The Family Ritual Ch. 52

©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

*A note: First I want all of you Family Ritual fans to remember THIS WAS A DREAM! I dreamt the beginning and the end, so none of this is about my own spiritual or religious beliefs. IT WAS JUST A DREAM! With that said — Here is the Ritual. We have one more chapter after this. Enjoy!



The Cassidy’s

Matthew Cassidy

The Patriarch of the Cassidy Family

Helen Cassidy

Wife of Matthew

Hayley Harrison Cassidy

Youngest daughter of Matthew and Helen

Wife of Jake Harrison Cassidy & Heir to the Cassidy Legacy

Samantha Mitchell Cassidy

The second oldest married to actor Brandon Mitchell

Denise Worth Cassidy

Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth now deceased

Helen is carrying her unborn child. Shot by Ellen

Jonah Cassidy

Eldest child and son of Matthew Cassidy

Married to Quinn Cassidy

Lance Cassidy

Elder brOther to Matthew, now deceased

Miriam Cassidy

Lance’s widow.

In- law’s

Brandon Mitchell

Famous actor married to Samantha –

Ellen McGraw

Former Super Model, mother of Little Brandon.

Former stalker of Brandon Mitchell

Daniel Worth

Sports agent widow of Denise

Quinn Cassidy

Daughter-in-law married to Jonah

Jake Harrison

Husband to Hayley

Mary Harrison

Sister to Jake, Fiancée to Stephen Cassidy


Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake

Son of Dent Cassidy, fiancé to Mary

Dent Cassidy

Father of Stephen Cassidy — brother to Matthew

Sally Cassidy

Mother of Stephen Cassidy

Kenneth Baylor Cassidy

Head of the board

Gwyn Baylor Cassidy

Wife of Kenneth

Blake Black

Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual

Valentina Alexis Black

Wife of Blake, sister to Lacy

Lacy Alexis

Sister to Valentina, Fiancée to Derrick Cassidy Kennedy.

The Chadwell’s

Lord Thomas Chadwell

Husband to Lady Catherine Cassidy Chadwell

Lady Catherine Cassidy Chadwell

Daughter of Lance Cassidy, lives in England

Chadwell Children

Mason Chadwell

Husband to Daniela

Daniela Chadwell

Wife of Mason Chadwell former slave to Jake and Hayley


Father of Daniela, dating Marvina

Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston

Braxton Chadwell and his wife, Tara

Carlton Chadwell and his wife, Carmen

Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer and her husband, Adam Sawyer

The Cassidy Kennedy’s

Derrick Cassidy Kennedy

Fiancé to Lacy Alexis

Amber Cassidy Kennedy

Mother to Derrick

Senator Alan Cassidy Kennedy

Father to Derrick

Jackson Cassidy Kennedy

Brother to Derrick married to Pedro

Pedro Cassidy Kennedy

Husband to Jackson, changed his name to Cassidy Kennedy aupter their marriage

Janice Cassidy Kennedy McGarrett

Sister to Derrick

Bronson McGarrett

Husband to Janice


Blake allowed only Jake, Stephen, Mary and Kenneth into his office. Dent, Gwyn and Sally waited in the outer office. Dent grumbled at this but he knew better than to say anything to Blake.

Blake’s office was soundproof, bug proofed and tamper proof…This story was for their ears alone. Blake smiled warmly at Mary and Stephen. He motioned for them to have a seat and they sat down in front of his desk. Jake and Kenneth pulled up chairs.

Stephen was still very angry. All during the ride to Blake’s office he fumed. “I’m not signing this! I won’t let that disgusting man I call father put his hands on you. I won’t.”

Mary tried to calm him, “Please Stephen they will separate us or worse. Please.”

Stephen turned to her, “They can kill me, but I won’t sign this piece of shit! Mary, I love you so much, but I can’t go along with this…incest!”

Sally who was in the car with her son and Mary tried to reason with him, “They will hurt Mary or even kill her, you have to sign.”

“No they won’t, they are just bluffing. Mary’s already signed, so it’s just me they’ll harm and I don’t care.” Stephen said sulking.

Sally took her son’s hand, “They are not bluffing. If you know some of the things Blake and Kenneth had done to protect the family, you’d cringe. You have no idea how powerful your family is and how much they will protect the ritual.”

