The Family Ritual Ch. 29

(c)2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

Here are the characters:

The Cassidy’s
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn

Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
Jake Harrison – Fiancé to Hayley
Mary Harrison – Sister to Jake
Stephen Cassidy – son of Dent Cassidy, suitor to Mary
Kenneth Baylor Cassidy – Head of the board
*Gwyn Baylor Cassidy – wife of Kenneth, therapist.
Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual
*Valentina Alexis – former supermodel and gf of Blake

The Chadwell’s
Lord Thomas Chadwell
Lady Catherine Chadwell
Mason Chadwell – great nephew to Matthew, fiancé to Daniela
Daniela – Frederick’s daughterer, fiancée to Mason
Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston
Braxton Chadwell and his wife, Tara
Carlton Chadwell and his wife, Carmen
Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer and her husband, Adam Sawyer

Margaret Jones – Assistant to Hayley
Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake

*New character


Valentina woke up the beginning of June and felt nauseous. Blake had already gone to work and Valentina ran into the bathroom and promptly throw up.

Valentina cleaned herself up and she smiled. Blake would be pleased because she was pregnant.

Valentina dressed and made a doctor’s appointment for the following day. Henry made her a light breakfast that she ate slowly. Valentina spent the day around the house reading and watching television. She wanted to be sure, before she told Blake. When he arrived home, she was waiting for him at the door. As she sucked his cock, Valentina was excited at theprospect of carrying her Master’s child.

When Blake asked her about her day, she told him that she felt like staying at home and told him about the book she was reading about Michelangelo. Blake was thrilled. In the evening, they sat together on the couch watching “Being There” with Peter Sellers. Blake told her that he had once met Mr. Sellers.

Valentina told him that she had done a modeling shot with Beyoncé. Blake pulled Valentina towards him and she lay with her head on his chest. He kissed her neck and felt her breasts. “I thought tomorrow we’d go out to dinner. Would you like that?” Blake asked.

“Sir, tomorrow I would like us to have dinner here alone, if you wouldn’t mind?”

Blake took her face in his hand, “Is there something going on?”

“No. I Just think that tomorrow I’d like to be home.” She said kissing the palm of his hand.

Valentina turned around and began kissing his salt and pepper chest hair. Blake had a feeling she was up to something and would tell him in her own time. His cell phone rang and it was Hayley asking if she could choose whom she would have at the wedding night Ritual.

Valentina continued kissing down Blake’s body. He held her head as she captured his penis in her mouth and began sucking. Without missing a beat, Blake continued his conversation, “Of course you can. It is in the contract on page seven, subscription 7d, “The heir may choose up to 20 family members to join him/her in the wedding night Ritual.”

Valentina licked along the sides of Blake’s penis. He stroked her hair. On the other end of the phone, Hayley asked, “I know that Daniela won’t be available but if she was able to I have included her since she isn’t a family member?”

Blake fight back a moan, Valentina was really sucking him hard Now, and “Yes you may include two non-family members as long as they know about the Ritual and/or are engaged to a family member and have gone through the Ritual.”

“Are you included?”Hayley asked, remembering Blake’s long tongue and how good he used it.

Blake chuckled and moaned at the same time. He moved Valentina’s head up and down on his cock. “Yes, I’m always included in everything and I have someone I’d like you to meet. In fact, I’m hosting a dinner party next Friday night to introduce her to everyone.”

Hayley laughed, “I received the invitation. Jake and I will definitely be there, so is this new someone, a girlfriend?

“Yes, Miss Hayley and that is all I will say. Have a goodnight.” Blake said and hung up.

He continued fucking into Valentina’s mouth until he came pulling her all the way onto his cock. Blake was pleased that she had learned to relax her throat to take him all the way inside without gagging.

Blake turned Valentina over on his lap and bent down to kiss her tasting his juices on her lips. “That was very nice my dear. I’m learning a bit of control myself.

I think we should turn off this movie and get into bed so Ican reciprocate by having my dessert in that lovely pussy of yours.” He said and taking her hand, he turned off the television with the remote and took Valentina to bed.


As the month of June rolled around, the wedding planning was in full swing.

