Dear Reader, This is the continuation of a narrative that began with “A Couple’s Play Day” and “A Couple’s Play Day Part 2 – Consequences and Exploration” you may want to read those chapters if you have not already done so. As mentioned in the introduction to the first part many elements of the first story are based on actual occurrences, beginning with Part 2 the work is purely fiction. I hope some will find the story entertaining and provocative.
Your feedback, thoughts, comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Rick awoke to the muffled sounds of the TV playing downstairs and a rock hard erection. He realized that the kids must be up and watching something downstairs. The bedside clock showed 8:30 am. Joanne lay naked beside him with herleft leg drawn over his and her arm around his waist. Rick gently lifted her arm and rolled from beneath her noticing the sticky pulling sensing from the now dried ejaculate spilled on their bodies and bedding during last night’s sex marathon. He looked back at Joanne on the bed with her disheveled hair, slightly swollen and reddened cum coated vulva and her lips which were swollen from the chaffing and pounding of her mouth by the two demanding cocks last night. Except for the lateness of the hour he would have fucked her again right there.
There was a ring of the front doorbell as Rick grabbed some shorts and a shirt and stumbled down to answer. It was the pool serviceman to make repairs. Rick let him through to the pool house and went to get some breakfast for the kids.
Joanne groggily awoke when she heard the doorbell and became aware of Rick hustling out to answer the door. Her neck muscles were stiff and sore from the workout her mouth had been subjected to last night. She was aware of the viscous pasty substance coating her mouth and tongue and realized that she had gone to sleep without rinsing her mouth or brushing teeth and that her mouth was liberally coated with a thick residue of semen. Her dry tongue also found a couple of public hairs hiding in her mouth which would have come from Larry since Rick maintained a sealed public area. She struggled to her feet which made Her aware of the stickiness against her skin from the spent spunk streaked across her body and the sheets on which she lay. Joanne quickly brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth repeatedly in an attempt to remove the stale taste of sex. She stood in the shower until the water began to cool allowing the hot water to cleanse and restore her.
While the kids ate Rick returned to the bedroom to check on Joanne. She was up and in the shower. He stripped the bed to wash the sheets and also removed the bedspread since it was a mess from last night as well. Joanne came out drying her hair with a towel. He pulled her naked into his arms and kissed her as she responded. “You ok after last night?” Rick asks.
“A bit sore here and there but not bad”, she replied. She looked at him and said “Are you ok with what happened? I honestly didn’t plan to bring Larry into bed with us I just found myself going with the flow and once things started it just seemed to flow. I hope you aren’t upset.”
“Honey, I don’t feel any differently. I’ve told you before I’m going to support what you are comfortable with and I’ve got to admit that the whole scene was surreal and very, very stimulating to me” Rick answered.
“Yeah, I sort of thought the way you fucked my face and whipped my ass that you were enjoying yourself last night.” Joanne said slyly.
They kissed again and he let Joanne know that the poolrepair guy had arrived and that he was going to get the kids ready for the beach and get them out until the pool repairs were made. She said that she needed a little more time to ready herself so she would wait for the pool repairs to be finished and then come join them on the beach.
“Remember” Rick said, “We promised to take the kids to the amusement park today so they are already agitating to know when we will be going.”
Joanne groaned and said, “Ok, let’s at least make it late in the day I need a little bit of recovery time this morning. You take care of the kids and I’ll get the sheets in the washer. We can drop the spread at a cleaner on the way to the amusement park this afternoon and pick it up tomorrow perhaps.”
Rick went to get the kids while Joanne took the sheets downstairs to the utility room still wearing her bath towel tucked tightly above her breasts.
Joanne loaded thewasher and climbed back up to the 1st level kitchen to have some coffee and a bagel. She sat at the counter looking out toward the beach watching other families and couples making their way toward the sand. Her thoughts were occupied by the events of last night. She knew that she had a strange attention to Larry when they were first introduced. There was something about the way he looked at her; she got a strange feeling sort of an intimate warmth. The way that he would order or direct her to do things made her want to give in to him. That was not her usual response and her feelings about him were mixed and a little scary. She wasn’t particularly attracted to him, he was very large and a bit on the heavy side and quite a bit older but none of that seemed integral to her feelings of warmth and desire to be submissive when around him. She wondered if she had let things go too far last night. Rick seemed ok with what she and they had done. In fact she was a little surprised that he had been such a willing participant when Larry took the lead with both she and Rick as willing followers. Joanne had now opened a new door in their relationship. She had invited the new friend’s sexual advances, allowed herself to be used in some painful and humiliating ways that surprised her and she had enjoyed every fucking minute of the experience. She also knew now that her husband enjoyed her being used and that he did indeed find her being ravaged by someone else provoking to his own sexual excitement.
