The Family Ritual Ch. 02

(c)2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

I know there are many characters in this story so to keep down the confusion, here are the main characters:

The Cassidy’s

Matthew: The Patriarch
Helen: His wife
Hayley: Their youngest daughter
Samantha: Their middle daughter who is married to actor Brandon Mitchell
Denise: Eldest daughter married to Daniel Worth
Jonah: Eldest child and only son – he is married to Quinn

Son in law’s

Brandon Mitchell – Handsome actor looks like Henry Cavill
Daniel Worth
Quinn Cassidy – Daughter-in-law married to Jonah
Jake Harrison – Fiancé to Hayley


Frederick – Butler
Daniela – His daughter and now submissive to Hayley
Max – Chauffeur

Everyone in this story is well over the age of consent. All women are shaken. This was all my dream.



Samantha brought up the tray with Hayley’s breakfast. Hayley was fast sleep. Surreptitiously Sam moved the sheet covering her sister. Hayley was lying in bed with her nightgown bunched up past her hips revealing her unshaven pussy. Samantha wanted to touch. She licked her lips.

She didn’t hear her father approaching. “Samantha.” He whispered, “Don’t get any ideas.” He squeezed his daughter’s butt. “You’ll get your taste of that juicy pussy tomorrow. Don’t be greedy.”

Samantha turned to her father and squeezed his dick. Matthew moaned, “Behave. She will know the truth soon enough.”

Matthew walked around Samantha and replaced the sheet covering up his daughter, but not before he stared at her naturally blond bush. “Make sure all of that goes.”

Samantha smiled, “Of course father. We know how you like a shakenatch.”

Quietly they left the room. Helen came in just after to awaken her daughter and have breakfast with her.

“Hello my sweetheart. Happy birthday.” She said kissing Hayley’s cheek.

Hayley blinked and opened her eyes; she smiled up at her mother. “Something smells real good.”

Helen laughed, “Samantha brought your breakfast. Cook prepared your favorites, blueberry pancakes with Canadian bacon. He did the smiley face on the pancakes.”

Hayley laughed, “I’m not six mother, but please tell cook I said thank you.”

Hayley got up and walked over to the table in her room. There was breakfast for two. Her mother had eggs Benedict and orange juice. Hayley laughed again when she saw that Cook had written Happy 21st Birthday Hayley in chocolate around the plate.

Hayley dug into her plate. It was a family ritual that on your birthday you ate breakfast alone with your mother. You got to make a wish with her and share a secret.

Helen looked at her daughter. She was really beautiful, Even with no makeup, just waking up. There was a knock at the door, Daniela; the maid entered carrying a tray with Earl Gray tea, cream and two cups. She placed the tray on the table, “Happy Birthday Miss Hayley.” She said and Hayley grinned up at her.

“Daniela, I’m so happy to see you. Are you on break from college?”

“Yes, Miss. I am here for the next week.” She said and glanced at Helen who nodded.

“Are you coming to the party tonight?” Hayley asked.

“Yes, I received your invitation.” Daniela said.

“I can’t wait. Will you be staying for the ritual?” Hayley asked and again Daniela looked at Helen who nodded.

“Yes, my father and I will be here.” Daniela replied. “I have to return to the kitchen and help father with the preparations for the party. Wait until you see my dress.”

Hayley stood and hugged her friend. She and Daniela had grown up together and played as children. They were very close. She was Frederick’s daughter and a year younger than Hayley. Daniela was in her last year of College. Hayley had graduated College at age 18 in an accelerated program and went straight to work in New York. Except for birthdays and holidays, she and Daniela had barely seen each other.

Daniela was a beautiful half-Italian, half-Austrian girl with long light brown hair and hazel eyes. Her mother had worked for the family alongside her husband for twenty years until her death from cancer five years earlier. The Cassidy’s treated their servants like family and paid for the funeral. They also paid for Daniela’s education. On her 21st birthday Daniela would receive a trust that would take care of her and her father for the rest of their lives. In return, the Cassidy’s had their complete loyalty and dedication.

Daniela left with the tray. Now mother and daughter were alone. After finishing their breakfast, Helen asked the question, “So what is your birthday wish?”

Hayley thought for a moment, “I thought I knew what my birthday wish would be, but now I hope that Jake will ask me to marry him. ” She said her eyes tearing up, “I love him so very much. He’s the best man I could ever have.”

