©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved
If you need a list of the cast of Cassidy’s please refer to chapters 1 — 36.
Lacy Alexis — Sister to Valentina
Ellen McGraw — Pregnant stalker and supermodel
The Cassidy Kennedy’s
Derrick Cassidy Kennedy — Suitor to Lacy Alexis
Amber Cassidy Kennedy — Mother to Derrick
Senator Alan Cassidy Kennedy — Father to Derrick
Jackson Cassidy Kennedy — Brother to Derrick married to Pedro
Pedro Cassidy Kennedy — Husband to Jackson, changed his name to Cassidy Kennedy after their marriage
Janice Cassidy Kennedy McGarrett — Sister to Derrick
Bronson McGarrett — Husband to Janice
Margaret Jones — Assistant to Hayley
Brian West — Assistant to Jake
Marvina — New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
Blake had Mary and Hayley come to his office after work. It was time for Mary’s cock sucking lesson 101.
He led them down to the board room then to another room; the room where Hayley had done the initiation. In the room sitting on the bed were two very handsome young men. They worked for Blake and the Cassidy family. Casey was 25 with a seven inch cock that was fat while Nicholas was 27 with a ten inch cock that was thin and long. Both were wearing a towel around their waist and nothing else.
Blake chuckled as he saw the look on Mary’s face. Hayley sat on the sofa in the room while the two men stood waiting expected. “Gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to Hayley and Mary. Mary has been practicing with various fruits and vegetables on the art of sucking a cock. We think she needs more practical experience.”
Mary blushed scarlet while Hayley suppressed a chuckle. Casey whipped off his towel and if it were possible, Mary turned even redder. Blake took Mary’s wrist. She clinked it into a fist. Casey had a smile on his face. “Don’t’ worry it won’t bite, it might win at you or jump. It might twitch orspit at you, but his dick definitely won’t bite.” Blake said an amused expression on his face.
Mary turned to look at Hayley who nodded. Mary relaxed her hand and reached out to touch the hard cock. “It’s so smooth and fat.”
Casey was holding in his laughter, but Nicholas couldn’t contain himself and burst out laughing as did Hayley and to everyone’s surprise Blake. They all laughed so long and so hard that Mary had tears falling from her eyes. “I’m so sorry, that sounded really stupid”
Blake managed to stop laughing and trying to look serious he said, “All right now, we’ve had our laugh”, which caused Nicholas and then Casey to begin again.
Finally everyone got serious and Blake began again. He described the penis in clinical terms and showed Mary how to stroke. Blake was a patient and through teacher and before too long, Casey’s cock was hard as steel and pre-cum was leaking out the end.
“Touch the liquid at the end.” Blake said patiently.
Mary did so. “Taste it.” Blake said. Mary looked dubiously at Blake and took her finger to her tongue.
“Salty but not bad.” Mary said.
“Every man tastes differently depending on what he eats and drinks.” Blake said as he motioned to Nicholas to drop the towel.
Mary’s eyes widened as she saw Nicholas long prick. “How does it fit?” Mary said.
Hayley managed not to laugh, but said, “Think Mary, a baby’s head fits through the opening, the vagina adjusts.”
Mary blushed again. Blake taught her how to stroke. He showed her how to move her hand faster and faster and how to play with Nicholas’ balls.
“It’s time we taught you about the actual sucking.” Blake said and Casey got down on his knees. Mary again blushed as she watched Casey take Nicholas’ cock in his mouth. She got down on her knees and watched closely as Casey showed her how to use her tongue and how to take more of him into her mouth.
“It’s your turn Mary” Blake said softly.
Mary hesitantlytook Nicholas’ cock in her mouth. She moved her head up and down remembering what Casey had done. Mary suddenly had a thought and began twirling her tongue around Nicholas’ dick. Nicholas was trembling.
“Don’t cum yet boy. She’s new at this.” Blake warned. Nicholas nodded and began moving his hips. He wanted to take the sides of Mary’s head and fuck her face, but he had been told by Blake not to touch her.
“Sir I am going to cum she’s so good.” Nicholas groaned.
Blake pulled Mary off Nicholas’ cock. She blinked and looked up at him, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No my dear, you did something right. The young man was about to blow his wad. I think that maybe Casey could use some attention.”
Casey’s dick had softened and Mary crawled over to him and took his cock in her mouth. She began licking from the bottom to the top and back down. She then vacuumed her mouth and went all the way down. She could take him all the way and Mary wasted no time in sucking himhard. Blake and Hayley chuckled. Blake turned at Haley and said, “She’s a natural.”
