The Family Ritual

©2013 angelface195 all rights reserved

A note: I thought about putting this in the incest category, but I think it deserves to be here in bdsm. The story takes a little while to set up, but I assure you it will flow more as we go along. I hope you enjoy. Angelface195


Hayley Cassidy was a good girl, an obedient girl and loved her family. She had rebelled just once when she had decided to move from her family home in Denver, Colorado to New York City when she turned 18. Hayley had gotten a job in a famous fashion company; her dream job. She lived for fashion and even though her father, Matthew Cassidy, was a strict disciplinarian, he allowed Hayley to take the job.

Hayley had worked her way up to Senior editorial vice-president over the last two years. She was intelligent and hard working. She was often mistaken for a full figure model at 5’8″ with size 40 D breasts and long blond hair. She wore clothes that accented her womanly figure, but left asense of mystery underneath.

She was always compared to a slightly heavier Charlize Theron with her full lips and exotic features. She was a stunner and received a great deal of attention from men and women.

Men always approached her, but she didn’t date any of them until she met Jake. Jake was a light skinned black man who worked as the Senior VP in a bank. They had met at her company’s Christmas party when his sister, Mary invited him. Jake was 6’2, handsome, funny and he asked Hayley out. She liked him and trusted his sister who worked with her. They began dating and soon found they had much in common; movies, dancing and going to comedy clubs.

Hayley was a virgin. Her parents had raised her very strict and told her that if she had sex before her 21st birthday they would disown her and forbid her from ever coming home again. Hayley’s father, Matthew believed in spankings and still spanked his two older daughters and sons when they were disobedient. He was also known to spank his sons and daughter-in-law if they did not do as he wished. Hayley was his favorite because she lived to please her father. Everyone was surprised that he allowed her to work and live so far away, but Matthew knew that Hayley would not disgrace him. He had bought her a two bedroom condo in a secure building.

Hayley told Jake from the start that she couldn’t have sex with him. After They had been dating a month, she called her father and told him she had met a man she really liked. Matthew asked to speak to Jake. They talked for half an hour and Matthew laid down the rules for Jake.

Jake was informed by his girlfriend’s father that he was allowed to kiss Hayley on the lips and touch her breasts through her clothes. He could not show her his penis until after her 21st birthday party and would have to agree to do as the family wished after that time. He also could not cheat on her. He had to prove himself worthy of Hayley.

If he and Hayley stayed together until she turned 21 then he would be invited to her celebration, that was two years ago and Jake had compiled with Matthews conditions.

Hayley had not made it easy. She was a striking young woman; with her long legs, blond hair and baby blue eyes. She was also sexy even when she wasn’t trying to be. Clothes fit her body and showed off her curves. She was sexy and beautiful. She was also kind and Considerate. To Jake she was the whole package and he had often been told what a lucky man he was.

Jake’s dick did a jump every time he saw her, but he kept his promise to her father and had not touched her except for the occasional pinch of her breasts through her clothes. Whenever he did this, Hayley surprised.

Now, after these two years, Jake was in love with Hayley and there were times he wished he had not agreed to the conditions that her father had made him promise. He had a perpetual hard on and couldn’t wait to sink his dick into this beautiful woman.

His sister, Mary teased him about his two years of celibacy when he had told her. “You finally found someone who could tame you.” Mary smiled. Jake just grinned. He had been a bit of a player before he met Hayley, but he had stayed faithful to her and spent a great deal of time masturbating after he left her to go home.

Now her 21st birthday was fast approaching. Jake had purchased a beautiful diamond and sapphire engagement ring from Harry Winston. He called Matthew to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. Matthew asked if he had obeyed his wishes and Jake said that he had, so Matthew agreed that Hayley could marry him, but only after the ritual was completed. It would take three days and if Jake was serious and proposed at the celebration than he could participate in the ritual. Jake agreed. He asked what the ritual was. Matthew told him that he would have to wait and see.

Hayley was looking forward to going home to celebrate her birthday. Two days before her birthday, she had butterflies of anticipation. She and Jake would be leaving on a plane the next day. She was excited not only for her birthday but to be part of the ritual.

She didn’t know what it entailed, it was kept as a family secret. Her mother told her that everyone in the family would be involved and that this ritual had gone all the way back to her great-great-great grandfather. It was a secret she would have to keep for the rest of her life.

