How do you know when you have met the one? Does he arrive on a magic carpet, declaring his love for you, then you feel your heart bursting out of your chest (but in a less gory way). Or is it more simple then that? A simple feeling of joy you feel whenever your together. Nobody tells you these things your just expected to know who’s the right one, even though people always get involved. Maybe its different for everyone, but what if you let them pass you by without realising? Would destiny throw you back together? If it even exists.
But here i am in my ex boyfriend’s house, after breaking up with him for another man then dumping that man to keep Kieran in my life. After we broke up, three mouths when pasted without talking then out of the blue Kieran arranged for us to meet up, we become best friends again like we had never been apart. I started spending most my time with Kieran resulting in Lewis becoming controlling and clingy, calling me whenever i was out telling me i wasn’t to be friends with him anymore. So we broke up. I got ever more closer to my best friend, hugging and kissing but acting like it was something every best friend did.
Now here i am. I stood in the doorway to Kieran’s bedroom feeling self conches, i had wanted to be alone with him in his room for what seemed like forever, now that it was finally here i started to dough he felt the same as i did. I wanted to get into his pants, it was the only this i was certain of anymore. We had only had sex once when we had been together, even though i have had 5 other sexual partners Kieran had Always been considered the best in my option even if i hadn’t explored his body as much as i had wanted to back then. I was sure as hell not going to pass the option twice if i could help it.
“you can sit down” he smiled watching me from where he sat on his desk stall. I blushed turning my head so he could see my bright red cheeses, I when over to his bed and sat down the springs ridiculously bouncy.
“is it me or is it really hot in here?” he said sanding up, pulling his t-shirt over his head. I couldn’t pull my eyes away from his strong arms and muscle bare chest, his blue eyes smiled. He looked so hot his purple beany covering all but the fridge of his curly brown hair.
“its pretty hot in here” i said feeling heat burn between my legs.
“lets watch a film” he said selecting a film off of the shelf and putting it into the dvd player. He lay down next to me on his single bed, i lay down with him resting my head on his chest, his arm going round my shoulders. I could hear his heart beat fast his skin hot on my face. The film started but my mind couldn’t follow on with what was on the screen when i was to aware of how close he was, how good his skin felt. I let my hands wonder down to his stomach stroke back and forth slowly as we watched. I became more confident letting my fingers sneak under his boxers every so often, then i when for his turn on spot. Stroking down his hip bone, he gasped. “kitty that’s naughty, you know that does things to me” he said looking into my eyes.
“i am naughty” i said with a bad girls smile.
He brought his lips down to mine kisses me deeply “No bad kitty” he said. We turned back to the film but slowly i moved my hand back to his stomach then to his hip. “No kitty” he said smiling, I kissed him hungrily, his lips pressing hard back ageist mine. Our breathing getting heavy. He leaned over me as we contained to kiss, my body growing hot and needy. His hand cupped my arse pulling me closer to him. The film forgetten as we lose ourselves in the deep desperate need for each other. He moved his hand up the front of my skirt letting his finger circle my clip, i moan quietly. My hands moving down his body till they feel his hard thick cock under his jeans. I feel my heart leap with excitement my pussy burning hotter.
“no kitty” he said pulling away from me breathlessly. I let my hands slip to his hip sliding my hand down his bare skin. He groaned. “that does things to me” he said. I kiss him shutting him up, he rolls on top of me kissing me back deeper and harder. I feel my body aching with need for him, his cock pressing ageist me. “Kieran” i moaned. only drive him more wild, his hands all over me gasping my breasts and tracing my hips. Suddenly he pushed back from me standing up. “kitty we shouldn’t” he said to me. But i was in to deep to lesion, my eyes when straight to his error clearly visible under his jeans. As he unbuttoned his jeans to push his boss back down, i got down on my knees in front of him my mouth open wide. He looked down at me with the most horny eyes i had ever seen, he let his arms fall to His sides. My hands when straight to his error, pulling it out of his boxers. I slide my hand down the shake, my eyes loving the sight of it. I let my tonged slide over the shake from the bottom up. I licked my lips “mmmm tastes good” i said looking up at him “kitty wants more” i slide the top of his cock into my mouth sucking gently, before suddenly pushing my mouth down letting his cock push to the back of my throat. He groaned. I slide him out again giving him a naughty smile. Before sliding him back in fast. I twist my mouth round his cock sucking as i let him slide out my mouth, i do it again fast. And again. My mouth slowly letting the full length of him inside. I pull him out kissing his hips and across his stomach my hand playing with him. I swap my hand back form my mouth then let my hands cup his balls. Taking him in faster still. He swears, then pulls me to my feet and onto his bed. Pulling off my lacy top, then my skirt, my tights, bra and then.. He stops. I lean up and start kiss his neck, before gently biting.”kitty needs your cock Kieran” i say between kisses.
“kitty’s very naughty” kieran says breathlessly. His fingers stroke over my red thong, i pull him closer my nails scraping down his back. He pulls my thong down letting his fingers touch my hot push. “wow your so wet for me” he said. I nod biting my lip. He slides a single finger into me making me roll my eyes back in relief, but my begging need growing stronger. He slides it back and four slowly before adding another, i gasp. “i wanna be in side you so bad” Kieran says.
“i want you inside me kieran” i reply.
“i need you” he says his fingers getting faster.
“take me pleaseee!!” i beg. he pushed my legs apart climbing in between, holding his cock in his hand he let it slide over my clip make me beg more “please kieran please”
“i like it when you beg” he said.
“fuck me please fu-” i started but was cut off as his cock penetrated my pussy, making my words turn into a very load moan. He slides back and Thoth.
“your still so tight kitty” he said smiling. I moaned feeling him stretch me with every thrust. His thrusts becoming faster and faster. I let my mouth such on his neck to stop myself from moaning as loudly, my nails staring his back. Within a few minutes my body began to squirm and tighten around his cock. “ooh good ohhh” i said as i began to cum. Instead of slowing down he sped up making my organism lead to another only moments after. “i wanna taste me on your cock” i said. He pulled out letting me suck on his cock. “mmmm” i moaned. I let my mouth twist as i sucked, his cock began to throb. “i’m gunna cum” kieran said desperately. I pulled him in deep as i could my hands pushing him closer by his arse. His hot cum shots to the back of my throat. I swollow loving the taste of him in my mouth. We Fall down next to each other completely naked.
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