Madam ko choda

Mats have always been a weak subject to me and often scored just above pass marks. Exams were approaching and my parents were tensed thinking about my weak point “Mats. A lot of concerns followed and this is when we had one of our neighbors visiting us. My mother raised her concern about me and our neighbor aunty recommended that I need to be sent for tuitions and she knew a lady teacher who was Extremely good at Mats and lived in the close victory. My mother was all so happy, she got the address of this new teacher and wanted me to visit her the very same day.

I was thrilled and excited as you know i’ve always loved ladies. I hoped that this new teacher would be young and beautiful and truly hoped she would be of the friendly kind. At around 5 in the evening I picked up my bike and reached the address, it was a huge two learned villa and looked neat and nice with a beautiful garden in the front yard. I parked my bike outside the gate and soon went in, I rang the belland waited but there was no response. I cursed my stars and as I walked back to my bike a nice voice called out saying “who is it? I turned around and felt heart broken to see this old lady in the age group of 55 to 60 stand by the door. Oh! Shit, I said asking myself is this the one who is going to coach me? Quietly I walked towards her and asked if it was Ms. Aruna. No! Said the lady asking me to sit down on one of those huge bucket chairs rowed up in the veranda. I quickly sat and impatiently waited for the teacher to arrive.

After about 5 minutes of waiting the old lady came up to me holding a hand bag and a umbrella and said “please wait, teacher is in the shower and will attend to you in about 5 to 10 minutes. I thanked the old lady and she soon left leaving the gate partially open. I waited as I started to think about how the teacher would look, what her age would be, what her body structure would be and about her family “and Then suddenly I sprang out of the chair hearing a lovely voice call out saying “Hi! How can I help you? For a moment I stood speechless, totally astonished least expecting a woman of just 27 or 28. She was extremely beautiful, tall, wheatish in colour with straight falling black hair. A pair of sexy eyes and a mouth adorned with two fluffy lips, so pink and so well shaped added to the beauty and to top it all a body that measured 36/24/36. She looked a perfect personality dressed so elegantly in a beautiful light coloured cotton sari with all the pleats tucked at its rightful place.

Once again the voice said “may I help you? And with a chosen voice I replied Oh! Yes Mam, my name is Abhishek and I’m here knowing that you provide tuitions in Mats. She pointed out to the chair asking me to sit and as I did, she sat besides me on the chair next to mine and soon asked “What did you say your name was? I replied “Abhishek and she soon said “I’m Aruna and extended her hands for a shake. We shook hands and I secretly retired the softness of her delicate palm. Aruna Mam asked me a few questions and finally offered to coach me but she said that she has time only during the evening hours and can accommodate me after the first batch of students finishes of at 6.30pm. She said she will have to coach me all alone as the rest of the students have already covered a big part of the subject. I told her that time was not a problem and that I could come over at 7pm as I live close to her house. Aruna Mam offered me coffee but I said it was ok and soon left feeling lucky. I arrived home soon and told my mother about the timing and the fee and took to my room.

Playing the Band Scorpions on the music system I sat relaxed on the bed trying to figure out the words of the song but my thoughts got diverted to my new teacher, I kept thinking about her, her looks, her body, her house, the whereabouts of her husband if she was married, about her children if she had any and so on. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow evening to arive so I quickly wound up for the night all the while thinking about Aruna Mam. I woke up early the next morning and soon headed for college, it was a long day as time seemed not to be passing by. I desperately waited for the evening to fall and spend my time counting every minute. Wow! I said to myself as the clock ticked 6 and I soon jumped into my blue jean and a tight t-shirt that very well pronounced my muscle arms, chest and my flat belly. I jumped on to my bike and soon arrived at Aruna Mam’s villa.

