Spice Plantation Ch. 07

I lay on the bed beside Judy, casually struggling her firm and still warm bottom as she signed in content. Thirty minutes earlier she had been tied along the length of the padded horse, her ankles spread to the two legs at one end and her wrists to the two at the other. Nipple clamps dangled from each breast and she ground her pussy hard against the smooth padding of the horse with each stroke of the cat I delivered. I whipped her Until her entire ass was red and hot to the touch and she was squirming back and forth, desperately trying to get herself off. I finally stopped and moved behind her and pressed my lubricated cock against her tight and pumped rear opening.

Judy had already come once from the whipping itself and started to again almost immediately as I entered her tight rear passage. I reached forward and tugged slightly on the nipple clamps as I drive myself, slowly at first, and then faster, in and out of the warm, dark tunnel, my thrusts stopping only when my tHighs pressed tightly against her burning cheats. It wasn’t long, despite the number of times I had already come, before I came again, spurting several times deeply into her bowels.

Now we lay resting and I realized that we had never made love as many times in so short a period or as intensely as we had that weekend. I let my hand slowly cares her warm rear and on down her smooth thighs. “You I asked.

Judy twisted her head around to look at me. “I don’t see you complaining. And for that matter, you seem pretty excited yourself.”

I smiled down at her. “I guess I am. Honestly, Judy, I’ve never had this kind of sex with any woman before. You are fantastic!”

She moved her hand up and let it gently touch my face. “Neither have I, Paul.”

I knew what she means, but I started to make some crack about her having sex with a woman and then I realized she was serious. I took her hand in mine and slowly raised it to my lips, kissing it lightly, all the time looking deeply into her eyes. I was beginning to think that Judy might be the only woman I’d ever be interested in again.

She pulled my hand back and kissed my fingers in return and then said, “You do excited me, Paul.” Then she broke the mood before we got too serious and added, “Of course, spending several days naked might have a little to do with it Also.”

I grinned back at her. “Like that, do you?”

A slightly surprised look came over her face. “Yes, actually I do. I wouldn’t have guessed it would be quite this hot, but I find I do really like it. And do you know what? I think sometimes I’d like to find somewhere where we could go nude outside as well.” She looked over towards the window for a second. “But somewhere a little warmer.” Then she closed her eyes for a second and I could see the expression on her face go through several changes as she visualized something. “Like maybe your uncle’s plantation. Paul, that journal has really been turning me on, too.”

“It was a total surprise to me when I found it,” I answered. “But, yes, it is really very hot. When I first started reading through it, I think I was hard the whole time. Reading it to you is even hotter.”

“Em, yes. We still have one more day, Paul. Can you read me the rest of it tomorrow?”

“Certainly. We’ve been through most of it already, but there are still some good parts left. I’ve looked for more volumes, but so far I haven’t found any. It might just be this is the only one he was able to get out when the Japanese came. But there might be more. There’s a lot of stuff still up there in the attic.”

“I hope there are more. Anyway, I want to hear the rest of this one tomorrow.” Suddenly Judy yawned deeply.

The yawn was catching and one of my own overcame me. “I guess we’re both pretty tired.”

“I wonder why,” Judy said sarcastically. Then she yawned again. “I still want to spend a few hours making love, but if I fall asleep while we’re doing it, I bet you’d be ticked off at me, wouldn’t you?”

“If I didn’t fall asleep first. Let’s sleep a few hours, Lover, and then maybe we can manage. If you’re keeping score I’m sure this will still be a record weekend even if we sleep first.” Judy stuck her tongue out at me, but ruined the effect by yawning once again. I kissed her, pulled a sheet over us, and held her close against me.

We did wake up a few hours later and sometimes between midnight and dawn we did spend another hour or two making slow, easy love.

Monday morning was overcast, but there was no snow or wind to speak of. Judy and I showed together and then found some breakfast. After we ate, I looked out and could see traffic on the major roads in the distance, but we had another day of the holiday weekend. As I was looking out, Judy came up behind me. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled herself close. I could feel her bare pubes against my buttocks and even before she reachedaround to grap me, I could feel myself began to grow hard. She kissed my back and said, “Come on, Lover. I want to hear more about your uncle.”

