1 The Van

Brian’s neighbor knocked on his door one morning. He answered it a little sleepily, but when he saw who it was, he straighten up a little and met the man’s eye.

“Good morning, sir.” Brian said.

“Good morning, Brian.” Brad replied, smiling. “I’m moving, and I though I might sell you my van before I go. I know how much you admire it.”

“Oh.” said Brian, surprised. “Would you like to come in?”

“Thanks, that would be great.” Brad said. “Is that coffee I smell?”

“Sure is.” Brian opened the screen door and escorted the man into the kitchen, sitting him at the table.

“Just black is fine.” Brad said, after Brian fetched a mug from the cupboard. Brian poured the coffee, handed the mug over, then took the seat across. “Thanks.”

“So, how much do you want for the van?” Brian asked. “Sir.” He added, a moment later, at Brad’s look.

“One dollar bill.” Brad told him. “Payable today.”

Brian looked at him, astonished. The paint job was worth at least four grand, easy! It was a rolling chick magnet, as evidenced by the bevy of beauty that Brad escorted into house from it every day. Some of the girls were even friends of his from school.

“There’s a catch.” Brad said.

Brian’s heart fall. He’d known it was too good to be true, and it reflected in his face, apparently, because Brad chuckled.

“Don’t look so glum, chum. You haven’t heard what the catch it yet.”

“What do I have to do, sir?” Brian asked, hesitantly.

“You? You don’t have to do anything.” Brad said. “What you choose to do…that’s a different matter altogether.”

“What do you mean, sir?” Brian asked, looking confused.

“Here’s the catch.” Brad said. “Every female who gets in that van becomes obedient and submissive, whether she wants it or not. Trust me, almost all of them do, and the ones that don’t find themselves enjoying it anyway.” He looked at the boy with a serious expression. “And that van calls to them, boy. One a week is going to find her way in there, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Sometimes, they come in pairs.”

“Obedient and submissive, sir?” Brian asked. “Could could clarify that?”

“Sexually. They will gladly do anything you tell them to do. The effect lasts for a day or so after they get out of the van, too.” Brad grinned. “It’s best not to take too many of them in there. Things can get pretty rankAfter a minute, if it’s not aired out regularly.”

“Any woman?” Brian asked. “Sir?”

“Any.” Brad said. “Even your mother and sister, so be warned.”

“Is it permanent, sir?” Brian asked. He licked his lips. “I wouldn’t want to… damage anyone. Especially by accident.”

“Good question.” Brad said approvingly. “No, I don’t think so, but riding in the van will still excite them sexually, even if you remain silent and give no commands.” He looked at Brian. “Repeated exposure to the van’s effects tend to strengthen the bond, so if someone was to ride in the van several times a day for several years, the effect would take a very long time to wear off, so in effect, it could be made permanent, if that is what you desire. I find that a day or two of service is plenty, and an hour in the van will last a day.”

“One more question sir, please.” Brian asked. “Why are you selling it to me for only a dollar?”

“One dollar bill, payable today.” Brad repeated. “Because that’s what I paid for it, and I’m taking a job in Europe. I’m not bringing it with me.”

Brian got up and went to the junk drawer at the end of the counter. He pulled it open and took one of the several dollar bills in there, amongst all the screws, nails, loose change, and other odds.

“It’s our petty cash, sir.” Brian explained, giving the note to his neighbor. “I Have full permission to use it, so that’s my dollar bill, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“Did you earn this dollar bill, young man?” Brad asked, looking at it proudly.

“My chores are done for the week, and that dollar bill could be consideredd part of my allowance. My pay, if you will.” Brian said.

“I do consider it your pay, then.” Brad said, putting the note in his pocket and standing up. “Enjoy it, young man. I’m going to go catch a cab to the airport.”

Brad grinned and tossed Brian the keys. “Those extra keys don’t go to my house. You’ll know what they’re for, soon enough.” He went outside and back into his own house next door.

The first thing Brian did was go outside and hop into the driver’s seat of his new ride. He paused outside it to look over the paint job one more time, admiring the detailed work.