Nope she didn’t regret any of what had happened and she had certainly experienced some new sensings and some unexpected responses. She had been roughly deep throated for the first time. Rick would always let her take the lead when she sucked his dick. Larry had immediately forced his large cock towards her throat and had proceeded to fuck her gagging mouth until he had her nose and chin pressed against the base of his stiff cock and grinding into his ample growth of public hair. He didn’t care if she gagged or chased. His assault just continued until his load was released into her throat. She realized that the first time Rick’s cock had touched the back of her throat it was with Larry forcing her face down onto Rick’s waiting cock while he fucked her pussy from behind. She also knew that she wanted to find a way to make deep throating a more pleasant experience for her and her partner. All of the choking and gagging had left her throat sore and raw. She had seen enough videos to know that some women could master the skill and give pleasure without all of the reaction and discomfort.
When Larry first awoke that morning lying across his bed he was immediately aware of his sticky cum coated manhood and public area. God, how much cum had been shared among the three last night. His dick was still semi rigid from the boss pill he had taken the previous night. He showed then pulled on a fresh swimsuit and made some coffee to help clear the cobwebs from his head. He thought about the past two days and his good fortune in encountering the young couple with their friendly ways and burgeoning open lifestyle. They appeared to be your girl and boy next door all American types that usually didn’t get much beyond the missionary position or on a wild weekend maybe some doggy style fucking. Then from what he had gathered by their actions and his brief conversation with Rick, the hubby had found he was turned on when his wife accidentally showed a little skin and he’d noticed the way other men looked at her and found that it gave him a hard on. That had led to urging her to be a bit more daring and a little more public in the display of her sweet body. It was obvious now by Joanne’s dress and manner that she very much enjoyed showing her wares. It was apparent she was now setting the pace in exploring more variety in their sex lives. Rick appeared to be a willing follower, at least so far. Last night had given Larry more insight into Joanne’s sexual tendencies then he would have imagined to learn in just a day or two. She was spontaneous, not prone to hesitate or think too much about the next step. He had also noticed her willingness to be compliant to his demands and responsive to his suggestions. He planned on taking full advantage of that tendency as the week progressed.
Larry had indeed been staying at the beach house for the past few weeks, mostly alone except for the occasional escort from one of the many gentlemen’s clubs near the beach or a couple of visits from ladies that he met around the beach or one of the local bars. He didn’t want for sexual companionship. However the unexpected luck of running into Joanne and Rick was a real bonus. There was nothing Larry enjoyed more than seducing and gaining control over a young unspoiled wife and this one being a mother added a bit more spice to his pExploration of leading her down the path of depravity and humiliation that he envisioned.
Larry had also lied about his daughter and grandkids coming to visit. He hadn’t seen his daughter in some six or seven years. That relationship went dead with the dividend of his first wife. However, Larry found that talking about children and grandchildren was a solid ice breaker when meeting new people. The fiction he relayed to others seemed to make him more acceptable and to be perceived as a caring sort. Yes, he was looking forward to the possibilities posed by the capitulation of Joanne and Rick last evening. The rest of the week held real promise and who knew; perhaps he would set a hook that delivered a subject that might be used for weeks or months to come. He smiled to himself as he rubbed his erection through the material of his swim suit.
As Larry sipped coffee and played with his cock he observed Rick and the kids leave the house and head for the beachwith their towels and pails in hand. Joanne did not come out with them or leave separately for the beach. Larry thought that she must be still in bed or just remaining at home. He thought this might be a good time to test Joanne while last night’s sex was still fresh in her mind. The pleasure he derived from using this fresh young wife’s body was only exceeded by his devious interest in pushing to see how far she was willing to let herself go. Larry expected her descent into carnal pleasure still had a long course to run.
As Larry walked across to Rick and Joanne’s rental he noticed the pool guy working near the pump hut. He climbed the stairs to the deck and approached the entrance. He saw Joanne standing near the kitchen bar with a coffee cup in hand. He slide the door open without knocking and entered as Joanne looked around and greeted him.
