Just being neighborly

Three months ago as my wife Jo and I were eating breakfast we noticed a moving van parked on the street behind our house. The house that backed up to our property had been for sale for several months and the sold sign had finally appeared about three weeks ago. Jo and I had been looking forward to having neighbors behind us so we were both excited about the prospect of meeting our new neighbors. Unfortunately I had to leave for work before they made an appearance.

When I got home from work that evening I asked Jo if she had seen the new neighbors. She said that she had seen them in the back yard and said that they were a cute couple. So I had to question Jo to get some detail. What I got was that the man was slightly taller than me, had dark hair and wasn’t heavy and that the woman was blonde, about five feet seven inches tall, and wasn’t heavy. Not much of a description.

Jo and I decided that after dinner we would go over and introduce ourselves to the new neighbors. When we knocked on the door a dark haired man opened it immediately. He looked to be about my age, 32, and was about six feet two inches tall and looked like he was in pretty good shape. He smiled at us and said, “Saw you coming up the walk. Hi. My names Ravi.”

I said, “Glad to meet you Ravi. I’m Shailendra and this is my wife Jo. We live in the house right behind you so we’re your back yard neighbors. We just wanted to stop by and welcome you to the neighborhood.”

Ravi thanked us and invited us in then turned and called over his shoulder, “Sumathi, come down here and meet our neighbors.”

When I saw Sumathi coming down the stairs I almost swallowed my tongue. She was a knock out. Shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and a beautiful face. She had large firm breasts, not huge but very nice. She had a slim waist and beautifully rounded buttocks. She was wearing running shorts, which showed offher beautifully shaped legs. I believe that my mouth actually began to water when I saw her.

She moved gracefully down the stairs and over to where we were standing in the hall and said hello. Ravi did the introductions, which gave me a chance to get my composition back before I spoke again. Luckily for me Jo took over the conversation for us. She said, “We know your busy trying to get your house settled but we just wanted to come over and say hello and let you know that if there is anyway we can help just let us know.”

Sumathi and Ravi thanked us and we told them we would give them a few days to get settled, then we would have them over for cofee and to meet some of the other neighbors.

On the way back to our house Jo said, “They seem nice.”

All I could say was “Yea,” because I was afraid that if I said more I might start talking about how beautiful I though Sumathi was and I didn’t want toupset Jo. Just for the record, Jo is an attractive woman too. Jo is slightly taller than Sumathi; she has beautiful dark brown hair, which is accentuated by her dark brown eyes. Jo’s breasts aren’t as big as Sumathi’s but are firm and high and have beautiful large nipples. Jo is athletic so her body is in great shape.

Up until I had met Sumathi I always thought that I preferred brunettes to blondes but now I wasn’t sure. It would be a mistake to say that I was falling in love with Sumathi. Jo was the only woman I ever loved and I had never cheated on her. Sumathi just excited me sexually. I had sexual fansies before but none had grabbed hold of me the way Sumathi had from the very first moment I saw her.

During the next week Jo and I talked to Ravi and Sumathi over the fence in our back yard a few times but we didn’t spend any time with them until Sunday. On Sunday we invited Ravi and Sumathi and a few other neighbors over for a coffeeout. The gathering started out with all of the women huddled together on the lawn and the men standing around the talking about sports and telling jokes. Ravi turned out to be a likable guy with good social skills and a good sense of humor. I actually felt a little guilty about the lust I felt for his wife.

Later on in the day as the snacks had loosened everyone up I found myself alone with Sumathi. I tried to keep my conversation innocent and was doing a good job of it. But after a while I began to get the impression that Sumathi was flirting with me. I didn’t notice it at first when she was completing me on how nice our house looked and how I did such a great job with my landscaping but when she told me I had a nice body and actually said that she though I was very handsome I began to get uncomfortable. I looked for an opportunity to change the subject or to get away from her before things got out of control. Finally Jo came over and joined us followed by a coupleof other women then Ravi came over.

Later, as we were saying our goodnights to our guests I kept hoping that Jo hadn’t noticed me talking to Sumathi for so long and that she didn’t see Sumathi flirting with me. When the last of our neighbors had gone home I asked Jo, “What do you think? Will Ravi and Sumathi fit in here?”

I held my breath waiting to hear what Jo would say. “Oh yes. Everyone seemed to like them. They’ll fit right in.”

That was a relief. No suspicion, no mention of my talking to Sumathi. Of course, over the years I have never given Jo any reason to be suspicious. Over the next two weeks we had only short encounters with Ravi and Sumathi when we would see them outside working in the yard. It wasn’t until the following weekend that I ran into Sumathi at the supermarket. After greeting each other Sumathi asked, “Have you got time to have a cup of coffee with me? I want to talk to you about something.”

