Adventures of a Railfan – The Complete Series
PART 1 – Danielle
This is the first part of a Multi part series the covers my sexual activities with the girls in my life. Let me introduce you to myself. My name is William. Well, that’s my middle name anyway. I am 29 years old from St. Louis, Missouri area. As you can tell from the title, I am a railfan, and for those of who do not know what that is, it is a person who has a liking of the railroads. I work with N scale (1:160 scale models) and I also photograph the real thing. I have photographed trains for the past 15 years, mainly in my home city of St. Louis, but also in several other areas around the United States. My career is a truck driver, I work for a local courier company based out St. Charles, Missouri. As for everyone in this story, I of course changed their names to protect their identities. I am using their middle names as their first name. Their last names will are also changed. As for the companies I worked with, I have also changed their names to fictional names, to further protect my identity.
Before you start reading, I must say there are some grammar and spelling errors, Please try to overlook them and enjoy the series
I was 17 years old, just starting my sophomore year at Hazelwood Central high school in the North St. Louis county suburb of Florissant. The previous summer was not that great. I had a summer romance, well, more like an annoying girlfriend who was 22 years old the time. Her parents were from Tiawan, and she had some special needs. It was more of a one sided romance, as I got tired of being Around her after the 4th of July that year. She was the kind of girl who called me every 10-15 minutes to talk. The kind of person I am, I did not have the heart to break it off with her, even though I was clearly annoyed with her.
My first day back at school started like any other day. I started the day with Pre-Algebra in first period. I was never great with math, and to this day, its my weakest point. It was in this class that I first saw my best friend of the Time, Chris. We shot the wind for a few minutes before class started. It was the usual, you know, getting to know the teacher and her getting to know us. It was pretty typical, but when she said there would be homework everyday, even over breaks, she immediately became everyone’s most disliked teacher.
My 2nd period was Geography. The teacher we had was known through out the school as being the best, making class fun and enjoyable for everyone, but was strict enough to make sure we passed her class. It was better then the first period, and we were paired up with one other person that would last for the entire semiconductor. I was paired up with another friend of mine, Ben.
Third period was my split period. The first 30 minutes for this class was basically a quiz to see how much information we had retaind. It was English, and it was easy for me. After the first 30 minutes, we had lunch for 30 more minutes before returning to class for the remainder of the period. Even though it was more of an advance class, there were plenty of freshman in there as well, and it made me uncomfortable.
As for 4th period, it was boring. It seemed like we had the most boring teacher in the entire school, and as I think back to it, he was! By the end of class, everyone was dreading this period. During the entire semiconductor, it seemed like most of the class had fallen wait from the boring lessons, 5 minutes into class
It was my 5th period when I met her. She walked into the room, a little bit confused. From the moment I saw her, I knew that she would become important in my life.
“I am looking for Mr. Lanciani’s class, am I in the right room?” she asked. With me being having just walked into the room, I was the first to reply
“Yeah, you are in the right room, my name is William, and you are?” I asked politely
“My name is Daniel, and thanks, this school is pretty confusing” Danielle replied
“You will get used it to it, the only thing I hate about this place is that A hall is a 1/4 mile long.”
“Yeah, I know, I learned that last year when I took the 8th grade tour of the place last year”
The first thing I noticed about her where he eyes. They were a wonderful teal color. A rarity if you ask me. They seemed to sparkle, even in the fluorescent lighting of the class room. It was not until the middle of class that I noticed her breasts. From what I could tell, they were a B cup. She had a little weight on her, but that made me more attracted to her. After the end of class I asked her for her phone number. She gave me her number and I put in my planner. It was at this time that I noticed her blushing when she gave it to me. I guess I hadmade an impact on her. I was on cloud 9 as I walked to my final class of the day, which was Physical Education.
As I walked into the locker room to change for class, I ran into Chris again, and he noticed right away that my attitude had changed from the last time he saw me in First period.
“Hey man, whats up, you seem to be happier than when I saw you earlier, did you finally wake up?” he asked.
“Ha, no” I said as I chuckled a bit. “I met someone last period, someone who is not as annoying as June”
“About fucking time dude, I should not have given her my phone number, she has been calling me every fucking day, and even more when you do not answer the phone!”
“Yeah, sorry about that, I should have never even asked her to be my girlfriend, I am regretting now.” I cringed a bit when he mentioned Junes name.
“Why the hell do you not end it with her, I know yOur not happy, and by god, I bet she will stop calling me as well once you dump her ass!” He seemed a bit enthusiastic when he realized that I might be getting rid of a daily problem of ours.
“You know me Chris, I don’t have the heart to tell her. Besides, if this new girl that I met becomes my Girlfriend, then I will dump her, even if I have to do over a message, then I will have mom block her number. ” When I said this, Chris seemed a bit depressed when I told him that I was not dumping her at that moment. However, he seemed more pleased that I might be getting a new girlfriend, I would just have to play my cards right.
After school, I walked in the door and was about to relieve myself in the bathroom when the phone rings. It was June.
“Hello” I said into the receiver
“GUESS WHO!” June yelled through the phone, making me cringe
“Hello, June” I said, with a hint of disappointment in my voice
“Oh, you are no fun! How was your first day as a Sophomore?” She asked
“It was fine, but I really need to use the bathroom and get started on my homework” I said, almost begging her to get off of the phone
“What? Homework on the first day, who does that!?” When she said this, I knew it would take her a while to get off the phone, So I had to use desperate measures to get her off.
“Mrs. Aguliara in Math class, now June, I really have to use the bathroom! Please!” At this point, I really didn’t care if I hurt her feelings, if she didn’t let me go, I would hang up on her.
“Oh, I hated her, She was always very mean to me, said I never listened in class”
I laughed to myself when she said that, because it was apparent that she didn’t listen to me as well, at this point, I could barely hold it any more, and this being 2001, the phone I was on was not a cordless phone
“June, if you do not let me off the phone, I am going to piss my pants, you don’t want that, do you” It was becoming apparent that she had no intention of letting me off the phone. She was just like that “Obsessed Girlfriend Meme” that you see today on sites like Imgur and 4chan. (I prefer Imgur myself)
“Haha!” She said in her best Simpsons voice, “I would love to see that! Now tell me…” At this point, I interrupted her.
“June, if you do not let me go, I swear to god, I will hang up this phone on you!” I basically yelled at her.
“Fine, just call me back when you are done”
“Thanks” I said, I didn’t even give her a chance to say bye and her usual “I Love You” before I hung up the phone.
It was about a week later in the second week of class’s that I worked up the nerve to callDanielle. It was more of school related call because for the three days before I called her, I had stayed home from school with a nasty fever. When I called, her mom answered the phone.
“Hello?” Her mom answered
“Hi, is Daniel around, I am a class mate of hers”
“Hold on, let me see if she is outside”
I heard her mom call for Danielle. She was outside hanging out with her best friends, Shelly and Alli. She came to the phone, not knowing who was calling for her.
“Hello?” She asked, a bit confused. Apparently, only Shelly and Alli called her.
“Hi, Danielle, its William”
“OH MY GOD!” She screamed and immediately hung up the phone on me.
“Great” I mused to myself, “I can see where this is going!”
I immediately called back and this time she answered the phone her self.
“What wasthat for?’ I asked her
“I’m sorry about that, I never expected you to call!” She explained.
We ended up talking for about 5 minutes as she explained to me what work I had missed the past three days. After I got what I needed from her, she told me she had to go, as Shelly and Alli were there and they were about to ride their bikes up to Walgreen’s.
I returned to school that Monday, feeling much better with my fever breaking the previous Saturday. I started to see Danielle around more and more. Every time I saw her, I blushed and and every time I tried to say Hello. She would usually say hi to me, but it more of a quick hello then she went on her way. I knew that she would be hard to convince. As the weeks dragged by, I started calling her more and more, and we started to become fast friends.
It was shortly after 9/11 that I finally had worked up the courage to tell her that I liked her. I just had about enoughof June, and I was very anxious to get rid of and get her out my life, for good. During 4th period, we had a substitute teacher, you know, the fun kind that let us do what every the hell we wanted, as long as it was within school rules. I took this time to write her a love note, explaining how kind she was, how cute she was and how I loved her eyes and that they sparkled. At the end of the note, I told her that I really liked her and that I would love to try to get to know her better.
As I walked into 5th period, the first thing I did was give her the note. I was very nervous about her reaction
“Hey, Danielle here you go, I thought you might enjoy this, but please, do not open it until you get home” I said nervously
“Umm, ok, thanks, I was not expecting this” She replied. When she said this, I guess she had never gotten a note from a guy
Class went on, and I could tell that she had changed her attitude towardss me. As I look back at that, I think she knew what it was, and she became a little more distant that she normally was. She was, however, a friend of mine and I was afraid that I might have just screwed up my chances with her.
As I left the class at the end of the period, I knew that she was not going to wait until she got home to read it. As it turned out, she read it the instant she got to her 6th period class.
When I got home, I got the normal call from June and I told her that I really couldn’t talk. This time, I really did hang up on her, and just as I expected, she called me right back. I ignored it, and she finally gave up on the 10th try. I knew that when I called Danielle later that day, that I would be dumping her.
Around 5:30, I called her.
“Hello, Danielle ” I asked through the phone.
CLICK, the line went dead.
“Well, shit” I thought to myself, I think that I really did screwup our friend, but being the kind of guy who really didn’t want to wait for an answer the next day, I called back right away.
