1. I apologize if you feel that this story was “stolen” or plagiarized I assure you it is not. I have no idea who/what “KG210502” is but if it’s an author I will check them out.
2. Well as one “genius” of a commentator pointed out Kelly would have been 16 when Daniel was born and that she married after college. Let’s see if anyone can match up why those dates don’t match?!? Trust me it’s not hard to figure out once you look at it. 🙂
The next morning I woke up as early as usual, even though it was the weekend it didn’t mean I could sleep in. I quickly showed and dressed, then went down stairs to make coffee. Passing Danny’s room I briefly knocked loud enough to wake him up, he looked at his clock then rolled back over.
“Morning mom” was all I got out of him.
“Don’t sleep in to long you have to shower and get dressed by 7:30” I told him.
“Yes mother, could you place a few waters in the freezer please”
“Sure sweetie” I said as I left.
Walking into the cool garage was definitely a wake up in case I had any amount of tiredness left. I quickly grabbed a few waters and Gatorades to bring inside. As I closed the fridge I saw “the box” on top slightly move as the door closed. A chill ran down my spine before I shoved the thought out of my head and walked back inside.
I started breakfast as I heard the shower running upstairs and light footsteps coming down. “Good morning sweetie” I said as my daughter entered the kitchen.
“Mom do I really have to go” was the only response I received.
“Yes you do because I’m not driving all the way back to pick you up!” I said semi annoyed.
“This totally isn’t fair, I have a life you know”
I started laughing “Sweetie what life can you possibly have at 7:00 in the morning, plus I know you have a crush on Shawn anyway”
“MOM! Please” she said embarrassed
“You don’t do that good of a job hiding it especially not from me anyway” I told her “Now go get ready” She smiled and started up the stairs passing her brother on the way down.
“Morning mom” he said as he cautiously came over to kiss me.
Knowing his sister was safely upstairs I darted my tongue into his mouth before breaking it off and saying “Morning honey, you look handsome as always” Not saying he didn’t look good in anything he wore but, a tight Under Armour compression shirt really showed off his body. As much as I wanted to kiss him more his sister was already on her way down stairs and we had to leave. After a quick breakfast we were on our way.
“Mom tryouts are until 10, should I get a ride from Mike or no?” He asked.
“No I should be back from dropping off the princess by then” I told him while glancing up at a now smiling daughter.
“What princess” he said laughing before being shacked by Sarah.
“Okay can we calm down in the car please” I said out loud.
When we arrived Sarah ran in to go see friends she knew would be there and Danny went inside to where the rest of the guys were stretching. As I walked up to the other parents, I spotted my friend Susan she’s about 5’4 and 32B breast size and is a brunette. She waved me over to join her as she sat and watched the try outs.
“And so hell begins” she said as I walked over.
“Well I mean me and you don’t need the beauty sleep” I said as I bent down to hug and kiss her.
“Yeah I know that but I also don’t want to get up at 6:30” she jokingly said.
“I feel you there, Shawn looks good and I’m guessing Jaime is with Sarah somewhere?” I asked.
“Yep they went over to the other bleachers”
“Okay, so I have to ask are you getting laid?” I asked half laughing.
“Oh my God!! You did not just…are you…no” She replied “But are you?”
I started laughing “Not now but maybe soon”
“I wish I had some nice hard cock in my life, because my vibrator isn’t keeping up” She said while laughing.I checked if anyone had heard her and luckyly they hadn’t, we continued to make small talk for awhile. Until I then realized it was time it was. “Fuck! Susan I’ve got to go drop Sarah off at dance” I said before quickly getting up to leave. I dropped Susan off and returned as the try outs were Just ending. Danny walked out with Shawn and Susan and Jaime weren’t far behind I waved to them as Danny got in the car.
“Hey honey how were try outs?” I asked him.
“I’m sore as shit but I know me and Shawn made the team” he told me.
“Well I mean we already knew that” I said while laughing.
When we arrived home Danny grabbed his equipment out of my car dropped in the garage and went inside. I followed him in surprised that he actually turned around to kiss me before heading upstairs to shower.
I headed upstairs to see if Danny was going to go back to sleep after practice or get on Xbox with friends and boy did I get a happy surprise! I walked up the stairs to be greeted by my son only wrapped in a towel as he exited the bathroom. “Mom…sorry I didn’t bring any clothes in with me” he said breaking me out of my trance of how good he looked. “Oh ummm yeah no problem” I said as I leaned in for a kiss. Before he could protest I had my lips locked around his and was deeply kissing him as my tongue explored his mouth. He quickly gave up what ever fight he had and started to kiss me back passwordately, I pinned him to the wall as I began to suck on his tongue. I saw him slide a hand down to try and keep his towel up and hide his hard on, as I continued to suck on his tongue I heard him let out a soft moan. This only encouraged me as I began to kiss him more and more intensely, we both stopped at the sound of my cell phone. I answer while continuing to kiss and was met with an angry “MOM! Where are you? Dance let out like 10 minutes ago” It was then that I realized me and Danny has been making out for about 15 minutes now! “Sweetie I’m sorry mommy got caught up in something” I said as I devilishly smiled at Danny.
After I picked up my daughter and arrived home I started to make dinner. My husband came home not to long after and asked where Danny was. I told him he was sleep and that I’ll wake him up before dinner. He went upstairs changed grabbed a beer and then relaxed on the back patio. I finished up before asking my daughter to bring dinner outside while I went to wake up Danny.
