The maid’s husband


“what is it?”

“where have you kept my tie. I just can’t find it anywhere.”

“it’s inside the wardrobe.”

Amit always expected her to attend to him when he was getting ready for office. When they had got married ten years back she could do that. But now with their two kids going to school her morning schedule was hectic. Getting up early, preparing breakfast, waking up the kids, serving breakfast… It went on and on until amit left for his office and she took the kids to the bus stand to catch the school bus.

Anita either slept nude or in a panty and that is why she made it a point to get up before the children. She had been sleeping when the doorbell rang. She asked amit to open the door but he was too sleepy. She tiptoed on her bare feet and peeped through the key hole. It was the maid lakshmi. Anita opened to door. Lakshmi had had seen her nude off and on and so there was no problem in letting her see the breasts once again. Once in a while they had also discussed the lovemaking aspects of weddings. Lakshmi went to the kitchen and anita saw that one of her anklets was missing. That is what happened when amit made violent love. Before going to the kitchen she pulled on a knee length nightie and went to the kitchen.

Mornings were even tougher when the maid didn’t turn up. Lakshmi was a nice person and always went out of her way to help anita. She never refused to do anything, quite unlike most of the maids employed by her friends and neighbors. When they had moved into this beautiful bungalow in pratap ganj, in the eastern suburbs of the city, she had felt elated. The apartment blocks would no longer stifle her. No doubt to it, she hated living in apartments.

But then lakshmi had her own share of problems – her drinkard and abusive husband. He would return home late most of the days just managing to keep himself steady and would beat her up for flimsy reasons. Whenever the thrashing got too hard she had to stay away from work for a day or two. Anita pitied lakshmi. Why did she stay with him? At times she tried to imagine an abusive amit. If anything like that ever happened she would, surely, walk out. It was not a question of how much it hurt physically; it would be an intolerable insult on self-esteem. Then she would laugh at her idea of ​​an abusive amit…after all they had been college sweethearts and knew each other so well.

Whenever anita expressed her opinion to lakshmi, she laughed patiently.

“you don’t understand everything.” lakshmi would say, leaving anita wondering.

But, lakshmi had agreed that next time he repeated it she would bring him over for anita to try to talk him out of this beastly habit. Yesterday when anita learnt from another maid that lakshmi wont turn up for work for a day or two she had expected them. They hadn’t turned up till now.

“vipin and varsha, i want you to finish your breakfast within five minutes.” she warned. The kids were in their usual habit of messing up with the breakfast. Vipin with eight summers behind him was capable of taking care of himself but his six year old sister was still the baby of the family.

She looked up at the wall clock. It was eight-thirty.

“honey, i’m off. Might be late in the evening. Amit stood beside her in the kitchen just long enough to plant a kiss on her cheek and if the situation permitted he would just slide the nighty aside and give a peck on her nipples. It’s one of those gestures that have stayed with them for the last twelve years. She followed him out of the kitchen, yanked the kids out of the table and sent them off to the bedroom to get dressed for school. They managed to do that on their own.

As she started to get dressed standing in front of the wardrobe mirror she musedthat there was at least one bright side to her tough schedule. It definitely helped her to stay in shape. She was slim, tall – almost five feet seven and medium complexioned. She knew that even at thirty-two she was attractive.

“you are still a head turner, honey.” amit was always saying that. It was a harmless leg pulling on his part but going by the way people stared at her she knew he wasn’t wrong. Having put on her pale blue saree she turned, her side facing the mirror and arranged her shoulder length hair. That’s perfect, she decided. No unwanted prominence.

“mama, we are ready. ” their shout brought her back to her senses. It was time she took them to the bus stop for their school bus but lucky they went with mrs. Pareek.

She flopped down on the bed. She felt too tired even to change her clothes. The blast of cool air from the ceiling fan helped her relax. It went just like that on day’s lakshmi didn’t turn up. Later, she would get up, change and have her breakfast. A brief flip through the newspaper before she returned to the kitchen to get on with her daily chores. Now the only thing she could think of was to relax under the fan. Everything else could wait. She closed her eyes just to enjoy that supor of sleep come over her.

The ringing doorbell brought her back to her senses. She looked at her watch. It was almost ten o’clock.