I immediately became uncomfortable but in spite of my better judgment I agreed to have a cup of coffee with her. When we were sitting with our coffee in the hotel located in the shopping center we began talking about how she and Ravi were progressing with getting settled in their new house and about how nice the neighbors had been to them since they met them at our cook out. Then Sumathi said, “That day I had a few too said Some things I shouldn’t have said, but I didn’t say anything that I didn’t mean. I found myself attracted to you from the first moment I met you and I could tell by the way you were looking at me that the attention was mutual. I could tell by the way you acted that my comments made you uncomfortable and for that I am sorry. I can tell that you and Jo have a good marriage and I would never I just think that if we were very careful wecould maybe get together and see what happens and Ravi and Jo would never know.”

I was dumbfounded. I had to think for a minute before I could even attempt to respond. Finally I said, “You’re right. I do feel a strong sexual attraction to you, but I could never do anything about it because I love Jo too much to do that to her. I know how much it would hurt me if she cheated on me so how can I turn around and cheat in her?”

Sumathi said, “I understand how you feel. I am battling the same guilt. I’m just saying that if we were careful Ravi and Jo would never find out what we did and we would get over our feelings of guilt. Anyway, think about it. I won’t bring this up again. But if you decide that you would like to get together, just let me know.”

I promised to think about it and let her know if I changed my mind. Then we sat quietly as we finished our coffee.

That night Jo and I had sex. I hadn’t beenthat horny in several months and Jo noticed. She asked, “What’s gotten into you? You haven’t been this randy in a long time.”

I said, “I don’t know, but are you complaining?”

Jo said “Absolutely not. That was great”

Later that night I woke up with a painful erection and realized that I had been having a dream about having sex with Sumathi. I couldn’t get the thought out of my head and I couldn’t get the erection to go down so I turned on my side behind Jo and pressed my cock up against her ass. Jo stabilized a little and she reached her hand between us and felt my hard cock. I continued to push my cock against Jo as she squeezed it with her hand. As she gradually woke up and realized what was happening she asked “Are you at it again?”

I asked, “Would you mind?”

She said, “No I guess not.” With that Jo lifted her leg just enough so that I could pushmy cock inside her still wet pussy. It had been a long time since we had made love twice in the same night. I had forgotten how it felt to slide my cock into her pussy when she was still holding a load of my semen from earlier. The sensing was great and I was able to climax within a few minutes relieving the tension in my cock but replacing it with a feeling of guilt. After all it was my dream about having sex with Sumathi that triggered this event.

I went out into the yard and started working in my garden. When Sumathi hear me out there she came over to the fence to say hello. As innocently as I could make it look I walked over to the fence and whispered to Sumathi, “Can you meet me at hotelwe met that day at five o’clock today?”

That was all I needed to say Sumathi turned to walk back to her house and as she moved away from me I heard her say “See you there.”

At five o’clock I was already sitting at a table at hotel watching Sumathi walking across the parking lot towards me. Sumathi came in, got a cup of coffee and sat down with me. She asked, “What’s up?”

I said, “I think me. Are you still interested in getting together?”

Sumathi smiled and said, “Yes. I am. When do you think we can do it?”

We talked about how we would communicate. We ruled out the telephone. Nothing like strange calls to cause suspicion. Then we discussed using e-mail but decided that even thought we could be reasonably safe with e-mail we didn’t want any written evidence of what we were up to. We finally decided to just chat at the back yard fence when we were sure no one would hear us.

So for the last month Sumathi and I had several innocent looking chats over the fence in our back yards. It began to seem as though we were doomed. Every time Jo was going to be out for the evening Ravi was going to be home and when Ravi was out Jo was home. It was looking hopeless. But then last weekend Jo told me her mother called and asked if she could drive up this weekend to have dinner with her mother and her sisters. Jo’s mother lives about 10 kms from us so Jo would have to spend the night. Jo told me she was going to drive up Friday morning and would start home Sunday afternoon. This gave me Friday and Saturday to work with. If Sumathi could get rid of Ravi for a few hours during that time we could finally get together.

I didn’t get a chance to talk to Sumathi until Monday evening. When I told her that Jo would be away for the weekend Sumathi got obviously excited. She said that she would let me know if she could manage to get away from Ravi for a few hours during that time.

