Rebuilding the Uinon chapter 3

Chapter 3

Captain Shell and his men were halfway near Romo after a few days march. “Shouldn’t be to much farther.” Captain Shell assured his men who were physically tired of marching with the zealot whom they captured after it attacked them and killed two of their party. The zealot armour instead of a bright white and gold color looked grey and brown from the dust and dirt of the march. The zealot named Zinchet Puk walks in heavy chains was remembering how it was he was caught and why.

It was a few days ago just as the bombs were dropping on all the capital cities and important bases that Puk was in his bomber plane flying over the Cali city from the Islands on the Pacific Ocean. The Islands were damaged and mostly uninhabitable but the Sunkin Kingdoms were more preoccupied on taking over the main lands of North and South Americas. A few military bases were taken over in South America but with no way to even leave the basewith out being over taken by the Unionist Forces and constant attacks from Mutants the bases were soon abandoned. The bases on the Island how ever were perfect for launching attacks on the west of the American Union Members A few countries including the 53 states of America the most powerful of the whole Union and Brazil who took control of half the continent of South America and Argentina Republic who held the other half. These countries made up the whole American Union and they were alone and ready to be taken over or so most of Sunkin Kingdom thought.

“The American Union is weak they lost the Islands and the upper most north of America is set in permafrost and uninhabitable. There will be a no more perfect time to strike then Now.” Commander of Arms Shitzhun told the Council of War back in mainland China. “The Emperor sent envoys to the Argentina Republic. We can not risk losing more of our Sunkin Zealots on a half baked plan to take on the most fortifiedContinents in the world besides the main land of course.” argued Commander of the Air Forces Chey. The war council was busy bickering among itself on the best course of action to take over and defeat the Northern and Southern American Union Members.

Puk was near by in the Courtyard with his young mating partner Suzin. “Suzin you hear them old war monks arguing up there?” asked Puk. “How can you not. I’m sure even Emperor Haro can hear them back in the Main land.” Suzin politely laughed. Puk chuckled but his mind was drifting with the thought that once the Council stops its bickering they will send him and countless other to there death. “Well I wish they never stop arguing Suzin.” Suzin looked a bit puzzled and asked. “Why would you want that Puk?” Puk took a deep breath then surprised.” The more they argue the more time I have to spend with you Suzin.” Suzin was glad to have been assigned such a lovely and kindmate by the genetics labs. “You have the heart and soul of a poet Puk.” Puk blushed a deep red at the kind attention his mate was showing him. “Suzin they eventually will stop arguing and our fate may be to die childless on some foreign land but the time I Spent with you will forever keep me company as I’m sent to the Americas.” Suzin knew that Puk being an Aviator he would be one of the first Zealots to be sent off to claim there birth right. “Just promises me you will come back to me.” Puk took Suzin hands in his and looked deeply into his eyes. “Suzin by the Emperors eyes I swear I will come back to you. Even if I’m killed in battle I will return.” Suzin buried her face in Puk chest. “How will I know if you’ve died…how will I know you came back to me?” Puk kissed her on her forehead “Look for a slight spring breeze blowing up from your left and a warm rain drop on a sunny day or a ray of light in a dark coudlyday. That will be me watching over you.” Suzin pulled Puk closer towards her and Puk then kissed her lightly on the lips and the sun was lowering down and gave Suzin a beautiful glow and pink shade on her delicate porcelain skin.

Puks day dream was interrupted when Captain Shell pushed him into a tree and he slumped over. “Stay down you freak.” Soon a Jet flew right over them so fast that they really couldn’t make out if it was Unionist or Sunkin. If it was Sunkin Puk couldn’t seem to sense his kin out. Maybe they where in trouble too, but Puk was certain it was Sunkin. Then out from above came another plane this one was no doubt Unionist A Brazilian Fighter plane called a Wail for the distinct wailing sound that was made by the plane in fast speeds. A dog fight between the Sunkin jet and the Wails jet. The Sunkin jet zoomed left then did a loop hoping that it was fast enough to ditch the Wails.

No luck though the Wails was faster and as the Sunkin jet did the loop it was shot at nearly out of the sky but a quick barrel roll by the jet defined most of the shots. The Guards ran for cover pulling Puk along. The Wails then zoomed off after the jet the dog fight lasted a good five minutes and ended with the Wails getting the jump on the jet. Two missiles shot at the Sunkin jet caused the pilot to bail out. The Wails wasn’t going to let the pilot escape though. Three burst of fire from the Wails tore up the pilots parachute and he fell straight to the ground and near the jets crash site. The amazing exploration was followed by the sight of the pilot body falling towards certain death.”Unionist pigs. You’ll pay for that.” Puk mumbled to himself.