I turned and pulled her into a long, hard kiss. When we broke apart, she gave my cock a quick squeeze and they took my hand to lead me over to the locke again. Soon I had the fire skeked and Judy bound to the leather furniture. I teased her for a couple of minutes and then, pinching her nipples lightly, picked up the journal and began to read.

March 12 (Ten Day)

By today I no longer had any marks showing from my ordeal. In fact, my skin no longer even felt tender. Susan explained that once one learned how to use the various whips, it was possible to deliver a variety of pains – thudding, singing, lingering – without doing any real or lasting damage. Of course, as I already knew, it was also possible to do severe damage with the instruments, but Susan assured me that such was never the case here.

We spent most of theday swimming or just lying around. We were down at the swimming cove after lunch when Nate and Joan came by and joined us. He asked me if I now understand our games a little better and I told him I was certainly starting to comprehend.

“Well, now that you have been ‘initiated’, Alex, I see no reason why you can’t help with the punishments next Seven Day,” Nate throw out almost casually.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for that, Nate,” I replied. “I’ve never swung a whip in my life and I’d be afraid I might do some real damage.”

“Oh, you’ll have to practice,” he said. “Definitely have to practice. But, after all, it is part of the General Manager’s duties.” Then he smiled directly at me. “A most pleasant part,” he added.

Susan put her hand on my arm. “Don’t worry about it, Alex. We can go over to the hut after supper sometimes and I’ll help you. It’s really not that hard. Just take a little practice.”

I smiled back at her and patted her hand on my arm. Then the subject changed and everyone seemed to forget about it.

We spent the rest of the afternoon just swimming or lying in the sun and dozing. Of course all of us had shed our sarongs and were completely nude. But one of the surrounding things I’ve discovered is that once the novelty of being naked in mixed company has forgotten off, the driving sexual urge first associated with it also seems to diminish. That is not to say that there is Any less desire or interest in carnal activities. It was not at all unusual for one of our “swimming” parties to turn into a wild sex session. Not a planned orgy as such, but erotic couples could start at any time with no particular trigger. However, it was also not unusual for us to just swim or lie around talking. I guess that once the mind is convinced that there is no rush – that is, that the interest and availability isn’t going to disappear – the urgency to take advantage of the free attitude is reduced. A man traveling across the sands of a desert will immediately drink his fill and often then some when he comes upon an oasis, but the same man traveling along side a river will only drink when he is actually thirsty. Perhaps that’s not the best comparison, but it is something similar.

We eventually went back for supper and afterwards spend a half hour in relaxed conversation. Suddenly Nate stood and said, “I think I should take Alex over to the hut and give him the basics of handling a whip. You girls want to come along?”

Both Susan and Joan immediately agreed and soon the four of us were entering the punishment hut. Nate lit some gas lamps while I looked at the collection of whips and the various devices to which the victim could be bound.

When the room was sufficiently lighted, Nate went to the wall and removed a cat of nine tails whip. This particular model had an eighteen inch poisoned wood handle and nine tails, each about two and a half feet long. He showed me the individual strands of the tails. “Notice, Alex, that the leather is not only oiled and soft, but the edges of the strands are rounded so as not to cut the victim’s skin.”

I took the strand between my fingers and at once saw that Nate was correct. The cat I had seen used in the army had tails of heavy, thick leather, each tapering to a narrow point at the far end. Each had been cut from the leather sheet with a single pass of the knife, leaving a sharp, ninety degree corner on each side of the strands. And while still flexible, the strands were fairly stiff. That whip could cut a man’s back to ribbons. However, this whip was entirely different. Each strand was of medium thick leather, tapering from about a half inch wide at the handle end to only slightly less at the other. Instead of just being square cut, each strand had the edges rounded and smoothed. The leather had been kept soft with oil and I could see that even if the whip was swung with considerable force, there would probably be no real damage done to the skin. This whip had an entirely different purpose from the army model.