In a few minutes the old service lady arrived at the door asking me to sit down and in a couple of minutes Aruna Mam saw me with a big smile welcoming me and asking me to follow her. She showed me the dining table and asked me to sit down and soon left saying she will be back in a minute. Aruna Mam was dressed in a faint pink sari and through her pallow I could clearly see her blouse. Her breasts stood well angled and they looked firm. She was dressed elegant and to me shelooked like a star. Her impecccably shaped bottoms swayed with dignity as she walked and I thanked every moment of my time at her house. Aruna Mam returned holding some books and soon sat besides me. She started the subject from basics and I felt good as she explained matters so well that any one could understand and master Mats in just a few months. She ended the class in just half an hour saying it is the first day and started to enquire about me, my family and all about my extra curricular activities. She was very much impressed to know about my talents in music and told me that I should be singing for her some day. I promised her and soon started to enquire about her. When I asked her about her husband, her expression changed looking a little sad and said that her husband Rakesh was deployed on a temporary assignment in the U.S and will be in California for a period of three years. She said it has been a year and a half since he has left and life has become a bore since his departure. She said she lived here alone as she had to leave her only daughter at her mothers place as it got difficult to attend to her needs being busy with work and tuitions. I felt sad for Aruna Mam but felt kind of good knowing that I could be with her all alone every day during my tuition class. Aruna Mam offered me coffee, but I told her it’s ok and soon left.

Days, weeks and a couple of months passed by, and it was today, the day to celebrate, It was Aruna Mam’s birthday. She had not reminded me of it but I remembered her mentioning it on the very first day of my tuition class. I had picked up a nice gift for her, a little bracelet and kept it a secret as I wanted it to be surprised. At around 6.30pm, I reached Aruna Mam’s house while I watched the first batch students, “little kids” leave. I thanked God for I dint want those students to see me give a gift. The maid opened the door for me and as I sat waiting for Aruna Mam, the maid came up to me and said it was getting late andshe needed to leave as she dint want to miss the buss. She requested me to inform Aruna Mam about her leaving and soon left. After about 5 minutes Aruna Mam came climbing down the stairs, she looked exceptionally beautiful this day dressed in a beautiful garden sari and a perfectly matching blouse. Her sari floated down her slim body partially exposing the smooth skin on the sides of her waist line and her stomach, her body swayed as she elegantly climbed down exposing her belly button and I sat there watching her with total surprise. She had styled her hair and the lipstick on her fluffy lips showed in the bright light from the chandelier. Aruna Mam looked awesome, yes! Stunning and as she nearly me I pulled out the little package and extended it to her wishing a wonderful birthday. She looked surprised and with a sparkle in Her eyes asked “how did you remember my birthday? I smiled not saying a word but quickly asked “are you going some where Mam? No she replied and before she couldContinue I asked if she was expecting any guest. No! She replied again asking why do you ask. I smiled and I told her with total sincerity that she was always beautiful but she looked exceptionally beautiful this day and that she makes the sari look awesome dressed on her. I told her that I thought she was leaving or was expecting some guest because she was all dressed up but Aruna Mam smiled again and quietly said “you are my guest Abhishek, I have been expecting you, she said that I was a special student to her and being her birthday today she had dressed up and had arranged dinner for the two of us wanting to give me a surprise. Aruna Mam, thanked me for the sincere compliments and the gift and she quickly opened the little package. She told me it was very sweet of me to think of her birthday, to buy her a gift and to give her this pleasant surprise, she said she appreciated my thought and that she loved what I had picked up for her. She wore the bracelet on her wrist and thanked meas I softly held her right hand and kissed her hand wishing her many, many happy returns of the day.

