“I don’t know how they do it, honestly.”
“What do you mean?”
“Keep up the secret. These women are nothing but strippers and prostitutes, selling themselves for money. What I’m saying is, I really don’t know how they can keep it a secret.”
“You think people in their life don’t know?”
“I don’t know how they could, who would be associated with someone like that? It’s just.. I don’t know Mary, I can’t even believe we’re talking about this right now.”
My best friend in the whole world was sitting in front of me at my kitchen table, sipping her tea and going on and on about something she really knew nothing about. Truth is, it was something I didn’t know anything about either up until a few months ago. Which I guess is really where I should be starting this story, but there was somethingabout this particular conversation that brought back some of the feelings I used to have myself on the subject. Not to mention she was the one who told me to check online for some extra work.
It really feels like a lifetime ago that I stumbled across the ad while I was looking for work online. Paul, my husband of almost 20 years passed away suddenly the summer before last from a heart attack and I really got myself behind on all the bills while mourning him. No one blamed me, and even had a lot of help offered to me from friends and family, on both mine and Paul’s side. In hind sight I suppose I could have taken the help, I could have even asked for it now. That just wasn’t me. I’ve always been an independent type of girl and I was sure I could get by on my own. A year later and I was finally starting to come out of the haze from losing the love of my life.
I’d returned to my job as the science teacher at the local high school, but it was becoming clear that one income wasn’t going to be enough to support not only myself, but my 18 year old son Peter as well. He had his sights set on going to college next fall and I really didn’t’ want to have to tell him he’d have to wait until I had enough money saved up. Luckily Paul and I had started a fund for it a couple years back, but it was still a far cry from tuition.
So anyways here I was, a 41 year old widow surfing the internet job postings on the PC in my husband’s old office, hoping to find a way to send my kid to college. Having practically walked into my teaching job out of college I’d never had to go on a job search before and didn’t really know where to start. My best friend, Joyce, told me to try some of the local job posting sites first and also gave me a list of Some other ones to check out. I pecked away at the keys, yawning, rubbing my eyes and tightening up my robe, scrolling down a list of relevantjobs. There were a few for substitutes, some home schooling gigs, tutor work, and even some foreign jobs teaching english. Unfortunately, I realized I was a bit under prepared when I saw they all asked for a cover letter, resume and references.
I sipped my coffee and sat back, looking around the room. I’d cleaned out most of Paul’s stuff, leaving only the books and office supplies. Figuring I might as well make use of the day, I pulled out some paper, put it in the printer beside me and tried to come up with a good resume. By the time I finished my cup of coffee, I’d gotten basically nowhere. All I had down was my name, address, phone number and email address. I told out loud and got up, my robe swaying a bit letting some cool air rush over my warm body underneath. I bit my lip and confessed to myself that I really just wanted to crawl back into bed. Walking down the hall and back to the kitchen I passed by my son’s room, seeing it was pretty messy as usual and erily vacant.
It wasn’t that it was unusual that he was gone, it was Saturday and he probably slept over at one of his friends last night. Peter was a bit of a geek, which might sound harsh coming from his own mother, but it was a good thing. I didn’t like worrying about him and know that I didn’t have to. He was smart. He liked books and computers and only had a few good close friends. He seemed happy, and I was happy for him. It was really rough on him losing his father, but they were different and really only shared the biological bond. Paul was a very out going, strong, confident man.. Which was pretty much the opposite of Peter.
I shut his door and went to pour myself some more coffee, eating a muffin to hopefully get my mind working a little sharper. Getting back to the computer, I had a new sense of optimization and decided to explore some other options outside of teaching, thinking that maybe a change would be good for me. I’d became quite bored with my current routine of going to school every day during the week, marking papers and sleeping all weekend. Clicking through some of the other sites that Joyce had given me, I found the “gigs” section. These jobs weren’t part-time or full-time, they were just temporary or contract type positions. It definitely peaked my interest to have some freedom type of work that wouldn’t have to interfere with teaching.
Immediately I was drawn to the ads that said “WORK FROM HOME!”.. I’d heard about jobs like this before but thought they must be some sort of scam or something. Right now though, I really didn’t have anything to lose and working from home would be the perfect solution. A few of them seemed to be alright, typing, data entry type of stuff which I was sure I could do. I emailed them each a nice little message about how I thought I could do the job fairly easily and feel really good aboutmyself. I kept looking through the rest, and then there it was…
“Have you ever been called a MILF? We’re looking for mature, sexy, confident women to join a new up and coming web cam model site! Work from home, all you need is a web cam and a talent for turning guys on! Earn real cash! Get paid monthly! Start today!!!”
