(picking up right where we left off. The next chapter in Mike’s descent into being a slut…)
Mike was bobbing his head up and down on Jamie’s strapon cock while they drove. He hated when they stopped because he imagined people seeing into his car, but he just kept his eyes closed. Jamie was alternately directing his actions and laughing. It was an altogether humiliating experience for him. They stopped and she said, “Get up, cocksucker” in as rude and disdainful voice she could muster. He looked up to see them were at a shopping mall.
Jamie took him to the lingerie department at the department store. She began picking up things and holding them up in front of his body, sizing them up. Mike was conscious of everyone around and was just hoping to avoid contact with any person. Jamie, on the other hand, was talking loudly. “Oooo…this would look so good on you.” “These panties are perfect!”A very hot young sales clerk saw this and came over with a broad grin on her face. “Are you looking for something in particular?” She asked Jamie while looking at her holding up a lacy top to Mike’s chest. Jamie grinned back at her. “I’ve just discovered that my old fuckbuddy Mikey here has a very interesting fetish.” With that, Jamie hiked up her skirt a bit and showed the clerk the strapon dildo hanging between her legs. Mike’s face grew completely red as Jamie talked and showed this girl the cock. “He has a thing for girls with strapon cocks. So I figured he must also want to feel all sexy in some panties and other things too… while I fuck him!!” Both girls laughed uproariously and Mike just wanted to run! He was so completely embarrassed.
The clerk was shocked at Jamie’s openness but clearly enjoyed it too. She asked Jamie if she had fucked him yet. Jamie replied, “Well not really. He was on his knees and sucking my cock but I just had to stop because I wanted to see him dressed like the little slut he soooo desperately wants to be!” Mike again was mortified that these two girls were saying these things right in front of him. “In fact,” Jamie said, “he’s a virgin. I just happened to see his internet habits earlier today and we’ve been moving pretty quickly towards breaking him in!”
Mike started to walk away finally. He couldn’t take the embarrassment. Jamie demanded he stop. “Get your ass back here boy. I told you I was your Mistress and you were going to learn to obey me!” Mike obeyed and surprised himself by saying “Yes Ma’am” in front of the hot young clerk.
The clerk said, “My name is Becky. The store closes in about 15 minutes…” She was checking Mike out as she said this. Jamie just LOVED this! “Becky, can you come home with us? I have big plans for the little slut tonight!” Becky smiled and said “YESSS!” “First we have to get some things.”
Jamie had a handful of items and asked Becky if she could show them the changing room. Becky led them inside the changing room where the two girls told Mike to try something on. Mike went in by himself and took his pants and shirt off and tried on some of things that Jamie had for him. Jamie told him to show them, so he reluctantly opened the door and the girls oohed and ahed a bit. After the fourth or fifth outfit Jamie ordered Mike back into the room and came in there with him and brought Becky too. It was a tight fit, but Jamie said, “I just wanted to show you how good he has become so quickly. Mikey, get on your knees and get started!” Jamie raised up her skirt. Mike resisted. Jamie harshly ordered him. “Bitch, you better get on your knees like you’re supposed to!” Becky was impressed at this. Mike obeyed. He started to suck Jamie’s strapon cock as the two girls laughed deeply at him.
Mike was naked while sucking Jamie’s strapon cock in the changing room. She stopped him and said get up, because they had to check out. But she told him to put on the panties that they were about to buy, and the bra too, under his clothes. She and Becky left the changing room and Becky began ringing up the sale. When Mike came out, Jamie was all sweet again. But she did pull the back of his jeans a bit to check out if he was wearing them. There were other people in line, but Mike had already learned that not only did this not stop Jamie, she actually enjoyed humiliating him. “Pay the nice girl, Mikey, for your new things,” she said loudly. Mike surprised, said “Yes Ma’am” and obeyed.
Jamie had made arrangements for Becky to meet them at the adult bookstore. After all, she needed a strapon cock for herself too! As was the custom so far this night, Jamie drove and commanded Mike to suck her cock. They got to the store and Jamie pulled Mike’s head up by the hair. She looked at him seriously. “I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into here, bitch boy. There’s no turning back now!” She smiled and said let’s go inside.
Inside the shop the clerk recognized them again and saw them connect with Becky who’d gotten there a few minutes later. She asked, across the store, how did they like their new slave toys. Jamie replied back across the store, “We’re breaking in the little bitch gradually!” Once again, Mike just shuddered. He had been exploring Femdom websites for some time, and and seen lots of this kind of stuff in videos and read about it (and jerked off to it many times!) but in real life it was a brutal assault on his senses. He was not certain he liked the public humiliation part of it. He sure felt embarrassed by it all. Although… he did feel his cock surge each time something like this translated.