“Danny” I asked softly as I opened the door. He was sound asleep on the bed as I came in. I decided I would try a new way to wake him up I decided to bend down and push my breasts together showing off an ample amount of cleavage through my tank top as I slowly began to kiss him. As he started to wake up I backed away so he would get a great view as he came to. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head as soon as he awoke, I mean I’ve never seen someone go from tired to wide awake that fast!
“Mom this is a great way to be woken up” he said while quickly turning red realizing he what he just said.
I played dumb and asked “What do you mean honey?” While pushing my breast further together.
“Umm I…I mean to be woken up by someone as beautiful as you mom”
I blushed at that completion “Thank you honey” I said as I began to kiss him. Darting my tonguess in and out of his mouth and sucking on his, he started to back away when he heard his sister yell for us.
“Mom we should go downstairs” he said.
We enjoyed a nice family dinner and talked about the day’s events before going inside to watch a movie. I went to bed that night feeling satisfied.
It wasn’t until Sunday afternoon that me and Danny got another chance to fool around. Rob was at a football game with guys from work and Sarah was at Jaime’s house. Danny came downstairs and we started talking.
“Mom any chance you’re going for a run anytime soon?” He asked innocently.
“Are you trying to tell something young man” I shot back playfully.
“NO! Not at all mom you look great it’s just…” He started to look down.
“You want to see me after I work out again?”
“Well umm yeah, you looked great!” He said.
“Alright but your coming with me, go get changed” I told him as he already started to run upstairs. I hadn’t planned on running today but decided it could become interesting! He came back a minute later in shorts and a muscle shirt, damn he looked good I thought to myself. I was already in yoga pants and decided to lose the hoodie and just wear the tight fitting t-shirt I had on under it. His eyes almost instantly went to my ass as I bent over purposely to grab my shoes, I held myself there for awhile letting him look.
I stood up noticing his hard on, so I decided to tease him.
“Honey does my ass look good?” I asked. His jaw nearly hit the floor after I asked that, after recovering slightly he said “Umm…what did you…umm just ask?”
“I said does my ass look good” I told him again this time arching my back making my ass really pop. I swear his eyes were going to pop out of his head.
“Mom your ass looks fantastic, it looks so tight and firm”
“Would you like to feel it?” I asked seductively. This time I was certain his jaw hit the floor, the look of shock on his face was priceless. I grabbed his hands and brought them to my ass. He slowly palmed them until I shoved his hands onto my ass, he got the idea and began to squeeze my ass. I slowly turned around to kiss him as he continued to feel my ass, I was able to see the clock and realized he had been Feeling my ass for 5 minutes now. I feel his cock twitch as it came into contact with my thigh, this seen shiprs down my spine. I broke off our kiss and playful said “I don’t think you’re the only one who likes it, you should go take care of that!” He looked down and saw his raging hard on sticking through his shorts and instantly turned red. “It’s okay baby, it’s natural. Now go take care of that before you hurt someone.” I said to him with a wink. He quickly went upstairs and stayed there for awhile.
After about an hour I went upstairs to check on him.
“Danny” I asked as I entered.
“Yeah mom” he said shyly.
“What are you up to” I asked noticing he only had music playing lowly as he was laying on his bed.
“Umm nothing mom, just trying to think if I was dreaming about something earlier” he said.
“Oh was that something, this?” I said while pulling his hands to my ass. He began to roughly grab my ass as I pulled him up, he was feeling my ass then suddenly asked “Mom do you not have underwear on?”
“I have a toy on baby” I said, than thought “Did I just call him baby?!” But he quickly pulled me out of my train of thought. His tongue began moving around my mouth as we passwordately kissed, slightly at first but then continuously I began to feel his hips thrust forward. My lord this was sending me into pure bliss! I decided to push thing further by turningaround and grinding my ass into him, I heard a moan escape him as I did so. I began to slide my ass up and down on his erection through his shorts, my lord was I getting wet! I turned my head back around and looked into his eyes, I saw pure lust and I loved it! He began to slowly thrust again as his moans became louder and more frequently, I then asked him if he would like to take his shorts off. His face looked like the kid who was told he could get anything he wanted from the candy store! They were off not a second after I asked, I felt his cock trying to escape his boxers with every thrust. It finally did and I felt his warm beautiful cock sliding on my ass through my yoga pants. His breathing started to quicken and his moans became louder and louder.
“Mom I’m going to…cum if we continue” he basically shouted through his moans. What I did next was just to much for him.
“Go ahead” was all I managed through my own moans. That pushed him over theedge and I feel shot after shot of his hot fucking cum shot all over my pants!
“Mom that was…that was fucking amazing” he said before locking lips with me. We began to kiss very roughly until we heard he door. He freaked out as I quickly exited his room and ran into the shower, as I slide off my cum coated pants some got onto my finger. Now instead of washing it off in the shower I slowly brought it up to my mouth and licked it off, that taste was amazing! I knew from that moment that I wanted more and nothing was going to stop me from getting more!
Sorry for the long chapter I had to introduce some key roles and help build up the storyline, hopefully the ending helped that along! Once again comments/suggestion are welcomed and will be considered.
Follow our official Twitter for story updates, information and sneak peaks! Twitter – @Daniel03959639
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