“Hello, Danielle?” I asked again when she picked up
“Yes?” She answered
“Its William, are you okay” I asked, concerned that I ruined what we had.
“Yeah, I am fine, Why did you write that note?” She asked
“It’s because its True, I really do like you” I answered, and it was true, I really did like her, she made the torture of High School more enjoyable
“Really?” She asked, sounding a bit happier now.
“Yes, I really do, I am sorry that if I made you upset” I explained
“Its fine, I never really knew that anyone would take an interest in me” She said. Obviously, it means a-lot to her
“Well, I did, and I would really like to get to know you better”
“I would like that” she said, I could sense that she was really blushing over the phone, I could tell by her soft voice that she was, as she normally would have an enthusiastic voice
“I would really like it if you would like to hang out sometimes after school”
“Yeah, let me see when a good time is.” She answered.
“Great! I am looking forward to it!” I was excited that She agreed to get together!
“I have to go, thanks for calling though, but Shelly is outside waiting for me” She explained
Not wanting her friend waiting on her, we hung up. I was beaming with excitement and joy as I finally had a chance to get to know Danielle on a more personal basis. After we hung up, I immediately called June. She didn’t answer, because her and her family had gone out to dinner. I left her a message saying it was over, and that I didn’t want her contacting me again. IFinally had an excuse and I would not feel bad if I had hurt Junes feeling. I knew that I would be feeling better.
Two weeks later after we had hung out for a bit. Danielle had told me that she was not ready for a relationship and that we could still be friends. I was okay with that. However, Two weeks later, she came up to me and wanted to start seeing me again. I agreed, because I still really liked her. Then of course, 2 weeks later she did it again, stating that she really was not ready to have a boyfriend. I was taken back by this, but I knew that she needed her space. We still ate lunch together, and we ended up talking more and more, more than usually actually. 3 weeks later, I did ask her out again and she said yes, stating that she really did enjoy spending time with me at lunch. This time, she considered me her boyfriend and she did not look back. Her father, who worked at the Gateway Arch in Downtown St. Louis saw one of the notes I read, and she told me that hecould not believe his oldest daughter was starting to date someone.
The weeks passed and we grew closer together, to the point that we were cuddling during lunch. Our classes took notice of this, and pointed and laughed at us. Apparently, with me liking trains, they thought I should not have a girlfriend because I was weird for liking trains. During the times that we hung out, I learned that she had childhood Leukemia. When she told me this, I felt even more closer to her, and that I really wanted to be there for her. Nearing the end of the school year, she came over to my house, walking with me. It was during this time, as we were cuddling in bed, she leaned over and kissed me. I was surprised by this, because at this point, we had only held hands. I kissed her back and then she rolled over letting me hold her from behind.
School had ended for the year and I got my drivers license. I got my first job at a Burger Joint a few miles away. It was a good job,at $7.00 an hour, it was pretty high, almost 50% more than the statewide Minimum of $4.75 an hour. I got to meet her family, and they seemed to like me being with her. It seemed like I made her happy. I took her on our first real date, as I actually had money and a car. I took her to the Budweiser Brewery on the south side of St. Louis. We enjoyed it a-lot, and she got a real kick of seeing the Clydesdale’s.
It was the 4th of July when we took our relationship to the next level. We were hanging out downstairs in the living room playing on my old computer. We were playing Roller Coaster Tycoon. She was 16 at the time and I was 17, and we had become really close, enjoying each others company and spending as much time as possible together. It was the classic teen romance, and we both knew that we were each others High School sweetie.
“Hey William, Danielle” my mom called from the other room”
“What mom!” I called back
“Ray and I are going to St. Charles to see the fireworks, do you want to come along” She asked
“Yeah, sure! We will drive ourselves so I can take Daniel home afterwords” I yelled
“Why, we can just take one car, and we can drop her off on our way home” mom asked, apparently she did not realize that I loved the freedom of Driving.
“Because, I just want to drive” I explained
“Alright, just be careful, you know how the drinks are this time of year” She said. I knew that all to well because my father was a drink. He used drinking as a means to escape his PTSD. He suffered from it badly, having 4 tours of Vietnam and then retirement from the Military when he was a Major. If he had not retired, he would have become a General for sure.
As Daniel and I started to get ready to go see the fireworks, she pulled me aside.
“You know, instead of going to see fireworks, we could just stay here and have sex” She said, giving me a look that I had never seen before. Even though I had
dated June that previous summer, I was still a virgin, and all I got from June was sucking on her firm tits.
“Really?” I said.
“Yeah, really” She winked
At this moment, mom yelled from downstairs
“Ok, we are heading, out, are you two ready?” she called from downstairs
“Yeah, we will be heading out in a few minutes!” I answered her. She did not know that we had changed our minds and we were not going, but I did not want to
tell her that we were not going. It would have been an awkward moment if I had told her, because she would have drilled me for an answer why.
Mom and her boyfriend walked out the door and left towards St. Charles. A few minutes later, I looked at her.
“Are you really sure you want to have sex tonight?" I asked
She kissed me full on the lips, and wrapped her arms around me. I took that as an answer. We left the computer room and walked to my bedroom. We started making out, kissing each other passwordately. I could feel my cock start to get hard from the attention. I reached down and started to undo her pants when she stopped me.
“I don’t know if I am ready for this” she said, but at this time, I had pulled her pants down exposing her panties. I could smell her sweet aroma from her sex. I stood back up and reached down rubbing her through her panties and kissing her again. She melted into my arms.
“Okay, you convinced me” she told me, I started to undo her shirt and as she moved her hands down to push down my shorts. We made out the entire time we where undressing ourselves and in no time, we were completely nude in front of each other for the first time. I laid her down and starting kissing her.
Paying special attention to her nipples. Sucking on them gently. This elicited a moan from her, and I knew that I was doing good. She put her hands on my head and pushed me down further. I kissed down her body, kissing her between her cleavage and her belly button.
For the very first time, I saw her pussy, it was dripping wet. I could see her little nub of a clip poking out from under its hood. Having read stories on other porn sites, I knew what I should do. I started out by lightly kissing it, then started kissing her around her pussy and then directly on her pussy. She moaned a bit loader as I paid attention to her very wet pussy. I then started to lick her clip. She grabbed my hair and arched her back as the sudden shock wave of pleasure erupted within her body.
“Oh god! Please, don’t stop!” She moaned “Lick me, lick my pussy really good!”
I didn’t need to be told twice, and I started to lick her pussy even harder wit my tongue. I started to move my tongue around more, flipping her clip, making her moan with pleasure every time I did. I then moved down and stuck my tongue as deep as I could into her pussy. She grabbed my hair more and let out a slight scream and she came hard and fast, squirting a little in the process.
I moved up her body and gave her a kiss.
“Did you enjoy that, baby?” I asked her
“Oh my god, you have no idea how good that felt! I knew I could feel good when I brought myself off, but never that hard!
“Do you want to go farther?” I asked her
“Yes, I do boo, please, take me, make me your women” She said, looking at me with her sparkly tea eyes.
I moved between her eyes, kissing her as I rubbed my cock onto her now very wet pussy. With both of us being virgins, we were both excited. As I was rubbing my cock, I thought the I was inside her.
“Am I inyou yet, baby?” I asked
“No, you are not, it would have hurt if you were” she said
No sooner after she said that, the head of my cock slide deep into her pussy, tearing her hyman and making her a woman. She let out a scream
“LIKE THAT!” She screamed, she was in pain. “Don’t move, it really does hurt.” I could see tears in her eyes
I kissed her tears away and a few minutes later, she told me that she was ready. I started thrusting my cock in and out of her freshly deflowered pussy with
soft, gentle strokes, kissing her every time I bottomed out in her.
“Oh, that feels good, baby” She said, with a smile on her face. “Please, go faster”
I started thrusting into her and then I bumped into her cervix. I knew I had an average sized cock, but I didn’t think I would be hitting her cervix. As I started to go faster, she arched her back andscreamed into her 2nd orgasm of the night, squirting heavily. Feeling the warmth of her squirt, it made me feel really good that
I could make her cum so hard. She reached up and pulled me down and starting kissing me.
“Don’t stop, keep fucking me, Its feeling really good now!” She told me. I compiled with her and started fucking her pussy harder
I kept up the pace for a few more minutes and I could feel her cumming more and more. I never knew that She could cum so many times, but then again, this was our first time. We had both taken our virginity’s.
“Where do you want me to cum, baby?” I asked her
“Cum on me, I don’t want to be pregnant” she said between her gasps.
I continued to fuck her hard and fast and she started to scream out, cumming even harder than before as she wetted my balls for the second time that night. I knew that I was giving her pleasure, and we wereBoth enjoying our first time having sex
“Oh god babe, I want to cum, may I please cum in you?” I asked her
“Please, no, I am not on the pill and I really don’t want to have a baby right now” She explained.
I knew that she didn’t want me to cum in her, and I respected her for that. I started sucking on her nipples, thrusting my cock as deep as I could. I kissed her deeply as I could feel my orgasm fast approaching. With one final deep thrust into her pussy, I pulled my cock out and shot my cum all over her. The first spurt landed on her perky tits, and the rest of my cum landed on her belly, pooling around her belly button.
After catching our breath, I rolled off her, kissing her with password. What she said next really caught me off guard.
“I love you” She said. I looked at her with a slightly surprised look on my face. I knew then and there, that I knew that she was reading my feeling for her as well.
“I love you to, baby.” I told her. Cuddling her and we gently fell asleep, with her in my arms.
