(c)2013 angelface195 all rights reserved
Here are the main characters:
The Cassidy’s
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn
Lance:Elder brother to Matthew
Miriam: Lance’s wife.
Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
* Mason Chadwell – great nephew to Matthew, being considered as possible husband for Daniela
Jake Harrison – Fiancé to Hayley
*Isabel Cassidy Smythe – Daughter of Matthew’s sister Maxine, suitor to Daniela
*Stephen Cassidy – son of Dent Cassidy, Matthew’s brother suitor to Daniela
*Margaret Jones – Assistant to Hayley
*Brian West – Assistant to Jake
Daniela –Frederick’s daughter and now submissive to Hayley
* Marvina – Housekeeper to Hayley and Jake
* New main character’s
Everyone in this story is well over the age of consent.
Brandon and Samantha were snuggling up against each other. They were both naked lying on the locker near the pool of their house, sweat glistening off their skin. They had spent one of Brandon’s rare days off at home, having mind-blowing sex all day long. The movie would wrap just before Christmas and they were looking forward to visiting the family and seeing Jake and Hayley.
Samantha’s run in with Monica fortunately did not spill over onto the screen. Brandon and Monica both gave it their all and there was Oscar buzz for both of them and their movie. The tabloids were predicting the end to Brandon’s marriage to Samantha and saying that Monica was the next Angelina Jolie.
Samantha just laughed at all the stories. “I heard that Uncle Lance is to be severely punished at the next board meeting in January.”
“He should be. He tore Hayley’s vaginal wall. He could have inflicted serious harm on her causing her not to be able to get pregnant.” Brandon said shivering as he remembered the size of Lance’s dick.
“I don’t have any goal on him. He has been warned, not once but twice. I wonder what she will choose as his punishment.” Samantha pondered.
“You will learn in December. I don’t goal Lance. He’s an evil son of a bitch.” Brandon said.
“I hope that Hayley will pick a punishment that we all can participate in.” Samantha said as she lazily played with her husband’s cock.
“Feeling like you want to punish me for your pleasure?” Brandon asked raising an eyebrow.
Samantha laughed, “No, but I think I’ll fuck you for my pleasure.” She said standing up and taking his hand. “Into the bedroom with you Mr. Movie Star my strap-on hasn’t had a work out in weeks.”
Brandon grinned. God I love my wife. He thought as they walked naked hand in hand into their mansion.
Denise and Daniel met Hayley and Jake at the Palm for dinner. They had a house-warming gift for them. Daniel kissed Hayley and Denise hugged Jake then kissed her sister.
Daniel grinned at Hayley. “You look so good. Being with Jake is definitely agreeing with you.”
They sat at the table and talked about the upcoming wedding. Helen and Hayley were speaking with Collin daily. The wedding would be white tie, formal and elegant. The reception would be fun and decade. After that…it would be the family that would share their wedding night. Jake’s tried very hard not to think about that night. He would be very happy when it was over. His one big consolation was that this would be the final time that Matthew would get to fuck his daughter, then she would truly belong to Jake.
Dinner was steak. At the end of the meal as dessert was served, Denise took out a card from her pursuit and handed it to Hayley.
Hayley opened the card, “We wanted to give you something specialfor your new home, but we had a very hard time deciding so we are giving you two gifts. The first one is for pleasure; we are giving you VIP season tickets to the team of your choice in any sport of your choice. The second gift will be waiting back at your house after dinner; it’s for your senses. We hope you enjoy. Love Denise and Daniel.”
Hayley handed the card to Jake who laughed. “We will let you know what team, but I believe Miss Hayley here is a Yankee fan, I’m a Knicks fan and a Mets fan, so I will acquiresce to my bride to be and we will graciously accept Yankee’s tickets.”
“Yeah!” Exclaimed Hayley clapping.
“When you want to go to your first game, let me know and you’ll get to meet the team.” Daniel said.
In the cool November air, the two couples decided to go to a jazz club and listen to music. They drank beer and talked about life in New York. Jake told them that he would take them up to Harlem to have chicken and waffles at Amy Ruth’s. The evening ended after one and they took a cab back home.