Back at the camp Mary keep a look out over the wilds. “Second dog fight I see in my life maybe the union is still alive…or it could be the final nail to the coffin.” Terrie was with Mary to keep her company while most of.the survivors forgive the Guards for leaving some were still angry and having Terrie around ment none would sneak up and try anything on Mary. “No I’m sure the Rebuilders will come any day now.” Terrie said with her usual cheerful voice. Mary knew like most if the Rebuilders were coming they would’ve been here by now. “Sure…any day now Terrie.” Terrie was completely dead set that the Union hasn’t forgetten them. As she watched over the camp most people back to modernate health and doing there part to fortify the camp for the Guards when they come back. Men hauling and placing metal beams from near by rubble piles and crumbling buildings. Children and women digging holes for the beams while the old cook and carry water to the workers. “If we weren’t surrounded by rubble it would almost look like a normal rebuilding project. Don’t you agree Mary?” Mary mind was still on the downed jet wondering who side the jet was on. “Hmm…yes almost bsideds the lack of robots.”

Terrie was proud of how her husband Jeremiah was getting people rallied up and keeping them busy. He made a good leader she thought to herself. Jeremiah was near the wall that was being raised. “No watch yourself. Careful now easy set it down nice and easy.” Jeremiah was supervising the people as they pulled on ropes and wire found inside the city. Jeremiah noticed his daughter April coming near. “Yes sweetie?” April had a worried look on her face “Daddy the’s crap. I can’t get more then a few miles past the city and all I hear is static followed by some garbled speech I can’t make out.” April handed the radio to her dad who put the radio near his ear to hear the garbled mess.

Radio static was all he heard until a failed message came throw it was in Chinese. “The war…-radio static-…many dead…-radio static- confirmed bombs…-radio static-…North American President dead.” Jeremiah took many classes in every language and dialect the Sunkin used incase of being captured and he was sure the message ment the bombs hit the capital and the president is dead.”Fuck..” was all Jeremiah was able to say. April didn’t take much extra language classes during her evaluation so she was completely lost. “April when does the message repeat?” Asked Jeremiah sounding a bit disappointed. “About every hour for a few minutes. Must be by them planes that fly around.” Jeremiah shook his head. “I need everyone’s attention!”

The survivors in the camp stopped working and walked near to Jeremiah. After everyone got close to him Jeremiah then spoke loudly so everyone could hear him he didn’t want to repeat himself. “My daughter April has found a radio and has been working on it as many of you already know. Well I got a message while I can’t confirm that’s it’s 100% true the message was in Chinese and said that our President..has been killed in a missile strike.” The survivors gasped and murmured to themselves while some cried and cursed. Winston yelled from the crowd.” That explains why the Rebuilders haven’t came by yet.” Some agreed with Winston. “The Union is probably picking a intermediate head of power. So more then likely we have a military General in charge of the government for now.” Jeremiah said some of the crowd calmed down but not Winston. “Damn it it’s the damn military who failed to protect us and now there in charge?”

Jeremiah knew Winston was right but he couldn’t let the people think that though. “Shut up Winston. We can’t afford to get people scared or worried.” Winston then said “Ha! We were all ready plenty scared and worried before you told us that the government is defeated by the damn Sunkin.” Mary stepped out from the crowd. “Gruff is late from his hunt. I need to check up on him.” April got a worried look on her face and wanted to go with Mary. “Mary you can’t leave we need the Guard here in case people survivors show up or anything happens. I’ll go and Winston your with me.” Jeremiah said taking charge. “Who said your in charge anyways I’m getting tired of you bossing us around.” Winston said while looking defiantly at Jeremiah. “Son I never said I was in charge if you want to make some shot calls then go for it if people follow you then I can’t stop them, but if you want to lead by example then let’s go get the only other Guard that can defend us.” Winston grabbed his rebar and headed to the wilds grumbling to himself.

