The Family Ritual Ch. 51

©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

If you need a list of the cast of Cassidy’s please refer to chapters 1 – 36.

Margaret Jones – Assistant to Hayley
Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake


They held the funeral in the chapel instead of the main church for two reasons; they wanted to keep it small; just the immediate family and friends and the chapel was one of Denise’s favorite places. The light from the sun was shining through the stained glass windows.

Denise was created immediately after her death per her request. Her ashes were in a marble urn with two doves on the top symbolizing her and Daniel. When Daniel died his ashes would be mixed with hers and they would be together forever. Until that time the ashes would be in the family mausoleum waiting.

Helen was sobbing quietly, the baby safe in her womb. Roberta was coming in from England would be with Matthew instead of Hayley and Jake until after the baby was born. Doctor Heart wanted to keep an eye on Helen and forbid her to have sex for the first trimester, but Helen and Matthew decided to refrain from sex with each other for the duration of her pregnancy.

Matthew would train Roberta for Hayley and Jake and use her. She would live in Denver with him.

The service was a celebration. Katy Perry sang Denise’s Favorite song, Firework and there was a slideshow of photos from birth to her and Daniel’s wedding picture to the last photo taken of Denise with her sisters.

Samantha was also weeping. She continued blaming herself even though Brandon told her repeatedly that Ellen was responsible for all of it. Little Brandon settled in with Samantha and Brandon. He was a good baby and Samantha really loved him. They vowed to raise the two children together. A decision was made about Ellen’s house; Lacy and Derrick would purchase the house and would move into it after Ellen’s things were put into storage and it would be redecorated. The money for the house would be put in trust for Little Brandon.

Blake sent some men to France to speak with Gary. They warned him not to get in touch with Ellen ever again. The men told them what had occurred in New York and Gary agreed. He hadn’t realized just how delusional Ellen was and he wished she and the baby had stayed in France.


After the service everyone attending was invited to Denise’s favorite restaurant; City Hall. The restaurant was open only to the friends and family of Denise Worth Cassidy. Daniel greeted each person and they talked about Denise.

Daniel was moving to Denver. He needed to get out of New York for a little while and wanted to be with Helen while she was carrying his baby.

Daniel went home by himself. He had offers from family and friends to stay with him, but he wanted this time to spend thinking about his wife. Daniel went home undressed and lay down on the bed. He felt the place where DEnise lay. He thought about how much he would miss her sucking his cock, how much he would miss making love to her and how much he loved taking her into their playroom. She means everything to him and now because of a crazy woman, she was gone, Ellen was in a psychiatric facility and his mother-in-law was carrying his child.

Everyone had been sympathetic, but they really didn’t understand the sorrow he was Feeling. Daniel wanted to rip out his heart. He loved Denise with every fiber of his being and she loved him. Her ashes were on the mantle. If it weren’t for the fact that he was having a baby, Daniel knew that he would end it all but he knew that Denise would never forgive him if he let his child grow up without at least one parent, so Daniel was going to find a way to heal.

Tears fell from His eyes as he thought about his wife. The anger had faded a few days ago. He had forgiven Ellen. It was now time for him to heal his heart.

Daniel finally fell asleep. In his sleep he saw his wife. She was dressed in her wedding dress with a big smile on her face. “Hello my love. I don’t want you to cry, but I know you are sad. I love you and I miss you. I heard everything you said as I lay in that bed. I am so happy that I could give you the gift of a child; our child. My arms cares you. I will always be with you and our child. You will see me in his/her eyes; you will feel me every time our little one kisses your cheek or hugs you and you will hear me in our little one’s laughter. I will always be with you.

I give you permission to marry again. Enjoy your life Daniel, you are a wonderful man and will have a submissive worthy of you. She’ll be here soon and you will learn to love her in time. Listen to Blake, he will help you.”

In his sleep Daniel felt his wife kiss his lips and in his sleep for the first time since Denise was shot…Daniel smiled.

The funeral ritual for Daniel would take place in two days.


Hayley and Jakewent home. Hayley was still angry because she couldn’t carry Denise’s baby, but Jake held her in his arms and reminded her that in three months they could try. Hayley wept. She had been really feeling maternal lately and spent a great deal of time with Carlos and Camilla. Jake was worried she was becoming too attached to the twins.

