The Falling of Prince Ilirabih Pt. 01

This story is a fantasy I just had and like to share with you. I would love to hear your comments, advice and additions to the story. Please contact me through the link below.


The narcissistic, yet ingenuous claimant to the throne of the ancient Empire of Canaan gets kidnapped by a special task force of the Egyptian Queen Aishia. But instead of just being held to ransom, the Prince has to recognize that he got hijacked for the pure entertainment of the Queen and her courtly assistants.

[The capture]

It was a beautiful sunny day that Prince Ilirabih had chosen to visit the South-western part of his father’s empire Canaan. It was the first time that his prospective wife and Empress Helen joined his travels. As she originally came from Capphtor, Helen had always remained skeptical whether her new home could keep up with the glory of the rich cultural life on Crete.

Therefore Prince Ilirabih was very pleased to see that this part of his father’s empire was aspiring into new glory. It certainly wouldn’t take many more years until the people of Canaan would be as proud about their empire as these snobby people from Capphtor.

After they had absolved their standard visit-program to the local priests, Prince Ilirabih decided that it would provide a tremendous opportunity to show Helen the Mediterranean Sea as it was the ocean that connected her home island with her prospective empire Canaan. From the top of the cliffs they would have just a perfect view! And indeed the look of Helen’s eyes was wandering over the horizon right to the direction of Capphtorim.

“Do you see the sand dunes over there? Behind them starts the great desert that divides Canaan from the Egyptian Empire.” Ilirabih guided Helen’s gaze to the left. The palms waved peacefully in the wind while white sea birds flew over their heads. Every little part was beautifully embedded into the greater picture of a just perfect landscape.

Bu suddenly around a dozen of armed men appeared behind the sand dunes, armed with short bows and lances and they didn’t look very friendly.

One minute later Prince Ilirabih Steven found himself in the middle of a furious fight. His royal guard fight bravely to defend their Prince against the overpowering attackers.

But when Prince Ilirabih witnessed how easily the attackers managed to cut the throats of his best men, he had to face the unsettling fact that his royal guard had not the slightest chance to win this battle.

So Prince Ilirabih just run! Without even looking back for his beloved Princess he kept running and running. As a patpered member of the royal family Prince Ilirabih was not very used to any physical activity and after a few hundred meters his totally exhausted body needed a break.

The Prince felt very relieved when he turned around and saw no human being at all. It might have been a little tragic for the lost lives of his loyal guard-men and Princess Helen, but the only thing that counted in the end was the fact that he – the Prince and up-coming Emperor of Canaan had survived this threat. With the help of his father’s army the Prince would soon start to hunt down every poor soul these coward attackers. And his justice would know no mercy to them!

But as his heavy breathing became quieter, Prince Ilirabih began to hear another sound. Once more he turned Around. His body remained paralyzed in shock as he faced a war chariot. This time there was no chance of fleeing as the speedy chariot appeared from the east and any possible way of escape was cut by the cliffs of the great Ocean in the west. So Prince Ilirabih could only pray that the leader of the war chariot had peaceful intentions.

As the war chariot came closer Prince Ilirabih recognized that it was lead by a female archer in a Egyptian war-dress with a small composite bow. She looked ravishing, but she definitely did not came for chatting!

Prince Ilirabih knew that it required a lot of space to turn such a chariot and since the cliffs were so close it would take a lot of care and time to even turn it around 180°. So when the Egyptian woman stopped her chariot right in front of him, Prince Ilirabih took his little chance and ran straight forward.

He had just passed the chariot when he felt the sudden pain in his upper leg. This stupid cow was really nuts enough to shoot an arrow at him!!!

But before the Prince even could drag of the arrow, the poison on its top had already hammered him into unconsciousness.

[a rude awakening]

It was a splash of ice-cold water that awoke the Prince from his unconsciousness.

As his senses gradually refused a flickering yellow light began to penetrate the blackness that had gripped him. The source of the water was a bucket in the hands of a huge man, who wore nothing but a loin cloth and a copper collar. The symbol of a cobra was burned into his upper arm and gave him a rude appearance.Without showing even the slightest act of respect the half-naked bastard began to grin at the wet Prince.

