The Boss Lady Part I-Rewrite

Author’s Note: This is a rewrite of a story that I wrote some time ago. It was my first multipart story, in fact so, before you start reading, there’s some things that I’d like for you to know. First, this story is not meant to be racist in any way. As you read, you will notice that there is some mention of color, but this story was not written with the intention to be derogatory towards either character when it It comes to their race. This story, like all of my stories, serves to assuage certain stresses and injuries within my life. It is fictitious closure for me. In this case, my boss, who is quite similar to Anita, is the topic of frustration that I’m fictionalizing. This story is not based on truth. It is merely a “what if” scenario. Please enjoy, comment, and vote. I’d love to hear your feedback! Thank you…


P.S. I do not yet know how this story ends, and for that, Iapologize.

The Boss Lady: Part I

“Jack I need to see you in my office,” Anita Jensen said in her typical tone; one that involved a mix of disdain for humanity, and just plain irritability; simplified, her tone was bitchy. Jack Lyons, the man that she was talking to in said bitchy tone, rolled his eyes, and wondered what the hell she wanted now. All he had wanted was to just be left alone to his work. He just wanted to type what he had to type, and write what he had to write, and then go home, but no; thanks to her, he now had to stop what he was doing, get up from his chair, and walk eight feet to her office to see what the hell she wanted. He walked slowly so he could be a passive-aggressive, and spiteful asshole, deliberately taking his time as he made his way to the small room that she called her office, which was essentially a closet in the back of the call center in which they worked in; together, sort of.

“Close thedoor Jack,” she said in a tone that would make one think that he had asked to speak to her.

Jack compiled, and shut the door. He looked at his boss with disdain. ‘What a bitch,’ he thought to himself as he looked at her. He shellacked a thin smile on his face and asked, “What’s going on, Anita,” in the most cordial, but nervous tone that he could muster.

“You didn’t do anything wrong, so don’t start getting all paranoid on me,” she said reassuringly. She had seen the look of paranoia on his face the minute he walked into her office. It was a look that he always gave her, and it drove her nuts.

“Ok,” Jack said, feeling a little better, but still hesitant. He stood, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, waiting for her say what she needed to say.

Every time she called him into her office he got nervous. He imagined that each time she called his name, it was because she was about to fire him, discipline him seriously, or just criticize him just because she felt like it. It made him dislike her immensely; and he hated that she had that much control over him, his fears, and his emotions. He saw her as the type that always acted as if she was owed something by everyone; as if she were the queen of the universe, and everyone around her only existed to please her, and to do her bidding. She sized him up and he caught her, but she did not notice. He responded by doing the same to her.

Jack gave her a once over and thought to himself that she might have been an entitled, stuck up bitch, but she was an entitled, stuck up bitch that just so happened to be sexy as fuck! He looked almost hungrily at her; her caramel-colored face, brown, almond-shaped eyes surrounded by long eye lashes that seemed to make them just pop that much more; and plump, juicy lips that were covered by clear, shimmering lip gloss. The rest of her face, she had lightly made up to enhance the rest of her more attractive facial features.

Her face was surrounded by glaiming black hair with copper highlights, and it fell just past her chin. A thin, gold rope with a heart for a charm adorned her long, sensitive neck, and the skin that was not covered by her respectable work attire was the light color of milk chocolate. Jack’s eyes moved further down to her chest. Covered by a thin, white blouse, Jack guessed that she was 34, or 36 B cup; maybe even a small C. Her midsection was mostly flat, but Jack suspected that it was more from dieting than from exercise because her whole appearance just looked… Soft to him, and he liked it… A lot.

Her hips and ass however, were something different entirely because they were not flat, or small in the least. Jack guessed her wait to be maybe 27, or 28 inches, but her ass had to be at least 40 inches around. It was a sight to behold, and thetight, tan business slacks she was wearing that day did nothing to hide her curvaceous, “ghetto booty.” Images of her naked body flashed through his mind until he was snapped back into reality when she began to speak.

