The Family Ritual Ch. 28

(c)2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

Here are the characters:

The Cassidy’s
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn

Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
Jake Harrison – Fiancé to Hayley
Mary Harrison – Sister to Jake
Stephen Cassidy – son of Dent Cassidy, suitor to Mary
Kenneth Baylor Cassidy – Head of the board
*Gwyn Baylor Cassidy – wife of Kenneth, therapist.
Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual
*Valentina Alexis – former supermodel and slave to Blake

The Chadwell’s
Lord Thomas Chadwell
Lady Catherine Chadwell
Mason Chadwell –great nephew to Matthew, fiancé to Daniela
Daniela – Frederick’s daughter, fiancée to Mason
Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston
Braxton Chadwell and his wife, Tara
Carlton Chadwell and his wife, Carmen
Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer and her husband, Adam Sawyer

Margaret Jones – Assistant to Hayley
Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
*New character


Hayley and Mary flew to London. Mary was impressed with the private plane. Hayley let Mary in on a secret, she was thinking of starting her own fashion line. She wanted Mary to come and work with her as an equal partner. Mary was thrilled and agreed. They would start forming the company a year after the wedding. Hayley informed Mary that she would be quitting her job as soon as she returned from her honeymoon.

Jake knew all about it and was encouraging her to pursue her dream, but not until they spent some time together.

Mary told Hayley how much she loved Stephen. She asked her how to talkto Jake about it. She had spoken to her father and mother and they were happy for her. Nate, her big brother liked Stephen and he was also glad, but Mary worried about Jake. She and Jake were close.

“Are you two talking about marriage?” Hayley asked.

Mary laughed, “No, not yet, but I’m hoping. I really love Stephen and he loves me. We decided to save ourselves for marriage However, he’s concerned about something in your family called ‘The Ritual’ and he knows that we have to sign papers.”

Hayley took her hand, “Don’t worry about it. When the time comes, you will sign just as Jake and I did and become part of our family and as for Jake, he’ll come around. You’re just his little sister and he is protective of you.”

Hayley and Mary had a fun time in England. They worked during the day and partied at night except for the one day they went to have tea with Lord and Lady Chadwell. Tara and Braxton also joined them for an evening of dinner and dancing.

Jake worked late into the night while Hayley was gone, but he did have dinner with his parents one night. He and Nate went to a Mets baseball game and he, Mason and Daniela had dinner at the Getaway.

Jake was surprised to see Daniela in her seventh month of pregnancy. She glowed and looked more confident. They hugged. “You looked great! I bet you can’t wait to meet the twins.”

Daniela laughed, “Thank you Jake. I feel wonderful except for the fact that I have to pee every five minutes. I’m looking forward to meeting them too. “

Mason went to check on things in the kitchen and Jake asked Daniela, “Are you happy? You look radiant.”

“I am very happy and so lucky to have Mason. He loves me and I love him.” Daniela said smiling as Mason returned with a cranberry spritzer for her.

“I was just telling Daniela that she is just lustrous and looks so beautiful.” Jake said.

“She does look lovely doesn’t she?” Mason said giving Daniela a squeeze. “How’s Hayley doing in London?”

“She and my sister are shopping and working. They had tea with your parents and spent an evening out with Braxton and Tara. She’ll be home on Sunday.” Jake said.

“I’m sure you’ve missed her.” Mason said as the server brought their dinner.

“Yes, but I’ve been working my ass off. I will be giving up my job before the wedding and going to school.” Jake said as he took a bite of his red snapper. “Your chef is superb.”

“I’ll tell him you said so.” Mason leaned closer, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something.”

“Shoot.” Jake said.

“How much time do you want to spend with the twins if they’re yours?” Mason asked as speared a baby potato.

“As much time as you’d allow. They are your children. I’m not Matthew. I’m sure that Hayley and I will have children of our own, but I don’t want to interfere. I guess I did what I did by not wearing a condom because of Matthew. I didn’t want him to interfere with Daniela.” Jake said as he put salt onhis vegetables.

“We will of course tell them that you are their biological father and we’ll explain that you and Daniela had a relationship and it didn’t work out.” Mason said.

Daniela looked at Jake and added, “I won’t make it any more complicated for them until they have to go through the Ritual, then they will understand.”

“I’m not looking forward to that. If Mary marriages Stephen then we’ll have to deal with that. I’m worried.” Jake said shaking his head.