Daniela reassure him that once Hayley became pregnant things would get easier, but Jake wasn’t so sure. He was very concerned about Hayley.

The more time Hayley spent with Carlos and Camilla, the more time she wanted to spend with them. She felt such a bond as if she were their mother instead of their step mother and big sister. She couldn’t imagine loving them more if they were her own.


The funeral ritual for Daniel began. It was different from Miriam’s because Denise was murdered. Normally if this had happened, Daniel would fuck his mother-in-law, but she was pregnant. So it was decided that Daniel would release his anger andHis semen into the ass of his father-in-law Matthew.

Matthew was having his own feelings of loss and guilt. He was angry with himself for not being there and angry with Daniel. Kenneth and Gwyn went to speak to him and it was decided that Matthew and Daniel would get into the ring to work out their anger with each other. The winner would get to fuck the loser’s ass.

When Blake brought up this idea to Both men they laughed at him, but after they thought about it both Daniel and Matthew agreed – they could use a good workout.

Members of the family gathered in the room used for Hayley’s initiative. It had been transformed into a boxing ring. The Cassidy family crest hung on the wall. Everyone was dressed in black except for Daniel who was wearing white and Matthew who was wearing red trunks.

Kenneth was standing in the center as the M.C. “We know this is highly unusual, but Blake and I believe that Matthew and Kenneth need to work out their grief. Both of them aregrieving; both are carrying blow for something that was not their fault. We decided to forgo the usual ritual because the circumstances are so different. Normally Helen would be involved but not this time since she’s pregnant with Daniel’s child and we cannot risk the health and well-being of the child. So after going over the Ritual, speaking with Blake, Daniel and Matthew we have decided to proceed this way. The winner will get to be sucked and then get to fuck the loser. We all know that Daniel is in very good shape, but don’t count Matthew out, he was boxing champion at Harvard.

I will referee. So let the bout begin.”


Samantha was surprised that the bout lasted five rounds. In the end Daniel won and she had the feeling it was also because Matthew wanted to lose. Her father had aged Visibly ten years since Denise’s death and he was very quiet.

Now on his knees on the mat with Daniel crying and fucking his ass, Matthew looked vulnerable and tired. Brandon noticked it too. No one was in to this and everyone was glad when it was over.

Daniel would spend the night with Gwyn and Kenneth. They would talk to him and console him and help him, but it was time and the fact that he had a baby on the way which would heal him.

As for Matthew, everyone hoped that when Roberta arrived she would get him out of this funk.


Lacy was very busy with the new house. Derrick left her in charge. It was a test to see if she could create a home to both their likings. Valentina was helping her. Every trace of Ellen and her crazyness had been removed. The house was just an empty shell. Valentina introduced Lacy to a very handsome designer named Tate Darby. He was British with deep blue eyes, fair skin and red hair. He looked quite a bit like Prince Harry and was known as the handsome designer prince by the press.

Valentina had met him when he was just starting out and they had become fast friends. She had helped Tate by introducing him to many older woman who instantly fell in love with his accent, his looks and his easy style. He had decorated some of the most spectacular homes in Los Angeles and New York. Tate had been offered his own television show, but he refused. He was content to just have his team and his design studio.

Tate was also a player. He loved women; old, young, rich, poor, fat or skinny. By his own admission he had never been in love. He was hoping to meet someone that he could fall in love with; someone he could worship and adore, but there was always something missing in all the ladies he bedded.

He met Derrick first and thought him cold and arrogant, but he took the job as a favor to Valentina and then…he met her sister. Lacy breezed into the room wearing a short black skirt, boots and a white tune. Tate’s heart stopped and he wanted her.

Tate and Lacy went over the plans for the house. Every evening after he left her Tate would go home and masturbate just thinking about Lacy. He imagined going between her thighs and sucking her pussy which he was sure was delicious. He also imagined fucking her with his ten inch cock. Women told him his prick was beautiful and they would be on their knees sucking him for hours on end. Tate wanted to get married, he wanted to have children and he wanted Lacy.

