It finally stopped raining around 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning. I sat up to look around. I was in a park just blocks away from Disneyland. I stood up to stretch until my chest decided it had other reasons as to not to. I looked across the way to see a convience store open. I made my way over crossing the street. Once inside the store I found a clothes rack. I thought I would see what they had. I was in luck to find a Shirt in my size. Even though it said I love Disney I still grabbed it along with a pair of sweat pants. I also grabbed a coffee before checking out. I pulled out my wallet to find the cash I had was a bit damp. So I used my bank card to purchase what I had decided were necessary provisions. Once approved I walked out making my way down the sidewalk to find a movie for the day as I had a lot of thinking to do. Once I found a somewhat cozy looking movie I got a room for the day and night. I made my way to the room to only place the bag of clothes on the bed. I sat on the edge taking a sip of my coffee. I sat there thinking of last night and the fight with my brother Travis and then the kick to Adam’s ribs as he lay the hurt because of my actions. I shook my head trying to fathom why my brother would take that kick? Why did Adam get in the way as I wanted to transfer my feeling to Travis with a kick. I took a few more sips of my coffee to warm me up from a long night out in the cold rain that showed me last night. I looked over at the window to see the sun coming out from the clouds. I let out a sight hoping my kids would enjoy the day with their family as I needed to think today alone.
After taking a warm shower I made my way to the balcony of the room that looked out to the place my family will be at today. I feel a small smile come across my lips imagining the faces of my kids seeing the Disney characters come to life. Yesterday was fun I admit as I spent it with my four loves. I feel sadness though knowinglast night was probably hard for them. As it was their first night without me. I would understand if they were mad at me as I was feeling guilty for kicking a brother that never hurt me since the day we met. As I looked over at the big castle that was in the distance I lowered my head closing my eyes hoping they were all safe and sound. As I raised my head I looked up at the most cleared sky to only ask that those that went before me in death would watch over those I loved here on earth. I looked at my watch to see it was around 8 a.m. as I turned to make my way to the bed to get some more rest as my heart was still giving me that nagging pain in my chest.
I woke up several hours later from a much needed power nap. I sat up looking at my watch to see it was 7 p.m. I looked out to see it was cloudy again. Getting out of bed I stepped over to where I placed my coffee to find it under half full. I shrugged picking it up to turn going back to the balcony to think. I sat in the chair to only look at the castle in the distance wondering if my family had a nice day. I loved them all, but felt hurt from those I thought of mothers along with my own mother. I shook my head trying to think of all the happy times I had with each of them even Jacqueline the past month. As my thoughts wondered around I felt a few raindrops start to fall. I chuckled thinking my kids were probably going crazy if They were walking around Disney. Then a tiny voice came to me as a thought ‘ Daddy make it stop raining’. I responded to the tiny voice saying ‘ Wish I could honey, wish I could’. I sat in the chair letting the rain hit me. I looked up again to the sky closing my eyes to let the rain hit my face not fearing getting wet any longer. I guess the rain was so soothing that I didn’t move from where I sat. I felt my stomach growl, but I didn’t want to go anywhere, as I didn’t want to be around anyone at that moment. Taking the last sipof my coffee I leaned my head back again to just take in the rain. The way the rain drops hit me was relaxing as I did off the sleep a second time that day.
Monday morning after finding my jeans, shirt, and the contents of my wallet dried. I made my way to Disneyland to see if I could find my family around 10 a.m. The place was full of families from all over. I suppose staying in the rain was a bad idea as my body started to ache, but I kept looking for those that I loved. After about 30 minutes I noticed them all together enjoying the morning. I waved finally catching Travis’s eyes as he spoke to the others as they all turned with smiles. At that moment without any alert from my body I went to my knees hearing screams as I went down feeling my head slam into the concrete beneath my feet.
Michelle’s POV:
I just turned to see Heath as Travistold everyone our brother was here. As I did I saw my baby brother go down to his knees then the rest of his body proceeds to the ground. My mind goes back to his birthday.
“ HEATH NO!” I scream as I let go of Adam’s hand making my way to Heath
Everyone is following me as I get to my baby brother who I love so much. I get down on my knees as my love reach us just a few seconds later.
“ Baby help me get him over on his back.” I state as Adam helps me
Once on Heath’s back I place his head in my lap only to see blood oozing from the head wound he has. I place my hand on the wound, but I feel his forehead as my eyes grow wide as our family finally make their way over.
“ He is burning up with a fever. We have to get him to a hospital.” I say as I hear a vehicle approach
“ Move back what is going on?” I hear a man says as I look up with tears
“ My brother collapsed and busted his head open. He has a high fever please help us.” I say pleading as the man nods getting on his radio
Jasmine, Diamond, Tiffany, and Hannah all come to their man’s side. Each one gets to their knees placing a hand over the left side of his chest.
“ Baby why? Why do you always have to be so stubborn?” Diamond asks as she cries with the others
We hear sirens as the security guards have us all move out of the way. I lean over and place a kiss on Heath’s lips to only tell him I love him so very much. I stand up only to step over to Adam who takes me into his arms. He let’s out a sight before he speaks calmly.
“ Bro you better not leave me before we talk.” He says as I look up and see his eyes glued to Heath
I look back to see the parameters get Heath ready to be moved with a neck brace on him. Once he is placedon the gurney we all follow them to the ambulance. Mike asks the paramedic where they taking his god son. The woman responds telling us the hospital as he, Nate, and Ricky go to get the cars telling all of us to stay. Jack and Chris go get their cars since we had to get 5 for everyone in the family to be transported in. Once the parameters leave the cars are driven over as the family gets mix matched into the five vehicles.
After finally finding the hospital we are in the waiting room patiently waiting for and news on Heath’s condition . As we sit Mom looks over at Diamond and Hannah with a curious look.
“ Diamond, Hannah I want to ask you something? What are your last names as I don’t think I have heard them?” Mom asks as they look at her with small smiles
“ Thompson, Heath asked if we would change our names as he wanted us to be a part of the family for real. He made it happen before the boys were born.”Hannah says making my mother smile big
“ So I have three daughters officially?” Mom asks getting nods from my sisters
“ And just think you will have two more once we marry Heath.” Tiffany says chiming in
“ That is true honey as I can’t wait to see you all in wedding dresses.” My mother says as we all smile
“ And you mother as your going to glow.” Hannah says as we all smile to her comment
“ Thank you dear, but I think we all will as we walk down that aisle.” Mom says as we all nod
It’s about two hours later that a doctor comes out to talk to us. The kids are sobbing as the doctor explained that Heath had pneumonia, plus a head injury from the fall. He went quiet before saying Heath signed papers saying he could leave anytime because he wanted to as his kids were going to have a nice vacation. I smile knowing he is thinking of the kids, but feel sad that he needs to stay here as he is sick. I guess those years of me feeling like a mother to him are coming back as I ask the doctor if we can see him. He nods telling us how to get to his room. We thank him before standing up making our way to his room.
Once we find the room my four sisters go in first followed by Jack, Sierra, Mandy, Chris, and Selena along with the kids. Before mom steps in we are stopped as my baby brother doesn’t want to see the mothers, Kaye, Travis, or I. Adam makes a decision of staying with me as I cry. I don’t understand why my brother doesn’t want to see me. I have tried to be the big sister he once knew. I have done Everything to show I loved him. Since Heath refuses to let us see him we head down in the waiting room and wait for him to come out so we can head back to the hotel. Mom comes to me with the same tears I had. Adam held us both as to comfort us. Faye and Jacqueline also comfortable mom.
“ I guess he is still hurt.” Momma Ellie says as we all nod
We stayed where we sat for the duration of the day. I hoped the brother I loved would come back as I needed him in my life so much. I never wanted to be away from him again.
