©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved
If you need a list of the cast of Cassidy’s please refer to chapters 1 — 36.
Lacy Alexis — Sister to Valentina
Ellen McGraw — Pregnant stalker and supermodel
The Cassidy Kennedy’s
Derrick Cassidy Kennedy — Suitor to Lacy Alexis
Amber Cassidy Kennedy — Mother to Derrick
Senator Alan Cassidy Kennedy — Father to Derrick
Jackson Cassidy Kennedy — Brother to Derrick married to Pedro
Pedro Cassidy Kennedy — Husband to Jackson, changed his name to Cassidy Kennedy after their marriage
Janice Cassidy Kennedy McGarrett — Sister to Derrick
Bronson McGarrett — Husband to Janice
Margaret Jones — Assistant to Hayley
Brian West — Assistant to Jake
Marvina — New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
The wedding night ritual continued through the night. It was not like Hayley and Jake’s; there was no animosity among the Chadwell’s. Even Claudia got along with everyone and knelt at Jake’s feet to suck his cock. They were a family, very close and very loving and everyone in the room wished the couple well.
The ritual ended with Mason fucking his bride as everyone stood around the bed and watched. Lady Catherine marveled at how well her son fucked as her husband ate her pussy and her son-in-law Adam fucked her ass.
Everyone took turns with everyone else and as six o’clock rapidly approached and Daniela and Mason passed out from their intense climaxes. The men took Mason upstairs where they bathed him and put him in white silk pajamas with the family crest. The same was done for Daniela with a beautiful gauzy white negligee. They were placed side by side in bed.
The family and guests stood around the bed and raised a glass of Cristal to the newlyweds. Everyone left except for Frederick, Lord Thomas and Lady Catherine.
They had about forty minutes left and they decided to spend that time together. So they kissed their children and wished them much happiness, then went off to the Master bedroom. Frederick fucked Lady Catherine while Lord Thomas sucked them both. After they had cum he cleaned Frederick’s cock. Frederick took his ass as Thomas ate his wife. As the sun came up and six o’clock approached, Frederick came in his lordships arse.
At nine thirty in the morning, Miriam awoke to Find herself alone in her bed. It was unlike her husband not to awaken her to suck his cock if she overslept, but she assumed the time difference was the cause.
Getting up she went into the living room to find the television on and Lance still on the couch. The moment she grew close, she knew he was gone. A tear fell from her eyes. Picking up her cell phone she called Blake.
Mason woke to his bride sucking his cock. He moved her and straddled her face. He moved his body so he was eating her pussy. Mason savored the taste of Daniela’s pussy; he could stay thereall night, but he wanted to see his children so he sucked on her clip while he fucked into her mouth.
Daniela was trembling. She withdraw her mouth, “Please Sir, please may I cum?” She begged.
Mason chuckled and lifted his face to say yes as he went back to eating with a relish.
Daniela came which triggered his climax and as he thrust hard in her mouth Mason came. After all the sex he had earlier he still let out a great deal of cum and Daniela had trouble swallowing it all.
Blake knew this news was coming and gave instructions to Miriam. Lance’s body was to be flown back to New York, but not before a piece of his heart was taken for the formula. The corner was called and the King had been notified. He gave instructions that the body was to be released to Blake. It was done after the piece of heart was taken and placed in a sealed tube in a freezer.
Lance’s remained were placed in a coffin and readied for the trip back to New York.
Blake waited until everyone had come down for brunch to tell them the news. He had sent Kenneth and Gwyn to Miriam right after he heard the news. They had only joined Mason and Daniela for a short time. Kenneth was tired and wanted to get to bed early. He had some work to do and wanted to head home first thing in the morning; that had now changed.
Lord Thomas looked at his wife as she tried not to smile a little at the news of her father’s death. Long live the Queen, Lord Thomas thought and went to put his arms around her.
“He’s finally gone the S.O.B and I know I should be upset and I am for my mother, but I’m glad he’s gone.” She said stubbornly.
Lord Thomas knew this was an act. She would fall apart after the funeral and he had prepared himself for this.
Mason and Daniela came down to a somber room. Lady Catherine told Mason that his grandfather had died. She pulled her son aside, “you are now going to come to the board meetings and sit beside me. We willbe the strongest family there next to Matthew and Hayley and I have plans.” She said hugging Mason.
