
She was so young.

So innocent.

So naïve.

So trusting.

And so sound sleep in the bed. The bed, not mine, not hers, not ours. I sat beside the soft lined form under the thick blanket and wondered how our lives had come to this nexus. Her lying on her side, sleeping the slumber of the blowless, unburdened by shame, guilt or the knowledge of life that comes with adulthood. Comfortable in her safety, eyes fluttering over dreamscapes, lips upturned in a slight smile. Me? Sitting in a chair watching her.

I’m not so young, so innocent or naïve and I couldn’t sleep. Not on or in that bed, the only one available to us. I tried, I asked, I almost pleaded for separate rooms, then separate beds but the disheveled unkempt clerk of the disheveled unkempt motorcycle only leered at her, turned at me and offered me ‘the only room we have left.’ We were trapped in a blizzard, 300 miles from where we started our journey, 240 from the end. If she weren’t with me I would have pushed on into the storm, I would have relished the challenge of driving my all wheel drive through the drifts. But I wasn’t alone and even worse, my body knew I wasn’t alone. I was having a severe hormone reaction to the girl sleeping just inches from where I sat.

She was my best friends sister, she was my own sister’s BFF. We grew up across the street from each other in a small Minnesota town. Refreshing, rural, small town values ​​guided our lives, our past. But what was running through my mind was not rural values. Racine (Racy )Amanda Whitley was sleeping the sleep of the pure at heart while my heart blackened with forbidden lust. My cock was straining to burst through the fabric of my pants, my balls churned relentlessly and whimpered for mercy from the twisting ache of overflowing desire.

Maybe it wouldn’t have been a problem if she were closerto my age but eight years separated us. At 26 I’d lived a lot of life while she was growing from childhood. I was visiting my family and when I left to return to the townhouse where I lived with Racy’s brother, she asked to ride along, to visit her brother. She and my sister Karla had graduated from High School a few months earlier so her parents gave her the go-ahead to stay with us for a week. Since I was driving back she hitched a ride with me for the one day trip.

Only the trip wasn’t going to be a nine hour drive like we’d planned. The storm raged across the Canadian border and slammed into Minnesota and Iowa with the speed of a diving hawk. The weather forecasters certainly missed their payday that time. Racy was all for driving through the blizzard and I would have if I were alone but I’ve seen too many stories about people getting stuck in snow drifts and freezing to death on the long barren highways. I couldn’t put her in that dangerso I stopped in a small town and found us a place to stay.

It was during dinner that she morphed from a flighty teen girl to an alluring young woman in my eyes. The change was as suddenly as it was starting. When she sat down at the table I saw her as a girl giddy with little girl excitement at being stranded, she was on an adventure. By the time dinner was over she was a 18 year old woman with the body, charms and maturity I wanted to take to bed. I was in trouble even before she ever put on pajamas and crawled under the blanket.

In the room she called her parents, her brother and my sister to tell them we had stopped because of the snow and that she was fine, I was taking care of her. She told her parents and brother that we had separate rooms. She later texted my sister that she and I were sharing a room. I cringed when she sent word but at least she didn’t mention there was only one bed. I talked to my friend, her brother, and he grew a warning that he wouldn’t tolerate any harm come to his sister and he was holding me responsible for her well-being. I got the message, I shouldn’t be screwing around with his baby sibling. He knew me better than that, the warning wasn’t necessary, but it was necessary as a formality to express his worry about Racy. I assured him she would be as safe as my own sister in my care. But my balls weren’t heeding the warning. I Finally crept into the bathroom to whack off before I could fall asleep in the chair.

The next morning Racy was bounding off the walls with unsuppressed excitement. The blindard was taking a breather and the morning sun was reflecting off the white world, blindingly clear. I switched on the cheap television to hear that we had about three hours before the fury of winter hit us again. The roads west were open for about 50 miles but I needed to drive over 200. I was resigned to another day and night in this shit-hole little burg with the stunning girl-woman.

