(c)2013 angelface195 all rights reserved
Here are the characters:
The Cassidys
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn
Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
Jake Harrison – Fiancé to Hayley
Mary Harrison – Sister to Jake
Stephen Cassidy – son of Dent Cassidy, suitor to Mary
Kenneth Baylor Cassidy – Head of the board
Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual
The Chadwell’s
Lord Thomas Chadwell
Lady Catherine Chadwell
Mason Chadwell –great nephew to Matthew, fiancé to Daniela
Claudia Chadwell-Winston and her husband, Martin Winston
Braxton Chadwell and his wife, Tara
Carlton Chadwell and his wife, Carmen
Sylvia Chadwell-Sawyer and her husband, Adam Sawyer
Margaret Jones – Assistant to Hayley
Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Daniela – Frederick’s daughter and now submissive to Hayley
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
*Valentina Alexis – super model looking for a Master
*New character
Blake Black had a feeling and His feelings always came true. He was looking for someone special and he had a feeling that he would meet her. If Margo hadn’t been crazy he might have trained her, but he couldn’t and wouldn’t deal with anyone who was as obsessive as she was. He wanted to get married again. He was forbidden from dating or marrying any of the Cassidy’s around the world. He dated a few women, but none of them really appealed to him and he was looking for something special; someone that would satisfy his needs.
He was a dominating man; a man who took complete control. The woman, who would be his, would be his wife and his slave. He wasn’tlooking for a submissive. He wanted someone he could totally control and if she didn’t conform or do as he wished, he would delight in punishing her. He wanted someone who would relish his punishments and he could be quite different.
It wasn’t often that Blake was thinking about himself. He was a very busy lawyer. The Cassidy’s were his full time job and he was paid handsomely for the work he did. He didn’t need even need the money; Blake was wealthy in his own right.
There were a great many of their affairs around the world he would deal with and he was the pinnacle of discretion. He would handle it whatever it was. He was a man of great power but he wanted a child and he had decided that in the next three years he would have one. His dick was very large; not quite as large as Lances but fat around and he was very good with it. He was sorry that the family changed their minds about Mary, but he understand and he would get to lick her pussy. Blake loved eating pussy. He couldeat it all day long and that was his consolation price. Blake still remembered the taste of Hayley’s pussy. She had a floral flavor and she smelled of jasmine.
Blake’s dick grow in his pants as he thought about the woman who would be his slave. He knew that she was beautiful and she would be willing to please him. He also knew it wouldn’t be long before he met her.
Stephen and Mary spent every single evening together as well as weekends dating. They kissed and held hands but reduced from anything else. It was tough for both of them. Mary and Stephen were waiting for Jake and Hayley to return from England. Mary especially wanted to talk to her brother about Stephen. She was in love with him.
Hayley, Jake, Daniela and Mason all celebrated the end of the Ritual on the plane home. They drank lots of champione, except for Daniela who had sparkling grape and peach juice. By the time they got to New York Mason and Jake were a little tipsy. The limousine dropped Daniela and Mason and then Jake and Hayley home.
Marvina was very happy to welcome them. She baked a triple layer chocolate cake and made a seafood stew with salad for dinner. Jake was very happy as he sat down to eat. Hayley was laughing at him because she knew he was drunk. He danced around the kitchen and made very funny comments before she got him to sit down and eat.
After dinner, Hayley took him into the bedroom where Jake pulled her down to his body and said, “My beautiful baby, I can’t wait until you get all fat with my baby. I’m so jealous of Mason fucking that pregnant pussy.”
Hayley laughed, “You’re drunk Jake. I think you should get undressed and get into bed.”
“Not before you see how big my dick is baby. I am so hard now.” Jake said as he held her. He began kissing her with big wet sloppy kisses.
Jake started tickling Hayley. She fought him and went into hypersensitive laughter. Jake grew serious and began to kiss Hayley deeply. She tasted the alcohol on his breath and felt his dick harden. “Jake, I think we should shower and get ready for bed. I’m tired and still on English time.”
His voice slurring, Jake said, “I think you’re right.” Jake released Hayley and she helped him undress and led him into the shower.