The words pierced through my mind as I read them once, twice, and then a third time… “MILF” .. “mature” .. “sexy”… It almost sounded too good to be true. Wait.. what was I thinking? I couldn’t do that.. I’m not sexy and obviously not confident.. A MILF? I don’t think I’ve ever been called that before. A shiver went over my body and I suddenly felt extremely naked.. I guess technically I was partially naked, wearing only my underwear and a thin tank top beneath my robe. My mind couldn’t sit still, and I feel myself literally sitting on the edge of my chair, my hand moving the mouse over the link provided below the ad and clicking absent-mindedly. Before I could catch my breath, my eyes were met with a screen full of scantily clad women around my age. All sitting inside their little squares, in various states of undress, putting on a show for… 240 people?!?!
Most of these rooms had a couple hundreds views at least.. My mouth went dry, and I could almost feel all the hydration in my body rush between my legs at once. My face went red and my whole body started to heat up, just thinking about being watched by that many people. All of them waiting for me to take my clothes off for them… God was I actually thinking about doing this? .. I started having flashbacks to when I was in college, only once having anywhere close to that many people seeing me naked all at once. But that was a different time, and my body definitely doesn’t look like it did 20 years ago. Although, now seeing these women infront of me, I can honestly say I look a lot better than most of them. Not to be conceded or anything, but I did have a shred or two of confidence about myself left and it seemed to be rising to the surface the more I thought about this proposition.
I clicked on the most popular room, the girl was blonde like I am and actually had a lot of similar features. Her breasts were as big if not a little bigger, she wasn’t slim by any means but carried herself well like I like to think I do. She was really quite beautiful from what I could see, and I felt myself even being drawn into her show.. I think the thing that turned me on the most was the fact that I Couldn’t see her face. The camera was only capturing everything from her neck down to her mid drift and the mystery of who she could be, what her face looked like, was for some reason very exclusive. I suppose the other 200 people in the room thought so too, and a few of them really thought so because they were tipping her like crazy! I was in the room for all of about 5 mins and she made $40 just from playing with her tits! She hadn’t even taken them out of her black lace bra yet.. I admit, this was the moment that I was hooked.
My free hand had found its way to my thigh, rubbing up the hem of my robe, slowly pushing its way towards the centre of my body. I already knew my panties were completely soaked as my finger tip grazed over the soft damp cotton. I felt insatiable. Something was taking over me, and I loved it. I throw my robe to the floor and pushed the chair back a bit from the desk. I was breathing harder again and knew I needed to touch myself or I was going to exploit! I started to rub my tummy back and forth, scratching lightly, feeling the tingle move over the outside of my body and back to my very hot and very very soaked pussy. Watching as the woman on the screen reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She teased us by not letting us see at first, holding the cups up over her nipples and even dropping a little smile into the screen. She bit her lip, and I bit mine. Slowly she removed the black material from over her tits and quickly replaced it with the palms of her hands. I caught a quick glimpse of the light pink of her nipples and it sent me into a total friendsy.
It had been years since I’d last played with another woman, but I’d always known I was bisexual.. Or at least open to it. In a lot of ways it was because I was attracted to my own body, and seeing another woman with similar attributes made me feel incredibly sexy and down right hot. I was just starting to move my hand under the waist band of my underwear when the screen tinted black and a pop up window flashed up on the computer screen-
“Thank you for watching! Your free 10 mins is up! If you’d like to continue watching our models, please sign up now. It’s completely free!”
I let out a long and frusted sight, looking to the sky and groaning, knowing that now I had to sign up. I filled out the little form they had and chose a screenname, BestMomEver44. I didn’t know why I chose that name, but I thought if nothing else, no one would ever know it was me. Besides, this was going into research for a job I might be doing in order to send my son to college, I really did think I was the best mom ever.
I was in. I went back to the room of the blonde I had been watching, her name on the screen was MILFYME. Now I could see all of her profile information and stats.