When Hayley and Jake walked through their front door, they found the house full of plants and flowers. There was a note on the flowers, “Hayley, you are known to kill all the plants in your house. So once a week for a year a handsome young man named William will come and water the plants and make sure they stay as green and lovely as they are today. We decided that we wanted your home to be full of things nearly as beautiful as you are. We added one more thing, which will be delivered tomorrow, a beautiful chandelier to grace your dining room. D&D”
With the Christmas tree lit in the background, everything was perfect.
Marvina had left them some antipasti salad and a bottle of wine.
Hayley and Jake made love that night and fell asleep. Jake held Hayley, her back to his front all night long and they spooned together.
Quinn and Jonah were realizing how very much they loved their reversal of roles. Jonah was much happier and didn’t feel as if he had to please Matthew. The only person he wanted to please was Quinn. He worked in the family’s law firm and spent much of his time on family business. Jonah was responsible for ensuring that any disputes among family members were handled discretely.
Jonah also was in charge of making sure the press stayed out of anything that remotely looked suspicious. The Cassidy’s would sue at the drop of a hat, so most news sources know to check their facts and get with the Cassidy’s publicity department to check what they could and could not print.
Hayley’s wedding was a big event and had to be handled properly. Jonah didn’t want his sister barraged with reporters and paparazzi. Hayley tried to live her life as normal as possible so the press was given only a few pieces of information About her. What Hayley didn’t know but would soon learn was that Matthew had arranged for security to follow Hayley and Jake whenever they left the house. The men were very discreet and neither Hayley nor Jake noticed them.
Any paparazzi caught were immediately sued so they learned to stay away and not invade Hayley’s privacy. In addition, the Cassidy’s owned several newspapers around the world, as well as television stations and magazines. They decided what information would be leaked about the family and what would stay private.
No Cassidy had Ever been brought out in a scandal. Only two Cassidy’s had ever been arrested, the arrests were quickly dismissed, and the records expunged. No one wanted to disgrace the family; punishment was discussed and had gone from banishment for ten years to one person being disowned by the entire family for molesting a child; that person was later found dead with his cock stuffed in his mouth. The child received a settlement worth millions for the next three generations and was helped by the family in her bid for congress.
Helen wanted the wedding to be the highlight of the summer sEason. Hayley had chosen lilac and silver as her wedding colors. She had also asked Mary, Denise, a friend from college, Jessica, and Quinn as her bridesmaids. She asked Samantha to be her Matron of Honor and Daniela to be her maid of honor. Samantha was delighted and Daniela just hoped that she wouldn’t give birth the day of the wedding.
Quinn worked as legal counsel for the White House. She had worked under two Presidents and was now working for President Grant Adams.
Kate Adams, the President’s former mistress and now his wife was one of her best friends.
The Cassidy’s had invested heavily in the President’ campaign and had helped him win the election and his reelection. They would be invited to Hayley’s wedding.
When Hayley started dating Jake, it was Quinn who had done the background check on him. She knew more about Jake than he knew about himself and she liked him even before she met him.
Quinn hoped to get closer to Jake. He would be a great ally for the future.
Jake and Hayley were both busy at work, but at night, they ate dinner together. They were too tired to do anything after dinner but sleep. Marvina arrived early in the morning. She had breakfast prepared before Jake came out of the bedroom at seven. He never heard her enter the house, but his coffee was on the table waiting and his breakfast was served hot the moment he sat down.
Marvina began getting things ready for the arrival of Matthew and Helen who would be coming to meet Jake’s parents and siblings for dinner on Saturday. Daniel and Denise would be joining them. She hired servers to serve and a bartender but would prepare the entire dinner herself. She knew what Matthew Cassidy liked to eat and Marvina learned what the Harrison’s liked. Marvin, who had graduated top of her class at the French Culinary Institute and had studied under Cook know exactly what to fix to impression both the Cassidy’s and the Harrisons. Marvina picked out the lines, silverware and dishes with instructions from Margaret. Marvina noticed Hayley’s taste in things around the house and thought that Hayley would approve of her choices.