Surreptitiously he made inquiries about the relationship between Lacy and Derrick. Blake He heard about this and went to see Tate. “Why are you asking about Lacy and Derrick?” He said as he walked in Tate’s studio.

Tate turned criminal, “I am interested in Lacy and wanted to know if they were happy together.”

Blake laughed, “They’re getting married. Don’t interfere. If you are looking for someone, maybe I can help you. Just do your job and get this house ready for them.” As Blake turned to go he stopped.

“Also I don’t think you could handle Lacy, she’s quite a handful. Just do your job and be professional. You never know who you’ll meet.” Blakesaid.

Tate knew Blake’s reputation and put all thoughts of Lacy out of his mind. He worked with her to get the house together. After the project was finished, Blake introduced Tate to Belinda Cassidy Williams daughter of the doctor who had just turned 18. She was a beautiful coffee colored model/actress. She and Tate hit it off and two years later they got engaged and married. It paid to listen to Blake.


Hayley was spending every afternoon with the twins. She would take them out in their stroller with the Nanny. One day she took them and disappeared. Mason was frantic, the nanny apologetic, but Daniela wasn’t worried. “She’ll bring them back when she’s ready.”

Mason wanted to call Blake, but Daniela forbid it. She called Jake who was also worried about his wife. Two days Later, Hayley returned with the babies. She was tearful and remorseful. She had taken the children to Sesame Place in Pennsylvania and after spending the two days with them she was exhaustedand ready to return them to Mason and Daniela’s care. Mason was angry and lit into her, but Daniela stopped him. “The children are fine and I think that Hayley has learned her lesson. She needs to go home to Jake.”

Hayley went home and Jake took her into the playroom. He could her and secured her to the St. Andrew’s cross. Hayley cried and begged his forgiveness. “Hayley I understand. I know you’ve been going through something even before Denise died, but you can’t take my son and your sister from Mason and Daniela. We will work on getting you pregnant in three months; after your mother’s first trimester. Until then I want you to work on yourself and on your business plan. You need to keep busy. I love you and I want you to be happy, but this was not the way to do it.”

“I’m sorry Jake, I love them both so much. I held Carlos and I can see you in him; the way he smiles and laughs and Camilla looks like me as a baby.” Hayley said as Jake removed the clamps from her nipples.

Jake grabbed her by the hair and pulled her over to his cock. “This is your baby now and always. Worship it. This will be what gets you pregnant and you will take care of my needs.” He said as he stuffed his meat in her mouth.

Hayley gladly sucked him. She knew that what she did was wrong and she was back where she belonged kneeing at her husband’s feet and sucking his cock.

Hayley didn’t see the twins for a month. Jake kept her busy in the playroom and with her business. Mary was working with her and together they started her fashion line.

When Hayley saw Carlos and Camilla again, her feelings were different. They didn’t belong to her and she knew one day very soon she would have her own child to care for and to love.


Mary and Stephen were going on a hot air balloon trip with members of the Cassidy family and a few friends in upstate New York on a clear June morning. The Cassidy clan had six balloons for all the family members to take a tourThen they would have dinner at the estate of a friend of Matthews; Senator Hank Greene.

Mary and Stephen rod alone with the balloon handler which Mary thought strange. She had wanted to ride with Jake and Hayley, but Stephen told her he wanted to be alone with her in the balloon. Stephen had been very quiet all the way during the ride upstate holding tightly to Mary’s hand.

On the ground were Helen who wasn’t going to get on a hot air balloon being pregnant and Daniel who also wasn’t going. Samantha decided to go even though she was pregnant, against her husband’s wishes.

The balloons took off and were floating above the countryside. The view was breathtaking and as they floated past the Hudson River. Stephen held tightly to Mary’s hand as the balloons floated in the sky. He gave a signal to the handler who gave a signal to the rest of the handlers. The sun was high in the sky; the balloons in all their colors looked beautiful. Stephen pulled Mary close to him. “I love you.” He said quietly.

“I love you too.” She said smiling.

“I want you to look over there.” He said pointing to the other balloons and she turned to look out into the sky. There was one sign per balloon over the basket and together they read, ‘Mary, will you marry me?’

Stephen got on one knee in the balloon and pulled out the box with the 2.03 round brilliant diamond ring. It was a flawless diamond, classic just like Mary.

