if you tied meup, blindfolded me,” she said while unzipping him and reaching her hand inside his pants, “slapped my ass, pulled my hair, distributed me because I was naughty, and forced me to suck your cock, while wearing that getup, that I just might give you the best damn blowjob you ever had.”
“Wait, the best damn blowjob that I ever had? Do you mean that I can cum in your mouth, instead of on your tits?”
“Yes,” she said leaning into him and sticking her tongue in his ear, again. Geez, that drives him wild with password. “And I’ll swallow you, too,” she said giving him a sexy look.
“Are you serious?” He looked at her, while wondering if he could believe her and trust her to have him cum in her mouth. “Don’t tease me.” It had been years since she allowed him to cum in her mouth, New Year’s Eve, more than seven years ago, and even then, she spit. She didn’t swallow. The thoughts of filling her mouth with a warm load of his cum and watching her swallow made him wild with desire forher. “Just to make sure. Let me get this straight. If I wear this outfit, you’ll not only blow me but also I can cum in your mouth and you’ll swallow?”
“Oh, yeah,” she said pulling out his cock and stroking him to a solid erection. “I’ll suck you off better than my Dyson Animal vacuum sucks up the cat hairs from the carpet.”
Oh, my God, he could only imagine the blowjob, she’d give me. There’s not a cat hair in the house after the purple Dyson Animal vacuum has made a pass over the carpets and the hardwood floors. He was so freaking hot and so freaking horny. Now that he was motivated, he quickly removed his clothes to try on the black leather outfit. At this point, he would have put on a pink Tutu if that would get me my special blow job.
“Wait,” she said putting her hand against my chest. “Go shower, first, Freddie.”
He ran off to the bathroom naked and returned within five minutes.
“That was a fast shower. I didn’t hear the water running.”
“I sponged.”
“You sponged?”
“Yeah, like you do when you’re running late for work in the morning. I washed the important parts with a face clothes, while paying special attention to those areas that needed extra washing, if you know what I mean,” he said grabbing his crotch in the way that Michael Jackson used to do.
He walked by her, picked up the leather pants, and wiggled into them.
“Wow, you look so hot,” she said feeling his leather covered ass. “This feels so erotic.”
“Geez, Linda, these are so tight, too tight, and so hot. I feel as if I’m am wearing extra skin,” he said struggle to pull the pants up all the way. “A scuba diving outfit isn’t as tight,” he said sucking in his beer belly to zip himself. “I feel like a giant sausage in these leather pants.”
“Now, the vest,” she said handing him the vest.
“Well, what do you think,” he said flexing, while posing.
“Ooh, I like how that looks on you. It shows all your muscles. Very hot. You looklike my sexy superhero.”
Suddenly, he imagined himself wearing a cape and having a big CD on his chest for Captain Discipline or for Captain Dickhead for agreeing to wear this costume.
“Never would I want anyone to see me wearing these, I feel a little foolish, Linda.”
“Shh, you’ll ruin the mood. Here, try on the hood.”
Again, he heard the dueeling banjo music from the movie Deliverance, while envisioning a scene from Pulp Fiction.
“Can’t I just wear the pants and vest?”
“C’mon, Freddie, the hood will get me in the mood. It will make me feel like I’m being ravished by a masked intruder.” She looked at him with wanton abandoned. “I like the idea of pretending that you broke in the house to steal and didn’t know that I was in the house. Then, when you saw me, you took the opportunity to strip me naked, tie me to the bed, and fuck me.”
“Geez, Linda, I never knew you had such an active, sexual imagination. I thought only guys fantasized like that kind of stuff.”
“Are you serious, Freddie? Women hold the rights to fansies. Why do you think they sell so many romance novels? You guys are so dumb.” She smiled, “If you read some of the books we women read, you’d know how to get us in the mood to have much better luck in bed.”
Yeah, he’ll make a note to read some of her bullshit books during half-time of the football game, he Thought to himself, but didn’t dare voice that out loud.
“So, is that want you want?” He asked changing the subject. “You want to feel forced?” Suddenly, still hung up on the idea, he thought of the pizza delivery man having his wicked way with his wife and forcing her to suck his cock, while he hid in the closet, watched, and masturbated.
“I don’t know what I really want,” said Linda, “until we try some stuff.”
Try some stuff? What did she mean by that? Suddenly, he imagined them being in the swinging lifestyle and in an orgy surrounded with arms, legs, tits, ass, and pussy. He imaginegined her going down on a woman and a woman going down on her. He imagined her having sex with two guys, while he watched or him having sex with two women, while she watched. Oh, baby. What’s next?
“Here,” she handed him the pink feathered ties. “Tie me up, but not too tight. I’m claustrophobic.”
Well, this is fun, he thought to himself. For the first time, he was feeling Sexually aroused having total control over his wife. It was erotically hot spreading her legs before tying her ankles and wrists to the bedposts. If only he could put a gag in her mouth to stop her from talking, this bondage and discipline stuff would be perfect. Finally, he’d have peace and quiet without having to hear her incessant chatter.
What’s that, Honey? I can’t understand you with the gag in your mouth, he imagined saying to her. Oh, you want me to go downstairs, drink beer, and watch football, while you rest up here with your wrists and ankles tied to the bedposts? Okay.
Yet, if I gagged her, she couldn’t blow him. If he gagged her, he wouldn’t be able to cum in her mouth. It was a difficult decision, gag her or blowjob, gag her or blowjob. He kept considering the two in his mind, but the blowjob won the decision by a small margin. He was about to slip the blindfold over her eyes when he imagined him taking—
“Wait, untie me. Hurry.”