Racy lured me out of my funk by offering me motel room coffee then demanding I take her to breakfast. Once we were sated on pancakes and sausage we four-wheeled to a small park where she could rent a tube for tubing on the hills. I had nothing better to do so I joined her. She and I spent the next two hours slipping and sliding up and down the slopes of the town park. She was as animated and alive as anyone I had ever met. Her eyes sparkled with spring sky clarity, the banks of snow paled in brilliance when she smiled, her laughter reverberated and echoed in my ears as light as feathers drifting on a breeze.

The wind picked up, flakes started falling, it was time to go back to the room. I dreaded the rest of the day and the coming night. I was alone with a very pretty teen in a dark, cozy room. The single queen sized bed beckoned to me, invaded my thoughts ‘I am a movie bed, ‘I’ve bounced under a many mating couples, I’ll bounce for you and her.’

Racy switched on the TV and asked what we were going to do for dinner. She was facing the television, away from me. My eyes were filled with the vision of her shaped round ass under skin tight jeans. The snow bunny boots and down filled parka didn’t hide the length and form of legs that rose from the floor to my idea of ​​heaven. She spun around, sliding the coat off her arms complaining “God, my pants are wet! I have to get out of them.” She unfasted the button at her wait as she crossed the room. Racy rummaged around her pack till she found what she was looking for. She pulled down the stiff wet zipper so when she walked past me to the bathroom holding a second pair of pants I could see the lower part of her bared midriff and the top half of her white cotton panties behind the V of the open jeans. My cock lunged as if it were a calm bolting from a starting gate. The shock of lust hit me square in the balls, I almost groaned from the intensity of it. She had no idea that she came within a microsecond of not making it to the bathroom; I was in serious trouble.

I concentrated on not concentrated on the gorgeous young girl for the rest of the afternoon. I was relieved to get her out again when we went to dinner. The snow had dropped off to a few milk flakes but the roads wouldn’t be drivable until the next day. We capped the day with pizza then Racy asked me if she could drive my SUV. She’d never driven a 4-wheeler in snow so she wanted to try. I swapped seats with her and off we went, through drifts and down unplowed roads. She slipped, slide, did doughnuts and thoroughly enjoyed herself for almost an hour. As she pulled back into the movie lot she cast a glance at me, “Now, what? I’ve had a lot of fun today and I can’t imagine how boring it’s going to be in there watching TV.”

For the second time that day my price exploded to X-rated sized. I hada hundred ideas on how to have fun for the rest of the night but she was my best friends kid sister, my hands and morals were tied by friend and responsibility. But that didn’t keep my balls from being gating. Not only was my libido overreacting, but I was starting to get emotionally attracted to her. I liked being in her company, talking to her. I was expecting conversations with an airhead but she asked me about my job, life and hobbies. It surprised me when she responded with intelligence and insight while we watched World News. She didn’t babble about The Bachelor, shopping, boys, or other stereotypical teen girl topics.

It was full dark when Racy disappeared into the bathroom with her night clothes in hand. I heard the toilet flushing, the shower running, the hair dryer humming. Thirty minutes after she went in, she came out, freshly scrubbed, scented, combined, and in her pajamas. I took one look and wished I were anywhere else with anybody else. The bottom half of her pjs came only about half way down her long shapely tights. They snugged nicely around her legs, hips and butt giving my imagination a wild ride as my eyes slalomed over the peaks and valleys of her curves. The top was not much looser, with three buttons holding it closed; the first was far enough down that she showed a lot of firm cleavage; her nipples were clearly outlined under the flannel clothes which was covered with little blue Smurfs. I was struck by the contrast between the woman’s body and the little girl sleepwear. She bounced onto the bed and grabbed the TV remote, “Your turn, don’t you want to clean up?”

When I was done with my shower I slipped back into my pants and shirt. I stepped back into the main room to find Racy sitting at the little desk doodling while she talked to my sister on her cell phone. I stretched out on the bed and started watching some movie with Tommy Lee Jones as an undercover cop stuck in a house with a troopof cheerleaders. The girl sitting at the desk was by far more interesting than the T&A movie so I watched her back as she gossiped with her friend.

