[ The initial audience ]
After he was led five more steps into the room, he heard Amisi’s familiar voice again: “Take your hands behind your head and keep standing still!”
In his utter blindness Prince Ilirabih felt much too helpless to even think about the possibility of resisting her order. Instead he presented himself as being told and obediently waited for the things to come. No-one in This room dared to say a word anymore.
In didn’t take long until he heard the hard clicking-sound of shoe-soles on the stone floor. An unknown person was approaching him from the left. This must have been Goddess Aishia as the Prince definitely heard the sound of two or three men crawling behind her.
A loud snap of her fingers echoed through the silence of the room and the men eagerly rushed away. Now the Prince heard foot-steps walking around him like someone was inspecting his naked body. Then the sound of the foot-steps ended — the inspecting person must have been standing directly behind him. The Prince’s muscle body began to shutter.
“He looks lean and strong. What a cute addition for my palace!” a female voice suddenly stated. It echoed as smooth and sweet as honey in Ilirabih’s ears. This could only be the voice of Goddess Aishia!
“But still a little bit to anxious for a real Prince, don’t you think?”
“Indeed. But Maybe his anxiety will prove itself very useful as there are still so many manners that he will have to learn here, my Goddess!” Ilirabih heard Amisi answer.
In the meantime some warm fingers touched his spine and run over his taut cheeses. Suddenly a pair of fingerprintnails squeezed lightly into the skin of his ass. A shudder coursed through his body.
“I especially like his nice, tight behind. It certainly makes punishing him a much more pleasant experience.”
The Prince had always been proud of the masculine shape of body, but at this moment he felt nothing else but utter intimidation. The foreign hand keep moving up again, running over the Prince’s should bladed.
“Did he gave you any trouble?”
“Not the kind of trouble that I couldn’t handle!”
Suddenly the foreign hand on his back retired and Prince Ilirabih heard the faith rustling of silk. Goddess Aishia circled to the other side of her prisoner. Once more her hand reached out for a physical inspection. The Prince felt her fingertip wandering across the muscled surface of his chest.
“A soft, smooth chest and nice broad shoulders as well. Just as a man should be. No Egyptian woman wants weakness in her bed!”
The darkness of the scarf around his eyes let the Prince focus even deeper on the semiconductor sensings that the foreign hand inflicted upon his skin. Soon Goddess Aishia could hear his breathing becomes shallow.
“Oh — I hope my talking hasn’t made you feel uncomfortable?” Aishia joyfully mocked at his undeniable embarrassment.
One moment later her hand snakedbetween his legs and lightly cupped his balls, that were still tightly tied by Amisi’s leather straps.
Aishia let the weight of the Royal balls rest against her open palm reveling in their size and firmness until the Prince let out a barely controlled quiver. At this moment her wicked hand closed – squeezing his balls painfully against each other.
The Prince had to eagerly press his teeth together to prevent him from crying out loud — this would only mean his first step of surrender to her devilish torture.
But then her heated whisper reached his ears. “Such beautiful balls . I’m glad they belong to me now. Mine to do with as I choose.”
Her soft voice was followed by an exotic smell — it was a strange combination of sweat flowers and bitter spices. But the Prince was Still keen not to get manipulated by Aishia’s poisoning charm.
“Soon my father’s army will liberate me. Then it will be my joy to burn down your palace to the ground.”
A icy silence laid over the room. Still blinded by the scarf the Prince could only assume what kind of effect his outburst might had had on his captors.
Then his blindfold was ripped off with a harsh tug. The Prince suddenly looked directly into her intimidating dark eyes. The dark-red lips of Goddess Aishia curled into a cruel smile.
“You father is indeed worried about your safe return home! But unfortunately my Egyptian forces has already crushed his main army while you were lying passed out in one of my private prison cells. Now I have given your father a good reason to be really worried, don’t you think? In fact he had just sent a messenger to my royal palace offering me the whole capital city of Canaan in exchange of your release!”
“What? That can’t be…. What… I mean……have you accepted this offer?”
“No! Why should I? My glorious army will conquer the capital of Canaan during the next weeks anyway. Canaan will become just one more Egyptian province that would supply my glorious empire with slaves.”