But once she was part of the ritual she would receive her trust fund and all the privileges the ritual entailed and so would the man she would marry.

She was in love with Jake and hoped he would propose. They had been together two years and she felt an ache in her pussy whenever he was around and sometimes even when he wasn’t. She wanted to rip his pants off and sink her virgin pussy on his bigg cock. Even though Hayley hadn’t seen it, she knew it had to be big because she could see the outline as it tented in his pants.

Hayley had neverseen a man’s penis except when she had rented a porn movie. She had masturbated to the movie while watching the black man fuck the blond woman who was his best friend’s wife. She saw the large black dick and hoped that Jake was as well endowed. Hayley marveled at how the man’s large dick fit into the small pussy hole.

Jake arrived early at Hayley’s house in the town car he had arranged to take them to the airport. Hayley was ready. She looked sexy in a pair of tight fitting black pants with a tight red v-neck sweater. Jake helped her with her coat and grabbing her hand and her suitcase they left for the airport.

On the way, Hayley snuggled up to Jake. Jake’s dick did a jump. She looked so good, he wanted this weekend to go well because then he would get to finally fuck the girl he was in love with.

On the plane, the usually quiet Hayley was very talkative. She couldn’t wait to see her sisters, Samantha and Denise and her brother Jonah. All of them were married. Theyhad gone through the ritual, now as the youngest it was her turn.

They were met at the airport by the chauffeur Max. Max worked for the family for twenty-five years. He greeted Hayley warmly. As Jake got into the Bentley limousine, he was astounded. Hayley had never told him that her family was wealthy. They pulled up in front of the gate that swung open and drive up a winding drive to the family’s opulent mansion.

Jake held tightly to Hayley’s hand as Frederick, the butler opened the door. “Miss Hayley, how nice to have you back home.” He took their coats and hats and ushered them into the house.

Hayley smiled, Frederick was her favorite. She had known him most of her life. She kissed his cheek, “I’m glad to see you too Fred.” He blushed.

“I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Jake.” She said brightly.

Frederick made a little bow, “The family is anxiously waiting for you.”

“Thanks Fred.” Said Hayley and taking Jake’s hand, led him down a hallway towardss the drawing room.

“Wow Hayley you didn’t tell me your family was rich. This is quite some house.” Jake said looking at the winding staircase and the marble flooring.

Hayley took a deep breath and slides open the doors to the drawing room. Everyone except her father, brother and sister-in-law were there. Her mother, Helen stood and came to her. Helen was a statuesque blond woman with bright blue eyes and a figure any woman would die for. She wore a sexy red dress with killer heels and strode deliberately towards her daughter and Jake.

Jake’s dick did a jump as Helen came up to him and kissed his lips lightly, “You must be Jake. Welcome to our home.”

“Thank you Mrs. Cassidy.” Jake said as he entered the room with Hayley still holding tightly to his hand.

“Please call me Helen.” Hayley’s mother purred.

Hayley held on to Jake and made introductions. “Jake this is my family. This is my sister Samantha and her husband Brandon.”

“Hey Jake, nice to meet you.” Said Samantha a striking brunette with hazel eyes who was seated next to a very handsome man that Jake recognized as the actor Brandon Mitchell. Brandon got up and walked up to Jake extending his hand. Jake Shoook it.

“So you’ve been dating our little Hayley, we thought she’d never have a boyfriend.” Brandon said and looked Hayley up and down. “You look good little sis in law.”

Hayley hugged him and Brandon squeezed her tightly causing Jake to feel a little jealous. Standing next to the piano was Hayley’s other brother in law, also very handsome. His name was Daniel Worth. He nodded at Jake and said hello. Daniel’s wife, Hayley’s sister, Denise was sitting at the piano. She had short blond hair, but was also quite attractive.

“We are so glad to meet you Jake. We’ve heard lots about you from father and Hayley.” Denise said and began to play an intricate classical piece by Mozart.

Another woman came into the room from outside, “Sorry I’m late.” She said.Hayley ran up to her and kissed her cheek. She was a striking black woman with long braids. “This is my sister-in-law, Quinn.”

Quinn smiled and shook Jake’s hand. “Happy to meet you. My husband and his father should be arrived shortly.”

