©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved
If you need a list of the cast of Cassidy’s please refer to chapters 1 — 36.
Lacy Alexis — Sister to Valentina
Ellen McGraw — Pregnant stalker and supermodel
The Cassidy Kennedy’s
Derrick Cassidy Kennedy — Suitor to Lacy Alexis
Amber Cassidy Kennedy — Mother to Derrick
Senator Alan Cassidy Kennedy — Father to Derrick
Jackson Cassidy Kennedy — Brother to Derrick married to Pedro
Pedro Cassidy Kennedy — Husband to Jackson, changed his name to Cassidy Kennedy after their marriage
Janice Cassidy Kennedy McGarrett — Sister to Derrick
Bronson McGarrett — Husband to Janice
Margaret Jones — Assistant to Hayley
Brian West — Assistant to Jake
Marvina — New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
The Board Meeting was a chance to say a final goodbye to Lance and welcome Mason and Lady Catherine who would be taking over her father’sduty.
The members gathered. Lady Catherine had spent a great deal of time with her grandchildren in New York. Lord Thomas had flown back to England. Daniela kissed her mother-in-law and her husband. Mason had bought a new five thousand dollars Brioni suit for the occasion and had taken hours to get ready with Daniela laughing at the care he was taking.
“Don’t laugh at me. I have to look presentable. This is my very first board meeting.” Mason said as he kissed her.
Daniela straightened his tie, “you look very sexy. Do you I get to undress you in that suit?”
Mason raised an eyebrow, “If you wish, just wait until I get back. Let me kiss my children and I’ll see you later tonight.”
Mason pulled Daniela to him and kissed her deeply. He Pulled up her skirt and felt her warm pussy. Daniela moaned. “I expect you on your knees when I come home and then you can undress me.” Mason said pulling away leaving Daniela heated.
Lady Catherine and Mason walked intothe Board room. As they entered, all the Board Members knelt down with the exception of Hayley, Matthew and Kenneth who walked over to Lady Catherine. They kissed her cheek and handed her an envelope with contained a sizeable check. They also handed one to Mason; his was half the amount of hers.
Kenneth would spend the evening with Lady Catherine alone. He would share certain details with her and would fuck her sealing her place as the head of her father’s side of the family. Unlike Hayley’s initiative nothing more elaborate would be done.
After the Board Members sat back in their seats, champione was brought in and they made a toast to Lance and then to Mason and finally to Lady Catherine. Kenneth knew the power that Lady Catherine now had due to Mason’s marriage to Daniela and her close ties with Matthew and Hayley Since Daniela had children by both Hayley’s father and Hayley’s husband.
The meeting lasted two hours. There was family business to attend to. One memberof the family was in a coma. This member lived in Arkansas and had been hit with a bat. He would recover, the formula would ensure that he would be perfectly fine. The perpetrator had been caught and was now alligator food. Another family member was purchasing a larger house. Normally this would not cause attention, but the board member had just signed a lucrative government contract and the family wanted to make sure that Everything was legit.
There were two deaths besides Lance’s. One member died in a flash flood. Her husband and young son were moved. Other family members were making sure they were both all right. In fact, Gwyn had gone to be with them to offer guidance.
Another family member had accidentally fallen off a mountain while climbing. His wife and six children were being cared for by the family and Kenneth was going to the funeral.
Happy news of two weddings and then the biggest news was that Samantha and Quinn were pregnant.
Mason listened to allthat went on and realized at that moment just how powerful the family was and how much more powerful his family had become with his marriage to Daniela.
After the meeting, Hayley took him aside, “Jake and I would like to visit with you and Daniela in a few days. We’d like to spend the day. Also if you need anything call me. I’m supposed to teach you a few things about the board; so text me and we will set up some time together.
Mason thanked her. They all had dinner together and talked. Mason felt as if he was now really a part of the Cassidy family and he thanked his mother.
On his way home, Mason opened the envelope which held his large check. He gasped and stopped off at the bank to deposit it. He would do something extra special for his employees at the restaurant and buy a very nice gift for his wife.
When he arrived home, all was quiet. He checked in on the babies. Carlos was still awake just barely. Mason picked him up. “Night owl, you need togo to sleep.” Mason held him in the rocking chair, rocking with him as Carlos stared into his eyes and finally fell asleep.
