The Family Ritual Ch. 06

(c) 2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

Here are the main characters:

The Cassidy’s
Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn

Son in law’s
Brandon Mitchell – Actor
Daniel Worth –Sports agent
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
Jake Harrison – Fiancé to Hayley

Frederick – Butler
Daniela – His daughter and now submissive to Hayley
Max – Chauffeur

Everyone in this story is well over the age of consent. All women are shaken. All agree to follow completely the ritual and to the use of the secret drugs in the story. Jake knows what he’s getting into. This was all my dream.



Jake woke up at two in the afternoon. He felt different, more in control of his environmentnt. It was amazing how much had changed in the last three days.

Brandon entered the room without knocking. He held a tray that he set on the table.

Brandon sat on the bed. “It’s time to get up sleepyhead. Tonight’s the party; the celebration that the ritual is over. There will be great food and lots of alcohol. We’ll all dance and party. There is no sex involved among each other. I think we’ve all had enough.” Brandon laughed.

Jake grinned, “Thank you Brandon for all your help. I couldn’t have done this without you. How’s Hayley?”

“You’ll see and be with Hayley at the party. She is spending this day with her parents out of the house. There are a few things they need to speak to her about…family business. ” Brandon got up and went over to the table.

“Get showed and come eat. I’ve been instructed to tell you about what will happen until the two of you are married.”

Jake got out of the bed. As he made his way to the shower, Brandon stopped him. “IKnow the Ritual is over, but…”

Jake pulled Brandon’s head towards his cock. “You didn’t get a chance to taste yesterday. I’ll let you have it now.” Jake said and Brandon opened his mouth to take Jake’s prick. Jake allowed it for a few moments, then pulled out. “Enough of that. I’m going in the shower.”

Jake walked away with his dick standing straight out. Brandon licked his lips. He and Jake were really going to be very good friends.


Haley met with Blake. Her parents were with her. Blake explained all of the ritual to her. Blake informed Hayley of what she could and could not tell Jake. Hayley understands, she was after all a Cassidy and would always be. Some things had to be kept even from her husband.

Blake told Hayley the worth of her family. Hayley’s eyes grow wide. It was so much money. Now that Hayley was of age, everyone else would get his or her trusts. Checks would be loaded into accounts that evening.

Matthew told Hayley that he had purchased a larger apartment for her in the same building, an entire floor with five bedrooms. Her things would be moved into the new apartment by the time she would be she arrived home.

One of the rooms would be her punishment room. Matthew would be coming every other month to train her and Jake.

Jake would need to learn how to treat Hayley and Daniela as his submissive wife and Daniela as a slave. There was a difference. Hayley needed to learn to acquiresce to Jake and how to be in control of Daniela. Hayley would learn how to punish for pain or pleasure or both and be punished the same way. She would be Jake’s submissive wife and Daniela’s Mistress.

Daniela would occasionally accompany him, until she was five months along, then Daniela would be off limits until she gave birth and spent time with her child.

Matthew thought of Daniela carrying his child. He thought about the next few weeks when he would visit her at the house he had purchased for her. She had a sweet pussy and he would fuck her until he couldn’t any more. He loved a pregnant pussy.


Jake changed into a pair of beige pants with a dark brown v-neck sweater. He ran a hand through his wavy hair and sat down at the table. Once again, Jake was very hungry and was glad to see the big t-bone steak and scrambled eggs on the plate.

Brandon poured him a glass of grape juice. “Not eating?” Jake asked.

“Already ate with Samantha. We had a late morning. She climbed my face and I ate her before we had breakfast. My wife said to tell you that she’s glad you are a part of the family and hopes you will let us play with you. She wants to show you how she chatises me.” Brandon grinned.

“Where is your wife?” Jake asked.

“Samantha, Denise and Jonah had a meeting with another member of the law firm who explained how things will go from now on. They will also be given access to their trust funds since the ritual is over.” Brandon said and added, “Daniel is takeng some time to himself and Daniela is in her room studying. We will all gather for dinner. But I think you might want to see Daniela.”

“Why is that?” Jake asked.

“You might be feeling the need for a little activity before the party. The drugs you were given haven’t quite run their course. Daniela will take the edge off and she’s also very receptive to you. She likes you a great deal.”

Jake looked at Brandon, “Is Daniela going to be a problem?”