“who can it be?” she murmured rising from the comfort of the bed. Peeping into the door-eye she could see lakshmi standing outside. She opened the door to let her in. It was then that she noticed the man standing a couple of yards behind her, right on the driveway. She wondered whether she should let him in. She was wearing only a sleepless nightie with no bra and a thong pantie which amit liked. But since lakshmi was there anita decided to let them in.

“do i need to tell you what happened day before yesterday?” lakshmi said.

No, she nodded. “i have brought him with me. See whether you can talk him out of this beastly habit. I have my doubts.”

Anita made way for lakshmi to get into the house. As lakshmi went past her she looked at the man standing there.

“come in and close the door behind you.”

She walked into the drawing room and sat down on the sofa. She was in a fix, should she invite them to sit on another sofa or on the floor. Before she could decide, lakshmi made herself comfortable on the floor. Her husband followed suit.

“what’s your name?”


It was for the first time anita had a close look at him. Unshaved, it looked he was having a hangover. That’s nothing surprising considering his habits. Otherwise, his hair was neatly combined and the shirt he was wearing was one of those she had given to lakshmi. He looked fine in it. He must be around forty or so, shedecided. He was couple of inches taller than she. Lakshmi had told her that he was a mason. Anita saw that his eyes were locked on her breasts. She wondered whether he could see her nipples through the thin material.

The next quarter of an hour she talked to them, at length, about the virtues of being a teetotaler. He seemed to understand everything, agreeing with her that he should get rid of this habit. While talking to them she bent down to pick a ball that the children had left on the floor. At that time the nightie also fell and she was sure that bhasu saw her breasts.

“nobody had explained to me the problems of being a drinkard the way you have done.” he went on. “you are definitely younger to me in age but you are more matured. I guess, that’s what education does to you. Don’t worry, from this moment onwards i’ll concentrate on earning a decent living rather than wasting our earnings on drinks.”

As they left, she could make out the gratitude on lakshmi’s face.

More than an hour had passed by. She was still leaving through the newspaper…not feeling like starting the chores in the kitchen. But first, she had to change. She got up and started towards the bedroom. Just then the doorbell rang.

Must be the postman delivering the registered mail, she thought.

She opened the door to find bhasu with a clothes bag.

“what is it?” she felt irritated, but controlled herself.

“i have put all the bottles that i had back home in this bag. As a taxi to the way you helped me i request you to throw these away yourself.”

She agreed reluctantly, taking the bag from his out-stretched hand.

“can i have a glass of water?”

“sure. ” she replied putting down the bag on the floor.

When she returned with a glass of water, she found him standing inside. He gulped the water down and returnd the glass to her. She took the glass but before she could move it away he caught hold of her hand pulling her to him. It was unexpected and fast…she just couldn’t react. All that she managed to do was to turn around so that he was behind her. At that moment panic struck her and the glass slipped out, shattering itself into pieces as it struck the floor. His hands were on her breasts gripping them so hard that it hurt. She bent forward to free herself form his amorous bear hug.

That didn’t help. To keep her balance she had to shove her behind at him. He responded immediately, his loins ramming against her behind. He was squeezed her breasts rather painfully.

“stop or i’ll shout. ” she found her voice at last.

“i know you won’t do that. All that you need is a good fuck. ” he was panting. Recovering from her panic she fought back, her hands catching hold of his hair forcing him forward and her bare feet kicking at his shin.


He deserved it. Desperately, she clung to his hair. Unexpectedly, his right hand relinquished its hold on her. But it was only a brief respite. She felt his hands on her nightie, trying to pull it off. To her horror he succeeded, throwing it away from her reach. It lay in a crumpled heap on the floor.

Suddenly he released her.

She staggered, trying desperately to maintain her balance.

He slapped her hard, the sing ringing in her ears. Tears swelled in her eyes. Then came the second one, sending her reeling onto the floor. She was pinned down to the floor as the blows rained on her. She tried to resist, but most of them got through her defenses. Before long her strength began to wane away and the slaps coming in quick succession became unbearable.

“please! I beg you…” she wailed.

Instantly it stopped. She started crying, drops of blood trickling down her nose.

“it’s nothing. Will be OK in a minute. ” he sneered as she felt his hands on her panties, tearing them off.

She couldn’t believe this was happening to her.

“oh god! Let this be just a nightmare.”

