Jesus, what a fucking year, Matt thought to himself as he looked around his new digs. Life had seemed serene for a long time. He felt happy, his wife seemed happy, and they wanted a family. His wife, who he only referred to these days as “that cunt”, had been ready for a family and was ready to quit her job and they would live off Matt’s salary. He worked as a QA for a pharmaceutical firm, and was able to work from home half the time. It was great because it allowed him to moonlight for other companies. This gave him an income of about $145,000 so they were just fine living in the outskirts of a Denver suburb.
They began trying to have a child and did not have much success. A couple of times that cunt thought she was preggo but she always ended up having her Aunt Flo visit and that was that. Concerns began to be aired and it wasn’t long before Matt found out he had poor swimmers. He wasn’t sterile, but his conceptionn chances were reduced. The doctor told them to go about their business and hope, and if it didn’t work, then they could try in vitro or other options.
There continued to be a lack of success and that cunt got more and more agitated and began to blow him. It drove him nuts, he couldn’t help his swimmers get better, and the stress and anger from that cunt only made it worse. Then after three tense months that cunt started being sweet again. Matt assumed she had realized how silly it was to get angry about it and the stress reduced. Of course though he didn’t notice it at the time, she only wanted to have intercourse when she was ovulating and recreational sex had disappeared.
Then came the day. Matt had gone to the home office for a few days to upgrade the saleforce programming and he got done early. He didn’t think to alert that cunt he was coming home early but he should have. He was puzzled by the car in the drive, and figured she was entertaining a friend. She was entertaining . . . with her pussy. She had taken to fucking the neighbor. Matt predictably freaked out and grabbed a bat out the closet chasing the neighbor and thrashing the house.
Flash forward a call to the police fearing for her safety and a quickly filed dividend and Matt was having a bad month. What was worse they were a month or two through the dividend filing, had divided the assets (as usual, the man got screwed), when the bombshell dropped. That cunt had gotten pregnant. Matt was sure it was the neighbors but a paternity test confirmed that his swimmers had finally gotten it done. He was going to be a dad and that cunt contended she couldn’t work due to anemia and needed more from him, medical expenses and child support. She got it all. Matt couldn’t believe how badly he got shuffled but he was now broke. Really broke. His $145,000, now bereft of any tax deductions was cut about in half with state and local taxes on top of Uncle Sam, and then after her alimony and the ensuing child support, Matt now lived like a fucking college grad two years out of school.
He looked around his sub level apartment. What a dump. Shitty old couch, tiny kitchen, teeny tiny bathroom and dingy carpet. It was all he could afford. The only thing he got to take from the house was one of the HDTVs and his stereo and PS4. It wasn’t much but it consistent of all the entertainment he could muster. That and the herb that his buddy would bring to him from the dispensary when he went. At least he got to get a buzz at night and forget his shitty situation. The alimony was going to be about 9 years. The child support would go on and on, and that cunt had gotten sole custody.
Matt wasn’t super social but he did get to know his closest neighbors. There was the Indian family above, they were anti social. There was a young college tart upstairs on the other side. She was nice enought but paid no attention to Matt. Being 42, a small pot belly forming, and quickly thinning hair, Matt was a nerd without much physical attraction. While that might be OK with an older woman who valued smarts and a good income, it had no effect on an attractive college co-ed. The one cool neighbor was right across the way. Her name was Janet and she was about 31, and was recently divided. She had gotten the short end of her dividend like Matt had and was in a similar situation.
They clicked well as they had a lot in common at this point of their lives. She was a looker for sure. She had long straight brown hair, a smaller than average face but a great smile, green eyes and a cute button nose. Not to mention her thicker than normal lips for a WASP. Her face and skin showed the life she had lived. She and her ex had never had much and she worked labor jobs due to a weak education. But there was no doubt she had been a jaw dropper at some point, she moved inthat way only the truly sexy women have.
Matt had hoped for a romantic interlude with her, but it became quickly clear that she was not interested in another relationship after what she had been through. At least for a while. But they became good friends and even had dinner together a couple of days a week for company. Finally Janet won her custody case and her daughter Anastasia came to live with her.
Anastasia was 14 and a half and a splitting image of her mother. The same body structure, though still a bit short for her age, about 4 foot 10. Her legs were already taking on the shape of her mothers, which was to say, they were already looking good. She was not overly developed, and her breasts were just barely needing a bra, though if she went without one it would probably not have been a big deal. What Really set her apart was her glowing skin. The peak gold color of her skin showed her Scandinavian heritage and was a testament to how hot hermother used to be and why Matt wanted to fuck Janet so much.
Matt was pent up from no sex for a while and for some reason, the nerds really do get the horniest. Over the next few months Matt became a close family friend and would on occasion watch Anastasia for Janet, as her mother didn’t like her home alone and Anastasia was one of those girls, so naive and clueless. She wasn’t dumb, she just assumed no one ever had an evil thought, and was so very innocent.
