The Fallen One – Day 2

Well, my evening went well. The spa has the greatest food and we spent the evening drinking some wine and talking. The fireplace going, the wonderful treatments, the wine and Me, had M_ _ _ _ _ in a very relaxed mood, and we talked some more about a handmaiden.

She had said that she loved the old movies about Victorian times and how a Lady had a handmaid to prepare her clothes and bath and do her hair. She loved the whole atmosphere of that era and it would be nice to have a small piece of that in real life.

I had no idea if handsaidens even existed anymore and where do you find them, if there are any at all.

She said they probably existed in Europe and catered to the extremely wealthy and royal families. She said there was probably a service you could contact and hire one, and she’d search the net for one to see what was available and how much and all the details and so forth.

I wanted to keep the idea going and I brought my laptop in front of the fireplaceand we looked on line. We found several in Europe that looked interesting and checked them out. It was just like M_ _ _ _ wanted and we checked out wages and that pretty well blew her monthly allowance and more. I knew it was something she really wanted and I told her I’d check for something locally that might cost a lot less and just make do without the higher standard.

So, yeah, I got treated to a night of her most passwordate lovemaking and I thought of how I could put all of this together in one package and pull it off. The ideas were just bouncing around in my head with possibilities. I’m know one thing for sure as a fact, I do have a slave in training. The undecided factor being, can I get my darling woman to accept Bitch as her handmaiden? I have time on my side and some revisions to my plan.

I know the timer is set for 8 am to start recording and so do the girls. I have to write from what I have on file, but at least I had a chance this morning to call the girls and reminded them to switch on the portable cam and use it for lots of close up shots. I asked them what areas they were going to use today so I could set the cams up for recording. My idea of ​​Bitch starting her treatments into slavery and my treatments of absolute pleasure at the same time was feeling great, but it was interfering with my live recording abilities. I had planned four hours a day of live viewing and recording and the rest will go straight on an external hard drive. So, let’s see how day 2 is going to start, shall we.

My monitors pick up the girls going into the room and pulling Bitch out by her wrists, but they only have their scrub tops on. They are naked below the waist. Bitch seems to be moving okay and suffering no real damage from yesterday’s treatments. She’s naked and standing in the playroom, looking around at everything clearly for the first time. She’s cowering in front of the girls, and I guess, waiting to see what’s going to happen.

“We brought you yOur breakfast, but first you have to earn it.” Rachel has told her.

“You will perform these duties every morning before you eat or you will get nothing, is that understand?” Carolyn informed her and moved closer.

Bitch saw her move and shied away from her. Carolyn took her arm somewhat gently and guided her to a low stool by the table she was on yesterday. Carolyn sat her down and Rachel joined them.

“We’ve both had a good shit and piss today, but you will make sure we have clean asses and pussies and you will use your tongue only to do it, is that clear?” Carolyn said softly, smiling at her.

Bitch’s eyes went wide and she cringed at the thought of licking someone’s ass and the taste of their piss and shit.

“Is that clear? Or do you need a reminder About answering and obedience?” Carolyn chided her softly.

They were using the soft voices again. Bitch looked at them both and then at their crotch areas and I could see the tears filling her eyes as shemust be remembering yesterday’s fun.

“I understand.” and then the sobbing for submission to what she was going to do, came.

“Good girl, good girl. Now who would you like to start with, my sweet friend Rachel? Or would you like to get me nice and clean first?” Carolyn offered her choices like they were a desirious thing.

Bitch sat looking at the two bare psies staring her in the face and Then looked up at Carolyn and said,

“I’ll clean you first.” as she was sobbing.

Carolyn giggled and said,


and wiggled her butt as she turned around and bent over so her ass was inches away from Bitch’s face.

I saw Rachel move around behind Bitch and stop to watch her as she moved in closer.

“You can use your hands to spread those sweet cheats, but that’s all. You use your tongue only and you better make sure there is nothing left, but clean.” Rachel instructed.

Bitch is putting her fingers into Carolyn’s ass crack and is spreading the cheats apart and looking at her. She’s slowly moving her head forward and is opening her mouth. She’s sticking out her tongue and is using it to lick Carolyn’s pussy from clip to pudendum.

“Spread my pussy lips, cunt, and lick me clean inside too.” Carolyn told her with a smug look.