He couldn’t shift his eyes from what he had unveiled…long legs, firm thighs and neatly trimmed

Pubic hair just covering her mons.

‘That is a nice pussy. If you are so fond of lakshmi why did you not ask her to trim her pussy as


It was overwhelming. She was just what he had fantasized sitting on the floor in front of her,

Listening to her crap on drinking.

He buried his head between her thighs inhaling the musk of her sex. Tentatively, he started licking her.

Oh god!” she shuddered clutching his head with her hands and trying to move him away. Amit never did that to her. As his tongue became more independent increasing it’s rhythm and pressure shebegan to lose control. With a startle she realized that the body was capable of accepting what the mind rejected.

“aah!” she moaned and moved her hands, putting an end to her feeble attempts to move him away.

Soon her moans became louder as she shuddered under his maneuvers. She was beyond all caring now…her background, education, husband, children…nothing mattered. There is no way out. She will have sex with this man…her maidservant’s habitual drinkard husband.

Abruptly, he got to his feet and started undressing. In his anxious he tore of his shirt and trouser. Lying on the floor, she had a fleeting glance of his manhood as he joined her. He is huge…certainly bigger than amit, she thought. He raised her legs, arranged them on his shoulders and placed the tip of his cock at the entry of her pussy with just the head buried slightly in the folds of her pussy.

‘You want this inside? Do you get fucked daily?’

‘No, please don’t do it.’

“hmm. So you don’t get fucked daily. Too bad. Perhaps he fucks lakshmi.” she found the thought revolting. How could bhasu think such a thing?

Slowly and steadily he started pushing. Anita was already wet and as her pussy held bhasu’s foreskin back, his cock slip in smoothly.

‘I am so sorry but you did not resist enough and see it is already inside. It is nice, tight and warm. Obviously you don’t get fucked regularly. That is why you need me.’ and he increased the rhythm by fully withdrawing and then thrusting wildly. All the while he keep sucking her nipples and playing with the breasts.

‘Lakshmi had told me that you have nice breasts but these are just too good. Lucky man, your husband.’

“oh god!” she told as her vagina stretched to accommodate him. She put her hands to her mouth stifling her moans as the tip of his penis drove all the way to her cervix again and again.

Bhasu seemed to carry on and on. Involuntarily she had locked her ankles around his back. An exploration that left them panting for breath. He discharged entirely inside her.

She looked at him.

“i told you that’s what you needed. You scare me the way you moaned. ” he was smiling. Embarrassed, she looked away.

When she tried to get up he pulled her back to him.

“where are you going, my dear? We are not through as yet. Wouldn’t you like to fuck again?”

“i need to go to the bathroom.” she tried to sound detached.

“but you can’t go like this.”

He stood up and helped her to her feet. He had already stripped her naked. He turned her around.

“you can go now.” he said patting her naked behind.

When she came back into the living room he was sitting in front of the television watching sun tv.

“come, sit over here.” he was indicating his lap. She hesitated for a moment, carefully conscious of her nudity but then relented. He placed his cock at her pussy and wanted her to sit on it but the cock was limp after the discharge and did not go in.

Nevertheless as soon as she was on his lap his hands started caressing her again.

Half an hour later the smoldering fires began to burn again. But this time he wanted it differently…to come in her mouth. She had never performed fallatio, not even with amit. It was perverse… Something that you can read only in those english paperbacks. Certainly, she can’t do it.

“i won’t do that. ” she stood her ground.

Moments of his ecstasy he will not be able to hold onto her. Wanting to get over the whole thing she started to suck him vigorously.

The pressure of his hand on her head increased…she could feel his approaching orgasm. He was hard and huge inside her mouth. She started choking and gasped for air but there was no respite. She knew it was time to pull away…this would be the last time she would suck him in. He moved swiftly catching her unaware. His hands moved to the back of her head and powerfully pulled her to his groin. It was as if he knew from the very beginning what she had in mind. Tightly pressed against his groin, she was suffocating. She struggled to free herself, but he was too strong for her. Then suddenly he relaxed, allowing her to create just enough space to breathe. It was only a brief respite. The next instant she was again forced against his groin. As his penis hit the back of her throat he exploded. She had no other way but to gulp down his secrets to prevent herself from choking. When he released her she fell back, heaving a sight of relief. Her cheeses and chin were covered with his semen that had escaped her mouth. Almost immediately she started retching and rushed to the bathroom, somehow managing to reach the wash basin, before throwing up. That gave her immediate relief from the nausea. When she looked up she found bhasu standing beside her. She offered no resistance as he took her in his arms and gently ran his fingers through her hair to comfort her.