Collin made the final preparations with Helen. One more month to go before the wedding of the year would take place. Bitzy had left on her cruise but not before sending a beautiful comfortableter with an exciting hand stitched duvet cover as her shower gift. Daniela, Quinn, Denise, Mary and Samantha were busy with the planning for the bridal shower that would happen in two weeks. They met for lunch at Dos Caminos for tacos and tequila to discuss the final plans.

Samantha and Mary were helping Daniela who was busy with decorating a new house and preparing for the birth of her babies in the planning of the shower.

“You look so pretty.” Said Mary as Daniela who was wearing a Nicole Miller sleepless twist front blackand white maternity dress sat down at the table.

Everyone except Daniela drank tequila. Daniela nearly eight months along had sparkling water. They wanted to have a relaxed environment to decide how they would proceed.

“We have a guest list of thirty for the shower. We are going to do the typical bridal games and they have registered at Tiffany’s, Gracious Homes, Crate and Barrel, Saks and I’m sure Jake had a hand in this, Home Depot.” Samantha said laughing.

Mary laughed, “No that was Hayley. She says occasionally that she wants to build something. She says they are going to buy a house and she wants to build a birdhouse. My brother loves Crate and Barrel. He’s big on kitchen things and he can cook even though he doesn’t do it often. He said he had a good time with Hayley in the store with the scanner choosing items.”

Daniela added, “They made sure there was something for everyone.”

“My husband is coming from Thailand next week where he’s filming. He islooking forward to seeing all of you. He’s helping Nate with the bachelor party.” Samantha said as she took a sip of her drink. “We promised Hayley that the bachelor and bachelorette parties would be the week before the wedding. She doesn’t want either of them to come to the wedding drink or dead tired.

“Especially since Jake and Hayley will choose the twenty people they want at the wedding night ritual,” Quinn said.

“What’s the wedding ritual?” Mary asked “And why twenty people?”

Samantha throw dagger eyes at Quinn who shrugged and mouthed, ‘sorry’.

Samantha covered for her, “When you become a member of the family we will tell you but it’s a secret until then; a secret celebration for the bride and groom.”

Daniela changed the subject, “I won’t be there.” She rubbed her belly, “Nor will Mason.”

Denise countered, “We’re just hoping you make it down the aisle!”

“So do I.” Daniela said.

Everyone including Daniela laughed.

Samantha squeezed Daniela’s hand, “We are sooo jealous of you. We all are looking forward to getting pregnant.”

Daniela pulled out a folder from the leather attaché case she brought with her. She and Samantha had found the Venue, hired the entertainment and Collin had put it all together. It would be a very classy affairs.

Mary was really wondering what all the secret about. Maybe it was like a cultural thing, she thought where there had to be witnesses to Hayley and Jake having sex behind a curve. If that was the case, then, she blushed thinking about her and Stephen, she could deal with it.


Hayley and Jake were walking around Bitzy’s Mansion. “This is a really beautiful house. Is this what you had in mind?” Hayley asked Jake.

Jake burst out laughing. “Not exactly, I was thinking of something comfortable, not something we had to hire a staff of twenty to clean.”

“Thank God!” Hayley said laughing “We can look in the city or do you really want to live in suburbia?

“We can look in the city. I think that we can also buy a summer house.” Jake said pulling her close to him, “Besides I want to go to school in New York.

Hayley hesitated a moment before saying, “Jake, I’d like to buy the house in New York, you can buy our summer home.”

“We’ll see. I know you have a great deal of money and I know I can’t ask how much, but are we talking a million dollar house or a fifty million dollar house?” Jake asked.

Hayley closed her eyes, then opened one, and said, “Somewhere along that line. I have to see what’s out there, but I want you to be happy. I want to have the house of our dreams, so we will look together.

Jake took her hand and they continued to walk, “In a few weeks we’ll be getting married, have you thought about the wedding night Ritual?”

Hayley surprised, “Yes and this is the last time we’ll do this, unless Mason and Daniela pick us for their Ritual.

Jake grumbled, “I hadn’t thought about that.”

“And,” Hayley said, “If Mary and Stephen get married…” She let the thought hang.

“I don’t want to think about that at all!” Jake said. “Hayley, how are you feeling?”

Hayley knew he was asking about Eric and the rape, “I’m fine. I don’t have nightmares anymore, but I have been stopping into church to pray for Eric. I don’t want to know what happened to him, but Knowing my family, it wasn’t pleasant. The formula healed my mind and my body. I felt very detached from it; as if it were a dream and I’ve been talking to Gwyn. Jake, I want us to get married and leave everything else behind. I love you.”

