I would like to thank The Englishman for the subject matter that helps hold this erotic theater experience together. And now for our story . . .
Students are trying out for parts in a middle school version of A Midsummer Nights Dream. What they don’t know is that the director has already narrowed it down to one young actress to play the role of Titania and he insists on personally educating her how to act out the role. Sounds kinda highbrow at first, but give it a chance and watch what he does with/to the girl to make sure she gets into the role. Grab something to drink or smoke and sit back and enjoy Maddie’s journey.
Act 1- Innocence Slowly Lost
Dr. Johnson had dismissed the other candidates but allowed Maddie and Michael to stay. Michael was only there to add to the legitimacy of Maddie staying by herself. He had just asked Michael to kiss Maddie, pretending that he was Oberon, one of the characters in the play.
“You call that a kiss, boy?” sneered Dr. Johnson. “You looked as if you didn’t want to kiss her at all. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be kissing a boy?”
“No sir,” said Michael with unaccustomed boldness. “I like Maddie and I was happy to kiss her.”
“You’re not supposed to be happy about it – this isn’t a sex education class. But you are supposed to at least appear happy, to look as if you want to do it. I wasn’t convinced at all – a pretty feeble kiss if you ask me.” The sly teacher turned to Maddie and said, “How did you feel about that kiss, pretty girl? Did it feel as if he means it?”
“I thought we were just acting, sir. I didn’t stop to think about whether Michael meant it or not,” said Maddie, unsure as to what answer the manwanted. She suspected that whatever she said would be turned against Michael and that seemed unfair but there was also a petty irrational desire to please the teacher too.
“No such thing as just acting!” snapped the teacher. “Acting springs from the heart and the soul, not the words in some damned script. I’m sure a pretty girl like you has been kissed before, so how did this boy’s puzzle effort compare with other boys who’ve kissed you?”
“I haven’t been kissed before, sir. That was my first kiss.”
“Then I’m sorry for you that your first kiss was such a dismal one. I can only hope that the next man who kisses you make a better job of it.”
“I think you mean boy, sir – the next boy who kisses me,” Maddie corrected the teacher nervously, aware that his meaty fingers were caressing her upperarm.
“Who knows?” answered the teacher dismissively. “Anyway that’s enough for now. You’ve both done enough to earn the chance of an audition but only just.”
“This year the school drama production, which I am producing and directing, will be ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. This is the synchronization and a scene from that play,” said the teacher with an unpleasant smile. “It’s a complicated plot about confused identities, treachery, betrayal and love – lots of love – and just to make the plot even more confusing, there is a play within the main play. Michael will play Bottom who is a character in the main play but also has a part in the mini-play inside that.”
“Is my character in the main play?”
“Absolutely! You are playing Titania, the beautiful queen of the fairies and the wife of Oberon, the fairy king – it’s all there in the script I just gaveyou. Now I want you both to go into the corner and read quietly to each other – get to know the sense of the scene and then we’ll see how well you understand your characters and how good you are at bringing them to life. Is that clear, Maddie?” She shrugged off his insolence and coupled with Michael to review their lines.
Her part was Titania, the queen of the fairies which pleased and flattered her immensely. According to the script, Oberon, the king of the fairies sends his prankster service, Puck, to acquire a magical flower, the juice of which can be spread over a sleeping person’s eyes to make that person fall madly in love with the first thing he or she sees upon waking. Puck obtains the flower, and Oberon tells him of his plan to spread its juice on the sleeping Titania’s eyeselids.
The scene opened just after Titania had woken after having the charmed potion applied to her closed eyes. Apparently Michael was to play the part ofBottom, whose head had been magically transformed by Puck to that of a donkey. It was equally apparent that Michael had no lines so it made no difference whether he could read them or not. She realized it made sense now that there were no lines for Michael’s character. Obviously with the head of a donkey, he would be unable to speak anyway.
“Well, let’s get started . . what are waiting for?” said Dr. Johnson rather abruptly. “We’re wasting time here. Put the blanket on the ground and lie down on it as if you’re sleeping. Then I want you to wake up and stretch. Look around you as if you’re still half sleeping and not sure where you are.” Maddie reluctantly arranged the blanket as instructed and lay herself down.
“Okay, good,” said Dr. Johnson in a kind softer voice. “Now wake up slowly – lots of stretching.” Maddie began to understand that her teacher’s voice was soft and gentle when things were going right and she determined to obey his instructions as far as she could. For some reason she wanted his approval, she wanted to please the man. She opened her eyes and stretched her arms out, yawning widely.
“Good, very good,” encouraged Dr. Johnson. “More stretching now, straighten your legs and arch your back, put some real effort into stretching – convince me you’ve just hurt up.” That sounded easy enough and the young girl did as he directed her, unaware that the arching of her back was causing her little breasts to strain against the fabric of her thin blouse and her stretched legs afforded a view almost all the way up to her panties. Maddie might have been unaware of her display but the camera he had turned on next to him on a tripod didn’t miss a moment of it and its powerful zoom lens made the most of the opportunity.
