(c)2013 angelface195 all rights reserved
Here are the main characters:
The Cassidy’s
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn
Lance:Elder brother to Matthew
Miriam: Lance’s wife.
Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
* Mason Chadwell – great nephew to Matthew, being considered as possible husband for Daniela
Jake Harrison – Fiancé to Hayley
*Isabel Cassidy Smythe – Daughter of Matthew’s sister Maxine, suitor to Daniela
*Stephen Cassidy – son of Dent Cassidy, Matthew’s brother suitor to Daniela
Kenneth Baylor Cassidy – Head of the board
Blake Black: Family lawyer, keeper of the Ritual
*Margaret Jones – Assistant toHayley
*Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Daniela –Frederick’s daughter and now submissive to Hayley
Marvina – New Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
* New main character’s
Blake went into his office and locked the door behind him. His assistant knew not to both him on this day. It was the 150th anniversary of the deal and the beginning of the Ritual. He was the only one who know besides the President of the Board and remembered the date.
Blake took out the portfolio on Jake and opened it. He was pleased. Jake would be a fine addition to the family and his children would bring a bit more diversity.
Blake sat back in his desk; his fingers tented and remembered the first Cassidy who had died many years ago. Dustin Cassidy was the younger of six children who wanted a life much richer and fuller than the life of his schoolteacher mother and steel worker father. He had started all of this and had lived to see the power his family would yield. Hefelt that it was his destiny and he had been chosen to make this deal.
The first drugs used had a few side effects. Dustin Cassidy suffered from migraines for his entire life. The formula had been changed over the years and now there were no side effects.
Fourteen scientists worked on different parts of the formula. The entire formula was assembled by three world-renowned Nobel Prize winning scientists who were sworn to secret and threatened with their lives if they ever revealed they had even worked on it. (They were also paid a boatload of money for their service.)
The formula was then divided into three parts which were kept at The Vatican, The White House and in the vault behind the door of Blake’s office.
The Cassidy’s were to the world a model family. There was no drug abuse, no alcohols, no depression ridden family members, no cancer, no AIDS and no heart attacks. The drug worked on the body and the mind. Most of the family died from old age or an accident.
If one had a problem that they were having a hard time with; the family had three psychiatrist and two therapists that were part of the family that you could speak to. It was rare that anyone went because the formula had been perfected and you usually could figure it out yourself.
The Cassidy’s also gave lots of money to charity and did charitable works. Often they would read about someone in a newspaper and donate anonymously. They used their power for good and they had the blessings of the Vatican and every Pope for the last 150 years, the Cassidy’s in their own way paid for the rest of the world’s sins.
The rules of the Ritual were written in two books and were guarded. One of the books resided in Vatican City while the other book was in Blake’s office. There were two other copies of the books. They were entombed in the vault in Blake’s office. They were brought out once a year at the board meeting in case there were any disputes or discrepancies.
Therehad been a debate a few years ago to place the books onto a secure computer, but the family nixed that idea knowing that computers could be breached. Any changes to the book had to be approved by a majority by the board. It was rare that any changes were made. The last change occurred about fifty years ago.
When a member of the family died, their body was taken for an autopsy where there heart was removed. Part of the heart was used for the formula then the rest buried separately from the body.
The family had grown and prospered. They lived all over the world. One member was married to a Spanish Prince, another member was a world famous polo player married to a gold medical Olympian, and still another was a member of parliament and he was married to a Duchess and then there was Lord and Lady Chadwell who were very much a part of the royal life of the British. They all got together once every ten years. The meeting was usually secret and held in a Castle in Ireland because there was so many of them.
Blake took out the other photo that was in Jake’s folder. It was a photo of Mary. She would soon have her own folder. Blake knew that she would become a member of the family. He also knew that Jake would fight it, but it was already out of his control.
The family was also careful about their lifestyle. Early on they learned the consequences about any betrayal. The board was swift to act. No one wanted to lose his or her position in the family.