After staying in a hospital bed most of the day I said hell with it. I had my family take me back to the hotel to get some cleaner clothes on. Once in the lobby of the hotel I hear my mother speak up.
“ Heath honey why do you not want anything to do with us mothers. We love you honey so much.” She says sobbing with tears as I turn making my loves and kids stop in their tracks
I look at her and the others that have puffy red eyes as they look at me the same with hurt.
“ Because I feel you bitches want him.” I say pointing at Travis as they all shake their heads
“ No Heath we love you all the same. Their are no favorites baby.” Faye tells me as I just shake my head not believing a word any of the mothers say
“ Yeah well I have had the past day to think things through.” I tell them all getting worried expressions as I continue “ Once this vacation is over my fiances, the kids and those that haven’t hurt me are moving.”
All the moms, Kaye, and Michelle look at me with fear. Adam looks at me with worry as he squeezes Michelle’s hand.
“ What do you mean move? Where…where are you moving to Heath?” Verna asks me as I look at her sad face and then those of my other mothers
“ Away from all of you. I will sign the beach house into Travis’s name so you all have a nice place to stay.” I tell them getting shocked expressions
“Heath stop it please I love you bro.” Travis tells me asI turn reclaiming Jasmine and Hannah’s hands
“ I made my decision…brother.” I say continuing towards the elevator leading my four loves and kids
We leave the mothers and others behind as they are shocked at my words. Once in the elevator and up to the penthouse I make my way to the bedroom only to be followed by Diamond. Before I can do anything she turns me around at the foot of the bed and shoves me back to take a seat on the bed.
“ Baby why are you making this family hurt more? I thought you brought us all here to become closer and stronger?” Diamond says asking me as I look to see hurt in her beautiful eyes
“ I did Diamond, but the past few weeks I have felt Travis is taking this family away from me.” I say as she shakes her head
“ Damn baby do you really think that? Does it really look like YOUR women are spreading their legs for him? Does it look like YOUR kids are calling him daddy? No it doesn’t my love. Heath he is not taking anything from you. As for the mothers, Kaye, and Michelle all they have been doing is assuring Travis that one day you will forgive him. All that man wants is his baby brother back. All he has been doing is praying that you would accept him again, and that shit the other night was just that shit. Did fighting your own brother help you? Fuck baby I cried as did the other women in your life. We were so scared you were hurt somewhere or someone hurt you.” Diamond explains to me as I feel like crap
“ Diamond I.” I try to say as she cuts me off by straddling me with a finger to my lips
“ No baby listen, and listen good. I know you still feel hurt, but your family loves YOU. And we always will, but you need to stop being paranoid. Those three beautiful kids that us ladies gave birth to need their grandparents as much as us. Don’t take them away from those thatwould give their last breath for those three that have YOUR blood running through their veins.” Diamond tells me again as I look up in her teary eyes as she continues ” I love you baby so very much, but if you want to go through with this you know we will go with you, but at least go down and hear their side of everything.”
I see truth in her eyes as she is right. The door opens catching us both off guard as Diamond gets off my lap. We both look to see it’s Karen with red puffy eyes. She slowly comes up to me before looking at me with her bright blue eyes that I always hope stay.
“ What is it sweetie?” Diamond asks as our daughter looks up at her then at me
“ Daddy have I been bad?” Karen asks shocking me and concerning me
“ No…no baby girl why do you think you have been bad?” I ask as she keeps looking into my eyes
“ You told everyone we were leftg. I don’t want to leave daddy. You and I haven’t had a father and daughter day.” She tells me as I feel a sharp pain in my heart
I look up to see Diamond sobbing as I pick Karen up after looking at her. I hold her close to me. Karen snuggles into me placing her small hand on my chest. I have Diamond take a seat next to me as I place a arm around her as she cuddles up next to me. I think of all I have done the past few days and feel disgusted with myself. I hurt these two along with the ones on the other side of the bedroom door. Diamond is right I needed to listen to those that are my family. I kiss Diamond on the lips in which she returns with password. I break the kiss to give my little girl one on her forehead. I have them leave so I can get dressed in some clean clothes. Once changed I walk out to see the kids all playing with the toys they have gotten as my four loves come up to me. Tiffany embraces me with tears.
“Baby pleasurese don’t make us leave our parents. They love you so much.” She tells me as I have her look up at me
“ Tiffany you should know me better then that as you have known me the longest of all my loves.” I say as she nods
“ Heath darling you made it known that we were moving.” Hannah says as the other nod
“ I know and I guess I spoke before I thought better. Look lets go down and see our family.” I say as they nod letting me go except Jasmine stays with me
“ Baby I have missed you the past few nights. I was so scared that you did something stupid. Please never scare me like that again.” My sexy latina says as I shake my head
“ Never again I promise. Now lets go I have to say something I haven’t to someone in a long time.” I say as Jasmine nods letting me go to grab her pursuit
We leave the room making our way down to the lobby. Once we step off the elevator I see our family all sitting still in the lobby. The mothers, Kaye, and Michelle have red puffy eyes as we walk up, but it’s Travis that I hear speaking.
“ I am going to leave as this is all my fault.” He says as Kaye speaks up
“ No baby please don’t leave me. I will go with you my love.” Kaye says pleading to my brother who is her fiance
“ Honey no the kids need you as your auntie. It will be best if I go as it will fix all this.” He says as I shake my head
“ And who says it will fix everything?” I say catching everyone’s attention
“ Heath what…what are you doing here?” My mother asks as I go to her
I reach for her hand as she cautiously takes it. I pull her to me into a loving son and mother embrace. She returns the hug with tears as I place my hand on the back of her head. She cries as I look at the other mothers that show worry.
“ Shhh mom I am not going to leave you or anyone else. I am sorry for what I said as I was angry……and I was completely out of line.” I say as Faye comes over to look into my eyes
“ Heath what you said hurt so much, but know we still love you and never stopped. Yes we gave Travis attention, but it was to help him still have hope that his brother would accept him again.” My other mother says as I nod
“ I know momma Faye as it took my shiny Diamond to show me. Look I am deeply sorry for all that I have done. I hope you all can forgive me for my stupidity.” I say to them all as they look at me
My mother eases off me a little to look up at me.
“ Baby, son I love you so very much. I didn’t come out east to only lose you again. I will always forgive you as I am your mother, but if you ever threaten to leave me again I will literally pull your pants down and spank you. And you know I will.” She tells me as the godfather’s chuckle with Chris, Jack, and Travis
“ Ok mom I promise to never threaten anyone with that again.” I tell her as she reaches up to pull me down to kiss my lips
Once she breaks the kiss I let her go making my way over to Travis who has a worried look. I place my right hand on his left shoulder before I speak.
“ Travis I know I have not been fair to you. I know also that you have changed as I have been blinded from seeing and accepting that change.” I say as he nods before he places his right hand on my left shoulder
“ Heath I don’t want anything of yours as I have all I need. I have Kaye who I love. I have a family that loves me and I hope brothers that will accept me.” He says looking at those behind me before he continues “ The only thing that will mean more is you back as my Champ. I loveyou bro and am sorry for being so stupid.”
“ Tell you what when we get home you and I will have a long talk over some beers. Maybe have a day with just us and our loves.” I say getting a nod before he pulls me into a hug that I return
“ My baby boys are coming back together.” I hear my mother says as I smile hugging my Bubby
After the hug I look around just noticing someone missing.