“are you comfortable now?” he whispered. She nodded yes.

Bhasu helped her to clean up before leading her back to the living room. He helped her onto one of the sofas and then sat opposite her.

“take it easy.” soon they were engrossed in the television.

“okay its time.” his words started her bringing her attention back from the television.

“for what?”

“come here on your knees.” he ordered, opening his legs.

“bhasu! Please don’t force me to do that again. I have never done that before.”

“okay, okay.” he seemed to understand and walked over to her.

She didn’t’t even get the time to flinch as he slapped her hard. Tears and stars sprang to her eyes.

He went back to the sofa.

“how many times do i have to tell you that your preferences don’t count. You don’t know your preferences, anyway. Just follow my orders and soon you will start enjoying it. Now crawl over here and you better keep it down this time. ” he threatened…

This time there was no nausea. When it was over she sat down on the floor, her head on his thigh – only inches away from his now satiated manhood. She felt too embarrassed to even look up at him. He knew how to have his way with a woman, there can be no doubt about it.

Anita looked at her watch and jumped. It was time for varsha and vipin to return home. Hurriedly she excerated herself from his embrace and got to her feet.

“bhasu you have to go now. It’s time my son and daughter returned from school. ”

“let me kiss you there one more time. ” he was looking straight at her naked crotch. “you look very nice when you are naked. Do you trim the hair there yourself or does your husband do it?” anita remained quiet.

“okay go there, stretch your arms overhead. Let me examine you. No hair under the arms, nice, very nice. A mangalsutra in your neck. Good earrings. A diamond nose pin. A golden girl around your waist, very expensive, no!but nice. Turn around. Oh nothing in your asshole. All it needs is a tight slap. Turn around again. Glass bangles on one wrist and gold one in the other along with a watch. And a combination of silver anklets and chain along with small toe rings. Nice red nail poison on your hands and toes. This is the way i want to see you when i come to … You tomorrow. You want to get… Badly?remember nothing else or else?” he said sneeringly

“you are nice to look at and nice to fuck. But we have missed out on one important thing.”said bhasu “god!” thought anita. “now what is it?” she was exasperated.. “come closer, very close.” anita compiled. Bhasu too stripped quickly. “now stand on your toes, cup your breasts and keep your nipples on mine.” anita hesitated. “no! Why all this. You have had sex with me. Now why all this?”

“shut up. Do it and you won’t get hurt. Or else you will get hurt and then do it. And don’t say that i had sex with you. Say that i fucked you” she stood on tip toe and placed her large pink nipples on bhasu’s brown. He cupped both her buttocks and pulled her closer to him. However because of the difference in height his cock could not enter anita’s pussy. It just kept pushing on the mountain of her sparse pubic hair. “now kiss me as you kiss your husband. Suck my tongue. Take your hands behind my head.” anita wondered whether he would ever go. Since she wanted him to go early she wascomplying with his instructions willingly. She darted her tongue inside his mouth, found his tongue and sucked at it wildly. This again set her body on fire and gave bhasu an erection again. “good. One last thing. Get your cordless phone. Quick.” anita picked it from the neary cabinet. “lie down. Open your legs” he then placed his cock at the tip of her ass-hole, and keep her ankle on his shoulder. With the wild kisses given by anita his cock was rock hard again. “no, not in there.” anita pleased. Bhasu’s cock was slippery and placed just at the tip of her ass-hole. He kept his hands near anita’s belly button and pulled her but the hole was too tight. ‘Please don’t put it there. It will be painful.’ anita was almost begging him. “well, okay your choice bring your hand and keep it wherever you want it.” cursing bhasu under her breath she held his cock and keep it at the opening of her pussy. “now dial your husband.”

Why?”anita pleased. “if you want to fuck me, do so. Why bring my husband into it?”

