The Family Ritual Ch. 26

©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

Here are the characters:

The Cassidy’s

Matthew: The Patriarch

Helen: His wife

Hayley: Their youngest daughter

Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell

Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth

Jonah: Eldest child and only son — he is married to Quinn


Son in law’s

Brandon Mitchell – Actor

Daniel Worth –Sports agent


Quinn Cassidy — Daughter-in-law married to Jonah

Jake Harrison — Fiancé to Hayley

Mary Harrison — Sister to Jake

Stephen Cassidy — son of Dent Cassidy, suitor to Mary

Kenneth Baylor Cassidy — Head of the board


Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual


The Chadwell’s

Lord Thomas Chadwell

Lady Catherine Chadwell

Mason Chadwell –great nephew to Matthew, fiancé to Daniela

Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston

Braxton Chadwell and his wife, Tara

Carlton Chadwell and his wife, Carmen

Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer and her husband, Adam Sawyer



Margaret Jones — Assistant to Hayley

Brian West — Assistant to Jake

Daniela — Frederick’s daughter and now submissive to Hayley

Marvina — New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake

*Valentina Alexis — super model looking for a Master

*New character


Hayley woke up while Eric was still driving. She had a headache. “What’s happening?” She said as she slowly opened her eyes.

“It wasn’t supposed to go like this.” Eric said. “You were supposed to have a drink with me and I’d slip something into Your drink.” He banged his hand on the steering wheel.

“Please, my head hurts. I need to go home. Eric, please take me home.” Hayley pleased. She was trying to sit up and then realized the seat belt was making it difficult. Hayley’s vision came into focus.

“I amtaking you home, my home. I’m going to convince you that you belong to me and not to Jake.” Eric said and reached his hand out to touch her knee.

Hayley moved her knee out of reach, “I love Jake. Eric, please. I won’t tell anyone, but if you don’t take me home things will go badly for you.”

“No they won’t. You will tell them that you love me. I will Help you.” Eric said as he pulled into the parking lot of his building.

Hayley was still a little grggy. Eric opened her door and unbuckled the seat belt. He picked Hayley up and took her to the elevator. “Please Eric.” Hayley begged.

“Shush Hayley, we are almost home.” He said as he pressed the button and to the penthouse.

Eric opened the door to his apartment and set Hayley down on the sofa. She was starting to wake up. As soon as he was out of sight, she got up and ran to the door. She tried opening it. Eric chuckled as he came back, “Sorry love but I have the key and it locks from the inside.

“You can’t keep me here. Someone will come looking for me.” Hayley said.

“I plan to let you go, but not until I know that you’ll be coming back to me and call off that ridiculous wedding to Jake.” Eric said.

Hayley was angry; she went up to Eric and slapped his face hard. Eric grabbed her and slapped her hard across the face with one hand while holding her up with the other, “I heard your family was into this whole bdsm thing. I plan to make you my little slave. I’ll beat all that Jake out of you.” He said.

Eric’s beautiful face now looked cruel, “I guess from the possessive way Jake was holding onto you that you are what they call a submissive. You will submit to me.”

Hayley laughed, “Never.” She said rubbing her face. She pushed back and he released her.

Eric laughed, “Take off those damn clothes so I can see what I’ve got to work with.”

Hayley glared at him and didn’t move. Eric grabbed her again and raised his hand.

Hayley took off her coat and threw it on the sofa. She was dressed in a black skirt with a white ruffled blouse. She wore high-heeled red boots.

Because of the formula, Hayley’s mind was racing miles ahead. She was looking at every angle to find her escape. She had to get that key and she had to find a way to knock Eric out. She remembered her cell phone was on and in her pursuit and that Kenneth would track it.

Eric took Hayley by the arm and he kissed her hard on her lips. Hayley didn’t respond which made him angry. “I guess I’m going to have to spank you into submission.”

He pulled her into the bedroom and throw her onto his bed. “I said strip!” He ordered.

Hayley began to unbutton her blouse. She stared at Eric. “This is rap, you know.” She said.

“I hope you’re not too stretched out from Jake’s black dick.” He said.

Hayley stripped down to her bra and panties. She folded her clothes. “Over my knee.” Eric said and sat down on the bed.

Hayley got over his knee. Eric pulleddown her panties and unhooked her bra. “I want you naked and I’m going to fuck you. I hope to knock you up and that would settle everything. Are you on anything?”

