The Family Ritual Ch. 33

©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

Here are the characters:

The Cassidy’s

Matthew: The Patriarch

Helen: His wife

Hayley: Their youngest daughter

Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell

Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth

Jonah: Eldest child and only son — he is married to Quinn

Son in law’s

Brandon Mitchell – Actor

Daniel Worth –Sports agent

Quinn Cassidy — Daughter-in-law married to Jonah

Jake Harrison Cassidy — Husband to Hayley

Mary Harrison — Sister to Jake

Stephen Cassidy — son of Dent Cassidy, suitor to Mary

Kenneth Baylor Cassidy — Head of the board

*Gwyn Baylor Cassidy — wife of Kenneth, therapist.

Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual

Valentina Alexis Black– former supermodel, wife/slave of Blake Black

The Chadwell’s

Lord Thomas Chadwell

Lady Catherine Chadwell

Mason Chadwell –great nephew to Matthew, fiancé to Daniela

Daniela — Frederick’s daughter, fiancée to Mason

Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston

Braxton Chadwell and his wife, Tara

Carlton Chadwell and his wife, Carmen

Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer and her husband, Adam Sawyer


Margaret Jones — Assistant to Hayley

Brian West — Assistant to Jake

Marvina — New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake

*New character


Blake called Kenneth and told him about the babies. Kenneth said to him, “Oh boy! I’m sure Matthew will phone me soon. I wonder how this is all going to play out.”

Blake snickers, “I wonder how Hayley Feels and what Helen is going to do about this? It definitely puts her in a pickle. Her husband’s daughter and her son-in-law’s son.”

“It certainly does, but it gives Daniela and Mason as well as the Chadwell’s a great deal of power.” Kenneth said as he writes an email.

“Yes and I’m sure they will use it.” Blake says seriously.

“I don’t think Lance knows what his daughter is up to do he?” Kenneth asks.

“Are you kidding of course not. I haven’t figured her out, but I believe she generally loves Daniela. She’s become like a mother figure to her.” Blake said earnestly.

“I know that, but I still believe that Catherine Cassidy Chadwell is holding her cards for the future, Lance isn’t going to live forever.” Kenneth chuckles.

Blake agrees, “He does think he’s invincible.”

“The Board is meeting tomorrow to discuss the whole twins issue, Matthew will be here.” Kenneth reminded Blake.

“I know and I’ve heard he’s pissed.” Blake adds.

“How is that lovely wife of yours?” Kenneth asks thinking of fucking Valentina.

“She’s fine. She’s going to visit Daniela tomorrow to see the babies. I’m encouraging her to get to know Mason and Daniela since Mason was responsible for us meeting.” Blake said.

Kenneth bursts our laughhing, “And that is your only reason for Valentina getting close to the Chadwell’s?”

“Absolutely, also Valentina wants to see the twins.” Blake said as he made a note to send a baby gift to Daniela.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at the meeting. I’m leaving early today to spend some time with Gwyn; dinner and theater.” Kenneth said as he sent the email he had been working on.

“Yes tomorrow can’t wait for the sparks to fly.” Blake said and hung up.


Valentina called and went to see Mason and Daniela. She wanted to see the babies. Now that she and Blake were back from their honeymoon, she was concerned about Lacy coming. So far Blake had not mentioned her sister and for that she was glad. Valentina felt her stomach. She prayed that nothing would happen to this baby. The formula that Blake had given her made her feel very strong. The morning sickness had faded away. Blake told her never to speak of it to anyone ever!

He was her Master and she would die beforeshe ever told anyone. Whatever he gave her she was grateful because she felt more alive than she ever had.

Valentina marveled at the babies who were awake and smiled at her. She seemed to bond with Carlos who cried when Daniela took him and placed him back in his bed and immediately stopped when Valentina picked him up.

“How’s Blake?” Mason asked.

“He’s fine.” Valentina answered.

“I’m surprised that you got married so quickly.” Mason said as he showed her how easy it was to change a diaper.

“It’s what Master wanted and what I wanted. I thank you for introducing us. He’s exactly what I’ve been looking for and more.” Valentina said blushing.

Mason took her hand, “If you ever need anything, please ask me. I just want you to be all right. Blake can be…intense.”

Valentina laughed, her laughter sounding like bells, “Yes he can be intense, but that’s what I love about him.”

