(c)2013 angelface195 all rights reserved
If you need a list of the cast of Cassidy’s please refer to chapters 1 – 36.
Margaret Jones – Assistant to Hayley
Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
Samantha screamed. Brandon came running. Ellen yelled, “It was supposed to be you” as she turned and ran from the park.
Samantha put the baby in the stroller and went to her sister. Denise was lying on the ground, blood bleeding from the bullet wound in her head. People gathered around and the police came quickly. An ambulance appeared in minutes and the parameters worked on Denise.
Brandon called Blake, “Ellen shot Denise. I’m in the park. The parameters are working on her. It looks bad.”
Blake was outwardly calm, but inwardly he was furious. How in the hell did this happen, “Brandon, do you have the baby?”
“Yes, I need to be with Samantha.” Brandon said running his hand through hishair.
“Go to my house and take the baby there. The nanny will watch him. I will call the men I have on Ellen and find out how the hell this happened. I will also notify Kenneth and meet you at the hospital. I believe that Daniel is in a very important meeting which should be ending. I will send someone to get him and bring him to the hospital. Under no circumstances are you or anyone else to call him until I’ve spoken with him.”
Brandon agreed and hurriedly told Samantha what Blake had said. Samantha watched anxiously as the parameters worked on her sister. “I’m going with her.” Samantha got into the ambulance with her sister.
“I’ll meet you there.” Brandon said. Samantha just nodded.
Brandon watched the doors close and the ambulance speed away. The Press had arrived and Security had to get involved to whisk him and little Brandon away.
Samantha prayed as she never had before. “Please God, please don’t take her. I hope the formula works. Please DEnise don’t leave us.” She held her sister’s hand.
Tears began to fall again and she wiped her eyes. Denise wouldn’t want to see her crying. Suddenly Samantha remembered, “Oh Shit, mom and dad; they shouldn’t hear this on the news.” Samantha took out her cell phone and called her parents.
Luckily Matthew and Helen were in New York for a fund raiser. They arrived at the hospital fifteen minutes after Samantha. She ran into her father’s arms and he held her. “She’s so pale. So much blood” she turned and hugged her mother.
“Samantha” Helen said taking her hand and sitting down with her, “You need to take care of yourself and the baby. Denise will be fine. Please honey, you need to take care of yourself.”
“Mother you didn’t see. She was shot in the head; the bullet was meant for me…that crazy bitch wants Brandon. She drugged him and carried his child. The baby is so beautiful and looks so much like him. I already love him as if he were mine. We made a deal with her; we thought it was all fine, but that demented Ellen couldn’t let it go. She wanted me dead.” Samantha held her stomach, “She wanted my baby dead”
Samantha broke down and her mother held her. Brandon came into the waiting room. He saw his wife sobbing. His face was ashen. Dropping to his knees, Brandon took her hands as Matthew patted his back.
“I’m so sorry” Brandon said.
“It’s not your fault.” Samantha cried. “Have they found Ellen?”
“Not that I know of, the baby is with Valentina and the nanny. He’ll stay there until we are ready to get him. Valentina is a wreck. She blows herself somehow. How’s Denise?” He said looking at Matthew and Helen.
“We don’t know” Helen said.
Blake walked into the room. Matthew could see he was wound very tight. “Daniel is on his way. He doesn’t know anything. I managed to keep him from hearing any news reports. I will issue a statement, but the press will want to see you Brandon and the cops want to talk toBoth of you. I’ve arranged for a member of my team to take care of that part of it so most of it will be kept out of the press, but it will still be a scandal. We will say that it was a crazy fan who was upset that you were going to have a baby. I’m sorry, but it’s necessary. We have to find Ellen.”
Blake looked at the rest of the family and said, “A specialist has been brought in; Dr. Marcus Cassidy Williams. He’s brilliant and he will do everything for Denise. He knows everything about the formula.
My wife is very upset, but Valentina wants you to know not to worry about the baby. We’ll take care of him. I’ve posted extra guards at my house. We’ll catch her.”
Dr. Marcus Cassidy Williams entered. He was a tall black man with a bald head that made him look like the actor Samuel L. Jackson. He was married to the Florida branch of the Cassidy family. His wife, Marlene was an opera singer. They had three children. Dr. Cassidy-Williams was a trauma expert and head of theMayo Clinic.