Mason placed him gently back into his crib. When he went into the bedroom Daniela was kneeing sleeping. He chuckled as he bent down to kiss her, “I’m sorry baby I meant to call. I’m later than I thought I’d be.”
Daniela sleepily opened her eyes. “How did it go?”
Mason scooped her up into his arms and took her to bed. “It went very well. Tomorrow I’m putting money into your account and I’m going to give my employees a very nice bonus. Mother looked very happy, I’m sure she’ll tell you about it tomorrow.”
“Is she here?” Daniela asked as she reached up to untie Mason’s tie.
Mason stopped her, “I’ll undress, you sleep. We’ll do the suit thing later. I’m taking today off and spend with you and the kids. It’s cold and snowing so we’ll have a nice day at home. Mother is spending the night with Kenneth, she’ll be home sometimes tomorrow, now sleep.”
Daniela fell back wait as Mason changed his clothes, took a shower washed up and climbed into bed. He lay awake for quite some time thinking about his life and how much he had to be grateful for.
Two days later, Daniela and Mason left for their honeymoon. Mason surprised her by taking her to the family’s private island. Island Cassidy was unlike any place else. There was a store owned by the locals which was only filled with supplies of the Cassidy family member who were staying there. Mason had sent a list. This store was as large as a department store and contained anything and everything that Mason thought Daniela would like. It was her wedding gift. She would try on dresses and shoes, jewelry, coats, bathing suits, nightgowns etc… whatever she wanted they would have shipped back home, the rest would be donated. The house itself was romantic and modern with light colored wood furniture. There was a playroom and the bedroom was done in soft blues withclouds painted on the ceiling.
There was a bowling alley, swimming pool, tennis court, eight seater screening room and a fifties style restaurant. The house came with 8 bedrooms and ten bathrooms and was staffed by three maids and a butler.
The only way to get to the house was by plane, then by seaplane. There was also a yacht docked which they would use to take a tour of the islands with a full crew. Also on the island were houses where the staff took care of the house and the island.
Daniela was nervous and called home three times to check on the babies before they got on the seaplane. As the plane landed and Mason helped her out, she marveled at the beautiful house. They walked up the sandy beach to the front door. The butler, whose name was Perry opened the door and greeted Mason; the sun was just starting to go down and dinner was already prepared.
Mason scooped Daniela up, “I didn’t get a chance to take you across our threshold, so I’m doing it now.” He said and kissed her neck. Daniela laughed.
Inside Daniela marveled at the beauty of the two story house. Mason carried her upstairs and when he put her down then took her face in his hands and kissed her hard on the lips. “After dinner we’ll continue where we leave off. I know things have been hectic, but I have a few honeymoon surprises and a few ‘other’ surprises.
“Is that why you told me to just pack my toothbrush?” Daniela said laughing, even though she had packed a bag of necessities.
“Yep and after dinner I’ll show you why?” Mason said kissing her nose and grabbing her hand brought her down to dinner.
Blake and Valentina were sound sleep. It was three in the morning when Blake sat up in the bedroom. He was dripping with sweat from the nightmare he had. Blinking he looked around the room his heart beating rapidly. Valentina lay sound sleep next to him.
He eased out of bed making sure not to awaken his seven month pregnant wife and went downstairs to the kitchen. The nightmare still on his mind, Blake took a glass and opened the refrigerator to take out some orange pineapple juice. He poured himself a glass then sat down at the breakfast nook and wiped his browser.
Blake thought about his dream…Ellen with a gun pointed at someone and she shoots. Did she shoot Brandon or Samantha? He had extra security on them so what did he miss and when would this happen? Blake was concerned.
He got up after finishing his drink and went into his study. Picking up the phone he called the team that were watching Ellen in Paris. “Keep your eye on that bitch. If the baby is Brandon’s then we need to know how she did it. If it’s not his, then we can take her out and put the baby in an orphanage. Just don’t let her out of your sight”
For a long time Blake Sat thinking about this. He prayed the baby wasn’t Brandon’s. Valentina woke up and noticed her husband not in bed. She got up and padded downstairs. The door to the study wasopen and she went in. “Are you all right Sir?”
He smiled up at her, “I’m fine just a nightmare. Sorry I woke you.”
“You didn’t, I just missed your body next to mine.” Valentina said smiling at him.