I must have done off. I mean, I was watching Racy throw her hands around excitedly while telling about driving in the snow then the next thing I was aware of was the silence and dark; I knew my eyes were open, I could see the faint light of the parking lot lamps through the curtains. As I looked into the near black room I heard very soft, even breathing behind me. I rolled over and came nose to nose with Racy who was fast sleep, lying on her side facing me. My eyes jerked wide, I caught my breath, my genitals reacted instantly. In four heartbeats my limp prick became a woman’s toy and my nuts solidified to stones. I pulled my head back and looked at her in the dim light. She looked peaceful, completely calm and at ease sleeping on a bed with a man. I glanced at her body and saw that the top button of the Smurf shirtwas open, her left breast jutted proudly into the night air. Hot blood rushed to my head, both of them, I felt myself flushing with lust.

I tried to get off the bed but the jostling of the mattress woman Racy up, she opened her eyes and peered sleepily at me “Where are you going?”

“I have to get up.”


I couldn’t say that I was close to raping her and that for her own safety I needed to put some space between us so I told her “I have to go pee.”

“Are you coming back?” she wanted to know.

“Yeah, go back to sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up again.”

She rolled her head and followed me with her eyes when I stumbled into the bathroom. She didn’t seem to realize that her breast was exposed for viewing. Or maybe she did.

It took time piss into the bowl. My cock was elevated enough I had to forcibly bend it down to keep from peeing on the seat. I put a hand on the wall and leaned forward so the stream went where it was supposed too. When I eased back into the room I expected to see the girl sleep again but she wasn’t. She had opened the curtains and was looking out at the endless blanket of white. The snow covered everything, it looked damn cold out there. Her dark hourglass silhouette highlighted against the pale outdoor scene hammered into my eyes and my prick began to pulse again. I feel my neck get hot as my entire body flushed with heated blood.

She heard me behind her and turned her head, she held out a hand “Come here, look at this. Isn’t this the most beautiful view you’ve ever seen?”

The words tumbled from my mouth before I even thought them “The most beautiful view I have is from right here, standing behind you.” Even before the last word fell off my tongue I knew it was the way wrong thing to say to this barely18 year old girl. My heart started hammering and my gut knotted.

Racy’s eyes widened in surprise then a small delighted smile crept onto her lips. “What did you say? Did you just make a pass at me?” I was stunned. I couldn’t move, the apology was frozen in my throat. Racy moved away from the window to stand directly in front of me, looking up into my face. I focused on her lips as they formed the words “You did, didn’t you.”

She hadn’t closed the top button of her shirt which gave me new view to admire. Her breasts were two firm mounds of stunning scenery, the nipples barely concealed by Smurfs. I was beginning to sweat “Racy —–”

She cut me off by pressing a finger to my lips “I’ve been waiting for you to do that; to make a pass at me.”

My heart was smoking loose in my chest. “I didn’t mean it Racy, it just slipped out.”

My sister’s best friend, my best friends sister, stroked my right hand with her fingers, looked into my eyes and said “It’s about time it slipped out, I was beginning to think you are gay.”

The little girl in front of me vanished, she was brushed aside and in her place stood a woman whose eyes conveyed only one message – ‘Make Love To Me’

I pulled my hand away from hers and moved it to the second button on the shirt. She watched me twist it open then her own fingers opened the third and last button. The shirt fell apart and I went to my knees and kissed her stomach just below her breasts. Racy gasped for air then put her hands on my head and held me as I moved my lips over her skin to a nipple. She grabbed my shirt and pulled it up my back then off my body when I took my mouth off the breast and raised my arms.

I stood, she wrapped her arms around me crushing her tits into my chest as our mouths met for our first kiss. I put my hands on her ass and pulled her against me, I could feel her rolling her hips, massaging the massive bulge in my pants with her groin as our mouths mate.

She wasn’t being timing, she was ready for sex and she let me know it. I hooked my fingers into the wait of her sleeper bottoms and pushed them over her ass and down her legs. She kicked them off then let go of me so she could work on my pants. Button open, zipper down, pants to my knees. Racy paused long enough to look at my erection then knelt down to pull my pants off my feet.