He took a deep breath as he sat down on the edge of the sofa next to Blake. “I hear that her husband is downstairs. I’d like to wait until he comes up to talk to all of you.”
Daniel came racing in. “What’s happened?” He asked. “Where’s my wife?”
Gently Blake told him what happened. Daniel crumbled. Matthew and Brandon held him. Kenneth and Gwyn arrived. Daniel was weeping, “Please doctor tell me. Is my Denise going to be all right? Is the formula going to protect her?”
Doctor Cassidy-William told, “I’m sorry. She’s on life support. The bullet damaged too much of her brain.”
“Oh my God!” Samantha said as she beat her breasts and wailed. Brandon held her tightly.
The doctor continued, “We are keeping her on life support because she’s pregnant.”
“Oh God” Samantha excerpted, this was the worse news yet.
Daniel looked stunned. “What? We’ve been trying, but when? How? “
“I don’t think she knew. She’s only a few weeks. Wehave some options but I think we should implant the fetus in another family member. You have some time before you have to make a decision. The formula will give you time, but don’t wait too long.”
Daniel, his eyes red asked, “Can I be with her?”
“Of course, she’s in ICU and we’ll take you there. Just one visitor at a time” The doctor said as he looked sadly at Denise’s family.
Hayley and Jake arrived at the hospital. Matthew told them what had happened. Everyone was very upset, but Blake was very angry and Brandon could see that Blake blamed himself.
Daniel was in with Denise. He was struggling her hair and talking to her, “We did it. Please, I know they said there is no hope, but you can do anything. I love you. I miss you already.”
Blake was on the phone. He was trying not to yell at the men that were supposed to be guarding Ellen. They still had not located her. Blake told them to stay at his home because if there was one thing he knew, Ellen would come for her baby.
Ellen was upset. She had gone to her old apartment and was hiding out. She had failed and knew that Blake and his men were looking for her. It wouldn’t be long before they came to this apartment. She phoned Gary and told him she needed a plane. Gary arranged for one to be waiting at the tarmac for her in three hours.
Ellen’s next step was to get her baby. Using the Vespa she had hidden when she shot Denise, Ellen followed the car Brandon was in to Blake’s house and watched him take the baby inside. There were security guards guarding the house and Ellen had to find a way to get in.
She packed a backpack with a few essentials and the gun. No one and nothing would stop her from getting her child. Ellen went into her closet and took out a dark black wig. She also took out a pregnancy pillow from a modeling shoot and changed her clothes. She now looked like a pregnant woman. Putting on a pair of dark glasses and grabbing the pack she leftHer apartment for the last time and went down the stairs and out the back door. She muttered to herself, “I really screwed up. It should have been Samantha. Damn, Damn. I have to see Brandon and make him understand, but not before I take little Brandon away and make sure my son is safe.”
Valentina wanted to go to the hospital, but Blake had ordered her to stay home. She was angry with herself. She had brought Ellen into their lives.
She went into the nursery, Adelaide was sound sleep, but little Brandon was still awake as if he knew something was wrong. The nanny had gotten some formula since he only had breast milk for one more feeding.
Valentina picked him up and sitting down in the rocking chair she rocked him until he fell asleep. She kissed his little face, “I’m sorry About your mother, but I know that Brandon and Samantha love you and they will take care of you.” She held him even after he had fallen wait and then placed him in his crib. Valentina sat in the rocking chair until she also fell asleep.
Hayley was having a heated conversation with Jake. They sat away from the family and whispering excitedly. Helen watched them and knew that Hayley was upset and Jake was angry. Getting up, Helen walked over to them. They were so involved in their conversation they did not see or hear her. She listened for a moment.
“I will now allow it Hayley, you cannot carry this baby. You haven’t even been pregnant yet.” Jake said.
“She’s my sister and besides that you have a baby with Daniela. I don’t care. We can fight about this all you want to, but I’m not going to budget. You can punish me if you’d like but I will do this for Denise.” Hayley argued folding her arms across her chest.
Helen spoke interrupting them, “No you won’t. I will be the one.”
They both stopped talking to stare at her. Everyone else in the room stopped talking and stared. Matthew stood and put his arms around his wife, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, she’s my baby and I will carry her baby if it’s possible.” Helen put her hand on Hayley’s shoulder.