To his further embarrassment Prince Ilirabih had to discover that his wrists and ankles were tightly chained by heavy iron fetters to a dark wall. Still shocked about his helpless situation the Prince started to study his surroundings. And what he saw was not very reassuring : The small chamber was enclosed by stone block walls, while the ceiling consistent of heavy oak beams. The air was stifling which indicated that that the Prince might be at a very secret place deep below the surface of the earth.

The feeling of panic began to arouse inside the Prince’s mind. Therefore his voice trembled in despair when Prince Ilirabih finally shouted at the still shamelessly grinning man: “Funny – he? So tell me – what the hell do you want?”

“It’s irrelevant what he wants! Instead it should be my demands that have to concern you!” came an unexpected reply from the dark cornerof the chamber.

It was the soft voice of a woman, who slowly stepped out of the dark spot, revealing her ravishing beauty. She wore a dark blue cape which swept almost the floor and was clapped at the front by a diamond broach in the shape of snake. Was this the female archer on the chariot who had shot her arrow at him? Prince Ilirabih wasn’t sure.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Amisi. I am a Priestesses of Goddess Aishia and I’m here to help you finding the right way into your submission towards the Goddess.”

“My submission? You must be joking – I’m the Royal Prince of Canaan and therefore I will never submit to anyone!”

Priestess Amisi just laughed wickedly at his vehement protests: “Of course you will!”

The Prince just starred at her in silent disbelieve, so Amisi added in cold amusement : “And if you want to remain healthy, you better start your submission quickly.”

“You can’t tell me what I should do!” the Prince still protected – althoughthe quietness of his voice betrayed his rising insecurity. But his objection was still enough to raise Amisi anger.

With predatory grace Priestess Amisi stalked over to the Prince. Her heels struck the floor with sounds which echoed in the silent room and let an instant of panic grip Prince Ilirabih’s muscles.

Now she stood directly in front of him. So close that he even could feel her warm breathing touching his face. And the Prince became even more scared of her when he looked into her dark mascaraed eyes. They sparkled as satanic as her mane of jet-black hair and exposed an aggressive sexuality.

Suddenly her Prince felt how his balls were rudely grabbed by her hands. Even through his clothes he could feel her nails squeezing into the most sensitive parts of his royal body. No-one had ever dared to touch him like this! But then again: he has never been a chained in front of a beautiful vixen as well.

Priestess Amisi moved her head even closer to him and hissed into his ear: “In the house of a Goddess your royalty counts nothing. I am the only friend you can find inside these walls – but my friendship has to be earned! So you better start to treat me with absolute respect.”

She easily twisted his throbbing prick until the Prince groaned in pain. Her face showed nothing but joyful delight instead.

“Am I understand?” Amisi demanded with a merciless smile of triumph.

Amisi licked her glistening red lips as the Prince finally nodded in surrender. Her hands padded his cheek like he would be just a pet for her. Starring into her darken eyes Ilirabih wondered how could such a beautiful creativity have such a devilish spirit.

She just laughed at his obvious irritation: “I know that we will get along very well. Now don’t forget to do anything you can to keep me in a happy mood!”

Then Amisi turned around to look at her companion man, who was standing beside them with his eyes downcast.

Her voice became cold and very strict when Amisi ordered : “Bind him!”

The man just nodded at her command and obediently began to unchain the Prince’s hands and feet from the wall – just to tightly encircle them again with different sets of steel cuffs one moment later. A ratcheting click told the Prince that the cuffs had been locked again. But he still didn’t dare to struggle as the muscles of hand-man seemed strong enough to easily crumble the Prince’s bones to dust.

Amisi critically observed every little step of her stoic service. But then Prince Ilirabih noticed a permanent anxiety in the movement of Amisi’s service. Could it be, that such a strong man like him was afraid of such a gracile woman like the Priestess?

Following his anxiety gazes towards his mistress the Prince discovered how a black whip revealed under the blue cap of Priestess Amisi. A cold shudder run down the Prince’s spine when he thought about the possibility that this whip in the delicate hands of the Priestess might have broken this strong man into submission.

The Priestess caught the worried look of the Princes and answered his silent assumptions with a knowing smile.

“I’m finished, Priestess Amisi!” interrupted the man.