Hayley had to agree. Mary kept sucking Casey as Nicholas looked on forlornly. He wanted her mouth back on his cock. Before long, Casey was moving his hips in and out. “Sir I’m going to cum”
“Mary if you don’t want him to cum in your mouth, pull off and I’ll show you how to make him shoot.” Blake warned.
Mary ignored him, she wanted him to cum in her mouth. She wanted to taste Casey’s semen. She wanted to know what it felt like. Mary continued and Casey glanced over at Blake, his eyes pleading. Blake nodded. Casey grabbed the sides of Mary’s head and began fucking in and out of his dick pistoning in and out of her mouth.
Mary continued sucking him thinking of Stephen’s cock, hoping that he would appreciate her newly learned skill. Finally Casey couldn’t stand it any longer and throw back his head as he exploded, “Yes, so good, yess baby, I’m cumming, take that cock, suck it.” He thrust all the way and explored.
Mary swallowed as fast as she could, but she couldn’t capture it all, some of it ran out of her mouth. As Casey released her head she pulled off and licked his semen from around her mouth. She smoked her lips and Hayley laughed so hard she fell off the couch.
Poor Nicholas was having a case of blue balls and was trying hard not to stroke his cock. Blake said to Mary, “Watch what happens when a man does it himself.”
Blake gave him a nod and Nicholas began beating his meat. Mary watched fascinated as the cum first spurted then burst out of his dick, hitting her in the face. Mary took her finger and wiped it off then tasted it. She looked up at Blake, “He does taste different than Casey” She said and Blake grinned.
Blake dismissed the two exhausted men. He helped Mary up and sat with her on the bed. “You seem to know what you’re doing. There are a few more things I could teach you, but not today. Try out what you’ve learned on Stephenand he should tell you what he likes. If you need to learn anymore, don’t hesitate to ask.”
Mary straightened out her clothes and went into the bathroom to make sure she had no cum on her.
Hayley and Blake both laughed, “That was truly interesting. I think Stephen’s about to be a very happy man.” Hayley said a smile on her face.
“How’s Valentina?” Hayley asked.
“She’s doing well. Lacy will be leaving for Los Angeles soon and I was hoping that she could spend some time with you and Mary.” Blake said.
“I’d love that. Why don’t I arrange a girl’s day out with Daniela and we can all sit back and relax.” Hayley said.
“If you need me to do anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. I don’t want Valentina Feeling lonely. She’s gotten used to having her sister around.” Blake said as Mary came out of the bathroom.
Blake put his arm around her shoulder. “I think you’ll be just fine my dear. Enjoy your day.” Blake said as he led them to the elevator.
Mary thanked him. Once on the elevator she glanced shyly up at Hayley. “Did I do good?”
“Like a champion.” Hayley answered keeping a straight face.
Mary asked, “Is this what you do with my brother?”
Hayley blushed, “That and a few other things, which my dear sister-in-law I am not going to go through with you.”
They laughed and arm and arm They went out to dinner.
Senator Alan Cassidy Kennedy rubbed his sore wrists. Amber had him tied and suspended for what felt like hours while she teased his cock. He was now watching his wife as she dressed for a charity event. “I won’t be out too late. Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Amber asked as she got into the tight fitting blue gown.
Alan zipped her, “No, I think I want to spend some time going over some paperwork and also I’m having dinner with Derrick.”
“Tell my boy that I’ll see him tomorrow for brunch. I really can’t wait to talk to him about wedding plans.” Amber said as Alan kissed her shoulder.
Alan knew this would get him into trouble, but he said, “The bride may have her own wedding plans.”
Amber turned around, her green eyes flashing. She grabbed her husband’s dick through his pants and Alan winced. “Senator, that little bitch, will do what I want just as you do.”
“Amber please, her sister is a super model and she might just want to get married in New York or Canada.” Alan said standing still as Amber squeezed his cock.
Amber released him and Alan breathed a sight of relief and rubbed his sore balls and cock. “The little bitch will do as I say. I can’t wait to get to this Ritual.” Amber said checking her make-up and hair.
Alan told when Amber was like this there was nothing to do but go along. He hoped Lacy was up for the challenge.
After Amber left for her event, Alan phoned Blake, “Blake, I’m really worried about Amber” Alan explained the entire situation and Blake listened. He also had been thinking about Amber. She was no demure woman. He and Amber had a run in a few years ago and he had, had to put her in her place.
“I’ll have a chat with Derrick, but I don’t think that will do any good.” Alan said running his hand through his graying hair.