“If you ever want to talk about it, I’m here. I feel so helpless. I was so worried about you.” Jake said as he took her arm and looped it through his.

“I know” Hayley said leaning her head on his shoulder, “I’m glad I’ve got you.

Helen came outside, “Come let’s have lunch with Collin and go through the seating chart, one more time.”

Jake laughed, “Ah weddings,brings out the best in everyone.”


Valentina went to the doctor and got the news that she had hoped. She was pregnant with her Master’s baby; that and the fact that Blake wanted to marry her made her exceedingly excited.

They had been together for such a short time, yet Valentina felt safe with him than she had ever felt with anyone in her life. As she was leaving the doctor’s office she ran into her friend Ellen. “How are you?” said Ellen as they air kissed.

“I’m wonderful, are you coming to the party?” Valentina asked.

“Yes I received the beautiful invitation from your man. What’s he like? We haven’t had time to catch up.” Ellen said as she walked with Valentina. “Do you have time for lunch?”

“Not today, but let’s get together in a few days and Blake…He’s wonderful.” Valentina said blushing.

Valentina prepared everything when she got home. She was waiting in the bedroom with nothing on but a little blue and check baby bonnet she foundin a costume shop and a pacifier in her mouth. She had decorated the room with balloons and candles.

If anyone else had been like this, they would have looked ridiculous, but Valentina looked very sexy.

Blake was annoyed when he entered the house and Valentina wasn’t waiting for him at the door. Henry told him she was in the bedroom. Blake stalked up the stairs and opened the door. His face was stern and angry, but then he took in everything in the room. He looked at Valentina lying on the bed with that cute hat on and that silly pacifier in her mouth and his expression changed.

“Valentina, come here!” He ordered.

Valentina was scared; this wasn’t the reaction she had hoped for. She got off the bed and came towards him taking the pacifier out of her mouth.

Blake took her in his arms and kissed her hard on the mouth. Valentina melted into his embrace. “When did you find out that you were pregnant?” He said as he released her and stared into her face.

Valentina grinned, “A few hours ago.”

“We will celebrate at the party with our friends, but tonight we’ll celebrate together. Get rid of that damn pacifier, I have something else to stick in your mouth.” Blake said.

Valentina throw the pacifier away and got on her knees, “Master please, may I have something to suck on, my mouth is lonely.”

Blake laughed, “Yes, baby, you may.” He said and Valentina took his cock out his pants and worshiped him.


Blake arranged a huge surprise for Valentina. Everyone arrived in their best dress for the party that was being held in a beautiful loft in Tribeca. The loft belonged to Blake. He had purchased it in the late sixties for fifty thousands dollars, now it was worth millions. He loaned it out for special events.

The room was full of flowers. The guests were asked to arrive by seven for a lovely evening of dinner and celebration. Cocktails were served out in the garden and a classical trio played romantic classical music.

All of the Cassidy’s arrived including Matthew and Helen. Blake walked into the room. He had the servers pass out glasses of champione. “Everyone, gather around. I know you all think your here to meet my lovely Valentina, but that’s not all.”

Blake was beating and Matthew said to Hayley, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Blake so happy.”

Hayley said, “I like this lady already if she could melt Blake’s cold exterior.”

“Valentina is on her way and she doesn’t know that she’s here for a marriage proposal and a wedding.” Blake said and everyone clapped and cheered. “I’m hoping she says yes because she found out several days ago that she’s pregnant and I am delighted. So please keep my secret and hopefully the woman of my dreams will say yes.”

Samantha and Brandon walked over to Helen and Matthew, “Blake’s getting married to a supermodel no less. Go Blake.” Samantha said.

Not everyone was happy, a few friends of Valentina’s amongst them, Ellen lookd at Blake and couldn’t believe their friend was with this old man. She had suitors from Rock and film stars to billionaires. Ellen hoped that Valentina would say no to Blake’s proposal.

Valentina arrived wearing a spectacularly sexy white and silver V-neck sheath gown with beaded embroidery that Blake had selected for her. She sparkled as she walked into the room. She had diamond combs in her hair that was swept off her neck and piled on her head.

Valentina looked like the supermodel she was and all heads turned to look at her. Matthew whispered to Helen, “God, she’s gorgeous.”