Nate took the cat back. He moved over to where a leather covered bench stood by itself. This was obviously a whipping benchmark. It consistent of a four foot long rail and a cylinder of leather covered padding, about ten inches across. The rail was supported by A frame legs at either end, and the outsides of the legs were connected with a solid panel of wood. Thus it resembled a wedge, three feet high, four feet wide, with the rounded leather replacing what would have been the narrow edge. On each of the two wood side panels were two small shelves, each about six inches wide and a foot and a half long. These were also padded and equipped with straps which could obviously be used to bind the victim’s forearms and legs.

Nate pointed to the benchmark. “These are good whipping benches for the beginner to use,” he said. “Joan, want to show Alex how they work?” Joan moved over beside us, dropping her sarong along the way. She mOverted the bench, kneeing on one set of the side shelves and then lay forward along the length of the rail to rest her forearms on the other set. This left her bottom raised and opened. Her magnificent upper works hung down on either side of the padded leather rail and both of her private openings were clearly exposed. Nate moved over beside her and showed me how the straws could anchor her tightly to the device. “In this position the victim can’t suddenly jerk and make the whip strike a more dangerous area. Her bottom, back, and legs are easily available, as well as her sides and the sides of her breasts. Not to mention it feels awfully sexy to be tied in that position. Thanks, Joan.”

Joan climbed back off the device and Nate moved over near it and ran his hand along the padded leather cylinder. “It is also useful for practice. After all, leather is skin. You can tell a lot about how effective a stroke is by examining how it strikes leather.” He raised the cat and suddenly brought it down in a fast arc, the tails striking the smooth leather. The sound of the strike sounded almost exactly like the whips hitting the victims at the last punishment session. In fact I could feel my buttocks clamp down involuntarily in response. Nate went on. “Now any idiot can beat someone with a cat, but that’s not what we’re trying to do. We want to inflict pain, but not so great that the pain dominates all else. A cat can produce two kinds of pain: a slap and a sting. The surface area of ​​the set of tails striking together is a lot like a paddle and can produce a flat slap against the skin. But the individual ends of the strands produce a sharp sting as they land. The secret is to flick the wrist at just the right time. Then you can produce both sensings with the same stroke.”

Nate demonstrated several times and then he handed me the cat. “Now you try it, Alex.” I was unprepared for the effect holding the whip had on me. There was a sense of power which completely suprised me. The idea that I would determine what some other person felt and that he – or she! – had no say in the matter at all, was exhilarating. This might have been expected, at least intellectually, if I had stopped to think about it. However, the feeling which really astounded me was the sudden and nearly overwhelming feeling of sexual arousal which accompanied raising my hand holding the whip. I felt my member Suddenly harden and I sharply drew in my breath.

It was suddenly and unexpected, but it only took me a couple of seconds to regain control. I looked over at Nate and he nodded. I turned back to the benchmark. For two or three seconds I stared at the leather cylinder, my mind trying to picture a nude man strapped there, exposed and waiting. It didn’t feel quite right and I quickly changed my mental image to a nude woman. Again the sudden urge of arousal struck me. I raised my arm with the cat and brought it down in a quick arc. The leather tails slapped the benchmark, but the soundwas not quite what it had been when Nate had demonstrated. “Don’t be afraid to strike harder, Alex. The victim would hardly have noticed that one. Remember, with these whips it’s almost impossible to do any real damage when you strike someone on the arse. Try again.”

I straightened by back and brought my arm up once more. This time I let my arm feel like a cocked spring and when I released it, the leather whistled slightly in the air and the sound it made as the tails struck the padded leather sounded much more like Nate’s demonstration. “That’s better,” Nate enthused. “Did you hear both the slap and sing sounds?”

“I think so,” I replied.

“Try some more,” Nate encouraged.

I delivered another dozen strokes, each time gaining a little more confidence. By the end Nate was complimenting me and saying that I was beginning to get the idea.