Matthew and Helen flew into New York. They were staying at their apartment in New York that was five blocks from Hayley and Jake. They wouldn’t stay with Jake and Hayley anymore now that Jake had moved in. Jake had come very far in such a short time. There were only a few more things that Matthew needed to teach him and that would happen after Christmas. This was strictly a visit to meet his in-laws, but inside all Matthew could think of was finding some time to fuck Hayley.
Mason called Daniela. He told her that he was looking forward to seeing her. He asked her how she was feeling. Daniela told him she was nauseous but nothing she couldn’t handle. Mason sent her a Kindle with all of the “What To Expect” books already on it.
Daniela thanked him.
Daniela was begging to like Mason Chadwell.
On Friday, Hayley and Jake spend the evening alone. Marvina took the day off to prepare for Saturday. She left them Cornish hens with rice stuffing, spinach and wild rice. For dessert Marvina made a soufflé and left instructions for Hayley on the temperature and how long to cook it.
Hayley was proud of herself when she managed to not burn the soufflé. She presented it to Jake and they sat at the table digging in to the chocolate goodness and enjoying it. They laughed and listened to music. They went to bed early and made love. Jake held her in his arms afterwards and told her how he couldn’t wait to make her his wife.
Saturday morning they had brunch together because Marvina was busy in the kitchen preparing food for the dinner. She offered to make them Breakfast but they didn’t want to intrude with her flow. They would be back in time to change and prepare for the nights events. After brunch, Jake dropped Hayley off at home and went to get his haircut and face sealed.
Hayley walked in the door just as the makeup person and hair stylist that Margaret arranged arrived. As she took a soak in the tub, she felt calm and not worried about this night.
Jake was driving uptown to retrieve his parents and bring them to his new home. He was a bit nervous about the meeting. He phoned Mary who told him that she was curious to meet Hayley’s family. She was also looking forward to seeing Hayley. Work had been hectic and they had, had not much time to talk.
Jake changed into one of his new suits from England. Brian had gotten them delivered sooner than expected. When Hayley saw him she said, “You look sexy as hell. Please promise me that I can undress you later tonight?” She begged.
Jake laughed and turned around to see Hayley with her hair swept up wearing a long black and gold gown with gold slippers. She looked stunning. Jake grinned from ear to ear.
“Baby, you take my brEath away.” He said as he stared at her.
“I’m hoping your parents will like.” She said.
“I’m sure they will.” He said and kissed her cheek lightly, “I don’t want to smudge that makes…yet.” He said grinning.
Marvina was dressed smartly in a black shirt and skirt. The servers had arrived and the bartender was making drinks. Marvina was in her element; ordering everyone about. She smiled at Hayley and Jake as they came out of the bedroom. “Everything is arranged. We are just waiting for you to pick up your parents Jake and then we’ll be ready by the time the Cassidy’s get here and you return.”
Jake looked at his watch, kissed Hayley again and left to pick up his parents.
He was gone about 15 minutes when Mary arrived. She and Hayley embedded. “Wow, Hayley you look so great. I saw that in the spring collection.” Mary said.
“I bought it from the designer. It’s beautiful. You look great too.” Hayley said as she admired the blue jeweled cocktail dress Marywore.
Mary whispered, “Giovanni allowed me to buy it. I have never owned such an expensive dress before.”
Hayley laughed, “You’re going to be my sister-in-law. Whatever you want just ask.”
“Jake’s taken care of me so no worries.” Mary said smiling.
Hayley took both her hands and said, “If you need anything, anything at all please don’t hesitate to Ask.”
One of the servers handed them a glass of white wine as Marvina whispered. “Just one to calm your nerves before they all descend on you.” She turned as she left them.
Hayley said thank you and sipped her wine as she and Mary talked. Denise and Daniel arrived next. Their coats were taken and Hayley admired how fetching Denise looked in a red sparkly cocktail dress. They were introduced to Mary by Hayley and sat down on the sofa to talk. Daniel walked around the apartment. It was beautiful and spacious. He knew that Matthew had purchased this place. He and Denise were in the market for something new now that Denise had received her trust. Too bad this was taken because it was some place very special.
Daniel went out to the balcony in the cold air and looked out to see New Jersey across the water. The server came outside and brought him a glass of white wine. He was thinking about his life before he met Samantha. He was so damn naive and so was she. He thought the world was black or white, good or bad. He had never known such grays until he met the Cassidy’s.