Blake knew how Amber felt about her son and vice versa, “I’ll talk with Lacy. I have a plan and it will work well with the ritual. Don’t worry I’ll get Amber in hand.”
Alan felt much better. Derrick and his father had dinner. Derrick was the only one that Alan had ever seen excited about the ritual and that worried him even more.
Blake promised his wife that he would be home in time for Christmas Eve where they were invited to spend with Daniela and Mason. Blake had been speaking with Lacy and trying to prepare her for her meeting with her future mother-in-law.
On the plane to Los Angeles, Blake knew that the formula would take care of the rest and bring out the inner Lacy and Blake thought to himself he would be there to witness it.
Hayley and Jake decided to spend Christmas Eve with his parents and Christmas Day with Mason and Daniela. Helena and Matthew were spending the rest of the holidays with Denise and Daniel and Brandon and Samantha who were in New York.
Hayley had spent the time leading up to the holidays shopping for all kinds of age appropriate gifts for the twins. She had accepted Carlos as being Jake’s son and vowed to be a very good god mother. Jake appreciated all her efforts.
Derrick and his father had dinner together and as Alan thought talking to Derrick about his mother was doing no good. As far as Derrick was concerned, Amber walked on water.
Lacy and Blake arrived at the airport and Derrick was waiting with a bouquet of flowers. Lacy took the flowers as Derrick bent to kiss her lips, “Are you ready for all this?” He asked.
Lacy nodded, “I’m ready as I’ll ever be.”
They got into Derrick’s SUV and drive to his parent’s mansion. Lacy was excited and anxious as they got closer to the house. She couldn’t get over the palm trees and the suntuous homes. Lacy checked her clothes and make up before she got out of the car. His father, the Senator was standing outside waiting as the car pulled up. He opened Lacy’s passenger side door and helped her out pulling her into a bear hug, “I feel as if I know you already.”
Lacy laughed and kissed his cheek, “I’m so happy to meet you Senator.”
“Call me, Alan and I hope soon, Dad.” Alan said embracing her again.
From out the front door swept a beautiful woman who Lacy knew immediately was Derrick’s mother. Lacy smiled at the woman and saw Amber paste a smile on her face, Lacy saw that the smile did not reach Amber’s eyes as Amber looked her way. In fact, Lacy saw the eyes flash from brilliant to icy blue as she looked at her and Lacy knew at that moment that Amber was her competition for Derrick’s affections.
Amber did not come to embrace her; it was Lacywho walked up to her with her arms wide. “Hello Mrs. Kennedy” Lacy said as she air kissed Amber’s cheese.
“Hello Lacy isn’t it?” Amber said as she stepped back to get a good look at Lacy. “Very pretty, not as beautiful as your sister, but pretty nonetheless.”
Blake cleared his throat. “Hello Amber, I see your being your usual charming self.”
Amber glared at Blake, then walked up to him. Blake grabbed her by her shoulders and kissed her hard on the mouth. Amber wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back her tongue snaking into his mouth. Lacy stood there with her mouth wide open. Derrick chuckled and Alan laughed. Alan put his arm around Lacy’s should, “They used to be close friends.”
Amber broke from the kiss then hugged Blake. He whispered in her ear, “I’m not playing with you, if you hurt this girl, I promise you Amber, I will destroy you. He loves her and they are to be married. The contract has been signed and the ritual begins tomorrow evening.Don’t fuck with me.”
Aloud Blake said, “My dear Amber it’s so very good to see you. You look great, your plastic surgeon must be quite good, I should take down his number.”
“For your model wife when she starts to sag.” Amber said and
added “I know how much you like your younger women.”
Lacy gave her a scathing look.
Amber laughed, “Don’t be too upset dear, just a joke between old friends.”
Derrick took Lacy’s hand, “Mother, we’ve just arrived and we haven’t been in the house. Shall we show Lacy to her room?”
“Of course my dear boy” Amber said going up to Derrick and kissing his cheek. Lacy noticed that she lingered there just a bit too long and her eyes looked at her son with desire rather than motherly affection.
Everyone went inside. The home was tastefully decorated by the best decorator in Los Angeles with a great deal of influence from Amber and had been featured in Town and Country, House Beautiful and the Opulent Mansion televisionshow. Derrick told Lacy that his mother had handpicked each piece of furniture.
“Dinner will be ready in an hour. The butler will help you unpack. We dress for dinner. If you don’t have something I think Janice can provide you with an outfit.” Amber said to Lacy and then touched her son’s hand, “After you take Lacy to her room, come into the study. Your father and I want to have a discussion with you.”