Helen smiled and thought to herself that Hayley would get herwish this very night.

“OK so if that is your wish, what is your secret?” Helen asked raising an eyebrow.

Hayley blushed, “I watched a porno movie.”

Helen chuckled, “Why?”

“Mother, I’ve never seen a man’s cock. I’m 21 and I’d like to see what a man’s dick looks like.” Her hands flew to her mouth in embarrassment. Hayley couldn’t believe What she had just said.

Helen took her daughter’s hand. “When this weekend is over, you will truly be a woman. I just want you to be obedient. Do everything that is asked of you without complaint. Tomorrow the ritual begins. Tomorrow the changes will begin to happen. As our youngest child, you inherit all of this. There are general provisions for your brother and sisters, but you will get this house and be the matrix of this family. This is your legacy.

Tomorrow morning the ritual starts and for three days it will all be revealed to you.” Helen said and stared into her daughter’s eyes.

Hayley looked at her mother, “What if I don’t want the ritual? What if I fail?”

“You can refuse, but that would mean that you would have to leave the family and we would never see you again. It would also mean that Jake would be ruined. He signed the contract and is part of us, but if you leave, he will be destroyed. Your father will see to that.” Helen brushed a straight hair from Hayley’s face. She smiled and caresed Hayley’s face.

“You won’t fail. You are my daughter. Just be obedient no matter what and don’t resist. Your father loves you, I love you, your sisters and your brother as well as the rest of the family loves you. Tomorrow it will be just the women with you for most of the day, then on the second day it will be your father and the men, then on the third day Jake will join us. All will be revealed and you will keep this secret forever.” Helen said and kissed Hayley’s cheese.

“You know I will always obey my father no matter what he asks.” Hayley said.

“Then you have nothing to worry about.” Helen said stroking her face, “Go take a shower. I have laid out your clothes for the day. We are going on a little trip until this afternoon. You will get to see Jake for a little while at lunch then we will get you ready for the party. The make-up person and the hair stylist will be here after lunch.

Hayley kissed her mother’s cheek then went into the bathroom to prepare.

Daniela came back in to clear out the plates. Helen walked over to the young girl and grabbing her kissed her. Daniela melted into that kiss. “Are you ready for tomorrow?”

“Yes Mistress, I’m ready.” She said.

“I envy Hayley tasting that successful virgin pussy of yours. I’ve waited a long time to save it.” Helen said.

“Mistress I wanted you to taste me, but Master forbid it. I belong to Hayley just as my mother belonged to you, but have I not pleased you?” Daniela asked.

“Yes you have and after you have taken the dishes back downstairs you are to immediately come to my room and please me again. We don’t have much time so anxious upstairs.”

“Yes Mistress.” Daniela smiled and took the dishes down to the kitchen.

Helen went to her room to find her husband there. “Is Daniela coming to service you?” He asked.

Helen turned red, “yes.”

“The excitement of seeing our daughter in her nightgown excited you?” He asked again.

Helen knelt in front of her husband. “Yes my love, my Master. My pussy is very wet.”

“Did she share her secret and her wish?” He asked.

“Yes, but you know I cannot tell you. I will just say that she will get both in the next few days.” Helen said as she knelt.

Daniela knocked on the door.

“Enter.” said the gruff voice of Matthew.

Daniela was surprised to see her Master there.

“I want to see you suck my wife. But, before that come here Daniela.” Matthew ordered and held out his hand.

Daniela walked over to Matthew. She was a bit afraid of him. He took her in his arms and kissed her hard on the lips. He released her leaving the girl breathless.

Helen undressed. Her figure was toned from the exercise she did everyday with her personal trainer and the swimming she did in the pool most evenings.

She went to lie down on the bed, but Matthew stopped her. He ordered her to put one foot on the bench by the bed. Her pussy was open and soaked with her juices that dripped down.

Daniela licked her lips. Matthew laughed. “Go to it, just remember that she cannot lick your pussy – it belongs to Hayley and so does your virginity, which Hayley will take then me. You will carry my sperm in your belly and carry my baby. We will arrange a good marriage for you. You may finish your studies at school. I will provide you with a house and a companion to take care of you.”

“Thank you Master.” Daniela replied and went on her knees.

Matthew watched as Daniela ate Helen’s pussy. He watched as Helen played with her breasts. He watched as Helen looked into his eyes begging to cum and he shook his head. He watched. Matthew put his hands in his pants and played with his cock. Daniela was very good at this. She had been licking his wife’s pussy for a very long time and enjoying her. He would now get the chance to enjoy her.

