I am Amrithavalli, a Tamil lady of 42 years of age, wife of railway signal man in south central railways. I am working as a fulltime service maid with a telungu group of families in Guntur. I do sweeping of the house, cleaning the vessels in the dishwashers, washing the clothes in washing machine, miscellaneous works. Four families in the surroundings have planned for an excursion to the hilly place in Dehradun in north. Everybody is rich except me. I was asked to accompany them for service work. We reached Vijayawada, and caught the Chennai-New Delhi Tamilnadu Express to New Delhi from Vijayawada railway station. It reached New Delhi on the second day early morning at 7 a.m. And we immediately took the Volvo bus to Dehradun. New Delhi was burning. After ten hours of journey, we reached Dehradun. Dehradun was excellent with total green surroundings. All the time it was excellently cool and little shivering also. We were traveling in air-conditioned from Vijayawada itself. Wewere accommodated in air-conditioned rooms in Dehradun. It was a newly constructed European type luxury hotel with room heaters etc. All rooms are air conditioned. I was given one room along with one of the ladies who accompanied the Guntur group. The rest are couples with infant children. All the four couples are kamma caste except the extra lady.
We took long rest and got up in the evening and took neighbor hot water bath. We dressed up and left the rooms for sight seeing. Outside it was shivering cold but the feeling was excellent. I have observed the couples. All women are very beautiful with their beautiful eyes, neighborly combined hair, tilak on the forehead, white diamond teeth, cotton sarees with woolen overcoats and sweaters, beautifully designed blouses with Their beautiful and bulging broad breasts inside. We took more than four hours to wander and return to hotel. We reached by 10:30 p.m. And again took individual hot water bath. We took our chicken biriyani night dinnerand went to bed by 11:30 p.m. All settled well on their individual beds. My room was the middle room and had a window through which I can peep into the other people’s room and their bed. But they cannot see me. I was starving for sex. The lady with me was sleeping on her bed. I slowly left into the bath room and peeped into the window. I saw one couple sleeping well. The other room got another couple kissing each other and playing with their individual’s sex organizations. I saw them fucking for sometimes. I became very crazy for sex. I immediately returned to the room. I saw the other lady sitting over the bed-mattress. She saw me coming into the bed room. I saw her and asked her to accompany me into the bath room. We both jointly peeped into the other room. This time we found the lady sitting over the man and are fucking him fast. We enjoyed the scene for sometimes. But I am terribly crazy for sex. This time the other lady came over to my bed and kept her hand over my waist. I suspected her that she is for sex now.
But I did not disturb her. I pretended as if I am in deep sleep. I also gave out slight groaning sounds. She confirmed that I drowned into sleep. She slowly brought her hands on my big breasts. I slightly adjusted on the bed conveniently so that she was able to put her hands over my both breasts. She was taking her hand to my vagina inside the saree. I am now restless. I immediately jumped up. She got stranded over my action. I smiled at her and kissed her cheeks. She immediately kissed my cheeks in return. I kissed her lips and teeth. She kissed my lips and teeth in return. I kissed her both eyes. She kissed my both eyes in return. I kissed her very big and round shaped sexy nose. She laughed at me since I have a small nose. She brought her hands over my breasts and I took her both hands and asked her to press and squeeze them again and again. By now I am heavily crazy for sex. She was also in the same blood. I got up and removed my saree andopened by blouse. She also did the same. Her breasts are also equally big and beautiful and bulging. We both caught our each other’s bulging big breasts and started to squeeze them again and again for more than half-an-hour. By now my vagina is oozing the wet.
I touched her vagina and it is wet. I immediately removed my artistic synthetic penis from the suit case. I tied it to my waste and penetrated it into her wet vagina. It easily went into her wet vagina. I started fucking her like men fucking the women. She could not control her emotions and enjoyment. She started slowly barking and grooming with her nose. I fucked to her entire satisfaction. Now she took the artistic Synthetic penis from my wait and tied it around her waist. I could not tolerate the delay. She asked me to lean over the bed in the sleeping position. She came over me. She slowly inserted the artistic synthetic penis into my oozing vagina and started to fuck me well. I was holding her beautifulbig round shaped sexy nose into my mouth and started to squeeze her big and beautiful and bulging breasts with both my hands. I was feeling heavenly. We both enjoyed a lot till 3 p.m. And went to bed. But most unfortunately we did not notice that the couple in the other room was observing us from their room since my room’s tube light was on. They enjoyed the scene very much. The next day we again dressed up by 10:00 after breakfast and left for sight seeing. The next room lady accompanied me in the walking and said that she watched the entire intercourse of lesbian type all through. She told it is excellent. She asked for me to come over to her room the same night. Therefore under some pretext, we reached the hotel and opened our room. Other party left for the night English movie. The Kamma lady of Guntur embedded me and started to kiss all over my face. She kissed my lips, eyes, teeth, cheeks, my small nose and the nostrils also.
