The Fall of Ashlynn

In the deepest recesses of the kingdom of Alcalma was as isolated town and community. The monarch was a astoundingly beautiful but wicked woman in her mid-twenties named Ashlynn Van Drake. She was given her fief at the age of 18. She managed her people with a cruel hand, setting high taxes for the peasantry and hording riches. Worst of all however was her treatment of her slaves.

When Ashylnn was still a child she lashed out at one of her female slaves by beating her after the slave had mistakenly pulled her hair while brushing it. The adult slave cowered as Ashlynn then just a child beat her, she did not retaliate knowing she would be punished harshly. Ashlynn loved the feeling of dominance over another human being and thrived on it. Soon she became known as one of the most cruel members of the aristocracy in all of the empire. Every slave and service walked on pins and needs around her and that was how she liked it.

Ashlynn longed for power and was given her own fief. She treated her fief as her own personal playground. She was not interested in making life the least bit pleasant for her subjects, she gave herself joy by expressing the people of her fief. She used the high taxes she collected to hire a large mercenary force, stockpiled jewels and had lavish parties for the other members of the aristocracy.

Ashlynn was jealous of any female that survived her beauty, she made cutting remarks and spread false rumors about many other members of her own class and by doing this she made many enemies. One of these history was Bree of Stockmile. Bree was equally as beautiful as Ashlynn yet she possessed very few of Ashlynn’s bad qualities, most importantly Bree was not intimidating to the opposite sex and was courted much more than Ashlynn. After all of Ashlynn’s petty backstabbing Bree was still more well considered and desired than Ashlynn and this enraged Ashlynn.

Ashlynn lobbied her family to blockade the trading route between the Kingdom of Alcalma and Stockmile in order to impoverish Bree and her family, she wished to lower Bree’s ranking in the aristocracy. The blockade would be effective because all goods going to Stockmile had to go through Alcalma first. Ashlynn had told the peasantry of her fief for sometimes that the reason they were poor was because Stockmile had been initiated causing their poverty disrupting trade, this redirected the peasants anger towardss an outside source, which was something Ashlynn did often to prevent peasant rebellion. This plan worked out better than Ashlynn could ever imagine as Bree’s family was very vulnerable to this blockade. The economy was so weakened in Stockmile that there was a food shortage and a peasant revolution resulted in Bree’s family being removed from power, the angry peasants captured and imprisoned Bree’s family and because of Bree’s beauty decided to audit her off as a slave so they could buy grain to feed themselves.

The once powerful aristocrat Bree of Stockmile was brought out on the audit block to be sold to the highest bidder. There were wealthy silk road merchants, wealthy aristocrats from foreign nations and of course Ashlynn of Alcalma was there. Ashylnn was determined to be the highest bidder and win her former vitality as a slave for the sole purpose of humiliating and abusing her. Bree in tears was forced to show off her entire body, she was forced to flex her muscles to prove her worthiness as a slave. Ashylnn directed the slave traders to force Bree to open her legs and expose her lower extremes to the crowd, it took some whipping but Bree eventually compiled.

Ashlynn paid a large portion of her personal fortune to purchase Bree. Ashlynn did not even allow Bree to be dressed in her slave rags, instead she with the help of her mercenaries dragged Bree off naked into her gold adorned coach. Ashlynn in the company of two mercenaries at the side of the nude Bree, laughed and taunted Bree as she took her back to Alcalma.

Bree was forcedly tied to a pole that was fastened to the top of Ashlynn’s coach and paraded naked through the township of Alcalma. Ashlynn stopped in the town square and had her town critic call the people to square. The helpless Bree was taken to the center stage where the different corporate punishments took place, Ashlynn was fond of publicly humiliating peasants as a form of punishment. Asshylnn instructed the town critic to inform the public that Bree was a former member of the aristocracy of the neighboring Stockmile and that her family had been the prime reason that the peasantry in Alcalma was poor, that Bree’s family not her had initiated the blockade. Ashlynn then instructed the peasantry to throw their rotten eggs and vegetables at the nude Bree. Bree sobbed and cried out in humiliation as she was pelted with stinking eggs and vegetables. Ashlynn laughed and mocked Bree. After the pelting was over took it upon herself to vividly whip Bree’s buttocks and backside. Bree looksd completely broken, naked in front of a jeering crowd of onlookers from the lower classes. Ashlynn was completely elated.