Bitch is using her thumbs to spread the plump labia apart and licking into Carolyn deeply. That really made Carolyn moan. She pushed back onto Bitch’s face smoothing her with her nice, big ass.

“Let me have a look and see how well you’re doing?” Rachel said and pulled her head back.

“Not bad, not bad. Now work the same getting her as just as good.” Rachel told her as she pushed Bitch’s head forward again.

I can see the view on split screen as her eyes are closed and her tongue is out and she moves slowly into place. Her tongue touched the anal opening and I can see her heaving at the thought and trying not to throw up. I know she’s still crying as she starts to slowly lickthe opening and the surrounding area.

“Nice big lick now Bitch. Use that fat tongue of yours to wipe it clean.” Rachel told her.

Carolyn is just loving the feeling and resting herself on the bed as Bitch gives several more big, fat licks over her asshole. Rachel pulled her tail back again and closely checked Carolyn’s ass and pussy.

“Very nice, you did a good job. What did you think Sweetie?” she asked Carolyn.

“It felt good and through to me. Let’s see how good she does you now?” She said as she stood.

Rachel moved in front of Bitch now and lay across the bed and spread her legs wide and waited. Carolyn went where Rachel was before and watched. This time Bitch didn’t need coating and spread Rachel’s ass cheeses and licked her pussy from Clit to ass several times with a flat tongue and then spread Rachel’s labia with her thumbs again and poked her tongue in. Carolyn didn’t stop her to look and let her go on to start cleaning Rachel’s ass. Bitch did prettywell the same technique as before and Carolyn pulled her tail and said she wanted a look.

“Looks good. very clean. How was the taste?” Carolyn asked like it was a dinner recipe they were talking about.

“It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it’s still disgusting.” Bitch replied.

Even I knew that was the wrong thing to say before Rachel reacted. She stood up and spun around real fast. She grabbed Bitch by the tail and slapped her face front and back hand twice so both chefs were hit and then screamed in her face.

“You think my ass and pussy are disgusting, you filter piece of shit. You will feel honoured to do this for us and thank us for the pleasure of doing it. If anyone has a disgusting cunt and ass, it’s you. Apologize now and show you truly are, or I will make today the worst day of your miserable life.” Rachel screamed into her face.

Bitch was sobbing and crying, and for the first time in my life, I swear, I heard two words spoken by her Inever heard her say before.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for saying that you were disgusting. I’ll never say that again. I promise. I’ll clean you every morning like you asked me to. Please don’t hurt me. Please. Please.” And Bitch trails off to heavy sobbing again.

Submission and acceptance. First stage of training done. I truly have never heard Bitch says sorry to me or Anyone in all my time with her. She has never accepted responsibility for anything, always blaming me or someone or something else. To hear her say those words, made me feel as good as when she said, ‘I love you’ to me. And to hear the word please being used, was equally as good. Two more words, ‘thank you,’ to be added to her vocabulary, and she was on her way to being a respectful, and obedient slave. After last night’s conversation with my sweetheart, maybe one more. Mistress. Interesting.

Bitch is still sobbing as the girls stand her up and bring her over to the table by the harness, where her breakfast is. Two bottles of Ensure and eight pills. I can see four gel caps, two dark green tabs and two different white tabs, in a small paper cup were all I could see.

“Eat up and drink. You have training to get to, so let’s not waste time.” Rachel sounds so motherly and soothing.

I’m laughing at the look on Bitch’s face as she looked at the pills and the drinks and then as she was looking back at Rachel, she looked right into the cam above her head. I’m sure she knew at that instant the room had more occupations than the three of them there. She looked around quickly and I guess, spotted most of the cams.

“That’s right, cunt. You’re a porno star. All these cams and microphones are capturing every detail and step of your training for our Mistress. Now start eating or you go hungry, your choice, Bitch.” Rachel told her, when she saw where she was looking.

Bitch is opening the first bottle and she drank it all down without stopping. She’s opening the second and now taking the cup, took some pills and a gulp of drink, and then the rest and another big gulp. She’s swallowing hard and then finished the rest of her drink. Carolyn hands her a large bottle of water and told her to drink half of it. She’s doing as she’s told and starts drinking. I bet she’s more compliant doing this because it isn’t painful, but I know those green tabs are made from high quality Sativa and Indica plants. Nothing to send her head into orbit, just to change her sense of reality and be a little more open to suggestion.

