In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty.
Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassembly entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier.
First it started off very subtlety. Putting on garters or thigh high stockings under her dress pants. Lingerie or push up bras under her tops. Even expanding her collection of shoes from flats and simple 2 inch heels to 3 ½ and 4 inch heels of all kinds: Peep toe, open toed, ankle strap, or even the good old fashioned pump. These little things were enough to make her feel sexy and give her that little naughty Feeling that she needed to get through the day. But as she worked there longer and longer, these little hidden outfits weren’t enough anymore.
Vandana wanted to see what she could get away with and she liked being the object of her male co-workers fans. So she began to push the envelope more and more and wear outfits that showed more skin. Things such as unbuttoning the top three buttons on her tops to reveal more cleavage, or wearing practically see-through blouses, or wearing more skirts either bare leg or with stockings, and of course everything had to be tight fitting and complimented with the right pair of high heels.
Now it helped that she was stunning. She stood at just about 5’7 with shoulder length, black hair. Thanks to her Punjabi descent, she had a natural and classic face that was amazing without any makeup. Her figure was volutpous. Her top half received a lot of attention because of her lovely, and heavy 34D breasts and round brown nipples that showed nicely through her tops when she got cold or warm. But her bottom half was noing to frown at either, with an exhaust heart shaped ass and a perfect pair of toned legs and calves. Quite simply, she was an absolute sight to see.
This game of risqué dress-up was going on for several weeks now, but on this particular Friday morning Vandana felt extra daring. It was a warm spring day and she thought she would wear something more provocative to end the week.
Vandana stood naked in front of her expandive closet in her apartment, staring at her wide array of clothes and shoes. She was wearing only a red garter belt with black straps that connected to a pair of black sheer silk stocking. This was Vandana’s favorite piece of clothing to wear. The look, the feel, the blend of red and black colors always made her feel sexy, and so it was a must on this day.
Vandana then scanned her wardrobe and picked out several skirts and blouses. After going through several outfit changes, Vandana finally settled on a designer wool gray skirt that stoppedright around mid thigh. The skirt barely covered the tops of her stockings, which was just the way she liked it. It was also loose enough at the bottom that if someone wanted, he could simply lift up the skirt and have access to her most cherished body part. Yet it was still tight at the waist, so that it accentuated her hips and her firm and tight behind.
To complete her outfit, Vandana put on a short sleep black bloom with gray polka dots. She purposely wore no bra underneath, and her big round nipples could be seen poking out her blouse top. If the polka dots weren’t there, you would be able to see her perky tits clear as day. When Vandana buttoned up the blouse, she purposely left the top three buttons undone, so she could show off her nice cleavage. At the right angle or if she bent over, anybody could get a perfect view of her tits and that excited her.
As Vandana took one final look in the mirror, she was extremely excited. The outfit was just bordering on sexy and slutty, while still passing for professionally dressed. She reached down and grabbed her favorite pair of 4 inch black pumps with red soles on the bottom, and took a seat on her bed. She squeezed each foot into a shoe and slowly caressed her stocking covered leg up to her thigh to smooth out any wrinkles. When she lifted up her skirt to adjust the garter belt strap, she remembered she wasn’t wearing any panties.
Walking over to her panty draw, she took out her favorite red thong and was in the process of putting them on. She had them right up around her knees when she stopped and thought for a second. She figured she might as well go all out today and go commando. The thought made her even wetter between the thighs. Throwing her panties back into her draw, she took one final look at herself in the mirror. She looked absolutely breathtaking. Her outfit was complete and she was going to get a lot of looks today. The thought excited her even more.
As Vandana stepped outside into the warm spring morning, there was just a gentle breeze that blew ever so slightly through her curly hair. Taking a moment to bask in the shining sun, she decided she would walk to work today rather than take public transportation. This would also allow her to get more passing glances as she walked slowly through the streets.
At work, the day went just as planned. Vandana was the center of attention. People compiled her on how she looked all day. Several men invited her out for a drink later on, which she politely turned down. Even more would purposely walk pass her desk just to get a look at her. Some would walk past multiple times even if her desk were completely out of their way. This all thrilled her and she could feel herself getting even more wet between her stocking covered thighs.
When lunch time rolled around, she turned down some more requests to go out to lunch and decided to take a walk a couple of blocksdown to her favorite little café. She felt like eating alone, so that she could be the object of any wandering eyes during lunch. As she walked towards an empty booth by the window, she could sense all eyes in the café were on her. The cooks all stopped what they were doing, so they could get a look. Everyone eating also stopped what he or she was doing, even if they were in mid-chew. This all made Vandana smile and she took a few looks around the place, making eye contact with a few men looking her way. She batted her eyes and blushed towards the crowd, which drive the men wild. She definitely know how to make the boys horny.
Vandana sat and ordered a salad and water and ate slowly while she read a magazine she had brought with her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man sitting at the counter eating by himself. He was a very handsome man. Standing a little over six feet tall with a nice muscle build. The man was dressed in a very sleep designer suit and had a briefcaseon the floor next to his right foot. What caught her attention was the fact that the man would occasionally make quick glances at her when he thought she wasn’t looking, but when she would turn and look, he would turn away. But Vandana knew he was looking. Women always know when they are being looked at.