He had also never known such power or such joy as when he tied Denise up and suspended her. She loved everything they did together and he loved teasing and playing with her body; bringing her nearly to orgasm then denying her. Denise would crawl to him begging him for release and he would take her as she thanked him for being her love and her master.
When they first met, he didn’t know what a Dom or submissive was. But he soon learned that he was indeed a Dom and his beautiful wife, his lovely and pliable submissive.
Daniel had seen the photo of Hayley with the cane marks on her body. He admired Jake. He too had learned from the Madame, but his torture device was the whip. He had all different kinds and carried a small one in his briefcase so that he could whip Denise anytime or any place.
Daniel heard the door open and his reverie stopped as he turned around and saw his in-laws enter the apartment. He came back inside closing the balcony door behind him and took a long pull of his wine.
Matthew and Helen arrived. Their coats were taken and they greeted Hayley and Denise. They were introduced to Mary. Matthew gave Mary an appraising look up and down. If he could cheat, he would love to be with someone as lovely as the sister of his new son-in-law. C’est domage he Thought.
Henry and Susan were very impressed when they got into Jake’s car. They had never ridden in a Bentley before and felt like royals. Susan asked her son, “Do I look all right? I know you saidto dress up.”
“Mother you look beautiful.” Said Jake and she did. His mother always looked good. Her white and black hair was swept off her face in an up do and held together by a silver comb that matched her silver and black long dress. His father was in a new suit and looked very uncomfortable. Jake had taken Henry shopping at Saks and bought him two new suits; this dark blue one was one of them.
Jake parked the car and opened the door for his mother who got out and took his hand. “Son, I’m so nervous. I feel as if I’m meeting royalty.” Susan said.
Henry grunted, “They’re just white folks. He puts on his pants same as me. I’m not worried about them. They just better be good to my son; that’s all I care about.”
Nathanial arrived and was on the elevator When it opened to the garage. He hugged his mother and Shook hands with his father and brother as they rode up to the penthouse.
Hayley greeted them at the door as they entered. Mary hugged her pareents and Hayley introduced Susan and Henry to Matthew and Helen. Denise and Daniel were also introduced, as were Mary and Nathanial.
The men shook hands, the ladies remarked on each other’s clothes. The servers passed hors d’oeuvres.
Marvina announced that dinner was ready and everyone went into the dining room. Hayley was very impressed with the table setting. She smiled at Marvina. Marvina did a little bow as a thank you to Hayley for appreciating her work.
Glasses of champione were passed out and before the meal began, everyone made a toast to Hayley and Jake.
Dinner was a triumph for Marvina. Even Henry who was very picky about his food was impressed with how Marvina had prepared a meal that was soul food with a twist. Her biscuits were lighter than air and Helen remarked that she might steal her away. Marvina replied, “I learned this from Cook, Mrs. Cassidy.”
Helen looked surprised that she knew Cook.
After dinner and dessert, everyone went back into the living room. Henry and Matthew went over to have a man-to-man talk. “They make a beautiful couple.” Matthew said.
“Yes, your daughter is a very nice girl.” Henry said.
Matthew smiled, but his smile did not meet his eyes, “I think we should get right down to it. Mr. Harrison are you upset because my daughter is white?”
Henry turned red, “No I’ve gotten over that. I’m just worried about the money issue.”
“Ah.” Matthew said his smile broad “Yes we are very wealthy, I make no excuse for that. Jake is a wonderful young man. He has the qualities that I want for a man who would marry my Hayley. She’s my youngest and I have a hard time letting her go as I’m sure you are about your daughter Mary. What I can tell you is that the kids will want for nothing. They will have a rich life.”
Henry thought about this for a moment, “I just don’t want my son to feel as if he has to compete.”
Matthew Shook his head, “There is no competition. Hayley and Jake will live their lives. We cannot change the fact that we are very wealthy and Jake will benefit from that wealth as have my other sons and daughter-in laws.”
Daniel came over at that moment and sat down, “I understand how you feel Mr. Harrison. My parents felt the same way, but Denise and I have worked it out and we make financial decisions together.”
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