We ended up staying together for the next 8 years. It was a great time, we made love many more times, in all all sorts of places, on my stairs, in the basement, in the bathroom, in her bedroom, outside in the woods near my house, and the most risky place was in her grandparents basement bathroom during a Christmas part.
We would have been together for the rest of our lives if her health had not turned for the worst. During the time we were dating, she got nerve cancer in her left arm. She had surgery and they removed the cancer, but a year later, the cancer came back. This time, the doctors elected to amputate her left arm and shoulder. It was devastating for her, but I stuck by her side, being the great boyfriend, and later, her Finance. When I started driving 18 wheeler s for a large trucking outfit based out of West Valley City, Utah, she stuck by my side. Knowing that I was trying to make a living. She missed me a-lot, but knew that I was doing the best thing for us. However, in October of 2008, I was dismissed from my job after a backing accident in Columbia, South Carolina. At this point, her health had deteriorated to the point where she spent most of the day in bed. In November of that year, she went into the Hospital at Barnes-Jewish for a Bone Marrow Transplant. Her little sister had donated her Bone Marrow for the procedure. Everything was going well until the 8th day she was in the Hospital.
Danielle had contract Pneumonia during the point in the procedure where she had no defense against any illness. She was on a respirator for the next 5 days. Then on November 14th, with me, my mom and her parents by her side, she passed away at the age of 22. It was hard for me, I really took it hard, and to this day, I really do miss her, and even to this day, and every once in while, I do still have dreams of her.
PART 2 – Michelle
After Danielle died, I was a mess. I wouldn’t eat and I couldn’t sleep very well. My dog, May, a Rat Terrier that I got from Danielle sensed this and always snuggled up close to me when I tried to sleep. My mother helped all I can. I didn’t work at all during this time. This was my darkest time of my life that I could remember in my 24 years of being on this planet we call Earth. My friend Gina helped all she could as well, but with being a mother of a 2 year old, her help was limited. My hobby of being a railfan helped me somewhat as I went out several days a week to photograph trains, mainly at a place called WR Tower in Granite City where most of the Areas railroads converge to either head across the river into St. Louis or to the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis’s Madison yard in Venice, IL. My so called friends, Chris and Ben basically abandoned me after her death, so I felt veryalone at this time. My only friend at this time was my railfan buddies Kieth and Mark. They helped me cope and Mark took me around to go photograph trains. This helped me somewhat.
After a few months of coping with Danielle’s death, it dawned on me that I could not remain like this for the rest of my life. For one, I promised Danielle that if anything had happened to her that I should move on with my life and find someone else who would make me happy. I was not really ready to start dating again, but what the hell, I would go on a few dates and maybe have some one night stands. The last time Danielle and I had sex was on the 4th of July weekend in 2008, while I was on home time from Driving tractor trailers. I had been watching porn and reading erotic stories to help me out, but for some reason, it was not like before.
I hoped onto one of those free dating sites, Plenty of Fish to be exact and see who was out there that would be willing to meet someonewho’s long time Francee and Lover had just passed away. I spoke to several girls, and while the all apologized and sent their sympathies to me, none of them wanted to meet. Maybe it was because of the Emotional baggage. I do not blow them. However, I did end up meeting one girl. She was 19, 5 years younger than me and at that time was a student at one of the local community collapses. Her name was Michelle.
We spoke for a bit on PoF, and eventually she gave me her phone number. I couldn’t stay on the site for too long because of a commitment I had to help a buddy of mine with moving some stuff. On the way home, I did give her call. She did not answer, but when I heard her voice on her voice mail, she sounded so sweet an innocent. What else would you expect from a 19 year old teenager?
That evening, she called me back, and we ended up talking for 3 hours that night. She kept asking me if I was ready for another relationship so soon after Danielle died. I was okay with it and explained that she had wanted me to move on. In hindsight, it was way to soon. We decided to meet the next day at my favorite St. Louis area hangout. The Kirkwood, Missouri Amtrak Station since it was pretty close to the school she attended.
The next morning dawned and I got ready to go, getting my camera gear in order. My camera at that time was a Cannon Rebel T1i, a Tripod and a Sony video camera that Daniel had bought me a couple years before. Getting fresh batteries for my scanner, I loaded everything up into my car, a 2007 Chevy Aveo, the very first car I had bought brand new, and headed out for the 45 minute drive to Kirkwood. She would not get out of class until about 2pm that afternoon, but hell, why not try to photograph some trains while waiting. I spent the drive thinking. Thinking about Daniel, and thinking about the prospects I would have with Michelle. I popped open a Vanilla Coke and took a sip before I pulled out a Marlboro Virginia Blend and lit it up to try to relax my nerves.
I pulled into the parking lot at the Amtrak station at about 9 AM. With 5 hours before she gets out of class, I pull everything out and turn on my scanner. I did not have to wait long before the first train of the day came by. Making all the noises associated with a train pulling a long grade, I managed to get everything in place long before the train arrived. The train in question turned out to be a just the ordinary coal train from the Powder River Basin heading to one of the eastern Power Plants. The two Union Pacific General Electric Locomotives straining to get the 135 cars of loaded coal up the grade is one of my favorite sounds. The sound of 8,800 Horsepower 4 cycle diesel engines was just what I needed to forget about the past and look forward to the future. I snapped my pictures and they turned out decent.
As 2 o’clock approached, I had photographed 6 freight trains and the East Bound Amtrak fromKansas City. My phone rung and saw it was Michelle.
“Hello, Michelle, are you on the way?” I asked
“Yeah, I am almost there, I got out of class early, I should be there, how do I get there again?” She asked
“The station is right on Lindbergh, right next to the set of double train tracks”
“Oh! I see it! I will be there in a second!” She exclaimed
“What are you driving?” I asked her
“I am in a White 1998 Chevy Caviler”
“Ok, yeah, I see you!”
“Ok, I am about turn in” She said
I see her and noticed that she is about to turn……
“WAIT! You Can’t…”
She started to turn before I could finish my last sentence.
“…turn there……” I muttered to myself as I hung up the phone, face palming that she did not notice the No left turn sign hanging between the two traffic signals.
She pulled up and happened to park right next to me. So I walked over and greeted her. My camera gear was being watched over by Kieth, and I knew that neither he or anyone else would try to steal it. I waited for her as she got out of her car. Once out of the car, she came over to me and gave me a big hug. She was a bit heavier than I expect, at 250 pounds, but then again, I like my girls on the heavier side, as they are less bitchy and less self centered.
“I am taking it that you are Michelle, otherwise you would not have given me a hug” I said, trying to be a bit of a smart ass
“You figured me out!” she said. I noticed that she was blushing a little as well as she looked at me.
“Well, lets walk over to the other side of the station, that’s where my camera gear is, I can pack it up then we can talk for a little bit in the car.” I said, trying to play it />
We both walked over to the station, but Michelle seems a little bit nervous as walked a bit away from me. She watched me as I carefully stood my camera gear. I could hear another Coal train approaching from the west, but my focus was not on this little sweet teenager that had came out to visit me. After stowing my camera gear in the back of the car, we both got in.
“Would you like a Vanilla Coke?” I asked
“How did you know? I love Vanilla Coke!” She beamed, and leaned over and gave me a a passwordate kiss with tounge.
I popped open the can of Vanilla Coke and we talked for a little bit, about various things. We discussed her classes, her home life and her previous boyfriend who happened to be a lazy video gamer. We watched as the Train passed, but to my surprise, it was not a coal train, but a mixed freight that had some pretty interesting cars, including a Department of Defense boxcar and, much to my surprise, aDOD Caboose that accompanies all trains that have DOD cars. I wish I had my camera……damnit! Well, you can’t win them all, but I had a pretty damn good excuse why, I had a pretty teenager with me.
All too soon, she had to head home, and since my camera batteries were low, I ended up leaving as well. On the way home, we talked on the phone. We continued to talk and we then agreed that I would come over to her place so I can meet her mother. I got home, put my camera batteries to charge and hoped into the shower. I started to think as I was shaving that this might not be a bad Idea at all.
A couple of hours later, I headed out. We agreed to meet at the K-Mart near South County Mall so we can grab a couple of Pizza’s from the Little Ceasers and then I would follow her home. We met at about 6 and grabbed the Pizza’s. Once we got to her place, that turned out to be a duplex, I got out of my car to help her carry the Pizza’s.
"Hi Mom! I brought home a cute guy!” she called as she walked in.
As I was walking in, her mother came out of the kitchen. She introduced her self as Andrea. I made my introduction and and we sat down to dinner. I went through the traditional grilling from her mom. You know, the usual stuff. I told her about Danielle and she extended her sympathies as well. I was grateful for that. She seemed to accept me for who I was, and so did Michelle. We spoke for a bit more, talking About what I liked, and they both seemed very interested in my hobby with trains and railroads. Michelle brought out her laptop and I logged into my account on a railroad photo website and showed them some of my favorite pictures, the best one being from the Yard tower at the Alton and Southern yard in East St. Louis, overlooking the expansion of the yard with the Downtown skyline in the background. What Pleased Andrea even more was that I was not a lazy video gamer like Michelle’s last boyfriend.
“Do you mind if I show him my room?” Michelle asked her mom.
“Go ahead, I have some work to do around here, just behave yourselves” she replied
We walked up the stairs to her bedroom. It was a piece of room, with a small micro-fridge next her bed, also standing in for her night stand, a few shelves. It was not much, but it made it livable, and she was pleased with it.
