Forbidden Love – Part 1

Rani and Kumar had been married for more than 15 years. It was a marriage by arrangement. Rani came from a poor family background, one of the six daughters to a lowly paid blue collar worker. They lived in a village in the deep south of Tamil Nadu. To get a daughter married, it cost an arm and a leg, especially for the dowry demanded by the groom’s parents. Rani’s father had hell of a job to scrounge enough donries to get his elder two daughters married and he was dreading how on earth he was going to manage to get Rani married. She was 18 years old then and was in the last year at high school.

A relative of the family mentioned to the parents about a doctor who was living in Australia, who was keen to get married to a girl of his origin and wasn’t particular at all about a dowry. All he wanted was a pretty young bride. One thing going for Rani was she was very pretty; fair complexion, petite, well endowed – all were added bonuses. Her photo was first sent tohim and in no time there was a positive response. At no stage during this delegation was her opinion either asked for or was the prospective groom’s photo was ever shown to her. She was expected to accept her parents’ decision and be thankful for small mergers!

Anyhow, the wedding date was fixed and the groom arrived the previous week from Sydney. The first time she met him, it was at the home of the relative who organized the proposal. Rani was dolled up for the occasion in a borrowed saree. It was very attractive and the blouse was quite tight fitting. When she looked herself in the mirror, she couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. She felt very proud of herself.

But as soon as she walked into the locke where the prospective groom was sitting, she felt as if the whole world was collapsed around her. Kumar was sitting there and he was just the opposite of what she ever imagined of her future husband to be. He was short, bald and lots older – 32 to be exactly, and his features were nothing to write home about. She had to try her best to hide her disappointment and went through the motions of introductions. Rani could perceive his eyes taking stock of her and felt his eyes and mind unrobing her layer by layer. She knew it wasn’t her imagination; a woman could always tell when a man is doing it. She would have overlooked his appearances, but his lurching looks really put her off and she developed an instant dislike towards him.

The repugnance got worse as the day went. The elders left the young couple alone to familyrise with each other. They went for a walk. It as obvious from the word go that Kumar felt he was superior to her because of his education. She didn’t know what to talk to him about. He kept the conversation going, telling about Australia where he had been living for the past few years and the glorious things he had seen and done etc. It was obvious he was trying to impress upon her what a great person he was and how lucky she was to have been betrothed to him!

Rani was the least bit interested in what he was saying. When they sat down on a benchmark in the neary park, he moved closer to her and put his hands around her. She felt quite uncomfortable, never been so close to a man before. But what shocked her most was when he took the liberty to put his hand on one of her breasts.

She was too shocked to say anything, but managed to blur out, “what are you doing?”

He laughed it off. “Hey there is no harm in that; you are going to get married to me any how. I just want to try out and see how good your boobs feel.”

Rani was quite stunned by his tone and his attitude. She managed to get his hand off. He didn’t seem pleased about it.

“You have to get used to this once we get married and shouldn’t feel shy about showing affection for each other in public.”

Rani always had romantic expectations about the young beau she would be falling in love with and getting married. It was nothing like this at all.

They were quiet for a short time during the rest of the journey. He then started telling her about the wonderful things he would be able to provide for her when they went back to the Australia. As they got closer home, he put his hands around her and suddenly turned and kissed her hard on her lips. She wanted to push him away but she felt that it was best to let it pass. He was rough and he tried to push his tongue into her mouth. She some how or other managed to keep her teeth tightly closed to prevent that. He finally let her go.

“You are so tense. You should learn to relax a bit”

Rani was furious. But tried her best to hide her feelings. It was her first ever kiss. She always imagined it would be gentle and password. It was nothing like what she ever imagined. To begin with, he was coordinate and smelt of alcohol. On top of that, he had dreadful mouth odour and when he tried to push his tongue inside her mouth she felt nauseated. It was a great relief when it was over.