Aruna Mam told me that there will be no classes today and quickly asked me if I was in a hurry. I told her that I was not as I had planned to go for a movie after the class and had informed my parents that I would get late. Aruna Mam looked pleased and offered me to sit in the large living room. We sat opposite to each other talking crazy subjects all the while laughing aloud. I loved every move with Aruna Mam, her actions, her laugh, her smile and the way her body responded to every word she said. I adored her and secretly admired her. Wanting me to excuse her for a minute she walked towards her kitchen and soon returned with a tray containing a small round white forest cake, a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses. I felt like I was dreaming and I looked surprised at her as she came walking towards me and placed the tray over the centre table, I looked at her with amusementand she asked “do you drink wine Abhishek? I told her I have had on a couple of occasions and that I loved the taste of good wine. Aruna Mam offered me the bottle of chilled red wine asking me to open it and as I did she soon lit up a candle and placed it on a corner of the cake. I filled the two glasses with wine and as I stood besides her, she cut the cake and I softly sang the song “happy birthday to you” Aruna Mam picked up a piece of cake from the tray and to my surprise raised her hands up my face and placed it in between my lips, I was shocked, truly wonderstruck and I dint know what to do but I quickly gathered my senses and picked up the remaining piece from her hand and put it in between her fluffy lips. It was an awesome feeling when my fingers lightly rubbed against her soft lips.

We knocked our glasses of wine saying “cheers and as she smiled I once again wished her a happy birthday and we soon sat opposite each other. We talked a lot about her family, her husband, her daughter, my family, my parents and all about what we did to kill time. Aruna Mam was very polite and frank with an open mind and to my surprise she suddenly asked if I have had any girl friends. I replied by saying yes but told her that they were just friends. I could see a kind of curiosity build up Aruna Mam’s face and she soon said “I dint mean just ordinary friends Abhishek, I meant to ask if you had any girl friend that was truly attached to you. I blushed for a moment and soon replied “Mam, there was a girl I liked very much, but that dint work out and ever since I never really bothered. She looked convinced and then looking directly into my eyes, said if I could fill our glasses. It was kind of a strong wine and I was already feeling good and as I poured the second glass of wine, she asked “are you attending to any gym for work outs. I asked her why and she quickly replied “I have been noticing you from day one Abhishek, you have a very good physics,Very muscular and attractive. Flashes of light traveled through my brain when I heard her say that she has been noticing me since day one, but remaining as normal as ever I quickly told her that I do work out at home.

We sipped through our glasses of wine and Aruna Mam softly asked if I would like to listen to some soft music and before I could reply she walked down to the corner of the hall, switched on the music system and played some exotic instrumental music. Turning around to face me Aruna Mam looked at me with a intoxicating smile and walked towards me extending her hands requesting me to dance with her. I was stunt hearing her Offer, I got nervouss and I looked at her totally astonished, but soon gathered my guts and stood besides her making no move. Aruna Mam without any hesitation held my left hand in her right and soon placed her left had over my right shoulder; I panicked but soon placed my right hand over her waist. Her bare, soft and tender skin feel warm under my palm and I started to feel like I was in a wonderful land. Looking directly into my eyes and wearing a thin smile, Aruna Mam started to move pacing small steps, we talked in a low pitched voice all the while and soon her hand moved up my shoulders slightly brushing against the bare skin on my neck.

We looked deep into each other eyes with gentleness and I as our voices got husky I noticed a kind of craving in Aruna Mam’s exhaustive pair of eyes. I thought of adding a little pressure over my hands, placed on her waist but instead I softly moved a couple of my fingers occasionally trying to signal my willingness to hold her in my arms. We danced to the melody and soon I found Aruna Mam rest her head over my shoulder. Her firm breasts deliciously pressed against my chest and I realized that I was starting to feel a kind of tingle all over my body. We swayed our body in silence, not saying a word but then, when to music came to an end, we stood still holding each other. I felt strange asAruna Mam stood still holding on to my hands and my shoulder with her head still gently resting on my shoulder, I started to feel concerned and as we waited in utter silence, I broke the silence and asked “Is everything ok Mam? There was no reply from her instantly but in a flash of a second she looked at me timing. Aruna Mam’s eyes looked watery, she looked touched, moved and all so emotional and I paused to think what had gone wrong, she took her hands away from my shoulder, she held me by my hands and with a lot of concern in her sweet voice and with a lot troubled feelings asked “How would you feel to be away from someone you love Abhishek, and that too on a social day? I kept mum for a while but soon said “I understand you are missing your husband Mam, but to be true, we cant be lucky all the while. Sometimes life treats us kind and sometimes bad but if we treat each new day with kindness and thank God for what he has given that day, we sure could try to be happy. Aruna Mam looked at me feeling kind of nerves as tears soon started to roll out of her eyes. I stood motionless not knowing what to say, what to do or how to cheer her up but quickly held her gently by her cheeses and softly said “you have me by your side Mam, “Please, accept me for what I am and you will surely feel good.