The 1960’s were the hardest time for the family because of all the drug abuse, but as the formula was changed, the Cassidy’s changed. They learned not to bring untoward publicity to themselves. The formula stopped anyone from taking drugs. If you even smoked a joint or even a cigarette, you would get violently ill and would have to pay part of your trust to an organization that helped drug addicts.
There were actually two parts to the formula. One part given to most members of the family and theirperspective mates, two parts were given to the youngest member of each family. The second part of the drug that was given to Hayley gave her clarity to understand the ritual in its entirety.
Blake picked up Hayley’s file. He wondered what she would choose as Lance’s punishment. From what he knew about Hayley, she was a really nice girl, so he assumed she would show some leniency.
The boards of which there was one in nearly every country consistent of the younger member with his youngerest child and the oldest member with his younger child.
At the United States Board meeting in January, Lance and his younger daughter, Lady Chadwell would be there with him. Matthew would be there with Hayley. Dent’s son Stephen would attend his first board meeting but Dent was not invited, which upset Dent to no end. Maxine was also not invited, but her youngest Isabel was. There were 21 board members coming from all over the country. Even though Lady Chadwell was living in England, shewas still part of the American branch because she was still an American citizen and spent more than half a year living in the U.S.
The head of the board was a young man from California. He was 27 and his name was Kenneth Baylor Cassidy. He was the youngest son of Maxine’s elderly daughter, Glenda. She was married to one of the top physicians in the country.
Kenneth was chosen as President because he had a keen head on his shoulder and had asked when he turned 21 to study the ritual. After much discussion, he was given permission and he knew the entire history. He also had the temperature to be important. He was called the Chief Justice of the board and he was the deciding vote if there was a tie.
Blake knew that Matthew was feeling the loss of his daughter right about now and as the time drew nearer to the wedding, he would be feeling that loss even more.
Blake picked up the envelope that had arrived on his desk several days ago from Frederick. He opened it and took out the DVD. Getting up, he slide open the panel in the wall and put up his hand and then his eye to open the steel door. Behind the door was the vault and he keyed in the combination.
He stepped in and put the labeled DVD into a locked case along a wall of DVD’s, some that have been transferred from VHS and some journals from earlier times before video. There was also the formula that was encased in a binder in glass and two books, one an original, the other two copies of the Ritual rules for the family. The room was entirely theft proof with a laser light.
Blake walked back out closing all the doors behind him and sat back down.
Blake took out another folder labeled Daniela and he looked at the photo of the very attractive young woman. He knew what the sex of the baby she was carrying and how it would affect the family and all those involved. He was curious to see whom she would choose, but he had a feeling that he already knew and that choice would change everything.
He had one final thing to do today and he picked up the phone and called Matthew.
“Matthew, I want you to stay out of Daniela’s decision. You must let her make it. She will be pivotal in the strength of whatever family she chooses and your child will not be a slave, but will belong to that family. So let it be and let her make her own decision.” Blake said.
Matthew signed and agreed. He had no choice.
Blake put all the folders into his briefcase to take home to make notes. He wished he could be a fly on the wall when Daniela made her choice and when Mary met the man of her dreams. He was promised that he could fuck Mary when she became part of the family. Blake was looking forward to that.
He would be at the board meeting in January and made a mental note to write some information in Jake’s folder that would make Jake happy. They would allow him to hyphenate his name and if Hayley wished, she could be called, Hayley Harrison-Cassidy.
Isabel arrived first. She breezed in the door as if she owned the place. She was a strikingly beautiful woman along the lines of
Catherine Deneuve. Isabel looked as if she belonged on the cover of a French magazine.
She kissed her aunt and uncle. She hugged Hayley and kissed Jake on the cheek welcome him into the family and then she saw Daniela.
“You are quite beautiful.” She said as she took Daniela’s hand. “How is your pregnancy?” She asked as they sat down on the couch.
Daniela was stunned by the beauty of this woman and stammered her answer, “I, uhm, I’m fine. I had morning sickness for a little while, but now it’s better.”
“Very good! You and uncle should have a beautiful baby.” Isabel said as she looked up at her uncle and smiled.