Daniela, Mason and Valentina went to have tea with Lord and Lady Chadwell. Millie, it seemed was excellent with making afternoon tea. Her scones were perfect as was her set up. Lady Chadwell prayed her and said that if Mason let Millie go she would disown him.

Valentina stayed a while longer and got to see the sleeping babies one more time before she left to return home.

When she arrived home, Blake was waiting and asked her about the visit. He had to leave Later for the board meeting, but he wanted her to give him every detail.

Valentina told him that Mason and Daniela seemed to be setting in with the babies who were adorable. She showed him pictures and told him that she and Carlos bonded and that she couldn’t wait until their child was born.

She asked Blake if he thought the sex of the baby. Blake thought for a moment and said “no, but if I really had to Choose, I would choose to have a girl. I would love a daughter. I may be out late tonight, so don’t wait up.” Blake said and kissed her lips, “you did good today. I want youto take it easy.”

Valentina agreed, in fact, she was tired from her day with the babies and as she thought about it, she hoped she was carrying just one baby not two.

Blake left soon after. He smiled to himself knowing that Valentina would be all right. In the history of the Cassidy family, there had never been a miscarriage or a still birthday except for twice and that happened because one mother was in an automobile accident and another mother was shot in a mugging. The mother’s both survived, but their babies did not.


Most of the Board members were away, but they met up on SKYPE. Matthew was in the Board room. Helen had given him a dressing down when they got to their apartment. She told him in no uncertain terms that he was to make sure that Daniela and Mason were not bothered by this and that he was to abide by their wishes and not cause trouble.

Matthew wanted to speak to Jake. He was steaming mad that Jake had put one over on him, but he knew the rEason and a part of him was ashamed because he knew that Jake was right. He would have made Daniela and Matthew’s life a living hell, but damn he wanted both those babies to be his. Matthew had been boasting ever since he found out that Daniela was pregnant with twins and now, he had to eat his words and Matthew Cassidy didn’t like to be made a fool of.

But Jake was away with his daughter on their honeymoon and wouldn’t be back for two weeks. He had to suppress his anger. Helen warned him and he listened. Now at the board meeting Matthew was calmer, but he was still angry with Jake and couldn’t wait until his new son-in-law got home.


To everyone’s surprise, Lance appeared in the board room with a huge smile on his face. He sat facing his brother, Matthew who scowled at him.

Kenneth stood and said, “Daniela has given birth to twins; a daughter from Matthew Cassidy and a son from Jake Harrison-Cassidy.”

“How is this possible?” One of the members asked.

“How is this possible?”p>

“She slept with both of them the night of the ritual;” Lance answered smugly, “Jake didn’t use a condom. I think he wanted to protect Daniela, so he one upped his father-in-law.”

“What does this mean Kenneth?” Another member asked.

“This means that Daniela who is to marry Mason Cassidy Chadwell is a very powerful woman indeed.” Kenneth said and continued, “Matthew, do you wish to rescind your offers of monies and trusts? Do you wish to give it all to your daughter? Will you fight Daniela for custody or will you spend time with your daughter and not Jake’s son?”

Matthew heard his wife’s voice in his ear, “Everything shall remain the same. Helen and I will provide for both children. Custody of the children belongs to their mother and father, Daniela and Mason. I will occasionally spend time with both of them. I believe that Jake will abide by whatever Daniela decides. I need to ask my brother one question, did you know about this?”

Lance laughed, “My daughterdespises me, do you actually think Matthew that she would confident in me? She’s just waiting for my death, which couldn’t be soon enough for her. No, I believe your son-in-law thought of this all on his own to protect Daniela, but he didn’t count on Mason falling in love and asking her to marry him. Jake didn’t count on one of the babies being his and the other yours. So, dear brother, I am innocent. It is my daughter who will find ways to use this to her advantage.” Lance smiled broadly.

Kenneth stands, “I think you all have heard and we all agree with what Matthew intends to do. This is what’s best for the children and for the family. Are we all in agreement?”

Everyone said yes, there was no need for a vote because Matthew had spoken.

Kenneth had Blake put all this in the record and then he said, “These children are not slaves; their mother is not a slave. They will be according all the rights of first born children of the Chadwell family. Lord and Lady Chadwell haveaccepted them as their grandchildren and they will be treated as such and invited to all family functions and rituals along their line.

So I welcome into our family, Carlos and Camilla Cassidy Chadwell and we will all send our appropriate gifts.” Kenneth said and the meeting was over.