The three of them walked over to the section with the strapons. The girls started picking up and handling many different sizes and shapes. They would wave them at Mike and ask him his opinion, to which he would mumble an answer and they would laugh. They held some of them right up to his mouth and tell him to “Open wide” but he would shy away from that. Jamie, in her sweet mode again, would laugh and not force him to do that.
The three of them went up to the counter with a nice medium sized strapon dildo and harness set. Jamie had also picked up an flogger. Jamie was holding Mike’s arm like they were a couple on a date at the moment. Her constant altering between dominatrix bitch and sweet girl friend was very intimidating to him. He didn’t know which reaction was coming next. “Show her your new clothes, Mikey” Jamie said to him. “Yes Ma’am,” he repliedand reluctantly opened the top couple of buttons of his shirt to show the red bra he was wearing. Jamie turned him around and pulled the back of his jeans away from his ass so she could see the red panties too. They girl giggled and said, “How deliciously slutty!” “Yes. That is exactly what little Mikey here is – he’s our little slut! Pay the girl, slut, and let’s get going!” Mike was also bewildered at how Jamie just directed him to pay for all of this stuff and how he simply did as she said.
The three of them left and Jamie told Becky to follow them. This time, Mike wasn’t made to suck Jamie’s strapon cock during the drive. He was surprised at this and also surprised to be a little disappointed that she didn’t make him…
Becky met them in the parking lot by the elevator. She had taken the strapon out of it’s box and was just carrying it openly, much to Mike’s chagrin. It was now about 11 o’clock, so Mike thought they were safe from bumping into any neighbors, but sure enough when the elevator doors opened, the same couple they rode with earlier were getting out. Mike frozen and his face grew bright red with embarrassment when he saw them look at the dildo and harness in Becky’s hand. Jamie recognized them and smiled again. “One just didn’t seem like enough for him!” she said as they walked past. The couple again laughed and Mike felt like he was going to be ill.
Inside the apartment, Jamie quickly ordered Mike get down to his panties and bra and onto his knees. “Yes Mistress” came the quick reply and he obeyed. Meanwhile the girls started undressing also. They both looked incredibly sexy to Mike. And when Jamie finished helping Becky get her strapon cock on, Mike thought the sight of these two hot girls standing in front of him with strapon cocks on – which he knew would soon be plugging his holes – was about the sexiestthing he had ever seen.
Jamie handed the flogger to Becky and then stood in front of him. Becky walked around him and without hesitation scratched his panty covered ass hard. Then he heard Becky, not Jamie, command him. “Get your whore lips around your Mistress’s COCK and start doing your fucking job you little cocksucker you!” He was really started by this and quickly replied “Yes Ma’am.” Before he even got Jamie’s cock in his mouth, Becky had flogged his ass again hard. He whimpered a bit, but Jamie grabbed his head and stuffed her cock in. “SUCK MY COCK, MIKEY, YOU PATHETIC LITTLE BITCH!” Mike was overwhelmed for a moment at this sudden descent into rough treatment, but he tried hard to obey. He wrapped his lips tight around his Mistress’s cock and started sucking. He was moving his head up and down, feeling the hard shaft slide between his lips, across his tongue and to the back of his throat. Becky keep after his ass with the flogger, and with each stroke, Mike moaned. His moan was muffled by the cock in his mouth. The girls were especially verbal with him – “WHORE” “COCKSUCKING BITCH” “SLUT”
This went on for a few minutes. Just when Mike felt like his ass couldn’t stand it anymore, Becky stopped flogging him and came around front. Jamie pulled out her cock and Becky stuffed hers into his mouth. “SUCK IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT, YOU LITTLE BITCH!”
Mike was trying to be very obedient. He found himself sucking Becky’s strapon cock harder and harder. He was now doing what he had only fantasized about and he found himself quickly transforming into a obedient cocksucking slave. Becky was stern and demanding and also laughing in a very derisive and demeaning manner. “He is a hungry little cocksucker, isn’t he,” she said to Jamie. Jamie replied, “Yep! Look this way you hungry little cocksucking slut!" Mike looked at Jamie and saw that she was recording again with her cellphone. For a moment he wanted to stop; he even hesitated with his head bobbing slightly.
Becky pulled her cock out of his mouth abruptly and slapped his face hard. “Nobody told you you could stop! Keep sucking SLUT!” Jamie also chimed in while she recorded, “you better not disappoint your Mistress, Mikey, you whore!” Mike immediately started sucking voraciously again, his lips squeezing tightly around the shake of Becky’s 8 inch strapon cock, his head bobbing up and down. He He knew his own cock was getting hard. He was thoroughly into being the slave he had fantasized about. He was very worried about what was going to happen with the video Jamie was making, but he blocked that out of his mind so he could concentrate – concentrate on the Dominatrix’s cock that was sliding in and out of his mouth – concentrate on being the best whore he could be for his new Mistress. He had succumbed completely…
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