Aruna Mam, looked at me not knowing what to say to me but when I started to wipe her tears dry, she held my hands and softly whispered “I liked you the very first time I saw you Abhishek, you are very special to me but……and she went silent. I requested her to continue telling me what she wanted to but then she throw her hands around me and hugged me tight in her arms not saying a word. My hands, my legs and my whole body trembled not knowing what to do but then I softly placed both my hands on either sides of her waist feeling the tenderness of her body. Her body feel warm under my palm but I stood motionless, I stood locked in Aruna Mam’s arms with her breasts pressed against my chest and her head comfortable rested on my shoulder, I felt like I was in heaven but remained still with a fear of not knowing what I should be doing. The delicate skin on her warm body sent ships up my spine creating an erection but I maintained a low profile cause of the tension, the fear and the anxiety. I longed and I waited for Aruna Mam to make a move but after about 3 to 4 minutes of hugging me tight she raised her head and looked up at me and softly said “Can you accept me for what I am and be my lover for tonight? I was shocked, flatberggasted, staggered and confused not knowing how to react to her question, I remained still, completely silent and then looking deep into her eyes with total dedication and heart felt sentiments said “How could some one ever says no to a woman so elegant Mam? You are so beautiful, so sophisticated, so tender and indeed so glorgeous. I told her that she was special and that she came into my life like a blessing in disguise. I hugged her tight saying that I would love to be her man not just for this night but when ever she wanted me to be.

We exchanged a few desperate looks and hugged each other, I reached my hands for Aruna Mam’s face and as I held her cheeks with both my palm, I bent forward and kissed her on her forehead promising that she would always and ever be a jewel that I will treasure. Aruna Mam, looked pleased hearing what I had to say, she throw her hands around my neck and started to kiss me all over my face and my neck. She kissed desperately, familiar and as though starved and soon started to star into my eyes with her fluffy lips partially open. I know what she wanted and softly kissed her on her both her lovely eyes and then on her lips. I bit her lower lips and in a moment cupped her lips with my mouth spread wide open. We hugged and we kissed deep in each others mouth and as we got completely engrossed in the terrific sensing, I lowered my tongue deep into her mouth. Aruna Mam responded andInstantly, she slipped her wet tongue deep into my mouth and we soon started to explore every corner of our mouth. Our tongue rolled against each others, we softly bit each others tongue and to my surprise, Aruna Mam caught hold of my hands and guided my hands signaling me to hold her waist. I grabbed both sides of her waist feeling the tenderness and the smoothness of her skin; I felt my fingers rub against her blouse and wanted to tare apart her blouse. Aruna Mam and I stood with our bodies pressed against each others and soon my hard and erect cock started to press against her body making it obvious that I am loving the feeling. As our bodies swwayed unknownly indulged in the sensings of kissing each other my hard mount rubbed against her thighs and soon reached the hardest of erection.