Hayley washed and dried Jake and put him into bed. He tried to reach for Hayley, but she laughingly moved away. Hayley turned off the light and before she knew it Jake was snoring loudly. Hayley kissed his cheek and went into her study to call Kenneth.
“How was London?” Kenneth asked.
“It was fun and exhausting. I’m glad that Mason’s Ritual is over. It was not as crazy as mine was, thank God; those Brits took things much more calm.
“How is Daniela progressing?” Kenneth asked as he worked on some family finances.
“She’s glowing and very happy. She and Mason look as if they will make great parents.” Hayley said then changed the subject. “I met the new slave that Blakeset up.”
“I heard that you and Jake didn’t want to try her out.” Kenneth said glancing at his computer.
“No. I trust Blake’s word. I really like Roberta. She’s beautiful and we don’t want a live in slave.” Hayley said.
Kenneth made a note on his computer then asked Hayley, “When can we start your studies. I say on Saturday mornings or Wednesday evenings. I’m open.”
“I’ll speak with Jake and get back to you, but I think Wednesday evenings should work out. I’m going to be doing wedding discussions with my mother and Collin this week. I have to go pick out place settings.” Hayley said exasperated.
“Weddings, I remember Gwyn almost losing her mind and getting sick before the wedding with all the preparations. I don’t envy you, but it will come together and you’ll remember it the rest of your life.” Kenneth said. “We will start the following week then.”
“Yes, I’ll send you an email. How is Uncle Lance?” Hayley asked.
“He’s better. He took some timeto heal, but the doctor’s did their magic. He healed faster than he would normally have due to the formula. Lance is very remorseful and Miriam is benefiting from that remorse. He’s been very attentive to her.” Kenneth said.
“Thanks Kenneth, I look forward to learning everything about the family, the ritual and the business.” Hayley said and she hung up.
Hayley sat with Marvina for a few moments as Marvina finished cleaning up and was getting ready to leave.
“Miss Hayley did you have a good time in London?” She asked.
“It was fun but I’m really happy to be home. How were things around here?” Hayley asked.
“Very quiet, I heard you bought an apartment downstairs.” Marvina said and quickly added, “I only knew because I was asked to unlock the door when the men came with the furniture.”
“Yes, it’s for the new slave. I am entitled to have one and Blake sent me a photo of a beautiful woman named Roberta. She’s Irish and lives in London. She is quite nice.” Hayley said smiling.
“Is she coming soon?” Marvina asked, then got up and went to the refrigerator and took out some milk. She poured Hayley a glass and cut her a piece of cake. Hayley laughed.
“You read my mind Marvina. I was just thinking about some more of that delicious cake.” Hayley said and answered, “She’s coming to the wedding as one of my gifts, so no not until then. Jake wants us to spend time together as a couple and I think he’s right.”
“I agree. If you don’t need me anymore, then I will be going home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Marvina said standing and putting on her coat.
“Tomorrow is Saturday, so come in at 11. Jake and I won’t be up any earlier. We are still on London time and I know he will be up later.” Hayley said.
Marvina thanked her and left. Hayley ate her cake and thought about her life and how much she was glad to be with Jake. She called her mother and she and Helen had a great conversation. Matthew was in Los Angeles with Brandonand Samantha. The family was producing Brandon’s next film based on the comic book superhero, the Flash.
Helen was coming to New York to work with Hayley on her wedding. The next Saturday they would be going to Bitzy’s mansion with Jake. Hayley wanted to invite Mary and Helen agreed that she could come too. They chatted and laugh and Hayley realized it had been a long time since she had so much fun with her mother and she was glad for her.
Lance was holding his wife as they watched television sitting on the sofa. He had healed well and thanked the formula for his quick recovery, but a part of him wanted to do more. He and Miriam were watching a program on women who had been castrated in Africa and needed operations to help them heal. This gave him an idea. He called Blake the next day and within a week he was in Africa and helping to build a hospital. His cock cage still on. Lance thought of the mercy that Hayley had shown him and he enlisted the help of other members of the family and doctor’s that he knew. He spent his own money and named the hospital after his wife. Miriam had never been so happy or proud of her husband.
Lance also hired an airplane and brought 300 women from all different areas in Africa with their daughter’s to learn and be operated on.