“Here is my room, I know its not much but I like it this way” She told me.
“As long as your happy and you have a place to sleep, I am sure that you wouldn’t want to sleep on a couch or anything every night” I told her. She seemed to smile when I said this
I pulled her into a kiss and she returned it with password. We sat on the bed with our mouths doing the talking, kissing and necking, her just being a teenager and me not having had any contact like this for almost a year.
At this point I reached between her legs and to my surprise she opened them up for me, I started rubbing her pussy through her pants. She moaned a little bit into my mouth as I did this. Feeling braver, I moved my and and slid them down into her pants.
“Hold on a second” she said and I removed my hand, thinking I had crossed the line
She got up, and went to her door, closing and locking it. Before coming back to the bed, she removed her pants. I was surprised, maybe I might get lucky, but I was not counting on it. She got back into the bed and I resumed what I had started, this time rubbing her pussy through her thin panties. I could tell she was getting wet from my hand. I got a little braver and I put her hand on my hardening cock through the shorts I was Wearing and she started to rub me. It feel great! Not wanting to scare her, but wanting to take a chance, I pulled the top of my shorts down to expose my boxes, and pulled my cock out through the openingin front of them. To my surprise, she did not get scared and immediately wrapped her hand around my cock, stroking me gently.
I moved the crotch of her panties to the side and started to rub her bare pussy, concentrating on her clip. She moaned even more as she started to stroke my cock faster. It was apparent that we were both having an affect on each other. She suddenly got up, thinking that I made too much of a move on her and that she wanted me to leave. That was not the case as she moved between my legs and took my cock into her mouth. It felt wonderful! Danielle was great in bed, but she hated giving blowjob s. As she sucked on my cock, I leaned back, enjoying her mouth and tongue. Feeling my orgasm fast approaching, she stopped and I let out a sight of frustration. She laid down on the bed.
“Your turn, handsome” she said
“With pleasure!” I replied as I crawled between her legs.
I started licking her pussy like I would never see another pussy again. She was getting wetter and wetter the entire time. Once I started to suck on her clip, she moaned and covered her face as she came hard. She was not a squirter, but I could still tell I had brought her pleasure. I decided I would start to finger her, and I slid two fingers into her now soaked pussy. That was when I got the biggest surprise from her.
“You’re a virgin? You still have your hyman” I asked her
“Yeah, I thought if I told you that I was a virgin, you would not want to see me” she replied, with the look of guilt on her face
“I would have met you either way, Michelle” I said, crawling up to her and kissing her, trying to make her feel better.
My cock made contact with her pussy and I started to hum against her. I looked at her and she had her eyes closed when I asked.
“May I put my cock in, sweetie?” I asked her, trying to beas much of a gentleman as I usually am.
She looked at me and gave me a blunt answer. “No” she said. “I don’t want to go that far yet.”
I gave a look of disappointment when she said that, but then again, I was not expecting to go all the way. Then trying to be desperate I said something that I regretted
“If we do this and I get you pregnant, I will pay for an abortion” I said. She started to get mad at me and I moved off her, knowing that I crossed the line. I started to pull my pants up and told her that since I mad her mad that I would leave now, and that I did not expect her to call me back.
She would have none of that and she put her arms around me and told me not to go, as she had fun, but didn’t want me to leave. She wanted me to stay around for a while longer and cuddle. We cuddled for about 45 minutes, but since it was getting late, I really did have to leave. It wasa bout 8:30 and she walked me to her door. I kissed her goodbye and I again apologized for what I had done. With that, I walked out to the car and drive home.
For the next couple of days, we would talk a-lot. We never did discuss what happened that first night. The next Thursday, we again met at the Amtrak Station in Kirkwood and she started to appreciate my hobby, as it was much cheaper than Video games or going to a bar everynight.
“How would you like to meet my mom?” I asked her.
“Are you sure you want me to meet her right now” She replied
“Yeah, it would be great, I want her to meet my awesome new girlfriend.” I told her, kissing her on the cheese as I told her this.
“Your not going to try to take my virginity again, are you?” she asked with concern
“I am not going to try to do anything like that, and I am not going to force you” I told her
“This is why I really likeyou, you are trying to tell me to keep my virginity” she said, hugging me closer.
I got distract from the hug as the gates at the station activated. I had not heard the Defect Detector go off and I was surprised that there was an Eastbound train coming. I grabbed from the Canon, forgetting about the video camera. The train came into view and I saw it was lead by a Canadian National locomotive, I lifted the camera to my eye and started to take the pictures in sport mode. As the 4 CN locomotives passed, I realized that I had forgotten to turn the video camera on to record the passing, since its not everyday to catch CN locomotives on the Union Pacific. As I turned around to see them passing, I see, much to my surprise, that Michelle had taken the video camera and was actually recording the train!
After the train had passed, I was still amazed that she had even done that.
“Why did you do that? You didn’t have to, you know” I told her.
“I know, but I noticed that you hadn’t touched the camera when the gates came down. So I decided I would do it for you.” She told me. “Plus, I knew it would make you happy”
I smiled and pulled her in for a hug.
We said our goodbyes and we both headed home. She had to get home to do her homework and I wanted to get home to eat some dinner and upload and edit my photos from the past week.
We set the meeting of my mom for that Saturday, we would spend the entire day together, and I would pick her up at 7 AM. I know, quite early! As I drive to pick her up, I was excited to see her again. I pulled up at 7:05 and she came right out the door. The first the she did was give me a framed picture of her senior year photo. I hugged her and thanked her. We drive back to my place, a long trip since she lived in South County and I lived in North County. I decided to go back via the Illinois side so I could at leastcheck out the rail action, and ended up photographing a Red and Silver Santa Fe unit. We got back to my house about 8. I showed her around and she met my dog May. She fell in love wit the dog right away.
I then showed her my room. She looked amazing as she saw my king sized bed and right away she jumped in and got comfortable. I thought it was too early, and mom was still asleep. I crawled into the bed as well, and as usual, we started to make out. It started out slow, but things soon started to heat up. It got to the point where I thought she would get mad at me again.
“We can stop if you want” I told her
“But it feels very good!” She replied and she pulled me back down to kiss me again.
Again, feeling brave, I slid my hand up her shirt and started to play around with her nipples. This caused her to moan, and she reached down to start staking my cock. It was at the point I lifted her shirt up and lifted her braover her left title. Looking at her, she gave me an approving look and I took the nipple into her mouth. She used her free hand to rub it thru my hair as I sucked on her title. After a couple of minutes, She stopped me, and she sat up, removing both her shirt and bra, and then she removed her pants, leaving her in just her panties. Feeling a little over dressed, I too removed my shirt and pants, just leaving my boxer on.
As we both got back on the bed, we continued where we left off, only this time, I was playing with her other nipple as I sucked her other one. She seemed like she was in heaven. She went back to struggling my cock and it started to feel great! I crawled on top of her so we would be more comfortable as we continued playing with each other.
“May I take off your panties” I asked
She only nodded her head yes, and lifted up her hips so I could remove her panties. I looked at her and started to rub her pussy, I could tell she wasturned on because she was soaking wet down there. The sweet aroma of her pussy filled the room and it made me harder then ever.
“Can I take off my boxes” I asked her
Again, she nodded her yes and I went ahead and removed then. I crawled back on top of her, but this time, my cock was rubbing against her how exposed pussy.
I looked at her, and she knew what I was going to ask. She pulled me down for a kiss and starting bucking her hips against my cock, giving us more pleasure
“Are you sure, are you sure that you want me to take your virginity?” I asked her
“Yes, I am sure, its OK, so please, be gentle” she replied
I started to rub my cock against her clip and this caused her to moan. As she was moaning, I moved the head of my cock to the opening of her pussy. I started to slide in and after an inch or two, I hit her maiden head. I looked at her as she winced in pain
“Go ahead, I know it will hurt” she said as she looked into my eyes.
I went ahead and slide my cock deeper into her pussy, putting pressure onto her hyman. After a couple of seconds, it broke and I slide the rest of my cock deep into her tight, virgin pussy. She cringed at the pain. I looked at her as she told me to hold on for a second. She was the 2nd virgin to give me her virginity and I knew, from my previous partner, Danielle, of what to do once a virgin is deflowered. I held still in her for a few minutes while the pain subsided. Finally after about 5 minutes, she said she was fine and that I could start moving.
I started slowly at first, being gentle with her as I moved my cock slowly in and out of her pussy. I could feel that she got wetter, but then I realized that when I broke her hymen, she started to bleed. I kept going slow, making sure she really was okay. It was only after a minute or so, she started to moan.
“Go ahead, go faster, please, don’t make me beg you!” She exclaimed
I started to thrust faster into her, making her moan even more, and she wrapped her arms around me to bring me down for a kiss. As I started to go harder, she broke off the kiss and had me suck on a nipple while I fucked her. When I latched my mouth on to her title, she started to cum hard. She came so hard that she nearly passed out. This was from me grinding into her clip each time I pushed my cock as deep as I could into her.
Before long, I was fucking her hard and fast, and she was moaning, trying to keep her self from screaming and getting the attention of my mom, who was still sleep in the room next to us. She was very tight, and she had to have been the tightest pussy I had ever been in, but then again, I only fucked one other pussy before her. She kept cumming, and it got to the point where I could not tell when one orgasm ended and the other began. It was at this point that I couldfeel my own orgasm approaching.
“I am about to cum baby, where do you want it?” I asked her.