When I got home Thursday evening I saw Sumathi out in the yard trying to look like she was busy in her flower garden. I gave Jo a kiss and went up to change my clothes. When I came back downstairs I collected the trash and took it outside to thetrashcan. I walked around the yard picking up some papers that had blown into the yard and when I got near the fence Sumathi appeared on the other side. Actually she was bent over so I couldn’t see her and neither could Jo if she looked out the window. As I bent down to pull weeds near the fence Sumathi said, “I have great news. Ravi is going away for the weekend. He and a couple of his friends from work are leaving tomorrow after work to go to a cabin in the mountains. They are going fishing in a lake up there. I guess we will be alone tomorrow night. I will call you tomorrow at your office.”

As I was getting a hard on just thinking about what was coming, all I could say in reply was “Great!”

At four o’clock this afternoon Sumathi called and said that Ravi had just called her and said that he was on his way to the mountains. Than Sumathi asked, “What do you want to do?”

I suggested that we go out to dinner and then get a movie room. Sumathi said, “Dinner sounds good but I don’t want to go to a movie room. Let’s just come back to my house. A Motel room is so tawdry, while doing it in my own house is just sinful. I like sinful more than tawdry don’t you?”

The way she said it made it sound good to me. So I agreed that we would go back to her house after dinner. Then Sumathi said, “I have a surprise for you for later.”

“A surprise. What kind of surprise?”

“If I tell you it won’t be a surprise, will it?”

When I had her skirt bunched above her waist I began kissing my way up the inside of her legs. As I kissed and licked the inside of her thighs the intoxicating cent of her sex became stronger. The combination of the natural sequence of her arousal combined with the scent of the soap or shampoo she had used when she bathed had my head spinning and my cock dripping. When I ran my tongue over the crotch of her panties I know that the fantasy that had been in my head for the last three months was about to actually take place.

Sumathi was lying on the bed and I was on the bed with my head between her beautiful legs at the time running my tongue over her panties and enjoying her scent. As I pulled the crotch of Sumathi’s panties to the side and looked at her pussy for the first time I just for an instant thought of Jo sitting around the table with her mother and sisters. The small bit of guilt that I felt lasted only a few seconds. Then Sumathi came back into focus. That is her pussy came into focus. Sumathi had a lovely vulva covered with short very fine hair almost like fuzz. I leaned forward and covered the whole shaft with my open mouth and I probed her slit with my tongue. As her lips opened for me I was aware that Sumathi was already wet with her own excitement. I ran my tongue up and down her slit then I sucked her cliporis into my mouth and teased it with my tongue until I brought her to orgasm. As she shuddered Sumathi pulled my face tight against her and rubbed her pussy against my mouth and tongue.

When Sumathi’s orgasm ended she let go of my head. Then I got up and removed my shirt and pants. When I climbed back onto the bed Sumathi turned towards me so that she could pull my shorts off. Once she had my shorts down she took my hard cock into her mouth and began to send me to heaven with her lips and tongue. She had me on the brink of climax several times but each time she let me recover. After nearly ten minutes of keeping me near orgasm Sumathi stopped and said she wanted me inside her.

Sumathi lay back on the bed and I got on top of her and pushed my cock into her hot wet pussy. I started with long slow strokes and Sumathi fell into the rhythm with me. We increased our speed and intensity as we both neared release. When I could hold back no longer I exploded inside Sumathi, spewing my hot semen into her. My climatic explosion seemed to trigger Sumathi’s orgasm and she held on to me tightly as she shuddered through an intense orgasm. When it was over we lay holding onto each other.

As we lay there I asked Sumathi, “So what’s this surprise you have for me.”

Sumathi said, “Not yet. You haven’t earned it yet. You need to get inside me again first.”

With that Sumathi moved down and started sucking on my soft cock. She continued sucking my cock and licking my balls until my cock was fully recovered and hard enough to drive nails. When she was satisfied that I was hard enough she had me lay on my back and she straddled my hips and guided my cock to her pussy. As she rubbed the head of my cock across her pussy lips I could see my semen dripping from her pussy, down my cock and into my pubic hair. I found this to be a very erotic sight. I continued watching as my cock disappeared inside Sumathi’s welcome pussy.

Sumathi rode mevigorously for a while until she began to tire then she pushed her legs back and laid down flat on top of me. We fell into a rhythm that was comfortable for both of us. As Sumathi became more aroused she started kissing my face and putting her tongue in my ear then she asked, “Are you ready for your surprise?”

I was feeling pretty good by then and the idea that Sumathi had something more for me excited me. I said, “I am ready and waiting. What is the surprise?”