Daniela put her hand on his arm, “You’ll get through it, just as she will. The formula will kick in and you will be able to deal with it. I’d rather you then Dent.” Daniela said shivering.

Mason agreed. “Lance may be an asshole, but Dent is disgusting and an asshole.”

Jake nodded, “Then I will do what I must, but I’m not looking forward to it.”


Valentina settled herself into Blake’s house. Blake had given her, her own study and dressing room. He gave her a tour of the entire houseincluding the room he called, “The Danger Zone” which was the room of pain and pleasure he had built.

Blake went through Valentina’s excessive wardrobe and found most of it to his liking. He went through her computer, iPhone and iPad and deleted anyone he thought was unacceptable for her new life.

He expected Valentina to wake him with her mouth every morning and he began teaching her how to suck his cock. Many mornings when she would begin, he would roll her over onto her back and holding her head fuck hard into her throat. He wanted her to learn to take all of him.

Blake told her that he had only one client, the Cassidy family and should they call day or night, he would go to them. During the day, Valentina was expected to learn about wine, books, art and music. She was allowed to see friends and go for lunch but she had to send Blake a text where she was. Blake had an extensive library and told Valentina in the fall she would begin taking classes. He wanted her well educated.

Valentina slept with Blake in his large king-sized bed. If he got home late or got up to go to the bathroom, he would often return to bed and open her legs and begin eating her pussy to wakefulness. Blake would bring her to orgasm and then fuck her. He liked being on top or having her sit in his lap because he liked to look at her beautiful face. Valentina also enjoyed this because she loved kissing Blake. His kisses always consumed her.

The first night she moved in, Blake took her into the Danger Zone. He whipped her until she became for him to stop. He wanted to see how much pain she could take and then he gave her some liquid from a tube and the pain went away. Any marks on her body disappeared in a short amount of time.

Blake fucked her hard all that night and in the morning he spanked her ass until she became him to fuck her again. She had to sit down gingerly after that spanking. Blake ordered her under the table to suck him as he ate his breakfast.After he had cum in her mouth, he fed her breakfast as she knelt next to him.

Blake also ordered her to be naked from the moment he arrived home. At first, she was nervous to have Henry and the maid, Roslyn see her but she soon learned they didn’t pay any attention to her nakedness.

Valentina always met Blake at the door on her knees. Henry would let her know that he was on his way and she would undress and sit with her collar and a diamond loop around it. Blake would hook the lean onto it and lead her into the parlor or his study where she would take out his penis and begin sucking him. She knew it helped him relax after a hard day.

If they had company, she was to dress her best, but with no underwear. No matter whom they were entertaining; Blake loved to feel her pussy.

She worked out every day with a personal trainer. Valentina swam and took Pilates classes. Blake gave her a Centurion Amex card and encouraged her to buy expensive one of a kind designer clothes that she had been wearing as a model. He wanted her dressed in her finest always and had purchased a year’s supply of undergarments from La Perla.

Valentina also loved how Blake touched her. He took possession of her and always let her know that she was his.

Valentina didn’t mind. She had been working since she was twelve and was very happy to let Blake take over. She wanted to transfer all her money to him, but Blake forbade her. “Yes you are my slave, but I want you to be free to do things for yourself that you know will please me. Use your money as you wish. I will take care of your clothes and our home.”

Valentina learned what Blake liked and what he didn’t. For their first month together, he had been patient with her, then one day she messed up.

Valentina had been running around all day doing errands. She had forgotten to pick up Blake’s suit from the cleaners. When she finally remembered, the cleaners were closed. She was terrified.

They were going out to a charity event with Kenneth and Gwyn at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Blake liked to dress Valentina. He took great delight in putting her clothes on and taking them off.

She was to have make-up and hair done. He had a special gift for her, a beautiful black diamond wrist cuff with matching chandelier earnings. He wanted her hair up and her beautiful neck showing.

What Valentina Didn’t know was the cleaners called Henry and he picked up the dry cleaning. Henry called Blake and told him. Blake wanted to see how Valentina would react. Tonight since she was going out, Valentina was to wait in the bedroom.

She was naked, her hair done and her make-up perfect on her knees waiting. Valentina was angry with herself. She was trembling and terrified.

Blake came in the door. “How is she?”

“She’s anxious. I think she’s afraid.” Henry said.