She was angry with herself and every one else who have been trying to push her into this marriage. She was half a mind to tell every one at home that she wasn’t going to go through the charade. But, Rani felt sad for her poor parents and also the disgrace it would be brought upon them, if she disrupted this arrangement.

Rani couldn’t remember too much of the happenings during the week leading to the wedding. She was like a zombie going through the motions. Few of her friends noticed that she wasn’t herself asked her whether she was happy about the marriage. She did her best to hide her feelings from every one. What should have been the happiest occasion of her life was a disaster as far as she was concerned.

She was determined that she was going to make the best use of the opportunity. She did all her crying in the confines of her room and when she walked down the aisle in the hands of her father, shestood with her head high and with a forced smile which fooled every one including her dear future husband!

The ‘honeymoon’ was in a holiday villa at a beach resort near by. Kumar was so drunk at the wedding he was incapable of doing anything, leaving alone making love. But that didn’t stop him from having sex with her. It was more of a rap rather than making love. Rani just let him do what ever he wanted to do. He virtually mauled her with his hands and mouth and when he entered her virgin vagina which was still dry and unprepared, she screamed with pain which he mistook for orgasm.

It was the beginning of a daily ritual. Like any good Indian wife, she was very submissive to his ‘needs’ as he called it, at least once a day sometimes even more than once. He never asked her whether she enjoyed it at all. He also liked to kiss and fondle her in public places like parks and cinema. She felt very uncomfortable about it but he never took notice of her objects.

Within a few days of the wedding, they left for Australia; it was a new world for her.

Rani loved all what it had to offer. There was plenty of money because he had very good earning. Big house with all modern amenities. Soon the twins arrived. Mohan and Ravi. They were the best thing happened to her. They were a handful. With the kids and house work, she had no time to complain about anything. As the kids started school, she had more free time for herself.

She soon found that the house work was becoming a chore on top of all her other activities with the kids. She asked Kumar about getting some sort of a ‘hired help’ from back home. Few of her affluent friends already had such helpers and she was quite envious of what they had. Kumar was reluctant at first, but eventually caved in to her request.

He wrote home to his uncle or some relative back home to find some one and they wrote back to say that they do have a young man from the schedule cast (there is a distinct cast system in India. People from the higher cast are considered superior and occur the lucrative positions and those from the lower casts end up doing the menial jobs).

Rani wasn’t happy about the help being a man; she was expecting it would be a girl as it would be easier for her to instruct what to do. Kumar didn’t mind as long as it was a helper or in reality a ‘servant’ as he would have been referred back home in India. Reluctantly, she agreed to the arrangement.

It took a month to get the necessary paper work done to get the visa clearance. He was given one year temporary visa. Finally the day arrived when Kumar went to the airport to pick him up. Gopal looked pleasant enough and was very courteous. He was able to communicate with me in English and quickly settled down into his duties.

Apart from cooking and cleaning the house, he was also able to do the shopping and other chores around the house. Rani thought all her Christmases have arrived togetherr. The twins have just started junior school and thus she had the week days free giving her plenty of time to relax and being a lady around the house for the first time since she was married. And now with some one to do all the chores, she was over the moon. The only down side was that she had to put up with Kumar’s ‘love making’ once or twice a week. She never got around to enjoy it but went through with it like a good wife and even learned to make him feel ‘adequate’ and believe that she was enjoying it.


I was very concerned about this trip abroad. I have never left my home town. I have finished my high school and wanted to have a break from studies before entering university. When some one mentioned about this opportunity to go abroad as a ‘hired help’ as they call it I jumped at the idea. It would give me the chance to see a foreign country and if lucky earn some foreign currency too. I know that I would be paid in Indian currency for my services but all my other expenses would be met by my employees.

I had no idea what to expect from the people for whom I would be working for except for the fact that he is a doctor, married and had twins of school going age.

When I met the master of the house at the airport I took as instant dislike for him. He was stern and unfriendly. He told me that I was to call him Sir and his wife Madam. When we arrived home I was surprised to notice that she was very beautiful and looked lots younger than him.