“Cum in me! I want to feel it pour into me!” She exclaimed
“What if you get pregnant?” I asked her
“What the hell, I want to have a baby!” She said
That comment brought my orgasm down and I no longer had the urge to cum right away. Knowing this, I stated to fuck her hard and fast, bringing even more moans of password from her. She had her eyes closed and her mouth hanging open, enjoying her first time with a cock deep in her pussy. As I was fucking her, I started to touch her cervix and I then went deeper into her, which made her eyes shoot and open as she went into another massive orgasm. That is what brought me over the edge, and I started to unload my cum deep into her womb.
“Oh god, I can feel it! You are so deep!” She said, surprised at how much I was cumming.
I kept cumming and it felt like I pumped 5 gallons of cum deep into her. It seemed like that because I had not had any sexual contact with a woman for almost a year at this point. It was fantastic! I kept my cock deep into her for as long as I could until my cock went limp and slide out of her. My cock was covered in blood and cum, and her pussy started to leak my cum as well. We both started doze, and after about an hour, we got up and got dressed. At this point, My mom was awake and we went downstairs for Michelle to meet my mom.
Michelle and I stayed together for just over a year. The sweet girl who I met was only a mask for her true personality. Even though her dad helped me get into the Courier business, our relationship continued to go south. She hated my friends, she hated my family, and she even started to hate my hobby. She even got really pissed off when I wanted to go to a train show. On my Birthday, she wouldn’t even let me choose where I wantedmy Birthday meal, insisting that we have Steak N Shake. Needless to say, she ended up leaving me after about 13 months. I was glad to be rid of her, as I could once again find someone else who would truly appreciate me for who I was.
PART 3- Ann
I was glad to be done with Michelle. Her sweet and innocent ploy had worked on me, and I really thought I was happy. After about 3 months, everything started to go south. It was to the point that she was trying to control me and separate me from my friends and family, and it almost worked! I was so happy when she decided to leave me. I couldn’t wait for her to move all her stuff out of the house. I celebrated her department by signing back into my account on Plenty of Fish. I know it may have been jumping the gun, but I was ready to move one after 6 months with Michelle, and I was very ready to move on with my life.
I browsed the profiles on PoF for about a month. I managed to talk to a few girls, and they seemed interested in me. After a couple of weeks, I started to get phone numbers and I called each one of them. Some of them seemed nice over the phone, others didn’t really have anything to say, and one of them thought I became rich after Danielle died, and the fact that I was now an Owner/Operator at Capitol First, the Courier company that I work for. Good thing I did not give her my address, because she would have stalked me for months if I did not!
It was about a month after Michelle left me that I saw a profile for a girl who lived fairly close. I messaged her, and a few minutes later, I got a reply. She seemed nice, but she was on her grandparents computer, and she told me to call her at 7. I agreed, and decided to kill some time editing my train pictures. I had been trying, without success, to get a picture approved by, but even to This day, I have always been turned down, they have been very critical about photos and they only accept the best. Any way, I started to edit my photos and I was having a hard time getting the composition and colors right on a shot of a CSX locomotive when the arranged time of 7 came around.
I called her at 7pm Sharp, and she answered after the 2nd ring.
“Hello, is this Ann?” I asked
“Yes it is”
“Hi Ann, I am William, you gave me your number and wanted me to call you tonight, you know, the guy from PoF” I said, hoping she would remembr
“Oh, Hi! How are you doing?” She seemed to be very pleased that I actually did call her.
After about 5 minutes of talking, she got another call, from her so called sister, Beverly. She came back after a minute. It seems like she wanted her sister to call her as an excuse to get off the phone with me if I seemed like I was a creep. However, she started to like me before she even called.
I found out that she worked at McDonald’s, and had been there for 7 years. Her previous boyfriend had cheated on her, and he dumped his ass after catching him in bed fucking a girls ass in their own bed. She had been with him 8 years and had been single for the past 9 months. I explained to her about my job, that I owned a truck, a 2005 International 3500. She wondered why I did what I did and I told her it was the only thing I was good at and that it also pays good money. I didn’t tell her how much I made per week, only that it was over $1,000. I didn’t want her to fall for me just because of the money I made.
We ended up talking for about 2 hours before she had to go to bed. Since she lived with her grandparents, she had to follow their rules. She moved in with them after she dumped her cheating boyfriend, and since her dad had no space, she could not move in with him. He did however, have his wife, her step-mom, and 2 small children living with him anyway.
I was very happy. I was praying to myself that she would not be another Michelle, but everything she said, it seemed like it was straight from the heart. I ended up going to bed shortly after we hung up, because during the phone call, my dispatcher called me to dispatch me on a load from O’Fallon, Missouri to Shelbyville, Kentucky with a stop in Mt. Vernon, IL and Paducah, KY on the way.
The next day, I was rolling down the interstate, listening to my mix CD of 70’s rock. I had just finished unloading 2 pallets of machinery at the Ameran Illinois Power facility in Mt. Vernon and had just got back on Interstate 65/57 that run together for about 5 miles. It was about this time Ann called me. I knew she was at work but she called me when she went on break. When I answered, I asked her why she had called me during her break when I knew she would be eating. She informed me that she enjoyed talking to me last night and didn’t want to have to wait to get off work to call me again. This comment made me smile, and we talked for a few more minutes then she had to get back to work.
It took longer then I expected to finish in Paducah. I had a delivery to VMV, a Locomotive rebuilder and grave yard. It was not because I was photographing the numerous locomotives they had there, but it was because I could not find anyone in the Shipping and Receiving department. It took me a good 30 to 40 minutes to find someone, and it turned out, they were at lunch, and since they were union, I had to wait. I had to wait even longer because of FedEx. I was just pulling out of VMV when Ann called me back. She had gotten off work early because it was slow
For the rest of my trip to Shelbyville, we talked, and I even talked to her so called sister, who happened to be her best friend. We talked about anything and everything, and it seemed like the more we talked, the more we started to really like each other. The only time I had to get off the phone was when I delivered the rest of my load, and then again when I checked into a hotel since I did not have enough hours to get back to St. Louis. Damn that 11 hour rule!
For the rest of the evening, we talked, By this time I really liked her a-lot. I did not expect to fall for someone that fast, considering of what happened with Danielle and Michelle, but I became crazy for Ann! That evening, I asked her if she wanted to b my girlfriend, and from the tone of her voice, she shyly said yes.
The next day, I started to head back towards St. Louis. Ann had the day off and she said she would talk with me the entire 4 hours it would take to get back. At one point, I had to stop to get fuel. When I told her I would call her back, I accidentally said “I love you” and she responded with “I love you too”. It was not until after I got off the phone that I realized what I said. For some reason, I really had fallen in love with her. I told her about this when I called her back, andshe had said it with out realizing what she had said as well. We both got a laugh about it.
I was surprised to learn that she, being 23, did not have a drivers license, and was taking driving lessons from a private driving school. She mentioned that she would be out learning how to drive around the time I would be getting back, and I asked if I could meet her for a few minutes. She agreed, but then she had to go as I was approaching Pontoon Beach, IL.
About 30 minutes later, I pulled into the McDonald’s parking lot. Her instructor and her self had been waiting for me, and while I updated my drivers log book, I noticed a pretty girl walking up the cab of my truck. She waited patiently as I finished updating my log and then I got out. I was amazed by how pretty she was. She was a red head with very pretty brown eyes, and when she smiled when I got out, I noticed her cute little simples as well. When I got out, I gave her a hug right away, and that’sWhen I noticed, she was actually a couple of inches taller then me!
“I take it that you are Ann” I said when I let her from the hug.
“Yes I am, You are much better looking than your photos” she said, blushing the entire time.
“Thank you, and you are much prettier than the photos your sister sent me.”
“You want to have some lunch?” she asked, and I quickly agreed
The entire time that I was munching on my Big Mac meal, I kept looking at her. She was very pretty. She had 34DD breasts, and unlike Michelle, she was thinner, however, she did still have some weight to her, but she had an hourglass shape to her. We made small talk over the meal, and all too soon I had to go, I had a load to pick up for a delivery the next day to Springfield, Illinois.
A few minutes after I pulled out of the parking lot, her “sister” called me.
“So, give me all the mushy details” she demanded, without even saying hello.
“Why hello to you too, Beverly” I said. “We didn’t do much, her driving instructor was around. We had lunch and all we did has hug.”
“Sounds like it was still a pretty good lunch” she said, “Hope everything works out for you two, I know she needs a good man in her life!”
“I plan to be! Hey, I gotta run now, my headpiece is going dead and I need to charge it, I will talk to you later Beverly” I said.
She said bye and hung up. I picked up my load, and dropped the truck off at the office. I got another call from Ann, this time it was an invitation to meet her and her grandparents at IHOP. I was excited to see her again and I quickly agreed. We talked for another few minutes before I told her I wanted to shower before meeting them. We hung up and I hoped into the shower. As I was shaving, I started to think, like I alwaysdo when I was shaving, thinking about how pretty she is and how fast I fell in love with her. I normally don’t fall in love with anyone this fast, and I was worried about how things would turn out by having a relationship with her.
I drove to the IHOP and she was already there with her Grandparents. We hit it off right away and they loved the fact that I was an Owner/Operator truck driver. I offered to pay for Ann’s meal as well as mine, but they would not hear of it, and they insisted that they pay for it. The asked me how we met. Thank god Ann and I had talked about this earlier, her grandparents would have been pissed if they found out we met online. So I told them that I had met her at McDonald’s and that I was attracted to her when she took my order, and that I gave her my phone number and then she called me later that day.