Later that night Ahlynn stood in her grand room devoid of any servants with Bree locked in the cellar and examined her striking body. Ashlynn compared her breasts with that of Bree, Ashlynn believed that Bree had better breasts than her. Both women had medium sized breasts but Bree’s were more shapedly, they sagged less. Ashlynn planned on finding a way to mutilate Bree’s breasts so that they no longer were more beautiful than hers. Ashlynn examined her buttocks and saw that Bree’s buttocks were more toned and Ashlynn’s taste for fine dining had made her buttocks slightly more flatby. Certainly both women had large beautiful buttocks. Ashlynn laughed to herself as she thought of the whip marks that now marred Bree’s buttocks. Ashlynn moved her face close to the mirror. Ashlynn was proud of her beautiful but haty face, but she sawhed with jealousy when sherealized that Bree’s face and hair may be considered equal or more pretty than her face and hair. Bree once had nicely styled blond hair, now it of course was disheveled. Ashlynn flipped her perfectly brushed and groomed dark brown hair to the side and turned around.

Ashlynn ranng a bell for a service to come to the door. Ashlynn opened a small hatch in her door at mouth level and told the service to Take two mercenaries to hold Bree down and shake her head immediately, she spoke the order with disdain and hatred. The cellar where Bree was taken was given an air vent that led directly to Ashlynn’s room, this was done so that Ashlynn could fall asleep to the sobs of her formed history. Ashlynn fell asleep that night listening to something more loud that just sobbing, she heard the screams of Bree as her head was forcedly shaken, Ashlynn slept well that night, knowing that she completely bested her vitality in every way imagine.

A few weeks after the purchase of Bree, Ashlynnhad a problem at hand, her heavy taxes had taken a toll on her peasantry. The peasantry could not afford to purchase goods and services from the local merchants and Ashlynn’s treasure was being sucked dry because of the general poverty of her fief combined with her own lavish lifestyle. At a meeting with the local guild leaders Ashlynn was advised to lower the taxes and stop living so lavishly, Ashlynn of course did Not want to do this. The guild leaders warned Ashlynn of a peasant revolt since Stockmile could no longer be given as a reason for financial woes.

Ashlynn left the meeting very worried about her power being diminished, she took one of her advisers to her private chamber. She desperately asked her adviser what she could do, her adviser suggested that she have an arrangement made for her to meet with the Prince of Welslund. The Prince of Welslund was a member of the Royal family that Ashlynn had never met, but he had a reputation for being from the most wealthy and prominent family in the entire empire. The Prince of Welslund being from the more wealthy family was the most desirable bachelor in the entire empire, he was considered exceedingly handsome and the desire of all of the aristocratic women.

Ashlynn believed the idea of ​​marrying the Prince of Welslund was paramount to her maintaining and even increasing her power. After the meeting with her adviser she was determined to do whatever it took to get the Prince’s hand in marriage. Never being one to charm anyone Ashlynn was willing to use her sexuality to convince the Prince she was the one for him.

After sending a letter to the Prince of Welslund, Ashlynn’s anticipation growth, she began to become infatuated with the idea of ​​the Prince, she imagined a handsome man powerful and ambitious, she imagined her power growing, she imagined her treasure growing, her dinners becoming More lavish, she imagined her aristocratic history being overcome with jealousy at her power, she imagined tripling the amount of slaves at her disposal. Finally a return letter came, it invited Ashlynn to see the Prince of Welslund at his royal court for a lavish dinner. The letter spelled out that the Prince would like to spend time alone with Ashlynn to get to know her better. The only odd thing about the letter is that it specifically asked for Bree to be given to the Prince of Welslund as a taxi for his hospitality, it asked for Bree not to be harmed. The letter stated “Bree’s beauty would be put to good use.” Ashlynn smiled and assumed her old vitality would be thrown into the harem and used as a prostitute and this pleased her. Ashlynn was elated to go to the dinner and although she was slightly dismayed at having to give away her prized slave she had grown tired of listening to sobbing every night before she slept.

Bree was rounded up and put into a separate slave coach. Ashlynn was adorned with the finest make-up and dress that could be afforded a woman at that time, Ashlynn certificatenly looked more beautiful than she had ever looked. This was in contrast to Bree who looked depressed and disheveled with a nearly bald head. Ashlynn shook nervously through the entire coach ride, she made strategy in her mind about what she would do once she met the prince. Once she finally made it to the Kingdom of Welslund she saw an absolute gluttony of wealth, the town was more splendid and metropolitan than she had ever seen, the castle and cathedral were more grandiose than she had ever seen, the entire place was teening with more wealth than she could ever imagine. It was at this time that Ashlynn resigned herself to do whatever it took to win the Prince’s hand in marriage.