I found her action very surprised. I applied all my abilities to touch her naked big and beautiful bulging breasts. They are very pointed Guntur Kamma breasts. Excellent they are. I sucked them into my mouth and she felt heavenly. She took my synthetic artistic penis into her hands and started to penetrate it into my vagina. I sent my finger into her wet vagina and she tied the synthetic penis to her waist and fucked me well for a little over fifteen minutes. She asked me to repeat the fucking and I tied the artistic synthetic to my waist and I went to her backside and bent her down. I inserted the penis into her oozing vagina and took over her both beautiful Guntur Kamma pointed breasts and started to squeeze them from down to up. From up to down, from sides. When I was pressing and squeeze her breasts from sides she was feeling heavenly. We both got exhausted. We took rest for more than one hour embracing each other. We woke up in the mid night and went into the bath room. I poured a lot of water all over thighs and vAginal space. I took the shaving brush of her husband and applied it all over and started to brush the place and surroundings well. A lot of foam and later formed. I took the razor and slowly and smoothly removed all the silk smooth Gumtur Kamma vaginal hair. The entire little hair-forest is vanished and the place now is excellent, silk smooth, stainless steel smooth, bright, shining, super etc. I kissed her vagina once again. I took water hose and cleaned the entire place. Now the place is shining like bright white. She asked me to kiss all over the place and suck her vagina. I did it. I went on continuously sucking her shamen silk smooth vagina till her white substance cam out rushingly throwing out. We both felt heavenly.
We went to our individuals room for sleep. After midnight at 2 a.m. All the couples reached their rooms for sleep. I found her husband asking her why she did not accompany them for the English sex movie. She replied that she was feeling very irritating at her vaginal space since she did not hold the grown hair and after reaching her room she shavled it off. By raising her saree over to her breasts she had displayed her cleaned vagina. Her husband felt extremely happy over it and he touched her silk smooth neatly hide vagina. It sent in current into her body. She raised her saree again and this time she took out her husband’s penis from inside his pants and inserted it into her wet vagina. He went on feeling heavenly and started jerking his original lengthy Guntur Kamma man’s penis of 10 inches length and fucked her to his and her total satisfaction. I very secretly observed this. I now again felt craze for sex. In the meantime the door of my room was knocked. The other telungu lady who enjoyed me came into the room and said that the English movie was very sexy and she felt craze for sex. Therefore she raised my saree up and tied the artistic synthetic penis to my waist and asked me to fuck in standing position. Since I was also craze for sex I obeyed her.
She was totally satisfied. Now I removed the artistic synthetic penis to her waist and asked her to fuck me in the sitting position. She was an excellent fucker. She fucked me extremely well in the sitting position. I took her both naked beautiful big breasts into my hands and started to squeeze them. I kissed her sexy lips, big and broad nose, round shaped nostrils, her lips and took her tongue into my mouth and enjoyed her brutally like animals fucking each other. This time also we forget to put-off the tube light and the entire episode of sex was totally and cleanly observed by the next room Guntur Kamma male. The next day morning while on sight seeing he took me into another hotel on the way and asked me to fuck him. I sat over his knees and fucked him for more than half-an-hour and he felt heavenly. His penis was at 90 degrees all the time. It was a little more than 10 inches in length. He kissed my face all over, kissed my cheeks, lips,teeth, tongue, eyes, breasts, vagina, and started to kiss my medium sized nose and the round shaped nostrils for over an hour. He said that he observed everything that night in my room, the lesbian sex with my room-mate. After five sexy days we returned back to New Delhi and Vijayawada and Guntur all through traveling in air-conditioned bogies. Pl emails your comments to my ID: [email protected] immediately. Thanks to all the kammas and non-kamma male and female.
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