“Bravo!” encouraged the teacher with warm enthusiasm. “Very well done! Now, you’re awake but you don’t realize that Puck has spread the love potion on your eyes while you were sleeping, remember?” Maddie nodded eagerly, unaccountably happy to have earned prayer from the teacher. She began to think for the first time that she might be able to actually do this.
“Good, so the effect of the potion is to make you fall madly in love with the FIRST creation you see when you wake up. Remember this is a comedy but you have to play it straight. Only the audience sees the joke that the beautiful ethereal fairy queen will think she’s madly in love with an idiot who has the head of a donkey.”
“Okay, now Maddie, I want you to really show me some real acting. You’ve just woken up and the first thing you see is Bottom. The potion makes you think he is the most beautiful creativity you have ever laid your eyes on and you instantly fall madly in love with him. You have to show the audience how much you love him. Touch his face tenderly and stroke his beautiful ears.” Maddie reached up and followed the teacher’s instructions.
She gently touched Michael’s ears and prepared to look at him with absolute love in her eyes. He also moved his hands up and caressed her shoulders and then boldly moved his palm over her breast. Suddenly she became uncomfortable aware of the tingle it caused in her tiny sensitive orbs. She soon realized that her developing breasts were ultra-susceptible to touch and they didn’t seem to care who or what stimulated them.
“You need to relax more, my dear, with a boy’s normal affections,” said her teacher, his voice a little gentler and kinder now. Secretly the teacher knew he would be playing what he just saw over and over again in his office with his pants unzipped, and longed to be the next one to fondle her hopefully naked cones.
“Michael, I have seI will be having more tryouts later this week and I want you to be a part of them. For now, I want to work with Maddie alone and see if she is really ready for this part,” he said. Michael was surprised by his abrupt remarks and gathered his backpack, said goodbye to Maddie and left the auditorium.
Act II- Enjoying Her First Joint
“Your parents DID sign the permission slip allowing you to be here until 6:00,” inquired Dr. Johnson, looking at his watch.
“Yes,” said Maddie. She watched Dr. Johnson march up the aisle and lock the doors to the auditorium.
“You need more work Maddie, and I am going to demonstrate what must take place if you want this part . . . do you understand?”
“Yes sir,” she said.
“I just watched you act surprised when Michael touched yourchest. First of all, if you truly love a boy or man, you wouldn’t object or make a fuss if he accidentally touched your breasts would you?”
“I-I don’t know,” mumbled Maddie. “I suppose not,” she admitted, embarrassed and uncomfortable aware of Dr. Johnson’s eyes almost caresing her tingling breasts with his eyes.
“Of course you wouldn’t make a fuss I mean who could blow a boy for wanting to touch such beautiful breasts – they might be very small but they’re just as pretty as the rest of you.”
Maddie blushed and squirmed in her seat, uncomfortable at having her teacher talk so personally about her budding breasts, especially as he was not bothering to hide the fact that his gaze was now more avidly fixed on them than before. What made it worse was despite her embarrassment, her breasts were tingling in a way that appeared to suggest they liked being talked about.
“If you get the part, it does not matter who plays Bottom. You have to act as if you love him,” shrugged the teacher. “It seems to me that Michael was more into his role than you were in yours. Perhaps you need some of that love potion that Puck put on Titania’s eyes…”
“But that isn’t real – it’s just a made up story” protected Maddie. “There’s no such thing as a love potion in real life.”
“I see,” murmured the teacher, nodding as if he understands perfectly. “You have to understand that none of this is real. It’s just a story and it isn’t just the potion that is make believe. Our job as performers is to make it real, to bring it all to life for the audience and make them believe that even the potion is real.”
“I wish the potion was real,” muttered Maddie realizing she might be losing this part unless she could start acting more genuine on stage.
“So, if there WAS such a potion, you’d be happy to use it if it helped you to act your part on stage?”
“I suppose so,” confessed Maddle. “I really want to be Titania but I’m only in middle school and it’s kinda difficult sometimes trying to act like someone older.”
Well I’m pleased to hear you say you want the part because the moment I saw you, I knew you would make the perfect Titania. So pretty and delicate and so tiny, exactly like a real fairy queen – you’re perfect for the part.”
“D-do you really think so,” asked Maddie, feeling flattered despite her reservations about the teacher.
“I may be able to help with your problem,” he said softly. “I haven’t got any love potion but I do have something that will help you to relax and it may even make Bottom look a little more attractive toyou.”
“That sounds a bit like a magic potion,” said Maddie with a disappoint smile.
“It kind of is but there’s no magic about it.” Without any hesitation, he lit the joint he had in his pocket and took a long puff on it to make sure it was burning well. Then he offered the joint to the trembling and surprised young girl. She shook her head urgently.
“I don’t smoke, sir.”