Ashlynn was greeted by a lavish process as she entered the court of the Prince, her heels clacked on the marble floor at trumpets sounded for her arrival, noblemen bowed from her presence. Behind her Bree walked along in rags with her head down, her bare feet made no sound as she walked over the cold marble.

The prince met Ashlynn and bowed to her and kissed her hand, Bree meanwhile was extremely carved off by the guards into a back-room. Ashlynn was immediately tried by the handsome prince and could barely speak in his presence. Ashlynn was told to go to her private guest quarters and freshen up before the dinner.

Ashlynn’s guest quarters were much more lavish than her private quarters in her own castle. Ashlynn could only dream of what her private quarters would be like in this castle. Ashlynn started to fantasize about the power that could be hers, she hoped there would be some window of opportunity she could jump on to win the Prince’s heart.

Ashlynn was escorted in as the guest of honor for the dinner and given a seat right next to the prince. Almost all of the aristocracy she was familiar with was there, she revealed in the attention. She smiled as she thought of how the rest of the female aristocracy must be so jealous of the attention she was getting. There were other members of the aristocracy that she had heard of but never seen, wealthy merchants and guild leaders were there as well, the dinner was filled with every important person from the entire empire.

When the dinner was over the Prince asked Ashlynn if she would like to take a walk with him. Ashylnn of course accepted this request. On the walk the prince talked about his ambitions to be the most powerful leader in the kingdom and eventually rise to master, Ashlynn gushed at the thought of the power she would have as the empress, she could have slaves lie nude on their stomachs all in a row and walk on them with her elegant high heeled shoes to her throne. Ashlynn was more determined than ever to find a way to secure her now realized destiny.

The Prince then dropped a bombshell, he said that he needed to be guaranteed that certain sexual needs of his be met and that he would rather not visit prostitutes or open a harem to get his sexual needs met as that was immoral. He explained that other women from the aristocracy would not marry him because they refused to break their chatity before the sacred union of marriage and that he needed to see if Ashlynn could satisfy his needs sexually before he asked her hand in marriage.

Ashlynn pretended to think about it long and hard, just to prove to the prince she was no harlot, then she looked him in the eyes and said that she would try and please him. In reality she was willing to go to hell and back to win his hand in marriage, this would be her one chance to marry someone from such high a status and she was truly willing to do anything.

The prince led Ashlynn to a private chamber in the lower floor of the castle, it was a well lit room with a bed and some curious devices usually used to shade princes hung up on the wall. The prince calmly but firmly told Ashlynn to remove all of her clothes, which she tried to do, however she was used to servants removing her clothes so she awkwardly hoped around and squirmed while doing so, all the while giving the prince awkward looks and smiles. After making herself nude she went down on her knees right in front of the prince as she could see a bulge forming in his trousers. The prince told her to get up on her feet and take off her shoes and her jewelry as well. Ashlynn was not used to being so starkly nude and after she did what the prince requested she looked at him red in the face.

The prince then directed Ashlynn to get onto her knees, she did so immediately. The prince then walked over to the wall and took down a leather lean that was hanging from the wall, he fastened it around Ashlynn’s neck. The prince tugged at the leash walking Ashlynn on all fours around the room. Ashlynn now know the task of pleasing the prince would be harder than she previously Thought, although she was still determined to please him to maximum satisfaction.

The prince ordered Ashlynn to bark like a dog which Ashlynn meekly did. The prince told her that her barking had to be loud and gruff like a real dog. Ashlynn gave it her best as the prince led her around in circles. The prince then demanded that Ashlynn “heel.” Ashlynn did just that stopping on her knees with her arms up towards her face and her wrists limp, Ashlynn panted like a dog for further effect attempting to prove to the prince she was worthy of him. The price stood and looked at the formerly hatty and arrogant woman and soaked in her current status. The prince then told Ashlynn to roll over and she did the prince smiled approvingly and told Ashlynn to get on her hands and knees and “wag” her tail. Ashlynn got on all fours and wagged her large posterior.