Matt certainly noticed her small but shaped figure. Her but was very rounded and she loved to dance and went to a studio in town. Matt had gone to one of her recitals and had been a little stunned. She was dancing to one of Katie Perry’s latest songs wearing a shear black glittered top that just went to the bottom of her small breasts, her tummy was exposed and a tiny glitter skirt with a black bloomer underneath and black velvet like boots. Matt couldn’t get over how greatshe looked. Flexed thighs and that round butt stick out to add to her performance. Her tummy was smooth and seeing her in make up for the first time, Matt realized how pretty she really was.
Matt jacked off in bed that night thinking about her. Not about doing anything to her, just her gyrating body, completely unaware as to how much she was turning on all the dad’s in the studio. To see a tiny version of the kind of women all men drool at, a tiny version of a college coed, wearing so little, but not yet understanding how pretty they are. It didn’t help that Janet treated her like a little girl, but it wasn’t Matt’s place to say anything.
Matt would never have made a move on her or anything, but he was a man and knew he liked what he saw. She was gonna be a natural heartbreaker. Hopefully she kept her sweet disposition, or she was gonna be a hand full.
It was Thursday at about 6:30 when Matt got a knock on the door.He had come home from the gym and was cooking up a little dinner. It was hard to cook for one, so like usual he would have enough chicken, rice and broccoli for lunch tomorrow. Matt went out of his little kitchen through the main room to the door.
“Hi Matt, I am so sorry but I just got a call from the Brown Palace, they had a rash of flu hit the staff and need housekeeping for the evening. I am trying to get on there, they pay amazing. Do you think you could watch Anastasia until the last shift at 11? I can come by and pick her up on my way home, or if you want to watch tv at our place if she is tired and wants to go to bed. God I am so sorry to Just drop this on you. Gosh I need to go. . ” Janet said talking a mile a minute.
“Whoa, ha ha. Of course I will Janet. In fact, I am almost finished dinner and there is plenty for two.”
“Thank you so much! Give me a kiss sweetie.” Janet leaned over to Anastasia. Being only 5 foot 2 herself, it wasn’t a long lean.
Anastasia kissed her mom quick and came inside.
“Hi Matt.” And she plopped herself down in his chair. The one comfortable piece of furniture he had. She was wearing some mid calf brown soft boots, not that different from her performance ones but were a little tighter fitting. She had on short soft jean shorts, that were another one of those innocent teen things, where they were cute too short on a little girl, but sexy with legs that were already looking like a woman’s. She had on an over sized sweater with a extra large neck hole. It was wide white and brown strips, and had buttons on the front cut but none were done now. It was dropping over one shoulder. It didn’t appear to Matt that she was wearing a bra as she began to fiddle on her phone.
“Hey Ana. Good luck tonight, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you land that job.”
“Thanks Matt!” Janet hollered already going up the stairs of the sublevel and out into the light snow towards the parking lot.
Matt shut the door. He made his way to the kitchen saying to Anastasia, “The remote is on the side table, make yourself at home while i finish the dinner.”
Matt was turning off the broccoli when the computer booted. Just last night Matt had been thinking about getting to fuck Janet, and he forgot he had fallen sleep in the chair the night before and stumbled to bed later. Anastasia had clicked his laptop on, won the mobile computer slider, and it loaded the last page it was on. It was a clip on youporn of a girl getting a dick up the ass and sucking on another while on all fours like a pig on a spit.
Matt didn’t hear the sound with the fan on until the girl pulled her mouth free for a moan. Matt’s eyes widened as he ran to the main room. Anastasia was staring at the coputer with her mouth open. For a minute or a few Matt didn’t know. As he pulled it away and closed the browser, Anastasia protected.
“Hey don’t!”
“Jesus Ana, sorry about that. I, um, well I am sorry. Why don’t you watch some tv?” I said taking my computer into my room and putting it on my bedside table next to my CPAP machine.
Matt walked back out to the main room and Anastasia was still standing up and alert, her eyes big and her mouth ago. “Was . . was that sex?” She asked.
“Wh-what now?” Matt stammered.
“On the screen, were they having sex?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“That’s what it looks like?”
Matt stopped and sat on the couch perpendicular of the chair. “Do you know what sex is?”
“Well, we had sex ed at school, but its only drawings. I have seenSome movies at my friends where they showed a love scene in the shadows but it has a love song and it’s real slow. That didn’t look slow. That looked really fast.”
“Well pornography is fictional. The reality lies somewhere between the porn and the movie love scenes. Have you never seen porn before?”
“No, I mean I know about it, but had never seen a movie one before, mom would kill me.”
“Yeah, well she is gonna kill me if you tell her you saw it here. Please don’t, I am sorry for what happened, ok?”
“Can I see the rest?”
“God no.” Matt responded.
“No” Matt said sternly and got up and turned on the tv and went to the kitchen to dish up dinner. He emerged with two plates and called Anastasia over to the tiny corner table. She stumbled over in the teenage lazy walk they all have.
“So how is school?” Matt asked.
“Good. Why was the one guy putting it in her mouth?”
“Forget about it.”