“do as i say. Why do i have to repeat myself once you know that you have to do it. If you delay your children will come and they will not be too happy to see you like this.” anita dialed amit. As soon as she said hello bhasu thrust his cock in. “hi, love. How are you” amit said. “fine!” anita replied. As the conversation proceeded bhasu kept thrusting his cock in very slowly till it was fully embedded in anita’s pussy. His strokes were also discreet. All the while he kept pulling her nipples and also nibbling at them. He withdraw only after the conversation ended, wiped the cum over her breasts and proceeded to get dressed. “Remember. Tomorrow. Now the pussy kiss.”

She came over and opened her thighs, allowing him to kiss her sex. He opened the lips of her pussy and darted his tongue inside. “the good part is that your pussy lips are visible even without opening them and lakshmi has such a bush of hair there. You have seen her bush there?”

Anita Shook her head.

“but she has seen you naked. Okay i understand. She comes to your house and in the house you can be naked. Since you don’t come to our house how can you see her naked?’

What had actually happened was that after making love she had fallen into deep slumber. Amit got up before her. He had put the latch from outside so as not to disturb her. Just as amit was taking the children to school lakshmi arrived. Amit completely forgot that anita was sleeping naked. When he returned he took off his shoes as per his habit and entered. He saw that anita was still sleeping. Her left leg was straight. The right sole was on the left knee. One arm over the head and the other by the side. In this pose even the public hair trimmed as they were could not provide much protection. The lips of her pussy were slightly open and the breasts were rising and falling violently. Lakshmi was sweeping the floor and was completely normal. She did not appear to be even slightly surprised that mem sahib was naked. Later when amit told this to anita she was not embarrassed by the fact that lakshmi had seen her pussy as well but was surprised that she slept so soundly. He started getting dressed. She found it Surprising that she no longer felt embarrassed to stand before him stark naked.

“i will be back tomorrow, same time. You will open the door wearing nothing. When i say nothing i mean nothing except of course, all your rings, necklace, bangles etc. ”

She nodded trying to get him out of the house as soon as possible.

She bumped into him as he suddenly stopped in front of the door. Turning around he cupped her breasts and sucked one nipple after another.

“tomorrow you will receive a good thrashing first and the you will offer meyour last virginity. ”

Was she a willing victim? It was then that lakshmi’s words had struck her… “you don’t understand everything.” Now she understands what lay behind the physical abuses that lakshmi silently suffered.

“the way he dealt with me was no different. ” anita thought. And like lakshmi she had endured his physical abuse to satisfy her hideous animal password.

The stillness of the night was unbearable. She got out of bed and tiptoed to the terrace. The cool southern breeze brought comfort.

How could she betray amit with a moments password, she wondered. They loved each other dearly, didn’t they? And is this what he expects in return? His beloved wife fucking and illiterate drinkard. What a shock it will be for him if he ever came to know of it. Didn’t her culture, education and children mean anything to her? She fight to control her tears. There’s no way she would allow bhasu tohave his way with her again.

“i am sorry amit. I beg you to forgive me. I promise never to do that again. ” she murmured to herself. She resolved to straighten things out with bhasu tomorrow. She will shut the door on his face…to let him know that whatever they did today mean nothing to her. She felt the burden lift from her heart.

“i love you amit. ” she cried out into the stillness of the night.

She had asked him.

“what will happen if lakshmi comes to know of this?” she looked at him expecting some sort of assurance.

He broke into laughter. “if you want you can go ahead and tell her. In fact, i was planning to have both of you together in bed someday soon.”

“what do you mean? Are you crazy?” started, she sat up.

“i can assure you that nobody other than the three of us will ever come to know of this. You want me to carry on fucking you this way or do youwant this to stop?’”

‘I want this is to stop.’ ‘good. So i will fuck you no more. However tomorrow when i come you should be nude in the house, just as you were today. The only change is that when lakshmi comes you will remain nude. Not only that after a while when i come still you will not run here and there like a fool hiding your breasts but remain casual. Okay? By the way what does your name mean?’ ‘i don’t know.’ ‘well, so before i go won’t you give a nice long suck to this cock affectionately. Your husband’s would be slightly different, so enjoy this.’

“why are you so late?” lakshmi asked. “why? What happened?”

“i have to go to anita mem sahib’s place. As it is i am late. There is so much work.”


“tomorrow mem sahib’s younger sister sunita mem sahib is coming for two weeks.” hearing this bhasu started salivating again and imagining what sunita would be like. With and without clothes.


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