After some time he allowed his wife her release and she shoved the girl’s head into her pussy and yelled aloud, “you are the best Daniela. I will miss this. I hope my daughter will allow you to come to me.” Grabbing Daniela’s head even more tightly she stood up on her toes and yelled, ” Yes, Yes, Yes, I’m cummmmming.”

As she came, Matthew walked up to his wife and grabbed her nipples squeezing them hard. He then grabbed Daniela and she knew what to do. She unbuttoned his pants and took his cock in her mouth.

Matthew held his wife, kissing her. He moved his fingers back to her sensitive pussy and played with it bringing her to another orgasm as he exploded into Daniela’s mouth.

Daniela sucked him dry then cleaned his cock and knelt there until she was told to leave.


Jake awakened late. It was eleven and lunch would be served at 1:30. He picked up the phone and called downstairs to arrange for a pot of coffee and a fruit salad. He didn’t want to eat heavy since he would be having lunch.

A very pretty maid with long light brown hair brought up his coffee and fruit salad. If this had been the old days he would have flirted with her, but all he wanted to do was see Hayley.

After eating and dressing, Jake went downstairs. Hayley had just returned and was laden down with packages. He kissed her on the cheese and then on the lips.

“Shopping?” He asked.

“Yes and a little girl time with my family.” She said, “Did you sleep well?”

“Not really. I had a great deal on my mind. After the party, I want to talk to you. Please before the ritual begins tomorrow.” Jake said seriously.

“Okay.” Hayley touched his face, “Don’t worry. It’s allgoing to be all right. Daddy is only protecting me.”

“Hayley you don’t know what they have in store for you.” Jake lowered his voice, “Let’s just talk after the party.”

Helen came into the foyer from outside and saw Jake talking to Hayley. “Jake, why don’t you go into the dining room, while I take Hayley upstairs to put her things away. We will be right down.” Helen says taking Hayley’s arm and leading her up the staircase.

Exasperated Jake went into the dining room where he found the rest of the family gathered for lunch. Denise greeted him and patted the empty seat next to her. Jake sat down next to her and Denise smiled at him. Jake did not return her smile.

“What’s the matter?” She asked.

“Nothing, just a lot on my mind.” He answered. Turning, he looked to see Helen holding Hayley’s hand and laughing with her daughter.

They took their seats. There was one empty chair and Jake saw the pretty maid, who had brought him his food, now dressed in a light blue designer dress take her seat at the table.

“Who is that?” Jake asked.

Denise looked up, “Oh that’s Daniela. She and Hayley grow up together. Frederick is her father. Her mother used to work here until she died a few years back. She’s practically a member of our family.”

Daniela caught Jake’s eyes and smiled at him. He smiled back.

Matthew sat at the head of the table. The servants passed out glasses of Mimosa and everyone stood except for Hayley.

Matthew raised his glass and said, “Happy 21st birthday my darling one.”

Everyone else said, “Happy birthday Hayley.”

Jake drained his glass.

Lunch was superb and Jake found himself chatting with Denise on one side and a very quiet Quinn on the other.

He took Quinn’s hand. “Are you all right?” He asked.

Quinn nodded and squirmed on her chair.

“I just wanted to thank you for coming last night to talk to me about how you feel when you read the contract.” He smiled warmlyat her and Quinn managed a smile.

“You’re welcome. But please, let’s not speak of it again. It’s done and tonight is Hayley’s night.” Quinn said and glanced to see her husband watching her.

Jake didn’t notice and kept talking. “How could you do this? How did you allow them to do this?”

Quinn looked at Jonah again and this time Jake’s eyes followed. Jonah grinned at Jake and shook his head at Quinn who looked down at her hands. “Jake I am not supposed to talk to you about this. You just have to allow it to play out.”

Jake sent, “I understand. I don’t want to get you into trouble.”

“Thank you.” Quinn answered sincerely, “You will learn not to disobey Matthew.” Quinn winced as she moved her butt on the chair.

Matthew was speaking again. “I want everyone to look their best tonight for the party. There will be about three hundred guests and we will all have a good time. Tomorrow morning the ritual begins and the house will be sealed. No one will be leaving for the next three days, so whatever you have to do, do it today. Frederick, Daniela, Max and Cook will be the only servants working in the house, the rest of the staff have been given the next three days off.”