Joanne was just getting up to get a 2nd cup of coffee when she heard the door open and turned to see Larry entering. “Hi Larry, can I get you a coffee? I was just getting ready to dress and join the family at the beach.” Joanne offered.
Larry did not speak; he stood there looking at Joanne. As he stood just inside the open doorway he unfasted the swim suit he wore dropping it to the floor leaving him naked with an erection at full mast. He walked to Joanne, reached for the towel covering her body and striped if from her. Some coffee was sloshed from Joanne’s coffee cup onto the floor. Larry took the cup from her hand and placed it on the counter. He placed his hand Behind her head and pulled her to him kissing her firmly on the mouth as her breasts and abdomen were meshed into his hairy chest and meaty stomach, his dick hard as it pressed up between her tits. His free hand went immediately between her legs finding her moist and warm. He moved his hands to her sides and lifted her up from the floor. She wrapped her legs around his midle but was unable to lock them due his girl. He held her against him with his left arm while he reached with his right hand to position his cock at her opening. Joanne gasp as she was lowered onto his wide shaft. She began to urge her body up and down against his large frame, her arms wrapped around his thick neck with his face nuzzling into her neck, kissing her.
It was apparent from the way that Joanne had permitted Larry to walk in and take her with her family having just left for the beach and a repairman in the yard she was more than willing to let him have his way and to readily assume the subservient role she had adopted during last night’s ménage a trios. She eagerly accommodated his penetration of her body as she was willingly participating by the movement of her body to accommodate his large cock.
Larry now placed his hands beneath her ass cheeses as she clung to his body with her legs. He lifted and lowered her by her ass cheesesas his cock explored and awakened her. As his hands manipulated the warm flesh of her bottom his fingers began probing her asshole pulling apart her little bud and penetrating her tight opening.
Larry noticed a container of butter sitting on the counter from the morning breakfast. He took a step closer with Joanne clinging to his body and scooped some of the soft fatty substance onto his fingers. He then brought his hand to her ass crack and smelled it thickly around her opening. He began to press the pasty substance inside her followed by one large finger from each hand and then two. He continued to urge her movement up and down his Shaft and with each movement his fingers probed deeper into her rear passage and forced her tiny rosebud to gain open as his strong hands obviously stretched the tight little hole and played wide her perfect ass cheats.
Joanne was now moaning her head tossed back and her tights began to quiver as her excitement increased. Suddenly there were footsteps on the deck. Both Joanne and Larry turned to see who was approaching and there stood the pool repairman at the open doorway! He had not been able to see into the darkened kitchen as he approached the door due to the bright morning sun but as he reached the entrance he suddenly saw the naked couple the two inside. He blurted out “Oh, so sorry, excuse me please!” and turned to leave.
Larry yelled out, “Whoa, wait fellow, did you have something to tell us.” The repairman stopped and with his back still turned said. “I have installed the pump but there is another part needed to complete the repair. I’ll get back with it this afternoon if that’s ok.”
Larry then said “Come inside here so we can talk about it.” The man hesitated and Larry more strongly ordered him into the kitchen. Joanne couldn’t believe what was occurring. She attempted to dismount Larry and retreat to another room but Larry held her tightly as she squirmed. Larry responded by pushing his fingers deeper into her ass and stretching it wider. The pain made Joanne stop her attempt to get away. She was suspended there her feet off the floor, her body wrapped around Larry and her building sexual arousal suspended as she watched the young repairman slowly enter the doorway.
The repairman stopped just inside as Larry turned his attention to back to Joanne and began moving her body against his and continued probing her stretched asshole. “Why don’t you come on in and pull up a chair while we finish here.” Larry casually said. This little tramp was about to get off before you appeared and I think it would be ungentlemanly to deny her the orgasm she was working so hard for, don’t you?” Larry continued. The repairman didn’t respond but he did take a seat a few feet away and began watching the scene in front of him in disbelief. Joanne was flushed with a mixture of humiliation and lust. That feeling of total abandonment to her nasty side, the same feeling that had driven her to perform the masturbation in her car while being watched and recorded by a stranger swept over her. She allowed this new rush of excitement to take over and her appetite for sexual satisfaction consumed her as she returned to fucking Larry with all of her being.
Joanne was now grinding away toward her sexual peak. “Yes, fuck! Yes, fuck. Yes, fuck!”
She kept repeating between ragged breaths. All she wanted was that dick pounding into her. The youthful eyes of the man seated and watching her fucking was an added driver of her hunger for complete sexual fulfillment. She was now just a demanding sexual animal allowing nature’s gift to the species to take total control. Larry accommodated her with the pounding of his large cock and the vulgar penetration of her throbbing rectum.