Blake chuckled. He walked upstairs and opened the door to the bedroom. Valentina was waiting. He walked in and she crawled towards him. He stopped her, “We don’t have a great deal of time. Please get me my suit and I will change and then get you dressed.”

Valentina burst into tears. “Master, I was running errands and I forgot your suit. I’m so sorry. I got to the cleaners and they had closed.”

Blake surprised, “You know you will be punished.”

“Yes Master, whatever you wish.” Valentina said, “I’m so sorry.”

Henry came into the room with the suit and handed it to Blake and left.

“The cleaners called Henry and he retrieved my suit before they closed.” Blake said.

Valentina looked up at Blake her tear stained face, her make-up running, her head bowed. Blake thought she had never looked more beautiful.

She reached out and clung to Blake’s leg, “Please Master, don’t send me away.” She begged.

Blake’s heart softened. He bent down and helped her up, “I’m not going to send you away because you forget my suit. You will be punished later so you don’t forget again. Now go wash up and reapply your make-up while I change. Your punishment will happen when we get home tonight if I’m not too tired or too drunk or tomorrow if I am.”

Valentina practically ran to the bathroom and came back 15 minutes later looking flawless. Blake had changed into his black Brioni suit that made him look even more debonair.

He helped her with the crotchless black hose and her 6-inch heels. Stopping at her pussy, he inserted his finger into her slit. She was as usual wet. Blake sucked his finger. He loved her taste.

Blake took out the black and nude sequined Oscar de la Renta beaded tulle trumpet gown and helped her into it. Blake ran his finger up her back as he zipped the dress. He whispered in her ear as he turned her towards the mirror. “You look ravishing my dear.”

“Thank you Sir.” She said as she lowered her lashes. Blake reached into his pocket and took out a box. He put the cuff on her arm and handed her the earrings.

“Sir they are beautiful. Thank you.” Valentina said putting the earrings on her pierced ears.

Blake pulled her to him. “I will enjoy punishing you. Since it is your first infection it won’t be as painful as it could be.”

“I’m sorry Master. I hate disappointing you.” Valentina said, her eyes starting to moisten.

Blake swatted her butt. “No crying or I will really punish you.”

Blake held out his arm and Valentina took it. They got into the limousine and went to the museum.

Valentina hit it off with Gwyn. In the ladies room, Gwyn asked her how she felt about Blake since he hadn’t had a girlfriend in quite some time. Valentina blushed and told Gwyn that she loved Blake and wanted to be his wife. Gwyn, who knew Blake as a dominant asked if he had punished her yet. “No, but he probably will tonight.” Valentina said, her eyes tearing again. She told Gwyn what had happened.

Gwyn laughed. “Don’t cry. He might look severe and he can punish you severely but not for this.”

“I just hated disappointing him. I had a really busy day getting ready for tonight.” Valentina said.

“So don’t worry.” Gwyn said hugging her. “You told him the truth that you forget and that is what’s important to him. If you had lied, I assure you he would have really paid you, but because you were honest, it won’t be that bad.

Gwyn hesitated a minute before she said, “May I ask you something?”

“Yes anything.” Valentina said.

“Why did you want to be Blake’s slave? I know for a fact.” Gwyn whispered, “Please don’t tell him I told you, but he will ask you to marry him. You could have been his submissive.”

Valentina smiled, “I wanted someone I could trust with my life. I like pleasure Blake. I like being with him. I wake up every morning thinking how lucky I am that he choose me. I don’t have any decisions to make except how can I please him today.”

“You are one of the most beautiful women in the world and a supermodel. You’ve given it all up for Blake?” Gwyn asked staring at Valentina incredulously.

“I would do it again in a heartbeat. I fell in love with him before I even met him. He thinks I’m beautiful and that’s all that matters.” Valentina said proudly.

Gwyn hugged her again. As a therapist, she could see that Valentina was a true slave. She wanted to surrender. She wanted Blake to control her and Valentina truly loved him. Gwyn was happy for her.

After the event, they got into the limousine. As soon as they were inside, Kenneth told the driver to drive around the park. He put his hand on the back of Gwyn’s neck and pulled her down to his crotch. Gwyn opened his pants and took his cock out. She went to sucking him as Blake and Valentina watched.