“Today’s training will teach you obedience in performing your duties. As you experienced earlier, we will ask you to do anything we want and you will do it without question or hesitation. If you do, you will be strapped and flogged, as you were yesterday, and then you will do it. Is that clear?” Carolyn informed her.

Bitch is looking at them both and nodding, I can see Rachel’s hand coming up and she must have too, and quickly said,

“Yes, yes,I understand, I understand.”

She was cringing and moving to block Rachel’s hand in defence, when I saw Carolyn, quick as lightning, smack Bitch’s tight. The crack was really loud through my speakers, and a handprint formed very quickly. Bitch’s leg shot back the other way after impact and almost fell over. Rachel held her roughly by the shoulders and shoot her a little to get her attention.

“That was a question. You will not defend yourself against us, ever. You will take any punishment we give you, and you will FUCKING say, ‘THANK YOU, I DESERVED THAT MISTRESS, I WON”T DO IT AGAIN’! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” Rachel screamed out those words, emphasizing her point of dominance and control.

“Yes, I understand.” Bitch replied quickly this time.

Again, as fast as a shot, Carolyn’s hand came up and caught Bitch’s right title and sent it flying around her chest. I watched it stretch and rebound against her left, making them both bounce, before the pain registered on Bitch’s face.

“YES, MISTRESS! I UNDERSTAND. THANK YOU, I DESERVED THAT, I WON”T DO IT AGAIN!” Carolyn is instructing her very forcefully, but not screaming or yelling.

“Yes Mistress, I understand. Thank you I won’t do it again.” Bitch sobbed out the words holding her tits in her hands.

” I DESERVED THAT.” Carolyn added, and her hand flew again and caught her right on her public shaft and thigh area.

Bitch doubled over slightly and then stood up again slowly. She stood weakly and dropped her arms to her sides, crying harder now, and repeated,

“Yes Mistress, I understand. I deserve that. I won’t do it again.” She’s sucking up the mucus in sniffles like a little kid, crying with her eyes closed and standing open and defenceless before the girls.

“Good girl. Now that you understand that, I want you to go to the bathroom and relieve yourself as much as you can. There is a clothes and a towel in there. Make sure you are cleaned up well, or we’ll power wash yoursorry ass clean ourselves. Brush your teeth and be standing right here before us in twenty minutes or you will be punished for your tardiness. Not one fucking second after either. The clock is now ticking, get going.” Rachel told her.

Carolyn pressed the button on the little timer on the table and the girls sat on the loveseat in the room and waited and watched. Bitch started to close the door and Rachel told her to Leave it open. She did as she was told and then sat on the toilet. With the door open, I knew the girls had a direct view of her sitting on the toilet and then standing at the sink to wash. I had a view from directly above. I also have sound. Bitch sat and pressed her thighs together and started to pee. I’m sure the girls scaring her like that helped get her flow going. It sounded as though I was standing right beside her as I heard the flow.

“Make sure you drain thoroughly, you piss when we start training, you’ll lick it up.” Carolyn was telling her as they watched.

The girls were fondling each other as they watched her and of course, I’m getting hard watching them. I can’t think of a nicer way to start my day. Well, I could make some improvements, I know. Carolyn looked over and glanced at the timer and informed Bitch she had less than 12 minutes left. I think the enema cleaned most of her bowels out yesterday, but I think she’s trying to push something out. She’s wiping herself now, quite thoroughly, and standing up. She was just about to flush, when Rachel yellowed out for her to stop.

The girls came into the bathroom and looked in the bowl. I can only see yellow water and no signs of a dump.

“You didn’t have a shit. Can’t get anything out?” Carolyn asked her.

“I didn’t feel anything. I tried to push, but nothing did.” Bitch replied, looking nervous that she had done something wrong.

I saw Rachel’s hand come up and saw it slap Bitch’s left title. I watched it hit, slam into her other one and both of them bouncedwildly back and forth. Bitch went to hold her tits and was given another slap across her face.