Aruna Mam still holding on to my face using both her hands kissed me vigorously and I feeling desperate ran my hands up her back, over her blouse and quickly got grip on the hooks of her bLouse. I was afraid she would stop me but she stood easy and let me unhook her blouse. She helped me remove her blouse off her hands and as I watched her heavy, firm breasts cupped in a nice and pink bra my cock throbbed with excitement. My eyes gaped with thirst and my mind stood overwhelmed. I feasted my eyes watching her perfectly shaped and balanced breasts and craved to suck them. Aruna Mam pulled my face Forcefully once again and started to kiss me on my mouth with more vigor and my hands soon reached down in front of her waist to undo the knot of her sari. I managed to get rid of the safety pin that held the pleasures of her sari in place and soon pulled the knot tucked on to her waist. Aruna Mam stood clubbed in my arms in just her understanding and her bra and as I pulled away her sari it fell slipping down on to the floor below. My hands grabbed the cheats of her firm, yet so cuddly ass and pulled her forcing her lower belly press hard against my fully erect cock, I rubbed my hardness left and right over her and she soon understood my intension. She reached for my t-shirt and started to quickly undo the buttons and when finished she ran her hands all over my chest and over my belly feeling the tight curves of my mussels. I had little hair on my chest but she dint care about that, she ran her fingers through the little hair and soon reached her mouth down over my chest and started to suck my tits, she bit my tits and grabbed my ass pressing my hardness against her. My hands played vigorously over her ass cuddling and caressing and I reached for her skirt and undid the knot letting her skirt fall over the floor forming a ring around her. Aruna Mam was completely assertive she vibrated pressed against my body and my hands grabbed her ass covered only by her thin and almost transparent panty. I ran my hands up and down her soft tighs and soon slipped my hands in through her panties firmly grabbing her soft ass. Her ass was quiet big for a grab and it felt as smoothh as silk. Aruna Mam moaned as my hands played vigorously over her ass and as my fingers reached right under her ass rubbing against her anal and sometimes reaching as close as her wet pussy. I started to feel the wetness caused out of her oozing but never really reached for her pussy as I needed time to enjoy her fabulous young body.

I keep playing it easy over her ass and over her anal slightly rubbing the tip of my fingers and then, all of a sudden Aruna Mam held my face and forced my mouth up and above her cleavage. Well this is something I have been waiting for. I have waited enough but never made a move for I wanted her to want me take on her breasts. Her firm breasts felt soft against my lips, they were like delicious balloons filled with jelly, I licked her cleavage and inserted my tongue in between her two beautiful mounts. Aruna Mam moaned as she shivered feeling my mouth over her cleavage. She moaned and soon requested me to take away her bras. I pulled my hands out of her panties and quickly reached up her back and undid the hooks and pulled her bras off her hands and boy! What a sight it was…how could I explain it? I had never seen anything as magnificent as her tenderer, yet so firm and round boobs. My mouth watered and I soon grabbed her into my arms, we kissed like never before on the mouth and I soon ran the tip of my tongue down her neck, under her earlobes and soon reached down her bare, silky skin over her breasts. Holding her body by her waist I licked the outer circuitry or her round boobs with the tip of my tongue making sure that I do not get any where close to her nipples. I wanted Aruna Mam to feel frustrated and want me to suck her nipples, I wanted to grab her breasts in my hands and cuddle her but then again, I wanted her to be wanting more and more. My hands moved in and around her waist, her soft ass and her delicate belly and soon felt Aruna Mam desperately wanting me to suck hard on her hard and erect berry sized nipples. She pulled my face up signaling me to suck on her nipples but instead I started to softly circle my tongue around her nipples. Aruna Mam soon started to be restless, she moaned and she finally cried out in a husky voice saying “Please Abhishek, Please suck on my nipples. Well! This is what I have waited for and had wanted so gripping her by her ass I pulled her closer to me. I raised my mouth and she quickly hold my head pressing my mouth hard against her fully erect nipples.