“Jack I need a favor from you. You are the only one that I can trust in this department, and I need someone to talk to.”

Jack became appreciated by his supervisor’s admission. She was usually cold and distant towards him, and everyone else in the office for that matter, but now here she was asking him if she could have a personal conversation with him. He wasn’t sure what to say next, and he even began to wonder if she was setting him up.

“I don’t know if you know this, but my husband and I have been having some problems,” she said. He could tell that she was upset, and Jack immediately started to feel bad for being so mean to her in his head; and also thinking about hernaked. Her admission of marital problems now, in a way, made her more of a person to him, and just a hint of empathy for her begin to circle within him.

“I didn’t know that,” Jack said, trying to show some concern. “That really sucks to hear! Is there anything—uh—anything that I can do?” Jack tried not to lay it on too thick in an attempt to compensate for the apathy he felt for her current situation. But on the other hand, guilt fled through him because he didn’t really care that she and her husband were having problems. He wasn’t even remotely shocked to hear it either. Anita was a bitch at the office, so it was safe to say that she was a bitch at home.

She paused for a moment, and swallowed hard. “The other day I was looking at our phone bill, and I noticed that he had been texting a number a lot; a number that I didn’t recognize. I questioned him about it, and he said that it wasan old friend from high school.” She paused again, and took in a deep breath. It looked like an attempt to hold back a tear to Jack. “I didn’t believe him, so I followed him one night and sure enough, that motherfucker met up with this ratchet ass bitch at some club!”

Jack saw the sadness and malaise in Anita’s eyes immediately turn to rage as she remembered what she saw. “I watched that nasty slut grind her nasty, skanky, basic ass up against him. I wanted to kill them both right then and there!” An angry tear fell down her cheek. “I had to leave the club because I thought that I was going to be sick! He didn’t come home that night, so I know that he had to have taken that lil’ hood rat bitch to some nasty fuckin’ hotel so he could fuck her! Even found it on his fuckin’ credit card statement.”

She stopped abruptly and looked at Jack, and another tear had fallen from her eyes. He looked puzzled; like he wasn’t quite sure why she was telling him all of this. She was his supervisor, and it was believed between the two of them that each at the very least disliked the other. They almost never talked and when they did, it certainly wasn’t about anything personal. Jack cleared his throat before he began to speak.

“I am really sorry that you had to see that Anita, and I’m sorry that your husband is doing that to you. I really, truly am but I’m confused. Why are you telling me all of this? I mean… Let’s be honest… We’re not exactly friends, and we’re certainly not confidents. Plus, I don’t know if you forget this but, you’re my boss!”

“I know I’m your fucking boss,” she said, sounding annoyed. “I just don’t have anyone else to talk to!”

Anita was getting ready to say something else, but the phone atJack’s desk rang. He took the ringing phone as an opportunity to leave her office, so he did. He made his way back to his desk, picked up the phone and went back to work, trying to stay busy for the rest of the day. There was no other opportunity for the two to speak again, but their conversation was all he could think about for the rest of the day. He kept wondering what she wanted him to do. Was she just venting to him, or did she actually Want him to do something for her? He had trouble concentrate for the rest of the day.

When his shift had ended, Jack finally got the answer to the question that had been bugging him all day. Anita came up to him and asked if he could give her a ride home. She said that maybe they could finish their conversation before he dropped her off. Jack was surprised once again. She had never asked him for a ride home, and he wondered why in the hell she needed a ride home to begin with, but since her house was on the way toHis apartment, he said “yes.” She thanked them, and they both walked out of the office together, making the short trek to his old, white Toyota in less than three minutes.

“Forgive the mess.” Jack said, opening the driver’s side door. He unlocked her side and she got in, carefully avoiding the empty coffee cups that were on the floor of the car. “I wasn’t expecting to give anyone a ride home today.”

“It’s ok,” Anita said, clearly trying to mask her disgust.