“Hey where is Adam?” I ask as Michelle stands up to hold me
“ He left Heath all because of you. Please find my man as I need him.” She tells me as my eyes go wide
“ Dammit I am sorry sis. I will go find him while you all take the kids to Disney.” I say as I see my mother shake her head
“ No honey since today has turned out emotionally tiring. How about we just spend time as a family here in your room.” She asks as I nod
“ Ok and I am sorry for ruining the day.” I say as they all shake their heads
“ No Heath you didn’t. Things happened and it’s just been a few days. We have the rest of the week.” My dad Mike says as I smile with a nod
“ Ok so go up and order room service. I will go find my baby bro.” I say as they all smile at me
I let my sister Michelle go as Chris tosses me a set of keys. He tells me it’s the Jaguar as I look at him wide eyed as he points to dad Mike. Mike shrugs saying ‘ Only the best for this family’. I chuckle as I make my way to give my loves a kiss each and the kids a hug. The godmothers and mothers all stop me showing some love with a hug and kiss on the lips. I raise a eye brow as they all giggle as Faye kisses my lips a few seconds longer then usual. I make my way out of the building to the car Chris told me about. Once I find it I just shake my head thinking my godfatherMike was going over board, but I can’t say it wasn’t for good intentions. I get in after unlocking the door. I have a pretty good idea where Adam could be. I started up the car then put it in gear. I made my way out of the hotel parking lot making my way to find the one man that never gave up on me.
After cruising around for 30 minutes I finally found the goofball passing him on a bridge. I pulled into a parking lot around 4:30 p.m. After turning the car off and getting out I locked it so no idiot could take it. I could just see my godfather Mike explaining that. I made my way to the bridge that my brother sat on. As I got closer I noticed a bunch of cans around him. I shook my head at the sight. He could hold his beer a little better then I could. As I took a few more steps I let out a sight before I spoke.
“ Hey amigo what made you come here, and what’s with the beer?” I ask as Adam turns to look up at me
“ Drinking the hurt that my asshole of a brother planted on my left ribs and heart.” He tells me as I took it
“ Sorry Abs I never wanted to hurt you. Why did you get in the way anyway?” I state asking him as he took a drink out of the can
“ Because he is your brother and I am starting to care for him is that a crime?” He tells me asking as I shake my head
“ No as I know I have been a jerk.” I say as he looks up at me
“ Yeah true, but you have been a pain in the ass as of late. Look I know your hurt, but not everyone is out to get you. Not this family anyway.” He tells me as I nod agreeing
After I watch him finish the beer he slowly gets up, but turns and staggers to me.
“ I owe you a ass kicking so put them up.” Adam says bringing up his fist with a stagger
“ Yes you do, but your too drunk and it wouldn’t be a far fightAbs.” I say to him as he shakes his head
“ Bullshit I can see all four of you just fine.” He says as I chuckle softly
“ Oh yeah will there is only one of me. So lets go back to the hotel so you can sleep it off.” I say as he stops to look at me
“ Bro why should I?” He asks as I shake my head
“ Because your woman, my sister wants you back, and I told her I would find you. So come on and let’s go.” I say as he goes to pick up the rest of his beer before stumbling backwards landing on his ass
I make my way to him only to squat down as he looks at me with squinty eyes.
“ I don’t feel so good.” He tells me as I help him up
“ Yeah well you don’t smell so good either. How many did you drink anyway?” I ask as he shrugs
“ Lost count after 15 why.” He tells me asking
“ Oh just wondered that’s all.” I say as we start for the car with his left arm over my shoulder
I leave the remainder of the beer for some homeless or idiots that want it as I get my brother and best friend to the car. He is mumbling or slurry his words saying he is sorry for leaving or telling me he loved me. I smile knowing even though things are down he is always there as I will be for him in his dark times.
Once back at the hotel Jack, Chris, and Mike help me with Adam. I guess they wanted to stay in the lobby just in case. We get up to Adam and Michelle’s room in which Mike swipes the hotel room key card unlocking the door. He steps in to hold the door as Chris and I help our brother in. We make our way to the bedroom to let Abs sleep it off. After getting Adam comfy the guys tell me they are going to meet the rest of the family in the pent house. Chris offers to send Michelle down so I can go up and be with the family. I look from him to Adam before shaking my head telling them I will stay with my bro until he wakes up. They all nod as Mike gives me a hug.
“ You are just like your father. He was my best friend for so many years. Everyday I see him in you.” He tells me as I grin with a nod
“ I know papa Mike now go up and spend time with your grandkids.” I tell him as he pats my back
I watch as they leave before I go to the chair sliding it over close to the bed. I place my feet up on the bed after taking my shoes off. I lean back looking at my brother that is out like a light. I give him a smile before I close my eyes just to relax them. I guess the day was tiring or the medicine from the hospital was still course through me as I feel sleep. I let my mind flow until I started to dream. This dream Though seemed not like the ones of the past. I was in a dark place with no light as I looked around to see small images showing. I walkedtowards one to see Hannah working in some hell hole of a tattoo shop. She looked so tired as the image the changed to her working at a factory. Then it changed to her in a apartment with Jasmine and Diamond as they had Lil Greg, Karen and Dakota on a couch sleeping. I see all three are sad for some reason as I hear them speak.
“ Why did we end up like this? Why did he leave us?’ Jasmine asks as I see Diamond hold her
“ He got paranoid and couldn’t trust us or anyone.” Diamond says as Hannah speaks up
“ Girls we have each other. And I am not going to let you both or the kids down.” Hannah says as Jasmine and Diamond go to her with tears
The image disappears as my eyes go wide.
“ What the hell was that? Why are they in a apartment and not at the beach house with me.” I say as I walk to the next image that scares me
The image is blurry at start befor it becomes clear. I see Tiffany as she sits in a room all by herself with a needle in one arm as she starts to fade.
“ Heath my love I’ll always love you and wait for you on the other side my love.” My first love says as she fades away into nothing
I feel tears come to me as I run to the next image. Then I see Michelle and Adam as they are in a room overlooking a city
“ Are you ready my love?” Adam asks as Michelle nods to her love
I see them run and jump over the balcony ledge as I watch Shellie and my bro fall to their deaths. I can’t believe this is happening. I cry as I make my way to the next image. The image shows Travis in a wheel chair with a beer in his hand. He looks drunk as Kaye walks in pregnant with a kid in her arms. She is yelling at him as the baby cries.
“ Your worthless now asshole. If you didn’t drink and drive that woman and her kid would bealive and we would have a better life for our kids.” Kaye says as Travis shows tears
That image fades as I start walking fast to the other. As I reach it I see Jack standing in front of a bunch of bikers. Sierra and Mandy are standing on the other side in biker outfits. I notice a man that looks familiar as he speaks.
“ You want to marry my daughters then walk the gauntlet.” The man says as Jack looks at him then to Sierra and Mandy who nod with smiles
“ Fine.” Jack says as he starts walking getting hit and pummeled
“ Come on baby you can do it.” Sierra says as I see someone with a knife
I watch as the guy stalls Jack in the upper right side of Jacks back making him go down. I scream as the image fades. I turn to see one more as I feel scared to approach it. I get to the last image to see my mother. She was on a couch emptying bottle after bottle chasing them with vodka.I went to my knees screaming for her to stop.
“ MOM NO PLEASE STOP!” I scream at the top of my lungs
“ She can’t hear you.” I hear from a familiar voice
I turn to see my father standing on a log on a beach as the dream shifts to the beach.
“ Dad what was all that? What did I witness please tell me?” I ask as he stands up before coming at me tackling me to the ground
“ YOU WITNESSED WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU LEAVE!” He yells out with dark eyes that scare me
“ What…what do you mean leave? I am not leaving anyone dad.” I say asking him as his eyes stay dark
“ Heath what you saw was what will be if you did, or if you died.” He tells me as my eyes go wide
“ Wait…you are telling me that the family doesn’t stay together if I leave or die?” I ask as he shakes his head
“Nope they all go their own way. Chris and Selena struggle to keep your god parents together as Ellie, Verna, and Kiko sleep around. Faye and Jackie stay together leaving your mother out. You were the beacon that keep the family together.” He tells me getting up to help me up
“ Well that is the thing dad I am not going anywhere I love my family.” I tell him as his eyes turn back to blue
“ I know son, but after all the crap you have done the past few days I had to show you what could be. Look Heath your family loves you. They are not going to hurt you.” He tells me as I keep seeing those images
“ I know and I promise to never think anything is going on.” I say as he nods
“ There is one more thing you have to see, and it won’t be pretty.” He tells me as I start feeling my heart race
“ Dad I already.” I try to say as a image of a young woman comes up
Her eyes are closed as I see men of each size shape and color lining up around her. She has long black hair and the same skin color as Karen. My eyes go wide as I see her birthday. It’s my baby girl. She is getting gang banged.