Stephen sat silent the rest of the way to Blake’s office with his arms folded over his chest. Dent, riding in the car with Kenneth, Gwyn and Jake was feeling very sure of himself. He thought, ‘now they’ll know who’s in charge’. I’ll get the boy to sign, but they are going to do things my way from here on.’

Dent looked smug as he rode the elevator, but that smugness soon turned into announcement when Blake sat him, Sally and Gwyn in the outer room. A strikingly beautiful young woman offered them refreshment and some delicious chocolate cake . She smile sweetly and all Dent could think about was fucking her.


Blake walked over to Stephen. “I heard that you’re not planning to sign. Why is that?” He said calmly.

“This whole thing is sick! It’s disgusting! I won’t sign it. I know you coerced Mary to sign, but I’m not going to do it.” Stephen said heatedly.

Blake had to hide his smile. He was good cop, soon to be savior and he loved this role, “I’m sure you’ve been threatened, begged and told the consequences of your refusal to sign.”

“Yes and I’m not buying it.” Stephen said staring up at Blake. “I was told that you have all the answers. You know how this fucked up shit began. I want to hear it all!

Blake smiled warmly, “I want you to read something and after you’ve read it and heard the entire story, if you decide not to sign, then so be it.” Blake said and handed Stephen the book.

Stephen took Mary’s hand and kissed it. “I love you and I want you to be safe. We’ll leave here and go live somewhere else.”

Kenneth looked at Stephen and started to speak, but it was Jake who said, “If you don’t sign, you’ll never see Mary again. Please read the book aloud and I think you’ll understand what’s at stake.”

Stephen opened the book and letting out a sight he began to read:

“My name is Dustin Cassidy. I am leaving a record of what occurred in my life in my 21st year after my engagement to the woman who is now my wife, Adelaide. Before I began my tale, you may wonder why I choose to write all of this down…You are my descendent and probably wondering how your life got so bizarre and why you should sign the contract before you. I wrote This because I found it all so hard to believe and I wanted to ensure that you know that I am not insane. I also want you to understand why we all sign the contract and will continue for as long as there is a Cassidy alive.

I willBegin with the fact that it is the late 1800’s when I was born. I’m not going to tell you the exact year because of my own vanity and the fact that I have lied about my age for a very long time now. I was the younger of six children to a steel worker father and a school teacher mother. My mother worked very hard to ensure that her children did not have to work in the mines or in the steel mill in our small town in Pennsylvania. We might have not had much but we were well educated.

We were poor but better off than most of the people who lived in our town. I didn’t realize just how poor we were until my mother took me to visit her sister.

When I was about eight years old my mother took me to New York City. This trip changed my life and my perspective of things. My mother’s sister, Diana lived in a house in the center of the City across from a park. She had given birth and was having a hard time getting adjusted so my mother went to help her. She took me, her youngerest with her and left my elderly sister, Madelyn at home to take care of the rest of my siblings and my father.

I got to take my first train ride and I was very excited as we arrived in the city, but I was really shocked when I saw the house my aunt lived in. It was on Fifth Avenue across from Central Park. Aunt Diana had servants; a cook, a maid and a butler who waited on her every need. Her husband, an affordable man named Mark was a banker. While mother helped with the baby and the hiring of a nanny, I got to explore the city and fell in love with New York.

I loved the smells, the sites and the feel of all the hustle and bustle. I loved the shops and my uncle would take me downtown for pickles fresh out of the barrel. My aunt buy me my first store bought suit and my uncle took me to the Central Park Zoo and later to the Bronx Zoo. When it was time to leave after a month, I was very upset and wanted to stay in New York with them. I begged and pleased. My aunt and uncle spoke with mymother and it was decided that every summer I could come and stay with them for one month as long as I did well in school.

I worked very hard all year long and on July 1st I was packed off by train to New York alone to spend the summer with my Aunt and Uncle and their little son, Scott. My aunt took me on boat rides in Central Park and to museums. She took me to plays and musical theater. I hated to go home on August 1st. My aunt and uncle also brought friends home. Their friends were writers and artists as well as men of industry and society. I learned a great deal from all of them and vowed that I would become one of them and live in this city.