She just raised her dark eye-browns and snapped in a superior tone: “Then open the door and let’s go, stupid!”

The Princes had never even seen such a commanding bitch in his homeland Canaan. Her arrogant behavior was shocking, but in as the same time the Prince felt somehow attracted to her. Or better: he felt bewitched by her. All this unknown emotions made him feel very uneasy when he was escorted up some stairs and out of the dungeon rooms.

[way to the divine quarters]

Then they reached a long hallway. Priestess Amisi walked ahead, leading the way. The Prince followed obediently Behind her as her neary service was always ready to break any resistance for his mistress.

The Prince was amazed by the opulent luxury of the Colonnades where goldenFlambeaus cast a soft glow off the highly-polished marble floors. Not even the Royal Throne room of his father’s places contained so much pure pomp.

The Priestess glanced at the deeply awed Prince with a playful smile on her perfectly formed red lips. She wasn’t flirting with him, was she? For the first time in his young life Ilirabih felt shy in front of a woman.

Priestess Amisi just Keep smiling mercilessly at his red face and silently enjoyed the obvious disappoint she caused inside the Prince’s poor mind. She liked how his brown eyes glowed beneath his chestnut curls and she also liked the well-defined lines of his face. He soon would become a very pleasant toy to play with.

But all too soon Amisi’s sweet thoughts were interrupted by the Prince’s stutters : “What…I mean where are you… are you taking me?”

“I’ll prepare you for an audience with Goddess Aishia.”

“Prepare me?”

“Of course, sweety. Her audience is a great privilege that is grantedto only a few selected souls. But you will disgrace her divine nose as long as you still wear the smell of your lousy desert-country Canaan. Therefore I will take care that you get rid of your clothes and take a bath first!”

Has this Priestess just called him “sweety”???

He was aware of his own beauty and the effect it had on women – but at home in Canaan he would Immediately have let Amisi been executed for her show disrespect. Unfortunately he found himself in situation of very limited power now. So the Prince just bit on his tongue, trying to accept his new state of helplessness.

Soon they entered a small atrium. It had the shape of a rectangle and was surrounded by four strong walls. A bathing pool with clean, blue water was embedded in the middle of the court.

Some male and female servants were chatting beside the bathing pool, but as soon as they noticed the presence of the Priestess they bowed their head and bashfully walked away. Only the birds kept singing in the bright sunshine of a wonderful day.

“Undress him!” the Priestess suddenly ordered her service, who immediately began to cut off the Prince’s clothes with a small, sharp knife.

“Take away your dirty hands! I’m the Royal Prince of Canaan! You must be crazy if you think you can just undress like any peasant!” Prince Ilirabih shouted a the service in pure rage.

But then the Prince felt the calming hands of the Priestess on his shoulders. Putting herself in front of the Prince she lazily stroked her fingers around his neck.

With an exclusive smile on her face she whispers: “Do you really think that it is a good idea to oppose a service who is following my commands?”

The Prince had to swallow hard before he could reply in a clear voice: “All I know is, that I’m still the Prince of Canaan and therefore deserve to be treated with proper respect.”

Raising an eyebrow in surprise at this proud reply the Priestess asked: “Really? How do you like thiskind of treatment then?”

With a sudden and totally unexpected move her knee rammed into the Prince’s groin. Prince Ilirabih collapsed on the hard floor, where he kept screaming in an indescribable age. The Priestess must have hoped for this reaction as a satisfied grin spreads across her face.

But this grin kept hidden from the Prince as he looked only at her dedicated feet that stood dangerously close to his face.

“Would you please let my service undress you now, my sweet Prince?” the Prince was asked by her mocking voice.

But the Prince was unable to answer her as his whole mind was concentrated to block out the increasing pain that raged in his groin. So the Priestess placed one of the feet at the Princes head in triumph. With a short nod she ordered her service to go on undressing her captive.

A moment later Prince Ilirabih could feel one powerful hand of Amisi’s serving holding his body while the other hand cut his clothes. Desperately the Prince tried to pull his wrists free from the restraints but in the end all his struggle keep fruitless. During all this act of sheer terror the sun shone innocently with all her bright and in an ironic contraction to the Princes scandalous sufferings.