“It seems like the two of you are pretty happy, and as long as Ann is happy, I won’t mind if she dates you,she deserves a nice man like yourself” her grandfather said
“I would do anything to make anyone happy, whether it be Ann, you or her grandmother or anyone else that I would have met instead of her” I replied. This comment made her grandfather smile even more.
“Grandpa, would you mind I went with William tonight to meet his mom? I promise to be home by 9” she said
“I don’t see why not, I mean it would be better for you to meet her now then later” he responded. “You do promise to have her home before 9 and you wont fool around with her, do you” he continued
“Yes sir, we may have just met, but I still think its a bit to early to go into anything other than a small kiss” I said, hoping that he would approve
“Well then, just be sure that she is safe”
“I will sir, and thank you”
“Thanks Grandpa!” She said, obviously happy that she could spend some quality time with her new boyfriend.
We finished our meal and spoke for a few more minutes. When I tried to leave the tip, they pushed the money back to me, insisting that I should keep my money. I tried to insist, but Ann told me to give it up and that they would not budget from their stand. I reluctantly put the money back in my wallet, and we walked out to the car.
It was a short 10 minute drive back to the house, but it seemed to fly by. I was able to hold her hand for the first time. When we got back to the house, I got out to open her door for her. She seemed please that I was such a gentleman. We got in the house and she met my mom for the first time. The two of them hit off right away. After about 20 minutes, we excused ourselves so we could watch a movie in my room. We ended up watching “Fan Boys”, a favorite of mine. Nothing happened that night, we cuddled for a while, and few times, we had a heavy make out session. We were both very happy with each other
True to my word, I got her home 5 minutes before 9. I walked her to her door and I kissed her good night. On my way home, I was feeling very happy, I was thinking about how Danielle would be very happy that I found someone that could make me as happy as she did.
I delivered my load at 8AM the next day and drive back to St. Louis. It was a 2 hour drive, and when I got back, I was informed that there were no further loads for the day and that I could go home. I was home by noon. At 1 o’clock, I got a call from Ann.
“Hey William!” She was happy that I answered the phone
“Hey baby, shouldn’t you be working?” I asked
“I got off 2 hours early, I was wondering if you wanted to come up and get me so we could hang out for a while” She said.
“I would love to! I am off work now so I have plenty of time.” I told her.
“Great! I will see you when you get her, I love you” she said
“I love you too, baby.” I replied
It took me 5 minutes longer than usual to get to her McDonald’s. I ended up getting stuck behind a person who was learning how to drive a Manual. Great, they always seem like the slowest drivers, but I do not blow them, Manuals can be tricky to drive. I got there, and I picked her up. She gave me a kiss as she got into the car, and I suggested that we go back to my place. She agreed, she wanted to relax and cuddle some more.
We got back to my place and while she used the restroom, I got us some soda’s. I took both sodas and with Ann following me, we went up to my room. Now it was not my intentions of doing anything other than kissing and cuddling, but I think she had other ideas in mind.
We started kissing after I closed my bedroom door and things started to get hot and heavy really fast. She was agreat kisser and I loved kissing her in return. After a couple of minutes, I felt her hand go between us and undo the button on my pants. This quickly got my attention and I started to suck on her neck. This got her going really quickly. She pulled down the zipper on my pants and fished out my now hard cock. She started to stroke me with her soft hands, and it felt really good, no one had given me a hand job since that first night with Michelle.
“Well, are you going to undo my pants as well, honey?” she asked
“Hmmmm, only if you want me to.” I told her
“Go ahead, I want you to” She said in a low, sexy voice.
I started to undo her pants and in no time, they were on the floor. She was wearing pink panties and I could tell that she was getting really turned on. She continued to stroke my cock, only stopping when I took off her shirt. This was the first time I really noticed her tits, and I really liked what Isaw.
I moved removed her sports bra and took a nipple into my mouth. She gave out a slight moan. I love sucking on nipples, and hers was no exception. I kept sucking on them when she let out a loader moan and her body stiffened. She had an orgasm just from me sucking on her nipples.
“Did you enjoy that?” I asked
“Oh yes, no one has ever done that to me before.” She said
At this point, I moved down, kissing my way down towards her womanhood. When I was on my knees, I pulled down her panties, and when she kicked them off, I started kissing around it. I laid her down on the edge of the bed so I could start to enjoy the taste of her pussy. It was soaked. I had no troubles finding out what she really liked and I got her off 3 more times just from licking and sucking on her clip.
“Oh god! Please, no more! I can’t take much more of this!” She nearly screamed “I need you inside of me!"
I needed her as well, and I moved her further up the bed and crawled between her legs.
“Give it to me, I need it, I really need it, its been so long so I have had a cock in me.” She said, again using her sexy voice.
I kissed her passwordately as I slide my cock deep into her pussy. She was not virgin, but since she had not had sex in over 9 months, she was very tight.
“Oh, William, you feel so good” She told. I knew that she enjoyed having my cock buried deep in her, and I enjoyed being in her.
I started thrusting into her at a slow, but steady pace. Her moans told me that she enjoyed her boyfriends cock.
“Come on baby, go faster, I need it.” She was almost begging me.
I started to thrust harder and faster, her tightness was squeezed down onto my cock. As I kept up my thrusts, she tensed up and arched her back in a massive orgasm, squirting all over my balls. I didn’t think her pussy could get any tighter, but when she came, she almost pushed my cock out of her pussy.
I continued to fuck her through her orgasm, going harder and faster, trying to make her cum more. I love it when I can make a girl cum, it lets me know that they are enjoying it as much as I enjoy being in them.
“Ann, I am about to cum!” I nearly yelled
“Go on William, cum inside me!”
With one more massive thrust, I buried myself as deep as I could into her tight, underused pussy and unleashed my torrent of cum deep into her womb. My orgasm was so strong that I started to see stars. I collapsed on top of her, both of us panting for breath after we both had a massive orgasm.
I rolled off of her and cuddled her after our post-orgasmic bliss. I kissed her and told her how amazing she was and that I loved her. She shared the same feelings. She then proceeded to tell me that of all the times she had sexwith her ex, he never once got her off, that he always came within minutes of entering her.
I kissed her again, and being a typical guy, I started to play with her nipple, expecting her to push me away. I was surprised when she didn’t.
“I can see you want some more” She said
“I can always use some more” I replied
“My pussy is sore from that fucking you just gave me, but I won’t leave you high and dry” she told me.
“Oh, what did you have in mind, baby?”
Without answering me, she moved down me and got between my legs.
“I never did this with my ex, but I think you deserve a thank you for getting me off the way you did” She said, and then she took my cock into her mouth
I rolled my eyes back when I feel her wrap her lips around my cock. My cock was still covered with my cum and her pussy juice, but she didn’t mind. She started to suck my cock hard, rolling her tongue around my cock like she was eating a sucker.
“We taste good, sexy” She commented, and went back to sucking my cock
She sucked my cock for about 15 minutes, playing with my balls as well when I feel another orgasm coming on.
“Baby, I am going to cum soon if you keep doing that!” I told her, not sure if she wanted my cum in her mouth or not
She pulled my cock out of her to tell me that she wanted me to cum in her mouth. She went back to sucking, sucking my cock even harder than she had. I started to feel my cum race from balls up and up my shaft. I grabbed her by the hair and erupted inside her mouth. She managed to catch all of it and she swallowed every last bit of cum I had to give her.
“That was amazing” I said, as she crawled back up.
“You taste really good!” She said as she pulled me in for a kiss. I could taste myself, but I didn’t mind because that was actually the very first time I reached an orgasm while getting a blowjob.
All too soon I had to take her back to McDonald’s so her Grandparents would get suspicious. We got there with 10 minutes to go, we said our goodbyes and she left to go wait for her grandpa.
Ann and I spent the next year and a half together. At first, the sex was great, we had it every chance we got. She moved in after about 6 months, and then our sex life became almost non-existent. I was lucky if we had sex every other week. But I loved her and I respected her, and I did not want to push the subject. Near the end of our relationship, Beverly entered a relationship with John. They were together for a few months before she broke it off with him. That break up is what caused Ann to leave me. She left me because she felt there was no more password in our relationship (Gee, I wonder why!) and left me without warning. 3 days after she left me, sheentered into a relationship with John, Beverly’s ex. Talk about being stuck in the back!
PART 4 - Nicole
Ann left me in the worst way possible, for her best friends ex! That was the worst feeling in the world, What could he possible have that I didn’t! I made sure Ann was really happy. Oh well, her loss. Someone else will now have the chance to be with me and enjoy the attention I give them.
Shortly after Ann left me, I once again went back to the internet dating scene. This time I broadened my choices by also signing up for OKCupid. It was on OK cupid that I met a nice, petite little girl named Jennifer. She lived an hour away from me and we had talked for hours on end, and even had phone sex a few times. I really though it would work out well and that I would finally be happy. However, I was premature in thinking that, and 3 weeks later, she told me her parents didn’t approve of me because of my job and she dumped me, and I never hear from her again. What Bullshit! Oh well, it is what it is, you know?
For the first time in 10 years, I celebrated my Birthday without a girlfriend. It was depressing, I had spent 8 birthdays with Danielle, bless her departed soul, and 1 birthday each with Michelle and Ann, the two girls who I dated that had disastrous results. By this time, I didn’t know if I could handle any rejection. It may seem odd for a guy to say that, but losing one girlfriend to the grim reaper, one to extreme jealousy and one to her best friends ex, it was beginning to look like that I would never be married, as I was only 4 years away from being 30 years old.