“Untie you? Why? I Just tied you. Is it the claustrophobia?”
“No, I have to pee. Hurry.”
“Geez, Linda, you didn’t know you had to pee, before I tied you to the bedposts?” He struggled with the knot that got tighter, as she pulled to free herself. “Don’t pull, you’re making it tighter.”
“Hurry, I’m going to pee myself. I really have to go.”
“Okay, okay, There, you’re free. Go pee.”
In hindsight, good thing he didn’t gag her. She would have peed all over the bed. That would have ruined everything, especially his blowjob. She returned to the bed.
“Oh, I feel so much better peeing,” she said with a laugh. “Okay, I’m ready for you to tie me to the bedposts again.”
“Did you sponge?” He looked at her and smiled.
“Sponge? What do you mean, did I sponge? I showed earlier,” she said.
“You know,” he said looking down at her panty clad pussy. “I don’t want to have a mouthful of urine, when I am eating your pussy later.”
“I wiped myself, Freddie, if that’s what you mean.” She looked at him with attitude, as if he had just stepped in shit and tracked it in the house. “You’re ruining the mood,” she said slowly enunciating each word.
“Me? Ruining the mood? I had you tied up and helpless,” he said with a smile, while holding his head up high and puffing out his chest proud to be a testosterone filled male. “I’m Always in the mood.”
“What you consider being in the mood and what I consider being in the mood are at odds with one another.” He had no idea what she meant by that. He knew it was a bash, but because he was going to get a real blowjob, wherehe ejaculated in her mouth and she swallowed, instead of cumming on her tits, he took her bash as a compliment.
“Thank you, Honey.”
“Besides, I can’t help it if I have a small bladder.” She looked at him smiling like a fool. “And I can’t help it if I don’t have the sex drive of a dog in heat in the way that you do.”
“Woof! Woof!” He play bit her neck. “Okay, OK, so should I tie you up again?”
“Yes, but don’t tie the knot too tight. I don’t want to have rope burns. I have to see my doctor tomorrow for a checkup and I don’t want her to think that you’re holding me hostage in the cellar and only letting me out of the house for my doctor appointments,” she said with a laugh.
Suddenly, an image of her sitting in the dog’s old kennel down the cellar, as he entered a young, sexy lady upstairs flashed through his mind. Geez, this bondage and discipline stuff was giving him some ideas.
This time, he put the blindfold on her first and then tied her wrists. Then, he started tickling her with her pink feather. She was laughing so hard that it hurt her.
“Don’t you ticke me. Okay, that’s enough. No, stop. Freddie! I mean it! Stop, no, oh, God!” She hadn’t laughed like that in years.
“And this little piggy went to the market.”
“No, not my feet. Don’t ticke my feet.”
“And this little piggy went, wee, wee, wee, all the way home.”
Gagging her was beginning to appeal to him, again because, as soon as he tied her ankles, she went crazy.
“Untie me! Untie me! Hurry! Hurry!”
“What?” Fuck! He knew he should have gagged her. At this rate, he’ll never get a blowjob.
“I have a cramp in my leg. Hurry. Oh, God. Oh, God. Ow! Ow! Ow!”
“What one?”
“The right one. Hurry!”
He untied her right leg and she stretched it out.
“You aren’t as limber as you used to be,” he said with a cautious laugh. He remembered, when he first met her and she told him that she was into gymnastics and Yoga. That Honeymoon night was a night of sexual positions that he never saw in the Kama Sutra manual. Man, she could lift both feet behind her neck. As if she was an Olympian gymnast, he felt as if he was fucking a glory hole, when fucking her in that way that, with her legs out of the way. “Maybe you should stretch, before I tie your ankles, again.”
“Maybe, you should just tie my wrists,” she said breathlessly. “Otherwise, you won’t be able to remove my panties without untying me.”
“I’ll rip them off with my teeth.”
She shot him a look as if he was making fun of her.
“Those are my good panties, Freddie.”
“Okay. Never mind. Just let me notie your other ankle. There. Better?”
“Linda, I’m sorry, but I have to remove this hood. I’m sweating like a pig. This thing is so hot and uncomfortable.” He unzipped the hood and struggled to pull it off without removing his hair. Looking a bit like Donald Trump’s identity, twin brother, Dillon, his hairlooked as if he had a bad comb over.
“Alright, but leave the pants and vest on.” She looked at me with password. “It makes you look like a bad boy biker.”
“Wanna go for a ride on my hog?” Suddenly, he imagined himself looking like a Hells Angel’s biker. Only, with these tight leather pants and with the hood staring back at him from the bed, he felt more like a gay angel.
“Oh, yeah, I want to ride your big hog, alright,” she said.
“Okay, but I have to undo and unzip these leather pants. They’re way too tight. They aren’t the relaxed fit that I’m used to wearing. My stomach feels like a sausage in a casing that is about to exploit and I need to fart.”
As soon as he unzipped the leather pants, his cock popped out as if it had have held its breath and couldn’t wait to get out of the hot, leather, skin tight pants. Never has he I had such an erection.
Now, that her legs were free, his hood was off, his pants were undone, and his cock was sticking straight out, he felt better. They started making out in the way that they haven’t made out in years. It was awesome and when he reached down to suck her nipples, she said something that surprised him.
To be continued…
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