Larry turned slightly so that the seated repairman would be confronted by Joanne’s asshole as it was grotesquely pulled and stretched by Larry’s hands. The young man was also presented a clear view of Larry’s cock as it ploughed into Joanne’s wet, juicy pussy. “Watch her cunt and asshole when she cums boy.” Larry ordered. “Watch her tight young stretched asshole try to squeeze my fingers out of her and how her pumping pussy quivers and spasms as it forces her juices out of her cunt.”
As Joanne heard the way Larry referred to her she felt dirty, nasty, and slutty and every other forbidden thing she had been taught to not be. Feeling all those things that a ‘nice girl should never feel’ drive her sexual heat building inside consuming her.
“Come on my pretty little tramp, cum for the man, let him see your juices run from your pussy and watch your asshole squeeze my fingers when you cum.” He lifted herbody more urgently up and down on his large shake; her body quivered and shook uncontrollably as a massive orgasm overtook her. Her body was racked by contractions as she held onto Larry as he continued pounding inside her. Her wetness ran down Larry’s cock and down her legs as her contracting vaginal walls squeezed the liquids from her. As the repairman watched her climax unfold, he couldn’t help but release his own hard cock and begin masturbating.
Joanne was lost in her climax. She clung to Larry as his pace of pounding inside her slowed and her contracts diminished.
When Larry observed the state of the repairman he lifted Joanne’s plumant body off his still hard cock and turned her facing the aroused young male. “How do you like her body?” Larry asks.
The repairman mumbled “She’s beautiful.”
“Feel her tits” Larry said to the man.
Joanne’s sensed aflush of warmth sweep over her skin as she looked at the young man’s wide eyes staring at her.
The man stood up and cautiously began touching both of Joanne’s breasts, caresing her smooth skin and running his fingers over her hard nipples. This gently played proceeded for a short time and then Larry said “Suck on her hard little nipples, taste how hot the little tramp is.”
The young man’s mouth moved to her right breast and began sucking on her nipple while his left continued to cares the other breast.
“Feel how wet her pussy is.” Larry directed.
Her young admirer removed his hand from her breast and while continuing to suck and lick her. He cautiously felt between her legs and found her open, wet and some greatsy from the butter that had warmed within her ass and now ran down and around her labia. He penetrated her with one then quickly inserted more fingers as he found her so stretched and slick that he was up to four digits before consistent contact with her inner walls was attained. He began to move his hand in and out and wet, sloppy sounds echoed through the kitchen due to her messy wetness and luxury. Her back was supported by Larry’s body behind her and she spread her legs and thrust her public shaft forward permitting more penetration by this pleasure hand. She felt the onset of yet another orgasm building. Her pussy gripped and contracted around the hand inside her and her cum ran down the hand pleasure her. Her climax slowly subsided with numerous little deaths occurring within her as her young lover worked his hand inside her fascinated by what was occurring.
“Slut” Larry addressed Joanne “get this man’s dick in your mouth and give him some pleasure.”
The man removed his hand from her pussy and stepped back while Joanne dropped to her knees, unbuckled his trousers and pulled them to his ankles. She reached for his rigid cock and held it to her mouth and began licking and sucking the head gently while moving her hand up and down his hard veined shake. It was only a few seconds before she felt his ejaculation building, the smooth head in her mouth tensed and hot cum burst from it into her waiting mouth. His cum was abundantly taking several spurts before his balls emptied inside her. Joanne swallowed as much as possible but some escaped flowing between her lips and running down her chin onto her naked chest and belly below. The man finally emptied stumbled back and his softening dick was gone from Joanne’s mouth. Joanne got to her feet as trails of cum ran down her torso; her lips glistened with cum which she licked away with her tongue.
Larry casually moved beside Joanne, placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his side. “Now,” Larry said, “what was it you wanted to tell us about the pool repairs?”
The stunned young man mumbled as he explained again the need for another part to complete the pool repair. As the repairman talked, Larry casually ran a finger over Joanne’s belly and tits scooping up some of the fresh cum from her body and then rubbed his coated finger over Joanne’s lips which she parted permitting Larry to insert it inside her mouth and she sucked the finger clean while looking directly at the young visitor.
