the Trinidad affair

it was raining the kind of caribbean wet season warm atmosphere even at night the very air seems to arrest ur lungs u choke for breath but manage to hold it together u are waiting for ur caribbean ebony godss u met her online through a tourism company she worked for whats the name ahh trillionaire tours ltd trinidad u got the time of ur life u purchased a package with ur savings and u pack ur bag and kiss berlin good bye u smiled all the way from the connector light to france whatched the sights and listen to the local msusic calypso and soca music infected dance ruthmic melodious music 1 can barley put in words to describe ` needs to experience to believe ,anyway u smile thinking that soon u would be in the arms of ur sexy ”trini”womans with a botle of jack daniels in the other and sum cike ahh the place is my secret relaxing destination he didnt let all htose travel advisories he knew those were a blessing to keep cheap humbugs off the islands . he arrived from immigration saw her brilliant smile andd felt a pang in his heartg because he just remembered he had a lot of pent up feelings foe this woman although oliver has grubbentalr was a married man he loved his ebony charm she would do all the fantasied his euro wife would not dare lieke public sex in the local cinemas als thewy would have sex as often in the moonlight in the seashore in full view of passersby she said the excitement gave her a sexual rush n made her cumm more powerful he asid he was more aroused especially when she dominated him in public he loved comming to the island no boss to keep watch over my every move oliver thought as he sucked on the heels of his mistress he loved being a sub for this sexy devine ebony sexnymph she really was a work of extreme expert design she was tall 6’2 slim with a flat stomach and a ass that was high and fat she looked amazing with little effort perfect skin that he wished he had looked and felt so luxurioushe kissed her feet with care mistresss can i please taste ur successful pussy ‘ i want to rub my face in ur pussy juices and slurp at ur swolen cunt lolollllllllllllllllllll i hope u liked reading forgive me this my first attempt no plan just freestyle i guess what do u think mabe i would continue the story true strries if u like stories from the caribbeab tales of slavery plantation colonial life all with a sex theme even modern life in my country is very sex oriented for the uncultured read a book talk less be spiritual be positive broadcast press develop your mental capacity reduce illeteracy from ur boy the trillionaire armandosergio2 fbbbbb add me
i woke up in my bed with a start i was drunk just came home from a rave party in Gulf View bel air la romain south trinidad wwest Indies i am from germany but went globtrotting after my colledge u know finding myself i found the country and fell in love the foor the warmth of the people the women are so diverse u find a lot of model type women wslking the street looking for a opportunity i had a ball 2013 i fucked about 5 young 9 yr old sexy ebony indian latinas and chinese the chinesse girls are the rarest to find u need to have a good link i found a squirter in tobago a sexy mixed indian and black with hazel eyes and a pouty lip she told me she loved sucking dick and getting gangbanged by strangers i had 2 choices to a fuck the shit out this babe or b fuck that dust of that pussy so its bbious i hooose b lol i took her to the hyatt regency port of Spain city had orders brought up and started working on that sexy body i foiun d out she was married but separate she got a kid that she dont get to see so in my mind she is probably a hooker and she told me she is broken lost a big summ of money in a bad investment she . got to work on my dick as soon as the 20 euronote hither hands Real a pay first service llol i take in her sweet smell she smells of roses and labender lol sweet bitch i arch my back in essence as she sucks my throbbing cock and plays with my glans with her square dice tongue ring it feels so good i almost blasted her pretty face away i pulled my dick hit her twice across the face and shoved it down her throata na d rough as i could fucked her throat until she gagged an vomithe sum ghetto menu on the hotel’s carpet lol”bitch u gonna clen up that with ur hair i ordered her she stared at me with thoseed doe eyes lol i will have fun with this 1 i cracked her ass a hared slap she yelped i ndde ur pussy now get on ur back u cheap whore u filthy slut u love m e to tell u that eh u dirty whore u sweet bitch i said as i slided my cock in her moist warm cunt it fit my cock an sucked it got me feeling so protected inside eep her pussy gave my cock the strength to keep pounding her until sehwas sore and came abotu 4 times i flipped her and spit i her ass hile i put in my index inger she squirmed 1 hard slap to the ass cheeses put an end to that protest she allowed me to finger her tight ass i squeezed her overflowing titles squeeze her breasts and fingering her tight rosebud she started to get loose and she tole me to slide my 9;’ cock inside her dirty asshole i put a condem on and lubed up i put 3 fingers to widen a bit and i slided my cock inside . so warm so tight half of my cock outside i made short strokes and made wasst and hip rotations she came immediately in a shudder and moan of essence the sound almost primary animalistic she moved in my rythm i dominated her mind body and soul i a 1 with her we move as 1 together feels so good until uhhhhh haaa i quickly pulled off the rubber and shoved my dick up her ass as far as it could and unloaded the biggest nutt deep inside her ass she hollered like a banshee i was weak we colapsed in a heap of lust satisfaction she rubbed my throbbing balls in gratutude she flusged pink i chuckeled u didnt know i would fuck u so good eh? follow me for more looking for a intelligent woman who likes trave contact me inbox me its fere don delay hurry!


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