April wanted to go with her dad and Winston but knew she already knew he wouldn’t let her go out of the city limits. She could do nothing but squeeze her mother’s hand while she saw her dad and Winston head out of the camptowards the Wilds. The Wilds was the common name of anything out of a settlement range. The Wilds had mutants and wild animals not to mention scangers and roving gangs of bandits. Not the best place to be alone so Jeremiah and Gruff set traps around and near the city limits. It’s best not to get the attention of a desperate scanger or worse bandits. Jeremiah noticed a few traps that had fresh blood on them but no sign of what it caught. These were basic hunting traps a sharpen spear on rope set to go off once something steps on a trip wire. “Shhh..something took our prey.” Jeremiah whispered to Winston who was following behind Jeremiah. As they stepped softly over leaves and twigs then Jeremiah noticed more blood but it was a disappoint small trail. “A dead animal maybe a wild rabbit or something.” Jeremiah hoped as they made there way to other traps. After a few hours of searching they checked all the traps and didn’t see a trace of Gruff or any dead animals in the trap.

“Where the hell is Gruff at? We should’ve caught up with him by now.” Stated Winston. “So either Gruff made his way back to camp or…” Jeremiah shot a look at Winston to tell him to shut up. Jeremiah knew if Gruff was back at camp he would’ve came back to them to let him know. “There was five empty traps someone took our catch.” Winston looked at Jeremiah and asked “You think they was coyotes or scavengers?” Jeremiah thought about for a second “had to be scavengers no way a coyote wouldn’t leave tracks.” Jeremiah lead Winston towards the city looking for any sign of Gruff when he fought a glimpse of a Rifles glimmer in the sunlight. “Get down!” Jeremiah dove and pushed Winston to the ground. A bullet whistled on by and ricocheted off a thick tree trunk were Winston was standing. “For fucks sake who the hell is that?” Winston yelled as he checked to see if he was shot. Jeremiah took a shot at where he last saw the rifle glimmer. “Your fine I’ll cover you go get Mary and a few other people there’s more then one of them.” Jeremiah ordered Winston who didn’t think twice about it and jetted off his sportsman training built him to be a quick on his feet. With long strides Winston was soon out of sight. Jeremiah hoped that he would be back soon he only had three clips.

Just out the corner of his eyes he saw three dirty scavengers chasing after Winston. With two shots he took out one of them with a quick shot. The other scavengers didn’t even look back and still went after Winston. “They don’t even go and check on there own.” Jeremiah knew that he must be dealing with some drug addicts or really desperate scavengers. A few more shot rained down on Jeremiah position. Jeremiah knew he had to get in a better spot or they can just rush him. He waited for the rifle to shoot again then he darted for a brokenpillar that once was a gate where cars could enter to the city. Diving to a car and then a old guard out post Jeremiah made it to a better place where they had to funnel in throw the door way to rush him. He was still getting a few pot shots from the rifle but he wasn’t too worried.

April who couldn’t stay back decided to head to the last trap that Gruff had told her about in one of the night meals they had not too long ago. Her heart dropped once she heard a rifle shot she ran that way and then heard her dad’s pistol shooting. She ducked behind a burned out building when she heard steps coming she saw Winston running to the camp followed by three…nope two scavengers. The scavengers seemed to be Wearing a uniform. Looked like bold sewage services uniforms. All orange jumpsuits and hurt looking boots. The scavangers didn’t even slow down when they lost one of there own. Then April heard her dad’s pistol shot a few more times. She decided to geton higher ground. She got to the second floor. There she saw a small child with a huge rifle shooting down at her father who was scrambling to cover. Popping out the window screen she slowly made her way to the ledge of the building and jumped to the next one. Use all her strength she dropped on the roof ledge and climbed around only using her fingers to grip the ledge.

The teen was too focused on Jeremiah who was taking cover where they lost the other one at. “Gotta come out sooner or later old man.” The scanger licked his lips and took another shot at the window of the building where Jeremiah was crouched in. Jeremiah noticed blood on the other side of.the building he also noticed torn blue clothing it almost looked like a Guard Uniform color. “Shit April will never forgive me If I let her little boyfriend die by these idiots.” The blood trail lead to a loose board that went to the outside side. Crawling on the ground Jeremiah made his way out the building and saw another patch of blood on the floor. From this way Jeremiah had a easy shot at the guy with the rifle. He noticed April on the roof across from the guy with the rifle. “April don’t you dare.” Is what Jeremiah thought as she jumped into the building throw a window. “Awe baby be careful.” The rifle rose up and Jeremiah took the shot and blasted it out of the shooters hand and the rifle fell down to the.ground.