Hayley smiled to herself, that wouldn’t happen. She was on the shot that lasted five years. She said, “No, Jake uses condoms.”

Eric gasped as he saw her lovely butt. He began to slap her butt. Hayley smiled to herself. He hadn’t a clue how to do this. She just didn’t want him to fuck her. He could spank all he wanted. She pretended that it hurt. “Ow! Ow! Ow!” She said as he slapped her ass.

Eric shoved two fingers into her pussy and that did hurt because she was bone dry.

“I guess it takes more than that to warm you up.” He said pushing her off his lap.

Eric stood up and removed his clothes as Hayley watched. She was going over scenarios in her mind to figure out the best way to get out. She saw the key hanging on a chain around Eric’s neck and knew that was her way out. She had to get that key.Eric took off the chain and put it on the nightstand.


Kenneth checked his phone an hour after he got home. He texted Hayley and got no response. He called her cell and she didn’t answer. Kenneth’s next call was to Marvina and was told she hadn’t gotten home. Jake had just walked in the door and took the phone from her, “Where’s Hayley?” He asked.

“She’s not home yet? She left me an hour ago. Don’t get crazy. I’ll call Blake and track her phone and call you back.”


Jake started pacing and Marvina who was just about to call Kenneth was also worried.

“Damn” Blake said when he got the phone call. He got on his computer and located Hayley’s phone. The address looked familiar and then he remembered, “Kenneth, Eric’s got her. I’ll send some men and meet them there. I believe he lives in the penthouse.”


Eric stepped out of his pants and his shorts. Hayley nearly laughed when she saw his pitiful uncut pink cock. She kept a straight face. “Come suck my dick slut!” Eric said grabbing her by her hair.

Hayley closed her mouth. He would have to beat her before she sucked his meat. Eric slapped her again. Hayley didn’t cry but she turned over. Eric went to his closet as Hayley slid the chain from the nightstand and tucked it into her clothes. She looked around the room for a weapon, but only saw the lamp that was within reaching distance.

Eric brought out a whip. “You will suck my cock Hayley.” Eric said. Hayley knelt on the floor glaring at him.

Eric went behind her and brought the whip down hard on her back. Hayley gritted her teeth, he brought it down again and a tear started from her eye. THWACK came the third blow, then another. Eric was starting to draw blood.

“Damn you must Really like pain.” Eric said as he picked her up and throw her on the bed. “After I fuck you then maybe you’ll comply.

He grabbed Hayley’s arms and she started to fight him. She scratched his face and Eric punched her again, but Hayley moved her head so the punch didn’t knock her out.

Eric held her down and opened her legs with his own. He pushed his cock into her dry pussy and she let out a scream. Eric started fucking in and out of her. Hayley’s mind went outside the pain and she relaxed her body. Eric thought she had compiled. “Yes baby, that’s it. You know you like it.” He said as he began sucking her nipple.

Hayley let him rape her. She just lay underneath him as he fucked in and out. She could barely feel him. Finally, when he was close to climaxing, Hayley knew this was her chance. As Eric began to cum, Hayley grabbed the lamp and crashed it on the side of Eric’s head knocking him out. She pushed him off her body and grabbed the key, her clothes and shoes, leaving her bra and panties behind.

She ran into the living room naked, grabbing her purse and coat and ran to the door. Hayley put the key in and turned it to see Eric coming out the bedroom. She opened the door and throw her clothes and coat out first.

Eric grabbed her and Hayley reached down and grabbed his dick she twisted it hard then kicked him in the balls. Hayley opened the door and taking the key with her she pressed for the elevator. Now Eric was a prisoner in his own house.

In the hallway, she got dressed and took out her phone. She speed dialed Kenneth, who answered on the first ring, “Hayley, thanks God, where are you?”

“I’m getting into the elevator. The son of a bitch Eric raped me. He’s trapped in his apartment. Come and get me.” She yelled, “Please tell Jake I’m all right.”

“Blake is on his way to you. I’ll call him and tell him to meet you downstairs.” Kenneth said, “Are you all right?”

“The crazy s.o.b. whipped and slapped me, but I’m all right.” Hayley said the tears pricking her eyes. “I knocked him out and…” The phone cut off as the elevator door closed.


Eric was bleeding from the wound in his head, his dick and balls hurt, but he crawled into the bedroom and took out the spare key. He knew that Hayley was probably already on the elevator. Damn he thought how stupid he had been not to take her cell phone or to trust the bitch. Despite his pain, Eric knew that someone would come looking for him, so he got dressed, grabbed his passport, some cash from the hidden safe in his room and his wallet and packed a backpack with clothes. What Eric didn’t know was how far the power of the Cassidy’s reached.