Helen took Jake’s arm and pulled him away from everyone as Hayley went to hug her sisters.

“My husband told me you plan to propose to Hayley after her birthday party tomorrow. I’m so pleased. It will make everything that much more easier for the ritual.” Helen said whispering and squeezed Jake’s arm.

“About that…” Jake said, “What is the ritual and what does it entail.”

“My husband will reveal all.” Helen said mysteriously. “And here he comes now.”

Three men entered the room, but Jake knew which one was Hayley’s dad instantly. Hayley looked very much like him, but not just that, Matthew Cassidy had the bearing of an aristocrat with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. He walked up to Jake and shook his hand. “I’m soglad to meet the man who has stolen my Hayley’s heart.” He said with a slight southern accent. Hayley ran up to him.

“Daddy!” She squealed and he embedded her. Jake noticed that he patted Hayley’s butt.

Matthew Cassidy introduced Jake to his son, Jonah, and his attorney, Blake a tall very thin man with a mustache who was carrying a briefcase.

“After we have luncheon, Jonah, Jake, Blake and I will go into the study to talk. Tomorrow is Hayley’s birthday party and then three days of the ritual. I expect everyone to be ready to participate and make this the best ritual for Hayley.”

“Yes father.” Came the reply from everyone in the room including Helen.

Frederick entered, “Luncheon is served.” He announced. Helen grabbed Jake’s arm as Matthew took Hayley’s and everyone else followed into the dining room.

Over lunch, Jake relaxed. Everyone was gracious and happy that Hayley was home. Jake saw another side of Hayley. She looked so happy here with her family. She laughed more and looked relaxed. A part of him though was wondering what this ritual was and why was it kept secret.

After dinner, everyone except Jonah, Jake, Blake and Matthew went back into the drawing room to have dessert. Matthew led the way to his study. Blake opened his briefcase and took out a contract while Jake sat down on the red leather sofa.

“Before we proceed you have to agree to the terms of the contract.” Matthew stated. “Once you read this contract there is no turning back. You will marry my daughter, you will become part of our family. If after you read, you decide you don’t like the terms then I will be forced to ruin you and have you locked up in a mental institution. Are you sure you want to become a part of my family?”

Jake looked from Jonah to Blake and back to Matthew. This must be some contract. He would have to agree to sign it before he even got to read it. He thought for a moment. How bad could it be? It was probably a pre nup saying he couldn’t have any of Hayley’s money, but so what? He had plenty of his own.

Jake nodded. Blake said to him, “You have to say it out loud.”

Jake said, “Yes, I want to marry Hayley and become part of your family.”

Jonah Shook his hand, “Welcome to the family. You won’t regret it.”

Matthew grinned and handed Jake the contract. “We will Leave you alone to read it and will return in an hour. I’m sure you will have questions and I may or may not answer them.”

They all left Jake alone with his thoughts. He looked down at the contract and read. When he was finished, his face had turned ashen. What had he gotten himself into? Why would anyone do this? But yet there were three other people who had done just that.

There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” He stuttered and wiped his face with his hands.

Quinn entered the room and sat down next to him. “My reaction was exactly as yours is when I read this thing, but I love Jonah and you will find thatit is all worth it; especially for Hayley. She is her father’s favorite and she will inherit all of this. She will become the matrix of this family with you by her side. You will do the same thing with your children.” Quinn takes’s Jake’s hands, which are cold and clammy.

She sits with him for a moment. Jake says nothing, his mind is too full of thoughts.

Quinn kisses Jake’s cheese and then stands, “Take your time and absorb it. I’ll see you later after you’ve signed.” Jake nods.

She leaves the room.

Jake stars again at the seven-page document in his hand. It is a binding agreement. He has made a deal with the devil and now he’s stuck with it. Jake remembers what Hayley told him, her father is in charge always and by signing this agreement, Matthew would control not only Hayley but him and could punish him as he saw fit; this was just one of the things that both him.

He has agreed and with trembling hands, Jake picks up the pen from the desk and signs his name.


As if he had known, Matthew comes back into the room. He takes the document from Jake and pours him a glass of scotch on the rocks from the small bar in the study.

Jake drinks it down with one gulp. “You’re her father? Why? How?” Jake can hardly speak. Matthew grinins.