Six months after the hospital was up, running, and Lance had returned home, Lance passed away in His sleep from natural causes.
After the funeral, Miriam found a letter that Lance had written to Hayley that he had not sent. She called Hayley. Miriam made a copy of the letter and sent her the original. The letter said:
My dear Niece Hayley:
Without your mercy and your caring, I would never have found my true calling. My trip to Africa was something that I never would have Found myself making. I am a selfish old man who has lived his life of privilege as a son of a bitch. I thought that I could always do what I wanted, how I wanted and when I wanted and I learnedthat in doing this I hurt a great deal of people including my children and my lovely wife.
I also hurt you and I am deeply sorry for that, more sorry than you can imagine. I was absolutely delighted that your wedding day went well and the sun was shining brightly. Miriam told me it was the most beautiful wedding she had ever seen. I wish you and Jake great happiness together. wish you and Jake great joy. Miriam showed me the photos and you looked perfectly happy in your lovely wedding gown.
I know that you will bring much insight into the Family and as you have children of your own, you will always keep to the Ritual and what it means to the world. I also was very happy to return the favor when you asked and my daughter, Lady Catherine will help you in any way she can. She has, as you young people say, ‘got your back.’
With all my love and all my blessings, I thank you for granting me mercy and for opening my heart up to a world, I would have never seen.
With love,
Uncle Lance
Hayley, Mary and Helen rode out to Bitzy’s house to meet with Collin. Jake had to beg off due to a work commitment and Hayley suspected the invitation to play basketball at Madison Square Garden for the charity event that evening was also on his mind. Bitzy was eagerly awaiting them with lunch and open arms. It was March and spring had arrived early. The temperature was nearly seventy and the flowers were just starting to poke their heads out of the ground.
After their lunch, they walked around the Mansion grounds. It was magnificent and Collin pointed out where they would have the refreshments and inside the ballroom where the tables would be and how he would set it up.
Mary was amazed at the size of the house and how beautifully it was decorated, but she was mostly impressed by Bitzy who asked Mary to call her Aunt. Bitzy toured them around the house telling them about how Duke Ellington played for a party, James Dean flirted with her and Janet Leigh refused to take a shower and insisted on taking a bath when there was only one bathroom working due to a problem with the plumbing. Janet stayed in there for over an hour. When she got out there was a long line waiting.
Mary fell in love with ‘Aunt Bitzy’ just as everyone else did. Before they left, Bitzy gave Mary a small painting of a young black girl. In the car, Helen looked at the painting. “Oh my, this panting is by Henry Ossawa Tanner. It’s beautiful.”
Mary didn’t know who he was so Helen explained to her, that Henry Ossawa Tanner was the first African-American painter to gain international recognition. Henry continued speaking to Mary about the painter as Hayley was thinking about how beautiful her wedding would be.
Mary was surprised that Helen knew so much and Helen laughed and told her she had studied art as a young girl and painted every now and again.
“My mother is very talented. I have two of her paintings in my house.” Hayley said. “I’ll show them to you when we get back.”
Helen blushed. She wasn’t used to get such high praise from her daughter.
Daniel invited a few friends to play basketball for the private charity event with the famous New York Knicks. He asked Jake, Nate, Stephen, plus a few other friends including his friend Eric to be on his team. The event should raise about five million dollars for Alzheimer’s research.
Helen, Hayley, Mary, Denise, Daniela and Natasha, Nate’s girlfriend were all in attendance to cheer on the team which Daniel had named, “No Chance” and they bore jerseys which had that name. Mason had also been invited to play but obligations at the restaurant kept him away.
Eric Hamilton was a very rich, very spoiled man with bright blue eyes and spiky light brown hair. He was not as rich or as powerful as the Cassidy’s but he was a Senator’s son. His father Joseph Hamilton was the Senator from the Great State of Ohio. Eric and Daniel had met whilein college. Eric was very handsome and very arrogant. He thought that anything he wanted would be his for the taking.
He was very jealous of Daniel when he married into the Cassidy family. He had his sights set on Hayley but was waiting until she turned 21, unfortunately for him she met Jake and was soon engaged. Now as they were playing basketball, Eric got to meet his competition. Jake was handsome enough, but he had no money and no breeding. Eric’s family came from old money, some rich great grandfather oil baron who married a society woman from Ohio to bring the family into the who’s who of Ohio society.