Brandon smiled, “No. She is your slave. Her loyalty is to the two of you. Hayley takes a little more precedence, but only when it comes to some family business. Daniela will obey you almost completely after you are married, until then some of the control belongs to Matthew.”

“Because she is carrying his child?” Jake asked.

“Yes. He bought her a house near campus and hired a companion to take care of her. Matthew will return to school with her and spend some time fucking and training her. He will visit her at leas once a month to go to her doctor’s appointments and continue her training. She is his until she gives birth. Then Daniela and the child will come to live in New York with you. They will have their own residence, but Daniela will be your housekeeper/slave. She is paid from the trust and will receive monks today; her sacrifice for giving her virginity to Hayley and Matthew. Her father will also be Compensated.” Brandon said and continued.

“Daniela was raised for this. Her child will be raised for this. She would lie down her life for you and Hayley.” Brandon finished and waited for Jake to ask him a question.

“I will speak to Hayley about setting a wedding date.” Jake said, his browser furrowed in thought.

“I know weddings take a long time to prepare. I’ve told Helen and Matthew that the wedding will be in New York. My family lives in New York.”

“Good for you. I think New York in June will be beautiful.” Brandon said, “Oh, I forget. You may move in with Hayley in two months. She will spend some time with Helen and Matthew before then.”

Jake frowned. Brandon continued, “You will allow this. You will also allow Matthew to fuck Hayley again. Matthew will ask your permission. Please give it to him. It is in the contract and you will understand the meaning of all this the night you move in. Hayley will be ready to submit. Hayley will want More than anything to submit to you. Matthew and Helen will prepare her.”

Brandon leaned closer to Jake, “Allow this. I know you think that Matthew is a bad person, but he’s not. He’s managed to make this family very powerful. He’s been testing you and he’s really happy that you and Hayley are getting married. He’ll talk to you after the party. All of this was a test, you passed.”

Jake laughed. He laughed long and hard. Brandon joined him. So it was all a fucking test to see if he was master enough to defeat the current master. Love live the King. Jake thought.


Samantha, Denise and Jonah each took a glass of champione from the tray in the conference room the lawsyers had rented for this event. They each held an envelope that would reveal how much would be added to their trust. It was the same amount. Jonah being the elderly opened his envelope. He grinned at his sisters and showed them…Twenty-five million dollars each.

Denise let out a whoop, Samantha grinned and they clinked glasses. The celebration had begun.


In the penthouse suite of the hotel where Blake was, Hayley was handed an envelope. This was the amount she would receive in her trust that evening. She would get an additional sum when she and Jake married.

The money was not important to her, but she knew the power she would have. When her father died or when he turned total control to her, then the money would become even More useful.

Hayley put the envelope into her pursuit without opening it.

Blake came over to her and kissed her lips. He took Hayley’s hand andshe stood. Pushing Hayley against the wall, Blake felt her body. Blake pulled her nipples from Hayley’s dress and sucked her perky nipples. Hayley moaned. Lifting up her skirt, he pressed his hands to her pussy, Hayley wore no underwear per her father’s instructions. Blake kissed down her body. He wasn’t allowed to fuck her, but on this day he, as the family’s main attorney, was allowed to taste her delectable pussy.

Kneeling down Blake pushed open Hayley’s legs. As her mother and father watched, Blake ate Hayley to a screaming orgasm.

When he was done, Blake stood up and wiped his mouth. He sat down at the table and took out some papers without saying another word. Matthew stood and signed his name to the papers, Helen was next and then Hayley. Hayley was now Officially the heir.

She and her parents left the office and went to celebrate over a late lunch with her siblings.


Jake and Brandon talked for over an hour. Jake understands his role in the family. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he would be in this position; married to an heiress who got fucked by her family.

At this thought, Jake began to feel very horny. Brandon noticed Jake’s dick rising through his pants. “I will send Daniela up to the Punishment room and help you. Spend some time with her. I’ll be back to get you in two hours. The rest of the gang should be back. Would you like to go for a drive or a walk later?”

Jake nodded. “I’d like to walk and talk with you and Samantha. I’d like to hear what she has to say about all this.”

Brandon went downstairs to Daniela’s room. He found her finishing a paper on the computer. When he opened the door, she nodded and stood up. She was dressed in a flattering blue print designer dress. She wore no underclothes under her dress.

Daniela and Brandon went into the punishment room where Jake was waiting, the flogger in his hand. Daniela dropped to her knees. She looked down at the floor.

