Spice Plantation Ch. 08

We brought some lunch back in by the fireplace and ate with me sitting on the floor and Judy sitting on my lap. Of course we were both still naked. I was coming to find – and I think Judy was also – that spending the weekend naked was great. Neither of us had ever spent a long time at a stretch in the nude, but now we hadn’t hurt anything since Friday afternoon – almost three full days so far. We no longer Thought it odd to head to the kitchen to get food or downstairs to the playroom or anything else without bothering to even put on a robe. We had become quite comfortable remaining bare and both of us enjoyed the sight of the other’s body. I certainly know I loved looking at Judy’s beautiful form.

After we had finished eating (and a little necking), Judy wanted to go back to reading the journal. Although I had already read the journal myself, I was just as eager to begin again as was Judy. Especially since she wanted to be tied down while I read to her. I arranged her on thelounge and secured her wrists and ankles once more and picked up the thick book to begin where we had left off before lunch.


March 19 (Seven Day) – Later

I found Susan just coming out of the clinic. Before I had a chance to say anything, she greeted me, “All ready to go beat some beautiful women, Alex?” I know she put it like that to tease and embarrass me, but it still worked.

I finally stammered out, “Von Holt said to go on with it, so I suppose so.”

Susan laughed at my disappoint. “Don’t worry about it, Alex. Von Holt feels the same way about these sessions as we do. And the natives love him. In case you haven’t noticed, they treat him with great respect but are not standoffish at all. After all, he takes good care of them. And the men certainly have no problem with his women. Let’s go on down to the shed.”

We made our way along the path and arrived at the shed before almost everyone else. The six “victims” were there along with four native men who had been designed to help. There were also about a dozen other natives – men and women – who had come down early to either taut or encourage the victims, depending upon how you looked at it.

At a quick word from Susan, the helpers bound the hands of all six behind their backs. They were, of course, already naked, but this served to raise their level of appreciation a little. We had already agreed that for this session, Susan would punish the men and I would correct the women. Since we had spent most of the last several days practicing with the whipping benches, we had decided to use these today. There were only four of the benches in the shed, so we had the helpers move three of them outside where the punishments would take place. Among the posts and other fixtures permanently set outside the shed were four low plank benches. These were about four feet long and ten inches wide and were supported eighteen inches off the ground. We had decided to use these to put the men on display after their punishments while the women were bound to the other benches for their own session.

We had the whipping benches set up four feet apart, parallel to each other while the rest of the plant’s population began to arrive for the festivals. And festivals was certainly the right word. Everyone appeared to be in a party mood, even the six who were to soon be the center of the activities. The staff arrived along with von Holt and his three traveling companies. The four of them came over to the six bound natives. Von Holt spoke to each of the men and then turned his attention to the three women, who returned his interest in full measure. Although he addressed each as “Herr” or “Fraulein” he was otherwise quite informal, often reaching out to touch the women when he addressed them. None of the three seemed in the least bothered by the familiarity and I noticed that often their glance seemed to seek out the front of his sarong, perhaps to judge if what wasconcealed therein lived up to its reputation.

The three women were not nearly so formal. They clustered around the three bound males and their hands frequently made their way out to touch and stroke. I even noticed a couple of quick touches to the genitals of the bound men. The look in their eyes, their actions, clearly showed their sexual excitement and hunger. Susan was right. There could be no mistaken their interest and intent.

Finally the four went over to join the rest of the staff and the helpers proceeded to bind the three men to the punishment benches. As I have described before, these whipping benches consist of a horizontal bench, padded, supported on two slanted sides. There are two ledges on each side of the slanted sides, those at one end several inches higher than those at the other. The men knelt on the lower set of ledges and placed their forearms on the higher set. This left each man with his nether regions raised high, his chest lower than his buttons.Each man then had his forearms and lower legs strapped to the ledges.

The three women were taken over to one of the high horizontal rails where their hands were rebound in front and their arms were raised over their heads and secured to the high bars, leaving them fully on display in a position where they could also watch the men.