“ Love me daddy. Why did you leave me daddy? Wasn’t I good enough for you?” She says as she takes two guys from behind as one takes her from the front
“ No dad please no not Karen. Not my baby girl.” I say as he looks at me sadden
“ Yes it’s Karen, this is what happens to her when Tyrone gets ahold of her and raises her to be a slave after she ran away on her sixteenth birthday.” He tells me as I watch in horror as my daughter cries
I feel my own tears come as I place my face in my hands. I cry like there is no tomorrow as I feel my chest start to hurt in pain. Not my daughter no this can’t be. I feel my body shake as I am brought out of my nightmare.
“Heath wake up honey it’s your Shellie.” Michelle tells me as I wake up in a cold sweat
“ Shellie your here?” I ask as she looks at me concerned with a nod
“ Yes baby brother you ok? Oh god honey your sweating.” She asks as I shake my head
“ No…no I’m not where is everyone?’ I ask as she sits on the bed facing me
“ In the penthouse still. I thought I would come down and check on both my guys. My baby and my brother. What’s wrong baby bro?” She says asking me as I look at her
“ I…I had a nightmare. I can’t explain it just a nightmare.” I say feeling my chest shot with pain as I hold it
“ Heath calm down honey it was just a nightmare. Your safe and I won’t let anything happen to you. Why don’t you go up and have mom or our sisters hold you.” She tells meas I nod
“ Ok, um what about Adam I hate to leave him.” I say as she helps me up
“ Go I can take care of my finance. You have four that are worried about you.” She tells me as I nod pulling her into a hug
“ I love you sis so very much.” I say as she holds me in her arms
“ I love you too Heath now go up and be with the family.” She tells me as I smile
Before I go I check on Adam as he is still sleep. I leave their hotel room making my way up to the penthouse. I have to get to my family. I have to get to my loves. I feel this overwhelming urge to hold my mother and daughter. Once in the penthouse suite I move over to my finances. I give them a big hug as I keep them close. They each return my hug before Jasmine speaks.
“ Baby what’s wrong your scaring me?” Jasmine asks as I shake my head
“ I had a nightmare that I have toMake sure never comes true.” I say as they each break the hug to look up at me
“ What do you mean? What happened in your nightmare?” Diamond asks as I look at each of them then everyone else
“ I…I rather not say right now. I just want to make sure none of it happens. Where is Karen?” I say asking as they point to the bedroom
I let them go before going to the bedroom. I see Karen sitting on the bed playing with a Snow White doll. I move over and grab her up.
“ Daddy.” She says as I hold her close to me
“ Sorry honey I need to hold you.” I say as tears come to my eyes as I move to the chair
“ Daddy what’s wrong?” She asks as I cry
“ Nothing baby, please hug me, hug daddy show me you love me.” I say as I feel her arms come around my neck
“ I do love you daddy, but your scaring me.” Karen tells me as I ease off a little
“ Sorry it’s just daddy had a nightmare. A nightmare he doesn’t want to happen.” I say as she holds me
I hear footsteps come towards us as I see the boys sitting on the bed.
“ Heath baby it’s mom are you ok?’ My mother asks as I stand up to pull her to me
She wraps her arms around me letting me hold her. My tears fall as I hold my daughter and hug my mother at the same time. It’s at that moment I feel Karen let go of my neck taking my face in her hands to make me look at her. Her bright blue eyes are looking into mine.
“ Daddy you have me and my brothers. We are not leaving you, but can I play with my new barbie.” She tells me as I smile
“ Sorry baby girl daddy just had to hold you. Yes you can play.” I say walking to the bed as she flops down on the bed giggling
“ Come on baby let mom help you calm down.” My mother says as she takes my left hand
She leads me to the balcony that sits off from the bedroom. After opening the doors we step out to see Disneyland lit up. She turns me to her having me sit in the chair. Mom sits in my lap looking in my eyes.
“Now honey we don’t hide nothing right?” She asks as I shake my head no
“ No mom it’s just.” I try to say as she shakes her head
“ Tell me Heath what has you so scared and frightened.” She says as I look in her eyes letting out a sight
I start telling her everything in my nightmare. From Jasmine, Diamond, and Hannah to her, and even Karen being a slave to Tyrone. She shakes her head as she leans to hold me.
“ Baby that was just a nightmare. None of it will happen I promise you my loving son. Your dad is right though you are a beacon for this family. You are the glue that brings us together. Now calm down honey as your mother needs you always.” She tells me as I hold her
“ As I need you mom always.” I say as she cuddles up to me
We sit like that for a bit when my four loves come out to check on us.
“ Momma Maggie, Heath sugar everything ok?” Hannah asks as mom raises up, but stays in my lap
“ Yes honey my son just had a bad nightmare that scared him.” Mom says as they all nod
“ What was it about? Please tell us as our baby wouldn’t.” Tiffany says as mom looks at me
I nod as she looks up at the ladies. She asks they shut the doors in which Diamond does. They get closer as mom starts telling them. I look away to try and block mom’s voice out as I don’t want to hear what I told her. After I feel a hand on my face turning me to them it’s Jasmine that looks at me with tears.
“ Baby that nightmare will never happen so think of happy thoughts to clear that horrid dream away.” She tells me as I nod
“ Girls there is something I need to ask, and well it may make you think less of me.” Mom says as Jasmine straightens up looking at mom
“ What is it momma Maggie?” Tiffany asks as mom gets off my lap and stands there in front of them
“ Well I have been having nightmares of my own, but mine have been every night the past 6 years. I have tried everything to get rid of them. I thought….I thought being with Faye would help, but it hasn’t.” Mom says as Hannah steps up
“ What are they of momma Maggie?” Hannah asks as mom looks in Hannah’s eyes
“ They are of Tyrone raping me.” Mom gets out before Hannah shows anger
“ That bastard I knew there was something else wrong about him. What is it you want my beautiful mother?” Hannah says as she has taken in my mother as her own as she has Faye
“ Well this is the part that I hope that doesn’t make you four mad.” Mom says looking at me then at them after breaking Hannah’s hug as she continues “ I…I want to have the last memory of a man making love to me. I…I want to know if you will let Heath be that man. I know it sounds bad and wrong, but he is the only one that comes close to being like my Greg.”
They all four look at her then at me. I give them a small shrug as they look at each other. I see Jasmine step to mom taking my mothers hands into hers.
“ Mother Maggie you are a beautiful woman who could get any man to make love to you.” Jasmine says as my mother shows worry
“ You…you won’t let him will you? I…I understand don’t worry about it.” Mom says struggle to leave as Jasmine keeps holding moms hands
“ Mom let me finish please.” Mom stops and looks back to Jasmine as she continues “ But you choose a man that knows just how to love a woman. Mom we don’t mind as we see it as a beautiful thing. So this is just a one time thing?”