Mary looked at the signs again and then back at Stephen. She grinned a face splitting grin and knelt down with him away from everyone else. She kissed his hands, “Of course I’ll marry you. I love you with all my heart.” They kissed and then he helped her up and put the ring on her finger. Turning to all of their families and friends in the other balloons he held a thumb up and yelled, “She said yes!”

Everyone clapped. It was now time to celebrate. The balloons landed and the SUVs were loaded quickly and they were all taken to the Senator Greene’s estate. The Senator and his family were out of town and left the care of the Cassidy’s to their services and the catering staff.

Stephen was surprised to see his parents, Dent and Sally and his siblings at the mansion.

His mother hugged and kissed him and then Mary, “Congratulations. We’ve all been wondering when this would happen.”

Stephen hadn’t invited his parents. He would have invited his mother but knew she would tell Dent.

“Mom, dad, who told you?” Stephen asked.

Blake walked over, “I’m the guilty one.”

Stephen pulled Blake aside, “Why would you do this? I really don’t want him here. He makes everyone uncomfortable.”

Blake, his voice low so only Stephen could hear said, “I did it for your mother. I know your father is a pain, but Sally doesn’t deserve to be left out.”

Stephen bowed his head ashamed. “Yes, you did the right thing, but watch my father. I don’t want Mary to feel awkward.”

Dent had already made a move on Mary. Licking his lips he sauntered over to her. Before she could move out of his way, Dent grabbed Mary and kissed her hard on the lips. He resisted thrusting his tongue into her mouth, “Congratulations and welcome to the family.” He said grinning at the look on her face as Mary pushed him away.

Stephen started to go after his father, but Blake stopped him. “Let me handle this” Blake said and Stephen agreed. Blake walked up to Dent while Mary glaring at her future father-in-law went to her fiancé. “Are you trying to scare her away?” Blake said seriously.

Dent chuckled, “She better get used to me.”

“And why is that?” Blake said as he took a glass of champion from the server.

“I’m going to be the one fucking her.” Dent said licking his lips lasciviously at Mary.

Mary turned her head and Stephen looked at his father with disgust.

“Calm down Dent. You may get to fuck her, but it’s her brother who will take her virginity. Give the girl a break. Shehasn’t even read the contract. Behave yourself or she might just run away” Blake said his voice low.

“Sorry Blake, I just can’t wait to get my hands on that black pussy. I can taste her. She looks so sweet. I’m surprised my son hasn’t tapped that ass. I want her anal.” Dent said still staring at Mary.

“You don’t get that either.” Blake turned to Dent and moved closer, his voice menuing. “You will not hurt this girl Dent or I will make you pay far worse than your brother. Your son loves this girl and she’s going to be his wife, so be gentle with her and watch yourself.”

“Sure, sure, but I am looking forward to sucking those melons. Lord, she’s really a hot little bitch. He’s very lucky.” Dent grinned, but his grin vanished when he saw the look on Jake’s face.

Jake joined Blake and Dent, “You will not hurt my sister. You get to fuck her per the contract, but if I see you doing anything to hurt her, I will hurt you.”

Jake walked away from Dent back to Hayley and Blake turning to Dent again said, “You’ve been warned” before he also turned and went back to kiss Valentina on the neck.

The party was a surprise engagement party. Dinner was all of the favorite foods of the couple and dancing until one in the ballroom with their favorite band, Fall Out Boy.

Mary stayed away from Dent, but spent some time with Sally who enthusiastically welcomed her into the family.

Near the end of the night, Kenneth told Mary and Stephen that they would be given the contract to sign at his home in three days and the ritual would begin the next day at the homes of Kenneth and Gwyn because Stephen had requested it be in New York and not at his parent’s home in Maine.

Dent was not happy about this at all. He had the playroom all redone for this moment and had purchased a piece of equipment especially to use on Mary. This was his last time to fuck one of his children and their intended and he had planned every moment of it. Now it was all being taken away and he had been threatened by both Jake and Blake. Sally came over to him. She had watched Blake and Jake talking to Dent and she was glad. Her husband was a bully and could be a very cruel Master. She had known that and had craved it, but her children had not. It was time Dent got some of his own medicine.


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