The Family Ritual Ch. 30

©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

Here are the characters:

The Cassidy’s
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn

Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
Jake Harrison – Fiancé to Hayley
Mary Harrison – Sister to Jake
Stephen Cassidy – son of Dent Cassidy, suitor to Mary
Kenneth Baylor Cassidy – Head of the board
*Gwyn Baylor Cassidy – wife of Kenneth, Therapist.
Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual
*Valentina Alexis Black– former supermodel, wife/slave of Blake Black

The Chadwell’s
Lord Thomas Chadwell
Lady Catherine Chadwell
Mason Chadwell –great nephew to Matthew, fiancé to Daniela
Daniela – Frederick’s daughter, fiancée to Mason
Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston
Braxton Chadwell and his wife, Tara
Carlton Chadwell and his wife, Carmen
Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer and her husband, Adam Sawyer

Margaret Jones – Assistant to Hayley
Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake

*New character


Daniela and Mason moved into their new house. The work on the house was completed in record time. They would keep the New York apartment. Daniela was still going to college, Mason was working late nights at the restaurant and he wanted the children to go to Dalton. So they would be spending time between houses.

The nursery was decorated in pinks and blues with Winnie the Pooh on the boy’s side of the room and ballerina’s on the girl side. It was a pretty room. The furniture arrived from England and fit perfectly. Mason couldn’t wait for his mother to see the room.

Mason wanted toTalk to Daniela about their wedding. “Mother has enlisted the best planner in England to help with our wedding. I’m sure she will be phoning you. I want to thank you for agreeing to get married in England and specifically for getting married at the Castle because my parents are over the moon. We should go over in September to go over the plans. As soon as you have the babies you’ll be measured for your dress.” He said kissing her cheek.

Daniela couldn’t think about a wedding dress. At this moment she was feeling like a beached whale. Overnight, it seemed to her that she had grown triple her size. Mason or Millie had to help her put on or take off her shoes since she couldn’t see her feet and sitting on the couch was out of the question unless she had someone to help her up.

Millie, who was thrilled to be working permanently for Daniela had arrived and immediately took charge. After a week or so, Mason realized what a godsend she was. Their house and their lives were much more organized. They were in the process of hiring a nanny, Mason wanted two, but Daniela asked for one for now. They would be having a housewarming/baby shower to welcome their friends into their new home.

Sex was regulated to blow jobs for Mason because Daniela was under doctor’s order to take it easy. Mason didn’t mind. He was enjoying her pregnancy and was looking forward to meeting his children. Matthew was calling a great deal to see how Daniela was feeling, while Jake was just leaving them alone and Daniela prayed the babies were his.


Blake and Valentina were on their way to Paradise Island. The trip would take five days and during those five days, Blake intended to work on training Valentina and fucking her as often as possible.

Valentina woke up the day after their Sudden wedding with a sore ass and Blake between her thighs. She was a little nauseous and noticed the crackers beside her bed. Valentina ate one of the dry crackers and felt her nausea suppressed, she also noticed that Blake had put two bands on her wrists.

Blake lifted his head from between her legs, “Good morning my dear. The bands on your wrist are to help with the nausea. Let me finish my morning breakfast and I’ll explain. You may cum when you wish.” He said as he dived back down between her legs.

Valentina lay back and let her husband feast on her. She came once, twice and before she could come again, Blake came up and lay behind her. He moved her over to her side and felt her ass. He checked to see that her ass was healing nicely. In the drawer beside the bed, he took out a butt plug, lubed it nicely, and carefully inserted it in her ass. Valentina groaned at the intrusion.

“The plug will remain there. When you have to go to the bathroom, you may remove it and I will reinsert it. Tomorrow I will fuck your ass again and put in a slightly larger one. Plus, I plan to take your ass nearly every day until you can take my dick easily and cum without my touching your pussy.”

The wristbands are to help you with the morning sickness. I’ve heard they work well if you just leave them on. I’ve bought several pairs in case you get them wet. Now up with you and let’s shower and get ready for breakfast. I’ve bought quite a few bikinis for you my dear and I’m sure you will want to get tanned. I want you naked and I will put lotion on you so you don’t burn. We don’t want any tan lines.” Blake said and he swatted her behind.