“So why am I kept here then?”
“You are only here in the name of fun! My fun to be precise! Breaking a campered and self-centered Prince like you would be a just too joyful challenge for me. And as long as I’m entertained, you will be kept alive and reasonably healthy. So satisfied me as much as you can, little Prince, and hope it never ends. Because when it’s over, it’s really over!”
“This are just empty treatments. It’s a sin to execute a captured member of his enemy’s royal family.”
“But with the fall of the Canaan Empire your not a prisoner anymore! Inside these walls you will be nothing more then a slave – my slave!”
“P-p-please…” the Prince tried to babble out some plea, but a courageous face-slap of Aishia immediately silenced him before he managed to reach the second word.
“Listen to me, Ilirabih!” she hissed. “During the next days you will have to learn that your days of pointless, worthless drifting are over. You are mine now and so you live now only to gratify me. And I will make sure that you are never going to leave this place alive.”
As there was nothing he could do, the Prince decided to play along for now. But deep inside his soul he kept hoping that his fathers army might be still intact and ready to rescue him. As soon as he would be free again, he would take revenge for the humiliations Aishia had made him suffer. He would also take bitter revenge for the Canaan people, his father and Helen. Oh god — Helen! How could he have forgotten her?
“Want have you done to Helen?” he shouted at Aishia.
“To whom?”
“To my fiancée?”
“Oh I see! You finally remember her? – One of my Priestess will take care of her until she is trained to becomes a Concubine.”
“You can’t…!”
“Of course I can!” the Goddess sneered. “After the occupation of Canaan into the Egyptian Empire both of you are going to become totally irrelevant for the world. No one willever miss you.”
“Oh — don’t look so shocked. I tell you something: I can have her back and do whatever you want to do to her. No-one will hold you back even if you decide to do nasty things to her body and soul.”
A glimmer of raising hope appeared in Ilirabih’s eyes. “Do you promise to do that for me?”
“Yes! But before I will give her to you, you have to pass a challenge for me. Within one week you and Helen are going to compete for my favorite. After this week I will decide who of you have pleased me more. If you fail, I will hand you over to her mercy instead!”
“Helen will never accept to play such a wicked game.”
“Oh — she already did! In fact, she seemed more than delighted by the prospect of getting unrestricted access to Your balls. She won’t mad at you because you left her alone in the desert during the attack of my soldiers, will she?”
A horrified expression crossed the Prince’s face, which made Aishia laugh out loud. Tossing back her head,the mane of her hair swept around her naked breasts like a cloud.
The Prince stammered out weakly: “I…I…I will do what it takes to please you more than Helen does.”
“Great – I’m going to have some amazing fun playing with both of you.”
“Let’s start with learning some manners — from now on I am nothing but your ‘Supreme Owner and Divine Queen’ to you! You got that?”
“Yes, my Supreme Owner and Divine Queen.” pressed Ilirabih through is lips, struggling hard to express his rising anger.
Ilirabih squeezed his eyes shut and dug his fingers into his palms — fighting to remain motionless.
“You’re learning fast. I like that!” Her eyes glared at him.
“Okay – ready for the second lesson? When I walk, I expect You to follow me on your knees and kiss the places where my feet have touched the marble floor.”
Menacingly she walked away from him, granting Prince Ilirabih a look at her whole body.
The young goddess was dressed in a sleepeless white over-garment in a very sexy one shoulder style and long flowing panel in back, highlighted by a shimmery silver border.
The golden glowing of her arms and shoulders created a marvelous contract to the whiteness of her dress. In fact her skin looked really goddess-like: taut, firm, silky-smooth and free of any imperfection. The Prince’s cock began to ache.
But then the Goddess turned around to look After him. As she saw him still standing her expression turned cold in anger.
“Don’t tax my patience by playing deaf! Your are to follow me on your knees and kissing the floor.”
She had placed her hands on her hips, her legs were slightly parted. The coiled poise of her excitedly taut body was as threatening as her words Still the Prince tried hard to remain strong and not to give in to her crazy demands.
“No — a Royal Prince like me can’t undergo such a disgracing act!” Ilirabih quietly argued.