Sumathi kissed my ear then she kissed me on the mouth and pushed her tongue inside to play with my tongue. When she broke off the kiss she said, “Remember when I said that Ravi was going away for the weekend?”

I suddenly felt uneasy. “Yes. What about it?”

“Well, I lied about that. Ravi didn’t go away.”

Now I was scared. “What do you mean he didn’t go away? Where is he? Is he here, in the house?”

Sumathi laughed, “No. He is not in the house. Ravi isn’t into watching me have sex with other men.”

“Well then, where is he?”

“Like I said, Ravi isn’t into watching me have sex with other men. Ravi is into having sex with other women. That’s what Ravi is doing now. He is having sex with another woman.”

“You had me worried. So then, is this, I mean you and me, is this revenge. Are you using me to get even with Ravi?”

Sumathi said, “No, not at all. I was telling you the truth when I said I was attracted to you and I wanted to have sex with you.”

“So what? Are you saying that you and Ravi have an understanding? You both play around?”

“Well, yes. But it’s more than that. Ravi and I help each other.”

I asked, “Help each other how?”

“Sometimes I help Ravi get the woman he’s interested in and sometimess he helps me get the man I’m interested in.”

“In this case who helped whom?”

“This time Ravi helped me. I told you I was attracted to you immediately.”

I asked “So how did Ravi help. By leaving us alone in the house tonight? Did he do anything else to help?”

“Giving us time alone in the house is one thing he did but there is more to that then just staying away from the house tonight.”

“What else did he do?”

“He arranged for you to be able to get out of the house tonight.”

“I said, “What? I got out because Jo went to go visit her mother.”

“Did you talk to Jo’s mother?”

“No, why?”

“Then how do you know Jo’s mother called?”

“Jo told me?”

“And you believed her?”

“Just what are you trying to say?” I askedas my stomach began to do flips.

“What I am saying is that Ravi arranged for Jo to be busy tonight so that you and I could be together.”

I was beginning to get upset, even a little angle. “Where is Ravi right now?”

“Where do you think he is?”

“How the hell should I know?”

“Ravi is where Jo is.”

That was not what I wanted to hear but was beginning to suspect what Sumathi was leading to. I wasn’t sure I believed her, or was it that I just didn’t want to believe her? “Okay then, where is Jo?”

“Jo is in your house in your bed having sex with Ravi.”

I said, “That can’t be. Jo wouldn’t do that.”

“Well you said you wouldn’t do that, but you did.”

I was desperate now, “I don’t believe it.”

Sumathi climbed off me and got out of bed and said follow me. IFollowed Sumathi out of the room we had been in, which was the guest bedroom in the front of the house, and into the master bedroom. Sumathi closed the doors behind us and led me through the dark room to the windows. Once at the windows Sumathi opened the draws and the blinds. From Sumathi’s bedroom window we had a view of the back of my house and the windows of my bedroom. It took only a moment to notice that not only were the lights on in my bedroom but the blinds had been raised just enough that I could see the bed. And on the bed I saw my faithful wife Jo, sucking Ravi’s cock.

I was stunned to say the least. I didn’t know what to do. Should I run over to my house and confront Ravi and Jo. But how could I after what Sumathi and I had just done. As hard as I tried I could find no way out. I looked and Sumathi and said, “My marriage is over. Why did you do this to me?”

“I told you. I found you attractive. I left the rest up to you.When you said that you wanted to have an affair I told Ravi to help me clear the way. It just happened that Ravi found Jo to be very attractive so he decided that the best play for him was to seduce her.”

“Why are they in my house. Jo didn’t know I wasn’t going to be home tonight, or did she?”

“She didn’t know until this afternoon when Ravi met her at her motel.”

“Her movie?”

“Yes. I’m sure they had sex at the movie then went to dinner. At dinner Ravi told Jo that you were going to be with me this evening and suggested they go back to your house. Apparently Jo took the news better than you did. I mean look at her work on Ravi’s cock. She sure doesn’t look worried does she? Now you can fuss and fuel about Ravi and Jo or you can come back to the other room and i’ll take care of you the way Jo is taking care of Ravi. You should just think of this as a swap of partnersfor the night. Things will be all right. You two will work things out. Just talk it through. Who knows, you may find that you are both happy that this happened and this may lead to more adventures.”

Sumathi turned to leave the room and I looked back towards my house and watched as Jo climbed on top of Ravi and guided his cock into her. I don’t know what came over me but I went with Sumathi back to the other room and made love to her, not once more but twice and slept with her the rest of the night. I decided it was to late to worry about what was going to happen with Jo. I would just have to wait and see how things worked out.if u like the story mail me at [email protected]


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