Valentina sat up slowly. The nausea was fading. She put her arms around Blake and kissed his lips. Blake pulled down her nightgown and twisted her nipples. He bent down and sucked on her breast. “If we keep this up we won’t be going anywhere and breakfast is waiting. I need my strength, but don’t worry my dear I’ll take you outside in the glorious sun of the ocean.”

Taking her hand, he took Valentina into the shower that was luxurious. Blake washed her body. “I want you to take very good care of yourselfmy dear. You are carrying my child. I expect you to eat well and from here on, I will be going to your doctor appointments. I want three children, so I plan to get you pregnant two years after this one, then two years after the second one.”

Blake rubbed her belly and kissed her there. “All clean now go get dressed while I shower.” He said.

Valentina asked him, “Master may I wash you?”

“Maybe later, right now I want you to dress in one of the bikenis and we’ll eat.” Blake said and Valentina left him to dress.

There was a beautiful multi-colored bikini with a matching wrap for her to wear. She put her hair up on a high pony and dressed. Blake came out the shower and dressed in shorts and a tee. He put sunscreen on her. Valentina helped him with his sunscreen and they went out to view the rest of the yacht.

Valentina was awed by the size of the yacht, which slept 19. There was normally a crew of 16 but for this trip, they used only 10. There was a hot tub andseating around the boat. Breakfast was served outside near the pool. Valentina was seated by a waiter and served her fruit plate. Blake joined her and his granola with yogurt was served.

“Sir, this is so beautiful.” She said.

“I had it renamed in your honor.” Blake said kissing her hand. His cell phone rang and he answered it. “Hello?”

“Oh Derrick, I’m on my honeymoon. Call Kenneth and he will take care of it. I’ll be back in the office in eight days.” Blake smiled at Valentina, “Thank you so much. I look forward to receiving it.”

“Derrick Cassidy Kennedy sent us a case of fine champione to celebrate our wedding.” Blake said and dug into his granola.

Valentina ate breakfast and marveled at how beautiful the yacht was and how large. She was looking forward to relaxing and resting and she blushed as she thought of Blake fucking her.

After they finished eating breakfast, Blake showed her around the yacht and introduced her to the rest of the crew who congratulated the new Mrs. Black. One of the members of the crew was the chef, a beautiful black woman named Cela. She smiled at Blake and him at her. Valentina noticed, but said nothing. There was also a maid named Tantila who was Tahitian with long dark hair and olive skin.

Blake took her out to lie in the sun and Valentina lay down on the blinde sofa. Blake put sunscreen on her back and untied her bra. He untied her bikini and she lay naked with her clothes underneath her. Blake himself took off his shirt. He kneaded Valentina’s buttons and legs. Blake pressed a button on a remote and a canopy came over them. “I’ll let you get your tan on in a little while, right now I want you.” He said.

Valentina felt the plug being pulled out her ass and then Blake’s fingers feeling her ass. “Yes you are healing nicely. Tomorrow I’ll take you back there. Right now your pussy is calling for me, up on your knees.

Valentina maneuvered herself. Blake took the opportunity to take a napkin and folding it placed it over her eyes. Blake eased himself into her pussy and began fucking her. Valentina moved on Blake’s cock. Valentina felt something in front of her mouth. First a thumb, which invaded her mouth, then a cock, was pressed to her lips. “Suck the cock, my dear, show the man how good you are with your mouth.” Blake ordered.

Valentina began to suck. The man fucking her mouth was much smaller than Blake was and she sucked him with ease. Blake continued fucking her. He watched as Scotty fucked in and out of his new wife’s mouth. Valentina was feeling very wet and moaned as she sucked.

The man she was sucking pulled on her nipples causing her to groan. “That’s right baby, you are doing so well. Suck that cock. I like seeing my little slave like this. You’ve been such a good girl.” Blake said fucking in and out of her. He spanked her ass once, twice, three times and Valentina sucked harder on the dick.

She wanted to please her Master. Blake pulledout and they exchanged places. She felt the familiar girl of Blake’s cock slide into her mouth and the smaller cock into her pussy. She missed Blake’s large dick and her pussy didn’t feel as comfortable around this much smaller dick. The man fucking into her couldn’t get enough traction so he mouthed to Blake to turn her over so that he could push her legs up and really get in. Blake agreed and Valentina was turned onto her back. The man bent down and licked her pussy. He was good and took his time. “Please sir, please may I cum?’ She became.