Blake arrived with two of his men. The concierge stopped his men from going upstairs. “I’m sorry I have to notify Mr. Hamilton of anyone coming up.” Blake took out an envelope filled with cash and handed it to the concierge, “This is to let us go upstairs and for your silence about this matter.” Without even blinking, the man at the desk took the envelope and made it disappear into his jacket pocket.

They rang for the elevator. When it opened, Hayley was on it. She saw Blake and collapsed into his arms.

Blake looked at the two men who were with him. “Let’s get Hayley home and we’ll deal with this after. Blake said as he carried Hayley to the car waiting. As he placed her gently in the car, he noticed the blood on her shirt.

Once he had Hayley safely in the SUV he phoned Kenneth, “She’s safe, but I think this asshole whipped her. We are taking her home. Call the doctor and bring a rape kit. We don’t want any press, we’ll handle this. I’ll call his father and the White House. It will be handled by the family I assume.”

“Absolutely, I will call an emergency board meeting as soon as we know what her injuries are.” Kenneth said. “It will be put to a vote. Do you know if he’s still in his apartment?”

“I assume he is, but not sure. We tried to go up, but we were stopped. The garage is also locked with a keycard entry, but don’t worry we will get him, but she’s safe and we are taking her home.” Blake said as he stroked Hayley’s face. Her head was on his shoulder.


Eric got to the garage and into his car. He was driving to Washington to see his father who would know what to do. He assumed that Joseph would get him out of the country. He assumed that his father would protect him. He assumed that it would be his word against hers. But he forget the advice his mother, Madeline had always given him…when you assume something you make an ass out of u and me.


Blake carried Hayley into her apartment building. She had not spoken a word. Kenneth and Gwendolyn were arriving at the same moment. Gwyn was a therapist and she wanted to see what Hayley’s mental state was.

Marvina opened the door and let out a gasp. Jake was right behind her. Hayley was set down on the sofa. She had a black eye, a bruise to the side of her head and Eric’s handprint on her face. Jake saw the blood that was drying on her back. He was horrified, “Where is that son of a bitch? I’ll fucking kill him.” Jake said his hands balled into fists.

“Calm down. Hayley’s alive and the doctor will be here. You take care of your fiancée.” Blake said as he took out his cell phone and took pictures. There would be no press or police involved, the pictures would be for Eric’s father and the vice-president in case they needed convincing.


Kenneth sat down next to Hayley. “I’m so sorry Hayley I should have driven you home or at least walked with you.”

Hayley opened her eyes and looked up at him, “It’s not your fault, it’s mine. I should have let you. I just wanted some air. I didn’t know that some maniac would be after me.”

“Gwyn is going to be with you, I have to return to the office.” He said and Hayley knowing the rules nodded.

Kenneth patted Jake’s arm, “Jake I’m very sorry, just know that Eric will be dealt with.”

Jake sat down next to Hayley and her composure broke. She fell into his arms and began to sob. He held her. Gwyn kissed her husband goodbye and sat down next to Hayley.

Gwyn asked her questions and told her that she could call 24/7. “Hayley you’ll probably have nightmares and be afraid to go out, that’s normal. Take a few days and return to work when the doctor says. Remember you have security. You can have them for 24 hours a day. Talk to Jake he loves you and I’m sure he won’t judge you for something that wasn’t your fault, you should be allowed to walk the streets safely. You are the injured party, but Hayley you are not and I repeat this, you are not a victim!

Hayley heard Gwyn and she responded by saying, “I am not a victim.”

Dr. Heart arrived soon after with the nurse. Jake helped Hayley to the bedroom where Gwyn went with her. “Jake, I think you should wait outside? Let the doctor do his job and I’ll be with her. Why don’t you get her some water or tea and something to eat?” She suggested with a slight reassuring smile.

Marvina who heard Gwyn immediately went to boil water for tea. Blake took Jake aside, “Don’t worry, she’s all right. Theson of a bitch rapid her and the family will take care of it.”

“He’s a senator’s son and I know he’ll get out of the country or his father will protect him.” Jake said, running a hand through his hair. He looked longingly at the closed bedroom door.