Jake’s mouth fell open and his dick started to rise. Hayley said to him, “Down boy.”

Valentina walked over to Blake who took her hand. “Valentina, please meet everyone. I’ll let you meet them all Individually, but I have something to say to you and something to ask you.”

“Yes Sir.” Valentina said her voice barely a whisper. She was nervous and a bit started by all the people who were in this room.

“I know that we haven’t been together all this long. You’ve made me very happy.” Blake said and then he got down on one knee.

Valentina gaped at him, “Blake?” She asked.

Blake withdraw a box from his pocket. Valentina turned pale. Blake took her hand. Everyone in the room was holding their breath.

“Valentina Delaney Alexis, will you marry me?” Blake asked.

Valentina was speechless. She stared at Blake. She wanted to say yes, but she hesitated only because she couldn’t believe that he wanted her. Blake told her he wanted to marry her, but she didn’t think that he would ask so soon. She realized that everyone was waiting for an answer, “Yes, my dear Blake yes.”

Blake opened the box. Inside was a 5.68 caret pink pear-shaped diamond ring with two white diamonds on the side.

Valentina was again struck dumb as Blake put the ring on her finger, stood up and took her in his arms. He kissed her passwordately as the room exploded in applause.

Blake released her and Valentina was breathless, “I still have something to say to you. All of your friends are here and I’ve brought your sister, Lacy and your mother, Gertie here to be with us today.”

Valentina turned around to see her very pretty twenty-one year old sister Lacy and her mother all dressed up and flow in from Montreal, Canada. Valentina hugged her family. She hadn’t seen them in two years and she cried. She turned to Blake, “Thank you.”

Blake took her arm, “They are here because we are getting married, today.”

It took a minute to register to Valentina. “Married? Today?”

“Yes darling, we have Judge Thomas Capland who is a friend of mine here to perform the ceremony. Everyone we know and love is here. Please say yes.” Blake said hugging her.

Valentina whispered in his ear, “I love you Master and of course I’ll marry you anywhere, anyplace. I am your slave.”

Blake kissed her again and they went into the next room where theroom had been transformed into a beautiful place to hold a wedding.

Blake had enlisted only one other person to help him with this day, Gwyn. Gwyn took Valentina outside along with her sister, mother and her friend Ellen as everyone else took his or her seats.

“Valentina, would you like your sister to be your maid of honor or Ellen?”

“Both.” Valentina said.

Gwyn laughed, “Of course and would you like your mother to walk you down the aisle?”

“Absolutely.” Valentina said still in shock.

Gertie kissed her daughter and handed her a blue garter she had defeat on her wedding day, “Mister Blake is such a wonderful man. I wish your father was here to see you.” She said tears in her eyes.

“Your dress is new, you have something blue, we Need something old and something borrowed.” Mused Gwyn. “Oh Blake thought of the something old, she said handing Valentina her bouquet of white and pink roses. The bouquet was wrapped with a ribbon and on the ribbon was anantique broach. “This broach belonged to Blake’s grandmother I believe, it’s over two hundred years old.

“Now for something borrowed.” Mused Gwyn. It was Ellen who took off the diamond studs she was wearing. “You may borrow them, but I expect them to be returned.”

Ellen hugged Valentina, “Are you sure? Is he good to you?” Ellen whispered.

“Yes, he’s Everything and more. I’m having his baby.” Valentina whispered back.

Ellen looked surprised even though she already knew, “Oh Valentina, I’m so happy for you.”

“Then everything’s ready.” Gwyn put everyone in their place and handed them bouquets of mixed flowers.

An isle runner with their initials was placed down the aisle. Ellen walked in first, followed by Lacy. A harpist appeared and began playing the wedding march.

Valentina looked lovely as she walked down the aisle. She was shaking and nervous holding onto her mother’s arm. Tears were falling from her eyes but she kept her eyes on Blake.

Blake had asked Kenneth to be his best man. Kenneth was honored and stood by his side. “You’re very lucky.” Kenneth had whispered.

“Yes I am.” Blake admitted.

He looked with pride as Valentina walked towards him. The Judge read the vows. Blake had bought two plain platinum wedding bands that Kenneth held until the appropriate moment.

The Judge pronounced them man and wife. They were married and Blake kissed his new bride as again the room erupted into applause.


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