“No my dear not yet but soon.” Blake said and stuffed his cock back into her mouth. Blake fucked her mouth hard while Scotty fucked her pussy. Scotty came soon after and pulled out. Blake replaced him at her pussy and began eating Scotty’s semen from Valentina. “Please Sir, please may I cum. I’m so, so, please.” She said and Valentina pinched her nipples.

She was moving her hips and Blake stopped licking her to look at her as he slidehis fingers inside her pussy. “I love you like this. I love the way you look all spread out in heat.” Blake said and then sent back to licking her. Valentina knew she wouldn’t be able to hold on too much longer. Blake chuckled and said, “Mouth or cock!”

“Please Master, cock.” She begged and he slammed into her. “Cum slut cum for your Master” Blake said as he fucked inside her.

“Thank you.” Valentina said as she came hard onto his dick. Blake followed soon after and lay on her chest. He lightly kissed her nipple and then removed the blindfold.

Valentina knew better than to ask whom she had sucked and fucked. Blake wouldn’t tell her anyway.

Blake put more sun block on her body then left her to tan as he went to the kitchen.

Blake walked up to Cela and kissed her lips “Tonight you will join my wife and I. She needs to work on her pussy licking skills. She had her first muff diving experience with one of the Cassidy wives. I need you to teach her a few more things.”

Cela chuckled, “Can I fuck her?”

“Yes, but gently, she’s pregnant.” Blake said.

“Congrats, I’ll take it easy. So,” Cela purred, “Mr. Blake Black is going to be a daddy? How does it feel?”

Blake ran a hand through his hair. “It’s great I really love her. She’s my perfect slave, but I’m sure she’s going to challenge me and I will teach her what disobedience will get her and” He raised an eyebrow, “I will look forward to it, but not for a while, she’s pregnant and I’m still training her.”

Blake pulled Cela into his embrace. She laughed as he kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you later.” He said and released her.

Valentina fell asleep. She dreamed of Blake fucking her. Valentina shivered in her sleep and came. Blake watched her. He smiled, she was coming along very nicely and he knew she was dreaming of him.


Hayley and Jake had a wonderful time at their joint bridal shower. They received gifts ranged from an electric drill for Hayley tothe complete line of Global Sai Knives for Jake.

Everyone had a good time playing silly games and Hayley wore her toilet paper veil with pride.

Hayley had given the list of 20 names for the wedding night ritual which she called the “Final Ritual Orgy” to Kenneth. She had included him and Gwyn and Daniela and Mason even though they wouldn’t be there.

Jake quit his job. The bank gave him a party and a choice of a gift, Jake had a hard time choosing because he had more money than he ever had and he didn’t need anything. In the end, he chose an iPad and gave it away to a young kid, he knew.

He had been home for one week and found that he needed to get out. In addition, he felt that he was underfoot with Marvina even though he spent most of his time in the office, but the best part was at night when Hayley came home.

She would enter the door and drop to her knees. He knew she was tired from work, but she would suck his cock before doing anything else. Their relateral was getting back on track, but Matthew warned him that Hayley would have one really big bout of rebellion the closer they came to the wedding.

Now tonight was the night for her Bachelorette party and his Bachelor party.

Jake and Hayley kissed each other goodnight. “Have fun, but not too much fun.” Jake said as he kissed Hayley passwordately. “The same goes for you.” Hayley said.

Daniela, Samantha, Quinn and Tara who had flown in from London were all in the limousine waiting for Hayley. The party was being held at The Queen’s Club. A popular nightclub owned by the Cassidy family not too far from Hayley’s home. Already at the club were Mary, Denise, Gwyn and forty of Hayley’s friends from work and college.

From the moment she entered the limo, Hayley was handed a glass of champione. She decided that this night since it was her party she was going to have a good time. They arrived at the Club and cheers went up. Glasses were raised. “Congratulations Hayley. Let’s Party” came from the ladies in the room.

Hayley greeted the crowd with fist pumping and she sat down at the table of honor. The Body Builders, a group of men in the Chippendale tradition all stood around the room. Three of them came up to Hayley and put a crown on her head. She laughed as they started dancing around her chair. Denise took Hayley’s hand and put it on the chest of a very brawly body builder. The dancer, a 6’2″ hunk with massive muscles bent down and locked lips with Hayley. She was in male heaven.