They spent the next few minutes in silence as they drove to her house. Jack wasn’t sure what to do or say, so he decided to just say something.

“So, did you want to finish talking about what we were talking about earlier?” He knew that she knew that he was nervous, and he had no idea what to say, or even why all of this was happening.

“Do you think that we could waituntil we get to my place? I just need a few minutes to gather my thoughts,” Anita said.

“Um, sure… That’s fine I guess,” Jack replied, becoming more and more confused. Was she going to let him into her house to talk; to finish her venting session? Jack started to regret saying “yes” to giving her a ride home.

From the time that Jack spoke last, to the time they pulled into Anita’s driveway, fifteen minutes had gone by, and Jack’s mind was racing. He had no idea what was going on, or what was going to happen when he put his car in park. Should he just drop her off and go home to his empty apartment, or should he just stay a while, talk to her, and maybe gain some brownie points with his supervisor. Maybe she will give him a raise if he sits and talks with her, but then again maybe not.

“Do you want to come inside so we can talk?” Anita asked.

“What about your husband? Isn’t he home?” The hesitation was palpable in his voice. “Don’t you think it would be a little weird explaining to him why one of your subordinates is at your house, talking to you about your relationship with him?”

She laughed at Jack, and reassure him that her husband was not home, and that he had been staying at a hotel these past few days. “He probably won’t be home anytime soon,” Anita said. Jack felt a tinge of relief flood through his body, but he still remained a little hesitant about the who situation, and he still could not figure out why in the hell he was at his boss’ house; and why she had approached him with all of this to begin with.

They walked quickly to her front door in silence, and Jack noticed that she was looking around the neighborhood, as if to see if anyone was outside. Jack wasn’t sure why she was so paranoid. He figured that if no one saw the twogo in, her neighbors would just assume that the vehicle in her driveway belonged to one of her girlfriends. When they reached the door, she placed the key in the lock, turned the knob, and opened the large, red door. Walking in, Jack’s first thought was that her house was really nice, and it was so big! He figured that her husband must make a lot of money to afford a house like this.

‘Maybe when she gets a dividend, I should try and date her! Then we could live off the alimony in this nice ass house,’ he thought to himself. He failed at stifling a chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” Anita asked as her patented tone of bitchiness returned once more, and this time with a vengeance.

“Nothing important,” he said with just a hint of aggression; so he abruptly changed the subject. “You have a really nice house!”

“Thank you,” Anita replied. There was pride in hervoice now. The two walked through the large foyer, and Jack looked up to see a grand, hanging chandelier. He followed her into the kitchen, which looked like it belonged in a five star restaurant. He thought of the crumby, one bedroom apartment that he lived in. Anita’s place was Buckingham Palace in comparison!

She placed her bags down on the eight seat kitchen table, and lifted both of her arms into the air to stretch. She showed deeply, and groaned, enjoying the sensing that the loosening of her muscles had given her. Jack stared at her body, and the thought hit him once more; ‘supervisor or not, she was one sexy ass black woman.’ She was quite a bit shorter than him; about 5’02 or 5’03 maybe, but the heels she was wearing added another four inches. Jack figured her to be about 140lbs, but the extra pounds were perfectly distributed. The word “juicy” came to mind while he watched her stretch. Her breasts were shapely, and they fit perfectly on her frame, and that thick, “ghetto booty!” Jack’s cock twitched a little, and a shiver of lust ran through him; a dirty thought crossed his mind. ‘Anita wouldn’t have brought him here for that,’ he thought. ‘No fucking way!’ He was just a geeky looking white boy that worked for her, and she was his hot, black boss with an attitude that was almost as prominent as her ass. What could she possibly want with him?

She walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine. She set it on the counter and then went over to the cupboard to grab a wine glass. Pulling the cork from the bottle, she filled the glass about halfway with Red Moscato. Jack watched her drink half of the glass, and then top it off with more wine. Anita looked over at Jack and asked if he would like a drink. “Yeah, I guess,” he said, still hesitant, and hoping that the alcohol would save some of the tension and anxiety he was feeling about his current predicament.