“ Yes honey it is. I just need to have my last time with a true man that will show me love and not hurt me.” Mom says as the other three step up
“ Momma Maggie you are a loving woman also. I don’t think it’s wrong and you can be with Heath anytime in my book. He is the most loving man I have ever been with.” Tiffany says as Mom smiles
“ Thank you honey.” Mom says as Diamond takes mom in a hug
“ Momma Maggie I have no problem with this. I just have to warn you as he is huge.” Diamond says as I blush as they giggle
“ Oh my now you got me wondering if he is as big as his father.” Momsays as I sink down in the chair
“ Awww I think our man is being shy.” Hannah says as Diamond comes over to me
“ Come on baby show mommy that delicious, beautiful cock.” Diamond says placing her hands on my jeans
“ Diamond please don’t make fun of my son.” Mom says as Diamond giggles
“ I’m not mom as I am just making a point.” Diamond says as my mother giggles
“ Honey I don’t think this is the time as the kids could see.” Hannah says as Diamond stops
Diamond looks at them after raising up then at me. She goes to the door looking in to see the kids.
“ Mom when did you want to spend time with Heath?” Jasmine asks as mom looks at me then at her
“ Is it ok if we spend time together all day tomorrow?’ Mom asks as each of them nod
“ Do I get a say in this? I mean are you four ladies truly ok with what my mom is actually asking?” I say asking them as they each look at me
“ Yes we are baby as it may help her heal as much as you.” Tiffany tells me making me feel confused
“ Okay and how does being with my mother in a um…intimate way suppose to help me heal?” I ask as Hannah steps up before getting in my lap
“ Heath your eyes show us a lot. The pictures of your youth that we all have seen shows you a long way from being truly happy. We want to see those bright beautiful eyes with our own. Maybe what mom is asking may help bring you both closer to the time they were bright blue.” Hannah tells me as I look from her to my mother who is standing with worry and love in her eyes
I take in all that is said to me as I see Hannah show me a grin. Diamond comes over and tells Hannah to move off me before getting on her knees.
“ Diamond thekids.” I say as she gives me a wicked grin
“ They are in the other room with the others. Now before mom leaves I want to show her what she is asking for. I want to make sure she still wants to see her prize if she crosses the line so to speak.” Diamond says as Jasmine takes mom’s hand leading her over
Diamond has my jeans down in no time at all struggling me to life. I look up to see my mothers eyes go big as she covers her mouth with her left hand. As Diamond strokes me to hardness she looks up at mom with a smile.
“ So mother dear do you still want this beautiful, delicious cock in your holes?” Diamond asks as my mother slowly nods
“ Yes I…I do, but could you not say it so vulgar as Tyrone would say holes as if I was a whore.” Mom says a little hurt
“ Sorry mom but still you want this in your pussy?” Diamond asks as mom licks her lips
“Oh yes and I have to admit my youngerest is bigger then his father. May….may I touch my son?” Mom states as my four loves nod
Mom steps over and kneeing beside Diamond who scoots over a bit. Mom stars at my manhood for the first time since I was a baby. She slowly extends he hand to take over what Diamond was doing. I let out a soft moan that puts a small smile on her face. She slowly strokes my manhood before looking up at my eyes.
“ You ok baby? How does this feel honey?” My mother asks as I look deep in her eyes
“ Good please don’t stop.” I say as my loves giggle
“ Mom do you like what you have in your hand?” Jasmine asks as my mom smiles
“ Yes I do honey as I haven’t had a nice one in a long time. Shit Tyrone wasn’t this big and round.” Mom says as my eyes go wide
“ Wow he must of being little.” I say with a chuckle
“ He was baby maybe 4 inches and a inch or so in girl, but you have him way out in left field. Damn how big is this beautiful cock?’ She says asking as the ladies laugh
“ Your son is 10 and 6 round mom. And damn can he use it.” Tiffany says as mom smiles big
“ Damn I wish I could have this tonight, but I want to take a nice bath and make sure my pussy is clean.” Mom says as I feel disappointed now
“ Don’t worry mom as you have all day and night tomorrow.” Diamond says as mom smiles again
Mom leans forward to kiss the head before licking the tip placing the tip of her tongue in the slit. I grapsp the sides of the chair.
“ Mom go ahead take it in your mouth and get a taste.” Diamond says as the others nod with smiles
“ You sure honey I don’t want to take what is for you four?” Mom asks as I look to see my lovesnod
“ Go ahead mother as we want to see our man cum. We have been on the receiving end and never have seen his face as we are in our own orgasms.” Hannah says as my mom giggles
“ Girls that is the thing about making love it’s the intensity of the love. When my baby boy here makes you cum does it feel like the earth moves?” Mom asks stroking me and massaging my balls
“ Yes it does mom, but we miss seeing our baby cum.” Jasmine says as mom giggles again
“ Then that is love honey. Greg always know how to give me earth shattering orgasms with just his love when he would make love to me. That is why I want Heath to help me erase the nightmares. He is just like his father.” My beautiful mother says as I watch her smile with a wink as she takes me into her mouth
Oh god her mouth was warm and wet as she started working me in a inch at a time. When she got to where she wanted me. My mother then started to bob her head up and down. She was doing it with such grace that I looked to see each of my ladies had their hands down their shorts. Each with a look of excitement and love mixed with desire. I turned to see my mother looking up at me with tears as she kept it up. I was increasing my grip on the sides of the chair when I felt myself start to go. I couldn’t help myself as I thrusted upward emptying into her mouth. She didn’t ease off as she caught all my sperm in her mouth. I heard moans from beside us as I kept giving my mom her reward. After she had all I could give her mom cleaned me up before taking me out of her mouth. She gave my dick a kiss before getting up. I watched as she went to my moaning women giving each one a kiss. She swapped my cum with each of them. They moaned into her mouth before coming over to sit in my lap. She kissed me with such password before breaking the kiss. She looked in my eyes with love as my girls came rightt there and then. Mom and I looked at them with smiles as each one kissed the other. Mom and I turned to each other looking in the others eyes.
“ So you ok with this baby? I mean I don’t want to make you feel obligated.” She asks as I place my arms around her
I look into her eyes and see true love towards me. I smiled knowing that she was being true to who she was, but could see the worry that filled her eyes.
“ Mom I will say it will be different to be with another after being with my four beautiful finances, but I don’t want you to feel regret either as I have you back in my life. I couldn’t go another 6 or 7 years without you in my life. An after your blowjob I have to return the favor.” I explain answering as she nods
“ As with me baby I don’t want you to regret anything as I need my son in my life. This will just be the one time tomorrow, but if there is another time I know I will never regret being with a very loving man who is my baby boy.” She says with a few tears as I hold her tight to me
“ Aww that is so sweet.” Diamond says stepping over
“ Thank you honey. I guess I need to go pick out what to wear for tomorrow as I will be spending it with a wonderful man.” Mom says getting off my lap but not before grinding her ass on my manhood
“ Mom that is just wrong teasing me.” I say as she and my loves giggle
“ Sorry honey it’s just a glimpse at what I want to do to you tomorrow.” She says standing up giving my cock a squeeze before turning to the four continuing “ Girls thank you as I know it is hard to see your love with another woman.”