Blake returned home. He was glad the meeting hadn’t gone on for longer. He had put the recorded disk into the safe in his office. Kenneth came upstairs and they went out onto the balcony where they shared a glass of brandy.

“Did you see the look on Lance’s face? I bet he’s really proud of Lady Catherine. She did what he could not do; bring Matthew down a peg or two.” Kenneth said clinging glasses with Blake.

Blake laughed, “Yes, the old man knows that we are going to have to reckon with his daughter. She’s very shrewd and I’m sure she will instruct Mason.”

“I don’t know about that. Mason is his own man. He does what he wishes.” Kenneth says taking a sip.

“Time will tell.” Blake answered and finished his brandy. “I’m going home to Valentina. I think I’ll stop and pick up some of that frozen yogurt she’s been wanting.”

“See you later Blake, I’ll sit here for a while and lock up when I’m ready to go home which won’t be long.” Kenneth said.

Kenneth sat outside thinking about how things had translated and wondered how Catherine would use all this. He arranged for some stock in a few of the Cassidy’s corporations to be put in the children’s name. Kenneth finished his brandy and left Blake’s office closing the door behind him. He couldn’t wait to get home to Gwyn who was waiting on her knees for him.


Valentina was sleep when Blake returned home. He had another drink and spoke with his butler about a few things that needed took care of. He got into bed, turned off the light and kissed Valentina’s forehead. She woke up.

“I didn’t mean to wake you my dear.”

“Did everything go well tonight?” Valentina said sleepily.

“Better than expected.” He said and bent down to kiss her lips.

“Master” Valentina said, “Master may I suck you?”

Blake didn’t answer, he just kissed her again and Valentina moved down his body. She sucked on his nipples and he moaned. Valentina kept kissing him and she moved down his body toguing his belly button. She kept kissing and moving his pajama pants down and over his hips. Valentina went lower and licked Blake’s balls taking one in her mouth and then the other. Blake moaned. “Yes my dear.”

Valentina began licking at the base of Blake’s cock. She then blew on his dick and then licked. Blake allowed her to tease and play with his cock. Finally Valentina licked him from base to tip. At the tip she moved her mouth ever so slowly down his prick, taking it inch by inch. Blake wanted to shove her down there, but he allowed her to take her time.

Valentina looked up at him in the darkness. She knew he was watching her. Since they returned from the ritual he had been very gentle with her. She wanted to please him and she wanted him to get the idea of ​​Lacy out of his head.

Valentina sucked harder and Blake knew exactly what she was doing In the darkness he stroked her hair, “Lacy will be arrived next week. I’ve decided to start training her.”

Valentina felt her eyes prick with tears but she kept sucking Blake. “I know my dear that you don’t want this, but I assure you it will be the best for you and Lacy. I expect your complete obedience. I don’t want to have to punish you. I have other ways to punish you besides spankings and such. Please Valentina, obey and you will realize that I indeed know what I’m doing.”

Valentina said nothing. Her heart was heavy. She knew her sister was up to something, but Blake was very smart and hopefully would figure her out. Blake knew that Valentina was thinking hard about her sister.

He pulled his cock from her mouth and brought her up into his arms. Blake got on top of her and eased his dick in her pussy. He began fucking Valentina. “Your sister will heel my dear. She will learn that I can be a very taxing Master. Just obey me and let me take charge of her. Don’t interfere. Do as I tell you and don’t worry or be jealous. I love you. I am your Master and your husband.”

Blake moved in and out of her and Valentina wrapped her arms around him. She was still silent, but a moan escaped her lips. “Yes my little slut, behave, do as I ask and all will be well.” Blake bit her nipple lightly. Then in a sudden move he grabbed Valentina’s hair and pulled it back. In the darkness he stared at her, “Promise me you will obey my slave, promise me!” Blake said more harshly than he meant.

Valentina was still silent. Blake fucked into her. “Yes Master I promise to do whatever you ask.” She said reluctantly, “but Master, please watch out for Lacy, she is not what she appears to be.”

Blake whispered in her ear, “Neither am I and I have an idea of ​​what she’s up to my dear.”

Blake fucked Valentina until she cried his name and came all over his cock. Blake pulled out and turned Valentina onto her side. He reached into the nightstand and took out the lube. He greased his dick and her anal passage and slide his dick inside. Valentina moaned. She had begun to really enjoy Blake fucking her behind.