A few days after my birthday, I logged into Plenty of Fish again. I had a couple of messages from some girls who decided I was actually worth their time to messaging me. That was a surprise as this had never happened before. After talking to both of them for a while, I determined that we are so different that Ididn’t think it would work. I was being more and more selective about who I wanted to date. I then noticed a profile from a girl I had not seen before. I clicked the photo to bring up her profile. It stated that she lived in Belleville, IL, was 24, and had just completed training to be a Certified Nursing Assistant. Finally, here is a girl who actually knew what she wanted to do in life! I sent her a message, not Knowing if she would reply or not.
An hour later, I checked my messages again, and there was a reply from her. In the message, she said that she would be online and I could send her an IM. I shot off a quick IM and she quickly replied. I introduced myself as William and she said her name was Nicole. We talked for a few minutes before she had to go. She gave me her phone number before I could even ask and she told me I could call her if I wanted to keep talking.
After I signed off of PoF, I called the number she gave me. After about the 4th ring,she picked up.
“Hello?” She said. She had a lovely voice, the voice of an angel.
“Hi, is this Nicole?” I asked
“Yes, is this William?” She replied
“Yeah, it is, how did you guess?” I chuckled
“I kinda figured because I just gave my number to someone in Missouri” She said
“I guess you are not a mind reader after all!”
She laughed at the comment. We spent the next 20 minutes talking before she had to go. Before she hung up, we agreed to meet, again, at my favorite hangout, the Amtrak Station in Kirkwood, Missouri
I went through Friday looking forward to meeting Nicole. I stayed in the St. Louis area all day, and did a grand total of 6 loads during the entire day. I picked up my paycheck and saw that I had made about $3,500 the previous week. Then again, I only did two runs that week, one to Detroit, MI and then from Ft. Wayne, IN back to St. Louis. That was the only time my mind drifted away from Nicole. During the day, she texted me a picture of herself, and I made it my phones background. Unlike Ann, I was not going to rush into this relationship, and I wanted to meet her before I made a decision. The only reason why I made it my phones background was because of how Beautiful she was. Needles to say, my previous Girlfriends were cute, but Nicole was actually Beautiful, and I couldn’t stop looking at her pretty face.
The next day, Saturday, was the day I was supposed to meet Nicole, We agreed that we would meet at the Amtrak station and that we would then go to my place where I would cook her dinner. Me being the railroad buff I am, I took my camera with me and left about 7 AM. I wanted to catch some trains before we actually met. The day was going to be a nice one, Sunny and Clear with a high of around 76. Perfect fall weather.
I got to the station 45 minutes later, turnedon my scanner to listen for any approaching trains an lit a cigarette. About 30 minutes later, I heard my first train and got my camera ready. At this time, I had upgraded from a Canon T1i to a Nikon D3100, and I really enjoyed it. I was looking forward to what was approaching from the east, and I grew excited when the train came into view, rounding the sweeping curve leading up to the station. Right there on the point of the train was one of Union Pacific’s Heritage Units, the UP 1983, painted up in a retro Western Pacific color scheme. The unit was painted this way to honor the Western Pacific railroad, that was merged into the Union Pacific in 1982.
I snapped about a dozen photos of the train, and all of them turned out very nice. The New Nikon was a great choice and was definitely an improvement over the old Canon I had.
About 1 clock rolled around and I got a call for Nicole, stating that she was on her way, but was caught up in construction trafficon the Illinois side on I-64/US 40. I told her that was fine and that I was enjoying taking photos of trains. She laughed and said that she felt bad for running late. I told her not to worry and that I will be here when she arrives.
I ended up photographing a Westbound double stack container train between the time we talked on the phone and the time she got to the station.
As she pulled up, I noticed she was driving a beat up old Dodge Dakota pick up truck. She got out and walked up to me.
“You must be William” she stated
“The one the only, I guess you recognized me from my wanted poster” I said with a smile
“You are wanted?” She asked a bit worried
“Yeah, I am only wanted by you!” I said with a chuckle
She rolled her eyes and laughed. She had a wonderful laugh as that is the first time I had heard her laugh.
“Come on, lets go sit in mytruck” I said. By this time, I had traded in my Aveo for a 2008 Silverado. It was a nice truck, but it used a-lot of gas, considering how much I drive hunting down trains to photograph.
She followed me to my truck and I opened the door for her.
“So, How was the drive here” I asked, knowing the response she would give
“It was bad, a car hit a semi on the Poplar Street bridge, that’s why I was late” she explained
“Its fine, at least you were not the one that hit that truck” I told her, and she looked over to smile at me.
I lifted the center console to let her slide closer to me. She accepted the invitation and scooted over and I put my arm around her. I looked at her and that’s when I notice how truly beautiful she was. I had a gut feeling of mine that she was the one that I was destined to be with for the rest of my life, barring any best friends ex’s or her unexpected death.
“So, now that you are here, what do you think of me so far’ I asked
“Well, you are a gentleman and I like that, and I can sense that you are sweet, much sweeter than when we first talked on the phone” She explained
“Well, I think you are very beautiful, do you mind if I give you a kiss?” i asked her
Without much of an answer, she moved her head closer to mind and I gave her a kiss, not one of lovers, and not one that I would give my mom, sort of in between.
“Can you see yourself being my girlfriend? I would really like to get to know you better” I told her, hoping for a positive answer.
“I wouldn’t mind at all being your girlfriend” She replied.
I moved in to give her another kiss. She returned the kiss, and blushed at the same time, she was really something else.
“Come on, I want you to meet some people” I told her, andwe got out of the truck
We walked around to where the other railfans usually hung out during a Saturday Afternoon. My buddy Kieth was there, along with a few others. The wondered aloud when I rounded the corner with Nicole’s arm wrapped around mine.
“Well, who is this young lady” asked Dan, who was a regular.
“This is my new Girlfriend, her name is Nicole, Nicole, this is Dan, Kieth, Allan and Joe” I said
Amy said hello and Dan shook her hand. She felt welcome and at the same time, a little embarrassed.
We stuck around for one more train, a westbound mixed freight with common Union Pacific power. I was not interested as I had photographed the lead locomotive many times before. We walked back towards my truck and that’s when Nicole said she would rather ride with me and I take her back to her truck that night. I later learned this was so she could spend more time with me.
The entire ride home, we held hands and we learned more about each other. I learned that she had worked a Pottery store for the past 5 years and was about to enter her 6th year there. She had two previous boyfriends, both of which lasted under a year. The last one only used her for sex, without her knowing that he was actually married. The one before her had threatened her if she did not bring him any money, and she left him on the spot. I told her about my previous relationships, how Michelle was a cunning control freak and how Ann left me for her best friends ex. We learned a-lot about ourselves during the trip home, and before I knew it, we were pulling up to the house.
After I put the truck in park, we got out and walked inside. Mom was in the kitchen doing some cleaning.
“Hi mom, I am home” I announced
“Hi William, oh, who is this?” She asked. I think she forget that I was bringing Nicole over so she could meet her
"Mom, this is Nicole, remember, I was bringing her over so she could meet you” I told
“Hi, I am Mary, nice to meet you” she said, greeting her
“Hi, thanks, I love your house”
“Thanks, but it would look better if William helped out more, he still needs to cut the grass”
“But the grass is wet from yesterdays rain mom, I will do it tomorrow for sure” I said, rolling my eyes
Nicole chuckled a little bit, and then noticed my two dogs outside jumping up and down with excitement when they hear us walk in
“I didn’t know you had any dogs!” she beamed. “I absolutely adore animals!”
I walked over to the back door and let May and Darth in, and the first thing they did was run over to Nicole, greeting her. Nicole picked up May and she started giving Nicole kisses.
“Awww, thanks for the kisses” Nicole said in a babylike voice.
At this point, Darth started his yapping, like he was yelling at May because she was getting all the attention. Nicole put May down and tried to pick up Darth, but he backed away, and she resorted to just beending down and scratch his head. When she bent over, I noticed how sexy of an ass she had, and how it accented her body.
“Hey Nicole, you want a tour of the house?”
“That would be great, I just love this place, you and your mom have done a great job keeping it up, its just the two of you, right?”
“Yeah, my father left in 1999 and he passed away in 2005”
“I am sorry to hear that, but yes, I would love to see your home”
I showed her around, showing her obviously the Family room where the TV was, the living room and the small memory to the important people in our lives who have since passed away. After I was done showing her around the downstairs, I tookher upstairs, and we went into my bedroom. Now I am not the kind of guy who is wanting to get a girl into bed the day or night I meet her, but sometimes, things just happen.
We got into the bedroom and one of the first things she noticed was my 55 gallon fish tank. Its a simple tank holding about 55 tropical fish, mainly Danio’s, Guppies and Tetra’s. She went over and looked at the tank, amazing by the amazing association of colorful fish that I had. I walked behind her as she was looking into the tank and put my arms around her. She put her hands over mine and leaned her head back onto my Shoulder. I could smell her perfume, and it was intotoxicating.
I started to kiss on her neck, and this got her attention. She turned around she started to kiss me, not a friendly kiss, but the kiss of a lover. I was breathing a bit heard, my heart was racing as we continued to get hot and heavy with our kissing, and it was turning me on. She could tell and she wrapperd her arms around me, knowing that I was nervous.