Age: 39 years old
Bra size: 34EE
Body type: BBW
Language: English
Location: New Jersey
Wow, I thought to myself, the only difference between us was that she was two years younger and lived in New Jersey. There was more info about her below but I wasn’t about to scroll so far as to lose the view of her amazing body. She finally let her hands move, pinching her little pink nipples between her fingers and squeezing as much of her big full breasts as she could. Immediately I pulled my tank top over my head and put it on the floor next to my discarded robe. It felt so good to expose my chest and grab my own tits imitating “milfy” as she slowly teased herself for us. She was definitely good at it and I was already taking notes in my mind of how she worked the room, getting bigger and bigger tips as she went along. I think that added to my excitement, seeing her get paid for playing with herself was turning me on like crazy!
When she started to stand up, I couldn’t take it any and pushed my hand into my panties, running over the little patch of fur that I’d trimmed neighborly a few days earlier, which was something I’d always done ever since I was a young adult. My clip was already so swollen that I had to skip over it or else I would have screamed out loud and cum right then and there. I let myindex finger slide down my wet slide to the bottom and back up, curling it up into my pulsing pussy. By now my eyes were so glazed over that I couldn’t really see the computer anymore. In fact, I completely lost track of where I was and what I was doing. There was only one thing on my mind and that was that I needed to cum, badly.
I pushed my finger into my pussy and slide it in and out, moaning into my shoulder as I fucked myself slowly. My other hand was working my nipple, pinching, pulling, rubbing it, feeling electrical sensings drive over my body and mind. I tilted my head back and pushed another finger into my hot little hole, now humping against my hand as I did. Faster and faster I kept trying to get deeper inside of myself, feeling the heat close in over me. Finally I was getting closer and closer, so I moved my hand from my tits down to my clip and lightly rubbed over it.
“Ohhhh fuuuuckk” I moaned rather loudly.
I started to cringe and wiggle in the chair as wave after wave of pleasure surged through me, my hips wildly bucking against my hands. The wet sounds coming from my pussy were making me even hornier. I started to rub my clip a little faster to match the other hand’s fingers now pounding into me.
“Ohh… Ohhh!… Ohhhh! Fuck! Ahhhh my god, yesssss!!!”
My body began to shake and lock up as my orgasm ran over my entire body, from head to toe, every inch tingling with an intense pleasure I can only describe as the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt. I completely let go as my pussy started to spasm and build with pressure, forcing my fingers out as it tried to squeeze down on them. I feel relieve wash over me as I came and came, over and over, moaning and moaning.. It was impossible to catch my breath as I tried to calm down. I swear I think I passed out for a few minutes before finally coming back to my senses.
I sat up slowly, barely able to as my pussy was still so sensitive. My toes curled as they touched the floor, which I felt was very wet. Looking down I could see my feet were resting in a huge puddle of my own cum. I started to giggle and grabbed my mouth a bit embarrassed. I tried to clean up using my tank top, but that wasn’t really going to do the trick. I got up, stripped off my completely drenched pink panties, gathered my robe and top together and trotted to the laundry room. I was still giggling to myself, thinking I felt more like a teenager than a mother right now. Putting everything into the washinger, I was about to turn it on when I heard the front door slam shut.
“Oh shit, Peter’s home!” I whispered to myself out loud.
Quickly I grabbed a pair of yoga pants and another tank top sitting in the basket beside the dryer, put them on and cultivated out down the hall to meet him.
“Hey hunny! How was your night?” I said outof breath with a big smile.
“Umm, it was fine Mom. Just played video games at Jeff’s. We stayed up pretty late that so I think I’m just going to check my email and lay down for a bit if that’s ok?”
“Yes, of course sweety. I’m just doing some laundry and some things around the house, I’ll call you later for dinner!”
“Sounds good. Thanks.” He smiled at me and gave me a quick hug before disappearing into his room.
I turned around, ran back to the laundry room to grab a towel and then tip toed down the hall past his shut door and into the office. I closed the door lightly and started to clean up my mess. The room smelt of sex, and actually started to get me hot again. I sat down and looked at the screen, MILFYME was gone but I was still signed in. I left her room and clicked to see a few more, now feeling even naughtier with my son Just down the hall. I couldn’t evenhelp myself, like I said, I was hooked. I decided to get brave and see what kind of attention I could get, I desperately needed it I realized later.
Setting up my room wasn’t difficult, all I had to do was give them my real name and link it with my PayPal account. Before I knew it, it was asking me if I was ready to go live… I took a deep breath, swallowed hard and clicked YES.
To be continued…
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