“Of course you don’t smoke. What kind of teacher would I be if I offered tobacco to a student anyway? This isn’t tobacco – it’s just a herb that lots of actors use to calm their nerves before a big performance.”
“I’ve never heard about anything like that,” murmured the youngster nervously.
“Of course not, you’re not an actor yet are you? This is a carefully guarded secret in the acting profession.”
“Of course really. You have to trust your director, Maddie and besides I’m a teacher – would I lie to you?
“I suppose not,” she muttered, still unsure about taking the offer joint from his hand.
“Just try a puff or two and if it doesn’t settle your nerves enough to be able to play the part of Titania, I will just have to select someone else for the part,” he admitted. Maddie could see the fairness in what he was saying. Not thinking of any other consequences, the nervous youngster took the smoldering joint from him and stared at it hesitantly before raising it to her pretty lips. She took her first tentative draw on the joint. The smoke burned her throat and she cought painfully as the drug made its way into her lungs.
“Not so fast. You’ve never done this before,” said Dr. Johnson in a gentle voice. “Just take a tiny little puff until you’re used toit.” The naïve youngster tried it again, sucking a small amount of the smoke into her lungs and holding it there for a moment as her teacher instructed her. This time it went down a lot more smoothly and she began to feel the first soothing effects of the drug. She was pulling in her third drag of smoke into her lungs when Dr. Johnson said:
“I still want to see you dance,” said her teacher with a smug smile.
“You want me to dance? Now?”
“Of course. The fairies dance a lot in this play and the queen always leads the dancing.”
Maddie stood unsteadily and her teacher reached out a hand to steady her. His large hairy hand remained, holding her upper arm even after she had replaced her balance.
“Are you sure you can dance?” he asked.
“I’m a bit wobbly,” confessed the youngster. “I’m sorry.”
“That’s OKay; we can leave the dancing for another time – perhaps when we have your costume ready.”
“A costume? I get a costume too?” asked the excited girl, unconsciously taking another puff on the joint.
“Of course you do – we’ll have to get it made to your size of course and that might take a day or two.”
“Made just for me? I feel like a star already,” gushed the youngster, feeling slightly dazed from the effect of the weed.
“You are a star. That’s why I want you so much for the role – you’re just so perfect for it.”
The drug and the cunning teacher’s hypnotic voice flattering and feeding her self-esteem were having the effect of exciting the naïve little girl as well as mellowing her fears about the role. She was trying so hard to treat this seriously but for reasons she didn’t understand, nothing seemed to be very serious or important atthe moment. She was suddenly confident that whatever difficulties there might be, she would be able to make it work. She was certain that there was nothing she couldn’t do to make things right.
“The only problem I am having is your shyness and inability to relax enough to love a man with a donkey’s head,” said Dr. Johnson shaking his head sadly. Dr. Johnson put a comfortable arm round the young girl’s shoulder and pulled her gently towards him. She relaxed and allowed him to hold her close, not minding or even really noticing that his fingers were stroking her arm again. If anything, the gentle cares was soothing but she was still worried that she could lose her big opportunity and more importantly, she was desperate not to disappoint her teacher.
“What can I do?” she moaned. “I don’t want to spoil your beautiful play and I really do want to be Titania.”
“Well, if you want it that badly, perhaps I can help if you’ll let me. It’s up to you of course and you must never tell anyone I helped you because that would be unfair and against all the rules.” Maddie couldn’t understand why it would be against the rules for her teacher to help and teach her something – wasn’t that his job? But she decided to play it off.
“I see,” said Maddie as without thinking about it, she took another puff on the joint.
“So you know what’s right and what’s wrong, don’t you?” he prompted her.
“I think so,” the twelve year old said softly, not at all sure about anything at all anymore with the effects of the marijuana course through her veins.
“The secret is to become Titania. Forget about Maddie – forget everything except the life you have as Titania. You must feel her feelings, including her love for Bottom.”
“I’m sure I can do that now,” said Maddie excitedly. “I can be Titania…”
“And kissing Bottom, an ugly stupid man with the head of a donkey? Are you sure you can do that?”
“Titania can do it and I’m Titania,” answered the young girl, knowing, from the encouraging smile on her teacher’s face that she had finally said the right thing.
“Very good!” tried her teacher. “Now we can get on and see if you really can be Titania.”
“But how can we do that?” asked the gullible child. “Michael has gone home for the day.”
“But I’m still here. If you really want to play the part of Titania, you need to show me that you can become Titania.”
“I can, Ireally can,” said Maddie, certain now that she could do it and anxious to convince her teacher.
“Well, if you’re really sure, I’ll let you practice with me.”
“But you’re my teacher – I’m sure you aren’t supposed to kiss me.”
Dr. Johnson shrugged. “It’s ACTING not real kissing – you have to stop focusing so much on one little part of the action. You’re right though – I’m not supposed to kiss any student even if it is only acting and it would be even worse if anyone knew I kissed a twelve year old student. I want you to play the part of Titania so much I’m willing to take the risk to help you out but you can never tell anyone I helped you.”