It took only a few seconds until Prince Ilirabih was as naked as he was at the day he was born. (Although there was still this slight but very cruel difference that Prince Ilirabih wasn’t chained at the day he was born.) The Prince closed his eyes, hoping that everything was just a bad dream. But too soon his hopes got interrupted by the voice of Amisi who ordered him from highly above to pick a piece of soap and crawl into the water for bath.

Fitfully the broken Prince moved his body forward into the pool. Scented with rose oil and wildflower petals, the delicate cent rising From the water. Although the initial chill, the perfumed water also caused him a burning sing at his upper leg – making him remember the little wound he had suffered when her arrow had hit Prince Ilirabih.

While he was clumsily washing his royal but captive body with chained hands and a rough soap, the Prince absolutely glimpsed at the dis-royal but free birds. They felicitously sang their untroubled songs – just as if the would laugh at him.

Then his gaze wandered to his beautiful but so unexpectedly resolute wardress. Priestess Amisi had sat herself on a stone benchmark with her legs crossed and her hands leaned back behind her. She looked bravely content and relaxed while the Prince was forced to perform his very public ablutions as her prisoner. But after all the Prince enjoyed his bath very much as the caresing ministers of the water refreshed his hurt body and soul.

“Time to get out, sweety!” he suddenly heard Priestess Amisi’s commanding voice.

She now stand on the edge of the bathing pool holding two straps of thin leather and some kind of clothes in her left hand. There was something about the erect mannerof her posture that hinted at the pride she took in having been placed in charge of such a royal captive like him.

Her dark eyes watched every move of Prince Ilirabih, when he slowly stepped out of the bathing pool and placed himself in front of his new mistress. He stood still a little unsteady on his shivering legs as he still felt the fire of her harsh kick burning in his groin. A small grin rushed over Amisi’s lips as she noticed this exploitable weakness before she let her fingers of her free hand ran over his unprotected cock and balls. “Oh sweety!” she softly giggled,

“Look how tiny your royal jewelry had become inside the cold water. It must be quite embarrassing for you when it gets so small?!” she taunted.

Her inquiring eyes kept looking at him without mercy until Prince Ilirabih quietly confessed to her: “It is!”.

The Priestess laughed out in triumph. “Don’t worry, sweety. It will be a pleasure for me to take care of your small jewelry.”

With that she began to circle one of her thin leather straps tightly around his balls. The second strap was wrapped similarly around his balls and the base of his cock until it slightly cut into his sensitive skin.

“As you start to get an erection, the straps are going trap the blood in your cock, which will prolong the time it will take for your semi-erection to subside!” Priestess Amisi explained to her victim, while her fingertips It didn’t take long until the cock grow.

“Ups! Was it me who caused this erection?” Amisi mocked sanctimoniously.

The Prince felt a deep urge to protest, but he just couldn’t think of anything to say. So the Prince send a killing glance at her sarcasm. But unfortunately Amisi remained unimpressed by his harmless anger.

“It’s too bad for you that you obviously can’t control your little snake, because your new clothes will unfortunately only consist of this stylish garment.” sheexclaimed and tied a white loincloth on his hips. But as the Princes erection lifted the clothes up into the air, the loincloth actually revealed more then it covered. A little smile curled her lips, as she thought about the coming intimidations that this loincloth would cause the Prince.

“Please…” he while, when he finally began to understand that he wouldn’t get any more clothes to cover his intimidating arousal if front of Queen Aishia.

“Please what?”

“Please let me have some of my old clothes.”

“How sweet! You are begging me already! Oh my poor Prince – I know how intimidated you must feel but I won’t help you. First of all the Divine Queen has ordered me to present you in this ‘frank’ outfit and furthermore I just enjoy your cute embarrassment too much. And you prefer when I keep my happy mood, don’t you?”

Prince Ilirabih just starred at Amisi’s bold explanation in state of helplessness that he had never experienced before.

Priestess Amisi usedhis hush to continue in a cold matter-of-factly voice: “We are nearly ready for your audience with Goddess Aishia. But the fact, that your Supreme Owner demands to see you, doesn’t mean that you already deserve the privilege to see her!”

“What do you mean…” Ilirabih asked but he was promptly silenced by Amisi’s forefinger that she placed on his lips mysteriously.


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