“I’ve learned a great deal about how to use this.” He said. “I will be learning how to treat you as my slave. I know that I own your body. I know that I can do whatever I wish to you. You liked what we did yesterday.”

“Yes Master, I loved what you did to me.” She looked up at him a sly smile playing on her lips, “I’m hoping I’m pregnant with your child. She said looking at him through her lashes.

Jake grinned, “So am I. Undress.” Jake ordered.

Brandon pulled over a benchmark. He also took out some rope that he swung over a beam. Daniela stood up and undressed. Jake ran his hands down her body. “I like that I can tie you up and take you whenever I want.” He said.

“Master you may do whatever you wish.” She said and stared at him.

“Put your arms up.” He ordered.

Brandon secured Daniela’s arms above her head. He lifted her so she was standing on the benchmark. Brandon turned her around so that her ass was facing Jake.

“I’ll leave you two to play.” Brandon said.

“No Brandon, I want you to stay. I want you to participate. Strip.” Jake said.

Brandon took off his clothes. He picked up Daniela’s clothes and his own and folded them placing them on a chair.

Jake was still fully dressed. He began to swing the flogger hitting Daniela’s ass. Daniela moaned as Jake began whipping her. “Brandon eat her pussy.”

Brandon got in front of Daniela. He opened her legs and started licking. Brandon was an excellent pussy licker. He had lots of practice being between Samantha’s legs for hours at a time. Daniela groaned, “Yesss.”

Jake kept flicking the flogger. Daniela was overheated. She wanted to cum. “Please Master, please may I cum?” She begged.

“Don’t cum, not yet.” Jake ordered.

He went around to where Brandon was and began to flog him. Brandon really went into action now, sucking and licking Daniela as her arms hung above her head. Brandon held on to Daniela’s butt, his face nestled into her pussy. He sucked and licked her snatch. Daniela moaned, “Yess, Brandon, yess.”

Jake watched her face. Daniela’s head was back. She wanted to cum, she needed to cum. Jake pinched her nipples. Daniela groaned.”Please Master, please.”

“Take her down and tie her legs to her wrists in the ritual room. It’s time for some real fucking.”

Brandon followed Jake’s orders and untied Daniela. He scooped her body into his arms and took her into the Ritual room where he massed her arms.

Jake undressed in the punishment room; his cock again hard. He hadn’t had this much sex in a long time and had gone without for two years, now between Hayley and Daniela he could have as much sex as he wanted.

He brought the flogger with him as he walked into the room. Brandon was just finished tying the last knot. Daniela was spread open for him. She couldn’t move. Her pussy lips inviting. Brandon bent down and licked her, he moved up Daniela’s body sucking on her breast. Brandon then kissed her, their tongues dancing as Jake lifted the flogger. He brought it down on Daniela’s sex. She groaned and sucked on Brandon’s tongue.

Jake flogged Daniela’s tights as Brandon sucked her nipples. Over and over Jake flogged Daniela’s thighs and stomach. Jake knelt down and sucked her clip. “Cum Daniela, cum in your Master’s mouth.” Daniela could take it no more and she came, “I’m cumming Master, I’m cumming.” Jake flicked her clip and she exploded her juices leaking out of her pussy. Brandon joined Jake and together they licked up all her juices.

Daniela still tied, her mouth open, her hair cascading around her watched as Jake put the flogger down and brought his dick forward. Brandon looked at Jake’s cock. He bent forward and Jake held Brandon’s mouth, “What happens in here today stays here. Understand.”

Brandon nodded. Jake pulled him onto his dick and humped Brandon’s face as Daniela looked on.

Jake pulled out of Brandon’s mouth and sunk his dick into Daniela all the way toHis balls. Jake wasn’t wearing a condom. Brandon watched as Jake fucked the tied up helpless girl. He used her body as his toy. He fucked in deep. Jake pounded Daniela’s pussy with his cock. Jake pinched her clip. “You may cum whore.” He said and Daniela, her eyes wide with lust and need came loudly, “Thank you Master.”

Brandon looked at Jake. “Use her mouth. I want to see her take you deep in her throat. Come in her mouth.” Jake ordered.

Daniela opened her mouth and took Brandon’s cock inside as Jake kept fucking his slave. Brandon moved forward and captured Jake’s nipple in his mouth. Jake held his head and he kept on fucking Daniela. He groaned, “I could do this all day long. Damn what a tight fucking pussy you’ve got.” He said as he fucked in with long strokes.