Aruna Mam, shivered as my tongue circled around her hard nipples and as I sucked her left nipple deep into my mouth, she grabbed my right hand and placed it over her right breast begging me to cuddle and cares it; she moaned in ecstasy and soon became vigorous. We moaned in bliss and I reached my left hand over her soft and delicate belly. Her soft belly with an average sized belly button felt like a hot bag with traces of sweat and I gently inserted my little finger down her belly button. There was a sudden jerk in her body, she whispered to me saying that she loved the way I handled her and requested me to continue doing all that I wanted to. Gradually I lowered my left hand down her lower belly and into her panty, her closely shawned public hair priced against my fingers as I ran my fingers over and above her pubic bone which was a solid mount. My lips gripped Aruna Mam’s nipples tight rubbing my tongue hard against it and as my right hand squeezed and cuddled her right breast, my left hand gently reached for her wet pussy. Her pussy was all wet and hot, I couldn’t wait to insert my fingers into her luscious cunt, I felt I was dreaming but soon, I found my fingers pressed hard against her cunt as she spread her legs a little trying to accommodate my palm covering the opening of her hot cunt. Aruna Mam trembled, she shivered and she moaned, so finding her enjoying and craving for more, I reached both my hands for her panties and gently lowered it down her big ass, down her hips and allthe way down her thighs and legs kneeling down in front of her. The beautiful delicious cent of her oozing pussy stoned me reaching me to the heights of lust and as Aruna Mam stood in front of me like a garden angle completely nude exposing her awesome body, I held the cheeses of her soft ass and pressed my face against her virginal area licking her public bone softly playing the tip of my tongue in between the public bone and her soft thighs. I felt electric current run up and down Aruna Mam’s sculptured body as she held my head with both her hands pressing my head hard against her pussy wanting me to suck her cunt. The musky aroma from her hot and oozing cunt increased my craving to its heights, I grabbed her ass and soon buried my face pressed against her pubic bone inserting my tongue deep licking her cliporis. Aruna Mam jerked with excitement, she pulled my face away from her pussy and helped me stand by her side, she kissed me on my mouth and holding my hands lead my way all the wayupstairs and into her lavishly decorated and well arranged bed room.

Reaching the room, she welcomed me with a smile and soon guided me to the bed. I stopped Aruna Mam and soon grabbed her lifting her like a baby and laid her on the bed, I stood besides her on the floor and as I admired her beautiful body she caught hold of my hands and pulled me over the bed. I couldn’t wait any longer and the eagerness to taste her delicious cunt got more intense, I spread her legs wide apart to which she never hesitated and soon keeling down in between her soft thighs I grabbed her firm breasts in both my hands and buried my face down in between her tights. I cupped her pussy with my mouth full open and soon started to lick her erogenous zone. Aruna Mam vibrated, moaning aloud and when I started to lick her labia majora and her labia minora running the tip of my tongue softly up and down, she started to cry in ecstasy, she cried for more and I started to suck in deliciously her G-spot whichsized some where around a dime. Aruna Mam twisted and turned as I sucked in her G-spot deep twisting it between my lips, she grabbed my hair pushing my head harder over her pussy, she trembled and she gasped for breath, she throw her legs over my shoulder and over the bed spreading her legs wider and wider apart, she ran her pointed nails tearing the skin over my shoulders and she pleaded me to give her more and more. I I wanted to have the maximum and indeed, all that she had starved for.

My mind soon recovered memories from the movies I had seen and shot this idea of ​​having a pillow under Aruna Mam’s ass, I grabbed a pillow and as she helped me, I pushed it under her ass. Now her pussy was more attractive as the light on the opposite wall shoe on it, her tight, bud like anal looked delicious, I wanted it and I fell for it and quickly got to it. Iplayed the tip of my tongue up and down her perineum the skin between pussy and anal which i’ve known is very, very sensitive. Aruna Man loved this feeling and I desperately reached my tongue for her tight anal. It tasted a little odd but sure gave her exceptional sensings making her feel, cares and squeeze her firm breasts, biting her lips tight. My cock throbbed all the way longing for Aruna Mam’s touch, it feel desperate held tight in my underwear, completely soaked in lubricants that I have been oozing out all the while. I feel like splitting my pant into two, tare my underwear and thrust my hard, erect and throbbing cock deep inside her scrumptious cunt but I never bothered for my only concern was to make Aruna Mam completely satisfied and content. I sucked, licked and inserted my tongue in and out of her warm pussy and soon started to insert my little finger up her tight anal. Aruna Mam responded to my finger and swayed her ass giving me way to insert my finger deep. It was tight and my finger struggled to find its way through so I softly inserted my finger up Aruna Mam’s hot pussy. Lubricating my finger with her love juices I quickly got my finger back to her anal and with an easy push inserted my index finger right through. I felt great as her anal gripped my finger tight, I pushed and I pulled my finger in and out of her tight anal. I realized that Aruna Mam was enjoying the feeling so I quickly inserted my thumb in. The elasticity of her anal got a lot more fragile and elastic and I know by now she could easily accept my huge 7” long throbbing cock in her anal. I wondered how I would approach her for anal sex, but she was a lot sensible, she understands what I was trying to signal at, so pulled me over her and soon reached for my pants, she requested me to help her get rid of my pants and as I did, her hands reached for my underwear and pulled them down my thighs, Aruna Mam stared at my heavy, hot cock and with total dedication and enthusiasm, she grabbed my cock in both her hands, she massed and she squeezed my cock and quickly turned over facing her back against the ceiling. In the mean while, in just a matter of seconds, I helped her take the dogs position, I lubricated my cock spiting over it and soon guided my cock head up and over her anal hole and pushed it hard against it. We screamed and we moaned as my thick cock found its way slowly and sturdily, we shivered and we drenched in sweat and I soon started to push and pull my ever hot, hard cock in and out of Aruna Mam’s tight anal.