She reminded me of an Indian Movie actress whose name I couldn’t remember. I couldn’t keep my eyes from staring at her but tried my best not to make it obvious. She was very kind and gentle when she talked to me. She inquired about my trip and my family. I was given the spare room next to the kid’s room and she made sure I had all I needed.

The kids were a bit reluctant to warm up to me to start with but soon they became friendly and never stopped chatting from then on. They wanted to know all about ‘India’. When I finish my tasks for the day and retire to my room they were with me sitting in my bed talking to me. Their father wasn’t happy that they were spending so much of their time with me.

Their mother had to come to their defence saying that they were more than happy to talk to some one who was prepared to take the time to talk to them. It was obvious that she was having a dig at him for not spending enough time with them. He excused himself that he was too busy earning the money for her and every one around to ‘spend it like water’, a typical Indian expression for being spentthrift. I was aware of the tension around the house and keep out of it. Even the twins seem to have no respect or love for their father.

I had to confess that I was very much obsessed by the madam and wanted to please her by working very hard. I wanted her to be aware of the fact that I was doing everything and even more than what she had asked, just to please her. Itdelighted me very much whenever she prayed my tasks, which she did very often. It made me work even harder. I tried to fansies about her when I go to sleep at nights.

She was always modest in her dressing at home and thus I had to imagine how she would be under her clothes and I very often masturbated at nights imagine how her breasts and ass would look. Not that I have seen a naked breast before, but have seen pictures of it, at least almost naked ones. I have never seen a woman’s private part in real life or even in picture. I didn’t realize that my luck was going to change soon.

It was a very hot day. The master was at work and the twins were at school. I was mowing the lawn. They have a big back yard extending behind the pool. I was smoking and thus took off the shirt and was trying to finish the work before it got any hotter. I looked up and saw madam walking towards the pool in her swimming costume. I have neve seen her with out her clothes and I couldn’t believe what I saw. She was more gorgeous than I have ever imagined in her top which hardly covered her bosom and the bikini which was scanty to say the least. It was out of sight and I couldn’t help but to stare at her as she walked slowly towards the pool. I am sure she was aware of me staring at her but she pretend to ignore it. Her eyes were down cast and she opened the gate to the enclosure, dropped he towel on the paved area and jumped into the pool.

She made a few quick laps in the pool. He body was so serene and poised as it dissected the water as she made the twenty laps in no time. I had a feeling she was showing off to me. I moved closer to the fence and was openly watching her. She emerged from under the water and looked up at me. She smiled at me.

“Why don’t you join me” she beckoned me.

I was shocked. She was the mistress of the house and I was a mere service.

“I can’t……” I stammered. “What will the master say?” I was tempted to. The heat was unbearable and I was smoking because of all the hard work I have done. A dip in the pool would be heavenly. But I was worried about the consequences if master would find out.

“Oh come on. He is not here and will not be back for hours. I am the lady of the house and take it as a command”.

I knew she was teasing me about it being a command. What the heck. I would take my chances. I could always put the blow on her. I quickly took my shorts off and looked down at the undies I was wearing. They were respectable enough. I opened the gate to the pool, dropped the shorts by the pool side and jumped into the water. I wanted to show off to her that I could swim better than her. I did a few laps at double quick time. She was sitting by the pool side watching me. When I finished she clapped her hands.

“Wow. That was very impressive”. She was geneine in her praise.

“I grew up in a village with a running river which was full all through the year and have been swimming all my life” I remarked.

“Come up and sit next to me” she was beckoned tapping the paved area next to her. I was hesitant for a minute. I realized that in the past few minutes, our relationship had moved lots more close than that between a lady of the house and a service. She was generally kind and I felt very much at ease.

I hoped on next to her and sat by her side, not too close but not too far either. She had a bottle of soft drink. She had a sip from it and passed it to me. I hesitated for a minute and then took a big gulp out of it. I was so thirsty.