Brandon moved back. Jake bent down to suck Daniela’s nipples. Bending his head down Jake teased and lightly bit Daniela’s breasts. They were much smaller than Hayley’s. Jake guessed she was probably a B cup. He was looking forward to seeing them swollen with milk, which he would be very happy to suck out of her.

These thoughts and watching Brandon slam his cock into Daniel’s mouth pushed Jake over the edge and he came deep inside Daniela holding each side of her hips. Her pussy was tight and cinched his cock milking him. He held onto her as his balls slapped her ass. This triggered Brandon who came in Daniela’s mouth and she licked him clean.

“Brandon you may leave while I finish up here. We should be done in an hour and you can come and get me.” Jake said. Daniela was glad to have some time alone with her Master. She wanted Jake to take her again and again.

Brandon kissed the top of Daniela’s head, got up and went back into the punishment room where he got dressed and went downstairs.

Jake brought his cock back up to Daniela’s mouth. She sucked him for quite some time. He enjoyed her mouth on his cock, but he wouldn’t cum there. Pulling out, Jake turned Danielaover onto her stomach. “Your ass is mine. I’m going to take it.”

“Yes Master.” Daniela moaned still trusted up.

Jake took the lube from the drawer. He used it on himself and Daniela’s tight anal hole. Jake put first one finger inside, then another. He held Daniela’s hips and slowly started to ease in. Daniela cinched her butt. Jake picked up the flogger and hit her with it. “Slave, This ass is mine. Open it up.”

Daniela, tears starting to form in her eyes tried to relax. Jake pushed more of himself inside her anal hole. Jake moved back and then pushed all of himself inside her ass. Daniela yelled, “Oh my god, Master, please.”

Jake held for a moment. “Don’t worry baby, soon it will feel good. I like how you beg. You’ll keep begging for more of my cock” He gave her time to adjust then began to fuck Daniela’s ass in earnest.

Jake moved his hips. Her ass was even tighter than Hayley’s. Jake fucked in and out. His cock opened the girl’s anal passage Daniela moaned. It was starting to feel good. She backed into Jake’s cock. Jake fucked her harder. Reaching under Daniela he pulled her nipples. “You belong to me.” He said slamming into her ass. Jake held her hips again and started fucking her faster.

Jake pulled out of her ass completely, then shoved himself all the way back in. He moved faster and faster, his hips swinging. Daniela was in a state she wanted to cum, but she couldn’t. Jake saw this and laughed. Daniela was his and he would use her often. He felt her pussy, it was leaking juices. She was getting off on him fucking her dick. Jake pulled back and then thrust forward burrowing himself into her ass as his penis erupted and his semen filled her asshole. He was in all the way. Daniela was frustrated. She was close to her release again.

Jake pulled out slowly. “When Hayley returns I want you to go to her room. I want you to tell her that her Master wants her to eat your pussy until you’ve come at least three times, then she may get dressed for dinner.”

Daniela nodded. Jake untied her. He massed her arms and her legs. She wrapped her arms around him and he kissed her. Jake thrust two fingers in her wet pussy and Daniela throw back her head. “Hayley will make you cum. If she doesn’t I will bring her back in here.” He said and pulled his fingers out leaving her empty and wanting. Daniela knew that she was falling in love with Jake. She lay back on the bed watching him leave.

Jake put his clothes on as Brandon came to get him. “You need to get ready; I’ve had some snacks brought up. I’m sure after this afternoon you’re hungry.

Jake returned to his room where his tuxedo was on the bed. He washed and took his time dressing. He looked good as saw himself in the full length mirror. He ate a few hors d’oeuvres and had a drink of water. Brandon came into the room and helped him with the bowtie. He was now ready to go for dinner.

Jake walked out of his room and downstairs to the drawing room where everyone was waiting to be called for dinner. Appause erupted and he looked stunned. Hayley kissed him. “Let’s celebrate.” She said brightly. Brandon patted Jake on the back, “This celebration is more about you joining us than anything else.”

Matthew walked up to him, “You and Hayley will be a powerful couple. Next week you’ll meet with the lawsers and things will be explained to you. Please set a wedding date. I want grandchildren.” He said sticking out his hand, which Jake Shook with a bit of appreciation, he still didn’t trust Matthew.


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