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My Uncle is the new password in my life – two lovers and I still remain a Virgin.
I left the cowshed and edreaded stealthily but slowly towards my home, cautious of course, since I did not want to make a mess of my life getting caught in this kind of an illicit act. But one thing for sure, I had enjoyed those moments with Bhagwan and he was a ‘pleasure’ but I also started sensing that he was trying to get very attached to me – My life at that time really was a ‘fluttering’ kind not allowing much avenues to think of a ‘male’ as a permanent companion or even a ‘chaste’ relationship.
Somehow having seen some of my Uncles and others in how they dominate their wives and families, I had made up my mind pretty early in life not to lead a slavish wife’s role.
Anyway, came back home in time before my mother and sister could return and was getting ready to start cooking for the evening when thebell rang, I thought that to be them and reached out for the door only to be surprised seeing Latchu Uncle – he used to stay in the same town but pretty far way from our house and he would turn up once in a while.
I always wondered and found it very difficult to understand why he used to come only when my father was on his ‘night duty’ – Well today I was going to find that out. I had made up my mind to really understand what he did during his monthly visits to our comely home.
The streetlights had just come ‘ON’ and my sister and mother were not yet back. My pussy was still dirty and needed a wash, the blouse still contained the mess Bhagwan deposited on it a while ago and all this remained pretty concealed since it had become dark and in our house my father would allow only 20W bulbs fearing huge electricity bills, and so it always seemed as if we lived in ‘darkness’.
Well that was the reason my Uncle Latchu of 45 years never noticed any of those traces on my body and blouse.
I quickly went back to the kitchen and we had a small ‘wash space’ just behind the ‘manual grinder’- I quickly removed my blouse and petticoat and started washing myself with a tumbler of water from the drinking jug.
I rubbed the water drop by drop into my cunt while washing the dry ‘scrap’ and the sensing was pretty interesting and pleasurable. My pussy tingled while the lips started spreading on their own when suddenly I heard footsteps, ‘ Nuvvu ikkda unnava- ainti chestunaavu’- (You are there – I am searching for you- what are you up to), my Uncle was standing near the entrance to the kitchen.
I quietly picked up the towel next to me and smartly drawn it around me, at the same time slipped on the dirty petticoat onto my legs and over the hips, there and then sitting on my haunches and finally got up slowly with just the towel around my chest and ran into the adjoining bedroom going past him like a bullet.
My wet hair hit my Uncle on his shoulder and I could sense him getting agitated.
Getting into the bedroom I removed the towel and the wet dirty petticoat from my ‘near to clean’ body and started rubbing the towel more luxuriously and slowly when I suddenly noticed a sound outside and thinking it to be my folks rushed to the door and looked thru the small hole on top- there was nobody.
But there was ‘somebody’. – It was my uncle sitting crouched just below the bedroom door on the other side– he must have ducked when he saw me coming, well unfortunately for him I could see his reflection on the glass pane in the bookshelf just in front of the bedroom door.
I was terrified as to why was he trying to hide like that and slowly it dawned in me that this was not just my ‘maternal’ puppy Uncle- he was a lecherous ‘pervert’ and this time he was just wanting to get an eyeful of me- after all he did manage to get a sneak ‘preview’ whileI was having the ‘mini bath’.
I decided to tease him and ‘tease’ him to death. I faced the slit in the door and fully aware of the effect this was going to have, spread my arm across in a T form and lifted them above my shoulders, my naked breasts lifted themselves and the unshaved armpits glistened with the water drops still lying between the hairy mesh and skin folds.
It was an erotic sight, I did not have to worry- my body was sexy.
I took good care of my body and it showed. My belly was firm and flat and my hips shaped down neighborly with my buttocks going low and swerving firmly round right onto my lower spine. My arms and legs were slender and shaped too with slim ankles and wrists, with elegantly formed hands and feet and my skin being tangy-tangy, the accentuating facet was a sexy little birthdaymark high in my cleavage right on the tingling skin of my left breast, and one more just in front on my right bicep.
I always wore a beaded necklace, a flimsy lowcost nose ring, matching earrings, and sometimes a toe-ring.
I was slowly discovering that I was going to be devoured by an insatiable sexual appeal, one I was just uncovering in my late teens and was going to steadily nurse ever from now on. I knew that my pervert Uncle was still glooped and leering through the slit on the door and to make it complicated for him, I bent to pick up the discarded clothes and carried them to the laundry basket in the corner.
I dumped them in it and strolled back. I was sure he was watching my breasts bouncing.
When I stopped before the mirror in the room, which was right in front of the door and at this point of time in front of him, I knew he could see my reflection quite lucidly and more clearly.
Reaching up, I coiled my long braid into a knot high on the back of my head, raising the bent of my neck. The beaded chain glistened on my hot flesh and my breasts rubbed against each other erotically, the friction made my pussylips eject drops of ‘ jism’ and fresh juice.
I was slowly becoming ‘s’ excited, getting into a ‘hot zone’.
I paused and smiled at my reflection and turning my head this way and that, made him see my eyes sparkling with mischief. I held my palms between my breasts, the outside edges touching, palm to the tip of my little finger and slowly weighed and lifted my breasts.