Goddess Aishia just witnessed at his response, shaking her head in disapproval. But suddenly as devilish smile appeared at her lips and approached back to him.
“Very well, then I’m afraid that I will have to use more convincing methods to train you,” she cooed, while her fingers slowly pinching a fold of skin from his cheek and rested a nail point at either side.
“You can whip me as long as you want – you will never break my spirit. The spirit of a Canaan Prince can never be broken.” he said a little too quickly to express real confidence in his words.
The Goddess smiled and released his cheek. “Who has said that I will need a whip to break you? No – your lovely body would bring me much more pleasure if I leave it intact.”
The Prince decided that it might be better to mute for a while and wait for the things she was going to inflict upon him.
Aishia just needed to snap her manicured fingers and Priestess Amisi steering forward, ready to receive a new command from her Goddess.
“Go and get me some ‘wafers of persuasion’!” Amisi was ordered and instantly returned a knowing smile to Aishia. At the next moment Amisi was already walking away to fetch these obscure waffers of persuasion, which Ilirabih never had heard before. So he remained wondering whether his beautiful captor was going to force the Prince into submission by throwing waffers at him?!
The Priestess had nearly left the chamber, when Aishia shouted Behind her: “Wait! Bring a bowl of cold Irep Dedjem for me as well!”
(Irep Dedjem is the Egyptian name for the exclusive beverage that is nowadays known as sweet wine.)
The echo of the Priestess’ footsteps slowly faded away and for the first time the Prince found himself being totally alone in the intimidating presence of Goddess Aishia.
He stood still and quietly savoring the awkward moment in his mind. But soon his look cautiously began to flick out over his new ‘owner’. With her tall body and her self-assured aura the so-called ‘Goddess’ indeed seemed tobe an icon of divine femininity.
Suddenly Aishia’s lively eyes caught him watching her and the Ilirabih instinctively lashed his look back to the ground. He still felt her watching eyes wandering over his skin, but still he didn’t dare to move. Why was he allowing her to gain the control over this situation? He knew that he still represented the next Emperor of Canaan but something deep inside his consciousness had slipped into the kind of mind-set that made him feel like he already had become one of Aishia’s slaves. And was even more worrying was the thought that being her slave felt like the right place to be.
Echoing footsteps indicated the reappearance of Amisi and her hatkey and made the Prince freeze in anticipation of the things that were to come.
Ilirabih watched Amisi devotedly approaching Aishia, where she knelt down before her Goddess and presented her a bowl of fresh Irep Dedjem.
“Thanks, my dear! But don’t forget to feed our special guest too!”
“It will be a pleasure, my Goddess!” Amisi responded, before she stood up again, turned around and moved to Ilirabih. The sinister smile on her face made Ilirabih feel a little uneasy.
Without even looking at her service, she grabbed for two of the washers, which her service were dutifully holding out for her.
Prince Ilirabih instinctively knew that he wouldn’t enjoy the taste of these Wafers, so he firmly pressed his lips close against each other.
It only took a commanding nod of Amisi to let her servants strong fists grab Ilirabih’s wrists from behind. Held in this iron grip the Prince couldn’t stop Amisi from easily pinching his nose shut with the thumb and forefinger of her free hand. There was a bit of struggle as he held his breath, eyes darting about frantically. Only a few moments Later the Prince aching lungs burst out to suck in a huge amount of life-saving air. Immediately Amisi pushed the washers into his mouth and effectively closed it with the palm of her hand before he could spit it out again.
The Prince felt how his saliva was slowly soaked the waffers into a fluid lotion. And this lotion had an extreme spicy taste. In fact it was hotter than anything the Prince has ever tasted before. Soon his throat had gone sore and the Prince began to cought and choke behind the delicate hand that Amisi kept still firmly pressed against his mouth. His pleading eyes searched for a glimmer of sympathy in Amisi’s face — only to see that her eyes sparkled in sadistic amusement. He wouldn’t find any mercy in her.
But as a terrible thirst kept tormenting his throat, the Prince looked out for his Owner (and Protector?) Aishia.
She had sat herself casually on the edge of a neary column-plinth, enjoying the show spectacle as well as her nearly full bowl of chilled Irep Dedjem.