Hayley got a call from the concierge saying that Mary was on her way up. She made an announcement before Mary came to the door, “Jake’s sister is on her way up.” She said pointedly looking at Isabel.
Isabel nodded and released Daniela’s hand. Mary came into the room and Isabel’s breath hitched; she would really like to get under that ebony beauty clothing and eat that black pussy. Too bad she thought.
Hayley introduced Mary to Isabel and took the folder from her. The desk called again to report that a Stephen Cassidy was on his way up. Hayley opened the door and whispered, “A non-family member is here.”
Stephen understands. He stepped into the room and Mary turned to look at him. It was as if lightning had struck them both. Jake saw the look between them and went over to his sister, “I think it’s time for you to leave. Aren’t you having dinner with mom and dad?”
“Yes.” Mary answered then looked at her watch. “I better leave now or I’ll be late.”
Hayley introduced her to Stephen and he held his hand out for her to shake it. Electricity shot through her hand and into him and back through him to her. They stood there holding hands. Jake broke the spell, “I’ll callyou later. Please give mom and dad my love.” He said as he steered her out the door and pressed for the elevator. Their physical connection might have been broken, but there emotional one was not.
Stephen knew at that moment that he would not be marrying Daniela. She was out of his thoughts. He introduced himself to her and sat down, but his mind was on the young black woman he had just met and Stephen would make it his business to see her again.
Mason arrived in the building. He checked to make sure he looked perfect. On the way up in the elevator, he was nervous, but he managed to pull it together as he got off. Jake opened the door and shook hands with Mason.
Mason greeted his aunt and uncle. Daniela stood up and came over to him and he kissed her cheek. He saw Isabel watching him and he greeted her, “Hello cousin, how are you?”
Isabel smiled her snakey smile that said, ‘hands off my property.’
Stephen stood up. He and Mason shook hands. MasonThought he looks so young. He’s too young for Daniela. “I haven’t seen you since you were about eleven.” Mason said.
“I’m all grown up now.” Stephen said uncomfortable.
Matthew came over to them, “We are all here now. Let’s have dinner and then you will each get some time to spend with Daniela telling her why you want to be with her. Tomorrow she will spent the day with Stephen, on Monday with Isabel and on Tuesday with Mason. I will tell you when she will make her decision at dinner and how the rest will go.”
Marvina came out of the kitchen and announced that dinner was served.
Hayley was at one end of the table while Jake was at the other. Daniela was seated next to Jake with Matthew on the other side of her. She was seated across from Mason and Isabel.
Chit chat was the order of the day and during dinner it was all about family. How this one was doing? What this one was saying? Where were they going on the holiday? Etc.
Marvina did her usual bangup job with dinner. It was superb. Stephen completed her on the delicious meal, while Isabel admitted that it was one of the finest meals she ever had and Mason asked if she wanted to quit and come work for him.
Marvina laughed, “My job is with Mr. Jake and Miss Hayley. I plan to stay with them for a long time.”
Marvina brought in dessert and closed the door to the dining room as she left. It was now time to discuss business.
Jake began, “We are here to discuss Daniela. She is our slave and the mother of Matthew’s child. We want her to be happy and for her to know that we are always here for her. This decision is hers.”
Matthew continued, “I have instructions from Blake that the child will not be a slave but will be raised as a member of whatever family Daniela chooses.”
Daniela spoke, “I want to thank you all for coming here. I’m looking forward to spending time with each of you.”
Matthew continued speaking, “Daniela may suck cock or eat pussy,but there will be no fucking or bondage or any other methods of pleasure until after she’s made her choice and given birth. She belongs to Jake and Hayley until she gives birth. The man or woman…” Matthew said looking at Isabel, “That she chooses will be with her for the remainder of her pregnancy and will be with me in the delivery room. Hayley and Jake have said that after Daniela makes her decision that person will be free to join them with Daniela in the playroom. Daniela will make her decision on April 15th at my home, the three of you will be there unless you wish to bow out at some point and that is your choice.”