“ Mom it’s ok really. I know first had of rape and understand. I just have one concern what if you get pregnant?” Hannah asks as mom shakes her head
“ Nothing to worry about that as I can’t. I guess from all the rape Tyrone did to me my womb was damaged as was my ovaries. I can’t have another baby like I wanted to with a good man.” Mom says as my anger built up against Tyrone
“ That monster, but are you sure about your ovaries mom? Have you been through checked in that department?” Jasmine says as my mother shock her hand
“ Not a real check up no, but I am just going by what my old ob/gyn told me.” Mom says as I see Jasmine and Diamond look at her intently
“ Well we are going to have you checked once we get home.” Diamond says as mom looks at them concerned
“ Girls it’s ok I am coping with it.” Mom says as all four of the girls shake their heads
“ No mom look if your ovaries are still usable someone can carry your baby. We could get one of your eggs and Heath’s sperm and have them join, then one of us or someone you love and want to carry your baby could.” Tiffany says as mom smiles
“ You…you mean I could have a baby by someone else?” She says as my loves and I nod
“ Yes mom you could. There are a few guys in this family that would probably give sperm for you to have a baby.” Hannah says giving mom a smile
“ No baby girl it would have to be Heath as my Greg is no more.” Mom says as I feel some warmth hit my heart
“ Mom I remind you of dad that much?” I ask as she nods
“ Yes baby you do. Look I love your brother don’t get me wrong as I love both of you, but you hold your fathers ways. He was smart, caring, and so loving, and I see all three in you. Shit baby you passed those qualities to your three beautiful kids. I feel sorry for the boys and girls that hurt them.” Mom says making me feel some kind of relief then got confused
“ Um OK why is that?’ I ask as she giggles
“ Because you also passed on the temperature you got from your father. You love deep, but when someone hurts you past the point of no return..god help them.” She says as I chuckle
After a little more talk mom left but not before giving us each a hug with a deep kiss. She again thanked the girls of my life for understanding. She smiled my ass saying she would see me in the morning as she went back in. My jeans were back to the way they were as I joined my loves in the living room of the penthouse. We saw that the other parents had left leaving Mom, Faye, and Jacqueline with the kids. My brothers and sisters left also. The kids were all asleep on the floor. I went to pick up Karen in who automatically held onto my neck as I placed her on the couch as Diamond, Jasmine, and Tiffany placed the boys also on the couch. Karen placed her arms around Lil Greg pulling him to her as LilHeath pulled Dakota to him keeping my sons safe. I just smiled as my mother stepped over to me.
“ Heath honey times like this means more then any argument that goes on, or anything that brings grief.” She tells me as I agree with a nod
“ True, and just think there could be more on the way adding to these four.” I say as the other two moms giggle with the girls
“ Well us mothers would be proud grandmothers.” Faye says as mom and Jacqueline nod
After hugs and kisses the moms leave to go get some sleep around 11 at night. I join my four angels in the bedroom in which strip me. As I get in bed I watch as they strip down to their panties. That night each told me their feelings of the matter with mom. They all four felt it was right as it would bring my mother and I closer together, but at the same time healing two hearts that had been apart for so long. I took in their words as I held Tiffany and Hannah as it was their night to sleep on either side of me. That night Tiffany fell asleep holding my manhood as Hannah slept with her hand on my chest. My loves all slept soundly as I finally fell asleep with a smile.
We wake up, shower, and dress. The girls get the kids up and awake before we meet the family down stairs for breakfast. On the way we meet up with my mom, Faye, and Jacqueline. Faye and Jacqueline give me smiles as mom take my hand. My four loves giggle as I blush. We get to the lobby as all the family has arrived. We go to a nice place for breakfast. Mom sits on my right as Tiffany gets seated on my left. We all ordered and the conversation turned into what everyone was going to do. The godparents were taking the kids as Chris, Selena, Travis, Kaye, Jack, Sierra, Mandy, Adam, and Michelle were going to ride the rides. My four stated that they were going to go adult shopping for some outfits to wear for me. I gave them all a look before feeling my motherplace her hand on my right thigh getting my attention. I turn to see her smiling mouthing the words that do mean so much to me ‘ I love you Heath my son’. Once our breakfast arrived and drinks we all dug in. My mother was showing me affection by keeping her hand where it was on my thigh. Every so often she would write ‘ I love you’ which would make me smile. After we finished eating, we started to leave but not before the kids gave me some hugs and kisses as they went with their grandparents. Everyone went their direction except the three moms and my loves. Jasmine, Diamond, Hannah, and Tiffany each gave me a hug and a deep password kiss before telling me they would see me later. They also told me to have a sexy day as they went to one of the cars papa Mike rented. Mom, Momma Faye, Jacqueline, and I all noticed there was no more cars.
” Well guess we walk.” I say as they giggle
“ Well it is a beautiful day, and we have a tall sexy handsome man to protect us. So what do you say darlings?” Mom says asking as Faye and Jacqueline nod with grins
“ Then I say let’s go for a nice walk. Just glad I dressed comfy.” Mom says giving me a wink
She took my hand as Faye and Jacqueline held hands. We began our walk to enjoy the day together. Mom made sure to stay close to me as to placing her body against me. I had to admit I was enjoying being with my moms especially my mother. She made walking more fun as did Faye and Jacqueline. We got whistles along with my three beautiful moms getting cat calls in which Jacqueline would give the bird. We would Just laugh at those that she gave the bird too. Once to Disneyland Faye and Jacqueline gave mom and I a hug and kiss. They surprised me with a kiss on the lips saying they would see us later. I looked at mom who giggled.
“ Mom do they know what is going on?” I asked as she looked up at meWorried
“ Yes baby they do as I am not keeping secrets from them as you don’t the girls. Your not mad are you baby?” My mom says truly as I shake my head
“ No mom I understand, but um why do I feel like a piece of meat to them?” I ask with a chuckle
“ Baby your not believe me. I love you with all my heart honey. I want today and what happens to be special.” She tells me a little worried again
“ I know mom as do I, but I mean with your two lovers? I thought they were strictly um you know?” I asked as we watched my other two moms walk away
“ Oh them no baby they love you also. It’s just Jacqueline is bisexual and Faye well she had a bad experience also. Henry only used her for sex. She wants to experience what the true meaning of love is with a guy before her and I get married.” She tells me as I see Faye turn smiling at us before Jacqueline pulls her lover to the ticket booth
“ Well if it happens it happens. I think that will be my new saying for now on.” I say chuckling as mom giggles
“ Well lets start our day my handsome man.” She tells me as I smile with a nod
Mom takes my hand as we go to the ticket place. I purchase tickets for rides that we can go on. She smiles as we make our way around to look at the attractions. We come across the haunted house in which she is skeptical, but decides to go for it. Once ready we start in. Mom holds onto my arm as the ghostly sounds start. I hold my mother close as I feel her finger nails dig into my thigh. She screams a few times, but laughs as I do. Once the ride is over we make our way to the exit.
“ Baby I need a bathroom I have to pee.” She tells me as we make our way to a ladies bathroom
Once she is inside I wait outside. At that moment I see my family all walking and looking around. Karen spots me and come over.
“ Daddy I have to pee pee.” She says as I open the door for her
“ MOM COULD YOU HELP KAREN!” I yell as Karen goes in
“ YES BABY! COME TO GRAMMY HONEY!” Mom yells back as I let the door close
I chuckle as my god moms smile blowing me a kiss as they would when I was a kid. My mind thinks back to those days of true happiness, although I am getting that back now as I feel all their love coming together. I don’t hear the door open until I feel a tug on my jeans. I look down to see Karen smiling up with arms up. I pick her up as mom comes out.
“ Daddy I won a froggy at a kiddie game.” She tells me as I grin
“ You did where is it at?” I ask as she points at Mike
“ Grampy Mike is holding it for me. It’s so cute daddy.” My happy daughter tells me as I smile
“ I bet it is now go back to your grandparents while Grandma Maggie and I enjoy the day.” I tell her as she hugs me
“Ok daddy, but when are we going to have a day?” She asks as I look in her eyes
“ Tomorrow ok.” I answer as she nods with a smile
“ I love you daddy so much.” My little girl tells me as she hugs me tight as I hug her back
I let her down as she goes to Momma Ellie who takes her hand. Mom retakes my right hand as we walk in the other direction. We talk about where to eat at lunch before she spots something.
“ Baby how about a few pictures of you and I.” My mom says pointing at one of the coin operated photo machines
I nod as we make our way over. Once I place the right amount of money in we get in. First its a close pic, then mom turns placing a kiss on my right cheek. Next it’s me placing one on her left cheek as she smiles. The 4th one is us hugging close to one another. The last one is kisses on the lips in which my mother turns into a deep password one. As she kisses me I feel her move into my lap. My arms go around her as she places hers around my neck. It’s a loving moment as mother and son come back together. I feel my mother grind against my lap as she moans. I break the kiss as she start nibbling on my left ear.