“This began a very long time ago and works for our family. Hayley being the youngest inherits everything as long as she continues the ritual. You will not only come to accept everything in this contract, but will enjoy it.”

Matthew sits down next to Jake and Jake moves away. Matthew chuckled.

“My great, great, great grandfather made a deal a long time ago. My family never breaks deals and our family has proven and grown. Hayley is my obedient daughter and she will do as she is told. She will be trained to be your submissive wife, except to things that concern the family. I promise you Jake that you will be a very happy man. The next three days will show you exactly howhappy. I’m looking forward to the time we will spend together.” Matthew said and stood. “Get some rest, tomorrow is the party and your proposal. Then we start the ritual. It begins at 8:30 on Saturday morning.”

On shaky legs, Jake walks out the room to the drawing room. Hayley walked over to him and kissed his lips. “Baby, I was worried about you. Did everything go all right with my father?” She asked concerned.

“Yes, honey, it’s all fine. Listen, I’m really tired. Can you show me to my room and I’ll see you in the morning?” Jake asked.

Helen came over to him, “I’ll take you to your room Jake, Hayley is still getting reacquainted with her family.”

Jake kissed Hayley again on the cheek. Helen took Jake’s arm and walked him Through the house pointing out different photos of family members. As they walked up the stairs, Jake closed his eyes. All this was too much.

Helen squeezed his arm, “I felt the same way when I was asked by Matthew’s mother to sign the document. I couldn’t believe it and almost wanted to run away, but I’m glad I didn’t and you won’t be sorry for your choice, you will be happy. Just take it one day at a time.”

She brought him to his room, “Hayley’s room is down the hall. You won’t see her until lunch tomorrow. She’s going to be very busy most of the day getting ready for the party. Sleep late, I’ll have a tray brought up for you. Just pick up the telephone by the bed and the cook will make you anything you want. Goodnight Jake.”

“Goodnight Helen.” Jake said and went into the room. As he looked around his surroundings, he felt as if he were in a grand hotel in a one-bedroom suite. There was a living room with a sofa, flat screen television, a table and two chairs. A small fridge was off to one corner in the mini kitchen. He opened it to find it filled with soda, water and juice. He took out a coke and drank it down in one gulp. There were small bottles of vodka, scotch and brandy and a split of champione. Afruit basket was on the counter with not only fruit, but nuts, salami and cheese.

Jake thought about having another drink, but he didn’t want to get drunk. He needed to clear his head. He walked into the bedroom which held a four poster king-sized bed. It had already been turned down and his suitcase opened. His clothes were pressed and hung up in the walk in closet. His toiletries were already in the bathroom. There was a note on the table and it read. “We took the liberty of purchasing a tuxedo for you for tomorrow’s events. Matthew”

“How the hell did you know my size?” Jake said tossing the note into the garbage can in the bathroom.

Stripping off his clothes he left them in a puddle on the floor of the bedroom and walked naked into the bathroom.

He turned on the shower and stepped in. The hot water streaming over him made him feel better. Tears priced his eyes. “What have I done? What have I gotten myself involved into? I love Hayley. I need to talk to my sister or brother about this, hell I need to talk to a lawyer, but I can’t. I have to keep this damn secret. I don’t know if I can, but I have to or these crazy people will destroy not only me but my family.” He banged the tile wall of the shower.

His thoughts turned to Hayley. She knew nothing about what sick fuck’s her family was. Maybe if they ran away together. He would ask her after the party tomorrow, after he had proposed and she knew he wanted to marry her. Maybe then, she would be willing to leave with him. He would make her understand.


When Helen returned to the drawing room, Hayley was anxiously waiting for her. “Mom, how is Jake? He looked very upset.”

Helen reassure her, “Jake is all right. He just learned about the ritual and signed the contract. It was a lot for him to deal with.”

Matthew came over to Hayley and put his arm around her. “You are going to be my very good girl on Saturday when we begin aren’t you baby?”

Hayley hugged her father, “Yes daddy, I always want to behave for you.”

“You know what happens when you disobey me?” Matthew says and everyone else in the room stopped what they were doing to watch them.

“Yes daddy. I know.” Hayley said and hung her head. Matthew lifted her head up and lightly kissed her lips.


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