“But you’re much older than me,” she said.
“It’s acting, remember? I mean it’s not as if either of us will enjoy it, now is it?"
“I suppose not,” whispered the youngster as she drew heavily on the last of the joint and dropped the butt on the floor. “But if we don’t enjoy it, how can it seem real?”
“Well done!” tried the crafty teacher. “You’ve just summed up the whole point of method acting. We won’t enjoy kissing each other and, as you rightly pointed out, we shouldn’t even be doing it – but it won’t be us kissing, it’ll be Bottom and Titania. Do you see that now?”
“I think so,” said Maddie nervously.
ACT III- Camera in Place: Action!
“Okay, let me reposition the camera and we’ll practice down here on the couch instead of that hard dirty floor onstage – sound OK to you?” The confused youngster nodded but she wasn’t at all sure what she had agreed to. She soon found out when Dr. Johnson returned from positioning the camera and sat back down next to her. He put his arm back around the drug puzzled child and turned her to face him.
“Right, this is what I want you to do. Forget about the kissing and everything else that’s worrying you. We aren’t going to kiss until I’m sure you’re ready, okay?”
Maddie nodded; silently relieved that kissing her teacher had been posted, even if only for a while. A small voice in head was insisting that kissing a teacher would not be such a bad thing – especially a teacher whose eyes and voice made her shiver in places that they probably shouldn’t.
“I want you to focus everything you’ve got on what the scene is really all about,” said the teacher smoothly. “It isn’t about kissing or anything like that. It’s all abouthow the love potion makes Titania fall in love with the most unlikely person in the whole world. I want you to think about how much you love me…”
“B-but I don’t love you!” protected Maddie and then added in a puzzled tone, “Do I?”
“No, not you – but you are Titania now and Titania loves me with all her heart. The potion makes Titania fall in love with the first person she sees and that just happens to be Bottom, who just happens to be played by me at the moment – it could just as easily be Michael or anyone else. I want you to really become Titania while you’re playing the part. Do you understand?” Maddie nodded but she was finding it difficult to concentrate on anything with the effects of the drug course through her veins and Dr. Johnson’s hypnotic eyes gazing at her as if he knew all her secret feelings.
“So just think hard about how much you would love me if you were Titania and you had that love potion in your eyes – you need to be Titania and imagine how she must be feeling. Feel what Titania feels and say what Titania would say to the love of her life. It might help if you say it at first without doing anything.”
“Say what?” asked Maddie nervously.
“Say the words. Let Titania speak her feelings through you. Imagine you’re Titania, the most beautiful and password of all the fairies. Imagine how she feels when she sets eyes on the love of her life. Forget the play and the script – let Titania speak through you and tell me how she feels. Release the password in her heart and loins for the man she desires more than anything in the world. Allow Titania to say how much she loves me.”
The dazed youngster tried hard to focus on being Titania. She imagined the splendid costume that would be made to her measurements and how it would look on her when she stepped out onto the stage. She would be the queen of the fairies and everyone would be looking at her but they would all see Titania because that is who she would be. That made it all okay surely – it wouldn’t be her saying the words and feeling the emotions but Titania. It would be Titania who was madly in love with Bottom and kissing him, not Maddie.
The effects of the marijuana and the hypnotic tone of Dr. Johnson’s voice reinforced the mood, persuading the impressionable young girl to lose herself in the role of Titania, the play was gradually forgotten and the words in her script mean nothing compared to the love that Titania felt for this strong handsome man and without thinking about it, the words and feelings just tumbled from her mouth.
“I love you, my handsome prince,” she gushed as the role took over her fuddled mind and she became Titania, the queen of the fairies.
“Fair queen,” replied Dr. Johnson. His faceso close to the young girl’s that she could feel his warm breath on her cheek, his hypnotic voice in her ear. “How can you be so cruel to mock me thus? I am no prince. I am but a common man, a plain and ugly man, never deserving of the love of one as fair and beautiful as you.”
“But I tell you it is true, my dear sweet handsome man – I love you with all my heart and wish with all my heart you would not doubt me.”
“I cannot help but doubt your sweet and charming words because they are but words and words can deceive so easily and hurt so cruelly.”
“Think you so little of me that I would try to deceive my love so carefully. Must I show the proof of my love for you?”
“What proof can you show to one such as me? More cruel mockery from those sweet lips, perhaps?”
“My lips do not mock you sweet sir. If you will not trust my words of love then allow my lips to prove my love for you without words. Just one kiss from these lips will prove my love for you.” Something in the young girl’s mind realized dimly that she had crossed an invisible barrier by moving from words of love and translating those words into an offer of physical reality but she paid no attention to the vague warning in her head. Over-riding every thought in her brain was the password that Titania felt from this man and her desperate need to show her love was true.
