The Ticket Xii
I was well covered but I worried about my girls. To night was my night at the Manse It would give me a chance to feel them out and to see how it was affecting them. I walked out to the Married Quarters and speak with my fence line men..
Joe noticed me and called out “How goes it boss.”
“How has the fence line been looking. Any unexplained breeches or anything suspicious.”
“Well Lon, chimed in, “ There is a couple of things that we have been talking about and were planning to bring to your attention. Two days ago we found the staples on one pole partially removed. The ground around the pole was disturbed. Pete climbed the fence to see if he could back track the culprit. You tell him Pete.”
“ I followed the tracks to another disturbed area near the small stand of trees near the creek. It looked like blood scattered around. I alsoFound tracks of three horses. I followed them for awhile and came to what appeared to be three graves brushed over. Atop of each was a small jar containing a Black Scorpion, And this…” He handed me a button that had what looked like the Donegal Crest.
Three horses with riders neared the North fence. They had been observing this section for a week. The fence riders had checked this area yesterday. This was their chance. They left the horses near the creek in a small stand of trees. They made there way to the nearest fence post and began to loosen the staples on the post as they had been told to do.
One of them was loosening a staple when his hand was stung by a ,22 bullet shashing into the staple puller and knocking it out of his hand.. They dropped to the ground and looked all around. Nothing and nobody was insight. They were in a panic…where was the shooter… why did he shoot the staple puller. Why not them?
Yes they were in a panic. They jumped up and ran for their horses. When they reached them they stopped and looked around. As they reached for their reins an apparition appeared out of the ground with a siletto in either hand. The siletto’s entered just under the chin and pierced the brain. The third rider forget about his horse and tried to run away. Their assistant reached in to a pouch at his waist and withdraw a 6 pointed star and in one motion flung it the escaping cowboy went down with the star embed in his neck and spine.
The Scorpion cleaned up his mess and gathered his weapons. He buried the staple puller with one of the bodies. He didn’t wish any cattle to get out so he put back in enough staples to secure the fence. After he finished he looked over the scene and dusted out the foot prints and rode one of the horses to his transportation where he abandoned the horses.
I told them to stand easy I was going tocontact Jacob Littlestar. They would need to tell him their story. I also told them not to mention the button the story is convoluted enough. I headed back to the manse
I called the police and explained to Jacob that I was waiting on him before checking out the scene. He told me a bit of news. Since the area encompassed at least two counties and maybe more. The Texas rangers have assumed control and a small select task force which included him. He asked me if I was aware that a Ranger was one of my workers.
While waiting on Jacob I went over in my mind how to harass the Crime group. I called in my recon and my homeless man at the warehouse.
I told my Homeless man I needed a way to identify each vehicle. He didn’t tell me how he did it but a tracer began transmitting. Hmmmm maybe he is not as wheelchair bound as I thought.
Homer and Eagle I gave another task.
Sheriff Jones pulled up to a McDonald’s and sent his driver in to get him two Big Macs And drink and fries. His driver started to hand the sack in the back window when there was a ‘phfft’ and the driver dropped the sack and screamed as blood splattered and his index finger disappeared.
Sheriff Jones grabbed his radio and called for backup and an ambulance. By the time they arrived there was nothing but the screaming of the driver. One of the counter help had ran out with a towel
to wrap around the dependy’s hand to try and stop the bleeding. Sheriff Jones was hunkered down in the back seat cringing and hiding.
Commissioner Deeds didn’t use a driver on meeting days, He preferred to not let his private affairs become public. At the court house he parked in his assigned space, Killed the engine and started up the walkway he had taken about 15 paces from his car when there was an exploration and the hood went sailing about 20 feet into the air and flames engulfed the engine. The steering column was impelled thru the drivers seat.
Madam Lafoy’s driver, John Pacer, was a brute of a man standing 6′ 8″ 350 lbs. And had a password for raping preteen little boys (There had been a special request for him). Yes he was a bruiser but had no training except being a bully all his life. Humiliation was definitely in order. They arrived at Madame LaFoy’s house.
Big John stepped out of the car to open the door for the Madame when he received a swift kick in the nuts. Big John had been down that road before and wore a nut cup. It was still enough to ring his chimes. He turned around putting a hand on each knee and moving his jaw side to side to match the movement of his hips.
There before him was a midget( Homer is 5′ 6” ) wearing camouflage face pint and clothes and no weapons. Big John smiled and stood up and thought this is going to be fun. He reached for Homer but homer was already moving forward and hit Big John in the solar plexus with his head knocking all his wind out of him.