Finally, their eyes met and she gave him a polite, yet seductive smile. Biting her bottom lip just a little bit to play with his mind.
In the booth, Vandana was seated with her legs crossed, which caused her skirt to ride up ever so slightly giving anyone a nice view of the top of her stockings and just enough of her bare thigh and garter strap. She knew the man noticed this fact and decided to play a little flirtatious game. Vandana would uncross and cross her legs every few minutes. She would shake the leg that was crossed very slowly, yet repeatedly as if it were a hypntic trace.
Vandana continued to read her magazine pretending not to notice this businessman’s frequent glances, but she could see out of the corner of her eye that he would continue to turn his head and look over at her. She could also tell that his eyes would always go directly for her chest or her tigh. Then she noticed that the man began to feverishly shake his leg as well. Like he had a nervous tick. She knew that she was making the man very excited and that he was thinking about coming over and talking to her. This went on for several minutes, yet the man couldn’t seem to gather enough nerve to get up out of his chair. So Vandana decided to take the game to the next level.
She placed her magazine on the table and slowly got up out of her booth. Ever so deliberately she stood up. She made sure he was watching her as she subtlety puffed out her chest and gave him a nice view of her 34d’s. She even flattened out her clothes a little bit, making sure to rub her hands over her breasts and thighs. Vandana then prepared to be looking for something on her table, before looking around the café. Finally, looking over in the man’s direction, she cracked a smile and slowly and slowly walked over in his direction.
She cracked another smile as she politely asked the man if she could borrow the peppershaker near him. The man was taken off guard and couldn’t find the right words to respond, but nodded his head “yes” in an awkward fashion. Vandana loved it when she made a man so uncomfortable that he couldn’t speak.
She leaned over and reached across him to grab the peppershaker. While reaching over, she grasped the man’s shoulder with her tits. When she did this, her blouse fell off her chest just enough to reveal most of her right breast and nipple. But only at an angle that the man could see, and his eyes were fixed on it. When she moved away and thanked him, he was still looking at them and she could tell that he enjoyed the sight.
Walking back to her booth, she slowly sweep her hips from side to side. With each swway, her luscious ass Shook just enough to make the man even more excited. As she sat back down in her booth, she already had in mind what she would do next.
Vandana sat down at a 45 degree angle, with her upper body pointing towards the table in front of her, but with her lower half pointing towards the man sitting at the counter. When she sat down she made sure her skirt rode up even more to the point that you could see the entire strap that lead from her garter belt to her stockings. Her heels were pointed in his direction and she slowly began to shake them violently again. She Shook some pepper on her salad and went back to reading her magazine.
Just when she saw that the man at the counter was staring at her stocking covered legs she uncrossed them. But this time she paused for several seconds with her legs spread just enough that the man could see she wasn’t wearing any panties. She knew the man got a good view of her shamen pussy when the man almost fell out of his chair. She held in her laughter as she crossed her legs again and straightened up in her seat.
This little back and forth game was fun to Vandana and it made her all hot and bothered. As she took another bite of her salad, she noticed that the man was now staring directly at her, not even bothering to look back and forth. While deciding how far this would go, she chewed on her salad softly before faking a cought. As she reached for her water to take a sip, she purposely spilled a drop onto her blouse. Vandana then reached for a napkin and began rubbing the wet spot, which was conveniently located over her left breast. She pretended like it was much worse than it was.
So she got up again and began to walk towards the bathroom. On the way she passed by the man at the counter and made sure to make eye contact with him. When she did, she bit the bottom of her lip again in an erotic and lustful way.
The bathroom was located in the left rear of the café in an empty corridor. When she reached the entrance of the corridor she peeked behind her and saw that the man had gotten up out of his chair and was following her. The end of the corridor was the back exit to the café. Across from each other were the men and women’s bathroom. Vandana reached the end and paused in between the doorways for both bathrooms. She took another peek back and saw that the man was now entering the corridor as well. They made eye contact before Vandana pushed through the door on her right and walked out of view.
The man waited for a second before walking down the corridor as well. He wasn’t sure what he was doing or where he was going, but his mind was no longer doing the leading. When he arrived at the end of the corridor, he noticed that the door to his right was the men’s bathroom. The women’s bathroom was on his left. He did a double take as he tried to remember which door she went into. He could have sworn she went to the door on the right, but why would she go into the men’s bathroom? Was he losing his mind? He already knew his judgment was clouded. But he was sure that she went into the men’s bathroom, so he followed suit. When he walked in, he saw that it was empty. Nobody was in there, or so he thought. At the back of the bathroom, in front of the handicapped stall, was the beautiful woman he lusted after.
Their eyes locked as Vandana reached for the swinging door of the handicapped stall. She had been waiting for him to come into the bathroom and opened the door to the stall, as if she were inviting him in. She swung the door as far as it could go and then leaned against the door. As if the man wasn’t excited already, she posed for him by lifting up her left leg and planning the heel against the door. I am waiting for married women with burning desire who is looking for safe n secure extra fun, we both will maintain secret and there would be no strings attached. Hoping to hear from all of you at [email protected]
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