Titania had to prove her love and she had to kiss this man, this object of her desire and of her unbridled lust. She realized that she wanted to kiss him, needed to kiss him… Her soft lips pressed childishly to Dr. Johnson’s in a timing, chate kiss. It was an innocent enough kiss, if a teen child kissing her middle aged teacher on the mouth could be described as innocent, but it was still sufficient to make her heart beat harder and faster.
Dr. Johnson took the opportunitynature to press his lips more firmly to the naïve youngster’s, his large hairy hands sliding along the smooth delicate skin of the child’s slender arms, stroking and caresing the almost baby soft surface of her shoulders.
“You say you love me, fair queen and your kiss is certainly sweet and charming but not convincing. It is the kiss of a child, and not that of a queen whose heart you claim is filled with password. Open your lips to me as a love should and show me your words of love are true.” Maddie did not hesitate. Suddenly the most important thing in her life was to prove Titania’s love for the man who was holding her so closely. Her soft lips parted and Dr. Johnson’s tongue flickered between them with the speed of a rattle snake.
For a brief moment the young girl felt a flutter of a thought that she ought not to be doing this but the thought was lost as she reminded herself that it was not Maddie but Titania who was allowing the much older man to kiss her this way. It was Titania who yearned to feel her lover’s lips on hers – Titania’s tiny breast that the man’s hand was suddenly caresing lightly – Titania whose nipples were reacting to that subtle touch by stiffening and tingling. It was Titania who was responding by pushing her sensitive budding breast hard into Dr. Johnson’s cupped hand – a hand which responded by holding and squeezing her Delicate mounds.
Dr. Johnson could scarcely believe his luck. He had spent the previous night fantasizing and masturbating to his mental images of this most perfectly formed girl. He had never in his wildest dreams imagined he would be in the position of having his tongue probing the warm inside of her sweet innocent mouth or his big meaty paw holding and squeezing her tiny breasts.
So beautiful, so perfect – he wanted to love her and for her to love him in return even though he knew beyond doubt that anything hedid with the girl would corrupt and destroy the very innocent which made her so irresistible. He wanted her innocent and her sweet, young body. He wanted her complete submission when the time came to fuck her.
Desperation and lust for the child overcame his natural caution as he took her delicate hand in his. There were no objects or signs of resistance from the young girl as he guided her hand to rest on the outline of his swollen cock beneath his trousers. For a brief moment he felt the child’s tiny body tense and stiffen against him. Then her soft lips pressed a little more urgently against his adult mouth and her tiny hand moved with tenative curiosity, investigating the length and thickness of his urgent erection.
His erection was throbbing painfully inside his trousers and he wondered how the spell-bound child would react if he opened his fly and exposed his engaged cock to her. Would she snap out of her trance and scream bloodymurder or would she, as he had fantasized, take hold of his throbbing shake and jerk him off to a massive orgasm?
“Titania, my love,” he breathed into the child’s innocent mouth, building and maintaining the illusion of their characters in the play. “You are truly the queen of the fairies and of my heart.” He felt the small delicate hand tighten and grip his throbbing penis as the girl’s lips tightened on his thick tongue, sucking it deeper into her mouth. The sensing was electric and he tried to imagine how much more explosive it would feel if it was his swollen cock inside her mouth instead of his tongue. The delicacy and sweet softness of her interior was something he could never have imagined and was something he could scarcely believe he was experiencing.
The naïve girl whimpered softly as Dr. Johnson’s hand tightened its hold on her small firm breast and her hand squeezed harder on his erection, threateningto make him come before he had the chance to open his zipper and expose his naked flesh to the touch of the youngster’s delicate fingers.
Act IV- The Dream Leads to the Climax
Suddenly a strange ethereal dream crept upon her, enveloping her in a soft, hazy mist of unreality. She was standing in the cloud of mist, trying to make sense of it. There was someone else there with her but she couldn’t see who it was. Then the fog began to thin and she saw a familiar face, with a confident masculline smile – it was him, Dr. Johnson. Maddie trembled and stirred inside her dream. The smoke from the second rolled joint he was puffing curled and clouded, forming the mist which enveloped the scene.
Slowly the dream unfolded and she began to understand why the teacher was smiling. She was standing in front of him and he was looking at her. She was holding a T-shirt in her hand, the bigpurple one she’d purchased recently at the store to sleep in. She had no idea why she was no longer wearing it, but she felt vulnerable, being with him again, dressed in only her bedtime panties with her small naked breasts open to his gaze.
The fog thinned a little more and the dream changed with a jump cut. The man was sitting in a big armchair in front of her, watching her carefully, studying her as he drew heavily on the joint. She struggled to escape from the strange dream. The fog thickened slightly for a moment, but then it lifted again. She didn’t recall having moved but she was standing in front of him. His hands were reaching for her. She whimpered helpedlessly as she felt his fingers touch her waist and then her hips, finding the waistband of her panties.