“He’s right Hayley, you and Jake should start your own family. I want to do this and I’ll speak to the doctor.” Helen said and everyone in the room knew that when Helen put her mind to something she would do it.
Daniel came out of Denise’s room and into the waiting room. He told Samantha she could go in. Dr. Cassidy-William’s came back into the room and Helen told him her decision. “We will prepare to do the procedure as soon as we can. I have to prepare you for this Helen and we’ll work it out. With the formula it shouldn’t be too hard.”
Daniel hugged his mother-in-law. Blake watched them. “I have to leave soon. I need to go over Some legal issues and I also will deal with Ellen as soon as she is found. Brandon, you take your time and stay with Sam. The baby is safe and can stay with us for as long as you need. You have some decisions to make.”
Brandon ran his hand through his hair. The movie star looked defeated and tired. He had bags under his red eyes and needed a sade. Brandon felt guilty about all of it, but he and Samantha had managed to have a brief conversation about little Brandon and they had decided that he would live with them and they would raise him as their own, “Samantha and I have decided that my son will live with me and be raised as Ours. One day we will tell him about Ellen but not for a long time.”
For the first time that day, Blake smiled, “I thought you’d say that. I will make sure that we take care of his birthday certificate and any other paperwork.”
“What do you intend to do with Ellen?” Brandon asked and Matthew looked at Blake questioningly.
“If she gives herself up then she will be placed in a medical facility. If not…” He let the thought go unsaid.
“What about the police? Won’t they arrest her for the shooting?” Jake asked.
“It’s all been taken care of. There will not bea trial. Ellen will not spend a day in jail; she will be taken away to someplace where she cannot hurt anyone ever again.”
Matthew nodded. Brandon breathed deeply, “Please find her.”
Blake looked deadly as he said, “I will” and he left.
Stephen was with Mary when they heard the news of the shooting. They had been out all day shopping and enjoying the day. They returned to his apartment and had the television on as they made dinner together when they heard that Denise had been shot.
As they watched in horror, Stephen thought about what life would be like if he lost Mary and he promised himself that he would propose as soon as possible.
Mary tried to phone Jake but it went straight to voice mail. She was worried about him and Hayley. She prayed that Everything would be all right.
Ellen used cash to check into a hotel and identification she had borrowed from a friend. While she was in Paris she had a friend of Gary’s; a forgotten, prepare,re a French passport for her and little Brandon.
For three days, Ellen hidden out in the hotel formulating her plan to get her son and leave New York for good. She knew that Blake and his men were looking for her and she was afraid of what they would do. Every night dressed in a different disguise she went past Blake’s house to see if she could find a way in. On the third night she saw Henry the butler. He had Come outside to talk on his cell phone. “We need the delivery on Friday. Bring it downstairs at 11. Thank you.”
Ellen went back to her hotel with a smile on her face. She knew how she would get her son.
The formula was keeping Denise alive and protecting her fetus. Denise watched her body in the bed. She saw those around her and heard them talking to her. She wanted to comfort them and let them know that she was ready. She wanted to thank her mother for doing this for her unborn child, but the person she really wanted and would miss the most, the person who stroked her hair and said that he loved her was Daniel. He looked lost and confused. He was very anxious. He was her love, her Master and her life and now, against her will, she was leaving him. Her heart was gladdened by the thought that she was giving him a part of her; their child. She knew it was a little boy.
Daniel would be a great father and the rest of her family would help him. As soon as the baby was taken from her body they would let her go. She was ready.
Blake had been in a bad mood since the shooting. He was barking orders all day and when he came home he was drained. The only thing which calmed him down was being with the babies. Brandon and Samantha agreed that little Brandon should stay with Blake until Ellen was caught. They visited every day. Cecile, the nanny was a godsend as was Gertie. Blake told his mother-in-law how glad he was that she was here and asked her to stay permanently.
They reached an agreement. She would move to New York, but Blake would get her, her own apartment. Valentina was thrilled. Lacy and Derrick had also moved into Derrick’s old house, but they were looking for something bigger.
Blake had men interrogate friends of Ellen’s. He warned them that the consequences would be dire if they were to help her. As far as he knew no one had. Suggestions were made of where she might be, but Blake knew she would not Leave her son and that she was just planning how to get him. He had everyone at home on guard.