Blake chuckled sardonically, “I don’t think you understand the power of the Cassidy family Jake, we will deal with this. There will be no press, no police report filed. The evidence is for the Senator’s father and the members of the board who will decide Eric’s fate and I assure you it won’t be pleasant. If you want to be there, it can be arranged.

There is no place on earth that Eric can hide, nor is there any rock he can hide under. There is no country that he can go to that will take him in, the Cassidy’s have members in every single country including Antarctica where the head scientist is Byron Cassidy Weston, so the son of bitch will find that all roads are closed to him. His father won’t be able to protect him.” Black said flicking an invisible something off his nail.

Blake continued, “His father will plead and beg but in the end he will do what’s right. Trust me, my son; Eric will not get away with anything. Come, let’s have some coffee and some deliciousness of whatever Marvina made I’m sure it’s something spectacular.”

Jake sat down at the table. Marvina served them a piece of apple pie and coffee. She took a tray and brought some hot chocolate with marshmallows and a small plate of roasted chicken with wild rice and spinach that she had made for dinner. She added a pot of tea with cream, sugar, sweet and low, lemon slices and four cups to her tray and bring it into the bedroom where she left it on the table.


Jake glanced up at her, “Thank you Marvina, it’s really late, why don’t you stay over.”

“Thanks Mr. Jake, I already took out my night clothes.” She said and smiled at him, “Miss Hayley is a sturdy girl. She’ll be all right.”

Dr. Heart came out of the bedroom, Blake and Jake stood up and walked over to him. “Jake, Blake, Hayley has a black eye, and some facial purising as well as vaginal purising. She also will have a small scar on her back. The idiot really didn’t know how to use a whip, thank God.” Dr. Heart smiled. “He must have had a very small dick because he didn’t do any damage to her vagina. He came inside her so we have a sample of his semen and will test it for HIV and any other STD’s. I’ve given her a shot to calm her down and she should sleep through the night. She can return to work on Monday but for the next few days Hayley needs to take it easy. Gwyn is speaking to her about the ordeal. “

“I need to see her,” Jake said.

“Of course, but she’s sleep.” Dr. Heart said and then turned to Blake, “Get the bastard, before he does this to someone else. I’ve left a prescription for some pain pills if she needs them, but I don’t expect that she will.” He gave a knowing look to Blake who nodded the formula would make her heal quickly.

Jake entered the bedroom. Hayley was sound sleep, Gwyn by her side. Gwyn whispered to Jake, “You should call her parents, they will want to know. Call them now although I told Kenneth that you would tell them because he will need to call Matthew for his vote.”

Jake went into the bathroom and called Matthew, “Eric Hamilton kidnapped and raped Hayley this Evening after she went for her study time with Kenneth.” He said it straight forward without coating it because there was no way to soften this blow.

Matthew was in shock. “I’ll tell her mother in the morning. How is my daughter?”

“She’s sleep. I’ll let you speak to Dr. Heart. She will be fine, but I should have picked her up. I was working late.” Jake said apologetically.

“This is not your fault. Kenneth was supposed to bring her home. I’ll get to the bottom of it. You take care of Hayley.” Matthew said and his voice was soft, “I know you love my daughter. Give her a big kiss from me and I’ll speak with her tomorrow. I’ll call Dr. Heart and get the status, then I will call Kenneth because I’m sure that he’s convened the board. He is probably waiting for me so you go take care of Hayley.”

Jake said goodbye and returned to the bedroom. He sat on the bed. He kissed Hayley’s forehead and held her hand. Gwyn watched for a few moments and left them to their peace.


Kenneth gathered all the board members he could in the boardroom the rest were on Skype and waiting for him. He told them what happened to Hayley. They were all horrified. Lance who was on Skype asked for the vote to be done. Everyone knew what the outcome would be.

Blake was on the phone. He told them that it had to be unanimous if they were going to vote for what he thought they would vote. If one person didn’t then other methods would be used, this was the last resort.

Matthew was the first, “Death” he said. Lance was next, “Death”. From around the room each person said, “Death” until it went to Kenneth who said, “Death”

Blake said, “By what method, slow, fast or very painful.” This was left to Matthew it was his daughter who was hurt, “Very painful.”

Blake agreed. Kenneth spoke, “The President and the Vatican have to be notified. The Senator I’m sure will plead for his son’s life. We will all listen, but in the end he will be made to Understand. The Vice President will receive the information in the morning. I say we all go home and get a good night sleep. We’ll be back here by one.” Kenneth adjourned the meeting.


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