She knew he was going to remove her panties. She wanted desperately to stop it from happening, but her arms and her hands wouldn’t move. She could only watch helplessly as he slowly peeled her little panties over the taut rounded globes of her pert bottom and hips, sliding them down her thighs. She was completely defendless, locked in her dream with an adult man, her teacher – and he had stripped her naked. The fog swirled enveloping her but then once again it cleared.
“Don’t worry . . . We won’t be interrupted,” whispered Dr. Johnson as he kissed and nibbled at her sensitive ear lobe. “I won’t ever force you to do anything, my queen you don’t want to,” he assured her. “But I want you to be sure that you want to do this.” She didn’t look at all sure but she nodded her head hesitantly. Looking downwards, she said:
“It’s my fault that it’s all stiff,” she said nervously looking at the bulge in his pants. “Just don’t get cross if I do it wrong,” she said.
“I won’t be cross, whatever you do my love, I promise I will tRuly enjoy.”
“Okay,” she nodded, “but you’ll have to tell me what to do?”
“Well, we have to get it out first, don’t we?”
“Okay, umm… you want me to do that?” she asked hesitantly, clearly hoping that he would decline the offer. He suddenly realized that Maddie’s mind hadn’t really contemplated the reality of her impulsive offer. Her child’s mind simply didn’t have the experience to think ahead or imagine what was actually involved in his next wicked fantasy.
“It’d be nicer if you do,” he said softly, “but I’ll do it if you prefer.”
“It’s okay, I can manage,” she said bravely as she turned her body and wriggled down from the couch so that she was kneeling eagerly awaiting to see the swell in Dr. Johnson’s pants. He felt her little fingers fumbling with his belt and he almost came on the spotas his eager cock pulsed with renewed anticipation. She was suddenly all business as she struggled patiently with the belt buckle for a few moments and then he heard a small satisfied exclamation of accomplishment as she finally managed to release the buckle. There was a moment’s hesitation and then she popped open the button at his waist. He didn’t know whether she was acting as herself in the real world or still trying her best to play the part of Titania.
She was breathing heavily now, her little hands trembling, her tiny fingers hovering inevitably over the tab of his zipper. She looked briefly up at him, panic and uncertainty displayed vividly in her wide eyes.
“You want me to do it for you my love?” he said trying to remain in his role and also trying to help her surmount her fear. Maddie shook her head.
“Okay, just take your time,” he said gently. “Just pull the tab and unzip me.”
“I can’t,” she replied nervously.
“Yes you can,” he insisted. “I know that you must be nervous but you can do it, especially if you want to play this role in MY play.” He watched as the young girl pursued her lips tightly and narrowed her eyes in concentration, trying to find the courage to take the last step and display his shake. She took a deep breath, filling her tiny lungs and made a decision. She reached tenatively to find the tab of his zipper and gripped it between her fingers and thumb. He watched as, (with her tongue held firmly between her lips) she slowly tugged it downwards, gradually easing his zipper open. She paused with his zipper only halfway open . . . her little hand now shaking badly and her breath coming in short shallow gasps.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he whispered encouragemently. “Just a little more now. Pull it ALL the way down.” She clamped her lower lip between her teeth, turning her lip white from where she was biting so hard on it and, with a sudden burst of courage; she jerked his zipper all the way down.
The back of her fingers grazed his pulse erection, through the material of his underpants, as her little hand jerked his zipper down and he wasn’t able to stifle the groan of mixed pleasure and frustration. She pulled her hands back and looked at her teacher fearfully.
“Did I hurt you?”
“No, my darling Titania, you didn’t hurt me,” he groaned. “It just felt really good when your fingers touched my COCK.” She stretched out her hand and stared at her little fingers, puzzled. She hadn’t even been aware that she’d brushed against his shake. She tenatively reached down and lightly touched the swelling beneath his underpants. His cock jerked obviously and he groaned loudly.
“Oh Wow!” she breathed softly. “If it does that when I just touch it . . . what’s gonna happen when I wank you?” she said not knowing where she had learned that language or why she was even saying it.
“I’ll probably moan and groan a lot and eventually I’ll cum.”
“Come? Come where?”
“Haven’t you ever finished off a boy or man before? We usually dribble a little bit first, but then we launch our huge loads. When I finish or cum . . . my thing, my COCK will do the same except it won’t be dribbling that’s for sure.” He heard her draw a sudden quick breath and she repeated, “Cock? Is that what you call it?” He nodded.
“Cock,” she repeated, tasting the word, savoring it on her tongue. “Why won’t it dribble?” she asked.
“Because a certain very sexy and beautiful girl has made it so excited and hard that it’ll probably spurtall over the place,” he explained. He realized he should probably have phrased that a little better or maybe not even told her at all, because her little face screwed up in an expression of disgust and she muttered, “Eww, that’s gross”, she said but then reassuring herself she said, “But I am sure Titania wouldn’t be surprised by it. What do I do now?” she whispered.
“Pull my underpants down over my COCK to let it out,” he gasped.
“Oh my God,” she breathed softly, “I don’t know if I can.”