Ellen had a friend. They had been friends since she first arrived in New York. He was a prosthetic makeup artist for film. Ellen went to him and he outfitted her with several disguises. On this day she was dressed as a man with a fake nose and mustache. Her friend had done a superb job and no one would recognize her.
The market was always looking for delivery men so Ellen disguised as a young man interviewed for the job which she promptly got. The day of the delivery, Ellen paid theRegular delivery guy five hundred dollars to let her deliver the groceries. He didn’t question her and drove the three blocks to the house. Ellen took the dolly with the boxes and humped them down three steps. Henry opened the door and she entered the house. Intentionally she had left one box in the truck. “Oh, you have one more, if you will sign I’ll bring in the other box.” She said deepening her voice.
Henry signed and handed her a general tip, “I’ll leave the door opened you can just bring it in and leave it here.”
He left to go upstairs. He had been dealing with this market for many years and knew most of their delivery people. He looked the young man up and down, “Are you new? Where’s Al?”
“I just started. Al is in the truck. I’ll be right back.” Ellen said and went back outside. She handed the signed receipt and the tip to Al and said to him, “I’m going to take in the last box and I’ll walk back to the store.”
Al nodded, “Yea they want you to do some inventory. I can make the last delivery. See you after lunch.”
Ellen nodded and taking the small box and her backpack, she went back into Blake’s house. Once inside, she took out the gun from the backpack. Slowly and carefully she walked up the stairs. She knew the house since she had attended several parties and went straight up two flights to the nursery.
Little Brandon was sleep as was Adelaide. She saw her son and stroked his face.
Cecile walked into the room, “Who are you? What are you doing here?”
Ellen turned, pointing the gun at her. Cecile, hands on her hips said, “You will not hurt these babies. What do you want?”
Ellen laughed, “This baby” She said pointing at the sleeping boy, is mine. She removed the fake mustache and nose.
“You are the one who shot Miss Denise.” Cecile said her eyes wide and fear creeping in.
At that moment Valentina came into the nursery. “Ellen, how did you get in here? You need to turn yourself in” Valentina wasCalmly.
“Shut up Val. I’m here for my son. I’m taking him and we are leaving. Pack some diapers and formula in this backpack. But first take out the cable ties and tie the nanny’s hands behind her back.” Ellen ordered pointing the gun at Valentina.
“Who’s in the house?” Ellen asked.
“The servants, Cecile and I” Valentina said as she put diapers, two changes of clothes, formula and three bottles into the bag. She tied the nanny’s hands behind her back and sat Cecile into one of the rocking chairs in the nursery.
“Where’s your mother?” Ellen asked as she stroked little Brandon’s face with her free hand.
“My mother went out to pick up a few things for me. Blake is at work. You won’t get away with this you know. If you turn yourself in then Blake will take care of you. You need help Ellen. Your observation with Brandon is what got you into this mess. Please.” Valentina said taking a step towards her.
Ellen stepped back, “Get my son dressed and ready to leave. I know as soon as we are gone you’ll call your husband so I’ll have to take you with me. I’ll let you go once we get to the airport.”
“I can’t leave Adelaide.” Valentina said as she again took a step towards Ellen.
Ellen laughed, “Once they hear her crying, I’m sure Henry or the cook will come and free your nanny. Finish dressing Brandon and let’s get out of here. We’ll go through the basement.”
Valentina changed and dressed little Brandon who was starting to wake up. She took out the baby carrier and carefully placed the baby inside.
Ellen handed Valentina a ball gag from her backpack, “For the nanny.”
Valentina nodded and looked sadly at Cecile as she placed the ball gag in her nanny’s mouth.
Carefully Ellen led Valentina out of the house and down the stairs. Henry almost caught them as they came down the stairs, but he was walking towards the kitchen with the box and didn’t turn around.
They kept walking down the steps to the basement and out the door. Ellen put the gun in her pocket and hailed a cab. Valentina with the baby and Ellen got in. “Airport” Ellen said and then she took off the prosthetic nose and the mustache and the wig. “Damn that feels better.” She smiled.
Brandon was awake. Ellen kissed his face, “Did you miss you my darling boy? Mama missed you terribly.”
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