One day on a very hot day in July when I was twelve, I met a man that would really change my life. His name was John D. Rockcroft; the wealthiest man in the United States. Mr. Rockcroft and I became fast friends. He was a tall man with a handle bar mustache and twinkling brown eyes. He was also a savvy business man, one of the induStrialists of the time. He also listened to the ideas of a twelve year old and encouraged me.

Mr. Rockcroft asked my aunt if he could take me to his estate. She agreed and on a Friday afternoon we drove to Long Island. If I thought New York was beautiful than this house of Mr. Rockcroft was incredible. There were many servants and many rooms, two guest houses and three pools. I looked with awe at all the beautiful antiques he had and walked gingerly through every room with my mouth open. Mr. Rockcroft watched me and then took me into his study and sat me down and said to me, “I know you’re thinking about all this wealth. It’s only money. What you really want is…power. “

I listened intently as he said, “I can call the President of the United States and he will listen to me. I can call the Queen of England and have dinner at Buckingham Palace any time I wish. In New York if I want a table at the finest restaurant and just show up, they will find me a table. You, my boy wantpower and I will show you how to get it and how to hold on to it.”

From that day on I spent one week of my vacation with Mr. Rockcroft at his office, at his home and on his boat. I met his family and I fell in love with his daughter, Adelaide. She was two years older than me and beautiful. Mr. Rockcroft encouraged our budding romance. He had no sons and looked on me as his Surrogate. He told me that when I graduated high school he would send me to college and train me. I was in awe of the man and worked even harder in school. When I was fifteen Mr. Rockcroft’s wife; a quiet woman named Marion passed away. I spent the entire summer helping him and Adelaide go through their grief. They were part of my family.

I studied hard at school and Mr. Rockcroft sent me encouraging letters. I sent applications to some of the best colleges in the country, but my hope was getting into Mr. Rockcroft’s Alma mater, Harvard University. I received the letter and before I told my parents I called Mr. Rockcroft. He came to my graduation and gave me keys to a new car. He offered me a job as his appreciation. I would learn everything about his world. My mother was proud, but on the night of my graduation she pulled me aside and said to me, “I know I’ve lost you. I want you to spread your wings and be a great man, just remember where you come from and always be humble. You are my younger and my brightest.”

Mr. Rockcroft kept his word and paid my tuition. On vacations I would spend with him. He helped out my family; my father quit working in the mill and went back to school. Mr. Rockcroft bought the General Store and my father ran it with the help of the rest of my siblings.

I graduated Harvard four years later suma cum laude. The day after my graduation I proposed in the garden of Mr. Rockcrofts’s mansion to his daughter. Adelaide accepted. My life was set and I was ready to begin living it.

Three days later…my whole world changed.


Father Patrick O’Flynn was praying in the village of Jainkoaren Pertsonak in Brazil. He was praying for the people of the village who had come to Christ with the help of him and other missionairies from New York. They spent the better part of five years leading the natives to Christ and had built a beautiful chapel in the village.

Father O’Flynn was saying his prayers before going to bed in the chapel when he saw a bright light Through the stained glass. The light traveled into the room blinding him. Startled he kept praying as the light turned into a form of a man. He started to speak when another bright light appeared and formed into a man. The beings smiled at him and spread their wings. Father O’Flynn nearly passed out. Angels were visiting him. He crossed himself as the Angels smiled at him.

“Father, my name is Archangel Michael. I have been sent by the Lord to ask you to do his work. He has a particular mission for you and you are to obey without question.” Michael said still smailing sweetly at him. To the father their voices sounded like bells. It was the most beautiful voice he had ever heard.

The other angel spoke, “My name is Ezechiel. I have been sent by God to accompany Archel Micheal in his mission and to help the man known as Dustin Cassidy achieved his destiny.

Father O’Flynn found his voice, “Who is Dustin Cassidy? I do not know the man.”

Ezechiel spoke, “You will meet him in a few days. He is on his way here.”

Archangel Michael spoke again, “The Lord has decided that his son must deal with the worst of the worst. He has sent us to show Dustin the way. In showing him the way, he and his decendents will absorb the rest of the sins of the world. He was chosen because of his wish to be powerful and wealthy, but he has a very good heart. The sins that he and his family will do are the most reprehensible, but necessary. He will understand.”