“If you want the part in the play, you will not delay any longer!” he warned. “Just do it!” She jumped, started by the tone of his voice. He thought for a moment that she would rebel and refuse to do it but she was still high from smoking the joint and conditioned to doing as she was told especially when that adult was stern and ordered her to do something ina voice that didn’t sound as if it could be argued with.
Something deep inside her went onto automatic as her little hands reached for the elasticated waist of his underpants. He gasped as her little fingers curled under the waistband and gripped it tightly. She ignored his reaction and tugged the stretchy fabric over his swollen cock to release his now impatient erection.
She recoiled, started, as his engaged shoft escaped its confinement and flipped out, pointing its swollen head and full length straight at her. He thought, for a moment, that she was going to fail as she frozen and her eyes closed protectedly. He didn’t think that he was especially “well endowed” in the genital department but nothing that the girl had ever seen before had prepared her for this.
He reached down and stroked her hair gently, trying to calm her.
“Stay in your role, sweetheart”, he whispered soothingly. "”Open your eyes and have a look at it. I know it’s a bit scary but it can’t hurt you. In fact it likes you and that is why it is so HARD.” He felt her tiny body tremble as she swallowed nervously, taking deep breaths, trying to summon her courage and calm herself. She opened her eyes slowly to see his engorged cock bobbing gently in front of her face.
He didn’t want to allow her time to panic or retreat. She whimpered submissively as he took her limp wrist and holding it firmly guided her trembling hand to his throbbing cock. He suppressed the moan of pleasure that threatened to spill from his lips as her cool fingers brushed the surface of his naked shake flesh for the first time. Unresistant, she allowed him to curl her fingers around his penis, wrapping as much of his thickness in her tiny hand as it could hold. He held her hand in place around his cock and began to move it slowly up and down.
“There,” he breathed softly, “it isn’t so bad, is it my Titania?” She looked up at him with a nervous smile and shook her head.
“Feels funny,” she said in soft voice, lowering her gaze to where her hand was holding his cock.
“What feels funny?” he asked gently. “My cock feels funny or you do?”
“Both,” she giggled nervously, her gaze never shifting from where her little hand was wrapped around his shake, slowly jerking him off. “It feels hard inside but soft and hot on the outside – and it makes me feel funny inside.”
“It’s OK,” I said soothingly, “you’re still a bit nervous, that’s only natural.”
“No, not that kind of funny – a sort of tingly feeling in my tummy, ‘cept it isn’t in my tummy.”
“Lower down than that?” he suggested gently. She bit her lower lip and nodded.
“You mean that it makes your little pussy feel all tingly?” She gasped and blushed. She obviously knew the word but she’d never heard an adult use it so boldly and directly, and certainly never in reference to her own young vagina. Her wide eyed gaze never left his cock for a moment. It was as if she was still completely overwhelmed by the appearance of the first adult cock she had ever seen. He continue to grip her little hand, slowly pulling it up and down, sliding the skin up his swollen shake and then pushing slowly back down again.
“Think you can do that without me?” he whispered gently.
“It’d look a bit silly if I was doing it without you,” she giggled, a little of the old Maddie (before smoking the joint) bubbled back to the surface as her confidence slowly returned. He was astonished at her resilience, at the way she had managed to adjust to what was happening.Her little hand which, until now, had held nothing more frightening than an ice-cream cone was wrapped around the hard pulsing flesh of a grown man’s cock and she was eagerly masturbating him. He lifted his fingers from hers releasing her hand. She continued to pump him slowly and surely, without any hesitation.
“That’s it,” Dr. Johnson encouraged her, “Just . . like . . . that.” She smiled and her little tongue came out to wet her lips as her hand moved steadily up and down his shake. He could hardly believe this was happening. He had a young girl on her knees in an empty auditorium and she had her little hand wrapped firmly around his erect cock pumping him and she was giving every appearance of enjoying What she was doing. Her mouth was open now, her moist lips slack and her eyes half closed as her breath came in deep gasps. It was obvious that she wasn’t just enjoying it – she was actually getting aroused by the sight and feel of the first hard cock that she had ever held in her hand.
“Still tingling?” he asked softly as he moved his hand down from her shoulder and gently covering her teen breast. She nodded, “It’s getting stronger,” she gasped softly. His hand moved a fraction of an inch, stroking her stiff nipple that was poking out the front of her blouse.
“Inside you?”
“Inside your pussy?”
She nodded, sucking her lip between her teeth and releasing it again. She was still showing signs of embarrassment at his use of the word. But there was something else too. It was as if his awareness of her moist pussy and his reference to it in a sexual manner, was increasing her own awareness, focusing some of her attention on the feelings that her young body was generating in that area.
He moved his hand a little more so that now he was cupping and fondling her title. He began making small circles on her breast, slowly, very slowly concentrating his efforts on both erect nipples. Leisurely he placed his thumb on the tip and then let each forefinger slowly and gently pinch her buds, making her whole body shiver with excitement.