It showed a shirtless man, standing over two buxom women, who were kneeling before him with adoring expressions on this faces. Both sides were identified.

He unlocked the driver’s door and got in. Turning to look behind him, he saw the whole interior lined in black velvet. It had a bed in the back, and one captain’s chair in the center of the cargo floor, also black, and carpeted in black. It had two glass bubble sunroofs, and big tinted windows that let in light.

Brian put the key in and fired it up. A knock on his window started him. He looked out and saw Brad there, with a taxi pulled up across the street.

“One more thing before I go.” he said. “Don’t both going to the DMV to try and register it. There’s no point. It doesn’t exist in their files, and you’re never gonna have a problem with getting pulled over anyway. This thing is practically invisible to cops, no matter how fast you’re going. And even if one does come up to you, you’ll find you got no problem with him anyway.” Brad went to the taxi, got in, and left.

Before he could pull away from the curb, his sister Mindy came bursting out of the house and ran up to the van. She wasa year older than him, red haired and just starting to develop her figure, even though she was already seventeen. Late bloomer, although her tall thin frame was filling out nicely.

Brian saw her approaching and remembered Brad’s warning, but it was too late. She leaned in the window to take a look, and obviously, that was close enough for the effect. Brian saw a brand new glint in her eye, and she licked her lips as she met her brother’s gaze.

“Mindy.” he said. “Get in the van.” His mind raced with the possibilities of what he could do with his sister, his mind filling with every fantasy he’d ever had at once. His sister had never been part of them before, but now she was the star of every one.

He reached over and unlocked the passenger side as she went around the front. She hoped up into the seat and looked at him expectedly.

“Just sit there and tell me the truth.” he said, turning the key off. He obviously didn’t need to drive anywhere. “How much have you done with any boys?”

“Sir, I haven’t done anything with any boys.” she said, blushing.

“Not even a kiss?” he asked. “What about the school dances? Didn’t you ever dance with a boy?”

“Sir, nobody ever asked me.” she admitted, hanging her head.

“Are there any boys you wished for to ask you to dance?” he asked. “”Is there a boy you like?”

“Not really, sir.” she said. “I try not to think about boys too much.”

“Are you thinking about boys right now?” he asked her.

“No sir.” she replied, looking at him. “I’m thinking about you, sir.”

“What are you thinking about me?” he grinned.

“I… Sir,I’m thinking about you having sex with me, sir.” she admitted, blushing again.

“Sex how?” he asked. “What kind of sex do you want from me?”

She looked down into his lap, then up at his face. “Sir, my mind is full of images of me on my knees before you, and… you’re not wearing any pants.” she said. He’d never seen her so red faced before.

“Have you ever thought about this before you got in my new van this morning?”

“Only in my dreams, sir.” she whispered. “And when I think about boys, I’m always on my knees before them, Naked.”

“Is this something that you want to do, Mindy? Do you want to live a dream come true right now?”

She licked her lips nervously. “I… I’m not supposed to want it, sir.”

“But you do want it, don’t you, Mindy. What are youafraid of?” he asked her.

“Sir, I know that if I get on my knees like that just one time, I’m going to enjoy it so much that I’m never going to want to get up again. I’m afraid that my future husband will find out that I’m… That I’m a slut and he won’t love me after that.” she said, beginning to cry.

“Mindy, look at me.” Brian commanded. His sister shuddered and met his gaze. “I know you’re a slut, but I still love you.” he told her. “Even if you never acted like a slut before, I knew it about you. I’ve known it since you were twelve, even if you wouldn’t admit it to yourself. Want to know a secret? Mom is a slut, too.”

Mindy’s eyes widened at this new bit of information, but she didn’t say anything. She hadn’t been commanded to speak.

“Oh yeah, just as much a slut as you are, Mindy, and every bit as repressed as you, too.” he chuckled. “Probably more so, as far as not admitting it goes.” He started up the van again, then pulled out from the curb and drove the few short blocks over to Mindy’s best friend’s house.

“Go over and get your friend Rebecca to come see my new van.” he said. “Ask her to come for a five minute spin with us.”


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