“Master, please.” She moaned and begged.

“I Know. I told you it would be good. I want you to cum like this. I’m going to fuck you until you cum and then I’m going to cum, so baby remember you belong to me and will always do as I tell you. You are mine Valentina, mine forever.” Blake said fucking into her ass.

Valentina took his hands and put them on her breasts, “Yess Master, I am yours, fuck my ass. I will do whatever you wish.”

“Good girl, Lacy will eat your pussy my dear, she will be your slave until I give her to a Master who will break her. You have nothing to worry about as long as you obey me. You are mine.” Blake said biting her shoulder. He moved inside her and moved his hand down to her pussy and played with her clip.

Valentina could feel the familiar feelings in her ass and her pussy. She could feel it building and building. As soon as she had gotten used to him fucking her ass it was something she enjoyed and he took her like this most nights. Valentina explored her entire body shivering with password, her pussy soaking the bed.

Blake came in her ass and kissed her, she was his.


Lacy received a phone call from Blake earlier that day. He had told her to arrive in a week to begin her training. Lacy smiled, so the old guy was falling for it. She would be his little obedient puppy until she was introduced to one of the single Cassidy’s, then she would make her move.

Her sister could have an old man, but she wanted someone young and malleable. Lacy laughed, she was about as submission as a lion with an ant. She would do whatever it took to become part of the Cassidy family.


Stephen and Mary went to see Mason and Daniela. They oohed over the babies. But Mary noticed that Carlos was a bit darker than Camilla she attributed it to Daniela being part Italian, but she also felt that he looked a little like her brother.

Mary pushed the thought aside. Jake wouldn’t cheat on Hayley neither would Daniela. Daniela and Hayley were friends, but something kept nagging at her.


Brandon was on the Katie Show. He was interviewed about his new movie when he saw a familiar face. Ellen was sitting in the front row smiling at him. During the break he stepped off the stage; kissed her cheek and asked how she was doing. They chatted for a few moments and Ellen asked him if Samantha were with him.

“No, Sam’s in California. I’m flying back home in a few days. I’m going to see some friends and I have two more interviews to promote the film.” Brandon said pleasantly.

“Why don’t we have a drink before you leave?” Ellen said smiling.

“I have to see what my schedule is like.” Brandon said and took Ellen’s number.

After the interview, Brandon called Samantha. “Guess who was at my taping?”

“Ellen.” Samantha said without hesitation. “That girl is pissing me off.”

“She asked me to have a drink with her” Brandon said as he got into the town car which would take him to a meeting. Brandon’s The agent was in the car with him.

“Stay away from that girl, she’s a crazy person.” Samantha said.

“Yes dear.” Brandon said and hung up.

Ellen watched Brandon get into his car as he left the studio. She had a feeling that he wouldn’t call her for that drink, but she would find out what he was doing and where he was going over the next few days in town and somehow she would get to him. She looked into her purse to make sure the drug was still there. She had to use it before he went back to California and that bitch he was married to. Ellen formulated a plan and smiled. Brandon Mitchell would be hers and she knew just how.


Brandon was staying at the Waldorf Astoria hotel. He left the hotel in a town car to visit Daniela and Mason and see the new babies. Brandon carried the baby gifts; a silver comb and brush set for each from Tiffany’s. Samantha had already sent a large stuffed giraffe and an elephant with movable heads and a complete wardrobe from Bergdorf Goodman’s which would last until the children turned two.

All of the other family members had sent gifts. Lady Catherine had arranged for most of the gifts to be delivered to the house in Connecticut. The family had been exceedingly generous with Blake’s gift being the most unexpected. He had provided guaranteed college entrance to Harvard, Yale, Vassar, Princeton, NYU and Bennington.

Brandon arrived at the apartment and was greeted warmly by Daniela. Mason was at the restaurant but would be home to see him. Lord Chadwell had returned to England after seeing the house in Connecticut and admiring the nursery. “His royal highness didn’t have as fine a place to sleep as this nursery for Carlos and Camilla.” remarked Thomas.

Lady Catherine greeted Brandon with a hug. He was very handsome and even she was a bit star struck. Brandon admitted the babies and held them. “Samantha and I are really looking forward to having children. We are waiting for Quinn and Jonah and then we are next.” Brandon said kissing little Camilla on the cheek.


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