“ Mom what are you doing?’ I ask as she moans again
“ Showing I love you honey. Heath I love you so much. Thank you for being with me today.” She tells me as I smile placing my hands on her ass
“ Your welcome mom so what do you want to do now?” I ask as she leans back looking in my eyes grinning
“ Well first I want us to get a bite to eat as you will need your energy. And second I need to tell you something?” She says stating to me
“Ok and what’s up?’I say asking as she gives me a wicked smile
“ I am not wearing any panties.” She says reaching down moving the crotch of her shorts over to the left
I look down and go wide eyed as I see her pussy lips are swollen. She smiles as I look up.
“ You like baby boy? You like your mom’s pussy?” She asks as I nod
She reaches for my left hand to place it down between her legs. I look up to see her nod giving me permission as i take two fingers and feel her pussy. She is wet as I hear her moan to my touch. I run a finger up and down her slit as she moans again. I bring my fingers up to my mouth and taste them. She is so sweet as I pull her to me for a kiss. She returns it as we hear a knock on the machine. She breaks the kiss as we both laugh. She readjusts her shorts before we get out. The couple waiting look to be in their 60’s and also are smiling. The woman looks beautiful for her age as she speaks up.
“ Aww to only be young again and showing such love.” She says as my mother smiles
“ Yes as he is who I love. Sorry for taking the photo machine up.” Mom says as the man shakes his head
“ No apologizes take your lady and show her romance and love son.” The man says to me as I turn to see my mother smile but blush at the same time
“ I intend to sir as she is a very special lady.” I say as my mother cuddles into me
They smile as I turn to get the pictures out of the slot. Mom and I look at them and smile.
“ Your so handsome baby just like your father.” She tells me as we start walking
“ And you just as beautiful as the moon on a bright summer night.” I say as she smiles big
“ Awww thank you baby. Now lets go eat as your lady needs food.” She tells me as we go find a place to eat
We found a concept stand to order some food. Mom wanted a hot dog with a ice tea as I ordered a burger and a ice tea. We went and sat at a empty table across from each other. As I took bite of my burger I watched as mom teased me by acting as if she was giving the hot dog a good suck. My eyes went wide as she took a bite with a giggle. I just shook my head as I took a drink of my tea. We talked About what to do next as we ate staring at the other. My mother was so beautiful that she could have her pick of any guy, but she wants someone that she can trust, care, and love. I had to admire her for all she had gone through the past several years. Her being married to a real tyrant that had hurt her so bad. I knew right here and now why she loved me as I was the son that could give her all that she wanted besides Gifts, all she wanted was love from a man. As that man was me. As we talked mom and I were joined by Faye and Jacqueline. They both seemed excited about something. I noticed Faye’s neck as mom did as well.
“ So have you two been good? I thought I told you two to be good” Mom asked both her lovers who just giggled
“ Yes and no baby. We were trying to be good, but.” Faye says looking at me before continuing “ We couldn’t help but get a little naughty with each other in a quiet spot alone together.”
“ Hence the hickey on your neck darling?” Mom asked as both giggled again
“ Yep as she placed one on me, but not saying where. You will just have to find it later Maggie baby.” Jacqueline says as mom smiles looking at me
“ Well I am hoping later as I am spending a lovely day with our son.” Mom says giving me a wink
Faye and Jacqueline giggle as we eat the remainder of our food. Mom and I left Faye and Jacqueline as she wanted to spend more alone time with me. As the day went on mom and I rode a few more rides until it was time to leave for dinner. This time we grabbed a cab going back to the hotel. Mom said she wanted a romantic meal with me. I asked her where in which she answered saying her hotel room. I gave her a chuckle in which she giggled showing me her beautiful eyes. Once we arrived back to the hotel around 6 p.m. as mom led me up to her room that she shared with Faye and Jacqueline. As we entered the room mom had me go get comfortable while she ordered room service. So I went to the couch grabbing the remote to find a movie that she would love to watch with me. Going through the list I found one that would set the mood that we both were in. What I felt was total love for my mother. I wanted this night to mean so much to her so her nightmares and terrors would go away forever. After ordering mom came over to only straddle my lap and place her arms around my neck looking deep into my eyes.
“Heath honey are you ok baby?” She asks as I place my hands on her hips
“ Yes mom I am as I am with the one woman who has owned my heart even before I was born.” I tell her to see her eyes light up
“ Aww honey as you had mine. The day you were born was one of the best days of my life.” She tells me leaning forward placing her lips on mine
We stayed like that letting the kiss linger as our tongues finally found the other. Mom let out a moan as I ran my hands up her back pulling her more against my body. She broke the kiss as I moved my lips to the left side of her neck.
“ Oh baby I love you and need you. Please tell me you need me too.” She says with some pleading in her voice
“ Yes mom I do every day of my life. I have so much missed you all these years. Although I thought you always hated me.” I tell her with some sadness
She leaned back placing her hands on each side of my face to look into my eyes.
“ No my sweet loving son. I never hated you I always loved you and still do. It was that bastard Tyrone that hurt you and I by using those close to us. No baby I never hated you only the opposite I love you.” She tells me as I pull her very close to me
We held each other until room service came to drop off our dinner. Mom had ordered lobster, shrimp, oysters, and some celery. I gave her a odd look in which made her laugh. She told me she wanted to have a evening and night with her son giving her only what her first love gave her years ago. I smiled knowing she means my father who I hope wouldn’t think bad of us as to what was about to come. We sat down and started eating with mom occasionally feeding me sitting in my lap. Once dinner was over we settled in with the bottle of wine. Before I mentioned the movie mom decided to go freshen up telling me to take my shirt off as she loved the way my chest and arms looked. I chuckled as I watched my mom makes her way to the bedroom with a extra swway in her hips. I just shook my head to her flirtatious manner she has been giving me. I take my shirt off at her request and return sitting on the couch. As I find the movie again the lights in the room dims. I look up to see my mother standing not far in nothing but a long shirt that says ‘Love Me’ on the front. I nod as I pant the cushion next to me. She comes and takes a seat as I lean forward pouring her and I a glass each. I hand her one then pick mine up. I lean back as she gets comfy cuddling up against me. I put the movie on as she sips on her wine. I place my left arm around her putting my left hand on her hip. She turns to look up at me with a smile before going back watching the movie.
It’s been a interesting evening with touches and kisses. Mom had me take my jeans off so I was comfy as she was. It’s around 8 p.m. as the movie is almost over as my mom has her hand over my boxersmassaging my manhood. I notice she is softly grouping me placing her hand around me. I squeeze her hip as she turns to look up at me with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.
“ Baby I love you with all that I am. So please let me have this night with you. Let me feel your love as you feel mine.” My mother says snaking her hand into my boxes
“ Mom I love you as you love me. Give me the love we both need to heal our hearts and souls.” I say as she smiles getting up
I watch as she stands looking down in my eyes. I watch in awe as my mother takes off her shirt to show me her body. She has no bra or panties on. I take in her face, breast, and what lies between her legs. She shows me that beautiful smile as she turns around letting me take in all of her. Once back facing me she steps over to me to only get between my legs on her knees. My mother reaches for the sides of my boxers to only have me lift my butt as she takes what concealed my manhood off me.
