Tonight was the night—the first showing of Romeo and Juliet. For the first time in my
life, I had been cast in a play. Not only had I been cast, I had been given the lead.
I was playing Juliet, my most favorite of all the female leads in Shakespeare’s
plays. I spent countless hours rehearsing, memorizing lines, blocking scenes,
Stealing kisses between classes with my co-star, Collin, and soaking up the
limelight. Tonight was going to be perfect. Most likely.
I paced the hallway outside the green room, wringing my hands nervously. There were
so many people in the audience tonight. The entire auditorium had sold out. What if I
messed up a line? What if I tripped and fell on my face? I clutched my full skirts in
my fists, trying to keep from full-out panicking.
I turned around and saw Collin striding towards me confidently, his nobleman’s cap
swinging from his fingers. I cleared my throat.
“Hey, Collin.” I tried to sound nonchalant, but my voice came out as a shallow
Collin’s brow furrowed. “What’s wrong?”
I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak again.
Collin dropped his hat on the ground and took my hands in his. “You’re going to be
great, you know.”
I couldn’t look him in the eyes. Instead, I stared mutely at the floor, ageing
over how opening night would go.
Collin released one of my hands and reached out. His hand softly grasped my chin and
pulled upwards, forcing me to look at him. His golden brown eyes were steady. “You.
Are. Amazing,” he said, carefully enunciating each word. “I have watched you learn
This part until it’s the only thing you ever think about. There is no way you will
screw this up, because it’s a part of you. You can do this.”
I nodded my head a little, to show I understand what he was trying to say. “Thanks,”
I whispered.
A comfortable silence wrapped around Collin and I. I continued to look in his eyes,
completely mesmerized. For the first time since we had been cast as lovers, I felt
butterflies in my stomach. What was going on?
Collin took a deep breath and moved a little closer. Before I knew what was
happening, his lips were on mine. It wasn’t the first time we had kissed by a long
shot, but this kiss felt very much like how a first kiss is supposed to feel. The
butterflies in my stomach morphed into a whirlwind, a longing for more kisses. I
reached up and put my arms around his neck, bringing him even closer.
A sight built up in my chest, and my lips parted. I could feel Collin’s heartbeat
speed up. Suddenly, Collin pushed me up against the wall. He pressed his body against
mine, and I feel my own pulse accelerate in response. I clenched my hands into fists,
trying to close a distance that no longer existed between us. Collin’s hands moved up
my arms, over my shoulders, and into my hair. He grasped small handsfuls of it and
pulled my face even closer to his. This felt so good.
The sound of someone clearing their throat started me, and Collin leapt backward,
spinning towards the source of the noise.
Our director stood there, a bemused smile on his face. “Save some of that password for
the stage, kids, okay?” He chuckled, turned, and walked away.
My face burned in embarrassment. I glanced at Collin, and saw that his face was
equally red. He scratched the back of his head.
“Yeah…” I was still trying to catch my breath. I had never been kissed like that.
Until now, I didn’t even think I liked Collin like that. But my eyes were glued to
his face, my stomach a mess of butterflies again.
Collin looked at me out of the corner of his eye. He grinned. His smile set my
stomach on fire, and I bit my lip in an attempt to keep the fire at bay. I so badly
wanted to reach out and stroke his hair, to feel his lips on mine again, to feel his
body pressed against me, to fight for breath.
“Well, break a leg tonight,” Collin said. He leaned over and gave me a small peck on
the lips before walking down the hallway.
I glanced atthe clock hanging on the wall. Time to begin.
“Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from
ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.” The
narrator introduced the play to the audience. I watched from backstage as the play
began to unfold before me.
“Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them; which is a disgrace to them, if
They bear it.” The guy playing Sampson said one of my favorite lines from the first
scene as the guys playing Abraham and Balthasar came waltzing onto the stage.
I turned away from the stage, wanting to save my energy for later—my feet were
already beginning to hurt in these shoes. I sat on a wooden box, commonly used for a
prop, and let the skirt of my dress fan out around me. I wasn’t due on stage for a
little while yet, so I wanted to relax while I still had the chance.
I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes, listening to the actors say their
lines; listening to the audience laugh in response. I smiled to myself. Maybe tonight
really would be OK.
“Is the day so young?” I heard Collin’s opening line, and smiled even wider. Things
were going to be so different between us from now on, and I was eager for it to
happen. I couldn’t wait to be on stage next to him, being his Juliet. Maybe I would
get to be his real life Juliet, too.
The stage lights dimmed and the audience applauded as scene one came to an end. Only
a few more minutes till my cue. I heard footsteps crossing the stage, and the lights
flared back to life.
I sat there, still only half listening to what was happening on stage. I decided to
quickly get a drink before I had to be on stage, because I likely wouldn’t get
Another chance for a while. I quietly crossed to the cooler in the corner and took
out an ice cold bottled water. I quickly snapped off the lid and began guzzling the
liquid. It was so cold, but it was especially refreshing. I downed the entire bottle
in less than a minute. I was thirstier than I thought! I grabbed another bottle from
the cooler and took it with me to where I had been sitting earlier. I opened it and
took a sip just as the lights dimmed, indicating the end of scene two. Time to go!
I put the lid back on my water bottle and stood, quietly making my way to the edge of
the stage.
“God forbid! Where’s this girl? What, Juliet!”
I heard my cue, and quickly walked onto the stage. “How now! Who calls?” I cried.
“Your mother.” The girl playing the nurse replied.