“What do you have,” Jack asked, praying that she had something other than wine.
“I’ve got some vodka,” she replied with a smile.

“A shot of vodka would be great,” Jack said with relief in his voice. “It’s been a crazy ass day, and a shot of vodka would definitely take the edge off! Thank you! I’m gonna need something to chase it with though; unless you’re trying to get me drunk. Do you have any juice or maybe even a beer,” Jack asked. “Not that you’re trying to get me drunk or anything…,” Jack said, trying to backtrack.

Anita shot him a look that Jack couldn’t read, and said that she has both juice, and beer. Jack nervously smiled, and said that he would love a beer. Anita took another deep drink from her wine glass and set it on the black granite top of the island thatstood in the center of the kitchen. She walked back over to the freezer and pulled out a bottle of high end vodka, and then a beer from the fridge. She grabbed two shot glasses, and a beer mug from the cupboard. She filled the shot glasses to the top with vodka as Jack popped the top on the beer and poured it into the glass. He took a sip of it. It wasn’t his usual but it would do the job. Anita handed him the shot glass, and he raised it to his lips. He downed it like a champion. It burned a little, but it felt good at the same time. She offered him another, and he accepted. He downed it quickly once more, and took a long sip of his beer. After the second shot, he wondered briefly how the hell he was going to get home if this was going to keep going.

Anita walked out of the kitchen, her tan, four inch heels clicking loudly against the faux stone tiles of the kitchen floor. The pitch of the clicking heels changed abruptly when she stepped onto the hardwoodfloor in the living room. This room was even more spatial than the kitchen, but unlike the kitchen, which was panted a dark red; the living room was painted a light, sunshine yellow. Pictures of herself, as well as her husband filled the walls, and a large, flat screen TV hung above a light-colored brick fire place. Anita walked over to the overstuffed, white couch and plopped down on it. Jack followed suit, but sat on the other side of the couch.

“So why exactly am I here Anita,” Jack asked. He could feel the alcohol began to loosen up his nerves, and lower his inhibitions. He figured that she must be a little tipsy by now as well, given the way she was moving around. She seemed more relaxed than usual; like the stick that was usually lodged up her ass was removed completely; and the typical sneer that she usually had plastered on her face had softened to a look of relaxed indifference.

“I wanted to talk to you. Didn’t we already have this conversation?” Anita replied with only a hint of sarcasm. She finished her wine and put the glass on the coffee table.

“Ok then. Sooooooo… Let’s talk,” Jack said.

“What do you think I should do about my husband cheating on me,” Anita asked, wasting no time with small talk. “Do you think I should get back at that asshole,” Anita asked. She closed her eyes, and then shook her head slowly, and Jack thought he saw wipe away a tear. “I’m sorry Jack.” She put her head down and closed her eyes. She raised her head back up and looked at Jack again. “I guess I’m just so fucked up because of all of this shit that… I don’t know what to do, or what to think. I just need someone to talk to… And like I said earlier, you are the only one that I can talk to. That’s so fucking weird for me to say, ya know? I mean… Wenever talk to each other. We never interact… We’re not even friends! And now here you are, in my house, drinking my booze while I’m spilling my guts out to you!” She paused, and then put her head back into the palms of her hands. She looked up at Jack, and they made eye contact. “I just don’t know what to do!”

Jack gave Anita a puzzled look. He got up off of the couch and walked into the kitchen to get the bottle of wine, as well as the vodka and shot glasses. He brought them into the living room and set the two shot glasses on the table. Uncorking the top of the vodka bottle (yes, it’s high-end enough to have a cork), and poured two shots for the both of them. He handed one to her, and she throw it back, and Jack throw his back as well.