As the repairman departed Larry released Joanne and turned her facing him and stared down into her eyes. With their eyes locked Larry pinched both tender nipples until Joanne flinched. He scooped more cum from her belly and then inserted his fingers inside her mouth as she licked them clean. He ran his fingers around her mouth and down her neck and shoulder and trailed them over her breasts. He then turned, retrieved his swimsuit and went out the open door.
Joanne went to the sink to rinse her mouth out wit water then poured a fresh cup of coffee. She sat at the bar a bit dazed by the morning’s events. The week was turning into an unexpected orgy of sex and she was aware that her slutty behavior had served as the incendiary setting off the chain of events. She wasn’t sure she understand or was at all comfortable with the situation and she knew that she was giving up her usual need for control and throwing caution to the wind. She kept telling herself that this was just a vacation week fling that she and Rick were just experiencing a little more than usual. But, she knew that deep inside her something had fundamentally changed since that fatal Play Day and the posting of her public masturbation on the porn site. Something elemental inside her had been unexpectedly unleashed. She didn’t know how to discuss these new feelings as yet but the ride she was on was providing unbelievable sensings and she wanted to continue experiencing them. Not to worry too much she thought as the coffee cup was emptied.
She headed back to the shower to clean up for the 2nd time that morning. After the shower Joanne donned her swimsuit and headed out to meet the family. She was sure she had left the house key on the kitchen counter but she couldn’t find it. She thought it must have been misplaced and she knew that Rick had another. So, she just locked the deck door from the inside and went down to the ground level entrance to exit the building since that door would lock automatically when closed.
Joanne made it to the beach before noon and told Rick about the delays in pool repair. Rick indicated that he would see if Larry would be home to check on the pool repairman if he had not completed the work by the time they left for the amusement park. Joanne had not mentioned Larry’s morning visit and the inclusion of the repairman in their breakfast sex. She couldn’t talk about it with the kids around anyway and she wasn’t sure that she wanted to introduce the incident so close on the heels of last night’s lust filled event. She bought herself with helping the kids finish a sand castle and then took them into the surf to rinse off the sand and cool off from the sun. Rick watched her moving with the kids and enjoyed the sight of his beautiful wife at play. Her sexuality was apparent in her every move. He was enjoying the view of her partially exposed ass and the Supple tanned flesh of her partially exposed breast as she played and frolicked in the surf. As usual he readily noticed the stars of other males in the victory towards his playful sexy wife all of her voyeurs hoping to see just a little more of the cute little mother’s naked flesh as they watched her play in the surf.
As Rick watched the scene before him on the beach he thought of how Joanne had yielded herself to Larry the previous night. The powerful image of Larry’s large cock fucking her mouth and his hands opening and stimulating Joanne’s most private parts while Rick watched and participated in the hard use of his lovely wife’s body washed over him. Long held fantasy had suddenly become real and Rick was shocked at how overwhelming the reality had been. He found himself wanting to experience more to see his young mate serviced and satisfied by others. It was a frightening realization for him but one that he could not overcome. Rick adjusted the leg of his swimsuit to allow more legroom for his rapidly enlarging cock and tried to push the thoughts from his mind.
Larry waited within his screened porch for Joanne to leave and join the family. After about 45 minutes he saw her walk down from their deck and head towards the ocean. As soon as she was out of sight he walked over to the couple’s house and unlocked the ground level door with the key he had purloined from the kitchen counter while Joanne was serving the young repairman. He unlocked the door and climbed the stairs to the kitchen and living area. Little had changed since his earlier visit. The spilled coffee remained on the floor and near the kitchen bar there were some obvious spots where cum had splattered on the floor. Larry left everything as it was not wanting to give his secret visit away.
His primary destination was the couple’s bedroom. He knew that any private items would be there where they wouldn’t be accessible to the children. The bedroom remained a mess from the previous night. Larry wasn’t too worried about what he moved or touched there since everything was disheveled and scattered. He started looking through luggage and found a medium size piece that contained Joanne’s intimate wear, some skirts and blouses and a very intriguing piece of apparel which it took him some time to realize was a very revealing string bikini of some sort. He didn’t see how it could possibly cover any of Joanne's critical parts at all but perhaps that was the point. He made a mental note of the garment and continued rummaging. At the bottom of the case he found a small flat felt covered box. He unfasted the clasp and opened it to reveal Joanne’s collection of nipple clamps, body jewelry, chaser necklace, bracelets and clip on adornments. Very interesting he thought. He could envision the pieces in place against her tanned naked skin. The image made his dick thicken.