Helen spoke next, “The hairstylists and the make-up artists will be here ladies so all your needs will be well met. Hayley, you will have a massage after lunch. The masseuse will be in your room in an hour. I want you relaxed and ready for your long night ahead.”

Hayley looked at Jake and shrugged. She had hoped to spend some time with him before the party.

Jake managed a smile. Matthew gave Jake a look and knew that Jake was up to something. Nothing was going to ruin the next three days, not Jake not anyone else Matthew had everything under control.

After lunch and before she left, Hayley went to Jake. Taking his hand, she led him outside to the balcony. “I promise that we will talk tonight after the party. I love you Jake.”

“I love you too Hayley and we need to talk.” Jake said and hugged her.

Helen came outside to the balcony to retrieve Hayley while Matthew joined Jake. “Jake, don’t forget the ring. We arranged everything for your proposal per your instructions. After that, the next three days should bring you into the family. As soon as possible, I’d like the two of you to set a date so we can begin preparations for the wedding. I know that Helen would like to have it here, but there is also the family church where she and I were married if you’d like.”

Distractedly Jake answered him, “I’ll talk to Hayley about that. Whatever she wants to do is fine with me. I just want my family to be here.”

Jake turned to look back at Matthew. “After these three days, then what happens?’

“Well I guess you and Haley will be living together in New York and occasionally coming for family events.” Matthew said then added, “I will stop by now and again to see how you and my daughter are getting along.”

“You don’t expect us to live here?” Jake asked, holding his breath.

“No, but once Hayley takes charge of the family, she will have to decide where she wants to live. I think our house in Greenwich would do. The land and the house are as large as this one. It’s up to her and you. When I was younger, my family lived in Los Angeles. I hated living in LA so I bought this place. There are Some specifications in the contract and the law firm of Cassidy, Makenfield and Benchly will help you.”

“Who’s the lawyer in the family?” Jake asked.

“Jonah and my brother Lance who you will meet this evening.” Matthew answered.

“Will he be part of the ritual?” Jake asked.

“No, he deals with that with his own family as does my other brother, Dent and my sister, Maxine. Each family follows the ritual with their children. We are not heathens. We don’t all have sex with each other. Well” Matthew chuckled, “not after we have children of our own.”

Jake thought he would throw up.

“Didn’t you read the contract you signed?” Matthew asked.

Jake had read it twice but he had forgotten most of what he’d read. He was too upset to even think about it.

Before he had a chance to answer, Matthew said, “I’ll make sure that you have a copy by the time you return home. You need to memorize it and know it, but Blake will be keeping an eye on you so that you don’t make any major mistakes. You can call him anytime if you have questions.

Matthew came very close to Jake. He grabbed him through his pants by his dick, “Remember this is to be kept a secret. I don’t want to have to punish you. Well I do, but not seriously. You have signed. You will propose to Hayley tonight and you will do as I wish. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to your mother, your brother or your sister would you now?”

Jake turned and stepped back. Matthew laughed. “You have a nice piece of meat. I can’t wait to see it.” He said and turning he walked off the balcony and back into the dining room.

Jake was angry. He felt humiliated. He ran up the stairs and back to his room. “How the fuck has this happened?” He paced back and forth venting.

Picking up his cell phone, he started to dial. Who am I calling? Who can I talk to? No one. He was truly upset. Jake sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. Could he go through with this? Could he accept this life?

He lay on the freshly made bed. He knew that his life had changed forever.

Jake fell asleep. He didn’t hear Quinn walk into the room until she touched his arm. He woke with a jerk.

“Shush.” ​​She said putting her finger to her lips. “I shouldn’t be in here and if I get caught speaking to you again until after the ritual, I’m going to be punished. I know you’re having a hard time. I had a hard time. I screamed and yelled. I wanted to talk to someone but I couldn’t. I wanted to run away, but I couldn’t. I hated Jonah, but it wasn’t his fault, he didn’t know and it’s not Hayley’s fault, she doesn’t know and won’t know until it’s too late. Once you agreed you were in, so the sooner you accept it the better.”

Jake sat up. “Why are you helping me?”

“Part of it is selfish, I need an ally here. The other part is that you need a friend and I want to be your friend. This secret is hard to keep and you have to keep it for the rest of your life.” Quinn said. “I’d like to know that we can talk about it.”


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