Ezechiel spoke again. His voice was deep and he grew at the Priest, “You will watch and ensure that everything we want is done. We will also watch and will present a record of this to the Holy Father in Rome and to the President of the country that these men and you are from; the United States. Everything that happens here will be documented in two books. When it is over and done you will lead a different life and continue with your mission; a special place in heaven will be prepared for you when it is your time. You are a warrior for the Lord and the Lord appreciates all that you have done in his name. The community that you have begun will thrive and prosper.”

Father O’Flynne nodded and quietly asked, “What is my mission?”

“You will be informed when it is time for you to know.” Ezechiel admonished.

“I am sorry.” The Priest said bowing his head.

The Archingel came close to Father Patrick and touched his face. The Priest felt a warmth go over his body as the angel bent down and kissed him gently on the lips. “God is watching over you. He will bless you in ways you never know. Just follow his commands and be ready. We will return in two days and all will be revealed. Prepare food and drink for the six who will be arriving. There is a cave which has been prepared for their arrival. You will take them there. Drink from the spring.”

The Angels disappeared and the priest failed. When he came to he knew exactly what he must do. Crossing himself he went into the village. He told the members of his church to prepare for the arrival of some very important visitors.

Father Patrick knew by instinct exactly where the cave was and was surprised to see food and supplies that hadn’t been there before. There were candles hanging in mid-air that did not extinguish with the wind, there was medical supplies and blankets. But the really strange thing in the Priest’s mind were the six king-sized beds in the cave and the fact that there were no bugs or bats or animals. The cave was clean and there was a spring with fresh drinkable water. The Priest drank from the spring and immediately felt refreshed and younger than his fifty years. He was ready to do whatever the Lord asked him to.


Mr. Rockcroft owned a mining company in Brazil. He offered my elder brother Jeremiah a job overseeing the mining operations. Air travel had just come into fashion and I was invited to go with my elder brother, Adelaide, and my sister Victoria to visit the mining operation and see the home that my brother was to live in as he worked as the foreman.

This was an exceptional opportunity for Jeremiah. He worked in the mines and in the steel mill right out of high school. Unlike me, his ambitions were smaller, he wanted to own his own mining company and get married.

Early in the morning we boarded the ten seater airplane which would take us to a small town in Brazil where we would be met by a car which would drive us to the mine. My family and I were excited because none of us had ever been out of the countyy nevertheless in an airplane. The accommodations on the plane were sunt and we were served delicious food on gorgeous china plates with real gold silverware and crystal glasses.

As we rode over the clouds, Victoria was anxious and nervous. She looked at me and whispered, “Man was not meant to fly.”

I laughed at her, “We are safe. Mr. Rockcroft flies all the time.”

Victoria Crossed herself many times during the flight. I stared out the window thrilled to see the clouds below.”


Stephen stopped reading and looked up at Blake rolling his eyes. Blake grinned, “Keep reading, you haven’t come to the good part yet.” Stephen rejected and continued.


“We stopped to refuel and stayed overnight at a lovely bed and breakfast then continued in the morning on Our journey. Victoria was still nervous. She held my arm and whispered, “I feel something is going to happen.”

Adelaide held her other hand, “Nothing will happen. I’ve taken this flightwith my father three times before. Relax Victoria.”

But Victoria really felt a sense of dread. An hour before landing a storm started brewing and we put on our seatbelts. The turbulence made the plane sway and dip. Victoria gripped more tightly to her brother’s arm. Adelaide was starting to look afraid as did Mr. Rockcroft.

The Stewardess, a young woman named Penny told us all to get into crash position as the plane moved through the storm. A bolt of lightning hit the wing and it caught on fire. The plane made a nose dive towards the earth.

I could hear my sister praying and I joined her in the ‘Our Father’. Adelaide held onto her father while my brother sitting across from us crossed himself.

The plane rolled and we were upside down for a few seconds. Victoria was white as a sheet. The plane righted itself but keep descending. I knew we were about to crash and I prayed that God would take us quickly. I felt the impact of the plane hitting the ground, I saw thatit had broken apart and then I heard a scream. I remember the pain I felt in my leg and I remember seeing blood; whose I don’t know, but then everything went black. I knew I was dead.


My eyes opened to the face of a Priest staring down at me. I tried to speak, but found the effort too much.

The Priest smiled warmly down at me. “Rest my son. You have been severely injured. We are doing everything for you and your companies.”


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