The prince gently pushed Ashlynn’s neck down into the floor forcing her ass up high in the air, she continued to wiggle her ass as he never told her to stop. The prince put his boot in front of Ashlynn’s face and directed her to lick it, she did just as she was told. Then the prince started to walk backwards forcing Ashlynn to crawl and simultaneously lick his boot. There Ashlynn was, he face was critic with humiliation crawling on the floor licking a boot. Ashlynn felt so exposed her asshole and vagina felt the cold open air, her tongue tasted dirt.

The prince walked backwards towards the wall that had the prisoner implements hanging from it, he took down a strange device that looked like a horse tail attached to a strange small iron ball. The prince directed Ashlynn to stop licking his boot and use her hands to pry open her buttocks. Ashlynn did just that and she won in preparation for she knew what was coming. The prince stood back and just looked as Ashlynn for a full minute spreading her butt cheats apart. Even-though it was only a minute Ashlynn almost began crying in anticipation, nothing had ever been inserted into her anus. then he began to insert the strange iron ball attached to a horse tail into Ashlynn’s rectum. At first Ashlynn resisted, andWinced in pain, she made many uncomfortable sounds but eventually she was able to submit enough to allow the ball into her ass.

The prince then walked over to a chair with a previously unnoticed riding crop on the seat and sat down, he pulled his large erect penis out of a flap in his trousers, exposing his long shake and nothing else. He ordered Ashlynn to crawl to him and suck on his cock. Ashlynn still trying to win the prince’s favorite walked forward while glaring at him as sexually as she could, her asshole still burning from the butt plug. The prince was still fully clothed except for his exposed erect cock and Ashlynn completely nude and exposed created a power dynamic that Ashlynn was not used to. Ashlynn tried to suck as deeply and as fast as possible, hoping to both impress the prince with her skillful mouth and to possible end the sex before it became even more humiliating. The prince demanded that Ashlynn look at him in the eyes as she sucked him off and she compiled. The prince occasionally whipped Ashlynn on the side of her buttocks when he wanted her to bob her head faster. The prince eventually used Ashlynn’s ears as handles and pushed her mouth deeply onto his large cock, Ashlynn gagged multiple times and kicked her bare feet against the floor in desperation as she was short of breath.

The prince ordered Ashlynn to get on all fours on the bed, he lifted her horse tail so that it was drawn over her buttocks and exposed her vagina. The prince then ordered her to masturbate, this act Ashlynn was familiar with however she had never done it in front of anyone and at first it was awkward she felt more vulnerable than ever and she hated feeling vulnerable, but after she got into it she forget the prince was watching. As she moaned the prince started to smack her in the buttons and the bottom of the feet with the riding crop. Ashlynn moaned as she was struck.

Just as Ashlynn was about to orgasm the prince took her hands and handcuffed themBehind her back and drug her by her hair to her knees where he fucked her throat, Ashlynn gagged violently. Ashlynn looked up at the prince with her eyes as he rammed his cock into her throat, she made her eyes stare longingly trying to convince the prince that she was enjoying the act. As the prince was about to cum he took his erect penis out of Ashlynn’s mouth and ejaculated on her face, it was an absurd amount of sperm. Ashlynn was surprised by both the sudden nature of the action and the amount of sperm. As she was being cummed on she lost all composition and wrinkled her face up in disgust. Starting at her forehead the sperm dripped down into both her eyes and down to the tip of her nose, some sperm touched the inside corner of Ashlynn’s now forcedly smiling face. Ashlynn had done everything she could to please the prince and she wanted the prince to Know that she enjoyed pleasure him. Ashlynn’s smile was as huge as it was fake as she secretly was disgusted by the gooey sperm that slowly descended down her face.

The prince told Ashlynn that she deserved a reward and took her by the hair a few feet crawling on all fours, he told Ashlynn to sit down and spread her legs, she did just that, she felt something insert into her vagina, it wasn’t the prince’s penis is was larger and it felt good. Ashlynn was afraid to open her eyes while cum still lay as pools on top of them she her eyes remained closed. She kicked her bare feet up and down as this object trusted into her vagina. Her face plastered with cum, her hands still cuffed behind her back. As her orgasm came she quivered and shook, she moaned loudly screaming out obstacles. Her legs in the air and spread, her bare feet curled up completely overcome with pleasure. Ashlynn was in the middle of the greatest orgasm of her life, completely helpless completely out of control, right as she was about to reach climax she heard jeering and clapping which brought her right back down to earth.


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