“Mother are you all right?” Mason asked.
“I’m fine. I’m going to see my mother. I’m sure she’s upset.” Catherine said.
“We will come with you.” Mason said taking Daniela’s hand.
“All right” She said.
Sylvia spoke up, “I think we all should go. Grandmother will need us.”
Lady Catherine nodded. Everyone changed into somber black clothes and piled into limousines and SUVs to go to the hotel where Miriam was staying.
When they arrived at the Kings Castle Hotel, Miriam was lying in the bedroom with Gwyn by her side. She had been given a sedative by a doctor. Lance’s body had been removed. Blake went into the bedroom and Spoke with Gwyn. Miriam would be sleep for a while but she had told Gwyn to give the letters to Blake, Hayley and his daughter. Miriam kept the letter written to her and would never reveal its contents. She read this letter every dayand burned it before her death without anyone else ever reading it.
Hayley read the letter which was basically an apology and she said a prayer thanking Lance.
The letter to Blake was instructions for his remains. He wanted to be created and his ashes to be spread over the Hudson River. The letter continued, Lance wanted his wife to be happy and asked Blake to steer Miriam to a suitable mate who would Understand her submissiveness and if she chose to remarry let her know that she had his blessings.
Blake would wait until after the funeral to tell Miriam. They would have the funeral ritual and give Miriam time to heal. The formula would help her with her grief and in time she would move on. Blake had already let the scientist know that a piece of Lance’s heart would be given to them to use in the next batch of formula.
The rest of Lance’s family were notified and would be waiting in New York. St. Bartholomew’s church was notified and the service would take placethe following Saturday. Before he even landed, the Vice-president had phoned to offer his condolences and the King had called Blake to tell him that anything he or Miriam needed was at their disposal and that he was ordering a police escort to take them to the airport when they were ready.
Mason came over to Blake, “Daniela and I are postponing our honeymoon until a week after the funeral ritual. Daniela feels that my mother will need her.”
Blake looked at Lady Catherine who was standing slightly next to her husband. She held her father’s letter in her hand. When she saw Blake staring at her, she quickly put the letter into her handbag. Blake turned back to Mason, “I think that’s a wise idea. I have a feeling that after your mother reads that letter she’s going to need both of you. I’ve called the rest of the family; Matthew is of course upset, Dent is his usual pain in the ass and asked if Lance left him anything. The rest of your family have just left for home and willbe packing to leave for New York.”
“Thank you Blake. My grandmother’s a very strong lady, but Lance was her anchor. I wonder how she’s going to deal with all of this.” Mason asked.
“She’ll be fine. The formula will protect her. She will grieve, but in time she will heal and I hope find someone she wants to be with.” Blake said.
Miriam was dreaming; she was dreaming of Lance. Lance was telling her that he loved her and she had been a good wife. He told her he wanted her to grieve for him but only for a short time and then move on with her life and find a Master that would treat her well.
Matthew cried and Helen held him as he received the news of his brother’s death. He knew what he had to do for the Funeral Ritual and he was prepared. He and Lance had their moments, but all in all they were family and loved each other. It was Lance that introduced Matthew to Helen and it was Lance who Matthew went to for guidance. Lance had taught Matthew howto be a good Master and for that Matthew was grateful. He would miss his older brother.
Miriam came out of the bedroom. Her eyes were red from crying, but she was much better. Lady Catherine went to her and hugged her mother. Miriam whispered in her ear, “I know you were angry with your father, but please forgive him.”
Catherine said nothing about her father “Mother I’m here for you. I’ll do whatever you need me to do.”
“I need you to forgive him and realize that he always did the best by you. Right now, go home and let me talk with Blake and Kenneth. I have arrangements to make. I will see you in New York for the funeral. I love you and I am proud of you.” Miriam said. She walked over to Daniela and Mason.
“I’m sorry to intrude on your honeymoon.” Miriam said as she hugged Daniela.
“Please, Mrs. Cassidy, it’s no intrusion.” Daniela said.
Miriam smiled, “Please call me Miriam or grandmother as my other grandchildren do.” She said strugglingMason’s face. Mason kissed her hand.
“Grandmother is there anything we can do?” Mason asked.
“No. I just need to speak with Blake and Kenneth. I also have to call Vice-President Mitchell back. He and your grandfather were great friends. For now, I know you want to stay for the funeral, but after that, please have a wonderful honeymoon and kiss my great grandbabies for me; that is where you should be.”