Her grip on his cock tightened slightly and she softly moaned as his fingers began to magically fondle her young breasts. Keeping up his attention on one nipple, he allowed his other hand to slowly unbutton the top of her blouse. Maddie continued to grip her teacher’s cock but she soon realized he had . . . although somewkwardly . . . unbuttoned ALL of the buttons on her top. Hearing no Complaints from the young girl, he grasped both sides of her blouse and opened it up so that her hidden conical treasures were now on display.
The girls’ breath began to almost pant as she felt her teacher cup and fondle her naked breasts. No person had done this before to her, and she knew she should stop his obvious attempts at dispatch, but quite frankly with the buzz she was enjoying, she had no intentions of doing so.
“Titania my love, come up and sit beside me and shed your top so that I can enjoy looking at those young breasts that have been hidden so long. The fairies will be here soon, but I want to bring us both to a well-earned climax.” She knew he was just trying to make up lines from the play to match what he was doing, but she was getting so hot at that point that she followed his commands. Maddie momentarily let go of His stiff cock, stood up, slipped off her top and sat back down right next to him. Her naked apple-like titles were perfect in shape and their pink nipples were now as erect as the man’s cock she was sitting next to.
“Oberon my sweet,” she said following his lead at making up lines, “Should I capture this COCK of yours in my hand again and bring you off?”/>
Yes my love and that is my goal for you as well my exhaust little flower,” he said now recapturing both her breasts in his hands. The stiffness of her buds caused him to go one step further as he leaned forward and captured her closest rigid nipple in his mouth. As he began to make love to her bud, the young girl had once again found his cock and began to wank on it. Feeling her fingers back in place on his naked Shaft, he realized the last few minutes had been so shameless for him that he felt he was now entering heaven.
He continued to lick and suck her breasts for the next several minutes. Around and around he lathered her nipple with his slippery tongue. At the same time, his fingers had found the same open baggy leg of her shorts as before, and he gradually moved his fingertips deeper inside until he found the leg hole of her panties. Maddie was trying her best to concentrate on masturbating her teacher, but once his fingers entered the private integersection between her legs . . . she closed her eyes in lewd anticipation.
“Do you still feel that tingling, my love,” he asked as his fingers now crept under the closest leg hole and gently worked their way to her moist epicenter.
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Yes my Oberon. That feels sooooooo awesome!”
“Then you will like this even more Titania,” and soon his middle finger began working its way into her slippery lips. Mimicking his waiting cock, he continued to move one and then two fingers in and out of her aching and itching hole. Utilizing his experience he was soon concentrated on her clipit as he began to rub her hot spot back and forth and up and down, not knowing exactly which way she liked best. The shields were Now almost constant as Maddie’s body began to shake with her climax. Dr. Johnson continued to finger fuck the young girl as she moaned her satisfaction. After several minutes he said:
“That is what happens when you follow that “tingling”, my Titania and my directions. I look forward to doing that many more times as we get to know each other better. But it’s time for you to finish what you started in my pants. Did you enjoy what I did to your titles with my lips and mouth?” he asked tenatively.
“That was the BEST that my little titles . . . AND body have EVER felt,” she volunteered.
“Well . . . now . . that is what you are going to do to my COCK in your lovely hand. I want you to lean over . . . lick the tip of my shake and make it all slippery. As you may know, this is how Titania satisfied her king so no objects, just DO what I ask!” His command was suddenly but still feeling the satisfaction of her recent orgasm; she did not hesitate to follow his orders.
He looked down at the young girl. She had her head off to the side so that he could watch her tongue and lips begin to cover his cock head with her slippery spit. Holding his shake at the base she continued to later up the length of his rod with her juices until soon it was all slippery.
“Keep holding my organ like that Titania and carefully moving those pretty pink lips OVER your teeth, I want you to SUCK MY COCK!” The girl had heard the words before, but now she found herself eagerly moving her mouth and lips over her teacher’s shake in an up and down almost bobbing fashion. He allowed her to continue with her actions for a few seconds more, but then finally moaned out the following:
“I am going to shoot my hot cum my sweet. Drink and swallow the first few shots in your mouth and then I want to watch you spray those pretty breasts of yours with the rest of it!” Maddie then felt him begin to buck his hips and soon the first rope of cum erupted inside her mouth, followed quickly by a second. Not believing the force of his ejaculation she yanked the belching cock out of her mouth, spraying her face and lips along the way and aimed the next several loads at her developing breasts. Dr. Johnson watched with squited eyes as Maddie’s young tits and chest were soon coated with his slimy semen. Slowly his spurts began to slow down until finally they stopped. Curious about the consistency of his cum, Maddie opened her hand and began to rub his love juice all over her naked breasts.
“So do I get the part . . Dr. Johnson?” she asked hopefully, letting his cum curs gather across her stiff nipples.
“You just about have your part down Maddie. One or two more sessions like this . . . should bring you up to speed to play the role of Titania.”
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