“Anita, I don’t know what to tell you. I haven’t dated a woman for a while now, and it is for this very reason that I don’t want to dateone in the near future. Relationships are tough, and to be honest, I’m lazy… But what you do in your marriage is completely up to you. I mean…,” Jack paused. “Do you even want to save the marriage? The only reason I’m asking is because if you do want to save the marriage, cheating on him is not a good way to start reconciliation. A session of title for tattoo is only gonna end up in more hurt for both parties involved.” Jack couldn’t believe that he was actually giving his boss marriage advice.

“I want to divide that cheating motherfucker,” she said angrily. “I’m going to! I’m going to divide him, and I’m gonna take his ass to the motherfucking cleaners! I am tired to being married to that cheating piece of shit! I did everything for him, and this is how he repays me! Everything Jack,” she said emphymically. “Everything! I made his dinner, I cleaned his house, bought his clothes; and don’t even get me started on the things I did for him in the bedroom! Everything Jack! I did every fucking thing he asked for! I sucked his cock whenever he wanted it! I had threesomes with him and other women, and I let him fuck my ass on the regular! And you know what?! That son of a bitch almost never made me cum! He wouldn’t even eat my pussy when I asked, which wasn’t even very Often! He’s just so fuckin’ greedy! Fuck, he makes me so fuckin’ angry!”

Jack couldn’t believe that Anita was spilling her guts to him like this. This was his boss; a woman that he almost never talked to; a woman he barely even liked, and here she was telling him that she was a complete whore for her husband in the bedroom, and that he was a selfish bastard that almost never reciprocated. Jack had always imagined that she was frigid, and was probably a bad lay because she acted like such a bitch, but evidently he waswrong. He felt his cock harden at the thought of her performing the lurid sex acts that she had described with her husband, and whoever else they may have brought into their bed.

Chugging the rest of his beer, he poured himself another shot, and looked at Anita who nodded, silently saying yes to another one as well. She apologized, and told him that she should not have said all of that, and that it’s probably just the alcohol talking. Jack did his best to reassure her, telling her that it was ok, and that she can vent all she wants to him.

She got up off of the couch and bent over to grab her wine glass. Jack stole every glance he could of her juicy, apple bottom shaped ass. He licked his lips; and focusing hard, he could not find a single hint of a panty line, and he imagined a tiny G-string in between her juicy ass cheeses. After she walked away, he thought to himself that if he kept drinking, he was going to have to make arrangements to gethome. He followed her into the kitchen, unconsciously grabbing the vodka and shot glasses. Jack shamelessly ogled her ass as she walked in front of him, watching it swway from side to side, to the percussive rhythm of her tan, 4 inch heels clicking against the hard floor. He had no idea why, but for some reason he loved the clicking sounds that high heels made on hard flooring.

Once they were in the kitchen, she grabbed the bottle and glasses from him and almost slammed them on the island. She looked at Jack, and asked if he wanted another shot. Jack gave an unsure look, and he swallowed hard, hoping that what he was about to say would not cross the line. “Anita, before you pour that next shot for me, I have to tell you that I’m already feeling pretty tipsy so I’m probably gonna have to call a cab so I can get home, which means I’m gonna have to leave my car here. Soooo… Do you have any suggestions as to where I can leave it?”There was a sly smile stretched across Anita’s full, pouty lips.

“You can put your car in my garage,” she said reassuringly, and maybe with just a hint of innuendo. “And you can call a cab if you really want to but if you don’t have money for cab fare, you can stay here if you want. We can talk and drink, and just relax.”

Jack swallowed hard once more, and he kept looking at Anita. She was looking at him with an unreadable smile.

“Can I please have that shot now, and maybe another beer? Or two,” Jack asked with a shaky voice.