Mason and Daniela nodded and they both hugged her. Miriam left them to see her other grandchildren. They all hugged her and she told them that she wanted Blake, Valentina, Kenneth and Gwyn to stay. Everyone else she wanted to go back to their lives. They listened and obeyed her.
On the way home, Mason stopped with Daniela for some quiet time at a favorite restaurant of his in London. “I want to see the babies. I only saw them for a minute before we left.” Daniela said.
“We will see them, but right now I want us to talk. My mother will need us and will have tobe ready for the rest of the family for the Funeral Ritual. Although we won’t be a part of it, only my parents, my mother’s two brothers and sister, Matthew and Helen and Dent and Sally along with Kenneth and Blake and most likely Gwen. I just learned about it, but I’m told it’s very serious and solemn, but it will help not only my grandmother, but my mother to heal.”
Daniela thought About this, “I’m sure the formula is working already. Your grandmother seems very calm.”
“It’s my mother I’m worried about. She hated her father and he wrote her a letter which I know she hasn’t read. I hope she reads it and finds some peace.” Mason said taking her hand, “Let’s eat lunch and return to the Castle.
After spending some time with Miriam, Blake brought Valentina back to the castle. “I want you to rest my dear. You are six months pregnant and you need to get off your feet.”
Valentina took her husband’s hands in hers, “Sir, I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. I feel for Miriam.”
Blake kissed her hand, “I’m not going anywhere and I will be with you and that baby for a long time.”
“I’m going to get us something to eat and then I want you to take a nap. I’ve arranged for us to leave tomorrow.” Blake said and left Valentina to talk with Gerard.
Valentina called her sister in Los Angeles. Lacy had spent Christmas with Derrick and his family. Derrick informed his mother he was moving back to New York in the next month. Amber wept. The wedding would also be in New York much to Amber’s chagrin; she hated the city. His father, Alan criticized his son which caused him to be milked by Amber until he it caused him pain. “You will let him go.” Alan told her.
Amber yelled at him, “Never”
She and Lacy had formed an uneasy alliance. Amber knew that Derrick truly loved Lacy and she should let him go, but a part of Amber just couldn’t do it.
She and Lacy had gotten into it on Christmas day. Lacy invited everyone to New Yorkthe next Christmas and Amber went berserk. “We always have Christmas here”
“Amber, I would like for Derrick and I to celebrate our first Christmas in our new home with all of his family and mine.” Lacy said sweetly. “We can, if you like and if Derrick wants, spend New Year’s in LA”
“No way, Christmas is always here.” Amber said stubbornly.
Derrick and Alan looked at each other. It wasn’t ever going to get any better. Derrick decided at that moment that he needed to distance himself from his mother and he would do that by moving to New York. Amber would be invited and she could choose to come or not.
Derrick called Kenneth and arranged to see houses. He and Lacy flew back to New York after the New Year. They spent New Year’s Eve alone in his home where he suspended her, flogged her and fucked her all night long. At midnight, Lacy was trusted up and being fucked in her ass and enjoying every minute of it.
The church was packed with family, dignitaries and just plain folks who had known the deceased; Lance Julius Cassidy was remembered as a man who loved his family, who donated large sums of money to many charities and who played a mean golf game. Vice-president Mitchell wept as he spoke of how his friend helped him with his re-election to the Senate.
Lady Catherine sat in the front row with her mother and husband on each side of her. She still had not read the letter from her father and at the moment had no intentions of reading it. Stubbornly she thought that she was just attending this charade for her mother’s benefit.
Lord Thomas was concerned about his wife, but he knew he couldn’t mention Lance, not just yet. She would deal with it in her own time.
Miriam held onto Catherine’s hand. She heard all the nice things people were saying and Miriam was grateful; but she also knew that her husband was not perfect. He could be mean, vindictive and controlling. She would miss his big dick; she would miss sucking him awake every morning. Miriam would miss him fucking her ass and using his tongue to make her cum over and over again. She would especially miss being his submissive. Catherine loved her mother and would do whatever she could to protect her. She wasn’t looking forward to the Funeral Ritual, but she was there to witness and hear her mother’s decision about where Miriam wanted her life to go.