Helen who had not spoken said, “All of Daniela’s finances will be taken care of by the board or by Matthew and me until she has a permanent home for her and her child. We have Already taken care of a trust for the child and will add to it. The trust is to be used for the care and education of this child. Daniela has received her trust and it is hers to do as shewishes. When she has chosen, that family will add to her trust. Matthew will also add to her trust by buying a home for her and whoseever she chooses. Jake and Hayley will pay for her wedding and I’m sure her father will have a few things to say. You will ask him for her hand once she’s made her choice.”
They all nodded at Helen. They all understand.
After dinner, Isabel and Daniela “This is quite some room. I think Matthew’s had a hand in it.” Isabel said as she ran her manicured fingers across the table. She picked up a flogger and smiled. “This is my weapon of choice.”
Daniela who was sitting on the chain watched her. She didn’t like Isabel. She felt there was something not quite right about her. Isabel sat down next to Daniela and kissed her hand. She stared into Daniela’s eyes and kissed her lips. “You taste yummy. I plan to have you on your knees eating my pussy once we are alone. I also want to snack on your pregnant snatch.I’ve never eaten a pregnant pussy. It’s a pity I can’t fuck you, I’m quite good if I say so myself.”
“Why do you want to be with me?” Daniela asked.
“You’re beautiful and I think very smart. You know what being in the family means for you and…your child.” Isabel said smiling.
“And you know what my being part of your family means for you. The power you will have.” Daniela said smiling sweetly.
Isabel laughed. Her laugh sounded like bells, very loud bells, “You are very smart Miss Daniela, much smarter than I thought. We will get along well together.”
Hayley came into the room. “You time is up Isabel.” She said. Isabel kissed her hand. “I’m looking forward to Monday and my time with you.”
Isabel stood up and hugged Hayley, “I love the room. You must have a great time in here. Your fiancé is yummy looking. I’m looking forward to attending your wedding cousin. I’ll see myself out and see you before I leave town. Let’s do lunch.” She said and turningonce again to Daniela, Isabel smiled and left the room.
Hayley burst out laughing and Daniela joined her, “She is some piece of work. I will not make any comments other than that.”
Daniela laughed loudly, “She is something that Isabel. I’m trying to maintain impartiality. I swear, but she kind of creeps me out a little.”
Hayley sat down, “Stephen is coming in next. He’s very sweet. I think he’s more your style, but he’s young.”
Daniela nodded as Hayley patted her arm and got up. Stephen came into the room. He was really very handsome. He sat down and looked around the room. “WOW!” He exclaimed. “There are devices in here I’ve never even seen.”
Stephen kept his distance, he didn’t touch Daniela. “I have to tell you that I don’t know if I’m a sub or a Dom. I’m still working all that out.”
“That’s fine. If we are together we can work it out.” Daniela said soothingly. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you.”
“Me too, “Stephen said, “Do you like movies?
“Yes I do.” She answered.
They spent the rest of their time talking about movies.
Jake came in to announce his time was up. Stephen kissed her cheek, “See you on Monday.” He said and left.
Jake sat down next to her, “He’s a bit shy but a very nice guy, I like him.”
“He’s very attractive.” She says. “I’m looking forward to spending time with him.”
“Are you ready for Mason?” Jake asks.
“Yes Sir.” Daniela said, “Master after they leave, may I sleep with you and Mistress tonight.”
“Certainly, I’ll tell Hayley.” Jake answered and kissed her forehead, “You don’t have to make any decision until you’re ready and if you are not ready by April or even if you are ready Before then, it’s your choice.”
“Thank you Sir.” Daniela said. Jake kissed her lips.
Mason stepped into the room and Daniela’s heart skipped a beat. “I’m happy to see you Mason.” She said.
“I’m happy to see you also. I’ve missed you.” He handed her a box./p>
“Thank you. I loved the Kindle and the books you sent.” She said as she opened the box. Inside was a baby monitor.
Daniela smiled broadly. “Thank you I know I’ll put it to good use.”
“I’m looking forward to the time we’ll spend together. After Tuesday then next month, I will spend a week with you and then the following month, you will spend a week with me. We will chat and email.” He said as he sat closer to her.
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