When everyone was gathered, Susan announced the offenses and the sentence of eighteen strokes. Then we began to warm then with the cats. I will admit that applying the cat to a male gave me a slightly odd feeling which I had not felt when I practiced on the women. I can’t exactly describe it except to say it was not sexual in the least. Quite the contrary, more like it was a duty I needed to perform. When I had whipped the women, I found myself becoming even more excited than I had from just watching the Earlier punishment sessions. There was something about the power conferred by the whip when using it on a woman who I knew desired it. But lashing the bound native men left no such feeling. I was not repulsed or anything, as I knew that no real damage was being done; however, I received no excitement from the act. Susan, on the other hand, seemed to be becoming a little aroused and I suspected the effect on her was similar to the effect whipping her and the other women had on me.

We soon had the men “warmed up” with a few lines showing on their buttons and a few cries coming from them as we worked. Finally I stepped back and Susan traded her cat for the long single tailed whip. She cracked a couple of practice strokes over each man, causing each to cringe and a few teasing calls from the assembled watchers, especially the women. I should mention that von Holt’s three women were right there in the front rank with the native girls. They did not take advantage of their status to force their way to the front, but all three clearly showed the same interest as the several native women who were closely watching the three men.

Suddenly the whip in Susan’s hand flew forward. A loud slap of leather on flesh was accompanied by a sharp male cry and a dark line across already reddened buttocks. She delivered six to each man, leaving six stripes on each bare rear. Then she stopped and quietly said something to two of the native women from the front rank of watchers. They giggled and ran inside the shed, to return in a minute. They went to the sides of the benches and I saw that each had several small spring clamps which they proceeded to attach each man. When they had finished they stepped back to their places to watch. I did notice that on their way back, both girls stopped long enough to quickly stroke the testicles of each man where they hung down at the end of the benchmark.

As I looked at the men, I saw that each had a clamp on each nipple, a clamp on a small fold of skin on Each shoulder and a clamp on each chef of his buttocks, nearly inside his crack. Susan again made a couple of practice strokes,Primary to further torment the men, letting them wonder when the next lash would come. Then she used six strokes for each man to remove the clips and also to slap the skin with the leather tails in the process. Most of these removals brought a sharp cry or scream from the bound victims.

With the men still breathing hard, Susan began to deliver the final half dozen strokes to each. She struck flanks, nipples, and across the buttocks with the tail of the lash slapping directly into the crack near the anus. The two strokes delivered here for each man, brought a scream or loud cry with each.

At last the whipping was finished. The three men were released from the whipping benches and taken over to the other three benches, where each was positioned on his back (and sore buttocks). His arms were stretched over his head and secured to the end of the bench and his feet were tied Together under the benchmark, leaving him open and exposed. It was obvious that all three men had found thePunishment stimulating and each sported a hard erection.

The three women were released from their hanging position and soon were bound to the whipping benches in the same manner as the three men had been previously. Susan announced that all three would receive ten strokes and be Quay-ri for the next three hours. We then began to warm them with the cats. Unlike the men, whipping the three young women did contribute to my arousal. I had still been slightly appreciated when I approached the first girl, but as soon as the sound of the first lash striking flesh, and the sound of the gasp from the girl, reached my ears, I totally forgot any hesitation. I immediately felt myself began to become hard and I saw everything – the flying tails, the color or each mark, the slight indentations of the skin when the leather first touched – with an unnatural clarity. Unlike warming the men, this was definitely exciting me.

We continued to warm them for several minutes and then Susan stepped back and handed me the single tailed whip. We had discussed this and both felt I was ready to use this instrument, even if I was not yet an expert. However, because of my neophyte status I was not going to try anything tricky, like Susan’s removal of the clamps. I began, as had she, by cracking the whip over the three victims, watching their reactions as their bodies responded to strokes which never physically touched them. Then I let the first stroke touch the buttocks of the first girl, a lovely nineteen year old named Mei-lan. She gave an excisite cry, but wiggled her bottom in open invitation of another lash. I felt the sudden rush of heat to my groin and the tug against the front of my sarong.