His next exploration was a black nylon zipper container located near the luckgage. This contained an association of toys. There was an expensive rabbit vibrator, a large flesh colored dildo of about 10 inch length, a small pocketbook size vibrator, a set of graduated anal beads, blindfold and two sets of cuffs with Velcro fasters and several lengths of silk clothes that could be used for ties. Larry lay the contents out on the bed and took a couple of pictures with his phone camera then placed all ofthe items back in the zipper bag and returned it to its original location.
He looked around the room and spied a laptop computer on top of a chest of drawers to the side of the bed. He removed it and placed it on the dresser and opened it. Immediately the device awoke from the sleep state and started up. The first image to populate the screen was that of Joanne’s porn video. Larry touched the touchpad and moved the cursor and clicked on the “Start” symbol. The image of Joanne appeared on the screen in the midst of pleasure herself for the camera. “Eureka!” Larry said out loud. He had struck unexpected gold. He watched a few minutes of the video through the portion where she is surprised and frightened but overcomes her fears to returns to her wanton self pleasure of her body. Goddamn what an unbelievably hot scene this is Larry thought. He had also noted that she was wearing much of the body jewelry with her nipples and outer labialips clamped for taunting and teasing of her soft tissues. Larry knew that this find would immeasurably enhance his plan to introduce his new young suburban wife to a new and wider audience. This was going to go better than he had remotely hoped in the beginning. Larry stopped the video and reset it to the opening page. He took a quick picture of the porn site’s home page and entered a memo of the website address. He then closed the computer and returned it to the original position.
Larry returned to the kitchen and looked around. He spied a cell phone and opened it and found that it belonged to Joanne. He brought up her contact list, scrolled through and made notes of her personal number, Rick’s personal and office number, their home address and Rick’s work location. He also took a quick look at Joanne’s saved pictures and found some of her, that she had taken herself for sexting with Rick. In three of the photos Joanne appeared naked exceptfor her body jewelry and clamps. In another was a picture of her wearing the micro white string bikini probably took in their bedroom. He loved the close up of her bare pussy with clamps on her outer labia supporting the dangling ornamental jewelry which caused the entrance to her sweet vagina opening to be shown, glistening with her wetness. He had to have a copy of that one. He clicked on the photo and opened a text message screen, entered his cell number and sent the photo to his phone. He then deleted the record of the sent text from the phone hoping that no trace of the picture being sent would be noticed.
Larry had now been in the house for close to an hour. He realized he needed to depart before the family returned from the beach. He replaced the phone on the counter and then cast the house key on its numbered keychain onto the kitchen floor behind the bar. It would appear that the key had been knocked off onto the floor accidentally. He then went downstairs and departed with the front door locking behind him.
When the family returned to their house about 30 minutes later, Larry was setting on his screened porch with his laptop on a table watching Joanne bang herself with a huge cucumber on video. Larry’s cock was standing erect outside his open swimsuit. Larry paused the video to watch the young lady in the flesh provocatively climb the stairs while he masturbated to the eenticing view she presented. He imagined her warm pussy squeeze his hard dick just as it had earlier that morning and his semen erupted from him. He held a drinking glass in front of his cock to capture his fluid. He had plans for putting it to use later.
After lunch, Joanne took another quick shower. She then used her blow dryer and brush to shape and style her short hair to frame her face. She put on her favorite short white sundress. It was low cut and made to be wound without a bra. There were thin straps over the shoulderand the top of the dress uncovered about a third of Joanne’s lovely breasts whose nipples poked noticeably at the thin cotton material. The dress buttoned down the front to the waist. The skirt flared out from the waist with wide side pleats. The dress hit her legs at about mid thigh. Her tanned legs and breasts were nicely presented by this youngish summer frock. She chose a pair of orange high wedding sandals to complete her bright orange nail polish and lipstick. She put just a hint of orange eye shadow on her eyes and topped off the ensemble with her gold ankle and arm bracelet along with a gold necklace with a white diamond setting extending down to her cleavage. Before coming down she rubbed some body oil over legs and tights as well as that portion of her chest which was exposed by the sundress. She really wanted to look and feel attractive after the past two days of sun, sand, salt and semen on her skin.
Rick gave a low whistle as Joanne came down to the kitchen. He walked over and placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around admiring her look. “Gee, you remind me of “Marilyn Monroe in that iconic movie pose with her dress being blown up to expose her.” Rick observed, “You will be the most popular sight at the park today.” Joanne smiled from the compliment as Rick rushed upstairs to get ready for their departure.
