[i]Hello fellow readers of erotic/sex-stories!
This is my very first story, please do not judge too harsh. The story starts quite slow with a lot of background information, people who just want some action can skip around ¾ of this story to the second last paragraph.
It was a regular day when I was driving down the country road in my little beamer, I just had visited the North Cape a couple of days ago and enjoyed all the time I had for driving and thinking. This country is so beautiful, yet so lonely, so untouched so remote and still people live here in this beauty and for them it was the most normal thing in the world. Growing up mostly as a kid from the suburbs of a huge town in Europe, I got to appreciate the peace, the remoteness and the silence of the countryside.
Let me first tell you a bit more about myself, my name is Peter, I am a bit over 20 years old, average size with 5 foot 9 or 10, normal built, grey eyes, often a bit too nice and shy, even though as soon as I like you I tend to talk a bit too much. I had just finished my Bachelor degree in some engineering, bit boring, but at least it would guarantee me a solid income for the future and job possibilities around the world. But now I was just driving down this lonely road, on my second or third week travelling through Scandinavia, it was the end of August, not too warm up here in the north but still enjoyable with some sun. So why was I, a mid twenty guy going on such a trip into a quite remote region alone? – The answer is simple, I asked around and nobody had enough time, many of my friends already worked full time or studied and could not take 3-4 weeks of travelling at the moment, so instead of not going I said simply and stubborn, fuck you all, I will go anyways, which was probably the best thing I could have done in a couple of years’ time.
So am I Single? No technically not, I have a girlfriend, she is a good couple of years older than me, bit of a nymph, incredibly nice and totally into me, but there is a big problem, I do not love her and she knows it. We often get into arguments because we are both quite sensible people, most of the times she draws the shorter stick and I feel like an asshole. She always says she wants to change for me, but I am just getting surer and surer that we do not fit. I was honest from the beginning, she was never really my type, but I felt lonely and she throw herself at me, I mean I am a guy, having an okay fuck and a girl that loves to blow you is something no guy will really say no to, is not it? But I knew, I wanted a break and talked about it with her, she said no, either end it or stay in it. So I made the choice for myself: “I will stay in the relationship, but if I find some other girl I will end the relationship”. I am not proud of that selfish decision, but at that time it seemed the more reasonable choice for me rather ending up with no girl, I meanshe knows I do not love her, so it was not a will it happen question, but a when will it happen question.
So while I was in the middle of nowhere, with my lovely car, a cool fold up tent (which you can set up really easy in a couple of seconds, a camping cooker, a bit of water and a couple of tins with food. My bathroom was a lake or a river and the whole world seemed to be open to me, just driving thinking and only talking to people at the petrol stations, and even that was reduced to a minimum as my car was driving with LPG and those stations where mostly usable by card payments.
When I was driving through the countryside I chose to go for the tourist route along the sea, it shall be more beautiful and I had the time and still some money to afford the ferries you need to take when traveling along that route. So while being stuck on the second or third ferry I saw this really cute girl with her mother and started talking to them, she was probably like 15 or 16, looked pretty but barely spoke some English, so I just talked to them a little bit and found out she was just about to go to her shared flat where she was about to live during school time, as the school was too far from her home. For me that seemed reasonable enough, I mean I moved out asap too and really enjoyed it, so I thought maybe follow the cute girl and her mom as they seemed friendly.
So as the ferry arrived about half an hour later I luckyly gotten only a few cars in front of them and could at least see if they would turn at some point. So the driving went on and my luck was leaving me. At the next possibility I had to stop because I needed a toilet break and something between my teeth. Soon I saw their car passing by, a shame but at least I knew roughly where they would go. After having had my provisions annihilated I went back to the road and enjoyed the fast and sporty ride down this country road, at the next major crossing I was wondering which way they might have gone and after a bit of thinking I decided to stay at the coast line and see if they would stop at the next ferry port again. Even though this turned out to be a wrong decision as they were not there I got to enjoy some nice curvy driving down a beautiful mountain road! Thanks to that I had to find a LPG station pretty soon, and of course the next one was in that town where this cute girl had gone if I understand their dialect right. So I drive another hour or two into the night and found the well hidden LPG station on a camping site, they probably had it there to refuel all the campervans.
A bit tired but motivated to at least get some fuel I looked at the filling station and found out I had to get a card from the camping reception to allow to fuel up. So I walked in and prayed there would still be someone to give me the card I needed. And there I found a petite, stunning beauty standing behind the reception and smiling at me with this wicked grin, like a little demon. I didNot mind that at all, and found it even better that she was not the young girl I met before as she was a bit more of my age and she also spoke perfectly english. So I asked for the card of the lpg pump and the spark ignored with the first worst. After filling up and going back into pay I ended up talking to her and staying up there till around 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning, sadly she had to leave (why do people have to go home after work, so annoying) and because I did not want to pay to camp on a piece of grass I decided to find myself a nice spot somewhere in the countryside. But not before making sure that she would be there tomorrow to continue this interesting conversation with this little beauty I just found myself. Have I already mentioned that I think there are a hell of a lot beautiful girls in Scandinavia?
So after setting up my night camp and having slept long and as comfy as possible, I decided to go back to the camp site reception to talk to the sweetdevil again, named after the sweet short name Eve. While walking in I just realized again how beautiful she was. Back home I could have been happy if a girl that pretty gave me even a single glance, as they always went for the tall, strong and extremely aggressive guys, it never even crossed my mind to even flirt with such a beauty, but here I was and here we talked for hours and hours till it was late at night and she had to leave again.