I now went to my task with interest and enthusiasm. I placed four strokes on each pair of taut buttocks, embracing forth a sharp feminine cry with Each and decorating each firm globe with a red line. I stopped and the helpers quickly added a clamp to each of the six nipples. I had no intention of trying to remove them with the whip until I had had a great deal more practice, but their presence would enhance the punishment.

I then placed a lash down the flank on each side of each girl, ending with a snap of the tail along the side of each small, firm breast. This made six strokes. I placed another set, wrapping the whip around the outside of each thigh and letting the tail snap against the tender flesh on the inside of Each pair of spread legs, just below where their puffy outer lips formed the cream with their legs. Each of these brought a loud scream, but they also seemed to arouse the recipients to a higher level. I had practiced this stroke with Susan and was confident that I could deliver an exciting sting without producing any real damage. Susan had trusted me enough to let me try it on her.

We had also practiced the next strokes I delivered. Just as Susan had done with the men, I placed two strokes across each perfect set of buttocks so that the lash wrapped around the firm globes and the tail snapped into their cracks. I will admit I could probably have made these a little harder or a little closer to the anus, but the overall effect seemed to be very good as it was. Each girl screamed at each stroke, but none continued to cry out afterwards.

At last I stood back, sweat covering me from the wait up, and nodded at the helpers to remove the six clamps. “Quay-ri for three hours,” I announced.

Von Holt quickly stepped forwards before anyone moved and spoke. “Herr Robertson, if I may make an additional suggestion?” Of course, I dipped my head slightly in acknowledgment. “I have spoken with the three men” – he nodded towards the three natives bound on their backs on the benches – “and they have no objection. So, I would suggest that for this Seven Day only, the men will not be on display, but will be Quay-ri also. If you have no objection, Herr Robertson.”

I was started by this as I had understood that men were always “on display” only, but I had no real problem with it. Even if I had, I doubt I would have spoken up. I replied, “Certainly, Herr von Holt. A wonderful idea.”

I suspect the reason for von Holt’s suggestion had much to do with his three traveling companies. All three, who were as always, completely naked, immediately moved up beside the three men. I saw three heads Dip towards three rampant ections and then I was distracted by a movement to my side. I looked around and saw von Holt moving up behind the bound form of Mei-lan. The way the women were fastened to the whipping benches left their sex available and von Holt moved forwards against her hot and smooth buttocks. He did not shed his sarong as I expected but merely reached under it and raised the front edge. I got a Fleeting glance at what appeared to be the largest male member I had ever seen and then I realized I was staring and quickly looked away. Two other men – including Nate – were approaching the other twowomen, but they, as was usually, were totally nude. I looked back at Mei-lan just in time to see her eyes open wide and an expression of surprise mixed with something else I couldn’t identify cross her lovely face. Then her eyes closed, she throw her head back and a sound that was a moan of unbelievable pleasure escaped her lips.

I glanced back over at the men and saw that now all three were being ridden by von Holt’s women. Each of the nude beauty was straddling a man, moving herself up and down with no embarrassment whatsoever, her head thrown back biting her lip in total joy.

Just then Susan moved up beside me. I feel her arm encircle my wait and then her bare breasts pushed against my side. “I think they’re all going to be busy for awhile. Unless you particularly want some of that, why don’t we go elsewhere?”

I looked down at her and smiled. “That sounds like a wonderful idea. But doesn’t von Holt have plans for you?”

“As a matter of fact, Alex, he does. Hehas asked me to come to his hut tonight at ten.” She put on a puzzled little girl face. “I can’t imagine what for.”

Then she added. “I also overheard the three women discussing you and I think you can expect a visit tonight also. So if we’re going to have any time to ourselves, maybe we should get to it.”