Eric at age 30 hadn’t gotten married because he was looking for his Jackie or Hillary. He had plans to run for office. Hayley Cassidy had been his choice and he hated himself for not making his move sooner, but as he looked at Jake he thought that maybe he wasn’t too late.
Eric looked up in the stands and spotted Hayley straight off. She had definitely changed from a not so ugly duckling into a gorgeous swan. His heart skipped several beats as he stared at her. She was smiling and waving to Jake, but Eric felt as if she were smiling and waving to him. She was gorgeous and he felt as if there was nothing he wouldn’t do to get her to be his.
The game ended with a score of 99 Knicks to 54 No Chance and it was thanks to Jake and Eric that they even made it to 54 points. At the end of the game, Hayley and Denise ran on to the court to congratulate their mates to the cheeses of the crowd.
Jake kissed Hayley. “I’m all sweaty honey, let’s wait until I change. I’ll see you when I come out.” He said swatting her butt.
Eric watched them. He went to take a shower and took a glance over to see that Jake had a rather large dick. He Wondered if that was why Hayley was marrying him and if she was all stretched out from his fucking her.
When they were dressed, everyone piled into two SUV’s and went out to dinner at Firebird forchicken Kiev and caviar. Eric was reintroduced to Hayley. “Congratulations on your engagement.” Eric said.
“Thank you. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen you. I hear you’re thinking about running for office?” Hayley said smiling.
Jake raised an eyebrow, “Are you going to run for the senate?”
“No, I think councilmen to start with. My father is a Senator from Ohio. Right now I’m working at our family’s law firm in the New York Branch.”
“Oh you’re that Hamilton, from Hamilton, Finch and Hamilton” Jake excerpted smile.
“Yep that’s our families business. They’ve been around ever since 1925 and I’m learning all the ropes. I did some traveling in Europe after college.” Eric added pleasantly.
Jake got up to go to the bathroom leaving Hayley chatting with Eric.
“So Hayley are you happy?” Eric asked.
Hayley smiled sweetly, “Very happy.
Eric took a sip of his honey vodka, “I hoped that you and I would get together, but Jake beat me too it.”
Hayley grinned, “Yep and I couldn’t be happier. I’m looking forward to our wedding.”
Jake sat back down and put his arm around Hayley. “We hope to see you at the wedding.”
Eric smiled back but inside he wanted Hayley and what Eric wanted, Eric got.
Jake and Hayley left early with Daniela. They wanted to drop Daniela home so she could go to bed. Eric sat and talked to Denise and Daniel to learn everything he could about Hayley. He asked about Hayley’s job and learned where she worked. “I’m really upset that I waited so long. Your sister is a real stunner.”
Denise laughed as did Daniel, “Yes, she’s all grown up and with a very nice guy. Jake’s a stand-up guy. He loves her and she loves him. They’ve helped each other grow within the family and soon they will be married. We couldn’t be happier for them. He’s a welcome addition to the family.”
Eric knew that he had to be careful in what question’s he asked and he would move slowly. He would find a way to bump into her now and again. Eric formulated a plan to get Hayley away from Jake.
Valentina and her girlfriend Ellen another supermodel walked into Mason’s Getaway. Every eye in the place turned to watch them as they strode into the room. Valentina looked sexy even if she were wearing a paper bag. Women whispered as they recognized her from the covers of every major magazine in the country.
She smiled and nodded to a few as she made her way to a center table where everyone could see her.
Mason got word that she was in attendance. He sent them a complete cocktail to start. Valentina loved food and loved to eat. She ate what she felt like and then worked it off by exercising two hours every day. Ellen with her long blond hair and light blue eyes was laughing at something Valentina said as Valentina spotted Mason coming to their table out of the corner of her eye.
Mason was as drop dead grogeous as she remembered him to be, but thee was something slightly different about him. He seemed to smile more and he looked generally happy. That Daniela woman must be really good for him, Valentina thought.
Mason sat down next to Valentina, “Welcome, I believe this is the first time you’ve been here.”
“Yes.” Valentina said her voice a soft purr. “I wondered if when you have a moment, we can talk.”
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