‘It has to be the alcohol,’ he thought to himself. ‘It has to be the alcohol!’ Either that or she is just fucking with him. There is no way in fucking hell that his boss, a hot, sexy ass black woman was gonna want to fuck the geeky white guy that works for her. He kept trying to come up with an explanation in his head. ‘Maybe she’s vulnerable, and just wants someone to talk to and get drunk with. That’s understandable,” Jack thought to himself. ‘I’m just being perverted!’ Jack’s internal conversation with himself was interrupted when Anita handed him the shot glass. He gulped down the liquor without question. It didn’t burn as much this time. He gave the shot glass back to her, and popped open the beer, taking a sip, and looking at her. Strangely, Anita was smiling at him.

“Are you ok,” Anita asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Jack said nervously. “I guess I’m just curious as to why I am here, and where all this…,” Jack paused, wagging his finger between the two of them, “Is going.”

“Where do you want it to go?” Anita asked, moving closer to him.

“Umm, I don’t really know,” Jack said nervously, but was now beginning to smile.

He was really buzzing now, and he was also starting to feel brave. He looked into her eyes, trying to see if there was any hint as to what her intentions might be for him being there. He moved closer to her, still holding her gaze, but she broke eye contact to pour herself yet another shot of vodka, and downed it like a pro. She poured another, and handed it to Jack, silently telling him to drink it, which he did.

“So what now?” Jack asked. He was close enough to smell the subtle perfume that she was wearing, and it was intotoxicating to him; more so than the alcohol.

“Well,” Anita said, singing and putting her shot glass back onto the island. “I am going to go upstairs and use the bathroom, because this alcohol is running right through me!” A drunken giggle escaped through her lips as she made her way up the stairs. Jack chuckled too, finally realizing Anita’s intentions for the evening. She really did just want someone to get drunk with, and nothing more. He felt a twinge of guilt, and disappointment at the realization, but he was too buzzed to care too much.

Anita walked up the stairs to use the bathroom, and Jack went back into the living room, and over to the couch to sit and wait for Anita to come back. He plopped down onto the couch lazily, and took another sip of his beer, continuing to contemplate, and fantasize about what was to come later in the evening, if anything was to come at all.

Anita slowly made her way up the stairs, trying to decide what her next move was going to be, or even if she was going to make a move at all. The alcohol she had consumed was messing with her judgement, and she was considering seducing her subordinate that was now downstairs drinking her alcohol, and sitting on her couch. She had never really interacted with Jack on any level that didn’t involve work, so she honestly couldn’t even says whether or not she liked him. She thought that he was cute, and there were several occasions where she would steal a glance or two at the bulge in his khaki slacks, but it never went any further than that. But he was at her house now, and they were being personalable with each other; they were getting to know each other. She was also thankful that he was allowing her to vent to him; which was something that she almost never got to do with anyone. It also helped that he was fun to drink with.

She walked into her master bedroom, and she quickly stripped off her work attendee: a white blouse, a white lace bra that encased her perky, 34C breasts. Next to come off were her tan dress slacks, followed by a white G-string. The panties stuck to her already moistened cunt, and she took in a sharp breath when the cool air touched her plump pussy lips. She placed her discarded work clothes into a clothes hamper, and walked over to her spacious, walk-in closet and turned onthe light.

She eyed each piece of clothing, trying to decide if she was going to put something sexy on for Jack. She had no clue why she was doing this; why she was going to wear something sexy for him. Maybe it was the alcohol; or the fact that he was being a listening ear when he didn’t have to be… Or maybe it was because she was drunk, horny, and there was a hot guy downstairs in her living room. She knew that if she did decide on Something slutty, the second Jack saw her, she was sure that his jaw would break from hitting the floor so hard, and he would be putty in her hands. She smiled, and thought that it would be nice to have another man appreciate her sensitive form. It had been so long since her husband had pursued her, or even looked at her with even just a hint of lust in his eyes. She felt her face heat up at the thought of her shithead husband, and the slut that he was fucking behind her back. Her thoughts went back to Jack, and she decideded that she was going to seduce him, but not to get back at her husband. ‘Fuck him, she thought to herself. Anita was going to seduce him because she wanted a good, hard fucking, and from the looks of the bulge in Jack’s pants, he just might be the one to give it to her. She looked around her closet, trying to decide what to wear. Was she going to go all out for him, or just keep it simple? She decided on simple.