“Don’t you like your food?” she laughed at the sight of the Princes obvious misery.
Ilirabih could just make desperate facial expression, so Aishia sent her Priestess a nod, commanding her to release her hand from his mouth. Although his mouth was free again, the Prince had to fight his aching throat into use again before he croaked out: “Please…drink…”
The Goddess grin widened. She took a deep gulp of Irep Dedjem from her bowl.
“You want a drink of my bowl? Don’t you think that it would be presumptuous for a slave like you to put your lowly lips to the same bowl as mine?” she asked teasingly
The Prince knew that he shouldn’t allow himself to take part on her wicked little game, but at this moment all he cared for was to find a possibility to drink and get free from these hot spices which terrorized his mouth.
“Please, Goddess Aishia. I beg you for something to drink.”
“I guess your Begging would look more convincing to me if you do in on your knees.” Aishia smiled at him with blissful savor, while she took another sip from the bowl.
Her never permanently growing demands were maddening.Still the Prince couldn’t afford to delay the prospect of getting something to drink. Obediently he advanced the short distance to Aishia’s plinth, where he knelt down quite awkwardly (as his wrists where still bound together) and looked at his new Goddess with pleading eyes.
“Well…Since you ask that nicely, I assume that I could grant you your wish.” Aishia finally whispered in her most lovely voice, before she rose from the plinth, carrying her bowl in one hand.
“I will share my Irep Dedjem with you, but there’s no way your lips are going where my lips have been.” she exclaimed and let a straight of exclusive wine pour to the marble ground in front of the still so desperately thirsty Prince. The Prince just looked up at her in disbelieve.
“So do you want to drink or Not?” she grinned down at him, while she licked away some sweet drops from her own lips.
The Prince looked at the puddle of wine in front of him. After all it was still sweet wine. Licking itoff from the ground would be extremely embarrassing, but it seemed to be his only choice to satisfy his urge for a drink. He were just leading his kneeing body forward to take a lick of the puddle, when Aishia’s leather scandal stepped directly into the so valuable puddle .
“Maybe you will enjoy your drink a little more, if it gets spiced up by the divine dust of my shoe-sole!” the Goddess’ sarcastically-innocent voice called out from above.
This couldn’t be true! How could a lovely being like her be so mischievous, the Prince asked himself. But then he understand. As the soles of Aishia’s sandals were disperse the valuable wine all over the marble floor, the Prince would have to lick (or better kiss) the places where her feet have touched the ground. But this was exactly the humiliating task of Aishia’s ‘second lesson’ that he had just so eagerly refused to obey.
The Prince considered to draw a final line here and stop to humiliate himself any longer. He would haveto sustain the burning pain of the spices inside his mouth but if he really focused on his will-power, he might make it.
“You better instantly start to take your drink, sweety!” he was suddenly commanded by Priestess Amisi. Her voice was spiked with a dangerously undertone.
The Prince cowardly gazed up at her. With her arms folded over her breasts Amisi had placed herself right next to him and seemed to watch his inner struggles with sadistic interest.
The Prince felt how his power of resistance melted under the fire that burned into her dark shadowed eyes. He also became aware how vulnerable he was in his kneeing position. A shudder run down the Prince’s spine as he thought about the possibility to gain another painful kick from Amisi’s fatal legs.
So he just tightly shut his eyes and forced his head to lower over one of the little wine puddles that Aishia’s sandals had created for him. Bearing his mental disgust Ilirabih opened his mouth and licked of the wine from the ground. Nothing had ever tasted so good as that sweet wine, soothing his tender swollen gullet. As a the puddles had finally been licked off, the Prince’s throat felt so much better.
His relief must have been quite obvious as Goddess Aishia started to laugh down at him. There was no hiding place from his exposure. And the desperate look in the Prince’s eyes even told Aishia how shockingly embarrassed the Prince felt under her mischievous laughter
“Being my slave means giving up any right to choose. You do understand that now, don’t you?”
The crestfallen Prince nodded.
“Well! Tonight you will furthermore learn who will be in control over your pleasure. You will have to learn that being my slave also means that I can exclude you from any satisfied feeling when I want it. So are you ready for your third lesson?”
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