“Leave them alone. They’re not yours to touch. I told you already your body is ours to do with as we want and you will understand that fact one way or another. You will understand when we tell you and comply straight away or be punished. You choose how you want to learn, cunt. The fast, easy way, or the painful, slow way. We’d be very happy to do the slow, painful way, but Mistress wants results and doesn’t want to wait forever to get them. Am I making this easy for a stupid, low life, piece of shit, cunt like you? Or should we make it a little clearer?” Rachel commanded.

Bitch was looking right into Rachel’s eyes, from what I can tell, all the time Rachel was telling her This. She bowed her head and I can just make out her whisper voice,

“I’ll do as you ask and I won’t complain. I’ll try to do it right and make you happy. I promise I will. I’ll do whatever you want me to.”

I can see the fingerprints on her tits glowing red and her cheek looks just as bright. I’m sure a close look would show some bruising from yesterday. Bruises are okay, they go away. The memory lasts a hell of a lot longer.

Carolyn is handing Bitch the enema tube and bag and tells her to clean herself out. I can see her take the end of the tube and is inserting it inside her ass. She let the end dangle as she starts filling the bottle. Rachel adjusted the water so it ran hotter. With the bag full, she attached it to the hose end and then looked at the girls.

“Squeeze the bag good and hard and make sure you get it up in there.” Carolyn instructed.

I can see her squeezing the bag and as the water jets up inside her, Carolyn took the hose and pushed it deeper. This made bitch cringe as the hot water sprayed deeper inside.

“Make sure you get a good cleaning, We don’t want any of your shit coming out while you train.” Carolyn added.

Bitch kept squeeze the bag until it was empty.

“Now, take the hose out, but don’t let any water come out. Hold it in until you’re instructed to release it.” Carolyn told her.

Bitch removed it and stood straight up and waited for the next order. I could see her clenching her ass cheeses to keep it in.

Rachel took her wrist and brought her to the ‘Sawhorse’. The legs were in an inverted ‘V’ and a leather covered board about 3′ x 18″ was attached on top.

“You will learn your first lesson in our control of your body. You will be secured to this and we will stick your ass and legs. You are not to cry out, or struggle. You WILL NOT let any of that water escape or you will lick it up. And above all, remember what you were told earlier.” Rachel informed her.

Bitch looked at both girls with despair, knowing what she was going to receive and what she wasn’t allowed to do, or else suffer for it. The girls moved her to the end of the horse and secure her ankles to the attached restraints. The height of the horse caused her to bend her knees and spread her legs more as she was leaned over the top. Her wrists were secured to the restraints on the front, leaving no room for movement. Her ass was positioned nicely for her training and the girls, again bless them, had it positioned so the cams caught the view perfectly. I couldn’t use zoom, but it was close enough to make out details. The overhead is a fish-eye lens and sees 360 degrees, but distorts the view a little.

The girls are going to the table, and have returned with leather straps, just like the ones I had the experience of in school, so long ago, when that punishment was used on students. They look just as nasty today, as they did then. I used to wonder what they did with them when they were banner. Now I know. Always did think some of my teachers were sick, sadistic bastards. They took them.

“We will begin your training now and remind you of what you are to do. Repeat to us your orders so we know you’re in full understanding. We’d hate the thought of punishing you if we were remiss in our duties and didn’t instruct you properly. I’m sure we’d suffer at our Mistress’ hand if she found us to be negative. So for our sakes, as well as your own, what are your orders?” Rachel asked her, in a soft, caring voice that’s so eerie when what she said and how she said it weren’t synonymous.

I know the ‘Pot Pills’ would be dissolving and entering her bloodstream by now, getting her nice and mellow inside and out. Her head should be feeling fuzzy, yet still be able to focus on something and her body should be feeling the same. It is a total body and head stone that really lasts a long time and feels amazing. I know. I do them too. They’re better than smoking it and no smell. The next 2-3 hours were going to be an interesting thing to see.

“I will not cry or scream out…, I will not struggle, I will not let any water come out. If I do, I will be punished.” Bitch rhythmed it off justas they told her.

Rachel pulled her head back by the tail and looked into her eyes. The angle isn’t quite right, but I can see Bitch is looking back into her eyes.

“What else were you to remember, cunt?” Rachel asked softly.

Bitch can’t remember. She’s just looking into Rachel’s eyes and she is starting to cry.


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