Miriam went through the motions. She walked up to the closed casket and laid her hand on it. She wished Lance a good journey. She thanked the VP and other’s for coming as the pallbearers lifted Lance’s casket and took it out the door into the cold air and the waiting hearse.
The next day, Lance was created. His remains placed in an urn. Two days after the cremation, Blake, Lady Catherine, Miriam and Mason went up on a helicopter. In the middle of the Hudson River Miriam opened the urn and let her husband’s ashes go into the air. She wished him Godspeed; Lady Catherine wished that he would roast in hell.
Kenneth was making preparations for the Funeral Ritual. The scientists worked hard to incorporate the piece of Lance’s heart into the formula. Kenneth had also taken a small amount of Lance’s ashes for the funeral ritual. If Lance had been buried, they would have taken some of his hair and burned it.
The next evening after the cremation Lance’s children, her son and daughters in-laws, Lord Chadwell, Helen, Matthew, Dent, Sally, Kenneth, Gwyn, Blake and Valentina gathered for the Funeral Ritual. They were all dressed in white.
Miriam was led into the room by two men who worked for Blake. Miriam was wearing a lacy veil from head to toe; underneath the veil she was naked.
Matthew noted that her body was still in great shape as she knelt in front of him. Kenneth walked up to Miriam. “Miriam Cassidy, widow of Lance Cassidy have you decided how you wish to spend your life?”
Miriam surprised and said, “I wish to spend my time with my children and grandchildren. I wish to have some time in training with Helen and Matthew and then I wish Blake Black and you Kenneth to find me a Master.”
“Do you agree to Matthew taking you today and then in one year you go into submission with him and Helen for a period of one year?” Kenneth said.
“Yes, that is what I wish.” Miriam said.
“Everything that was Lance’s is yours; his seat on the board will go to your daughter Catherine and your grandson Mason will sit behind her.”
“As you wish Kenneth” Miriam said.
“As a submissive tonight, you are to suck every man’s cock and taste every woman’s pussy before Matthew takes you and fucks you. You are to surrender yourself for a flogging and thank Lance for all that he did for you and how he trained you. Do you submit?”
“Yes Sir, I submit.” Miriam said.
Miriam’s sons and son-in-laws pulled out their cocks. Kenneth took off the veil. Miriam’s eyes were cast down. Matthew moved closer and takingMiriam’s head he brought her to his cock. Miriam opened her mouth and began to suck. She sucked her brother-in-law and Matthew began to see why his brother enjoyed his morning suck. Miriam sucked with an intense deep sucking motion and she pulled as she sucked his meat. Matthew began fucking in her mouth faster and faster. It wasn’t long before he explored into her mouth.
Miriam as she had been taught cleaned him. Her sons were next and then her brother in-law Dent. Dent and she did not get along and he was rough fucking her mouth. Miriam hated the taste of his cock, but she did her duty. She enjoyed sucking Blake and Kenneth. With her son-in-law she took her time, Lord Thomas was a favorite of her.
The ladies were next except for Valentina who asked to be excused because of her pregnancy. She was just there to witness. Miriam did as she was asked until she got to Lady Catherine. She looked up at her daughter, “I know you hated him, but please read his letter and try to open your heart. He can no longer hurt you.”
Miriam went between her daughter’s legs and ate her pussy with love and devotion. Lady Catherine said nothing.
When she had cum, Miriam was helped up and brought over to the bed. Lady Catherine knelt down to suck Matthew’s cock back to hardness. When he was hard, Kenneth and Blake undressed him.
Everyone stood around the bed as Matthew went over to the bed and knelt between Miriam’s legs. He spent a few minutes sucking her sopping wet pussy, then climbing on top of her he kissed her lips softly, “My brother loved you.”
“And I loved him.” Miriam said and opened her legs and placed her arms around Matthew’s neck.
With one thrust, Matthew was buried deep inside Miriam’s very open pussy. Miriam laughed in his ear, “Your brother’s cock really stretched me out, but I’m good with my muscles. Don’t worry, you’ll cum.” She said as she began to move.
For an old broad, Matthew thought, Miriam knew exactly what she wasdoing. He fucked into her long and hard. Miriam clinked her vaginal muscles and milked Matthew’s cock. He felt as if his dick were in a vice as Miriam used her muscles to control his cock. Miriam knew how to bring him to the broke and then pull him back. Matthew kept thinking that he should have fucked her long ago. He wanted this to last forever.
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