This went on for three nights, and in the third we went for a walk through her town and I kissed her, it was truly not really romantic, but it was time and there was simply no perfect moment at hand but I could not resist any longer. So by the time of the fourth morning I had found out where she lived and turned up at her house. Of course nobody spoke real English in her family, except her, so lucky it was enough to tell her handsome mother (somewhere the genes had to come from) her name and wait outside. After a minute I quickly saw acute face coming up in one of the windows only to see her throw a facial expression at me, which I think means something like, what the heck are you doing here together with a shaking the head motion (which still means she was happy about me being there), towards me and then inviting me inside.
She quickly took the lead and decided there was still enough time to go for a dip into the river behind the house, before she had to go back to camping site reception work together with me. Of course I did not say no to seeing her in a bikini. After having gone to the ice cold river, which she seemed did not minded, I just came to realize what a stunning beauty I had gotten myself here.
So let me tell you what she looked like, she was maybe 5 feet 3 and had a bit of a round happy beautiful face with deep brown eyes only to be framed by the most beautiful (butt-long, literally buttlong) hair I could imagine. She had quite light skin, but not so light that you would call her pale. And oh my god, her boobs, these magnificent creations of good where just too perfect for description,I mean I am no longer a virgin and saw a couple of boobs, but those were just stunning. They were simply perfectly round and firm, not saggy but definitely quite big with a D cup for her size and body. In the bikini they just looked mouth-watering tasty. Her stomach was flat and Slightly toned, just so perfect, not too muscle and still no bit of unnecessary fat on it. And her butt was cute and perfectly round, like those butts from doggy style porn movies, where you just cannot resist but want to hammer your dick in because it is nearly going to explode only from the beautiful view you are getting. So after toying a bit around in the water, where I simply got no hard on due to malnourished camping food over around two weeks and absolutely ice cold water, and maybe because I am not anymore in my super horny puzzle, where I would have jumped anything in my way. Even if I had one it would not have helped as we simply would not have had enough time. But it was still one of the most magical moments and like out of a movie, swimming in a remote river somewhere far north with an extremely amazing girl which was simply stunning. Sadly it was over too soon and we both ended up flirting and talking more at the camp site reception, which was thanks to late season not too busy.
In the evening, which was the third last night I could spend there as I had to catch a ferry I had booked for me and my car a couple of days later. I simply decided to be bold and say no to sleep on the sofa, which she only accepted with saying nothing is going to happen, which I was more or less fine with (for now), I rather want a bit of a relationship than just stick my dick in one girl after the next. Additionally a bed with a beautiful girl, after sleeping alone in a tent or in the back of my car for two weeks was already more than glorious enough for now. It turned out tobe quite funny as I am more the huggy sensible type at night who can hug his girl all night long she wanted more her freedom and after I fell dead sleep in minutes Eve said she just rolled me over and we both slept happily for the whole night.
So the next day was rather unspectacular, like the ones before, but the night turned out to be our first real intimate approach. As we were laying in her bed I told her about a dark secret I had, which had to do with my rather irresponsible parents which let me cry for around a day after I had a one sided testicular torsion before taking me to a doctor and then immediately to ER, where it turned out that my left testicle was already completely dead. I can only remember a full night of unique pure pain and horror and many year later had a doubtful miniberty in which I asked myself how girls would react. She was very caring and understanding and it was kind of nice to have a good reaction on my little interference. You would actually be surprised by how different responses of girls I have gotten in the past and this was the by far most sensitive, understanding and caring response I have received from a girl. So after having gotten this big load of my heart and while she already had me by the balls you can imagine what was about to happen.
I started by kissing and quite quickly striping her of her nightie and started feeling up her amazing body while planning long and deep kisses all over her body. It took no time until her bra went off and I started caressing these beautiful boobs with those hard small nipples with my hands. Eve moaned cute and lustful under my eager hands and her hands were all over my back. Meanwhile I started to use my hands and my mouth to send kisses first all over her amazing firm right breast. Of course I could not give one magnificent boob attention without caring the other one, I mean you have to be fair to them, right? So I started nibbling on her hard left nipple whomh lead her to purr even louder in pleasure. I just could not stop running my hands all over her beautiful body and gently but determined kissing and sucking on her nipples, boobs and beautiful lips. Her response was the cute but most lustful purring and moaning I have ever heard in my whole life and soon her hands were trailing off to the obvious tent that had formed in my underwear. She started massaging and wildly stroking my dick first through but soon enough without my underwear, what I countered with slowly caresing her truly wet lips in between her fit legs.
I started moaning in delight as her small tender hand gripped my dick more firm and demandingly to stroke my 6 inch cock and played with my balls as if she never had done anything else in her whole life. Soon she send me close to a region of no return which I countered by taking her hands of my solid cock and giving her my full attention and to enjoy what my fingers where doing to her beautiful vagina and caressing her small but by now hard little clip. It took no long till I felt her arching her back and pressing her extremely wet vagina into my hands what I countered by slowly entering her with a finger and massaging her from inside. I sensed that she could not take it much longer and even I feel the feeling of pure pleasure running, shivering through her body as I was pumping my fingers in and out of her beautiful pink pussy. At the same time I was massaging her small clip with my other hand. Her petit, cute moans grow a bit faster and louder as I continued until she started to rest down with her body and slowly closing her eyes for a moment of pure pleasure.
But there was still a quite hard problem between my legs which needed a solution and she seemed eager to solve it for me with a password I was yet to enjoy…
If you like it I will continue the story as far as it happened…
If somebody wonders why I write balls if I have only one, it justFeels right to write it that way and goes easier over the lips without always thinking about it.
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