“ Mom what about the movie?” I ask as she shakes her head
“ Baby I want us to make our own movie as in a memory of this night. I want to make love to you and keep this memory for the rest of my life. You are my man tonight as I am your woman. I give you my heart as the only other man who will have it is the first, your father. Let’s make this night full of love and password. Lets make this night our memory that breaks the nightmares and the wall down around your heart.” She excels as she starts struggling me slowly
“ Ok mom this will be a night for us both to remember as the past sweets away from our hearts as new life fills them with love between us both.” I say as she smiles before sticking her tongue out to lick around my balls then up the underside of my shake
This woman who is giving herself to me tonight maybe my mother, but tonight she becomes my loverfor the night. She shows her heart to me with every care she does with my manhood. I watch as she kisses the head before looking at me intently. My mother moves her free hand up to my chest placing it over my heart as she slowly take the head in her mouth. I let out a soft moan as she strokes my shake with a password that she can only give. I feel my heart beat for her in a way it has never done before. She Keeps taking more and more of my shake into her mouth. I feel her tongue against my cock massaging it as she starts to bob her head up and down. I want her at that moment, but I give her this moment to keep showing her love. Her hand keeps caresing the left side of my chest as if placing her love into what she gave life to my heart. I clink the cushions on either side of me as she takes more of my shake into her warm, wet mouth. I feel her throat as she gags for a moment before backing off a minute or two. I can’t take much more as I have to tell her.
“Mom…oh god…you keep…that up…I am going…to erupt.” I say moaning as my mother eases off me taking my manhood out of her mouth to only keep stroking me
“ So you loved my blowjob to you?” She asks with a smile
“ Yes I do, but I think it’s your turn mom to be loved on.” I say answering as she shows a gleam in her eyes
“ Oh is my baby wanting to eat his mother’s pussy?” She asks as I shake my head no
“ Nope I want to love on my mother’s pussy and taste you. I want to love where I came from and make you ready for my love to embrace you.” I tell her as she shows deep love in her eyes
“ Then you have me baby, but where as the couch isn’t my thing?” She tells me as I stand up
She looks up to me as I lean down to help her up. I pick her up as she smiles before taking her to the bedroom carrying her like a groom does his bride . She sucks on the right side of my neck while holding my neck with her hands. Once in the bedroom I gently place her on the bed. I make her move to the edge of the bed with her legs up in the air. I look down in her eyes as I lean in to kiss her sweet lips. We kiss with password as she places her hands on my chest leaving her legs up and bent at the knee. I break the kiss moving down placing kisses on each of her harden nipples, then down to her belly button. As I move down to her pussy I lick my way as I slide my tongue into her public hair that taste sweet. I find her slit as I get on my knees pulling her closer. I start licking each side of her labia to taste the hint of peaches as I lick up and over her slit. My mother softly moans as I reach up to fondle her breasts that fed me when I was a baby. They are soft to the touch, but still firm for a 49 year old. I lick my way between her labia lips to taste her sweet juices flowing. She is so wet that as I snake my tongue in her entrance she moans a bit loud, but doesn’t scream as to not bring attention to who ever is on the other side of the wall.
“ Heath…oh yess baby…make love to me…please give me love.” She says as I look up not taking my tongue out
I see her eyes show tears as this is what she has been craving from a man she loves and trust. I don’t let up as she starts grinding against my tongue. I move my right hand down off her left breast as I start massaging her hardening clip. She moans again but saying my name as I feel her sweet juices flow down my chin. I slide my tongue in and out as she mistakes on the bed. With my left hand I massage her right breast as my index and fore finger plays with her erect nipple. I curve my tongue upward finding that spongy spot that I hope brings her to orgasm. I want to make her feel loved as never before. I keep her clip wet as I rub it a bit faster.
“ Oh god…you found my…gspot baby….yes oh yes….right there baby….don’t stop mommy is going….OH SHIT…I’M CUMMINGGG!” She tells me as I open my mouth wider to swallow her cum
She is a squirter just as my four loving finances. She doesn’t stop as I feel her jerk and spasm as her orgasm works through her body. He legs wrap around my head keeping me there. After a few seconds she lowers her sexy legs as I come up for breath. I am so rock hard that I move up over her to kiss her lips as she opens her eyes to see me. We kiss for a moment as I feel one of her hands move between our legs. She slowly strokes me breaking the kiss.
“ Oh baby your so hard. Your not going to cum to soon are you baby?” She asks as I chuckle
“ No beautiful as I can hold myself from cuming so soon.” I say as she smiles
“ Good because I want this to last. I want my son to make me feel warm inside. I want you to cum in me, butNot to soon. I want you baby so much.” She tells me as I feel her place the head at her entrance before continuing “Ok baby gives me your love.”
I look down into her eyes as I slowly thrust into her warm, wet love canal. We both moan as she embraces my body.
“ Oh Heath you feel so good inside me. Make love to your mother.” She tells me as I slowly make love to her
She is tight around my shaft as her moans fill the room. We are in a loving embrace as I thrust my hips against hers. My balls are slamming against her as I prop myself up on my hands on each side of her head. I feel her pussy walls clamp down against my shaft.
“OH FUCK…I AM….CUMMINGG….AGAIN….YES BABY….YESSSSS!” She screams as I increase my pace
“ Cum for me…give me that…sweet nectar..” I say as I moan seeing her head tilt back as she meets my thrust
At that moment she did coat my shaft. I lean down to kiss her neck from one side to the other. She holds me in her arms as to not let me go. As I picked up my pace she kept giving me love. I slowly sucked on her neck to give her a reminder of this night also.
“ Yes baby…mmmm…give me your…oh yess…love mark.” Mom says as I smile before doing just that
I raise up placing my hands on her tights as she smiles up at me.
“ You getting close baby?” She asks as I nod with a smile before she continues “ Go ahead baby…cum in your mothers……pussy. Fuck me though as I want you……in my ass next.” She tells with a moan as I start pounding into her
I keep my eyes on hers as she smiles with tears as I feel mine come to. This moment means so much as I feel my climax coming.
“ Mom…I.” I say with a moan as she cuts me off
“ Go ahead my son, my baby, my sweet love. Give me what you father did so many years ago….your love.” She says as I tilt my head back erupting deep into her as she continues ” Oh Fuck yess….I feel it baby….your cum feels so warm.”
“ ALL FOR…YOU MY….BEAUTIFUL…LOVING…MOTHER!” I say as I arch my back as rope after rope hits into her womb
After my balls get emptied into my mother. She pulls me down to her as we openly kiss as our tongues make love to each other. I feel her milk my shake for all it’s worth. Once we catch our breathes mom wants to get up better on the bed as she lays on top of me. Our hearts beat at the same time as we kiss. It’s at that moment we hear the bedroom door open. Mom and I look to see who it is. There standing in all their glory is momma Faye and Jacqueline. Both have grinins as I blush.
“ Is there room for two more? Or do I have to wait for a day to be with our loving son?” Faye asks as mom moves to my left side exposing my body laying half on me
“ Faye I love you and all, but if you want our son also then ask him.” Mom says as Faye and Jacqueline step over to the bed and crawl up to my mother and I
“ Heath honey I know I said years ago I wouldn’t um sleep with you, but just as your mother I have bad dreams of being used.” Momma Faye tells me stunning me
“ Same here Heath sugar as I was married to that monster Tyrone.” Jacqueline tells me as I look at them both
As they sit on the bed nude with their breast showing I think of their words. I knew Faye told me of her husband saying he was not a pleasant man, and Jacqueline was married to Tyrone and knows what my mother went through. I look at my mother who nods showing love in her eyes.
“ Well it would be mean to them if I didn’t show my two other moms love, but what do you both want though?”I tell them as both give me loving eyes
They both crawl to me looking down in my eyes. They look at mom who I feel nod as they look back at me.
“ Heath we want love by a man before we settle to just us three. I love you sweetie, but right now I need you to replace the man that haunts my dreams. I want to be given love the right way instead of being a cum dump. I want to be your woman for one night.” Faye tells me as Jacqueline nods agreeing
I think of her words before giving both a smile.
“ Well I love all you moms as well, and the girls did tell me to heal mom so I guess two more doesn’t hurt.” I told them as all three smiled
“ Good because this is OUR night as women who love one man.” My mother says as they all three place their lips on mine
At that moment I felt more love from three moms then I have in years.
To Be Continued…Closeness with mothers, hearts start healing
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