As April busted into the building she was met with another four scavenger. They never expected her and she took one of them out with her electron-stave. The scaveng just flopped to the ground and started to go into spasms. The other guys rushed at her but she was military trained to fight in close quarters. They swung wildly at her with fist and kicks her stave blocked most of the hits and she didged the others. Ducking down she punched one in the stomach and knocked the air out of him. She swung her stave showing off her skills. Then quickly she blasted one with a electrical discharge. As he flew back a female scanger picked up a board and throw it at April. She ducked out the way and went to attack her. The female scanger didn’t know how to fight well but she didged the punches well. April then kicked her in the side of her left knee then with an elbow she bashed her face in and kicked her in the throat. April turned around and saw the teen scanger with a pistol aimed right at her head. April blinked and took a breath as she heard the pistol shot with a thunderous blast.

April felt a hot burn at her cheek she opened her eyes and saw Gruff tackling the scanger to the ground and wailing into him soon blood gushed from the guys face and the body went limp. April fell back and cleaned the blood off her face from her flesh wound. Gruff got up and staggered a little. April soon saw a dark patch of blood coming from Gruff’s stomach. April went to pick him up when her dad came intothe room. “Help him dad I think he shot.” April screamed. Gruff just nodded his head and smiled and blacked out. “Go get help April leave Mary and Winston should be here by now go get them. NOW!” April didn’t want to leave Gruff but before she knew it she was outside running towards Winston and Mary who just came back.

The Guards where now a short nights walk from Remo. Captain Shell then let his men know. “We ain’t to far from Remo be ready for anything. If Remo is under Sunkin control kill this one and don’t leave a single one standing understanding men?” The small group of Guards cheered and got there weapons ready. Puk was using all of his strength to use his telepathic powers to let any Sunkin in the area know he was coming in. To no reply Puk was growing more scared and desperate. If they try to break him he won’t tell them anything but that means hours even days of torture before they kill him or his body give out. The images of Suzin was the only thing keeping him from vomiting and shaking. Suzin would be ashamed if Puk showed his true feelings and let these Unionist pigs have the satisfaction of knowing they had him scared. After a few hours of more walking Remo came to view and it was still standing flying the Unionist Flag. Captain Shell got on his radio and called in ” This is Captain Shell who’s on watch?” After a few seconds of.silence that feel like hours to shell and his men. “This is commanding officer Richard H. Quill. Shell you old blasted we thought ya went up with the cities get your men in here.” Shell blew a sight of relief and marched forward. The gates opened and there was a few Guards posted up but the towers in the courtyard. “Where is your squad Shell?” Asked a Guard a recent recruit fresh out from his evaluation. “Here we are the men dispersed and reviled there prisoner. The recruit raised his weapon ready to kill it. Shell pushedhim on his ass. ” He is our prisoner we don’t go and shoot prisoners recruit.” Shell said exasperated. “C.O. Quill you might want to see this.” The recruit said on his radio. The C.O. came out in his all black with blue fighting armour. “Who is this we have Shell.” Captain Shell noticed his tone was different then before. “It’s my prisoner. We lost Solas and a few other men capturing him.” C.O. Quinn didn’t look all to happy. “I sent you to find me some deserters to put on the firing wall…and you bring me back this scum.” Shell looked shocked at Quinn’s dismissive attitude. ” the deserters we took by mutants and sent to the ‘court’ Sir.” The Guards laughed hard except Quinn. “What a shame…I really wanted to kill them myself. Oh well they’ll die either way.” Quinn looked at the Zealot. Chop it’s head off and burn the body.” The Guards then went and took Puk. “Youcan’t just kill it I can break him Sir. protocol states we can’t just kill our prisoners of war.” Quinn looked at Shell and.sid. “We lost the war we are just surviving until the union sends replacements or the military elects a new leader. Have a problem with it takes up a complaint form fill it out in triplet then send it to the Military Discipline Office. “

Shell looked blankly at Quinn and then saw the Guards kick Puk on his knees and beheaded him with three loud and messy whacks to the back of his neck. Staring in horror as his own men jeered the dying zealot and cheered on as the Guards went on to chop and mutilate the body and throw it into a pit and burn it. Quinn put his hand on Shell’s shoulder. “Its not war no more it’s pure vengeance. His uniform was that of a bomb squad that killed hundreds of citizens. We didn’t start this War we lost it for now, but we won’t go down quite. If there’s anything you needlet me know.” Shell was still in shock but got control of his senses. “Sir there is a large party of survivors not far from here. You should send a party of Guards to protect them I left Mary and Gruff back there.” Quinn pointed to a recruit “Tell your Squad your heading out with Captain Shell and his men.” The recruit saluted “Sir. Yes Sir.” Quinn looked at Shell. “Keep them alive Shell…” and with them words Quinn went back to his quarters.


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