Blake stood; his dick did a jump as he looked at her. She looked so beautiful in her short sheer silk nightgown with her very visible baby bump. Walking over to her he took her into his arms and kissed her deep. He rubbed her belly where his child slept so peacefully and right now envied the baby’s peaceful sleep.
Together they walked up to the bedroom. Once back in bed Valentina kissed down her husband’s body. Blake stopped her. He removed his pants. “On top” He breathed huskily.
Valentina grinned and stripped down. Her breasts heavy with milk climbed on her husband’s dick and eased her pussy down onto him. Blake held onto her hips as she fucked up and down his cock. “Sir, so good.” She breathed.
He moaned and moved his hips. It wasn’t long before theyBoth found their climax. Valentina climbed from him and went into the bathroom. She returned and put her gown back on. Blake spooned with her. His dick again getting hard. Valentina knew what he wanted and passed him the lube. Blake stroked his cock and then lubed it up. He was still agitated from the dream, but his wife’s ass beckoned.
Blake eased himself into Valentina’s anal passage and fucked her hard holding onto her tits. She loved the way he fucked her ass and was soon close to cumming. She knew Blake would take his time so she withheld until he gave her permission to cum.
“My dear, how I love fucking your ass. It’s so good.” Blake said slamming in and out. “I’m going to cum, I want you to cum.”
Valentina still held back until she felt him spurting into her behind then she too let go. “Sir, I’m cummming.”
Blake held her close to him as he emptied himself in her ass. Blake pulled out and Valentina went to get up, but he held her and she turned her face to him. “Are you all right Sir?” she asked again.
“I’m fine. I just want to hold you, then you can go and wash.” Blake said, then he hesitated for a moment. He turned her to him and stroked her face, “I want you to know that I love you and if anything were to happen to me, I’ve taken care of everything you’ll be safe.”
“Sir” Valentina said frowning, “Nothing is going to happen to you.”
He smiled, “You’re right. I’m just being silly. Go, wash up. Tomorrow I’ll bring you breakfast in bed.”
She smiled at him, got up and went into the bathroom. Blake just laid back thinking of the nightmare and hoping that it was all just a dream, but a nagging thought told him it wasn’t.
Lacy and Derrick moved back to New York to Derrick’s house. He was looking for something bigger and more a home than his current house. Lacy was back in school and Derrick was working with Brandon on a new movie.
Lacy spent a great deal of time with Valentina during the week. The often had lunch together sometimes at home but mostly out of the house when their men were working. School was going well and Lacy had spoken to Hayley about working with her after she started her company.
Derrick and Lacy were joining Hayley and Jake for a night out on Friday and Lacy was looking forward to it.
She told Valentina all about Amber and how her mother-in-law treated her. Valentina was appalled, but glad that Derrick decided to make the move. Valentina smiled to herself because she would take care of Amber when they had the wedding night ritual.
Gertie would be arrived in a month. Both girls had spoken to their mother more now than before and they were all very close. Valentina had spoken to Blake about finding someone for her mother. Blake told her he would think about it.
Mason and Daniela spent their first night of their honeymoon just catching up on sleep. They were both too exhausted after dinner than to do more but cuddle.
The next morning, after a delicious breakfast, Mason placed a blindfold over Daniela’s eyes. He took her over to the store and sat her down on a white plus couch. Taking off the blindfold, Daniela saw a runway. She blinked and looked at Mason. “What’s all this?”
“This” He said, a huge face splitting grin on his face, “Is your fashion show. Everything here is for you. Whatever you don’t want will go to charity. The rest is for your stay here and our island hoping trip. We will leave day after tomorrow. Tonight, I plan to use the playroom. So let the fashion show begin.” The butler arrived and passed out champione.
Music played, lights changed colors and supermodels appeared. Tyra Banks appeared as the MC. She looked sexy in a gold sweetheart neckline gown. Daniela was surprised and thrilled to see six Victoria secret models appear. She gaped at Mason, “You must have spent a fortune!” She laughed.
“Only the best for you my love” Mason said looking quite pleased with himself.
Tyra handed Daniela a program. She could check off what she wanted and it would be put into her room or packed away for the trip.
They began with underwear. Mason’s dick did a jump as he watched model after model come out in sexy underwear. Daniela picked out three bras with matching panties. The fashion show continued. By the end, Daniela was very happy with everything she picked out and a few things Mason wanted her to have.