We talked. We talked about lots of things. She wanted to know about me, my family and everything about me. I have never had the experience of talking about myself to a woman before; in fact, not with any one. It was easy talking to her. As we talked I could sense all the barriers between us breaking down by the minute. I realized that she was only about 6 years older than me.

She asked me, out of blues, “Doyou have a girl friend?”

I blushed out, “Never. I have never even talked to a girl before. I am bit on the shy side”. I blushed.

“I never had a boy friend either” she said.

“How come you married the master then?”

She told me about how the marriage came about. She told me all about her life. I realized that she came almost from a similar background ground as I was. As she narrowed her life story, starting from leaving home and her life in a foreign country, I started to warm up to her. A feeling of empathy developed. I wished that we were like teen agers with crush on each other. How nice it would be if we were. I started to day dream and with out realising I put my hand around her and kissed her on her cheeses.

Suddenly it dawned on me what I have done. I jumped up to me feet and wanted to run away from there.


I also got up. “Please don’t go” He was still facing away from me.

“I am really sorry. I shouldn’t have done what I did”

“No. I loved what you did. I was hoping you will do it” I was standing behind him. I wanted to feel his warmth against my body. I knew the choice was mine.

My arms reach up around his neck from behind and embedded him. I could feel the firm tips of my breasts pressed against his back, and the softness of my bosom comfortablely snugged at the base of his supposed blades.

“Oh madam. It isn’t right”

“Please call me Rani. No more madam. Okay?”

I ran my hands across his chest; my fingers thread themselves through the coache hairs. My cheek rested against his back for a moment, and I pulled him closely to me. I gently turned him around to face me and our eyes met. I was able to see the longing in his eyes and I knew that he saw the desire in mine. Our lips connected, at first tenatively. He wasn’t experienced at all and it was obvious from the word go.

I led him. He smelt nice and tasted even better. I pushed my tongue to make him open hismouth. He was reluctant at first then let it slide in. Our tongues danced and swirled. I could sense the quickening passages burning inside him. He brought both hands to the back of my neck, and bringing my mouth deeper inside his, claping the hairs at the nape of my neck. I had this weird sensing of being powerless to feel anything but the force of his kiss. I wanted him to dominate me rendering me powerless to do anything but surrender to him.

I could feel his cock pressing up against my lower belly, teasing me with its hardness, and his lust fired mine. We had to get to the next stage. I reluctantly separated my lips away from his. The heat of the sun had subsided as it was becoming over cast. We were standing on the paved area surrounding the pool. The yard was so large no one could see us where we are or what we were doing. I didn’t want to spoil the mood by going inside the house.

His eyes were on my boobs. I always had moderately large and firm boobs which because of my pettiness was obviously looked larger than life. I looked into his beautiful penetrating eyes. “Do you want to touch them honey?” I asked him. I knew his answer even before he gently nodded with a smile. I gently unhooked the top and let it all to the floor. I could see form his looks that he was mesmerised by what he saw. “Take them sweet heart; they are yours”

He took them both in his hands. At first, not knowing what to do with them, then gently squeezed them, all the time looking into my eyes. How different it was from what my experience was with Kumar. Bastard, how much I hated him. More so, when I looked at this heavenly looking man, who was about to make me happy, for the first time in my life. He squeezed them little harder. I kept my eyes closed enjoying every minute of the joy which was spreading through my whole body. It was something I waited all my life.

This was a special occasion for me and I wanted it to be memorable. “Let us go into the house honey” I found that addressing him in an endearing manner wasn’t difficult at all, in fact was becoming natural. We walked hand in hand into the house and made sure the outside doors were locked. I led him into the master bed room. He was hesitant. “Is it a good idea?”

“Of course it is my room and I could do what ever I want in it” I was glad I changed the sheets and made the bed only that morning. I dragged him by his hand into the room. We were like teen age lovers embarking into a forbidden territory.