Then Nate called a halt. “The cat is pretty easy to learn to use adequately. However, a real, single tailed whip is a lotharder.” He returned the cat to the wall and picked up a whip with a single five foot strand atop a two foot wood handle. He handed it to me to examine. “Notice that the tail begins as three strands of leather braided together and tapers until at the very end there is a single four inch piece, about a quarter inch wide. The braided strands lend enough weight to make the tail really move and the single, small tail can deliver an exciting sting. However, it is a lot harder to control and, if misused, can and will do a lot or real damage. To use it correctly you must not only learn to give it the correct flick of the wrist, but you must also learn to guide it without error to its intended target.

Nate moved over to a cabinet and returned with a stack of small paper cones. These were just rolled paper, glued into a cone shape, about three inches high and an inch across at the large end. He placed a row of six of them, large end down, along the top of the padded leather of the benchmark.Each cone was spaced about two inches from its neighbor.

Then Nate moved back so he was facing the side of the bench and standing about eight or nine feet away. Suddenly, his arm snapped forward and the single leather tail snapped out towards the benchmark. There was a sharp crack and the paper cone at the left end of the row seemed to jump into the air as the sharp report of the whip crack sounded. My eyes followed the cone as it fluttered to the floor and I saw that the small end of the whip tail had cut a sharp gash in the side, nearly separating the paper into two parts.

“Did you notice that you did not hear the tail touch the benchmark? With practice you can learn to place the end exactly where you want it. The process becomes part of you and you don’t have to think about it at all. But you must learn to control it well enough that you strike exactly where you aim EVERY SINGLE TIME.”

“Can you ever really be that sure?” I asked. “I mean, it seems like no matter how much you practice that there are too many variables to be completely sure.”

“Oh, it’s a confidence you can gain. It just takes practice. Let me show you.” Nate went over to where Joan and Susan had been standing and watching the demonstration. He said something to Joan, but it was too quiet for me to hear. I did hear the words “gum arabic,” however.

However, Susan must have heard it because I Heard her say, “Me, too, Nate. If you think you can get four in a row.”

Nate smiled an OK and the girls moved over to another cabinet. They retrieved something I couldn’t see and began to do something with it. They had their backs to us, so I couldn’t get any idea of ​​what was going on at all. Then they walked over to the bench and turned around to face us, leaning back against the padded leather and arching their backs to throw their chests out.

I stared at the sight which they presented. Both were, of course, bare from the wait up and now each had a small, two inch candle rising from the top or each breast, just behind the nipple. Evidently the gum arabic had been used to hold the tapes in place. Nate handed me a match and said, “If you would be so kind as to light them, Alex.”

Almost in a trace I moved over to the two women as they steadied themselves against the benchmark. I struck the match and quickly lit each of the four candles and moved back out of the way. I could see an occasional grimace as a drop of hot wax flowed down a candle and onto the sensitive surface of their smooth skin, but neither woman moved in the least, so the candles stayed steady and vertical. Then Nate raised his arm, trailing the long leather tail of the whip behind. In my mind’s eye I saw the lash suddenly snake forward with terrifying speed, the end strike the unblemished skin of a lovely breast, leaving a cut and bleeding line where it landed. Then I blinked and saw that Nate had not yet moved his arm.

Suddenly the arm snapped down and the lash jerked out with eye blurring speed. But instead of the damage I had feared, the sudden loud crack of the leather tail only left the candle on Joan’s left breast extended. The candle itself remained upright and her lovely globe remained as unblemished as before. I stared in amazement as five seconds later a second crack snubbed the flame of the candle attached to Susan’s left breast. Another five seconds and the other candle flame disappeared from Susan’s chest. A final crack left only two smoking women and four candles, still attached firmly in place, but now only trailing small traces of smoke.

I was speechless! Then Susan called out, “Want to go for four more, Nate?”

He grinned back at them and produced another match which he handed to me. Still in a slight state of shock I relit the four cylinders, now some diminished in height and watched as four more slashing strokes of the whip again reduced them to short, smoking columns. “Now clean it up, Nate,” Joan called. Nate acknowledged with a nod and four more quick slashes of the leather tail pulled each candle free and sent it flying across the room, but left not a trace of a mark on their skin.


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