The pleasure we experienced was immense, yes! Simply immeasurable and as I thrust my big dick deeper and deeper Aruna Mam reached her right hand up her pussy and started to rub her vagina. I know that this is the area that extends from the vagina opening to the cervix and that It contains glands that lubricate the vagina during arousal, intercourse, and orgasm so with my hard cock buried deep inside Aruna Mam’s anal, I reached my left handgrabbing her firm breasts and my right hands over her pussy fingering her vagina. She started oozing soon and with a sudden sight a deep breath, she throw me over the bed. She turned around, climbed over me with my face in between her fleshy thighs making it a clear “69” and forced her pussy over my face. Holding my cock tight in her hands she swallowed my cock deep in her mouth and started to suck on it desperately. She sucked as though she has been starved from food and she sucked swallowing the whole length of my cock all the way down her throat. I had never in my life been sucked by any woman nor did I ever fuck any woman in my life, this was the first time and I was feeling Ohmmmmm! I don’t know what to say. We sucked each others for at least 5 to 6 minutes and soon changed position. Aruna Mam wanted me to get down on the floor and as I did she sat on the edge of the bed, she spread her legs wide and signed me to insert my hard and throbbing cock up her hot, wet and oozing cunt.Her cuntl looked like a piece of pudding and as I neared her she held my cock, she spread the delicate walls of her cunt with her fingers and guided my cock head wanting me to push it in. Her cunt was tight but with a sudden thrust and a dedicated push, my cock traveled its way to the deepest. Aruna Mam rested her back on to the bed, she lifted her legs and placed them on my shoulders and as she closed her eyes she requested me to push my cock deeper and deeper into her luscious cunt. We moaned and we whispered calling each others name as my big dick traveled up and down and in and out of Aruna Mam’s cunt. We shivered and we trembled, we cried and we pleased with pleasure and soon our movement got faster and faster. I held Aruna Mam tight by her calm as I slashed my cock in and out of her. I was coming and Aruna Mam knew that we were both reaching a climax, Aruna Mam called out asking me not to come in her, she repeated all the way requesting me not to come in her, but it was too late,My mind was mesmerized totally captured and I splashed, I ejaculated with pressure and my cock sank midst of both our warm and hot juices of love.

Aruna Mam soon spread her legs wide and as she dropped them down hanging from the bed she throw her hands wide open welcome me into her arms. I fell breathless over her soft body pressing her firm breasts over my chest and we closed our eyes breathing heavily enjoying the after math of beautiful love making. The time was ½ passed 10 and I had time until 12am so we both stretched ourselves on the bed hugging each other until we got ready for a second show. We were ready in just a matter of 15 to 20 minutes and soon we made love all over again. We met each other every day in pretence of having tuitions and our relationship lasted till Aruna Mam’s husband returned from his over seas assignment. We maintain a secret relationship even now, but we meet only on occasions.

[email protected]


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