I put my hands on her round ass and started rubbing it.
“Is this OK?” I asked
“Yes, it is” she replied, and continued to kiss me more and more.
I moved my hands up to her shirt, and started to undo the buttons. I got the buttons undone and opened up her shirt and I started to kiss down her cleavage. She had amazing breast, she had to be a 32D. She put her hands on the back of my head as I reached around and undid her bra. I looked up at, and she looked back with an approving look on her face. I guess she wanted this as well.
I got her bra off and I felt her tits for the first time, not to firm and not to saggy, but to me, just right. I took a nipple into her mouth and this caused her to moan. She pulled my head off of her nipple and grabbed at my shirt, lifting it up over my head. She let out a gasp when she saw me topless, and then gave me an apprOvertaking look. I went back to kissing her again, both our tongues playing with each other. I reached down and started to undo her pants. In no time, I had the button undone and the zipper down. She backed away from me as she pulled her pants down, leaving her in just her panties. She pushed down the shorts I was wearing, leaving me in just my boxers.
We fell onto the bed, kissing even more than we had. I was on top her, enjoying the feeling of her body as I continued to make out with this goddess. She could feel my hard cock through her panties and she bucked her hips up to try to feel it more. I got up, and removed my boxes, and as I did this, she removed her panties. I really had no idea that this was going to happen today! I stared at her, and she looked even more beautiful. She really was something to behold.
I got back between her legs and went back to sucking on her hardened nipples. She enjoyed this alat, and after a minute, she pulled me to kiss me full on the lips. During the kiss, I started to grind my cock against her pussy. She was soaking wet, and even though I was focused on her face, I could smell her arousal.
“Are you sure this is OK?” I asked
“Yeah, go ahead” She replied
I moved the head of my cock to the opening of Nicole’s wet pussy. I started to slide into her and as soon as the head of my cock was in her, she let out a satisfied sight. I slide the rest of the way into her and before I was all the way in, I bumped into her cervix. This caused her to moan.
“Go ahead, fuck me” She said, looking into my eyes”
I started thrusting into her wet pussy, and she was very tight. It was a wonderful feeling, her wetness, how tight she was, and also the heat that radiated from her pussy as I pumped into her at a steady pace. We continued to make out as I pumped into her, and before long, she was moaning.
“Harder, faster!” She moaned
I replied and I started going harder, grinding against her clip each time I pumped into. At the same time I started going faster. At this pace, my bed started to rock, but thankfully it did not squeak. A minute later, she shut her eyes really tight and let out a silent scream. I felt her cum as she wetted my balls. She had a massive orgasm. I continued to fuck her while she came.
“Don’t stop, please, keep going!” She begged.
Not wanting to disappoint her, I maintained my pace, giving her hard, fast strokes of my cock into her tight pussy. It was not long after she came that I could feel my own orgasm approaching
“Where do you want me to cum?” I asked
“I don’t care, just come for me, baby” she said.
With one final thrust, I shoved my cock as far as I could into her pussy and let out 3 months worth of cum deep into her pussy. She felt my cum spplash inside of her and this made her go into another earth shattering orgasm, squirting both her own juice and my cum at the same time.
I rolled off of her and I let her place her head onto my chest. Our post orgasmic bliss was very satisfied. As we calmed ourselves down, I looked at her. She had her eyes closed and she looked very content. I knew from the bottom of my heart that she was going to be the one that I would marry.
Before too long, I suggested that we get up so I could make her dinner. She reluctantly agreed. We both got up from the bed, and I noticed the mess she had made. When she squirts, she squirts a-lot as there was a huge wet spot on my sheets. I pointed it out to her as well and this made her laugh.
“The other guys I have been has never been able to make me do that before.” She said, as she pulled me into another kiss.
We both got dressed and headed downstairs. When we walked into the kitchen, I noticed mom looking at us funny. I think she knew what was going on, but she did not say anything.
Nicole and mom stayed in the house to talk as I went outside to fire up the grill. I was going to do all the cooking that night since I promised to make dinner. I ended up putting 3 rib eyes onto the grill, and also made some Au Gratin Potato’s and corn on the cob as well.
We all sat down to dinner, and they seemed to enjoy the dinner. Nicole told me that this was also the very first time anyone else than her family had made dinner for her. I was pleased when she told me this, and when she told me how delicious it was, it made me smile even more.
Mom and Nicole chatted all through out dinner and they became fast friends. They talked for about an hour when mom got a phone call from my sister. Her dead-beat drink of a husband had been arrested again and she needed help with her twin 2 year old daughters.
After mom left, Nicole and I went back upstairs. I had opened the windows earlier to get the smell of sex out, and it had mostly dissipated by the time we walked back in. Before I could say anything, Nicole attacked me, kissing me with even more password, if that was possible, then before.
I was more relaxed this time, and I kissed her back. I went for her shirt first, and had it open in no time at all. In only a few minutes, we were both completely nude. However, instead of wanting my cock in her right away, she pushed me down onto the bed.
“This time, I want to make sure you feel as good as you made me earlier” She said.
She got between my legs and started to stroke my cock. Her soft hands and her firm grip, not to hard, but not to light, feel great.
“I wonder how I will make you feel good?” She said sarcastically
“I think I know a way” I said with a smile
After I said that, she wrapped her lips around my cock and to myamazement, she took me all the way into her mouth, her nose right up against my stomach. She played with my balls as she continued to deep throat me. I had never received a blow job like this. Up until now, this was the best I ever got. The way she was sucking my cock, it felt like she was going to suck it right off my body.
“Oh god, Nicole, that feel so fucking good” I told her as I placed my hands on her head.
She looked up at me and saw the look of pure pleasure on my face. She knew what she was doing and she was enjoying it as much as I was. Pretty soon, I could feel the cum shooting up the shake of my cock. Before I could warn her, I blasted my cum into her mouth. She was a little bit surprised when I came, but she managed to swallow most of it, letting only a tiny bit dribble out of her mouth.
“Did you like that baby?” She asked, as she crawled up back onto the bed
“Like you would never believe” I said. It was the best blow job I ever had in my life, and it made me very happy.
“I think someone should return the favor” she said, looking over at me
“I can’t wait to taste you” I responded as I slide down and got between her legs.
She opened her legs for me and I got my first really good look at her pussy. She was still soaked with excitement and her pussy lips had opened up a little from her arousal. I started kissing the inside of her thighs, teasing her just a little bit. Even though I had yet to touch her pussy with my lips or tongue, this still caused her to give a little moan.
I could smell how sweet her pussy was being this close to her. I couldn’t resist anymore and I started to give her pussy little kisses. This caused her to give a little moan with a laugh. Something I had never heard before, but I knew she was enjoying it. I could see her clip poking out from under its hood, and I gave ita little kiss followed by a lick. This caused her to moan even more. I started to lick up and down her pussy, and she tasted like a Pina Collada. I couldn’t get over how sweet she tasted as I continued to lick her. I could have licked her for ever.
Before long, She was cumming hard. She grabbed the back of my head and arched her back as she let loose. I had my mouth open and she squirted into my mouth. I could taste both her and I have she came.
I crawled up on top of her and kissed her, so she could taste the two of us
“Thank you baby, I really enjoyed that” she told me
” I am glad you did” I said, kissing her some more.
As I was kissing her, my cock had come back to life and I was again grinding against her still soaked pussy. Without even asking her, I slid my cock back into her. Upon feeling me enter her again, she moaned, and grabbed my head and gave me a hard kiss.
“I loveit when your cock is in me” She told me
“I love being in your pussy” I replied
“Let me be on top” She said
I rolled off of her and laid on my back as she crawled on top of me. She sat down, guiding my cock back into her pussy. I went deeper into her than I was before, and we both let out a satisfied moan. As she bounced up and down on my cock, I felt her squeezing hey pussy on my cock, making her feel tighter then before.
She was rocking back and forth, grinding her clip against me. She started going faster and I knew I was not going to last much longer, even though I had already came twice that day. She launched her self into a massive orgasm, squirting onto me as she came. That set me off and for the second time that day, I shot another massive load of my cum deep into her. She felt me cum again and this caused her to launch into another orgasm.
After she was done cumming, she laid on top ofme, out of breath. We both were, that second time was even more satisfied than the first time. I guess it was because I was more relaxed as was able to enjoy it more.
It was getting late, so we both dressed and got ready to go. The evening air had cooled and it felt good as we walked out to the car. We got in and we started the drive back to the Kirkwood Amtrak station. The trip did not seem to long, mainly because I had this beautiful woman sitting next to me. We talked the entire way there and we both felt the same for each other. I knew I was in love, but from my last relationship, I did not tell her.
We got back to her car and we got out. I walked her to her truck and held her for a minute or two before kissing her good night. She got in, started up her truck and she left.
As I drive back home, little did I realize that Nicole had the best impact on my life since Danielle. I drive home the entire way with a huge smile on my face.
Nicole and I are still together. We have been together for three years now. In March of 2013, I proposed to her. She of course said yes. I bought her a beautiful white gold ring with a 4 carrot peach sapphire. I got the ring from Shane Co. and the price of $900 was well worth it as she means the world to me. As I am typing this, we are both getting very excited and nervous about the upcoming wedding. We both Know that we are going to be spending the rest of our lives together.
How she could put up with a train loving geek like me is beyond me, all I know is that we are both very happy.
That’s it people! I hope you enjoyed my little series, and I plan to write more stories. If I get enough positive comments, I will write about the one night stands I have had.
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