Blake reached behind and unzipped Valentina’s dress. He pulled down the top and squeezed her nipple hard causing her to moan. “I owe Valentina a milk punishment, which I will give her tonight. I believe that I’d like to see the two of them together.”Blake said as he bent down to suck on Valentina’s nipple.

Kenneth held onto Gwyn’s head, “I’d like to see that too. Do I have your permission to fuck her?” Kenneth asked.

“Yes, but with a condom, I’m trying to impregnate her. Do I have yours with Gwyn?” Blake asked.

“You know you do.” Kenneth said. “You’ve had her before, so you know what you’re getting.”

When they arrived at the house, Blake fixed Valentina’s dress. He helped her out of the car. She whispered in his ear, “Master, I’ve never been with a woman.”

Blake laughed, “We’ll my dear you are in for a treatment Gwyn is excellent. She will show you what to do and I will make sure that you get more practice. Think about what I do to you and then do it to her.”

When they arrived back into the house, the staff had gone to bed. Blake brought two bottles of champione and four glasses to the Danger Zone. He opened one bottle and poured glasses for all to them. “A toast to my love Valentina”

“To Valentina” They all said and Valentina blushed.

Gwyn took the glass from her and set it down on the table. She took Valentina’s hand and walked her to the middle of the room. Blake and Kenneth were sitting down on the red velvet sofa. They had taken off their ties, unbuttoned their shirts, and were watching the women.

Gwyn kissed Valentina hard on the lips. She eased her tongue into Gwyn’s mouth and Valentina Feel herself responding. She had never kissed another woman and it was different, the lips were softer, the tongue smaller. Valentina responded and put her arms around Gwyn.

Gwyn pulled away and went behind Valentina. She unzipped her dress and it fell to the floor. Kenneth sucked in his breath. He had seen pictures of her in magazine and he couldn’t wait to sink his dick in her pussy. He envied Blake just a little. Valentina was breathtakingly beautiful.

Valentina stood there in her crotchless hose, those killer heels, the earrings and the wrist cuff and nothing else.

Valentina picked up her dress and placed it gently on a benchmark. Gwyn gathered Valentina in her arms and kissed her again as her hand roamed up and down her body. Valentina reached behind and began unzipping Gwyn’s dress. Gwyn pulled away and turned around so that Valentina could unzip the blue gown she was wearing.

Gwyn was dressed in blue garter and stockings and a blue lace bra. She wore no underwear. Gwyn’s silvery blue heels made her a little shorter than Valentina. The two women began to grind their bodies together. They started kissing and Gwyn led Valentina over to the chain lounge. She whispered in her ear, “I’ve wanted to eat your pussy since I saw you. Let’s put on a show for our men.”

Valentina moaned her consent, “Yess.” She was really getting into the moment. Gwyn kissed Valentina’s nipples. She tugged on them with her teeth until they were pointing straight out.

Valentina was in heat and held Gwyn’s head to her breasts. She was staring atBlake who unbuttoned his pants and was struggling his cock. Valentina bit her lip as she watched mesmerized as Blake moved his hand up and down.

Gwyn moved down her body and opened Valentina’s legs, “Beautiful stockings. I like them.” She said as she noticed that Valentina had one dark red stripe of hair in her pubic area. Gwyn opened Valentina’s pussy lips with her fingers and looked at the luscious lips.

Gwyn turned and looked at her husband. She stuck her tongue out at him. Kenneth laughed and then Gwyn divered into Valentina’s pussy.

Valentina sat bolt upright as Gwyn licked her. The sensings were incredible. It was so different from Blake. Blake was great, he ate her pussy as a meal while Gwyn knew exactly where to eat to achieve the maximum amount of pleasure in a short amount of time.

Gwyn licked all the way inside tasting Valentina’s juices while rubbing her thumb on Valentina’s clip. Valentina had settled back on to the couch and was moaning, “Oh my God,that’s so, so, so good.”

Blake stood up and walked over to her, “Don’t you cum. Part of your punishment.” Blake groaned. He brought his cock to her lips and Valentina opened her mouth. Blake grabbed her head and fucked into her mouth as Gwyn ate her pussy.

Valentina’s body was fighting with her mind. She wanted desperately to cum and fighting hard not to. She sucked on Blake’s cock and that alone nearly made her cum. Blake knew this. He wanted her to cum because he had plans for her once she started eating Gwyn. Blake glanced down at Gwyn who was watching him and mouthed, ‘Finish her.’


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