While he was bending over Homer let loose with a round house kick to the left side of John’s jaw. Then Homer began tearing this giant of a man down to the ground. He began by breaking both collarbones. Smashing every finger and breaking both knees. He also pounded his face to a pulp.
Then Homer looked in to the back of the car at a cringing Madame LaFoy, smiling at her he pulled a dagger out of his sleep. She huddled deeper into the corner.
Homer was not through with John. He took the knife and slit his belt and pants and pulled them down. He cut off Johns cock then slit his nut sack cut off his balls. Then the final act he smoked then into just smear upon the ground. Homer reached to the side and unfolded a sign that said ‘ RAPER OF LITTLE BOYS ‘
Homer could hear sirens in the distance. He climbed on to a motorcycle went around 4 blocks then into the back of a U- Haul truck and was gone.
Judge Riley was Getting ready to sit as Judge on a attempted murder trial. The defendant was one of Jonas’ s men. And Riley was expected to get him off on a technicality.
The Bailiff Called out “Everybody rise for the Honorable Judge Riley sitting for the County Court Of Potter county State of Texas in case of Tommy Fleaser Charge Attempted Murder. All Rise.”
Judge walked in and sat in his chair and pulled it up to the Bench as he reached for the Gavel. The wheel rolled over a pad on the floor which fired a Taser containing 50,000 volts. His reaction was to force him self backward toppling his chair and he fell to the floor. The chair had hit another pad setting off another Taser of a smaller voltage of only 25,000 volts.
It was pure unlucky that this one even hit him but it did… in the neck. If it had missed he would not have been incapacitated for long. The first taser had barely reached through his robe the second really did the damage.
Just a side note: Judge Riley was replaced and Tommy Fleaser was bound over and eventually convinced and sentenced to thirty years.
Fernando Reyes was on his way to another warehouse where a large shipment of drugs was being unloaded off a truck. As he arrived there was a small exploration and a burst of flame out of the truck. There was nothing they could do but watch 20 million dollars of dope burn up there was no water in the warehouse.
Police Captain Anson Garcia was hit from behind. He was the last to leave the meeting except for M. He had tried before to out wait him out but never happened. He had walked around to his trunk to put some papers in his briefcase. The next thing he knew he was tied up and the car was moving.
He didn’t know how long he had been in the trunk when he heard a whump and it seemed the car was swwaying and he felt his back getting wet. He began to scream, then he heard a pop and the trunk flew open. And there were people trying to lift him out.. He looked around and knew where he was. He was at a park at Lake Mercede. He overheard the people talking about the driver…. they said he never came up.
The driver had been a Navy Seal. He slide out the door as the car entered the water. He swam down at first then put on his fins and swam to a boat with a fisherman in it. On the opposite side of the boat was a looped rope. The Seal wrapped his arm through the rope.
The fisherman cast a couple of more times then craneted his engine and headed up an across the lake. When he was far enough out of sight he stopped the boat pulled the Seal in side he changed clothes and stored his wet suit. They fished the rest of the afternoon and actually did quite well catching 3 apice.
Jonas walked out of his office building surrounded by 4 of his bodyguards they stood around him and his car while he leaned down to look inside and smile at his latest Trophy and 18 year old Blond still in high school. His fat ass was still waving when he slapped his ass and he slide to the street with a 4” blowgun dart still sticking in his butt chef.
They called an ambulance, when it arrived they rushed him to the hospital. The ER doctor removed the dart and rushed it to the lab to identify what had been on the dart. They began a general treatment till they could find out the poison.
About an hour later they identified it as a diluted form of curare enough to put him down for a couple of weeks but not enough to kill him.
Moses Marcus ‘s Limo pulled through his gate and the driver hit the button to re-close it. when it exploded into a mangled mess. It proved impossible to open it he had to call a wedding shop to cut it out and to manufacture a new one.
We had his phone bugged and when the call was placed we cut in and made the deal to do the work. When the work was done 2 days later. We could enter any time we wanted too. His ass was mine as the saying goes.
Jacob finally arrived… His first question have you been home all day? To which I answered Just waiting for you. We went to the garage and fired up 4 wheelers. The largest ones we allotted to the lab people. One which happened to be Lila. She walked around behind it and ask me a question . I walked around behind her and her dress was up in the rear. She paid her respect. Joe, Lon and Pete led off and we were on the way.
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