Lacy walked up the stairs staring at the magnificent chandelier above the staircase. She could just imagine Amber standing in the center of the due staircase in a beautiful gown posed for everyone to see.
Blake walked with Alan and was shown to his room while Derrick led Lacy to a very beautiful guest room known as the plum room overlooking the gardens with a king-sized wooden canopided bed which had light plum colored curtains tied around the bedposts. The pillows and accents around the room were dark plum and beige. The room felt warm and inviting.
The butler brought up the luckgage. Derrick took Lacy out to the balcony and took her into his arms, “I know my mother was a bit rough with you, but you’ll get used to her. She is overprotective of me. Tonight you’ll meet my sister Janice, her husband Bronson, my brother Jackson and his uhm husband Pedro.
“Your brother’s gay?” Lacy asked.
“Yes and you’ll like Pedro. He’s funny and very likeable. My sister is quiet, but her husband takes a little getting used to. He’s very intense and says exactly what’s on his mind.”
Derrick pulled Lacy to him. “I love you. Tomorrow brings the ritual, but tonight you’ll get to be around my family and they will love you just as much as I do.”
Lacy grinned, “Everyone except your mother.”
Derrick laughed and held her, “Mom’s a little tough, but she will soon learn what a wonderful woman I choose to marry.”
Blake knocked on the door and came in. “Your father asked me to tell you that your mother wants you. I want to sit with Lacy for a few minutes.”
Derrick kissed Lacy again and left. The butler unpacked and hung Lacy’s clothes in the closet, while a maid brought up a tray with fruit, cookies, cake and tea.
Blake and Lacy sat down at the table. Lacy took an orange and peeled it as Blake poured them both tea. “The formula is going to bring out a great deal in you I suspect. Watch out for Amber. She’s a shark and a Domme. I’m sure she has something especially planned for you but I believe you can handle yourself.”
Blake took a sip of his tea and continued talking, “The main person I am worried about is Derrick. He is a mama’s boy and I deduce that Derrick and Amber are looking forward to fucking each other, so don’t be surprised at anything your boy does.”
Lacy sat Thoughtfully thinking about this, “What will you be doing?”
“I will be making sure that everything goes correctly. I don’t trust Amber. You are here alone with no one to protect you. I will look after you. If Valentina were not pregnant, she’d be here with me.” Blake said and took her hand, “I know that things were hard on you, you brought that on yourself, but from here on I believe your life will be much easier and I will always be here when you need me. We are family. Just watch out for Amber and let her know that you won’t tolerate her interfering in your life with Derrick.
Derrick sat down with his parents. “Well, she’s a looker. I think you’ve done well.” Alan said as his dick did a little jump at the thought of fucking Lacy tomorrow evening.
Amber looked bored, “She’s pretty enough. I wish you’d met Valentina before Blake did, now that’s a pussy I’d like to suck.”
“Mother, please. I love Lacy. She’s going to be your daughter-in-law. I know you think no one is good enough for me, but she and I are going to be married. The contract is signed, the Ritual begins tomorrow night.” Derrick said and then went close to his mother and kissed her cheek.
Alan watched. He was concerned, but something told him that Lacy could hold her own.
Lacy came down for dinner dressed in a black beaded keyhole dress designed by Sven especially for her as a favor to Valentina. In fact all of Lacy’s clothes for this trip were designer and very expensive. Blake had gone all out and Derrick had bought her jewelry. She looked fabulous as she walked down the stairs to meet her fiancé.
Derrick took her hand, “You look smoking hot baby.” He said as he kissed her hand.
Lacy smiled shyly up at him as he led her into the living room where there was a small group of people waiting to meet her. A very handsome Latino man with green eyes and frosted hair came over to her. Derrick grinned, “Here is my brother-in-law, Pedro, Pedro meet my Lacy.
Pedro kissed both Lacy’s cheats. “You look very sexy in that dress.” He said and then leaned closer, “You are going to give the evil Queen some competition Miss Snow White.”
Lacy laughed, she wasgoing to like him. Derrick and Pedro walked Lacy over to meet Jackson. Jackson shook her hand and then kissed her cheek. “Welcome to the family. Are you looking forward to the Ritual?”
“I don’t know if looking forward is the right word.” Lacy said and Jackson grinned broadly.
Janice walked up to Lacy and hugged her. “I’ve wanted a sister forever and now I’m going to have one. I’m so happy to meet you.”
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