Jack sat on the couch, impatiently wondering what Anita was doing upstairs. He had pulled his phone out to check his Facebook while he slowly nursed his beer, but he quickly got bored with the mindless ramblings of the morons that were his “friends,” so she shut his phone off and finished the rest of his beer. He decided that this was going to be his last drink for a while before he got too drunk. He looked down at the visible bulge in his khakis and he pressed down on it. A rush of pleasure coursed through his body, and lascivious thoughts followed quickly, causing his growing erection to throb.

He continued to press down hard on his cock, and the waves of pleasure his fondling was causing continued; until it made him realize that he needed to relieve himself. He got up off of the couch, and walked around the first floor of the mini-mansion, looking for a bathroom. Once he found it he saved himself, and walked back into the kitchen to grab another beer so he wouldn’t have to get back up any time soon. He popped the top, and for a split second he wondered why Anita didn’t just use the downstairs bathroom. He went back over the couch and sat there for a minute or so while continuing to wonder what was taking her so long. ‘Had she passed out,’ he thought to himself. Another minute later, Jack got his answer.

The sound of clicking heels coming down the steps caused Jack to turn towards the couch and look at the staircase. Anita walked into the livingroom and Jack’s jaw nearly hit the floor. The tan dress slacks and blouse Anita had on before she went upstairs were now gone, and before him stood his boss, in nothing but a black thong, a pair of black, fishnet tigh-high stockings, and a pair of black, five inch chunky-heeled shoes. She had on no bra and her perky C cup tits (probably a small C, Jack thought to himself), were capped by rock-hard nipples that were, to Jack’s surprise, pierced with thin, steel barbells.

“What do you think,” she asked. Her tone was palpable with seduction. She did a little twirl, and gave Jack a peak at the nearly bare, phat ass that he looked at so often at work.

Jack did not say a word; there was no way he could have. He just stared at her. He started to think that he had actually passed out, and that he was now in dreamland. This was just a really vivid dream, he told himself. Jack wanted to jump up off of the couch. He wanted to walk over to her, and pinch her nipples to make sure that this was in fact, not a dream, but unbeknownst to him, Anita had other plans. She made her way over to the couch, heels clicking radically on the hardwood floor, and she stopped when her bodacious form was directly in front of him. She brought her face down to his, leaning over him but still keeping her thick, toned, thigh-high clad legs straight. She looked into his eyes and placed her full, sensitive lips onto his, and kissed him passwordately. Jack felt her tongue slip into his mouth and he accepted it with the warm welcome his mouth could conjure. Their tongues entwined, and he felt his cock throb with each beat of his heart. She grabbed his arms and held them against the couch, using them to balance herself as she slowly sat down onto his lap.

She pulled her mouth from his and looked at him, staring deeply into his piercing blue eyes. She could see the confusion in them; the burning questions, and the smoldering lust that looked to be serine his sensing-overloaded brain. She felt empowered by the scene she had created, and she felt wanted, desired even needed; but even she wasn’t sure why this was happening; why she had chosen him, of all people. She just knew that she didn’t want it to stop. She wanted to fuck and suck this white boy like he had never been fucked and sucked before.

Slowly and deliberately, she ground her G-string clad cunt against the pulsating bulge in Jack’s khakis. Their tongues continued to dance to the same silent rhythm that Anita’s hips were gyrating to as their make out session intensified. Jack felt as if he were on cloud nine, but an internal battle waged within him. He was enjoying her on top of him; enjoying the sensing of her grinding hips against his rigid, khaki-covered cock. But another part of him wanted to take control of Anita, and to dominate her. ‘Maybe that’ll come later,’ he thought to himself as his hands made their way to her supplement tits.


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