“Can his stuff get to her eggs through her mouth? I don’t remember that.”
“No you can’t. Porn isn’t about procreation, just sex acts.”
“But why do people like it without trying to get pregnant?”
“Well they still have an orgasm.”
“What do orgasms feel like?”
“Um . . uhhhh.” Matt didn’t know what to say. How do you explain to a young person who hadn’t had one what an orgasm was? Especially without making them want to have one. You can’t call it the greatest feeling a human can have.
“Does a girl taking a guys penis in her mouth give her an orgasm?”
“Uh Ana, you need to ask these questions of your mom."
“Why can’t you tell me?”
“Because I am not your parent and I am also not a woman.”
“But why was she mo–?”
“Really Anastasia, you need to talk to your mother about such things.”
She tried to get into the subject a few more times but Matt shut her down every time. After dinner it was tv to keep her from talking. Matt found older sitcoms where they would not be much chance at sex talk. At about 10:00 Anastasia got a call. It was her mother. She listened for a minute and held it out to Matt.
“It’s my mom.” She said.
“Hi Matt. Its snowing pretty bad and so rather than have more people come in, they are gonna let us temps work all night. I will get off at 5, should be home by 6. My bed it terrible but would you mind sleeping there so she can have her bed?”
“You knowI have a blow up air matress. Its terrific, and I have lots of pillows. She can crash out in the living room. That way I don’t have to move my sleep machine.”
“Ok, that will be fine. Thank you for being such a great friend!”
“No problem darling. Happy to help.”
He hung up and explained the situation to Anastasia. Soon after he was blowing up the mattress with the motor. He put on sheets, grabbed most of the apartment pillows, and a older comforter and set her all up.
“Watch tv as long as you want. I am pretty sleepy, I am gonna watch tv in my room. Have anything to eat or drink you want, ok?”
“Yeah.” She said absent mindedly, laying on her back, and playing candy crush on her phone.
Matt went to his room after the restroom and through Fraiser on his laptop on Netflix and through on his CPAP. Matt had some issue keeping it on, it was a pretty highpressure and he would take it off in his sleep. So he had his alarm on his phone at 12:30 and 3:00 to put it back on. If he had it on still he would sleep through the alarms, but if it was off, the alarm would bring him around half the time. To say he was a deep sleeper is putting it mildly.
Matt was watching the episode about caviar when he drifted off. he popped his CPAP off in his sleep at about 11:30 and fell into a deep sleep.
Matt only remembered some dreams, like most people the last ones. Those once where your alarm, or a odd position, or a noise outside works its way into a dream. Matt began to dream about his high school back home. He was walking into the bathroom after gym and was relieving himself at a urinal and was rubbing his dick as he peed. He finished urinating and got hard and was struggling his penis fast.
Seamlessly as dreams do, his hand morphed into head cheerleader Tonya’s mouth. Matt had always dreamed of getting Tonya. He never was even on her ratar of course, but that is what is so great about a dream. Tonya was all over his penis, no real rhythm at first, but eventually she was giving him a straight up and down sucking. Matt laid his head back on the tile loving the feel of her. He felt his balls aching, getting ready to release his load. He stared down at her bopping, wanting to see her take his cum when an annoying buzzing keep beeping. It was so annoying, he should be cumming by now but the noise was breaking his focus.
Suddenly Matt pulled the rest of the way out of sleep and heard his alarm buzzing. The split second distraction from awakening ended and the approaching orgasm gripped Matt. He felt his semen racing down his penis. He opened his eyes, wondering what the fuck was going on and yanked back his comforter. Kneeling under the cover, at his side was Anastasia, her mouth sliding up and down his penis quickly. The milk blue light from Matt’scomputer was enough to make out Anastasia’s form and Matt didn’t have even a moment to push her away when his orgasm erupted.
“Ana! What are you do-oo-oo-nnnnnnnnnnnnnggggghaaaaa!” Matt groaned as his hips bucked and he filled her mouth with his seed.
She had opened her eyes and was looking into Matt’s as he gave her her reward. Her eye squinted tightly and quickly and she pulled off, a glob of Matt’s cum falling out of her mouth and a string of cum from his mushroom cap to her lower lip. She began cought and gagging, unprepared for the exploration..
“Huunnnnngggggghha!” Matt had his hips buck again and this shot of cum hit Anastasia in the face, splashing her lips, and cheese.
She sat up straight, still cought and wiped her cheek of the fluids Matt left on her.soft skin.
“Haaaaahhhhh. Hhhhaaahh. Hnnn. Heh. Heh.” Matt was laying back on his pillow, his cock still bubbleing cum slowly as he fell into his orgasm. He forced his eyes open, hearing Anastasia cought. She cought once more and got it cleared. She was panting on her knees and looked at Matt.
Matt met her stare for a blink, but the next was slower. The next blink was very slow. The third didn’t open again as Matt fell into sleep. He hadn’t had an orgasm that intensity in a decade. He didn’t feel Anastasia curl up next to him but cuddled her in his sleep until the next morning.
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