Next minute we both jumped into the bed. It was like a cyclone hitting from no where. Grabbing on to each other, kissing, cuddling, grabbing, and pulling all at the same time. We were both beside ourselves. His mouth hungrily looked up my boobs. He sucked on them like a baby who had been depraved of feed for days. I held him tightly against my bosom and wanted him to take more and more of it into his mouth. I was moaning with pleasure encouraging him to suck more and more.

He wasn’t gentle; which was expected as he had never done that before; but that didn’t both me at all. In fact the roughness made it even more pleasant. It was different to the roughness by Kumar. Gopals’ was out of ignorance and inexperience.

He didn’t mean to hurt me in any way. Once or twice he even bit my nipples, but I didn’t complain. While he was sucking me, I put my hand on the bulge which was getting bigger and bigger. I pulled the undies down and engulfed the erection in my hand. Oh may God, it was enormous! The only one I have ever seen before was that of Kumar which not even half this size. I could hardly get my hand around it.

I know as inexperienced as he was, he would be going for the ultimate goal without any preliminaries. I tried to stimulate me with my finger while he was savouring my nipples going from one to the other. Poor baby! He was really taken by my boobs. I was really glad that he was enjoying it as much I did. I was lying on my back all this time. Then suddenly he got up and climbed in between my legs, facing me.

However inexperienced he might have been, he knew what he was doing. An inborn manually instinct, I guess. I eagerly waited in anticipation as he inserted his penis into my pussy which was moist by then. There was no finese but at the same time it wasn’t very rough either.

He was holding on to his erection with one hand while trying to enter my hole. I gently held it on top of his hand, without taking over from him and guided the head into the pussy hole. His cock was hard and it filled my pussy, stretching it with its girl, and his pubic bone landed hard on my clip. That one thrust, that one deep plumge, was all it took and I screamed with the force of my orgasm. My pussy throbbed in rhythmic contracts, encircling his cock.

He could barely hold back as my pussy surrounding his penis was sucking it in a wavelike contract. My legs were wrapped around him as he kept moving his manhood in and out of my receptive womb. He soon started to moan and groan loudly. So was I. “Oh my God. I am coming…” I screamed as he shot his warm load into my pussy.

It was copious in quantity as I could feel it running all over my legs and on to the bed. I held on to him and keep moving my pelvis deeper and deeper into his, wanting more and more of his penis into me. I wasn’t sure how long it lasted, but finally he rolled over onto his side. I held on to him tightly with our bodies pressed against each other. We were lying like that, looking into each other’s eyes. Not a word was uttered. There was no need for it any how.

We must have done off for a few minutes or so. It was a blissful slumber. I suddenly woke up at the feeling of his hand gently twiddling my nipples. I opened my eyes and smiled at him and kissed him on his lips.

“I love you honey” For the first time in my life I said that to a man and by Jove how long I waited to say that to some one and mean it too.

“I love you too Rani.” He was quite confident when he said my name. He knew I was his and his only. I put my hand on his penis and gently stroked it. It didn’t take more than a few minutes for it to come back to life. Instinctively I looked at the clock. Fifteen minutes before the kids would be back from school. I looked at him inquiringly. He got the message.

I didn’t have enough time to teach him about other postures. I rolled over to my back and he climbed again in between my legs. This time my pussy was well lubricated. His penis replaced its rocklike hardness, more so than last time. He was lots gentler this time. There was no hurry. It was like heaven. He began with slow thrusts, sliding his cock into my pussy which was very slippery still having Residue of his cum from the first time. He gradually increased the pace of the plumge.

His balls hit my pelvis with each thrust. And, suddenly the pace became fast and furious; I screamedwith uncontrollable pleasure, as we both climaxed at the same time. Each ejaculating pulse of his cock bounced off a trigger point inside me, causing an equally strong contraction in my pussy. Then the last convulsion of his penis was met by a squeeze of my pussy. A spurt of cum from his cock brought another tide of tightening inside me. This went on for what seems like forever. Then we collapsed on each other, spent and contented.


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