The models, Mason and Daniela all had lunch. After which the models and their enourage climbed aboard four seaplanes and left.
Mason took Daniela back to the house and into the playroom. He stripped her of her clothes and put on her collar. “Your body is mine and belongs to me forever. I resisted the temptation to have you suck my dick at the fashion show. You and I have been very busy with babies, weddings and household things that we haven’t had time to just be who we really are. Who are you Daniela?” Mason asked as he walked around her touching her body.
Daniela stood trembling naked with the collar around her neck. “I am your wife and your submissive.”
Mason slapped her butt, “Yes, but what are you also?”
Daniela looked at him puzzled. Mason laughed, “you are my cunt and my slut. You will do whatever I ask when I ask.”
“Yes Sir.” Daniela said.
Mason pinched her nipples and Daniela groaned. “you like that don’t you?” Mason said pinching them again.
“Yes Sir.” Daniela said.
Mason reached down to her pussy and pinched her clip. “Ouch!” Daniela said squirming.
“Whose cunt is this?” Mason asked.
Daniela looked into his eyes with lust and love, “Your cunt Sir.”
“Eyes down and they stay down until I say look up. Just stand there.” He said as he left the room.
Daniela was completely turned on. Her juices started to drip down her legs.
Mason returned half an hour later. He had taken his time and was now wearing just a pair of black silk pants. His feet were naked.
Mason walked up to Daniela. Behind his back he had a short braided whip and a vibrator. He placed these items on the table. Opening a drawer, Mason took out wrist cuffs. “you’ve been negative of your duties and will be punished. You haven’t come to bed with your wrist’s cuffs as I told you. You haven’t sucked my cock when you come to bed for days. From today on, you will do your duties to me because I own all of you.”
“Yes Sir!” Daniela said her eyes looking down at Mason’s feet.
“Failure to comply will result in a spanking for the first offense, a flogging for the second and a whipping for the third.” Mason said again walking around Daniela.
He stopped in front of her and lifted her face to his. “You are so beautiful. Show me how grateful you are for the treatments I gave you today. Show your master exactly how you want to please him. Show me Daniela and if you fail, you will be punished worse than I have ever paid you before, so don’t fail me.”
Daniela went over to the table and put the cuffs on her wrists. She turned around so Mason could hook them together. Leaning close she waited until he took her face in his hands and kissed her. He held her to him and deepened the kiss. She tried to move, but he held her still and ran his hands down her body.
His tongue was capturing hers as Mason felt down her body. His hands rested on her ass and then gripped her cheeks and pulled her close to him where he held her as he kissed her. Mason still holding Daniela bent down and bit her neck. Daniela groaned.
He released her suddenly and went over to the table and took out a blindfold. Daniela’s eyes grew wide, but she said nothing as he blindfolded her.
Mason pushed Daniela down to her knees. The floor of this playroom was hard against her knees but she knelt waiting. Mason took out his hard cock and brushed it across her lips, “you have ten minutes to bring me off as I whip you for each of the days you forgot to do your duty to my cock that owns you. If you do not bring me off in ten minutes, I will tie you to the horse and whip you then fuck your ass and pussy and leave you here all night long. If you bring me off, I will allow you to cum, but your hands will stay tied.”
Mason set the timer and placed it on the table and came back to Daniela.
Mason slapped her face with his hard cock. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her onto his dick where he roughly began fucking her mouth. Daniela sucked hard. She could feel Mason becomes harder and harder in her mouth. Mason slashed the whip near her ear so she could hear it and then he began. SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! SWISH! SWISH!
He hit her with the whip and Daniela sucked. Tears sprang to her eyes as she sucked. Mason pulled out, “Safe word?”
“No Sir, please more.” She cried and took his dick in her mouth. Daniela sucked him and Mason whipped her. Mason knew he couldn’t hold too much longer so he dropped the whip, grabbedher hair and with his knees bent he fucked savagely into her mouth.
Mason let out a roar as he came in her mouth. He pulled out and Daniela opened her mouth so that he could deposit more of his semen in her mouth. “Good girl, now swallow it. Never waste it.” He said. “Now clean me.”
Daniela went to cleaning his cock. Mason pulled out and she waited, blindfolded, her arms tied Behind her, her ass checks bearing the marks of the whip.
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