I pulled her up by tugging gently on her long hair which got me flashing eyes and a sultry smile. We clutched each other again, this time bare bodies were rubbing together in all the intimate places, the friction heating us even more. Lips met, tongues began to dance, Racy put her feet over mine and let me walk backwards to the bed where I fell across it with her on top of me.

I rolled the girlover so that she was tucked under me and kissed her lightly “Are you sure about this?” I asked.

She put her hands on my ass, kissed the end of my nose then uttered huskily “Shut the fuck up and fuck me” I felt her legs move apart.

My cock was throbbing, my balls jumping with joy when I slipped the head of my erection through public hair then down the hot swollen crack of her body. Racy moaned softly and flexed her hips, inviting me. I reached between us, gripped my cock then eased the head of it into her. I wasn’t sure if I was taking a virgin and I didn’t ask, I was about to find out.

I moved my hand, Racy rolled her hips and I slipped into the tight hot entrance to her body until my ballooning balls crushed against her. Her pussy was tight but she didn’t resist, she didn’t cry out with pain. I held still, not moving, enjoying the depth of her body. She looked into my eyes, hooked her heels at the backof my knees and whispered “I’ve had dreams about you” then my best friend’s sister began to fuck me.

Hearts pounded, stomachs slapped, legs intertwined. I fucked Racy and she fucked me back. The bed was doing its job, bouncing under us, crashing against the wall as I crashed against the girl. She gripped my back with acrylic nails and dug holes in my skin which fueled my lust for the hot wonton pussy undulating under me.

It started as a convulsion in my nuts then my back cramped, my arms and legs went rigid. The orgasm slammed the length of my erection and stream after stream of super heated cum flooded into Racy. She felt me ​​cumming and clutched me tight with arms and legs willing me to give her my all.

We fell apart, and I rolled to my side next to her. She was smiling hugely, panting from the explosive exercise, “God, I loved it, I knew I would.”

My hormones were under control again and the enormity of what I had just done exploded in my brain. “Christ Racy, you can’t ever tell anybody what I just did with you. Not even Karla”

She looked at me hesitatingly, “Why not? What should it matter to anybody else.”

“Because your still a little girl, your brother and parents trusted me to take care of you and I blew it.”

Anger flashed across her face “What do you mean, a little girl!? Goddamn it, I don’t remember saying ‘no please don’t’. Don’t I have a say in what I do in a movie room with some guy? And if you think I’m still a little girl after you just pumped a nut load of cum into me then you’re totally screwed up in the head! Fuck You!” She scrambled off the bed muttering to herself as she slammed the bathroom door shut.

Our first fight.

When she was done cleaning up she came back to the room snarling like a pissed off cat “Why are you still on the bed, you don’t want to sleep with a little girl.”

I looked at her, the pale light reflecting off her nudity, “Come over here and quit being so damn sensitive, I have another nut load of cum to share with you, that should convince me you’re a full grown woman.” The anger in her eyes received from my little tease. Racy pushed me to my back, straddled my legs and reached for my resurging cock.

The second time we had sex my balls were in no hurry to give up their life. Racy was on her hands and knees when her first orgasm sent her wailing into the night, the second followed quickly and put me over the top. I filled her with the second round while she clutched a pillow and humped her ass against my climatic assault.

The next day, after an early morning tryst, Racy bubbled happily the entire drive but I was dreading my arrival at home. Her brother was there waiting anxiously for his sister and he was expecting her to be safe and chaste. When we came in a tender moment ensured between big brother and little sister. I hung back, knowing that he would see the truth on my face. Just as he turned to greet me I heard a familiar voice coming from his bedroom “Hey Steve, are they here yet?”

Racy stopped dead, looked sharply at her brother then dashed towards his room to greet her best friend, my sister. Steve looked into my shocked eyes, “Hey man, she flew over the same day you two left to drive over. She wanted to surprise Racy.”

As squeals of feminine delight echoed through the air he fidgeted, worry etched his features “I think we need to talk.”


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