For just a second when she had mentioned von Holt’s “request” a quick wave of resentment touched me. But then I suddenly realized I wasn’t really bothered by the idea at all. After all, we both made love with a variety of others, sometimes even in the same room or bed. Sure, von Holt was the boss, but he had not given the slightest indication that he would use that authority to gain sexual favor. He was just part of the plantation “family” and I found that the idea of ​​he and Susan together didn’t really offend me. I probably gave more thought to what spending time with one (or more!) nympho manic would be like.

Susan and I made our way down to an empty spot along the beach where we spent an hour in enthusiastic play. Afterwards, as we lay resting, Nate and Joan and Greta came by. All three were bare, as were we, but there was no embarrassment as they sat on the sand to join us. We talked for a little while and then Joan and Susan conspired to tell Greta about my nickname. Not only that, but they – especially Susan! – insisted she investigate it for herself and, while Joan, Susan, and Nate spent an hour in a relaxed threesome, I was nearly exhausted by the most demanding woman I had ever had. Greta made Tami seems a timing virgin. Let me just say I was glad Susan and I had had a chance first.


March 20 (Eight Day)

Last night seems like an unreal dream. The staff again had dinner together along with von Holt and his three companies. Everyone wore the usual sarongs except for Greta, Maria, and Su-Lei, who remained completely naked.

Did I also mention that all three were totally bare of public hair as well? On the plantation I had found that perhaps half or the women shacked themselves bare, including all four of the western staff. Susan had told me that when she arrived the two nurses had already been shaving their pubes and a number of the native girls were already hairless, but they had always used plucking instead of shaving. Susan did not want to go that far, but had quickly decided that she liked the totally bare feel, so she shacked and the idea had Rapidly caught on.

After the meal we went out to the usual area to sit and have a drink, but von Holt and Joan soon departed our group, followed a few minutes later by Greta, Maria, and Su-Lei along with George and Bob. Susan, Nate , and I stayed until the sun had set and then broke up. Susan and I went to our own huts and I tried to get a little sleep before what I expected might be a Nearly sleepless night.

I was right. About an hour later I was awakened by a diminutive and very naked Su-Lei wriggling herself against me. If Greta had been demanding that afternoon, Su-Lei was insatiable. During the next three hours I found myself expending more energy than I would have expected in three days. She made love with every part of her body and every part of mine. By the end of that time I found myself nearly exhausted, sore in many places, the canvas for many scratches, bytes, and other marks, and feeling totally drained. Su-Lei had pushed my Reputation as Kawi-kawi nearly to the limit and I realized I had taken her in each of her holes and climaxed, I think, four times. Finally, with Su-lei lying spread out across my front, I dropped down onto my back. She pressed herself even harder against me, kissed me deeply and said, “Kawi-kawi, you are very good, but I think you are wearing out. Maybe again before we have to Leave. Now you rest and I go find Nate.”

She kissed me again and I stared in disbelief as she rose and headed for the door. I’m sure she really was going to find Nate, and from what he said this morning, I beieve she succeeded. I dropped off to sleep once again.

The next time I awoke there was soft dawn light beginning to see inside. What had awakened me was Maria, and as I opened my eyes I looked down along my stomach and saw the top of her head. The next two hours were no less active than had been my time with Su-Lei, but I’m afraid I managed only three times with the wild Spanish girl, although I’m sure she added to my collection of marks. When at last she kissed me and murmured, “Tonight, Kawi-kawi,” I was barely awake and slept until nearly lunchtime.

Everyone ate lunch alone or in ones or twos. Susan and I took our food up the trail to our special overlook and made a picnic of it. She made a couple of remarks about my bites and scratches, but I noticed she had a few marks of her own. Also when I touched her breasts, they seemed to be quite tender.

I knew she had been with von Holt and she knew Su-Lei and Maria had come to my hut, but this didn’t bother either ofus. I did, however, have to tease her a little. “So, did the great von Holt stretch you too much last night?” I asked.

“Oh, he’s as big as I remembered, all right,” Susan answered. “You’re not jealous, are you, Alex?”


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