Hayley had fifty dollar bills in bundles of thirty passed around to each guest to put in the pants of the dancers. For herself, she had about fifty thousands dollars in hundreds. She was going to have a good time.

Samantha had been given the duty of making sure that Hayley didn’t go too overboard. She had one glass of champione and for the rest of the night drank ginger ale. Helen warned Samantha that if Hayley did anything crazy she would be the oneto be paid, so Samantha was watching Hayley like a hawk.


Brandon was in charge of Jake, but he had a feeling that Jake would be fine. Jake asked for no strippers. He wanted a nice quiet evening with just a few friends, the Cassidy’s and Nate. They had dinner at Mickey Mantle’s sports bar and then went to Jazz at Lincoln Center.

“Are you looking forward to the wedding?” Brandon asked amidst the noise at the bar.

“I’m looking forward to the day after the wedding and some reprieve from the Cassidy family.” Jake said.

“You’ll get some respite, but you know it won’t last long. You’ll have a few others to look after as Samantha and I did with Denise and Daniel and you and Hayley. The best time will be after Mary and when your kids are engaged. You’ll have a rest and will almost have forgotten about it.

Samantha and I are hoping that Jonah and Quinn get pregnant very fast so we can start.” Brandon said hopefully.

Jonah butted in, “the day afterr the wedding, Quinn is ready. She’s already bought some ovulation kit that tells her when the right time is to get pregnant. So you probably won’t have to wait long.”

Daniel joined the conversation, “All the women are jealous of Daniela. She is almost ready to burst and carrying twins, nonetheless. If my father had his chest poked out, anymore it would burst. He is so thrilled and so proud.”

Jake laughed; it would serve Matthew right if the twins were his. The proud peacock strutting his manhood, Jake thought.

The men hung out until one, and then Nate, Daniel, Brandon, Jonah and Jake climbed back into their limo and dropped everyone off. Brandon asked Jake if he wanted some company, but Jake decided, he wanted to just go home and wait for Hayley to Arrive. He thanked the guys for the party and he realized just how much he couldn’t wait to get married.


Hayley was having the time of her life. She was passing out money like water to the dancers who stripped onstage. There were six men dressed in various uniforms; army, navy, police, etc… Two of them came down from the stage and dragged Hayley back with them to the stage. They bumped and grinded with her as Hayley who was now really drunk ran her hands all over their bodies. Samantha was watching, but she got a little distracted by a waiter who came over to ask if they wanted another bottle of champione for the table. When she turned around, Hayley had disappeared.

“Where’s Hayley?” Samantha shouted to Mary.

“Hayley went backstage.” Mary shouted over the din.

“Shit!” Samantha said as she climbed on the stage and went backstage to find her sister.

She found Hayley down on her knees giving the brawly bodybuilder head while ten other guys stood around her jerking off and taking pictures. Samantha took her cell phone from her pursuit and dialed a number. She said into the phone, “Backstage, now!”

Five men burst into the room moments later and grabbed the phones from the men. “Hey that’s my phone.” Said one guy, but he instantly shut up when he was handed five thousand dollars.

“Did you text these to anyone?” Samantha said as each man handed her their cell phone.

“We didn’t have a chance.” Said one guy, before you and your goons burst in here.

“You’re lucky. Check all the phones and see what was sent out, delete all the pictures. If we find that anyone has received a picture of my very drunk sister sucking cock, it will be the worst for you.” Samantha said and grabbed the brawly bodybuilder.

“You keep your mouth shut,” She said thrusting an envelope with ten thousand dollars into his hand.

He said nothing just nodded. Samantha left security to take care of the men and make sure they understand the seriousness of any photos getting out.

Samantha was tempted to have all the phones destroyed, but she believed she had stopped it in time. Hayley nearly passed out, was still on her knees on the floor.

Oneof Hayley’s security scooped her up. “To the limousine, let me get the rest and we’ll meet you outback.” Samantha said scowling.

Samantha phoned her father and told him what happened. Matthew made a phone call and made sure that no one would buy any pictures of Hayley from anyone. He put his team to search the net to intercept any photos. He was through.


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