Gently, moistening my finger with my tongue, I rubbed them on the nipples and aureoles. ‘Oh Gosh’, the nipples stiffened and I pinched them gently, tweaking and twirling the hard stubs. My Uncle saw all this and must have noticed my breathing get shallower and more rapid, the tension of my body, the parting of my lips, the flaring of my nostrils, and all these were after all, the unmistakable signs of sexual arousal.
I continued to squeeze my breasts with my hands, the flesh squeeze between my fingertips and finally arching my head, I started to use my tongue, I let my tongue slide lasciviously over my upper lip.
My Uncle was a short man but his shoulders were broad, his chest seemed muscle and hard and had a average pot belly though his waist was slight broad and his hips were low and buttocks pretty lost and not all taut.
I was aware that his body was old and he was virtually middle aged but I had been watching him for long and had seen him bare chest enough number of times as and when he came out of his bath in his ‘lungi’ or at times in a ‘desi underwear’ with nothing else, shining his parsley thin, balding hair.
I knew him not be a sexy hunk of a man but started liking the fact that he was desiring me and that I was having the necessary impact on him, One day, I promised myself while I was exposing my body to him through the slit hole today, I would fulfill him to fuck me.
Today I had plans – provided my folks don’t disturb the same, I knew they would and actually should be ‘IN’ any moment and understanding that time was precious and thiswas a real moment for me to get him really excited me more and I did the ‘inevitable’.
I slide my hands down to my pussy and reaching the edge of the bed, fell on the same on my back holding the fingers inside in the vagina cavity.
I was sure Latchu Uncle slowly but surely would have unzipped his ‘fly’ and started fondling his cock openly on the other side of the door. His niece was a ‘zing’ thing, which was of his liking and his ‘type’.
He had enough of ‘whores’ and dirty ‘prostitutes’- where as I was a comely homely item – available at his beck n call and he did not have to pay any money also. He told me all this later while fucking me in one of the movies at VIZAG where he had taken me to get ‘fed’ to one of his ‘clients’ in return for a ‘Government’ contract to help him and his business.
Let us come back to this evening – in the bedroom the bed had a carved wooden headboard and a pretty low footboard. As it used to be in those days the ends ofthe footboard had wooden knobs, raised high, just below the hips of an average person height.
To make my Uncle pop up on his feet, in the naked state I raised my body upwards and slowly placed both the legs on either side with one foot on the bed and the knee deeply bent while the other on the floor, my entire front facing the door.
I slowly eased my cunt down onto it, and in the mirror, my ass and buttocks were clearly visible while facing him and the door my face bore a spasm of lust and my head arched back with my mouth jerking wide open as I sank my cunt onto the knob.
My Uncle saw me moan and I am sure he could hear my voice, soft and husky, sexually I gripped the woodwork and forced my cunt deeper onto the wood artifact, the entire knob disappeared into my pussy flesh and I started rocking slowly back and forth, the cunt impaled on the wood.
I leaned forward with my face turned, eyes half-closed, mouth open sensitively and my tongue swirled in an erotic arc over the entire upper lip. My Uncle later told me that at this moment of time, he just longed to fuck my mouth, and I told him that I knew that this would make him lunch for his raging erection and he must be having fingers sticky with the ‘cream’ like I saw a while ago erupting from Bhagwan’s cock.
After a while the knob and shake just below glistened with cunt-juice. My cunt ran up and down both, my cunt kneeing itself with the knob. I caresed my breasts sexually holding the black beaded chain around my neck, which had started to rock back and forth.
In no time my fingers reached the urban area and they tensed on the junction while my face convulsed and spasmed, and in an excited state my buttocks lurched and compromised and sank deeper onto the upright pole of a knob.
Finally my hands began to graze the ‘anus’’ area and slowly one of my fingers entered the ‘bung hole’ and began to move slowly, rocking back and forth, pushing the tip of the fingers in and outof my anus. At the same time, my cunt slide up and down the bedpost.
This went on faster and faster leaving me with no choice but to moan, gasp, rock and lurch while my breasts jiggled and bounced which I was pretty sure my Uncle was eyeing gleefully holding his dick in his hands. Then is when I showed him my nipples, which were nut-hard. My hand rocked back and forth, in and out of my anus faster and faster, the knob going into my cunt deeper and deeper.
With a shuddering gasp, I finally came, and this time my back bent outward leaving my entire chest and navel along with the tummy to show up, my face jerked up and it was radiating with lust, this went ON and finally I moaned, gasped, and fell on the colorful bed sheet in a crumpled manner.
I CAME in tons of cream this day. MY UNCLE ejaculated twice standing outside.
I quietly dressed up and came out of the room, went into the kitchen and started lighting the burner to begin cooking. My mother and sister weree yet to come and after a few minutes wiping the sweat on my forehead along my blouse on the shoulder I started to cut the onions.
Suddenly, I gasped.
My Uncle’s hands slide up my legs underneath the petticoat and over my buttocks, lifted me out of the stool where I was sitting and his lips came on my mouth – a long kiss planted.
Quickly I was turned around again and his body pressed on to me, the petticoat was raised over my wait and held on to the place by the sheer mashing of both our bodies.
I wanted to turn and look at him, but held myself back.
A soft sound of a zipper and I had to bite my lower lip making me dizzy with excitement.
A thick, long, hard thing was pressing between my naked buttons and tighs, moving to my cunt. His cock!
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