I quickly lost myself in the scene, feeling as though I truly were Juliet
reincarnate. Time flew by, and all too soon scene three was over. I exited the stage
and returned to my water bottle.
I took another long swig of water. It was so hot under all those stage lights. I felt
like I had sweat out most of that first bottle I drank earlier. I quickly finished
off my second one, and crossed over to the cooler to grab a third. I broke the seal
on the cap and took a pull from the ice cold water. It was so refreshing.
All too soon, it seemed to me, it was time for me to be back onstage. This time,
Though, I got to finally be onstage with Collin. My heart thumbed erratically at the
“If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine isthis: my
lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender
As I listened to Collin says his line, the butterflies returned to my stomach with a
vengeance. I replied with my line, completely immersing myself in the moment. The
scenes flew by quickly. I felt like, for the first time, I wasn’t acting. As Juliet
fell in love with Romeo, I began to feel something for Collin that I hadn’t felt
before. I felt like things were going to change between us now, and I was excited for
What the future might bring. I hoped that I would get to be his real life Juliet.
When it was time for Romeo and Juliet to get married, I felt a twinge in my lower
stomach. I ignored it, because I was in the middle of a scene. When I walked off
stage again I felt that twininge worse than before. As I reached for mywater bottle to
rehydrate, it hit me. I’d been drinking so much water tonight. I’d already had 4
bottles, and I was working on my fifth. I had to pee. Bad.
I briefly wondered if I could make it to the bathroom down the hall before my next
scene when I heard my next cue. Well, the play was almost halfway over. I could hold
it for another hour or so. I quickly walked onstage.
By the time Mercutio was killed by Tybalt, I was doing a jig backstage, trying to
keep my pee in. I really had to pee, but the breaks between my scenes were getting
shorter and shorter. There wouldn’t be enough time, and I couldn’t ruin opening
night. So I continued to hold.
It felt like the rest of the play took forever. I tried so hard to focus on my lines,
but my need to pee was always waiting in the back of my mind. Finally it was time for
Juliet to feign her death. As the lights dimmed, I hurried to my place on the stage,
lying on the “altar” in the “tomb.”
The second that I was horizontal, I felt like my bladder was going to explode. I felt
my pee traveling further south, and I knew it was only a matter of time before it was
too late. I clenched my bladder muscles, willing my pee to stay inside. I desperately
wanted to shove my hand into my crotch to physically restrain my pee, and I was just
about to when the stage lights came back on.
I had to lie perfectly still. It was my only job. I kept my eyes closed and continued
willing myself to stay dry. Soon I heard Collin’s footsteps approaching.
“How oft when men are at the point of death have they been merry!”
As Collin continued with his final lines, my bladder gave a painful lurch. A small
trickle of pee slipped out of me, dampening my panties. I squeezed my bladder
muscles even tighter, but I could feel my control fading. I wanted to clench my
fists, but any movement in this scene was forbidden.
Collin walked closer to me, still delivering his lines. He picked up my hand. I tried
so hard to focus on that hand, but I was going to lose my battle any second now.
“Ah, dear Juliet, why art thou yet so fair?” Collin’s voice took on an edge of
despair, and it made my heart thumb loudly in my ears. I focused on his voice,
Reveling in its rich tones, and relaxed. I realized it was a fatal mistake one second
too late.
Pee rushed from my bladder in a waterfall of relief. I tried to stop it, but my need
to pee was so much worse than my need to hold it in. My pee soaked my panties. When
My panties could hold no more liquid, my pee began to pour onto the skirts of my
dress. At first, I thought I would be safe because there was so much fabric to soak
up the pee. Maybe nobody would notice. But I kept peeing. It felt like it would never
“O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.” Collin finished his
lines, and leaned over me for the last kiss before he, as Romeo, died. Just as his
lips began to brush mine, my skirts had soaked up all of the pee they could, and I
was still peeing, very forcefully. I couldn’t make it stop. A soft splattering sound
reached my ears as my pee flowed off the sides of the altar and onto the wooden floor
of the stage.
My eyes snapped open and locked with Collin’s. His eyes drew down in confusion.
He glanced down at the floor. When he saw what was happening, his eyes widened, but
he didn’t hesitate any further to finish playing his part. His lips brushed against
mine, softly at first, and then a little more desperately. The kiss sent a wave of
butterflies course through me, and my pee gushed out even harder. I wondered when
my pee would run out.
As Collin collapsed to the floor, very carefully out of range of my pee, I felt the
stream slow slightly. I hoped I would be done peeing before it was time for Juliet to
reawaken. In the silence that filled the auditorium after Romeo’s death, the
splashing of my pee was very audible. For a moment I panicked, thinking that the
audience might be able to detect what it was.
Finally, at long last, my pee slowed to a slight trickle. I could still hear pee
dripping onto the floor still, but it, too, was slowing down. It wastime for me to
get up off of the altar. I slowly sat up. As I did, I heard some members of the
audience gasp. Whispering began to flood the auditorium.
“….what that sound was…”
“…so gross!”
I tried to stay in character as I slyly peeked through my eyesashes at my lap. I was
horrified by what I saw. The front of my dress, from wait to knees, was completely
and obviously saturated. The location of the stain made it plain what had happened.
There was no covering it up now. I stood up, ready to admit defeat and just leave the
stage in my disgrace. As soon as my legs were straight, I began to pee again. It was
just as forceful, if not more so, as before, and it was very loudly splashing on the
floor of the stage. Mortified, I turned and fled the stage, peeing the whole time.
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