Joanne was checking her cell phone when she heard footsteps on the deck and looked up to see the young pool repairman from the morning accompanying by two other black men walking up to the door. Although she knew the repairs were supposed to be done she was taken aback by the appearance of the three men. She opened the door and the young man stammered out a greeting and said he was back to finish the repairs. Joanne said “Ok, you know where everything is located.” All of the men were soaking up the elicing sexy image before them as Joanne stood in the doorway dressed to kill.
The larger of the two black men stepped in front of the younger shy man and said “Hi, my name
Is Earl and I’m the repair supervisor, Steve here is a new employee and we wanted to make sure that someone with more experience came along to sure all of your needs were seen to today. He broadly smiled down at her while the other black man stood silently undressing her with his eyes. The double meaning he intended by the comment wasn’t lost on Joanne.
The young man who had earlier watched her fuck Larry and received a blow job from her had told his fellow workers about his experience and now they were all back to see if she was giving out more favors. She found herself some flummoxed for something to say. As she was awkwardly trying to excuse herself hoping the men would get on with their work Larry arrived from his place and took over the conversation.
“Gentlemen” Larry said, as he climbed the stairs to the deck, “I see you sent plenty of help this afternoon.” Larry was well aware of what had brought the additional manpower out to complete repairs. “Do you need anything from us in order to get your work done?”
“No sir”, replied Earl “just letting the lady know we were here and ready to take care of things.”
“I’m very sure you could do that, I think you know where everything is located; just let us know if you need anything.” Larry said as the men walked down the stairs.
“I’ll check to be sure they get the work done.” Larry said to Joanne as he looked her over appreciated her striking white outfit and fresh appearance.
“You look simply gorgeous in that dress Joanne” Larry observed, “Mind if I get a couple of pictures”
Joanne agreed and Larry snapped a couple of photos of her out on the deck with the bright sunlight reflecting off her glistening skin and white dress. When Rick came down Larry took a picture of them both. Rick called for the kids to turn off the TV and join them to depart.
The family went down to the car and backed out of the driveway. As they drove away Joanne noticed that Larry was actively engaged in conversation with the three pool repairmen.
They arrived at the amusement park around 4:00 pm. The afternoon crowds were light since most people were still out in the sun at the beach. The kids rushed about picking out the rides they wished to go on as Rick and Joanne followed them about, purchased tickets, bought snacks and kept them in check. The daughter who was older wanted to ride something that their son wasn’t ready for. Rick agreed to ride the Coaster and a couple of others with her and Joanne took their son over to a play area for smaller kids where they could climb and slide on playground equipment and safely chase one another around. Joanne went to a seating area near the playground where parents rested and waited for their kids to tire out. She sat herself on a bench and looked to see if she could see her son ok.
Joanne was aware that she had been getting many appreciated looks from men as she walked around the park. Her sexy appearance in the sundress, high wedge sandals and full make-up was the exception to most of the normal beach crowd and she was quickly noticed as she moved about the amusement park. Now seated, her dress rod high up her thighs exposing her oiled legs in the sunlight. She allowed her legs to separate somewhat providing someone seated across from her to get a glimpse of the sheer white thong panties covering her vulva. She wore sunglasses so she was able to observe men’s reaction and looks without appearing to be aware as she casually scrolled through her Smartphone. Joanne also discreetly unbuttoned the two top buttons of her sundress which allowed those seated beside her or standing to see most of her bare breasts including her nipples. As Joanne presented her little showing she could feel her wetness blossoming as she flashed for her voyeurs.
The family reunited about 30 minutes later and walked out of the park and towards the beach for a bit of dinner and refreshment. They returned to the amusement park as the day began to fade and the bright lights of the midway came on. The crowds were increasing for the evening and the family joined in walking the kids around for more rides while navigating the boisterous fun of the park.
Joanne was waiting for Rick and the kids to complete riding one of the larger attractions which now had a bit of a line. As darkness fell and the crowd increased she was now experiencing the occasional brush of a hand or body against her in the crush of people sometimes a hand would find her ass or leg for an ‘accidental’ feel. She knew she provoked the attention and rather enjoyed the occasional touching. As she stood near the exit to the ride her phone signed an incoming text message. She accessed the text and was surprised to see a message from Larry pop up. She didn’t recall giving him her number.
“Joanne – After you get back tonight I want you to come to my house alone. Wear the outfit that you are wearing. I await your affordable reply. Larry”
Joanne was taken aback. How could he possibly ask that? What on earth did he expect Rick to think? He surely wouldn’t let her do that alone. Why couldn’t Larry come over to their place like last night? She texted back.
Larry – You know that I can’t do that! Rick will never let me come alone and we can’t both leave the kids. Why can’t you visit us like last night?
Larry’s response was curt and more demanding.
“Joanne – You will come. How you get Rick to agreeis your problem but you will get his permission and you will come! You will wear the outfit you have on and you will be wet and ready to fuck. Don’t both to answer again. I will be waiting for you.
Joanne felt a mixture of anger, fear, disgust and arousal wash over her. How could Larry say such a thing? How could he expect her to do his bidding? What was he thinking? Her mind was awake in conflicting emotions.
Suddenly, she felt someone behind her press into her ass pushing her towards the safety fence of the ride. The crowd was thicker and pressing around her now. She could feel a hard dick poking her in the back. The front of her thighs were pressed into the low barrier before her. She felt a hand raising the back of her skirt and moving between her legs while she was firmly held between the strong body behind her and the barrier. She allowed Her legs to be separated by the probing hand as her wet to was moved aside and strange fingerrs caresed her labia and pressed into her wetness. Due to the tightly packed crowd near the ride no one seemed to notice the assault on Joanne’s ass and pussy. The ride spun around, up and down as its occupieds yelled and screamed in delight. In the mad whirl of lights and noise Joanne allowed the invasion of her sex and leaned back against her invader for support. As the sex play progressed she opened her legs wider and allowed the strange hand to freely probe and play inside her now soaking pussy. Joanne began to move her pelvis back and forth setting up a harmonious rhythm with the pleasing hand and allowing her sensitive clip to be touched by the strange digits pressing into her wet folds. She was enjoying the stimulation by this stranger. Here she was engaged with someone she would never know in this anonymous dance of sexual teasing lost in a crush of faceless people and only her sexual pleasure was important.
Joanne’s climax hit just as the ride began to stop. The pleasure hand was slowly extracted from her quivering pussy leaving a trail of her wetness along her thighs as it deserted her. Joanne clung to the top of the safety barrier for support as her body shiver with her pleasure. She badly wanted to touch herself or have someone, anyone else touch her to drive her to a higher peak. Her eyes were glazed and her breathing rapid as the crowded moved away and towards the Ride’s exit. She found herself standing there abandoned and frustrated.
Joanne was jolted out of her passive state when she saw Rick and the kids exiting the ride and heading her way. She turned to walk towards them and felt a brush of air from behind. She reached back and found that the back of her skirt had been lifted up during her encounter and had not fallen to cover her when her admirer departed. It remained pressed against her back exposing her bared ass to all with within view. She quickly pulled her skirt back in place and rushed to greet her approaching family. Joanne did her best to keep the emotions raging within her in check as they departed the amusement park.
The drive back to the beach house was slow due to the heavy summer resort traffic. The kids were wound up and talkative for the first part of the trip then things grew quiet in the car with the kids dozing and Rick being attentive to the crowded streets. Joanne’s thoughts were occupied by the erotic feelings still lingering from the evening. It struck her that the episode was almost a natural outgrowth of the sensitive pleasure she always derived by revealing her body to others. Yes, Rick had been the one to introduce her to flashing. She initially began to wear revealing clothes and garments that would ‘accidently’ permit a peak of a forbidden body part in order to please him but she found that her exposure of herself was overwhelming arousing to her and soon she began to do it more frequently and for herself.She enjoyed the looks she received and loved the heat that it generated between her legs when she knew that she was the object of someone’s lust. Each time she exposed herself she always had to have Rick satisfied her afterward or she would rush to satisfy herself with her toys or her hand. Tonight she had been touched, fondled, probed and rubbed to a climax in the very public environment where she had presented herself. It was as if her audience had reached out to gratify her in real time giving her pleasure with no other demands or expectations. It had been exhilarating
As Joanne allowed her mind to drift in the fog of thoughts she slipped her right hand over her thigh and underneath her skirt and gently rubbed around her clitoral hood setting off another pleasure reaction inside her. As her body settled from this slight stimulation she began to consider Larry’s unexpected and demanding message which had preceded her anonymous encounter and actively began plotting a strategy for gaining Rick’s agreement for Larry to use her for the night.
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